• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,543 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 66: Journey to Mount Aris Part One

Chapter 66:

Journey to Mount Aris Part One

After the fall of Equestria and the Crystal Empire every pony makes their way to Mount Aris for shelter and temporary residence along with their help in dealing with Midnight as they all carry what they need in order to be able to manage living outside of Equestria until the dark mare is defeated.

Thanks to Twilight, everypony was well prepared for the journey since they need to reserve their magical energy so they can be able to be ready on the day they take back Equestria and the Crystal Empire since Midnight’s most recent takeover attacks has left them all banged up as a result which allowed them all to be able to travel through the desert on foot with little difficulty having plenty of spare water on hoof, every pony wearing and or carrying umbrellas and hats to protect them from the excessive heat.

“This is humiliating.” Rainbow Dash said in a defeated tone.

“You mean getting thoroughly spanked in the flanks by Midnight and her followers again or having to walk all the way to Mount Aris through this horrid desert again?” Rarity asked as she turned to face her while trying hard not to succumb to the heat as her mane is looking frazzled.

“Sorry girls.” Cadance apologetically told them as she covered her daughter from the baking hot sun while walking alongside her husband who is strongly pressing forward. “But Twilight is still hurt from Midnight’s attack at the school and I really don’t want her to hurt herself any further. She could barely hold off Sombra without over-exerting herself from her last fight.”

“And Celestia and Luna aren’t also looking in fine shape themselves either.” Shining Armor added as they turned their attention to the worn out royal sisters who both are carrying umbrellas over their to protect themselves against the heat as Twilight continues to lead the way while pressing through with little to no problems like last time still feeling certain that Midnight will be defeated in the end. “Though I’m really worried about Twily, now that she has dark magic stuck in her heart and that there is nothing we can do about it.”

“She’ll be walking down the same dark path with no point of return.” Fluttershy could only whimper in fright of the thought of losing her as she pressed forward through the heat as Spike rode on her back groaning and feeling drained from the heat too.

“Are we there yet?” Spike asked feeling woozy from the excessive heat.

“Not yet.” Fluttershy replied as she handed him a bottle of water for him to drink.

“Ugh.” Spike groaned as he took in his fluids as Grubber just lied on Tempest’s back feeling sick from the heat himself.

"Tell me about it." Grubber complained as he desperately reached out for another water bottle for much needed hydration.

“Don’t worry. It won’t be long.” Fluttershy gently assured him as she looks at the baby dragon with concern for him.

“Yeah, lookie over there!” Pinkie pointed to the skull up ahead and then happily bounced over there just as Twilight was approaching it. “I remember this, which means the next nearby town is straight ahead!”

She then excitably raced ahead to the town only to be stopped and froze in place by Twilight with her magic who then had her face to face with her.

“Pinkie…” Twilight kindly yet stoically warned. “Remember this is Klugetown not Ponyville.”

“Of course, silly.” Pinkie just smiled in response ignoring the stern look her alicorn friend was giving her. “Now if you can please unfreeze me and let me go.”

“I’m afraid I can’t after the last time you caused a scene there.” Twilight answered without a change of expression as Pinkie shows a surprised look by this.

“Come on, Twilight, please?” Pinkie pleaded with buttoned up eyes. “I promise I learned my lesson with strangers. You can trust me this time.”

Twilight sighed as she let go of her magical grasp of Pinkie.

“Very well.” Twilight relented to her request but not before she pulled her friend close to her face to let her know she is dead serious. “But stay close. Do I make myself clear?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Pinkie replied with a gulp feeling a little intimidated as they press forward together as she obeys to Twilight's orders after the very deadly firm reminder.

This didn’t go unnoticed by her friends as they looked surprised by this. Even when Twilight has the means and rights to be concerned and wary of how they visit Klugetown she has never intimidated or cowed any of them into submission to which further strengthen their worries that she might she slipping back into her old ambitions.

“Is anypony else getting the same feeling I’m feeling?” Applejack asked her friends to make sure she isn’t imagining any of this as she stopped them for a quick word.

