• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,539 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 38: The Aftermath Part Two

Chapter 38:

The Aftermath Part Two

In the following days since Midnight’s attack at the changeling hive, the mane Five, Spike, Starlight, Sunset, and Flurry Heart have all been resting and healing from their wounds until they were finally discharged from the hospital after spending the week there. During the time, Twilight changed her fur and mane back to it's orginal color now that she no longer needed the disguise since Chrysalis has been defeated and is now locked away.

After everypony leaves the hospital they all make their way to Twilight’s destroyed castle from the fire Midnight had set there over a week ago. Every pony could not believe their eyes when they saw the damage done there. The crystal castle structure melted, all of the furniture was destroyed, and all of remaining stuff that survived the fire all scattered around and leaving the ruined castle a complete mess.

“Wow, I can’t believe Midnight did all this!” Rainbow Dash expressed his disbelief and anger as she examines the ruins of the castle.

“I know.” Twilight acknowledged as she started picking up and salvaging whatever survived the fire with her magic. “Things just got personal when she did that. If it weren’t for me running me, Starlight, and Sunset out the castle as quickly as I did, we all wouldn’t be here now.”

“No kidding!” Applejack commented in disgust as she crossed her arms. “That there is crossing a line!”

“Seriously.” Pinkie agreed in the same tone as she examined the burnt cooking tools from the exploded kitchen. “What is this Midnight pony’s deal?”

“I know! Look at what she did my beautiful work!” Rarity cried out as she held up the burnt tapestries to the annoyed glaring ponies. “Days of hard work gone to waste because of that psycho alicorn!”

“Well at least all of the food survived.” Spike commented as he helped himself to said food. “What?” He questioned the looks his friends were giving him. “Can’t think on an empty stomach.” He defended himself with his mouth full. “I gotta eat.”

“Well, regardless…” Princess Celestia spoke up. “I think it is best that you start living your life back in Canterlot for the time being.” She advised her. “Since it is made clear that you aren't safe in Ponyville anymore.”

Her friends gasped as if that meant she was being separated from them.

“But what about my friends?” Twilight asked in shock at the thought of being separated from her friends. “How am I supposed to live life without them?”

“I’m not saying you have leave Ponyville completely behind.” Priness Celestia clarified to calm her down. “I’m saying you can spend the day spending time with your friends but live out nights and much of the royal business back in Canterlot until Midnight is defeated.”

“Okay.” Twilight accepted the reasoning for the decision even if she doesn’t like it.

“I know this is a hard transition to make but I really want to ensure that you safe by keeping a close eye on you.” Princess Celestia told her it’s all for her well-being. “She nearly killed you, Starlight, and Sunset there and I see you as the daughter I never had before.” She added as she placed her wing on Twilight’s back. “I’d really hate to even think of what would happen if Midnight had you killed or captured.”

“I understand.” Twilight smiled. “You’re just trying to look out for me.”

“And with all things about you considered its all the more reason for me wanting to protect you.” Celestia also returned the smile as everypony sets forward with dealing with the wreckage from the fire.

Every pony then focuses on retrieving of all salvageable items first and setting them aside as before requesting the services of construction ponies and movers to help try to reconstruct the castle while moving all of the belongings from the castle to Canterlot.

Despite the fact that the castle can be repaired, it will still take a lot of time to properly reconstruct the castle to Twilight’s liking and the fact that she won’t be living there until further notice with Midnight Sparkle around and at large with her dangerous and unpredictable taken into consideration.

One of the main things that thankfully survived from the fire was the cutie map table.

“Where should we move this?” One of the movers asked Twilight.

“Move it to Canterlot.” Twilight instructed him. “Since I’m going to be carrying out most of my business there when I’m not hanging out with my friends in Ponyville, I might as well move it there where ponies summoned by the map will come there instead of here in Ponyville.”

“Will do.” The mover obliged to her request as he carried the table to the truck.

“I can’t believe you have to move back to Canterlot, sugarcube.” Applejack said dismayed by the turn of events. “After all we’ve been through.”

“It’s not forever.” Twilight assured her. “It’s only until after we defeat Midnight and I’ll still be around to visit when I’m not busy carrying out my princess duties.”

“I know but still we really wish you didn’t have to leave.” Applejack said as looked down still downcast that she still has to leave.

