• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,541 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 50: The Beginning of the End Part One

Chapter 50:

The Beginning of the End Part 1

Beginning of Act Three

One day in Ponyville, Twilight is out for a nice relaxing flight out in the Ponyville skies with Spike riding on her back. For her it’s a much needed stress relieving exercise after everything she went through especially after Midnight nearly succeeded in taking over Equestria along with breaking apart her friendship with the rest of the girls.

Despite the surprise invasion the first ever Festival of Friendship still went on successfully. The kingdoms of the hippogriffs and seaponies are also both new Equestrian allies. In addition, Tempest Shadow has become the new commander of the royal guard serving under Shining Armor and Princess Cadance at the Crystal Empire whose skill and military expertise helped herself become a very valuable ally to them especially when it comes to learning how to adapt to fighting without magic to which she also comes by to Canterlot every other week to teach the royal guards there the same thing while keeping them up to date with their training.

“Well this is certainly nice and relaxing.” Spike told Twilight who is currently flying with a relaxed smile.

“It sure is and much needed after what Midnight put me through a month ago.” Twilight agreed while now seemingly coming out of her depression.

“I know!” Spike agreed as he examined Twilight’s scar. “That pony really gives me nightmares of me forced into servitude to her.”

“Does she really?” Twilight wondered.

“Yeah, which is why I’m glad you are looking out for me instead of her.” Spike said to her with a smile. “Because deep down your heart is the pony who cared for me since day one.”

“Aww!” Twilight smiled upon hearing that. “Thanks, it really means a lot to her that!”

“You’re welcome, mother.” Spike happily replied. “And if I may I personally like your scar because it really makes you look tougher just like Tempest.”

“And thanks to her I’m now at least comfortable enough not to try to hide it from every pony.” Twilight accepted that she’ll always have it but won’t let it define who she is deep down. “Even though I haven’t gotten completely used to it by now.”

“At least Midnight’s not in charge right now.” Spike pointed out the bright side of all of this. “Otherwise we’d be living under eternal darkness by now.”

“Agreed.” Twilight commented feeling relieved herself. “And I’m glad that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are both still in charge of Equestria because I can’t even imagine what things would be if they weren’t in charge anymore and I was suddenly thrusted into power.” She then giggled at the thought. “Me, ruler of all Equestria, like that’s going to happen anytime soon.”

At that moment Spike burped fire to where a scroll appears in his hands to which Twilight stopped and continued flapping her wings so Spike could read the message.

“Oh boy!” Spike exclaimed in shock. “Urgent summons to the castle!”

“What!” Twilight also exclaimed equally shocked. “For what reason?”

“It didn’t say but we better get a move on!” Spike urgently said.

“So much for our relaxing flight out.” Twilight rolled her eyes in annoyance as Spike tightly maintains his grip. “Hang on!”

By flying as fast as her wings could carry her at top speed she quickly made her way back to the Canterlot Castle once she arrived the castle gate she passes by her friends who were all waiting for her as they run and fly beside her as they make their way to the throne room.

“Oh, good. We're all here.” Fluttershy happily said as they ran together.

“So everypony got an urgent summons to the castle with no explanation?” Twilight asked her friends.

“Yup! I just love a good mysterious summons.” Pinkie happily took it in stride as she briefly placed her mane over her mouth like a vampire cape. “What's it about?” She asked the annoyed blue Pegasus flying by her side. “Do you think it's a surprise party?” She asked a taken aback Fluttershy. “Hey! Why are we running?”

“Because something could be terribly wrong!” Twilight answered without looking back. “Somepony turned bad? Another evil creature back for revenge?! Such as Midnight having come back to try to take over Equestria again!”

“Don't you think you're bein' a little paranoid?” Applejack asked her finding this a little off.

“Why else would the Princesses send scrolls in such a hurry?” Twilight pointed out still being serious about all of this.

“Good point. They know better than to make us worry.” Rarity acknowledged as she turned to Applejack in agreement with Twilight

“Plus, I like it when you run so fast, the walls get all blurry! Wheeee!” Pinkie said as her eyes looked hypnotized from the very fast speeds they were running in.

“Race ya!” Rainbow challenged Pinkie as she flew off ahead leaving Pinkie in the dust as they all make their way to the throne room where Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are waiting for them in their throne seats.

“Girls. Thank you so much for coming.” Celestia warmly greeted the seven.

“What's wrong?! What can we do?!” Twilight asked in a bit of a panic.

“That's just it. Nothing's wrong! Everything's perfect!” Luna replied with an equally calm and warm smile as her sister.

“Did y'all call us down here just to tell us that?” Applejack asked in confusion.

“With all due respect, majesties, you might want to save your urgent summons for matters that are a bit more... well, urgent!” Rarity politely asked of them as the two princesses giggled in response.