“Uh-huh.” They all said in agreement together.

“What should we do?” Starlight asked the others for options.

“Maybe tell her of our concerns ourselves.” Sunset suggested.

“NO!” Pinkie immediately ran up to her. “We can’t do that!”

“Why not?” Sunset asked in confusion as Applejack has the same reaction as her.

“Because she might take it the wrong way and never want to be friends with us anymore!” Pinkie answered with fright in her voice as she thought back to her fight with Twilight on the beach at Mount Aris and how bad she felt immediately after accusing Twilight of not trusting her friends which got her a nasty insult fired right in her face for it. “She’ll have reason to become more and more like Midnight!”

“But wouldn’t that make things worse?” Sunset asked very confused by this. “A well-meant lie over telling her truth?”

“Sunset’s right, sugarcube!” Applejack spoke in agreement with the unicorn. “Twilight may be under a lot of stress but she deserves to hear of how we honestly feel of her well-being.”

“But what if she doesn’t?” Rarity voiced her uncertainty. “If she where to suddenly turn on us it could be devastating.”

“She’ll get so upset.” Fluttershy said in agreement.

“She’ll totally freak out!” Rainbow raised her arms up in agreement.

“Well what are you all suggesting?” Applejack wondered.

“Yes, what are you all suggesting?” Twilight asked them as she flew over to them.

“Oh, nothing. Just wondering our plan for when we get there?” Rainbow Dash quickly lied to the floating alicorn.

“Well other than resting for a little here in Klugetown while so we can recover from the heat we had to endure and get something to eat while stock up on things we need to get us to Mount Aris.” Twilight replied. “And I suggest you join us as the others are already arriving if you want to avoid the heat.”

“Of course, darling.” Rarity spoke with a smile. “We’re right behind you.”

As Twilight regrouped with the rest of her family, Applejack glares at Rarity who can only return a shameful shrug as they all quickly catch up with them as they all walk through town as Twilight leads the way she just strides through town with her eyes locked straight forward not paying any attention to any of the glaring thugs.

“Look at them.” One of the thugs glared at the travelers with contempt.

“What are they doing here?” Another thug whispered to the others.

“Look at that scar on her face.” One of them commented under his breath as he took notice of Twilight’s face.

Their comments clearly did not go unheard by Twilight as she unlike the others who are looking a little concerned for their lives as Fluttershy, Ocellus, and Flurry Heart hide behind Rainbow, Silverstream, and Cadance. Rarity, Spike, Shining Armor, and Sunburst are looking a little disturbed by the creature’s appearance while Tempest shows no reaction to them from past experience. And Starlight and Sunset are both ready to defend themselves as one giant green creature steps in front of Twilight’s path.

“Hey you!” The giant green fish creature yelled at her.

“What?” Twilight asked with no emotion clearly not in the mood to deal with him.

“Where do you think you’re going?!” He demanded while pointing a fin at her direction.

“Through town.” Twilight said uninterested in his wanting to have a word with her. “Now if you don’t mind we’d like to get through so get step aside please.” She said with a motioning hoof.

“You’re not going anywhere!” The fish creature refused to get out of the way. “Not after what you did to my friend!”

“Friend?” Twilight asked with an arched brow and annoyed tone as Tempest seems to remember and know what he is talking about as she shifts her eyes away at the memory. “Look I don’t know what you’re talking about but I didn’t come all the way out here for a fight so again move aside before you get yourself in hot water!”

“I think you do and since you're making me even madder, I'm afraid you’re going to have to be ready for a fight because you are going to pay!” He refused to back down just as her friends prepare their wings, hooves, and horns for a fight to defend Twilight.

The fish then attempted to lunge at her to land a punch only for Twilight to quickly dodge the attack and then kicked him square in the gut as Twilight follows up by using her own hooves to knock him off of his feet and then hoists him off of his feet by grabbing him as she jumps up into the air and then slams him hard into the ground.

Before the fish creature could recover he finds himself grabbed by the throat under Twilight’s magic who can only struggle and strain as he is choked by the alicorn.

