• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,519 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 73: Legend of Everfree Part Three

Chapter 73:

Legend of Everfree Part Three

Later that evening, all of the campers are all making paper lanterns while Celestia, Luna, and Gloriosa watch over to see their ongoing progress.

The Mane Seven minus Applejack who has been sitting with other campers at another table while Human Twilight who was making her lantern separate from the others were all sitting together. They were all currently making lanterns with their cutie marks featured on them.

“Um, Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?” Rarity asked her as she put marshmallows on her lantern.

“Putting marshmallows in my lantern. Then when we light them, mine will be beautiful and delicious!” Pinkie replied wihere she spots Princess Twilight, Tempest, and Starlight sitting at another table.

“What do you think of mine?” Starlight asked the princess holding up her green lantern with purple diamonds similar to her saddle bag.

“Looks, pretty nice.” The princess complimented her as she presented her light blue lantern with a pink cutie mark on it. “Like mine, it looks much like our saddlebags back home. How’s yours, Tempest?” She turned the violet haired girl who created one that is red violet like her mane with aquamarine diamonds drawn on it. “Oh. Not bad.” She complimented as she and Starlight both look particularly impressed with her handiwork.

“Eh.” Tempest thought nothing of it. “Just a lucky for a first timer.” She said as she put the finishing touches on her lantern as she turns her attention to the lone girl with her pet dog. “Although, one of us prefers to sit by herself.”

“I know.” The princess acknowledged as she secretly pulls out her crystal orb so they can secretly hear what her human self is saying to Spike as the others lean in to listen more.

“Hey, Twilight, why aren't you with everyone else?” Spike asked her.

“Sunset said something at camp is causing the other girls to get new magic.” Human Twilight voiced her insecurities as she whispers to Spike. “I think its Midnight Sparkle. She's still part of me. I can feel it. And I think her magic is infecting my friends.”

The three eavesdropping girls have silent disagreements of that theory while sympathizing with her plight.

“What are we gonna do?” Spike asked.

“I don't know what I can do.” Human Twilight returned just when Gloriosa called out to everyone with her princess countperart quickly deactivating her orb to avoid any immediate suspicion and being caught in the act.

“Okay, everyone! It's time to watch your lanterns fly!”

“Hey, cool lantern! Mine's my face!” Timber complimented as he approached the downcast girl while showing her his. One that had his face decorated on it to which Human Twilight laughed nervously in response. “Uh, you okay?” He asked her as she walked ahead still not feeling in the mood.

“Mm-hmm.” She nodded unconvincingly.

“You don't seem like yourself tonight.” Timber noted as they were both the last to join the others lining up towards Celestia as she moved to personally light their lanterns one at a time. Human Twilight briefly smiled at Celestia’s warm gesture when she lit hers.

“Ready? And... go!” Gloriosa instructed everyone who all let go of their lanterns so they could all float into the sky.

Well, all expect for Pinkie’s which was to be expected considering of what she had just used to create it. But on the bright side, she got enjoy a tasty treat before bedtime.

At night, Sunset heard some noises which awaken her as she takes notice of Human Twilight and Spike running off ahead back into the forest. The sudden commotion had her princess counterpart, Tempest, and Starlight emerge from their tents.

“Twilight? Twilight!” She called out to her as she turns to the similarly named princess before quickly pointing to the one she is talking about. “Where is she going?” She wondered as she put on her shoes before they all gave chase.

“Twilight?” Sunset managed to stop her in her tracks just when they all caught up to her appearing on the side of a road with a car standing by for her. “What are you doing out here?”

“We're... we're meeting a cab to take us home.” Human Twilight honestly replied much to Sunset’s confusion.

“She thought you'd talk her out of it.” Spike added in to explain why she did what she did.

“Because I would.” Sunset moved to insist to the troubled girl that she stay. “Twilight, you can't leave.”

But as Sunset touched her arm she felt a surge come into her body as her eyes turned white as she thinks back to when she was around Pinkie and Trixie.

“You don't think it was the spirit, do you?!” Pinkie wondered.

“No, it was me.” Human Twilight said to herself.

“I think it's Midnight Sparkle. She's still part of me. I can feel it. And I think her magic is infecting my friends. “ Human Twilight whispered to Spike.