“Well, there is more to it.” Luna explained. “Equestria is currently enjoying its longest period of harmony in recent years.”

“And it's all thanks to you, Twilight.” Celestia praised her student. “And your friends, of course.” She added to her friends gathered around her as well.

“Who, us?” Spike humbly said as he thought nothing of it.

“Oh, pshaw.” Rarity giggled with the same thought.

“It's about time you noticed!” Rainbow proudly boasted.

“Thank you!” Twilight humbly bowed to them.

“Because of your efforts, there's been less and less for us to do.” Luna explained to them as Celestia stands up from her seat.

“So, after much consideration, my sister and I have decided it is time for us... to retire!” Princess Celestia then confidently said much to the Mane Six and Spike surprise as Discord appears wearing a news journalist outfit.

“Breaking news! The royal princesses retiring! I have so many questions!” Discord asked as he prepared his pencil to take notes while appearing right in front of the two alicorn sisters. “Who'll take over? Who will run Equestria? Will it be someone tall, dark, and handsome? Or will it be the Lord of Chaos?” Discord further asked as both Celestia and Luna are both amused as Discord had multiple claws pointed at himself as Celestia politely and firmly points to Twilight as their successor.

“Oh, fine. Go with the obvious choice.” Discord grumbled while accepting her decision as Twilight herself reacts with complete shock and surprise hearing that looking wide and slightly twitchy eyed as she takes this all in.

“WHAT?!” Twilight asked with her eyes widening in horror. “You're retiring?!"

“Princesses can retire?” Spike asked if that's possible.

“Of course we can.” Princess Luna confirmed with a chuckle. “I for one am looking forward to a little R&R. Maybe a trip to Silver Shoals.”

“And you want me to take your place?!” Twilight asked still in shock to which both princesses nod in agreement.

“With the help of your friends, of course!” Luna told her as she pointed towards her friends who join by her side.

“We can't think of anypony more worthy.” Princess Celestia added as she flew over to Twilight. “Over the years, we've watched you grow. You've faced task after task...”

“...challenge after challenge...” Luna added.

“Countless adversities, yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it...” Discord grumbled in an annoyed tone as he floated by on his back.

“And you've always prevailed.” Celestia continued as she placed a hoof on the back of her shoulder.

“Thank you, but that doesn't mean that I'm— that we're ready to do what you do!” Twilight politely tried to tell her that she isn’t ready for this while trying to contain her discomfort over being entrusted with this much power.

“Oh, of course you are. I realize this is a lot to take in, but…” Celestia still insisted that she is the perfect pony for the job.

“Nope! Makes perfect sense. We're awesome!” Rainbow Dash interrupted with a confident crossed arms that she isn’t protesting the decision. “Does this mean we get all your powers?! Ooh, ooh! I call dibs on showing up in everypony's dreams!”

“You can't be ready to step into their horseshoes just like that!” Twilight quickly pulled Rainbow Dash aside with her telekinetic abilities while in disbelief that her friends are so calm and cool about this big change with her in charge of all of Equestria.

“Well, if the princesses think it's time to retire, we're not a bad choice. We always have Equestria's best interests at heart.” Applejack assured her.

“That's a fair point...” Twilight reluctantly agreed as she levitated a quill and paper. “…which should be taken into consideration when we have a round table discussion…”

“Well, I'm in!” Rarity immediately interrupted as she briefly placed a tape measure over Twilight. “Darlings, we'll all need a complete wardrobe update! And I would love to pick your brain about mane maintenance when you have a moment.”

“As long as we all have each other, I'm sure we can do it!” Fluttershy assured her as she embraces Rarity.

“Yay! "Protectors of Equestria" on three!” Pinkie cheerfully called out as everyone puts their hoofs together. “One... two...” They all look at Twilight waiting for her to join them.

“If you're all on board, I guess I am, too.” Twilight reluctantly agreed with a forced smile as she places her hoof in as well.

“Protectors of Equestria!” Everyone said together as they raised their hooves in the air.

“It'll be a bit of an adjustment, but I imagine the transfer of power will be a lengthy process, which will…” Twilight began as Princess Celestia immediately spoke up while mid-sentence.

“Actually, we just need a few days to put together a little ceremony.”

Hearing this caused Twilight to freeze in horror that this is happening all so fast.

“A few days?!” She asked in further shock as the rest of her friends groan in response to Twilight not being so quick to adapt to the new changes as everyone else is. “But with all due respect but that's so soon! Shouldn't there be some sort of training program that lasts weeks? No, months? If not years?!”

“Everything you've gone through over the years has been a training program.” Celestia pointed out. The very reason for their little role throughout the recent years is all leading up to this revelation.

“Okay, but there's gotta be a guide or a rulebook!” Twilight tried to insist it’s too soon to be ascending to the throne.