“Let me go!” He demanded as he strained from the choke hold.

“Why? So you can try to attack me again?” Twilight asked unconvinced as she refused to back off from the grip she has on him. “You know that’s not going to happen. You had your chance to back off.”

“When I get free you will not survive!” He defiantly roared as he struggled to break free from her choke hold.

“Isn’t it ironic that you’re saying that while under my mercy.” Twilight calmly said with a malevolent smile as her heart glowed again.

“Wait what are you…?” The fish now scared for his life as she sees her crazed smile as he then screams as Twilight brutally beats him down with her hooves and magic until she then ended it with a disturbing snapping sound leaving the thug dead on the ground.

“Holy…” Rainbow said in shock.

“Whoa…” Rarity said in fright.

"Oh yeah! Fish man just got dropped!" Grubber cheered in celebration before having to retract what he just said with a sheepish grin upon being glared at by Tempest who silently reminds him that it is now a bad thing. "Uh..." He hesitated to say anything else as he completely doesn't know what to say to make it better.

“Have I got your attention now?!” Twilight asked the other thugs who were there to witness. “As long you all back off we won’t have any problems so are we all good? Anybody else wanna try to challenge me or at least try to throw in a comment?”

“Nope!” The turtle shelled creature with a rhino horn immediately answered already understanding the threat perfectly clear.

“She’s clear!” A boar like creature said with a nervous smile in agreement.

“We love you!” A female pig like creature thug rather stoically said.

“What’s a comment?” One of serpent like thugs asked very confused and dim-witted.

“Good.” Twilight said content with their compliance. “Now move along!” She commanded them as they all ran away from the scene as Twilight flew up a few feet for a moment for gasping then flexed her stronger muscles as her heart glowed again for a second before she calms down with a content smile before floating back down to the ground and walking ahead leaving the Mane Five to emit a loud and scared gulp by Twilight’s slow transformation back into darkness.

The others behind could watch in horror and shock seeing Twilight do that well expect for Fluttershy, Flurry Heart (courtesy of Cadance who also covered her eyes with her other wing), Ocellus, and Silverstream who both had their eyes covered with their wings to avoid watching that horrible scene.

Twilight seeing that the others haven’t moved at all turns back to them.

“You are all waiting for something or what?” Twilight asked them after having just shrugged off what she did without remorse.

“Um well, actually…” Shining Armor spoke up first but then remembered the hurtful words he said to her back at the wedding rehearsal. “Actually nothing really. We were just wondering which way to go. That’s all.” He quickly lied.

“Not a problem.” Twilight immediately took it in stride although was still concerned by her friend’s shock. “Right this way.” Twilight motioned her brother to follow her as he did so while stilling smiling yet ashamed with himself for lying to her.

“I can’t do it.” Shining Armor said to the others as Twilight starts walking off ahead again. “I can’t break her heart again.”

“But Shining…” Cadance tried to reason with him. “She’s your sister and she deserves to hear from you if you honestly think she is slipping.”

“I’m sorry but I just can’t okay.” Shining’s stance refused to change on the matter. “I hurt her once which lead to all of this happening and if I do it now she’ll never let it down and ever forgive me.”

“Well somepony’s got to tell her before she does something she’ll regret.” Starlight spoke up in agreement. “Friendships and relationships are nothing without honesty. Twilight needs to know that we are uncomfortable with what she just did and that she is starting to lose it.”

“That makes it six ponies who agree with me on telling her the truth!” Applejack threw her hooves in frustration.

“I’ll tell her!” Starlight vowed as she moved to catch up with her only to be stopped by Celestia with her magic.

“Starlight please don’t!” Celestia pleaded with her against it.

“Why?” Luna and Starlight asked at the same time in disbelief as Applejack gives her a look that screams “Seriously?!” written all over it.

“Because it was also my fault Twilight turned to darkness in the first place.” Celestia said in regretful shame. “I walked out on her and told her with the most cruel words any loving mother and mentor could say to a student and daughter which lead to all the pain and suffering she went through. I can’t break her heart like that again.”