As soon as Sunset lets go, her eyes stopped glowing while the others watched on in amazement of their most recent discovery.

“Twilight, there's no Midnight Sparkle. There's only you.” Sunset once more moved to assure her only for the former to step back alarmed hearing this.

“How did you know what I was thinking?”

“When I touched your hand, I could see things. I could understand why you were leaving.” Sunset honestly answered as she then smiled at her new discovery. “My new magic...! This is my new magic! This is incredible!” She said in amazement though Human Twilight still felt the need to disagree.

“No, it's not! I'm infecting you now!”

“Twilight, you have to stop looking at this as a bad thing.”

“Easy for you to say. Magic turned you into something beautiful. The last time I tried to use it, it turned me into a monster. I'm just so afraid it's gonna happen again.” Human Twilight further expressed her fears as her princess counterpart and companions watch on with understanding looks at where she is going with this.

Sunset knowing too what it's like moved to speak from her past experience in another effort to comfort the girl. “Yes, last time I turned into something amazing, but I've let magic turn me into a monster, too. So if anyone understands what you're going through, it's me.”

"And me." Princess Twilight immediately said in agreement. "Considering that I used to be her back in the other world. So if anything you're not alone on what's it like to have to overcome being Midnight Sparkle."

"Really?" Human Twilight asked in surprise as her princess counterpart nodded in response.

“We can help you, Twilight. And the rest of our friends can be there for you, too. But not if you run away.” Sunset offered as she urged her one more time to reconsider retreating away from all of this.

After some reluctance on her part, she ended up coming to relent when she turned to face Sunset and the girls with her final decision. “I'll stay. But I still don't think it's a good idea for me to be near the rest of our friends right now. Not until we know why this is happening.”

“Understood.” Sunset accepted that just when they all heard something in the nearby bushes. Both Princess Twilight and Tempest both took fighting stances as they both surrounded the nearby tree. Once they were both in ready position they both leaped up and ambushed their would be attacker...

...which turned out to be just Timber.

“It wasn’t me I swear!” Timber pleaded for mercy before seeing two familiar faces in front of her.

“Timber? I'm so glad it's just you!” Human Twilight said in relief while Sunset crosses her arms suspiciously. “Wait, what are you doing out here?” She wondered as her princess counterpart and friend both let go of him.

“With an axe?” Sunset added very suspicious upon seeing him carry the item in question.

“I was chopping down firewood.” Timber quickly answered as he presented a wagon of chopped firewood.

“In the middle of the night?” Sunset questioned still not convinced that it’s normal.

“Sounds very convincing.” Tempest sarcastically commented with crossed arms and a raised eyebrow as Twilight adopts the same posture equally unconvinced.

“We needed more for tomorrow night's campfire. And if I didn't take care of it tonight, it would be one more thing Gloriosa would add to her list.” Timber explained as he tossed aside the axe in an irritated tone before mimicking his sister. “I've got this!”

Human Twilight chuckled even though the others still aren’t buying it.

“Uh-huh.” The princess said with a very quizzical look on her face.

“What about you five? Why are you hanging out in the woods in the middle of the night?” Timber turned the question right back at them.

“Oh! I was sleepwalking.” Sunset quickly lied on the spot while bringing Human Twilight close to her. “Twilight found me and was bringing me back to camp.”

“Mm-hmm.” Human Twilight immediately agreed.

“And me, Tempest, and Starlight were all out scouting the camp grounds to make sure everything is safe around here.” Princess Twilight added as the others nod in agreement too.

“Come on. I'll walk you guys back.” Timber offered as he began leading the way back to their sleeping grounds. “I'll protect you from Gaea Everfree! Everfree! Everfree!” He then said in a spooky tone of voice.

“Come on. That's obviously just a spooky story you made up to tell around the campfire.” Sunset said with an amused smirk as Princess Twilight, Starlight, and Tempest all chuckle in agreed amusement.

“Oh, no. It's legit. How else would you explain what happened at the docks? And that weird thing where the earth shook?” Timber insisted it’s true. “Come on. I know a shortcut back to the tents.” She offered as she took Human Twilight’s hand as they both walked together leaving the others still not convinced especially after seeing the sparkling magic glitter come out of Timber’s back pockets.