“Yes, I have it right here.” Discord just happened to answer her question with a made up book he just created. “"How to Rule Equestria", by Nopony McPretendsmith.” He presented said book by quickly flipping through the pages before closing it.

“The friendship journal you wrote yourselves is a better guide than any we could provide.” Princess Luna answered her question as she levitated the friendship journal on over to her.

“We have the utmost confidence in you.” Princess Celestia again assured her as Twilight forces herself to smile while trying to keep it together.

“And we hope you have the same in yourself.” Luna added as Twilight is now trembling with great anxiety.

“Great just great!” Twilight quickly lied as masked up her growing anxiety as she poofed up a watch with her magic. “Oh, look at the time…” She nervously laughed. “Gotta go!” She said as she immediately ran out of the room as fast as Rainbow Dash performing her Sonic Rainboom.

“Oh, I'm absolutely certain she does.” Discord sarcastically said as he smiled seeing through Twilight’s façade.

Once she was back inside her room she closes the door after her while still sporting a forced smile and widen eyes before sighing in deep relief. She moved to walk on over to the mirror to look at herself from her lavender fur coat, her pink cutie mark, her wings she acquired from one of her schemes from when she was Midnight Sparkle, and her recently-acquired scar over her left eye as she briefly sees Midnight in her reflection. Feeling completely overwhelmed and unable to keep her emotions in check anymore she moved to turn away from the vision and climbed up onto her bed so she can cry to herself.

“I am not confident about this at all!” Twilight wept to herself buried face-first into her pillow. “I can’t do this!”

Midnight who is currently watching the scene from her orb from her previous lair outside of Equestria while Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker carry many of her belongings from her lair in flight.

“Where are we going, Midnight?” Nightmare Moon asked as she levitated her lab equipment.

“To that cave over there.” Midnight pointed out to the skull shaped cave ahead not far from the border.

“I don’t to be picky but why is this necessary.” Daybreaker irritably asked.

“Because with the Storm King’s defeat and the small remaining defunct army that survived being sucked up the deadly tornado whatever is left of my previous hideout will under investigation and up for confiscation by the royal army of the Equestrian guards.” Midnight replied as they made their way inside the cave. Once they were all inside Daybreaker immediately puts down all of the belongs she was carrying. “And luckily for you we’re here.”

“About time?” Daybreaker said in annoyance. “I was really started to get hot.”

“But you’re always hot.” Nightmare Moon pointed out smugly.

“I mean hot out there!” Daybreaker glared at Nightmare Moon for that remark who simply shrugged in response.

“Hey if you want to burst flames with me be my guest because I am more than willing to throw down with you.” Nightmare Moon returned the glare as they both look ready to face off with each other.

“Enough!” Midnight sternly and sharply spoke to them to break up the argument before it could escalate. “Both of you! If we ever hope to be take down our mutual enemy together then we’re going to have to work together!” She glared at both ponies who immediately backed down at her command. “Now I’m going to recruit some more followers to our cause so when I get back everything better packed away and set up and not set on fire or covered in complete darkness because this is where we’ll be staying until further notice. Understand?”

“Of course, Midnight.” Nightmare Moon said as she immediately bowed to her request.

“Right away, Midnight.” Daybreaker said as she immediately started unpacking and set off to her task at hoof.

Midnight then secretly went to another underground area of their lair where she draws an ancient circle onto the ground with a huge M in the center with her magic where a black shadow emerges from the circle to where a familiar figure with a red horn with green and purple flaming eyes of dark magic.

She then makes her to Tartarus where she approaches Chrysalis and Tirek.

“You both ready?” She asked them.

“Time for us to finally break out of our prisons?” Tirek hopefully asked to which she nodded in response.

“Ugh. It’s about time. I swear their prison food is just blaah!” Chrysalis complained in disgust at the thought of eating their food as Midnight hands her cake for her to enjoy to which she gladly does.

“Feeling better now?” Midnight asked as Chrysalis she chews on her food.

“Mmm-hmm.” Chrysalis replied with her mouth full.

“Then let’s go!” Midnight told them as she teleported them out of Tartarus and replaced them with look-alike clones so none of the guards could immediately suspect something right away.

Back at the hideout Midnight, Tirek, Chrysalis all appear inside their new lair as Midnight approaches the center of the room as King Sombra appears inside along with Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker.

“King Sombra! You have returned?” Queen Chrysalis spoke in surprise seeing him in the flesh as she turned to Midnight as she and Tirek looked ready to fight Sombra off. “Why did you bring him here? And who are the other two alicorns?”

“For starters the two alicorns are Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s evil counterparts.” Midnight calmly answered as she gestured to the two alicorns who look ready to fight her and Tirek too while glaring at all four glaring villains. “And unless any of you want to go back to Tartarus I suggest you all stand down right now!” She ordered them to do so as they all reluctantly back off. “And second and most importantly the reason I summoned you all here is for a great cause bringing down a common mutual enemy known as Twilight Sparkle along her friends once and for all.”