“But by doing so we would be doing the opposite of that sister.” Luna counter argued. “If she were to find that out it would only make things worse.”

“Sister, please don’t tell!” Celestia pleaded with her hooves on her sister’s shoulders. “The fate of Equestria depends on Twilight staying sane and not having her heart turn as black and soulless as Midnight and Sombra!”

Luna, Starlight, Sunset, Applejack all groan in annoyance as Tempest rolls her eyes in the same tone knowing that trying to keep Twilight from knowing the truth is only going to end bad.

“Fine.” Luna reluctantly obliged to her request as they walked a little faster to catch up with Twilight before she questions them again. “But don’t say we didn’t warn you should the truth come out from someone and learns that you all didn't tell her.”

Once everyone groups up in a safe area of town Twilight turns back to give group instructions.

“All here’s what we’re going to do…” Twilight began as she flew up over the others. “We’re going to split up so we can get what we need.” She said as she turned to Celestia, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Pinkie. “Celestia, Applejack, Pinkie, Apple Bloom. You three are in charge of getting the food needed to last the remaining trip to Mount Aris. And remember Pinkie, these supplies are for everyone so don’t get crazy with the baking goods, okay?” Both Celestia and Pinkie nod in agreement.

“We’re on it!” Applejack vowed as Twilight turned to Rarity, Spike, Cadance, and Flurry Heart.

“You got it Twilight!” Apple Bloom also agreed.

“Yes, ma’am, sir!” Pinkie immediately saluted.

“Rarity and Cadance…” Twilight began to them. “You two head on over to town and take Spike, Sweetie Belle, and Flurry Heart to fetch the necessity supplies as such as clothes, things Flurry will need, and blankets.”

“Of course.” Rarity obliged with a nod.

“As long as my baby is happy.” Cadance replied with a nod too as she cuddled her foal in her hooves to which she giggled in response.

“Right away, Twilight!” Spike saluted to her as Twilight turned to Luna, Fluttershy, and Sunburst.

“Luna, Fluttershy, and Sunburst.” Twilight turned to them. “You three watch over the young ones. We will need to make sure they are safe so the other leaders don’t start wondering what happened to them?” She then thought of something at the moment. “Actually, Spike, I need you to take a letter right now!” She then told the young dragon who immediately got a quill and scroll ready to go.

“Attention leaders of all over Equestria,

As you may or may not have heard by now, Midnight Sparkle has just invaded Canterlot and took control of Equestria again along with the Crystal Empire after burning down the School of Friendship with the aid of Chrysalis, Tirek, Sombra, Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, and Cozy Glow. Just let you all know that your students are safe and unharmed and whatever you do, do not engage against Midnight or else you will be captured along with Star Swirl and the Pillars. Stand by and be on full alert out in case Midnight does try to invade your homelands. Once we are all settled in Mount Aris we’ll call for a meeting to discuss a battle plan to take Equestria and the Crystal Empire back with all of your best warriors. If we can work together then we see to it that Midnight and her followers are defeated once and for all.”

By urgent command of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Oh and P.S. I know Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon returning sounds crazy like with Midnight but they are all real threats to all of Equestria so be prepared and watch your backs and wings and don't say a word to anyone else in Equestria. I don't want anyone in Equestria to know I'm alive at least not yet.

With that Spike finished writing and sent the letter with a simple blow of fire.

“Done.” Spike said.

“Good.” Twilight felt satisfied. “That should keep them high and alert for the time being. Good thing I remembered that otherwise we would have lost the support we had last time Midnight invaded Canterlot.”

“Hopefully, they get your message in time before any of them decide to do something they regret.” Spike said he brushed the sweat off of his forehead.

“From what we know of them the changelings, dragons, and griffons would definitely be wise not to attack.” Twilight felt her certainty of her knowledge of them. “Although the yaks and hippogriffs may not be in control of themselves and be quick to break out into a fight with them.” She then expressed her concern over them.