“Legit, huh? I think we just found our "Gaea Everfree".” Sunset told the others of her suspicions as she sprinkled the glitter back onto the ground with a confident smirk.

“But why would he work so hard to make us think she was real?” Spike asked.

“You heard what he said about wishing his sister would sell this camp. If nobody wants to come here because it's home to some angry ancient nature spirit, it sure would help his cause.”

“Would make sense.” Starlight agreed as she thought about it.

“Although…” Tempest added.

“We should tell Twilight.” Spike interrupted as he started to run to catch up with her only to be stopped by Sunset’s voice.

“Not yet. She's obviously going through a lot right now. We should probably be a hundred percent sure before we tell her the guy she likes is a jerk who's trying to run everybody out of camp.” She strongly recommended as she stood up.

“Cause if we don’t, we might as well say goodbye to our friendships with the girls as well.” Princess Twilight added with emphasis.

“Uh-huh!” Spike added in agreement knowing full well why it would be a bad idea otherwise.

“Even though I personally feel we might be looking at this from the wrong angle.” The princess also theorized as Sunset wonders why she would think that.

“Why do you think that?”

“I think that because he’s not the only suspect around here.” She answered. “There’s Gloriosa too, remember.” She reminded her of his sister.

“Right, right.” Sunset replied as she remembered her suspicious behavior too. “Or if Timber is innocent then the camp director is a jerk who is also trying to run everybody out of camp.”

“Which makes it two suspects to keep a close eye on.” Tempest added with a determined expression to get to the bottom of this as much as the others.

The next day, the Mane Five all get to work on repairing the docks again with Starlight supervising upon Princess Twilight’s request while she, Tempest, and Sunset do some investigating.

As Applejack nails down the new boards, Rainbow Dash carries up more for Applejack to use, while Pinkie and Fluttershy tie on new ropes onto the posts, while Rarity is sitting on her chair sewing something up together to which both Starlight and Rainbow took notice of.

“Uh, you gonna give us a hand here, Rarity?” Rainbow asked the self-distracted fashion girl.

“Oh, I'd love to, but I really need to get the stitching on this poncho done if it's going to make it into the camp fashion show. Though at the pace you two are moving, I don't know that the runway will ever be finished.” She said which irritated Applejack once again.

“The dock is our gift to the camp, and it's gonna get finished.” Applejack told Rarity to remind her again of what they are working is meant to be as she focused on nailing down the new boards. “That is, if Rainbow Dash would hurry up and bring me more wood.”

Rainbow however hesitated. “Oh, I can't go any faster! I don't want to end up in the woods again.”

“Don't be silly.”

“Really?” Rainbow responded by putting the boards down on the ground very irritated with her right now.

Seeing this had Applejack sigh as she immediately realized her mistake. “I know I said we should try to forget all about this new magic business, but I can't. What if I hammer the board into splinters?” Applejack likewise confessed his fears as the others voice their concerns too before also realizing she also has no nearby nails to use. “Aw, shoot! I'm all out of nails.”

“Oh, here you go!” Pinkie immediately offered as she tossed them to her.

“Pinkie, no!” The girls all screamed and ducked for cover with Rarity producing her shield to protect Applejack as the box landed in front of her.

“What?” Pinkie questioned with an innocent smile before realizing. “Ohhh, did you think the nails would explode like the sprinkles? Wow! Glad that didn't happen, huh?”

“Sorry, girls. I didn't mean to.” Rarity quickly apologized as she helped both Rainbow and Fluttershy up. “I don't know how to control this.”

“It's okay.” She assured all is forgiven along with Fluttershy.

“Oh, none of us do.”

“Which is why we shouldn't pretend this isn't happening.” Sunset suggested as she approached them.

“Do you have them now, too?” Rainbow asked Sunset.

“It started last night. When I touch people, it's like I can feel what they're feeling and see their memories.” She confirmed just when Pinkie eagerly approached her.

“Oooh, fancy! Try me, try me!” She asked as she forced Sunset’s hand on her forehead causing the amber girl’s eyes to glow white.

Inside Pinkie's mind had the bubbly girl herself walking around a happy candy-like land.