“And we have to work with her?!” Daybreaker snarled at Chrysalis.

“And I have work with these pyschos?!” Chrysalis snarled back at Daybreaker.

“Who you calling pyscho, pyscho?!” Daybreaker roared fire back at Chrysalis who hissed back with her horn flaring up ready to fight back only for both Daybreaker and Chrysalis to be both quickly restrained by Midnight with her magic who electrocutes them with lightning to get them to stop to which they both screamed in pain before being dropped to the ground.

“OW!” Both Chrysalis and Daybreaker screamed in pain. “What was that for?!”

“For fighting over petty little things.” Midnight indifferently answered to the smoke steaming villains as a result from being burnt. “And since I figured this sort of behavior would happen I also brought in another ally to our cause who will help both realize your priorities.” She added as she turned to her side.

“Who?" Chrysalis asked.

“Me.” A old ram with a deep raspy voice, blue fur, curled horns, red eyes, red collar with gold bells called out as he made his way to the main table standing beside Midnight. “You may call me... Grogar.” He told everyone as Chrysalis and Tirek both gasp at the sight of him.

“The Grogar?” Chrysalis said in disbelief that the actual ancient evil himself is standing before them in the flesh.

“I thought that you were a legend!” Tirek said in the same tone.

“I've heard of you.” Sombra while showing no reaction to his appearance as Midnight, Nightmare, and Daybreaker also share the same reaction as Sombra when they all walked up to both Midnight and Grogar standing tall on the highest pedestal in the cave.

“I assure you, I am very real.” Grogar told everyone. “And to prove it perhaps a demonstration of power is in order?” He then demonstrated his power by as the gold bells on his red collar all lit up as he pulled up a small ball of yellow magic to which he blows at Tirek who grabs it and shoves it into his mouth who regains his strength to appear muscular with horns appeared on his head.

Tirek pleased to have been gifted with some of his former strength he flexes his muscles and then kisses the biceps on one of his arms.

“Grogar is ancient and extremely powerful. The land that would become Equestria was a mere collection of farms and pastures until he declared himself emperor of all he saw. I remember hearing tales of his tyranny when I was young.” Tirek explained as he recalled of what he knows about him.

“I have also heard of the first Emperor of Equestria. The "Father of Monsters".” Sombra also recalled as he raised his hoof while being glared at by Tirek and Chrysalis.

“I gave life to the foulest of creatures and allowed them to run wild…” Grogar explained his past as he showed monster like creatures consuming the smaller ponies below them. “…taking what they wanted and destroying the rest. My reign was a glorious, fear-soaked epoch of darkness in Equestria.” He then showed them an image of him overseeing the town her had previous conquered.

“Ha! Until Gusty the Great rose up and banished you.” Chrysalis scoffed with a grin.

“That fool believed taking my bell would defeat me!” Grogar crossly replied before walking up the nearby stairs behind the table as Midnight walked up the opposite set off stairs. “But she only weakened me temporarily. I've spent millennia gathering power, biding my time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to seize control of Equestria! And watching all of you. I've seen each of your humiliating defeats at the hooves of six puny ponies.” He took the time to berate them for their failures. “And do you know why they've always bested you?“

“Because they cheat!” Chrysalis raised an accusing hoof before Sombra could even try to speak.

“Because they are annoyingly lucky.” Tirek answered very annoyed with crossed arms.

“It is because they work together.” Midnight answered their question. “Even whether it is Twilight defeating each and every one of you…” She told Sombra, Chrysalis, and Tirek specifically. “… Or where one is weak, another is strong, and thus unified, they are a formidable force!"

"Exactly!" Grogar agreed while sounding pleased with the alicorn's smart analysis. "But we shall use their own strategy to defeat them.”

“What are you suggesting?” Chrysalis while pointing her hoof at him again.

“I suggest nothing.” Grogar responded as he leaped onto the table to get into her face to intimidate her. “I demand that you join me and Midnight, and together, Equestria will be ours!”

“And what’s in it for us?” King Sombra inquired while voicing his objections to teamwork.

“Well for you for example…” Midnight answered to the unicorn “…The Crystal Empire. But if you want it you going to have to work with them under our leadership otherwise I’ll just send you back to the afterlife.”

“Very well. I’m in even though I don’t think this proposal is for me.” Sombra reluctantly agreed seeing that he is no choice in the matter.

“I can see you that you still need some time to adjust to this so how about I let you take a shot at attacking the Crystal Empire and taking back that kingdom. Grogar shall send you there himself. Consider this your first task at hoof.”

