• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,541 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 69: Between Dark and Dawn (Edited 9/27/22)

Chapter 69:

Between Dark and Dawn

Shortly after Twilight had left the beach and towards the mountain top after her argument with her friends and family the others who had just left the table came back where they see Celestia’s chest burned along with the scattered tables and chairs along with the saddened and frightened mares and colts amongst the area.

“What happened?!” Queen Novo demanded with widen eyes with the damage done to the area.

“Twilight found out that they weren’t being honest with her in regards to her mental health...” Starlight gestured to the guilty party who all had nothing to say for the moment as they all looked down in shame.

“Then got super mad and turned into Midnight in the heat of the moment…” Sunset added while sounding guilty for her role in arguing with Celestia which she felt she contributed to leading up to Twilight blowing up like that, literally.

“...And would have killed them if it weren't for Flurry Heart flying up to stop her and get her to come to her senses…” Cadance added while tightly embracing her daughter as she still shaken up by the scene that she would willing risk her own life like that to save her favorite aunt.

“...But it didn’t change her stance towards friendship as she disowned them all together.” Tempest stoically finished as if she expected this to happen with hints of regret telling Twilight about her initial stance on friendship back before meeting the girl.

“Figures.” Gallus remarked with zero surprise in his tone of voice. “Can’t blame her for doing what she did since you all really did it this time.”

“No question about that.” Applejack replied without any protest to the comment as she felt she truly deserved hearing that.

“We really screwed up this time!” Pinkie cried in despair.

“And now Twilight doesn’t want to be our friend anymore.” Fluttershy lightly sobbed. “When will we ever learn to live up to our promises to her.”

“Some friends we are.” Rainbow said in agreement unable to look up and face anyone. “What have we done?” She said as she sat and sulked onto the ground.

“Maybe Twilight didn’t mean what she had said.” Silverstream tried to assure the blue Pegasus otherwise. “Maybe she just said just because she was just mad.”

“Oh, she meant every word of it.” Rainbow refused to believe it.

“But maybe…” Skystar tried to suggest.

“OPEN YOUR EYES!” Rainbow screamed causing her to cringe from her outburst. “She is 120% mad at us!” She further yelled as she teared up. “We blew her concerns to the sky when she was freaking out over a friendship lesson, abandoned her the time when she tried to expose Chrysalis, along with the time we made the journey to get the hippogriffs help from Midnight’s first invasion, and top it all off for when we didn’t tell her right away that she was acting like Midnight throughout the journey here! And now she’ll never forgive us!”

Skystar’s heart sank as she and Silverstream both walked away with tears in their eyes.

“Never mind.” Skystar quietly said as her aunt comforted her in an embrace as she glared at Rainbow for making her cry. She'll make sure to give Rainbow a serious talking to for that causing the latter to immediately regret her outburst before moving to walk away as Pinkie and Fluttershy join her seeing that this all is lost.

“So what now?” Applejack asked with a deep sigh. “Think maybe one of us should try to talk to Twilight?”

“We should…” Luna agreed with the proposal. “But not you, you, you…” She said pointing to Applejack then to her sister and Twilight’s brother. “…along with your friends. For seeing that Twilight truly wants nothing to do with you all at this point since she feels you are responsible for kicking off the entire chain of events that set off the catastrophe that led to the chain of events involving her turn to darkness.”

“But I’m her brother.” Shining brought up in his attempted protest.

“But you’re also the one who kick started it all when you rebuked Twilight back at what happened back at the first Canterlot Wedding.” Luna sternly reminded much to the stallion’s defeat as he sits down in silent agreement. “And that applies to you too sister for coldly telling her that she had a lot to think about.” She added while turning to said mare in question to which she too didn’t protest to Luna’s words.

“But she is willing to hear the rest of you out as long as choose your words carefully.” Luna turned to Cadance, Starlight, Spike, Sunset, and Tempest. “Because she too might be more than willing to cut ties with any of you if she feels betrayed and angered by your attempts to force the bond.” She cautioned them as they all think of how they are going to get through to Twilight.

Since she has dark magic in her heart again and is feeling even worse than when she was Midnight that is going to be a challenge, as like with dealing with Twilight pursuing perfection in life, one slip up is all it takes for things to go south from there.

“So…any pony have any ideas.” Starlight first spoke turning to the others who all shake their head “no” in response.

“I’m sure Twilight wouldn’t mind what I would have to say but I don’t want to feel forced into loving her friends again.” Cadance spoke her doubts she can reason with her. “Even if I wanted to my love spell wouldn’t work since she doesn’t want to have anything to do to those who have hurt her.”

“Don’t blame you.” Spike supported her refusal. “Since Twilight has been caring for me like any mother and older sibling would do I’m not risking that bond again.” He said as he waved his arms in refusal. “Even though she doesn’t hold anything against me even after walking out on her before I’m still not taking that chance again.”