“Since when would yaks do something like that?” Yona felt offended by that claim.

“Sorry.” Twilight apologized as she realized her poor choice of words before she took the time and gently explain herself as she turned to her. “But they did almost declare war on Equestria over a few minor details not to their liking in case none of them ever told you.”

“Really?” Yona asked sounding surprised as Twilight nods to confirm it. “That explains why yaks went over to fix the damage they did. Never mind point taken.”

Twilight then turned to her speedy friend with a question on her mind. “Rainbow Dash can you fly over to the docks and get in touch with Captain Celano and her crew?” She asked.

“Can do!” The blue Pegasus confidently saluted.

“What about us, Twilight?” Starlight asked in regards to herself, Sunset, Tempest, and Shining Armor and what they should do in the meantime.

“You and Sunset can both navigate through and keep watch and be ready to help the others when they need it in case any of the residents decide to give them trouble or in case Midnight decides to launch an attack on us, okay?” Twilight asked the two girls who both agree with hesitation. “Meanwhile, Tempest, Shining Armor, Grubber and I will head over to the docks to make sure our ride gets here while discussing options of how to deal Midnight and her followers.” She then also remembering something else. “Oh and Spike, make sure to send a letter to Queen Novo that we’ll be needing residence at Mount Aris and Seaequestria and that we are on are way okay?”

“On it!” Spike replied as he immediately wrote up the letter and sent it and sent it after sending a breath of fire at its direction. “Done.”

“Great!” Twilight replied before turning to everyone. “Everyone meet at the docks when you have finished completing your tasks at hoof in two hours because we got a long journey ahead of us.” She concluded as she flew off ahead while everyone sets out to do their tasks at hoof while Shining Armor and Tempest follow after her while Flash secretly makes his way out on his own for a special errand he wants to do while he's here.

As the two unicorns watch as Twilight flies ahead Tempest turns to Shining Armor with a stern and knowing look.

“You know you can’t keep dodging this because she will find out sooner or later.” Tempest pressed the matter on hoof.

“And it can get pretty meethy if you ask me.” Grubber added somewhat unnecessarily.

“I know.” Shining Armor agreed with mixed feelings over what to do. “But the thing is I just can’t because the one time I did after she made fake Cadance run off in tears I ended saying the worst things a big brother should never say to his little sister.” He lamented as he reflected on the memory of the wedding rehearsal. “It broke her heart and drove her into becoming Midnight in the first place. If only I had listened to her and never lashed out at her like that then we’d be home right now. None of this would have ever happened and when it looked like she had succumbed to her inner darkness I really thought I lost her.”

“Shining Armor…” Tempest began while understanding his reasons without changing her expression. “You’re sorry for what you did right?”

“Yes. More sorry than every other mistake I have made in my life.”

“So if she forgave you then she’ll understand and see that she is letting herself slip.” Tempest reasoned with him. “If my recent experience with her and your wife is something you won’t hurt your sister’s feelings if you just be honest with her.” She then placed a hoof on his shoulder. “She deserves to hear it especially from family because she’ll feel even worse and hurt if you don’t tell her.”

“You’re right.” Shining Armor admitted with a sigh. “I have to tell her the truth.”

The two unicorns make their way to the dock to meet with Twilight just as another arrogant thug intercepts them. This guy was a muscular purple fish with icy blue eyes like Midnight outside of her Celestia-sized alicorn form.

“Give me your bits now!” The thug threatened the two as they got in defensive stances while Grubber hung onto to his big friend for dear life.

“Back off! We didn’t do anything to you!” Shining Armor distanced himself with a defensive stance as he is ready to charge if he makes a move.

“No, but you’re about to with what you did to my friend!” The thug then immediately advanced on them to attack them but before he could try to strike them he finds himself zapped and killed by a massive load of lightning which entered through his back and exited from his left foot. He then collapsed upon dying as the one revealed to have killed him on the spot was Twilight as she blew the smoke off of her horn as a yellow fish creature was just about to approach the unicorns with a knife until he then backed away before running away in fright while leaving the knife behind upon seeing the death glare Twilight was giving him.