“So you’re really just going to give me a fair go at the Crystal Empire just like that?” Sombra questioned still not intimidated by her or Grogar.

“Yes, King Sombra.” Midnight confirmed with a nod before the old ram used his magic to send him off without another word. “And I have a plan.”

“At least there’s one thing we can agree on from our time knowing her because whenever Midnight always has a plan it always works out in her favor.” Queen Chrysalis voiced her interested ear in her leadership as she and Tirek nod in agreement.

“That is correct, Chrysalis. Big plans indeed.” Midnight agreed with a devious smirk along with Chrysalis as she turns to Sombra ready to give him her instructions once he was already outside of the kingdom's borders and can hear her voice loud and clear. “Now here’s what I want you to do.”

Sometime later after Twilight has calmed down from her crying of fright of this big change her friends wondering where she ran off to came up to her room as Spike knocked on the door.

“Twilight, are you okay?” Spike asked in concern as Twilight opened the door to allow them to come as they see her reading a book along with several books she pulled aside with her magic.

“Yep, come on.“ Twilight calmly lied as she reads her book. “Just trying mentally prepare myself for what’s about to happen since destiny wants me to accept it.”

“Well you sure got a new process of handling this.” Applejack commented as she observed the many papers and books Twilight has pulled aside.

“Because in the past you would have completely freaked out to all of this.” Rarity added while sounding impressed that she is seemingly adjusting to this already.

“Well, if I am going to rule Equestria I do have to make myself presentable for all eyes to see that I truly am worthy of the positon.“ She still calmly spoke to them while masking her anxiety just barely. “But I’ll feel much better…”

“…once you make a plan?” Rarity finished.

“Yes.” Twilight answered with surprise as she turned to face them. “It's like you…”

“…knew you were going to react this way? We did.” Spike answered as he poured her a cup of water for her to drink from.

“At least it’s not the classic "Twilight-ing" like you did in the past.” Pinkie as she placed her hooves over her shoulders.

“"Twilight-ing"? You... You made me a verb?” Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It's not a bad thing.” Applejack quickly assured her. “Considering you would have been prone to freaking out in the past.”

“Yeah I mean if you did not saying you would have.” Rainbow Dash spoke up as she flew over her desk. “We would be at stage one… you get big news and you're like "Nooooo!"” She mimicked the same panicked expression Twilight would have made. ”…but then you pace, and you chart, you worry...”

“It's okay. You go ahead and "Twilight", and we'll be here for you.“ Fluttershy offered her kindness as she grabbed one of her hoofs and patted it with her other hoof.

“But you're all acting more calm! This is a big deal!” Twilight tried to voice her concerns about all of this. “What do we do if something big happens and the princesses aren't there to help?!”

“Um, if you think about it, they literally almost never help.” Rainbow blew that concern to the sky much to Twilight’s secret disbelief and Applejack’s confusion.

“And we still always win! Like when Sombra almost took back the Crystal Empire, or when Chrysalis pretended to be Cadance, or when Tirek came back and absorbed all the magic, or the other time Chrysalis tried to take over, or when Midnight and the Storm King recently attacked!“ She then rapidly explained off to the top of her head. “Am I missing anything?”

“Pony of Shadows.” Rarity pointed out.

“Starlight when she was evil.” Spike also pointed out.

“Discord when he was evil.” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Do Flim and Flam count?” Applejack wondered.

“If you count the one time they nearly took over Equestria in an alternate timeline.” Twilight answered yes in a way.

“Oh, right!” Pinkie cheerfully said.

“See? We've almost always done things without the princesses' help!” Rainbow assured her as she flew over to her face. “Which makes sense now, because it was all just training for you to take over!”

“And it worked! I mean, if you think about it, there hasn't been a single villain that we couldn't defeat.” Spike also added with a knowing smirk.

“Not if you count the time I was evil and when Midnight nearly took over.” Twilight commented while sounding downcast.

“Oooh! That’s right!” Pinkie remembered. “I forgot how terrible she was from when she pretended to be our friend to work her way into power, nearly had Ponyville overrun by vines, crashed the wedding, stole the keys to the Elements of Harmony, shattered the Crystal Heart, took over Equestria, oh and the number of times she tried to kill the princesses along with us.” Pinkie rapidly explained again and quickly said to Twilight. “No offense.”

“None taken.” Twilight responded with an a emotionless expression. “It’s all in the past mostly.” She then bottled up her emotions from the mention of Midnight’s influence on everyone as she gave a forced chuckle as she got up from her desk. “I’m going to get something to eat.” She then walked off as she silently couldn’t believe what she had just heard from her friends. She sighed sadly seeing that none of them are fazed about what is happening nor taking it seriously as soon as she was out of her friend’s sight and earshot. Starlight just happened to take notice of it when she was passing by and having heard their conversation from outside.