“Yeah, it just won’t be the same here without you.” Pinkie added feeling just as sad as Applejack. “My cakes won’t have the same cheerful taste as it used to be.” She added as her lips quivered with a sad look in her eyes.

“Aw, come on Pinkie, I’m sure you’ll manage just as fine.” Twilight tried to comfort her as she let the pink party pony hug her. “Just because I’m moving back to Canterlot doesn’t mean I won’t stop coming back to Ponyville to spend time with all of you.”

“True, but this is still a lot for us to take in darling.” Rarity somberly said. “First you come to Ponyville, then you go on pursuing taking over Equestria, and now you’re back, and now you have to move away for the time being. Just when will you ever be able to just settle down in just one place?”

“As soon as this is all over, everything will be sorted out.” Twilight told the unicorn as she handed her the clothes that had all survived the fire.

“We’re really going to miss you, Twilight.” Fluttershy spoke up sadly. “Even though we will still see you during the day when you’re not busy being a princess, things just won’t be the same without you.”

“And I’m sure going to miss you girls too.” Twilight returned as her friends join together for a group hug.

“And what about me since your castle’s now temporarily shut down.” Starlight brought up as the girls broke up the hug. “I mean since my home recently has been in yours since becoming your student.”

“Well, aside from calling you over to Canterlot as requested for your friendship lessons, you pretty much have free will to live wherever you please.” Twilight assured. “And if you want I can arrange to have your belongings that have survived the fire of course moved to Canterlot too.” She also offered that the choice of where she wants to live.

“Actually, I would love to be able to move to Canterlot with you.” Starlight immediately took up the offer. “Because I’m not ready to leave.”

“Well I’m glad you think that way because I’m not ready for that either.” Twilight smiled as she and Starlight hug with the latter grateful for everything she has done for her since her reformation.

“And what about me?” Sunset asked. “How will I get back to the other world since your portal just got burnt in the wreckage?” She pointed to said destroyed and burnt portal.

“Don’t worry, Sunset.” Twilight reassured her as she placed a hoof on her shoulder. “You’ll get back there as soon as we get some much needed relaxation and rest from everything that has happened. And I can re-create that portal no problem.” She added that she knows from memory how to re-create it. “Besides there is a couple matters of business we still need to attend.” She added as Sunset wondered what she means by that as the moving truck moves all of the belongings that survived the fire in the direction to the Canterlot Castle.

Once they all made it back to the royal castle in Canterlot every pony all helped move all of Twilight, Starlight, and Spike belongings to inside the castle and to her room where she lived in Canterlot throughout the week and in honor of the rescue team’s valor in defeating Queen Chrysalis everypony is planning an award’s ceremony for the six heroes the following week.

During the week before the award’s ceremony the entire Royal Family, the Mane Six, and the rescue party all went over to Starlight’s home town to join in on the Sunset Festival festivities which thankfully got rescheduled when word got out of Midnight’s attack on Twilight’s castle and at the changeling hive after Queen Chrysalis captured every powerful pony in Equestria.

Starlight herself was initially was hesitant in accepting the invitation because of what happened in the past but is now comfortable with accepting leadership when she has too thanks to Twilight’s guidance.

“Hey, Starlight. What are you doing here?” Party Favor asked in surprise seeing her.

“We kinda thought you didn't wanna come after you didn’t show up when the day the festivities came.” Double Diamond brought up.

“Yeah... I guess after the way I used my magic on all of you, I wasn't sure I was somepony who should even be in charge of a baking contest.” Starlight explained herself. “I was afraid I might go back to being the pony I used to be. But I realize that sometimes you don't have a choice. You have to step up. And I have changed! I can handle it. Whether that means saving Equestria or helping friends out with the Sunset Festival.” She further explained her charter growth as Sugar Belle and Night Glider joined in on gathering around her as they all smile seeing how much she has changed since they first met. “Speaking of which, I know this was so much to ask to postpone the festival but I kinda invited a few of my friends to join.” She gestured to gestured to all of the ponies involved in Chrysalis’s scheme. “Hope that's okay.” She asked.

“Are you kidding? Of course!” Double Diamond happily told her the more the merrier.

“Great! Now where's that baking contest?” She asked her village friends as they led her off. “This pony needs a cupcake!”

As everypony wanders off on their own to enjoy the various activities the festival had to offer, Discord turned to Trixie.