“Well we still got to do something about it.” Tempest stressed that they have to get through to her before she decides to completely embrace her own inner darkness. “Or else she’ll be calling on Midnight on her offer to accept the destiny she has in mind for her which will mean big trouble for all of Equestria since she probably preparing to face off against her alone.“

“How do you know that?” Luna questioned her with a raised eyebrow.

“Just a correct hunch from knowing her from my time serving as her right hand mare and because she told me she would.” Tempest simply replied as she recalled the memory of Midnight talking with her before she set out to Seaequestria.

“She correctly deduced that making it look like she was going to steal the pearl and getting her and her friends kicked out of Seaequestria would result in the fight where Twilight would denounce them as friends and that she would come and surrender herself so she would face off against her alone after learning of what happened back at the wedding rehearsal from the first wedding."

“And yes she told me and so did Midnight bring before learning what really happened.” She also said as recalls Twilight running towards one of the mountain sides in tears where her ship would approach it as she has the guards come out with a cage fit to hold the alicorn princess to which Twilight walked inside without hesitation after regaining her composure by the time she and the storm guards arrived to take her.

“But even knowing her the mare like Twilight is very tricky to figure what she is going to do next.” She added as she recalled the lavender mare catching her, the Storm King, and Midnight all off guard by her sudden attack before the Storm King could take her magic along with the same surprise trick she pulled on Midnight to defeat her and send her to Tartarus.

“So having said that Midnight could be on her way here to pick Twilight up if she has already called her at this point or better yet has already left and is heading back to Equestria.” Tempest brought as she observed Twilight standing on the mountain top.

“But what?!” Celestia asked in alarm and distress seeing that they are running on a running hourglass time frame now seeing her student and daughter-like figure preparing to give in to what Midnight said about friendship. “How can any of us reach out to her when she has dark magic that will refuse to allow her to allow friendship back inside of her?!”

“I don’t know?” Sunset could only respond as she suddenly thinks of an idea. “But I think I might have an idea that could work.” She added with a thought that she thinks could work if played right.

“What?” Spike hopefully asked.

“A little vacation back in the alternate world where I have been living since I moved there.” Sunset answered as she thinks about her and the rest of the Mane Five’s human counterparts.

“And exactly how is a vacation supposed to help Twilight?” Celestia wondered how it’s going to work.

“Not just a vacation.” Sunset clarified still certain about her idea. “A special vacation that involves meeting with her human counterpart whom I just met during the Friendship Games.”

“You mean having the two interact with each other?” Celestia spoke seeing where Sunset is going with this.

“Yep.” Sunset replied with a nod. “Who better to get through to her than Twilight herself?”

“Like having her look at herself in a mirror?” Starlight asked getting the same idea.

“Of course.” Sunset answered with a nod in the mare’s direction.

“I’m not quite sure of how Twilight talking to herself is going to work but okay.” Tempest replied a little unsure of the idea after learning the dangers of both counterparts meeting face to face from Twilight herself. “Like we have any other options at this point as crazy as it sounds.”

“But wait!” Celestia brought up. “How are you going to get her to go on this vacation without a portal since Midnight destroyed the one at the castle?”

“I think getting her to go can be arranged no problem.” Sunset replied unfazed or finding it difficult. “And the same can be said for getting there with the proper readjustments.” She said as she presented the mirror she secretly obtained before evacuating the Crystal Empire when Midnight attacked to which Starlight and Luna smile in approval seeing that Sunset has a potential plan that could work along with Cadance and Spike.

After getting some of the tools and using her knowledge of when Twilight created the portal back in Canterlot Sunset was able to get a new portal up and working in just a few hours. And shortly afterwards was able to head forward with Starlight and Tempest so they could talk to her and convince her to come with Sunset.

“So there’s some strange magical disturbance going on at Canterlot High?” Twilight asked to make sure she got what Sunset told her right.

“Oh yes.” Sunset confirmed in reply. “The girls back there really need your help there.”

“But there is a war with Midnight herself we need to prepare for.” Twilight brought up the bigger threat on the horizon sounding hesitant on going with them not finding taking a vacation affordable in a time of crisis.

“This will only be for a few days.” Sunset assured her it wouldn’t take long leaving the mare to deliver a skeptical frown at this proposal. “Please just help me out on this real quick and then we can take care of Midnight and her followers once and for all.” She pleaded with the alicorn princess to come with her.

“All right.” Twilight reluctantly agreed much to Sunset eagerness to her being on board with this as she levitates Twilight’s saddlebag onto her friend's back as Starlight and Tempest come from behind with their saddle bags on their backs too. “You both are coming too?"

“Yes, if that’s all right with you?” Starlight honestly answered with a question.

“Of course.” Twilight warmly replied. “I could go with Cadance and Spike if I wanted them to come but alas she already has a human counterpart who serves as the dean of Crystal Prep and the Spike there is also a dog too.”

“I guess some things are easier said than done.” Tempest could only reply with a shrug. “At least they’ll watch over the portal to make sure nothing happens to it while were gone.”

"Wait!" Grubber called out as he clinged onto Tempest's hooves. "Please don't leave me!" He cried thinking this is the end of their friendship.