Meanwhile at the Crystal Empire, Tempest who is now wearing blue and purple royal uniform colors on her black armor and helmet is currently watching over the border where she sees dark clouds appearing over the sky to which she immediately deduced they were not normal.

“Shining Armor, sir!” Tempest turned to her commanding officer. “Are storm clouds like that supposed to be normal?”

“No it is not.” Shining Armor quickly and seriously said with widen eyes as he knows what that means. “We’re under attack! He’s back!” He alerted the other guards. “Hold them off!” He further ordered them as he turned to Tempest. “Go straight to Cadance and have her put up her force field to rebel them!”

“On it!” Tempest immediately ran over to the castle while swiftly dodging and flipping over the growing dark crystals on the crystal road until she finally made her way to the castle to where she makes her way to the throne room.

“What’s going on out there, Commander Tempest?!” Cadance asked in alarm.

“The empire is under attack, some tall unicorn with gray fur, red eyes, a flowing black mane, and uses a lot of dark magic, princess.” Tempest immediately reported to which Cadance reacted in alarm and quick produced her force field while quickly writing on piece of paper. Once she was done writing on the paper she sent it on her way with magic.

“Hurry Twilight, we need you!” She said as she sent the S.O.S. message her way before running off to another part of the castle with Tempest running beside her.

“Now that the force field is up hopefully we can buy ourselves some time so Twilight can get her.” She told Tempest as they make her way to Flurry’s room but to their surprise Sombra is already there with Sunburst knocked out and Flurry in his magical grasp as he faces the two ponies with a vicious smile as the crystal princess gasped as she flared her horn up and spread her wings ready to attack him.

“Ah, ah, ah.” King Sombra waved a hoof up to warn her against attacking him. “You wouldn’t want to hurt your only daughter now would you?”

“How do you get past my force field?!” Cadance angrily glared at the unicorn.

“With my connections to the outside world alone.” Sombra merely stated as briefly looked at his armor before placing Flurry onto one of his hooves as the baby alicorn tries to bite him for trying to place a hoof onto her.

“You won’t get away with this!” Cadance defiantly told him.

“And exactly how do you propose you’re going to stop me?” Sombra questioned while unfazed by the princess’s threat.

At that moment, he finds himself Flurry being tossed up and over to Cadance courtesy of Tempest who then quickly kicks him square in the chest to force him back as she makes a charge at Sombra who quickly fires back at her to force her back as Shining Armor arrives on the scene after having fought off the enslaved soldiers from Sombra’s brainwashing magic ready to face off Sombra themselves who then fires his magic at their way.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Twilight is making herself a sandwich while still reading a book with her magic. She has done this enough times she can make it without sparing a passing glance at her food. At that moment Starlight came inside.

“Doing okay, Twilight.” Starlight asked as she approached her.

“Yes.” Twilight replied while still looking at her book.

“Are you sure? Because even I know when you’re not telling the truth.” Starlight asked very skeptic of her to claims to which Twilight sighed seeing that Starlight isn't a pony she can easily lie to about her mental well-being.

“No.” Twilight honestly confessed as she turned to face her and placed her book aside on the table. “I’m not.”

“Why?” Starlight asked. “Did something happen with her meeting with the princesses?”

“Yes and that’s it.” Twilight answered as she pulled out a bag of chips she can place some onto her plate next to her sandwich. “They just announced that they are planning on retiring and having me assume the throne as their successor.”

“And this upsets you because?” Starlight asked as Twilight takes a bite from her sandwich.

“For starters they plan to have me take over in just a few days.” Twilight replied as she gulped down her first bite of food. “And second and most importantly I can’t find it within myself to do so since this means assuming the role I thought I was destined to have back when I was Midnight.”

“Wow that fast huh?” Starlight expressed her surprise at this development.

“Yeah, I mean if I become ruler of Equestria how will I know I won’t slip back into my old ways and turn to darkness again.” Twilight expressed her concerns over all of this as she downs a whole cup of water in one swallow.

“I’m sure you won’t and that because you have great friends to keep you from steering back to your old ways again.” Starlight tried to assure her as she took control of the empty water glass to restrain her from potentially and accidentally choke herself to death.

“But that’s just it because when I tried to tell them of my concerns that just blew it off and react like it’s no big idea.” Twilight further said in distress as she bit into her sandwich multiple times. “And that’s how I became Midnight in the first place.”

“Well, I am your friend who does take your concerns seriously.” Starlight firmly asserted that she does while levitating the sandwich which was now down to a single bite size piece away from her. “Aside from stopping yourself from getting indigestion for starters, secondly and most importantly, I think if you go and tell Celestia and Luna along with your friends of how you really feel about all this and that you really are not up to all this at least not so soon, I’m sure they listen to you.” She said as she gave her the sandwich back as Twilight slows down her chewing having calmed down enough to listen to her. “Then you’ll have the time to make the necessary preparations you need to step up to the throne.”