“So I'm able to rip the very fabric of reality again.” He told the unimpressed stage magician.

“Yeah, yeah. And I'm still a self-absorbed, below-average illusionist, right?” Trixie asked in an a annoyed tone as she rolls her eyes expecting those words from him.

“Actually, I was going to say a couple of those illusions were slightly above average.” Discord corrected her with a compliment. “If you ever need a little chaos in your act, let me know.” He then offered as he whispered into his ear.

“Ha! When pigs fly!” Trixie scoffed.

“Your wish is my command!” Discord complied as he made two flying pigs appear below them as he spanks the pig Trixie was on who squealed in response as the two pigs both raced off throughout the village straightaway much to the Mane Six’s amusement.

Later that night every pony made their way back to the castle where they prepared everything for the award’s ceremony later on in the week.

Later the day before ceremony, Spike knocked on the door to Starlight new room so he can check up on her and to distract her while Twilight brainstorming a gift idea from her student's new room.

"Hey, Starlight," Spike greeted. "Just wanted to make sure you’re ready for your big ceremony tomorrow?"

"Yep." Starlight positively. "I still can't believe my friends and I are getting rewarded with medals."

"Are you kidding? You totally deserve it!” Spike told her she earned it. “After all you saved Equestria with the help of Trixie, Thorax, Sunset, Discord…."

“Yes I know I was there and so was Twilight who led this rescue mission.” Starlight answered as Twilight did some measurements behind her back.

"Right." Spike acknowledged. "So uh... what are you gonna wear to the ceremony?"

"Not sure. Why? Am I supposed to dress up??" Starlight questioned this with a skeptical look.

"No, er... I mean you could," Spike quickly answered. "It's like Rarity always says," He proceeded as he pulled his scales so they looked like Rarity's curly mane including imitating her voice to try and sound like hers. "There's no such thing as overdressed, darling. You’re just the best looking pony in the room." He then nervously laughed after finishing the impression.

"Not bad." Starlight commented. "But I think I'll be just fine without it, since Discord, Thorax, Trixie, Sunset, and Twilight all won't be dressing up for the ceremony either."

"No, don't look!" He stopped Starlight from walking back into her room before she could catch Twilight in the act of preparing her surprise gift by grabbing her by the muzzle and bringing her in really close, a little too close.

By then Twilight waved at Spike to signal she is done as she teleports out of the room.

"S-sorry," Spike nervously apologized as Starlight pulls herself away from him. "There was... a bug on your face. But... uh... it's totally gone now. So, uh... thanks, Starlight! Byeeee!."

And in a flash Spike quickly ran away before Starlight could even ask him another question.

“Okay?” Starlight responded with confusion. “I’m going to need to have a little talk with him about personal space once this is all done.” She said to herself as she made her back inside her room. “I know he looks up to be as an older sister but that was way too close for comfort.”

Once Spike made it back to Twilight’s room, Twilight was already setting up her gift for Starlight.

“Haha, she had no idea," Spike proudly reported. "We're a good team, Sparkle."

"'Sparkle'?" Twilight asked and then responded with a chuckle. "Yeah we are. I want this present to say, "I'm so proud of you both as a mentor and a friend. Equestria is safer thanks to you."”

"Oh, I thought you were getting her a mirror, like yours?" Spike questioned as he pointed a claw to said mirror which depicted various photos of Twilight and her friends, some with her in them and some without her to which Twilight briefly looked at.

"I am!" Twilight happily responded.

"Well, maybe you should just get her a card or something, because I don't think a mirror will say all that. But I do think she'll like it." Spike recommended.

“It's just what her room needs.” Twilight assured Spike that this is the present for her pupil. “The first thing she'll see every morning when she wakes up is herself, surrounded by all her friends. I plan on giving it to her after the ceremony."

“Well, I guess I can’t argue with that.” Spike said not wanting to press the subject backwards nor question her choices. "Anyways, don't you need to get the castle ready for the celebration?" He then brought up.

"Nah. Pinkie Pie's got that covered." Twilight again assured Spike.

The award ceremony kicked off the next day and everyone was there to celebrate.

Since the ceremony was held in the Canterlot castle and Twilight was her former student, Princess Celestia had the honor of carrying out the speech as she and Luna stand before Twilight, Starlight, Sunset, Trixie, and Discord.