"Pull yourself together, Grubber." Tempest urged her friend to calm down. "I'm only going to be gone for a few days."

"Really?" He said as he sniffled a little from his own little water work display.

"Yes." Tempest replied as Grubber hugged and cried in relief much to the unicorn's eye-rolling annoyance. "It's almost like he can't make it through the day without seeing me." She muttered to herself before addressing the hedgehog again. "At least you got one of your new friend's Spike to hang out with while we're gone!"

"That's true!" Grubber said with immediate excitement as he feels better already. "Maybe I can get him to do a little rematch for the pie eating contest back at the festival see who the real champion is."

"Is that a challenge?" Spike asked with an amused smirk as they exchange family-friendly and competitive glares at each other. "Oh, it's on."

"Just try to over indulge in the apple cider while were gone okay?" Tempest also added as she turns to Twilight. "At least we won't have to worry about them missing us while we're gone."

“So true.” Twilight said in agreement as the four ponies all approached the portal ready to travel back to the human world.

“Good luck Twilight.” Cadance sent her sister-in-law her regards with a goodbye hug. “Be safe.”

“I will.” Twilight replied as Spike ran up to hug her too.

“See you soon, Twilight.” Spike said as he presented a photo of him holding up the Crystal Heart. “This is for when you meet Spike from the other world so make sure you tell him all about my accomplishments while you’re there okay.”

“Okay.” Twilight said with a giggle as she accepted the photo. “Will do.”

“So are we all ready to do this?” Sunset asked the other girls who nod their heads in response.

And with just a simple walk through all four ponies make their way through the portal as Celestia and Luna arrive.

“The girls have just left.” Cadance told the royal sisters. “She’s gone.”

“Let’s just hope this plan of hers works.” Spike added just as hopeful as everyone else Twilight’s mental health has improved for the better by then.

“I think it’s safe to say that Twilight will come out to be the mare we all know and love if Sunset has been learning Celestia’s trades and tricks as much as Twilight.” Luna placed he faith in her as Celestia comes to the same agreement with her usual warm smile.

“I did teach her well, didn’t I?” Celestia spoke her mind as she thought nothing of it.

“Just well enough to give Twilight a run for her money back when they first met.” Spike also brought up as he thought of another idea. “You know…since Twilight and the girls are going on vacation. This is might be a good opportunity for you two go on one too.”

“Us go on a vacation?” Luna asked in surprise at the idea.

“Why not?” Spike further insisted they do so. “I mean think of it as an opportunity for you two to unwind from everything that has happened and be able to do the things you both want to do.”

“What an intriguing idea.” Celestia happily agreed with the proposal only to think of something else. “Only... it's much harder to justify a vacation from the castle when it's not an emergency we're responding to.”

“Come on, you both managed to cover for Twilight and had her take a vacation so she didn’t miss out on time with her family and it’s not like you two have any royal duties to cover now that Midnight is charge of Equestria.” Spike further added while quickly back-tracking his previous statement. “I mean point is you two deserve time off as much as Twilight and that by the time we all reunite she come out to be the mare we all know and love who will take down Midnight in the end.”

“And don’t worry.” Cadance assured the two sisters. “We will be on the lookout for Midnight and we will have the other girls and Shining Armor taking turns being on the lookout for her along with discussing potential options we can propose to Twilight on how to deal with Midnight when she gets back.”

“Well, if you're sure you don't mind the extra effort.” Luna said after warming up to the idea.

“Thank you, Cadance.” Celestia gratefully spoke to her niece.

Unbeknownst to the three ponies and young dragon, Midnight was currently watching their conservation as she is thinking of some new ideas to deal with these new turn of events as she forms a devious smirk as she watches the scene from her orb.

Later when the two royal sisters are back in Seaequestria getting their belongings they need for their vacation the two discuss of how they were going to enjoy their time off and the two are already giddy of what they want to do.

“"Fun Not Yet Had".” Celestia squealed in excitement as she writes down on a scroll. “I can't wait to start planning our time off!”

“The chance to do whatever we want! And you know what that means!” Luna said just as excited as she watches her sister from her bed.

“Adventure!” Celestia spoke.

“Relaxation!” Luna spoke.

As soon as they said their different ideas of vacation they both expressed surprise hearing their contrasting interests leaving Celestia to poof away her scroll in the moment of awkwardness.

“Well, it's just that I... I spend each night in everypony's intense dreams. So I could use some real-world downtime.” Luna expressed her thoughts as she got off of her bed.

“I understand.” Celestia said with a small sigh. “But for me, every day is real-world. Meetings and decrees and meetings about decrees and decrees about the meetings...” She expressed her distaste for said meetings. “I crave excitement!”

“Uh, I'm not sure how we can both be happy. Unless... “ Luna expressed her uncertainty of managing this until she thought of something.

“We take turns doing what we like!” Celestia finished as she came to the same thing her sister was thinking.

“Sister trip!” The two alicorns hoof-bumped each other in agreement.