“La-la-la-la. Ooh, taffy!”

When Pinkie let go of her grip on Sunset's hand, the latter's eyes returned to normal.

“That explains so much.” Sunset could only say about the silly girl.


“Girls, we can't just brush these powers aside because it doesn't seem like the ideal time to get them. What if it turns out that they could actually make things better?” Sunset further went on as she suggested them to embrace it before breaking out into a song herself.

“So you have magic

And it's not that great.”

She sang as she touched Pinkie on the shoulder before doing the same to the rest of the Mane Five one by one, Applejack, Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy in that order.

“But when it found you

You know it was fate

And it might seem scary now

But it can be wonderful, too

So how about we embrace the magic

And make the magic part of you?”

She sang as she and Starlight led the other campers in rebuilding the dock.

“You take a little dash of magic

And you let it ignite

Mix things up a little bit

And it might start to go right.”

She sang as Pinkie used her magic to sprinkle holes into the wood to which Rainbow used her super speed to quickly build up a red and gold painted bench with Pinkie helping in paint it. The two high-five each other at a job well done.

In just five seconds flat

How the story has changed

All 'cause now you've embraced the magic

And it just got better in every way.”

She sang as amber magic dust surrounded her.

“I say embrace the magic

No more holding back, just let it out.”

She sang as she released the magic dust out into the open before walking up to the dock.

“If you can take the magic

And learn a little more what it can do

Once the magic is part of you.”

She sang as she hair flowed by the nearby breeze.

“What's standing in your way

That you can't move today?

You've got the strength in you

To make your dreams come true.”

She sang as Flash, Bulk Biceps, and Valhallen struggle to put up one of the posts as they find themselves shocked upon seeing Applejack effortlessly doing the job with one hand while eating an apple like it is no big feat.

“No need to shield yourself

From the magic that can help

Protect from any harm that might come.”

Sunset sang as Rarity while painting a fish-feeder notices Derpy losing her balance on her boat and about to fall in the water before quickly using her newfound magic to save her from falling in.

“So you have magic

And it's not that great

But when it found you

You know it was fate

So if you listen close

You might make a new friend

And together we can make it!”

She sang as she sat beside Fluttershy as a violet-colored bird flies onto her shoulder who sings music into her ear to which the former really appreciated before handling the bird a wreath with flowers on it so she can hang it onto the dock sign.

“I say embrace the magic

No more holding back, just let it out.”

She sang as she helped Fluttershy stand up before walking onto the newly created dock.

“If you can take the magic

And learn a little more what it can do.”

She sang as she and Pinkie embraced each other in a hug with the rest of the Mane Five joining in.

"Once the magic is part of you

Once the magic is part of you

Once the magic is part of you

Once the magic is part of you.”

She finished singing as she overlooked the success she and the others have done with their newly recreated dock.

“Okay, that was pretty awesome!” Rainbow remarked feeling very impressed with her friend’s singing.

“And look what you managed to accomplish!” Sunset pointed out to their success.

“I know for a fact Twilight is going to be very impressed when she hears about this.” Starlight commended her friend.

“Please, please, please can we do a run-through for the fashion show on it right this minute?” Rarity pleaded really eager to do what she wanted.

“Thought you weren't finished with the stitching on your poncho.” Applejack asked with a teasing remark.

“I am now.” Rarity replied as she put on the finishing touches as she turns to her and Starlight who both nod in response.

“Get started without me.” Sunset told them as she ran off ahead. “I've gotta go find both Twilight’s. Seeing what we've been able to do here might make the timid Twilight embrace the new magic, too!” She expressed her newfound hope it might actually work before correcting herself upon realizing she said that part out loud. “Uh, not that she has any.”

Sunset set out to search for Human Twilight before finding herself hearing someone conversing inside the nearby lake house. Princess Twilight quickly pulled Sunset out of sight as she continued to secretly spy on the two arguing siblings inside with Tempest.

“Shh.” Twilight said with a hushed finger before they moved to listen in on the commotion inside.

“I just wish you didn't tell them that ridiculous story!” Gloriosa chastised her brother.

“Ah, this is all too much for you! You have to let it go!” Timber fired back.