“Seriously.” Twilight thought to herself feeling very annoyed at this point with the thugs constantly trying to mug and ambush them. “What are these fishes problem?” She groaned in irritation as she turned to her surprised brother. “Now that that’s out of the way we ready to talk about on our battle plan?” She asked as he was still stunned by her brutal murder of the guy and her complete 180 degree change of tone.

“Uh-huh.” Shining Armor gulped with a forced smile to which Tempest while keeping her cool is motioning her head to urge him to follow through with it and tell her the truth.

“It’s okay.” Twilight assured her with a calming massage to which he felt a little uneasy accepting. “It can be a little shocking to be threatened like that once in a while. But at least you got your caring little sister watching your back who really cares about you and knows she really values you for being a noble and honest stallion. Just the kind of stallion that the Princess of Love herself loved and married.” She said as she finished as her massage as Shining is unable to say a word about how he really feels especially after hearing those touching words from his little sister. “I’ll let you take a minute to regain your composure.” She politely excused herself as she teleported away to a nearby newsstand to get ahold of a map of the world with and without Equestria.

“You’re right about that kiddo.” Shining Armor said as he watched her from afar feeling fine with herself even when she is sinking further into her darker instincts while overwhelmed with guilt as he forces another smile as Twilight comes back with a large map of the world with a table appearing courtesy of her magic ready to begin the discussion.

Although Shining Armor was still disturbed by her little sister’s recent streak of murder he listened full and well along with Tempest with Twilight’s plan to try to take back Equestria which involves a seven sided attack and siege right into the heart of Canterlot so they have several warriors helping each party take on each of the villains and the plan of whom faces whom in the deciding battle for the fate of Equestria to be decided by Twilight herself when she explains it to the other leaders.

Tempest herself continued to glare at her commanding officer with disappointment that he is allowing every obstacle faith throws at him to keep himself from warning Twilight that sinking into her darker instincts with everyone that tries to threaten and cross her and that by doing so she is becoming more and more like her evil counterpart Midnight while feeling a little uneasy since she is also seeing her former self in Twilight as much as Midnight in her.

Meanwhile while Starlight and Sunset are walking around town keeping watch over the town as they walk by all of the groups and keeping the thugs at bay which they all did after they all felt intimidated enough by Twilight after she slayed one of them similarly to how Midnight slayed his friend back during her last visit here.

“So far so good, thanks to Twilight.” Starlight said in an uneasy tone.

“Couldn’t agree more.” Sunset said in agreement as she absentmindedly trailed her eyes off for a second to which the other unicorn took notice of.

“You’re worried about Twilight too aren’t you?” Starlight figured from her face.

“Yes.” Sunset admitted. “Not only do I see part of my former ambitious self in her, I also see Midnight in her.”

“Me too.” Starlight sighed. “Along with seeing my past vengeful side in her and ironically enough I used to look up to her before actually learning the truth and had a change of heart.”

“Not only that, but past regrets.” Sunset added in a solemn tone of regret.

“What do you mean?” Starlight asked what she is talking about.

“Well much like Twilight’s friends, mentor, and brother, I ended up being one of the many reasons that her human counterpart became Midnight Sparkle.”

“Really?” Starlight asked in surprise of this development. “How?”

“Remember when I told you and Twilight about the Friendship Games I attended while the Friendship Festival was going on at the same time?”

“Yeah. I also remember telling you after you and Discord arrived of what happened just after Twilight defeated Midnight.”

“Well just before the games began I was introduced to her human counterpart who like Twilight is an academic ace with no experience with friendship.” Sunset recalled as she thought back to when she first meet her. “From what I heard she didn’t grow up under Celestia’s guidance nor was surrounded by encouraging support unlike Twilight but she can to personally investigate the source of the magic at in the process was fiddling with something she had no idea what she was dealing inadvertently closing the portal and draining the others of their magic.” She recalled the memories of Human Twilight doing so accidentally.