“And I have the perfect accessories for us to wear! Wait right here!” Luna proposed as she teleported away before teleporting back in an instant with red and blue beach shirts much to Celestia’s surprise.

“Oh. We'll be... twin-sies.” Celestia said with a nervous laugh and a forced smile.

“Just like regular pony tourists. I knew you'd love it.” Luna said as she excitably trotted in place at what she is thinking of

“I have a few things for us, too.”Celestia proposed as she flew off and handed her sister a bag as she was putting on the blue shirt. “Sunglasses, bug spray, ice boots, hoof sanitizer, and travel snacks!” She presented said items as Luna reluctantly bites into said snacks only to cough at the taste of them. “You have to add water.” She quickly added with an apologetic tone for leaving that out. “What do you think?”

“It's perfect, sister.” Luna agreed with her thoughts as she hugged her sister as she returns it as well.

Once the two sisters have reached an agreement they both have donned their travel luggage along with their red and blue beach shirts and have tied their manes and tails back in knots and buns to keep them from randomly blowing in other’s faces.

“Remember, sister. From now on, we are regular, carefree ponies!” Celestia said as they walked away from Mount Aris as she thinks of an idea. “How about we take our vacation back into Equestria?” She proposed.

“Seriously?” Luna asked surprised at this idea as to Midnight it would be entering enemy territory. “That’s very risky, sister.”

“I know but we have already relaxed at Mount Aris when we visited for the summit.” Celestia explained her reasons. “Now is the chance to do something different.”

“Yes but at the risk of getting captured by Midnight.” Luna replied unconvinced. “You keep forgetting that she has eyes over the sky and if word were to come out she would send her army our way. We can’t fight them all by ourselves!” She further protested the idea.

“Not if we do it carefully.” Celestia further attempted to assure Luna. “Besides this is land that’s rightfully ours and Midnight will be so busy scheming to deal with whatever it takes to take over the rest of the world she won’t find time to deal with us there for some much-needed relaxation.” Even with Celestia’s reasons, Luna still isn’t sure about the idea as her sister taps her on the nose. “After all it’s like Pinkie Pie said…”

“There's a lotta little things you gotta do in this world.”

Celestia began a song as she happily teleports them to the Equestrian borders and happily trotted ahead as Luna after little hesitation joins in.

“There's a lotta little things you gotta try.”

Luna sang as she unrolled the scroll they wrote on before leaving.

“Just a pack of punchy plunges other ponies all take.”

Celestia sang as they trotted past the border lines into Equestria undetected.

“That have princess-pony-passed us right by.”

Luna sang as they make their way to the first town on the horizon.

“Nopony knows you like your little sister

Nopony is a better confidante

Nopony is truer than the one you are

Nopony else here I could want.”

Both alicorn sisters sang as they had a nearby shop owner carve wooden statues of themselves with Celestia briefly taken back when the initial carving had hers portrayed with a goofy face before the carver quickly corrected it which left her sister amused by it, Celestia takes a photo of Luna reaching out to a horseshoe statue, then head to a souvenir shop where Luna looks at postcards as her sister brings in her close for an embrace with a rubber horseshoe she found.

“You can't saunter on a sojourn hid behind castle walls.”

Celestia sang as they made their way out of town.

“You can't throw a throne down on the beach.”

Luna sang as she spotted a nearby peach cart.

“So we're gonna be absconding

Celestia sang as she sat back on their ride.

“To a little vagabonding.”

Luna sang as she played with a banjo.

“And this bucket list is gonna be a peach.”

Celestia sang as she snacked on a peach.

“Nopony knows you like your older sister

Nopony is a better confidante

Nopony is truer than the one you are

Nopony else here I could want

There's a lotta little things you gotta try in this world

There's a lotta little things you gotta see.”

The two sisters sang together as they ventured underground to view the bats, traveled through a nearby metropolis city as Celestia brings and hugs together a bunch of nearby stuffed animals leaving herself a little embarrassed as her sister gives her a knowing smile, then both saw a firework show together, before trotting off ahead as Luna starts to get a little tired as Celestia trots off ahead.

“But just reading by a river and resting our hooves

Would practically be perfect for me.”

Luna voiced her desires to be able to slow down, relax, and read a book before being dragged off by her sister again as they reached a nearby amusement park.

“Nopony knows you like your sister

Nopony is a better confidante

Nopony is truer than the one you are

Nopony else here I could want.”

Both sisters sang as Celestia endured Luna’s desire to watch a theater play, who in turn endured Celestia’s desire to ride a roller coaster and do barrel riding while being further dragged her taller sister.

“You can't venture on adventures if you're taking a nap

You can't check things off your checklist while you sleep

So let's take another hill.”

Celestia sang as dragged Luna into an underwater adventure leaving her sister uncomfortable dealing with the sea animals there.

“Sometimes you can be a pill

And why's the way ahead always so steep?”

Luna sang as she voiced her exhaustion as her energetic sister trots off ahead as Midnight continues to watch them through her orb.

“So the royal sisters and exiles are setting off to have a little vacation here in Equestria.” Midnight said as she then chuckles as she has brought Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon into the throne room as requested.