“I knew it! He wants her to get rid of the camp!” Sunset came to conclusion of her suspicions of Timber as her other spies give her disagreeing looks. “What?”

“Don’t be so sure, Sunset.” The princess warned her not to get ahead of herself just yet. “We haven’t fully explored Gloriosa from the shadows yet.”

“Right, right.” Sunset quickly said. “Get all of the facts together before jumping to conclusions.”

The door opened as the two sibling angrily stormed out of the lake house.

“You keep an eye on Timber while me and Tempest watch over Gloriosa.” Twilight whispered to her amber-colored friend as she and Tempest took off in Gloriosa’s direction.

As Sunset tried to run off to follow Timber she ended up accidentally bumping into Flash.

“Sunset Shimmer? What were you doing behind that door?”

“What? Um, nothing!” She quickly responded. “I, um, lost an earring.” She then bent over to pick up a rock to strength her cover-up. “Uh, there it is!”

“Hey, listen. I'm glad I ran into you. I really wanted to thank you.” Flash gratefully told her as she put the rock into her pocket.

“For what?”

“For the tough love. Telling me I should get over Twilight. I needed to hear that.”

“Sure, no problem.” Sunset thought nothing of it as she looks to where Timber went off to.

“Is something wrong?”

“What? No. Why?” Sunset insisted otherwise.

“Come on, Sunset.” Flash persisted that she be honest with her here since it is clear she is not completely telling him the truth about her feelings. “We used to date. I know when something's bothering you.”

Sunset decided to relent and concede to his request. “Okay, here's the deal. My friend really likes someone, but I don't think that someone is who she thinks they are. I don't wanna upset my friend by telling her what I think, because I also want to protect her, because if what I think is happening is really happening, then she deserves to know. You know?”

“Nnnno.” Flash replied unsure of what or who she is talking abouty. “But what I do know is that your friend is lucky to have someone like you to look out for them.” He advised the best he could.


“Yeah.” Flash complimented as Sunset dragged her right foot onto the ground. “You know, you've changed a lot since we went out. You're so much... nicer.”

“Thanks. I'm glad you noticed.” Sunset gratefully appreciated the compliment as she casts an aside glance.

“Uh, look, maybe you and me, we could start over as... friends.“ Flash offered as Sunset just noticed Timber disappearing into the woods.

“Uh, uh, sounds great. I gotta go!” Sunset quickly and politely said as she ran off ahead.

“Cool, yeah! I want to start over later, too! Hah.” Flash responded with a forced agreeing tone before kicking a nearby rock in disappointment with her sudden urge to leave.

As Timber goes down the trail path while looking around to make sure no one is following him he is unknowingly followed by Sunset who managed to keep herself just out of his sight as she continues to tail him from a distance before spotting strange magic from a nearby cave.

“Ah, shoot! He's definitely up to something!” Sunset continues to feel her suspicions are correct before resolving to find out the truth in full before taking action as she gives Human Twilight a phone call from her tent.

“It's Sunset. She says to meet her by the rock quarry.” She read from the text she had just gotten.

“I thought we weren't supposed to hike out that far.” Spike questioned.

“She says it's important!” Human Twilight said as she led Spike on over to Sunset’s requested meeting place.

“What is that?” She questioned as she sees the sudden surge of magic before accidentally running face-first into a spider’s web. She ended up shrieking before trying to get it off only to be quickly silenced by her friend expecting her here.

“Shhh!” She quietly told her as she led her and Spike to the source of the strange magic where Princess Twilight and Tempest are secretly spying from inside.

“What's going on down there?” Human Twilight questioned Sunset.

“I think it's Gaea Everfree. Or rather, someone who wants us to think she's back. C'mon!” Sunset instructed Human Twilight and Spike to follow her as Princess Twilight gestures her to come on in. “Whoa...” She marveled at the sight of cave crystals inside as Princess Twilight and Tempest quick hid for cover upon nearly being spotted by someone inside.

“This place is beautiful.” Human Twilight said in amazement.

“There's Equestrian magic here. I can... I can feel it.” Sunset sensed on their surroundings.

“Wait. I thought Timber was just faking there was a magical nature creature. Are you saying its real?” Spike questioned it out loud.