"Twilight, Starlight, Sunset, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord were all brave in the face of danger, resourceful when things got challenging, and proved that the bonds of friendship, no matter how unlikely, are stronger than any adversity," She announced to every pony. "And by stopping Queen Chrysalis, not only did they save Equestria; they also set the changelings free from her reign."

“Go Discord!” Discord briefly appeared in the crowd to cheer for himself wearing sports gear to which earned a chuckle from Starlight much to Trixie’s annoyance.

"And that's why we're proud and honored to give them the Equestrian Pink Hearts of Courage!" Princess Celestia then continued as the crowd cheered for them as the medals were bestowed upon the six one by one courtesy of Princess Luna, starting with Twilight, Starlight, then Sunset, then Trixie, then Discord, and finally Thorax. But Princess Luna found it rather difficult to fit the pink heart for Thorax around the changeling leader's big antlers.

“Yeah! Oh. Uh, no. Not quite.” Pinkie advised Luna as she watched.

“Uh... all right. There it is!” Pinkie cheered as Luna finally got the medal around Thorax’s neck with a pop.

“We are so proud of you all.” Princess Celestia told the six heroes as the crowd cheered for them as Celestia leaned over to Twilight and Sunset. “Especially you two.” She said with a proud smile to which Twilight humbly blushed as the party went on with everypony chatted amongst one another with the heroes that defeated Queen Chrysalis.

“Ah, well I sure anypony else would have done the same if you were my hooves.” Twilight thought nothing of it as she got herself some something to eat.

“It was the Great and Powerful Trrrrixie's pleasure to save you from your imminent doom.” Trixie humbly told Starlight’s friends who she invited over.

“Yes, because you did it all by yourself.” Discord added as he poked her nose playfully to remind her that it was a team effort to which Starlight who was with Thorax giggled seeing this.

“I can't believe you managed to do it without magic.” Sunburst commented while very impressed as he walks up to her.

“It was amazing!” One changeling remarked just as impressed as Sunburst.

“No one's ever stood up to Chrysalis like that!” Another changeling added in the same impressed tone.

“Oh, I just did what anypony would have done.” Starlight thought nothing of it. “Just like my mentor Princess Twilight taught and would have and did as well.” She said as Twilight walks up to them.

“Congratulations, Twilight!” Sunburst complimented with a hug.

“Well thanks.” Twilight happily replied. “And thank you for getting Thorax out of the Crystal Empire when you did.”

“Oh, that.” Sunburst nervously chuckled. “It was nothing compared to your leadership that guided everypony through and through just when all was almost lost."

“Well, it was Starlight who managed to convince the changelings to turn over a leaf.” Twilight gave Starlight her dues for stepping up to when the situation called for it.

“It's a wonderful feeling, isn't it?” Princess Celestia added joining in on the conversation. “Watching your student shine the way you always knew they could.”

"My cheeks are sore! I don't think I've ever smiled this much in my life!" Twilight giggled as she continued smiling as she is taking all of the praise for her accomplishments in stride.

"I can only imagine what that feels like." She commented with a knowing wink.

“Me too.” Sunset agreed as she joined them. “Who would have known that the day I come back to Equestria would be the day I receive a hero’s welcome.”

“Considering like me and Starlight you have shown a change of heart and helped saved all of Equestria from Queen Chrysalis you definitely earned this.” Twilight smiled. “Speaking of which, I have something special for Starlight.” She also brought up as she went to her room and got the gift wrapped present.

“Starlight, you have proved yourself to be a kind, loyal, strong, honest, and truly magical friend since the day you reformed. Just looking around this room at all the new friendships you've made since then.” Twilight told her pupil. “Which is why for this very special occasion, I got you your "congrats on getting a medal of honor" present.” Twilight said as she opened the box containing her gift as Starlight looks at the gift she is amazed and delighted to see what Twilight had prepared for her. A mirror with pictures of all of the good times they had together such as the group photo at the Sunset Festival, along with the photos of friendship bonding with Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, and Twilight.

“Wow! This is amazing!” Starlight commented on the wonderful gift Twilight got her as the two hugged each other. “Thank you, Twilight!”

“You’re welcome, Starlight.” Twilight replied. “No matter what happens I will always be here for you when you need.” She said as Princess Celestia and Princess Luna watch proudly at the teacher and student bonding moment as Spike takes a picture of it with her camera.