“And just why do they think doing so knowing that this is your territory now is such a good idea?” Nightmare expressed unable to comprehend the boldness of their current actions.

“Because much like Daybreaker’s fiery passion…” Midnight answered as she focused on a close up on Celestia. “…Celestia has the energetic desire to do risky and daring acts of engaging in adventure.”

“How exactly are we like?!” Daybreaker angrily remarked taking offense to that claim as her flames flared as much as her temper leaving the two other alicorns raising her unimpressed eyebrows in response as they shifted eyes towards each other unconvinced by her attempted assertiveness.

“You just answered your own question with that outburst of yours.” Nightmare answered much to the white alicorn’s embarrassment.

“Anyways…” Midnight continued while moving on with what she has to say next paying no heed to that remark. “Seeing that Celestia is dragging her off into doing this kind of vacation while all Luna wants to do is just relax this could lead into an interesting scene between them.”

“You mean their sibling bond eventually fraying.” The black and blue-haired alicorn voiced her thoughts figuring out what Midnight is thinking.

“Correct!” Midnight confirmed with a nod. “Which also means we can use their visit inside of Equestria to our advantage to set up a nice little trap to take care of them to take care of two very powerful allies in this nice little process.” She said as she continues watching the two sisters from her orb.

“Shall we take care of them?” Daybreaker asked with hope to take action now.

“Not yet.” Midnight declined with a raised hoof. “Not until they reach their breaking point with each other.” She further said as she they made their way to their throne chairs so they could sit back and watch as she turns a nearby monitor on so they can all watch their vacation together. “But for now let’s just sit back and let their clashing desires take effect by themselves.” She said with an evil grin.

“Uh, Celestia? Since we're both a little tired, m-maybe the first thing we do shouldn't be too wild.” Luna tried to suggest to Celestia to back off from her adventurous desires for a while.

“Exactly what I was thinking.” Celestia seemed to agree until she dragged into… “ziiiiip liiiiiiiiiine!”

After said activity Luna stumbled on her footing as she looked like she was going to barf causing two nearby ponies to run away as she regained her balance on a nearby souvenir stand as Celestia catches up with her with mugs with their reactions to their recent zip lining on a couple of mugs she had just got.

“Now, every time we have tea, we can remember this magical day!” Celestia presented said mugs which had her excited doing it while Luna looked terrified doing it.

“Well, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself.” Luna kept up a positive attitude as she checked it off their list. “But now, we're going to do something I've always wanted to do but never could because of my night shift.”

“Is it another zip line?” Celestia eagerly asked as she hugged her tightly.

“No.” Luna blankly answered. “It's the post office!” She then excitably answered as she led her to said place.

“It is indeed.” Celestia said sounding surprised as she was not expecting her to trot in place over this.

“Just think! All the mail in Ponyville goes through here! Isn't that amazing?!” Luna gushed as she marveled to her surrondings before approaching Derpy with a postcard.

“One stamp, please!” Luna requested of her to which Derpy immediately obliges to her request by handing her a stamp that Luna licks on so it will stick onto the envelope so Derpy can take it someplace as Celestia looks on with disinterest even when Luna winks her eyebrows at her.

“Wait for it...”

As Celestia waits as she records it with her stopwatch a mailpony shortly arrive and hands the postcard Luna had just stamped.

“You didn't need a stamp if you were just going to give this to me.” The older mare felt the need to point out.

“Yes, but I didn't give it to you. A mailpony took it from me, searched to find who it was meant for, and gave it to you! It's about the process!” Luna expressed her excitement over seeing how it works as her sister rolls her eyes in annoyance again as they then later as the two were venturing the underground caverns nearby.

“Did you know that nopony has ever explored the bottom of these caverns?” Celestia asked her sister as they heard nearby roaring.

“I wonder why.” Luna flatly replied as they hear the roaring before making their way back to a nearby hotel where the two are getting makeovers.

“I have always wanted to try this!” Luna expressed her amazement as she marvels her 80’s style makeover. “Isn't this wonderful, sister?” She asked her disinterested sister as she gets a goth makeover as the pony giving her said makeover takes notice of her tone.

“There's a lotta little things you gotta do in this world.”

Celestia sang as she dragged Luna into skydiving into the nearby ocean thus ruining her sister’s makeover leaving her upset by it.

“There's a lotta little things you ought to view.”

Luna sang as she observed a painting from a nearby museum as Celestia sits back looking like she is about to fall asleep.

“And our little lotta list may be a little bit long.”

Celestia sang as the tourist sitting next to her takes a picture of them together.

“And might take a lotta bother to do.”

Luna sang as Celestia forcibly drags her into rock climbing.

“But I'm sure it gets better later on.”

The two sisters sang together as they walked through the forest

“And after darkest night's a new dawn.”

Celestia sang as Luna took control over their to-do list.

“It's my turn to do the choosing.”

Luna sang as she asserted herself as she reminded her sister of their 50/50 deal.