“Well even though friends make mistakes they do learn from them before it’s too late.” Twilight spoke in response as she slowly bites down the last of her sandwich. “I got to tell them!” She then said as she set out to do so before turning to Starlight. “Thanks.” She briefly hugged her before setting off to do so.

But before she could walk outside of the kitchen to do so Spike comes running off to her with an urgent look and a scroll in his claws.

“Twilight!” Spike immediately called to her. “Princess Cadance needs help!”

“What happened!” Twilight asked in alarm.

“King Sombra is back!” Spike answered as he presented Cadance’s S.O.S. message to which Twilight levitates it to her so she can read it for herself.

“Get the other girls to meet us in the library!” Twilight immediately ordered of him.

“On it!” Spike immediately saluted as he ran off to do so to which in just a few minutes they all regrouped in the hallways.

“Thanks for coming so quickly…” Twilight told the girls as they all arrived together as Discord suddenly appears and rudely pushes all nearby ponies aside.

“Sure thing. But if you're gonna be the ruler of Equestria, you may want to work on your penmanship.” He then presents said paper he wrote to which Spike told everyone quickly while pulling out his glasses. “This looks like it says, "Cadance sent an emergency message. Sombra's back and he's trying to take over the Crystal Empire."

“That's exactly what it says!” Twilight irritably told him as she flew up to his eye level.

“But... But how is that possible?!” Rarity wondered in shock of his return. “I thought the Crystal Heart had dispelled him into the ether!”

“I have no idea! But he's back, and it's up to us to save the Empire and my family!” Twilight told the others.

“Shouldn't somepony tell Celestia and Luna?” Fluttershy pointed out.

“Ooh, good point!” Discord agreed as his head appeared down at his best friend’s eye level. “One of us should probably loop in the real rulers of Equestria.” He then said as he looped in Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Spike by his side.

“No. If we're going to run Equestria, we'll need to handle things like this on our own.” Twilight firmly replied as she flew down to the table in the center of the room.

“Oh, Twilight! Could this mean that you finally have the confidence to ascend to the throne like the princesses believe you can?” Discord expressed his amazement while presenting an image of sitting on Sombra’s throne chair with glowing white eyes and looking villainous.

“Maybe? Unless you'd consider taking care of Sombra for us?” Twilight replied as she flew up to her and gave him an eager and knowing smile as the others followed suit.

“Oh, no-no-no-no! You're absolutely right!” Discord immediately agreed with her as he pushed her out of his face and shook her hoof then handed her a graduation cap and a check. “You need to learn how to handle these things on your own. Ta-ta!”

With a snap of his fingers, Discord immediately left.

“Handlin' things on our own is all well and good, but last time we defeated Sombra with the Crystal Heart.” Applejack spoke up.

“What if he has it already? How are we gonna stop him?” Spike questioned as he places a hand on his forehead briefly.

As Twilight places aside the graduation gifts she ponders their options as she gasps when she gets an idea from seeing the cutie marks on the throne chairs.

“With the Elements of Harmony! With those, we can defeat anypony! Even Sombra!” She happily voiced her idea as Discord immediately appears from the curtain fabric wearing a shower cap with a soap filled brush in his claw.

“Ah, no-no-no. You didn't need the Elements the last time you defeated Sombra.” Discord immediately disagreed as he scrubbed his own back. “And I'm not sure that using them still counts as "handling things on your own".“ He then emphasized with motioning fingers on the last part.

“My family is in danger. I'm not taking any chances.” Twilight emphasized the seriousness of the situation.

“She's got a point.” Rainbow vouched agreeing with her.

“Ugh, fine.” Discord accepted with a groan as he pulled the curtain closed.

“What's his problem?” Pinkie wondered.

“We’ll deal with that later, let’s go!” Twilight immediately teleported everyone to the Tree of Harmony as they retrieve their respective elements before making their way to the Crystal Empire as fast as they can.

During the run through the streets of the Crystal Empire, all eight friends encountered several crystal guards with brainwashing helmets who all charge at them to which they quickly responded by Twilight plowing through them with her magic to force them all back against nearby walls and carts for them to crash into as they make their way to the castle.

“Go! We’ll hold them off!” Starlight told the girls as she and Spike stay behind to deal with the guards to keep them pursing the Mane Six to which they effortlessly take on the guards with a combination of fire and magic respectively.

Back inside the Crystal Castle, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Flurry Heart, and Tempest are all inside the crystal hallways fighting off against King Sombra as he fends off the combined magical attacks of Princess Cadance and Flurry Heart while dodging all of Shining Armor and Tempest’s attempts to leap on to him to try to buck at him.