“Here, Starlight.” Spike handed her the photo. “Another photo to add to your mirror of memories.”

“Thanks Spike.” Starlight responded. “This I will definitely treasure for many moons to come.”

So with all said and done everypony continued chatting amongst each other until later in the night when the party ended with every pony making their way back home expect for Twilight, Starlight, Celestia, Luna, Spike, and Sunset since they all live here.

In the Canterlot Library, Twilight is currently on rebuilding the magic portal mirror she used when she, Starlight, and Spike travelled back into her world and when Sunset came back to Equestria since the first mirror got destroyed in the fire with Princess Celestia helping her by constructing it along with Twilight as well as reading over the directions when needed.

“As much fun as it was spending the last three weeks here in Equestria.” Sunset politely told Twilight and Princess Celestia. “I should be getting back to my world since I have friends who are looking forward to having me on their band now that everyone there sees that I’m a changed person there.”

“And I hope that twenty moons from now you’ll come and visit when I host the first ever friendship festival.” Twilight told Sunset as she placed the finishing touches on the portal which allowed her to recreate and reactivate the portal. “I plan to make it a real crowd pleaser since I am the Princess of Friendship.”

“If that's even possible.” Sunset hoped that Twilight knew what she was doing in creating this technology.

“Oh, it's possible.” Twilight assured her as she worked her magic on the device. “Even if I have to make sure every little detail is in order here. Ah! Here we go!” She said as she created the same activation spell which turned on the portal.

“Thank you. Both of you.” Sunset told both princesses grateful of what they did for her.

“This is quite a contrast from the last time we parted ways.” Celestia recalled to which Sunset is not very fond of remembering. “But you are not that way anymore. With every choice you make, you prove yourself to possess a kind heart.” Celestia commended her for her reformation.

“I guess I had a good teacher.” Sunset said as she faced Twilight. ”Just like Starlight had.”

“You were a good student.” Twilight returned with a touched blush as they both giggle.

“Are you saying I wasn't a good teacher?” Celestia asked sounding offended by their exchange.

“Oh, no! I wasn't...!” Sunset stammered as she tried to correct herself while unable to say anything else.

“She didn't say that...!” Twilight also stammered unable to do the same as well.

But of course, Princess Celestia dropped the serious expression as she laughs to herself to reveal she was just joking to which both Twilight and Sunset both joined in on.

“Princess Celestia has a sense of humor? Looks like I'm not the only one who's changed.” Sunset commented in delight seeing as the three all laugh together.

Later than night, a mysterious figure makes its way through the shadows on its way to Tartarus where she uses her magic to teleport inside of the place where Chrysalis and Tirek were both being held prisoner in separate cells.

“And that’s how I ended up losing my kingdom, my subjects, and my dignity and it’s all thanks to that pesky pony Starlight Glimmer.” Chrysalis angrily ranted to the powerless centaur.

“You had it lucky.” Tirek commented that she should be grateful that’s all she lost. “I on the other hoof lost all of my magic and strength because of that pony Midnight and I’ve been here much longer here while you were just arriving.”

“I really hate ponies.“ Chrysalis commented in disgust.

“They’re so magical with goody-two-shoe magic.” Chrysalis mimicked with sarcastic hoof motions.

“They’re annoying.” Tirek complained.

“They’re too sweet and pure-hearted.” Chrysalis added.

“And man are they…” Tirek said.

“UGLY!” Both Tirek and Chrysalis said together as they both laughed as they share the same hatred bond towards ponies getting in their way from ruling Equestria.

“Oh…” A voice commented as said voice appeared in front of them, said pony named Midnight Sparkle shrugging off their comments as jokes as she emerged from the shadows. “Surely, we ponies are not all that bad.”

“You!” Tirek exclaimed up recognizing her. “Midnight! You backstabbing traitor!”

“Now, now, now…” Midnight shrugged off the hatred from Tirek’s eyes. “There’s’ no need for hostilities that is if you care about your freedom.”

“What are you getting at?” Tirek suspiciously asked the alicorn of where she is going with this.

“I’m getting that I’m not the pony you want seek revenge against.” Midnight pointed out. “And if you and Chrysalis are both willing to listen, I am prepared to offer you both a chance to help take over Equestria and be able to eliminate our mutual enemy.”

“Hmm…” Chrysalis thought for a moment before she and Tirek share a nod in agreement before turning back to the alicorn all ears of what she has to say. “We’re listening.”