“After river rapid cruising.”

Celestia sang as she took control of the list as Luna refused to let go.

“This adventure isn't too fun to be on.”

Both sisters sang as they accidentally rip the list in half and both fall back into nearby muddy swamp puddles before they find a nice place to sit back and have a picnic while facing opposite of each other with each sister holding an equal grudge towards each other.

“Well, I hope you're enjoying yourself on your super-relaxing picnic, sister.” Celestia sarcastically and bitterly remarked as she bit into her sandwich.

“I would be if you hadn't made us hike through a million prickle bushes!” Luna groaned as she removed said prickles from her flank. “On top of dragging us into Equestrian territory even while knowing that Midnight could order a hit on us anytime she chooses.”

“Well, they hurt less than that horrible howling you dragged us to.” Celestia groaned in the same tone as she turned to face her ignoring her fault. “Besides you agreed to join in.”

“That was Ponygliacci, and it's an opera!” Luna corrected her as she held up said pony’s photo as she turned her back on her sister. “And you made us leave early, even though it was still my turn. Also you forced me to join you and it was your idea.”

“Oh, just face it, Luna. You are never happy!” Celestia angrily remarked as her sister sat down to tend to her meal.

“Because you don't want me to be happy.” Luna turned back taking offense to that comment dropping her sandwich while doing so. “I always have to do things your way. I bet you wish I'd never come back so you could still rule day and night!”

“You think I like that kind of pressure?!” Celestia felt hurt and took offense to her claim as she felt her temper rising. “Being responsible for every little thing in Equestria and you?! What I'd like is a sister I can depend on!” She then yelled in her royal Canterlot voice.

“You mean boss around!” Luna yelled back as her hair knot came undone.

“Calm down, Luna!” Celestia yelled back still with her Canterlot voice.

“No!” Luna refused to back down while shouting in the same tone as her sister. “And don't you dare use your Canterlot Voice on me! I think this adventure would be better if I did it by myself!” She raised her voice on her last word while again turning her back on her.

“Fine!” Celestia yelled angrily as she packed up their picnic basket. “I just remembered something I forgot I always wanted to do. Be alone!” She then said as she flew off on her own in a huff.

“Guess we have the same thing on both of our lists then.” Luna sadly said in tears as she walked off on her own accord. “It’s no wonder Twilight broke off your friendship with you as she too knows what it’s like to have family turn your backs on you when she counted on it the most.”

Luna then made her way to the beach where she got a lounge chair, sunglasses, and a tropical drink so she can relax.

“Things are so much more relaxing without my bossy sister.” Luna began to relax only to start feeling sad upon seeing family bonding as she turned away to avoid seeing anymore of it.

“Who needs a gloomy sister moping around all the time anyway?” Celestia said to a nearby pony partaking in skydiving too who only neighs in response before lowering down first with a parachute with the two sisters leaving Celestia feeling the same lonely sadness as her sister as she is getting treated for severe sunburn with deep red spots all over her skin.

“Honestly, princess, didn't you wear any sunblock?” The nurse asked her as she put lotion on her.

“That's a thing?” Luna asked as she then sighs.” Celestia would've warned me. If she were here.” She gloomily added as she turned away with her face buried into the pillow as the nurse covers her back after seeing it completely sun burnt too.

“Indeed she would have.” Midnight agreed as she continued watching the scene with Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon as she turned to face them. “And now it is time to enact the plan I want you both to do.” She said to them as her heart glowed neon purple as the two clone sisters listen attentively for instructions.

Later at night Celestia is trying to navigate the forest only to find herself wandering lost deep inside during her navigation attempts.

“Now, was it two left turns and a right, or two right turns and a left?” She wondered to herself as she heard something rush through the darkness. “Luna always handled directions.” She said now frightened for her life as she turned back and sees a chicken emerge from the bushes behind leaving the tall and powerful alicorn cowering and backing away and up a nearby tree behind her for safety. “And scared away the chickens!” She then shakily said as said chicken continued pecking before making its way through the forest allowing Celestia to try to tip toe away from it only for said chicken to appear with a fierce face leaving the alicorn screaming for her life as she flies away.

Once Celestia was gone the chicken turns back into Nightmare Moon as she chuckles sinisterly over being able to scare Celestia out of her wits.

“Wow, hard to believe an alicorn princess warrior like her who can to go toe to toe with me would actually cower before chickens.” Nightmare said in amusement. “Guess she was too chicken to face them.” She then laughed to herself as Midnight’s voice joined in as she too found it funny.

“Indeed she is amazingly.” Midnight said in amusement as she appeared along with Daybreaker. “Now, I want both of you keep following the two sisters.” She instructed the two to follow said alicorn’s as they just reunite. “When I give the signal we are going to deliver our two trespassing visitors a little gift of fire.” She said with a dark smile as they watch said sisters awkwardly reunite with each other from the nearby bushes.

“Oh! Heh. I thought climbing Mount Filly-mane-jaro was on my list.” Celestia awkwardly started upon seeing her younger sister’s glare as the two put away their separate maps.