“It's cute that you think that will do anything.” King Sombra chuckled in amusement as he faces down the four glaring ponies circling him.

“It might not, but they will!” Cadance retorted as the Mane Six arrive on the scene.

“Cavalry's here!” Pinkie announced as she and the others charged towards King Sombra.

“Well if it isn’t the bearers of the Elements of Harmony.” Sombra smiled as he quickly stops them with his dark magic as they all struggle in pain as their eyes glow green. “No surprise you all would show up as I predicted you would. Which presents the perfect opportunity to show you all your greatest fear.” He then deviously smirked when she eyes the six ponies particularly Twilight specifically.

Inside Twilight greatest fear is her standing around a room of darkness inside the Canterlot throne room to where Midnight Sparkle appears before her with many ponies bowing in submission to her.

“You have the heart of darkness just like me, Twilight.” Midnight told the young brighter furred alicorn. “Accept your destiny! There is no other choice!” She told her as she pulled a flashback aura with her magic of her friends blowing her concerns over ascending to the throne to the sky to which plays back in her mind along with the flashback of her friends abandoning her at the wedding rehearsal along with their fight on the beach outside of Equestria.

“Face it princess, friendship has failed you!” Tempest told the caged princess during their trip back to Canterlot in the flashback as Twilight then started to sweat as the painful memories all play out in her head.

“You should all surrender! Nothing can defeat your own fears!” King Sombra taunted the heroes. “Especially you Twilight Sparkle!” She eyed the tormented alicorn as her eyes then glow white as the elements work their magic.

“We didn't need to defeat them. We just needed to face them long enough to distract you!” Twilight then smiled confidently as King Sombra immediately finds himself shot aside by Princess Cadance and Flurry Heart as Sombra then gets tackled to the ground by Tempest before being picked up with the scarred unicorn's teeth and then slammed down hard to the ground while placing him in a head lock with Shining Armor helping her restrain him with his magic to force him into submission.

“It's cute that you think that'll do anything.” Shining Armor mockingly fired back at the wannabe king who growled in response to his defeat.

“You may have won the battle, but I shall win the war!” Sombra defiantly told everypony as the Mane Six unleash the power of the elements towards the defeated villain as Tempest and Shining Armor leap out of the way in time as King Sombra is immediately banished from the Crystal Empire.

“Yeah! Whoo-hoo-hoo!” Spike congratulated every pony as he and Starlight regroup with them.

“We totally just wiped the castle with that guy!“ Rainbow Dash cheered in triumph.

“Thanks, Twily.” Shining Armor thanked his sister as Cadance and Flurry join together for a family hug.

“That was fun!” Pinkie cheered in excitement.

“And easy.” Applejack agreed with Pinkie as she rubbed the back of her head.

“As magical battles go, that was a cakewalk.” Rarity agreed as she walked over to her as Pinkie jumps in between them.

“Mmm... Cakewalk...” Pinkie giggled at the mention of cake to which the Mane Five all laughed in amusement at Pinkie walking while wearing two separate cakes on her hooves. Even Tempest couldn’t help but chuckle at Pinkie’s antics.

Twilight on the other hoof still shaken up from seeing the vision looks on with frozen catatonic fear and horror even when being hugged her closet family.

“Twily, you okay?” Shining Armor asked her taking notice of her trembling and shaking while waving a hoof in his little sister's face. “Twily?"

“No! NO!” Twilight spoke up with tears suddenly flying out of her eyes as she backed up slowly. “I’ll never be like you, Midnight! Never again!” She then ran off in tears while sobbing loudly into the hallways much to everypony’s sudden shock.

Author's Note:

As I said before "The Beginning of the End." serves as the Act 3 opener, as the plot of said chapter serves as the perfect opener for the third and final act of this story as Midnight having escaped prison with the help of Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon to whom she brought to life in "The Royal Problem." along with recruiting Chrysalis, Tirek, and Sombra together along with Grogar to assemble a new army to take over Equestria with under her leadership.

Combined with correcting issues the canon version created such as King Sombra reluctantly agreeing to join her under the threat of never getting the chance to conquer the Crystal Empire again with Midnight providing her said plan which aside from the royal family fighting back to fix the issue of them not doing much to fight back against King Sombra as the episode plays out much like in canon.

As for Twilight herself, she finds herself being thrusted into power by the royal sisters which she is very unnerved by because of her past as Midnight furthermore when her friends are treating her concerns like it's no big deal again which is part of the reason why she became Midnight in the first place.

It took King Sombra's allusion of her greatest fears for her to finally break down in tears that's she been holding back throughout the day despite she and her friends defeating him and stopping him from taking over the Crystal Empire.

Next up is Part 2 as the raw wounds that have just reopened up just when Twilight was internally healing from Midnight's invasion a month ago are dealt with in the aftermath.

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