“So that’s why you weren’t able to show up when Midnight invaded Canterlot. Sure doesn’t sound very encouraging.” Starlight voiced her thoughts about her. “Makes me wonder if she grew up with whatever Twilight had went through before being kicked out of the wedding.”

“She may not have had it bad as her or lasted as long when the Twilight we knew longer was evil but she did end up becoming Midnight shortly after I snapped at her which I immediately regretted upon doing so.” Sunset further explained as she recalled said memories of her doing so and the moment when she became Midnight. “It was out of luck did I manage to defeat her and save her from walking down the same dark path we all walked down at some point in our lives.” She said as she turned to Starlight. “And offered her the same friendship offer Twilight gave me when she and the others defeated me.”

“You certainly have come a long way since me and Twilight met you.” Starlight commended her friend.

“I sure have.” Sunset smiled in acknowledgement. “If only we can tell her that ourselves.”

“Assuming our friends will let us or plan on telling her themselves.” Starlight voiced her frustration at their friends before eyeing Twilight discussing with her brother and Tempest her battle plans while thinking back to her murder of a thug in a cold blood. “From the way she is telling right from wrong because of that dark magic in heart it’s only until she hears it from others that she sees what she is doing is wrong and it’s only a matter of time until she finds out.”

“Sounds like that they are feeling even more guilty of how they pushed Twilight over the edge than we realized.” Sunset figured from why they are not planning to be honest with the alicorn. “But they know deep down that the truth is always better than a well-meant lie something that only Applejack understands.”

“And by lying in their effort to save Twilight they are actually hurting her even more without realizing it.” Starlight also added as she eyes that the others don’t seem to have the courage to tell her themselves. “Just wish we could tell her ourselves.”

“If we move forward to try to tell her we can see to it that wish is granted.” Sunset suggested with a smile.

“The sooner the better.” Starlight agreed as they both went forward to the dock so they can report to Twilight of their findings so far.

“Everything good.” Twilight asked the two unicorns as Starlight stepped forward first to begin her confession.

“Yes, well we also wanted to come to tell something you need to know.”

“What is it?” Twilight responded with a listening ear as Tempest joins by their side.

Just as Starlight was about explain she was suddenly interrupted by Pinkie calling out.

“We’re back!” She cheerfully announced as she and the others all arrived at the same time with all of their belongings and recently acquired items as Rainbow flies down with the pirate ship coming in for a docking a few hundred feet away.

“And I just brought our ride!” Rainbow Dash added as she flew in for a landing. “And it was great to see friends from the past as well.”

By the time Rainbow landed the new pirate ship belonging to the pirate captain and crew they met a little over a year ago came in for a landing as well.

“Sorry. But we’ll have discuss this later.” Twilight said to the three unicorns politely as she excused herself. “Gotta have a quick word with them.“

She then flew towards the ship’s direction where she would go and personally talk with Captain Celeano and her crew before they all traveled to Mount Aris together while leaving Starlight, Sunset, Tempest giving Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie very annoyed and exasperated looks at the two.

“What?” Pinkie and Rainbow both said together looking very confused of what they just did to earn their disapproving looks as they watch on as Twilight flies off onto the ship while casting a secret smirk as her heart glows for a brief second.

Author's Note:

In the first part of this new created two parter of titled journey, the most powerful ponies in Equestria make their way to Mount Aris as they seek shelter and refuge after Midnight takes over Equestria and the Crystal Empire.

Throughout the first part, Twilight is going through a Sanity Slippage as she finds herself acting like Midnight and Tempest during their last visit to Klugetown thanks to the dark magic in her heart flaring up with her friends minus those involved unable to have the heart to tell her out of fear of hurting her again essentially reversing the roles between her and Celestia from "Horse Play." and the girls and her brother making the same mistake in "Summer Sun Setback." by not telling her the truth about her mental well-being with those who try to tell her find themselves interrupted by others unknowingly or accidentally.

As the journey prepares to take a flight into the skies with her closet friends not being completely honest with her it's only a matter of time until she learns the truth.

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