“I'm not copying you! I just wanted to watch the sunrise.” Luna quickly asserted herself as she rubbed the back of her neck.

“Ah. I'm, uh, here for the moonset.” Celestia added as the two still felt awkward towards each other during a brief pause as they both look away for a moment. “So, uh, how did the rest of your day go?” She tried to press forward the conversation.

“Oh, amazing! Yeah. Uh, f-fantastic. Best ever, really.” Luna quickly lied while trying to save face with a smile.

“Yeah. Me... too. Mmm.” Celestia also said in the same tone and body language though more sadly and filled with regret more visible than Luna.

“You... You can walk with me. You know, i-if you want, I mean.” Luna offered with sympathy to her older sister.

“Oh, well... Since we're going the same way. “ Celestia agreed as they both walked forward towards the mountains as the three villainous alicorns secretly follow from behind undetected.

“This is so beautiful. It must be amazing in the sunlight.” Luna marveled at the sight of moon setting as Luna works her magic on the moon.

“The night's pretty special, too.” Celestia agreed as she watchers her younger sister lower the moon while putting the bags aside just as a shooting star passes by.

“Lucky star!” The two sisters said in excitement before solemnly frowning as they both feel regret of their recent blow-up.

“You taught me to look for those when I was a filly.” Luna sadly recalled as she returned by her sister’s side.

“Hope I wasn't too bossy doing it.” Celestia chuckled a little with a playful elbow nudge while sounding a little apologetic for her previous attitude.

“You know, being with your sister all the time is hard, but being without her? It's even harder.” Luna said as she undid the knot holding her mane allowing it to flow as usual.

“I do know.” Celestia replied as she undid her hair knot as she sighed. “And I wouldn't trade you for any of the adventures on my list.” She further vowed her love for her sister as she pulled her sister in with her wing.

“Not even your zip line?” Luna asked Celestia threw away the list after crumbling it up and evaporating it with her magic.

“Not even my zip line.” Celestia assured her that she means every meaningful word about her younger sister.

“I'm sorry I said those things before. Sometimes it's just tough being the little sister. One that always tries to have her older sister’s back even when she is not thinking clearly.” Luna apologized.

“It's not always easy being the big sister either.” Celestia voiced that the roles reversed isn’t any easier for her. “I'm sorry, too.” She also returned the apology. “For dragging you all the way out here while not heeding your concerns as by not only I risked both our lives doing so, I ended up making the same mistake Twilight’s brother made in regards to fake Cadance and with Twilight.” She said as she looked away in regret. “Come to think of it, I haven’t been acting completely honest with my family, and can understand why Twilight broke off our friendship and wanted nothing to do with me, her friends, and her brother.”

“It will be okay, Celestia.” Her younger sister assured her. “Once we all get back together in Mount Aris you can tell her that you are sorry for everything that lead up to all of this and that you promise to do better for good this time.”

“You’re right.” Celestia agreed as flew up and raised the sun before flying back to her sister. “I gotta go apologize to her.”

“Well, if you are feeling relaxed and refreshed enough, then let’s get going.” Luna suggested as she spread her wings out ready to leave until she smelled something odd. “Do you smell something burning, sister?” She asked her sister as they find themselves suddenly surrounding by a fire set by Daybreaker’s magic.

“Fire!” Celestia exclaimed in alarm. “We have to get out of here!”

Before any of them could try to leave they find themselves shot down to the ground by Daybreaker and Nightmare’s magic.

“Leaving so soon?” Nightmare voiced as she and Daybreaker appeared before them.

“But you arrived just in time for our little bonfire.” Daybreaker sinisterly added with malice in her tone.

“Daybreaker!” Celestia exclaimed in shock.

“Nightmare Moon!” Luna exclaimed in the same tone.

“Sent by yours truly.” Midnight added as she flew over them to join the other two clones.

“Midnight!” Both sisters realized of how much trouble they are really in now.

“That’s right!” Midnight said with an evil smile as she turned to their evil counterparts. “Sic ‘em.” She ordered them as they immediately attacked them leaving barely any time to be able teleport away from them as they get tackled by them and attacked with magic.

Daybreaker and Nightmare faced off against the two sisters as Daybreaker sent a massive wave of fire to which Celestia barely dodged as she pushed her sister out of the way before immediately stepping forward and blocked another attack with her shield of magic for an extensive period of time leaving behind a huge crater in the ground as she and her sister emerge unharmed as they were forced back by the attack.

Nightmare follows up the attack by charging at Luna tackling her to the ground as Daybreaker faces off against Celestia by shooting more fiery magic at her to which her good counterpart dodged the attack with teleportation before sending a blast of magic her way in return to which she barely dodged.

Nightmare who was tackling Luna finds herself forced off of her good counterpart with a swift kick and blast of magic to the chest leaving the darker mare to scream in pain from the attack as she tumbled to the ground in pain as Daybreaker struggles to land a hit on Celestia with her constant trolling and teleportation.

“Hold still so I can blast you!” Daybreaker angrily demanded.