“For starters, Tirek the Midnight you dealt with a while ago was really Twilight Sparkle who changed her name and appearance like mine so she can pursue taking over Equestria.” Midnight explained as she presented an image of Twilight fighting Tirek along with the disguise she used when she pretended to be Equestria’s trusted ally.

“Well, aren’t you thorough?” Chrysalis commented impressed with Midnight’s knowledge.

“Really?” Tirek commented in surprise. “How did I not know this?”

“Because not every little detail is delivered to others who could use this information to their advantage.” Midnight replied as she walked circles around their jail cells. “I on the other hoof know everything about her and everything about Equestria’s knowledge from the very beginning to the present. Who these ponies are, what they can do, who they fight…” She added as she leaned behind Chrysalis’s cell as she showed her the memory of her dealing with Twilight and Starlight just recently. “Oh, look, there’s you.”

“I can’t believe it!” Chrysalis said in exasperation that she outsmarted her once again. “All this time this pony I never even known was really the pony I was after the whole time and was all right under my nose!” She then growled. “When I get out of here she along with Starlight will pay for this.”

“And in time you will get that chance.” Midnight assured her. “And when I am ready to request your help, I will be back to help you both out of here. Because I need to gather a few more things in order to prepare for the end of Princess Celestia and Princes Luna’s reign. But in the end I can assure you that it will be all well worth the wait. That is of course you’re still interested in the same pursuit of revenge as I am.” She then hinted to give them a nudge to accept her offer.

“I’m in!” Chrysalis vouched her support.

“So am I” Tirek also agreed.

“Excellent!” Midnight replied with a smirk. “Soon with the princesses gone there no pony will stand in our way which will lead soon lead new changes for the good of Equestria.” She then evilly laughed as both Chrysalis and Tirek both joined in on the laughter as Midnight’s heart glowed.

“Hey what’s going on in there?” One of the guards asked outside which interrupted the three villains moment of triumph.

“Oh just me mimicking the villainous alicorn Midnight.” Chrysalis quickly and smoothly lied.

“Okay.” The guard simply replied as the three villains continued laugh albeit more quietly and more of a chuckle.

“Who will soon rule all of Equestria.” Midnight said to herself with a devious smirk.

Meanwhile back at the other world Sunset Shimmer now lives at in an unknown part of the world in a house's basement is a seismograph drawing red ink on a long roll of paper to which a hand rips it off once the person wearing a lab coat gets the result she needs and places it onto the bulletin board with a picture of Canterlot High along with a bunch of graphs and charts placed onto the bulletin as part of her studies and observations from her scientific work. Said person turns out to be the human counterpart of Twilight Sparkle who has her hair tied up in a bundle and also wears glasses.

"No doubt about it Spike." She told him who like Spike from his visits here is also a dog with purple fur and green hair. "There is definitely something going on at that school. Now to figure that strange shape that appeared nearly two weeks ago." She then said as got back to work as Spike barks in response.

Author's Note:

In Part Two of this version of the Season 7 opener, the main cast is dealing with the aftermath of the fire Midnight set to Twilight's castle as Celestia decides it is in everyone's best interest to have Twilight residing and carrying out her life and princess duties in Canterlot since Midnight nearly killed her and declared war on all of Equestria.

Following this change, the celebration and relaxation they deserved happens, the celebrating of the Sunset Festival, and the awards ceremony for the rescue party. Also because I didn't quite agree with the decision to have Starlight graduate so soon, I decided to have her still remain as Twilight's student with her present a congratulations present.

Anyways, after the celebration, Sunset heads back to the other world since she has a place there but is promising to come back for when the Friendship Festival comes.

Last but not least we have another Midnight scene where she forms an alliance with Chrysalis and Tirek by manipulating them with the promise of a villain's hearts and desire of ambition and vengeance which I will warn everyone that seeing these two in action won't be until much later into the story. Without giving anything, it's a move where Midnight makes to ensure she still stays two steps ahead of Twilight.

I know this isn't "Celestia Advice." but something different since Midnight's actions really changed things around as with her two successful encounters with the heroes she is proving herself much to be a much more powerful and dangerous threat than before.

Next up, is "Flurry of Emotions." where I plan to write up with Flurry herself dealing with the aftermath of Midnight's attack when her favorite aunt Twilight babysits her.

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