“Ok.” Celestia agreed as Daybreaker sends another attack at her only for Celestia to dodge the attack and hit Nightmare instead as Celestia and Luna regroup so they can both conjure a teleportation spell as Celestia created a smoke screen to create some cover so they can get out of Equestria and back to Mount Aris during the distraction leaving behind Midnight who emerges and pulls her defeated followers out of the fire and briefly witnessed their escape.

“That should teach them against trying to trespass on Equestrian grounds again.” Midnight calmly said as she works her magic to teleport them back to the castle. “Nevertheless, this is the only the beginning of the end and pretty soon once Twilight returns from her magical vacation, there will be even bigger surprises to come. Surprises that she'll definitely find familiar upon seeing these three faces again.” She said with a eager grin for her endgame as she disappears in a flash.

Back on the beach both Celestia and Luna emerge through the portal as they pick themselves up slowly after barely escaping from Midnight.

“Woo!” Luna exclaimed in excitement. “That was fun!”

“I’ll say.” Celestia said in agreement. “Even if it was a little too much for me.” She chuckled a little before getting serious. “But seriously though that will be the last time I decide to trespass for the sake of a vacation again.”

“I know.” Luna also agreed. “Hopefully that will teach you to think twice before sneaking into enemy territory.” She added with a glare at her sister who nervous laughs and grins in response.

“Sorry.” Celestia sincerely apologized. “It just seemed like a good idea for adventure at the time that I ended up ignoring the danger that came with it. And for that I paid the consequences for doing so.”

“At least you have learned your lesson.” Luna said in a forgiving tone as Cadance approaches them.

“What happened?! Are you both okay?!” Cadance asked with concern for them.

“We’re fine Cadance.” Celestia assured her niece with a warm smile as she helped her and Luna up. “Just got ourselves into a little too much adventure than we could handle is all.”

“Anything happen while we were gone?” Luna asked ready to move the conversation forward as she sees her niece's frown.

“I'm afraid the only news I have are bad news and said news is that Midnight Sparkle has just taken control more of the world while you were both away.” Cadance could only say with worry in her tone of voice.

“What?” The sisters said in shock at this revelation.

"Mount Aris is the only kingdom left standing." Cadance further added onto the bad news.

“But we just faced off with her just now, how could she have taken control of almost all of the world by now?” Celestia wondered of how this all happened while they were gone.

“Probably had Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow takeover said portions while their leaders were away to meet with us.” Luna figured the only possible explanations she could think of. “At least during our vacation.”

"That's exactly what happened as some of the dragons, yaks, changelings, and griffons are here just after barely escaping." Cadance further added on to their growing concerns.

“This is not good.” Luna spoke still feeling very concerned that Midnight is now nearing her endgame. “We need to meet up with Queen Novo and tell her about this.”

“Agreed, sister.” Celestia nodded in agreement as Cadance leads the way back up to the mountain in flight.

“It will be okay, Aunt Celestia, Aunt Luna.” Cadance again assured them as they flew to the top of the mountain so they can meet up with the queen of the hipogriffs. “We just need to regather and regroup and come up with a counter defense in dealing with Midnight and hopefully Twilight will have returned by then and come back as a new mare once again who will ensure that Equestria will be safe in the end even from Midnight.” She said with a matching smile as the two sisters make their way up to the top of the mountain very hopeful things have worked out in the end while also hoping that Twilight will soon return.

Author's Note:

In this version of this episode I decided to alter a few things to fit in to this story such as their vacation being a cool-down period for when Twilight, Starlight, Sunset and Tempest go to Canterlot High for a vacation meant to help Twilight's mental health and well-being following Twilight kicking her brother, the Mane 5, and Celestia out of her life.

Having said that the Legend of the Everfree Equestrians Movie will serve as the penultimate sory-line before "The Ending of the End." which will serve as the Grand Finale to this story as while the alicorn sisters take time off to do what they never got to do for nearly a thousand years of Celestia ruling Equestria along with Luna living in isolation on the moon to do the things they have always desired which will come after this upcoming Villains Episode focusing on Midnight and her Legion of Doom with more focus on Cozy Glow on how Midnight took her under her wing and how Cozy sees her as family.

Pretty much with all that said, Twilight going on a vacation to set up the Legend of the Everfree story-line with three former antagonists she managed to succeed in offering her hoof in friendship and redemption will help serve in Twilight come to terms with her redemption for her actions as Midnight Sparkle.

Getting onto more of the real focus of this episode is Celestia and Luna venturing into Equestria to take a vacation like in cannon courtesy of Celestia's thirst for adventure while ignoring Luna's warning and caution knowing that Midnight will have something to say about it which she does when she sics Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon on them while setting fire to the place around them.

This time around the two sisters were able to take down their evil counterparts and escape but not before Midnight herself effortlessly reminding them again that she is not a mare to be trifled with as she nearly them killed with her machinations along with taking control of all of the world but Mount Aris during the distraction which we will learn more of her increased control of the world in this upcoming chapter.

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