“Timber?” Human Twilight said in shock hearing this. “What does he have to do with any of this?

“Nothing. It's all me.” Gloriosa answered otherwise as she emerged from the shadows with an evil smirk.

“Gloriosa?” Sunset said now feeling shocked by this revelation. “But... Timber. I was sure he was the one trying to make it seem like Gaea Everfree was back. It was you who was trying to scare everyone away?” She voiced her surprise at this discovery.

“I would never try to scare anyone away from Camp Everfree.” Gloriosa insisted otherwise as Sunset grabbed her on the wrist with the latter's eyes turning pure white as she sees a flashback of both Gloriosa and Fility Rich conversing inside the camp office.

“My, oh, my. You fell behind on your payments, Gloriosa. I own the land now.” The businessman smugly taunted as the girl is left begging for mercy.

“Please. My great grandparents founded this place. It's been in our family for generations! You have to let the camp stay!” She pleaded with him.

“Instead of turning it into a spa resort that will line my pockets with more money than this camp ever could?“ Filthy Rich chuckled in amusement at the thought as his stance on the matter refused to change. “I don't think so.”

“Please! I-I-I-I just need a little more time!” She voiced her desperation to him.

“Fine.” Filthy relented as he left the office. “I'll give you 'til the end of the month. Hmph.”

As soon as he left the camp counselor is left breaking down into tears as she is put into a difficult position as she retreated to the woods and nearby stream.

“What'll I do?” She said to herself feeling lost and helpless before seeing sparkling magic above her from the stream’s reflection which flew up into the air and into the cave. She quickly followed it and managed to find the small gems on a pedestal which shocked her upon grabbing most of them. She slipped up her fall was broken by a vine growing from behind.

“Huh?” She said as she studied the gems before taking them back to her office where she showed them to her brother.

“You don't know what those things are!” Timber protested her proposal.

“But I know what they can do!” Gloriosa refused to listen to him. “I've been practicing! I can control their power now!” She said as she made vines grow around them much to her brother’s startling expression.

“You don't know that for sure!” Timber further pleaded with her to reconsider as he turned to walk away from her.

“This is our camp, and it's being taken away!” Gloriosa asserted as she stopped her brother from leaving while he was halfway out the door. “If this has to be our last week here, I'm going to use whatever it takes to make it count!” She angrily vowed as she secretly uses her magic to cause the wreck at the pier by shoving vines at the boat, while using her vine control to create a rock slide and waterfall to put water in the empty river for Trixie and her friend to fish in.

“You were using magic all over the place! I had to tell them something to cover for you! What did you want me to do?!” Timber scolded his sister back in the lake house just recently.

“I just wish you didn't tell them that ridiculous story!” Gloriosa angrily yelled back.

“Ah, this is all too much for you! You have to let it go!” Timber further pleaded with her to stop as Gloriosa in the present frees herself from Sunset’s grip.

“Timber wasn't talking about letting go of the camp. He was talking about you letting go of the magical geodes!” Sunset realized. “All those things you were doing to make this week the best week ever. Every time you used magic to do them, you caused another problem somewhere else!” Sunset further deduced as Gloriosa nervously backs up to the last red and pink geodes right behind her. “Timber was... covering for you!”

“How do you know what I was doing with the geodes? How do you know about the magic?” Gloriosa questioned with equal suspicion.

“I can see things. Feel things. Because I have magic, too. And so does she. And so do our friends.” Sunset confidently answered as Human Twilight steps forward hoping to try reaching out to reason with her heart-to-heart.

“Gloriosa, Timber wasn't wrong. Maybe you should stop using magic. Too much of it can be dangerous if you can't control it.”

“Oh, I got this.” Gloriosa confidently shrugged off their concerns. “And I'm going to use it to save my camp. I just need more power!” She said as she grabbed the last geodes.

“No!” The two cried out in horror as their attempts of reasoning with her fall on deaf ears as they both find themselves ensnared by vines while Gloriosa transforms into a villainous demon with crazy long blue-green hair with a vine green dress with pink flowers on it.

Princess Twilight and Tempest both taking action immediately charge at her with their swords. The demon barely dodged the attacks before quickly slamming them both backwards and hard into the nearby walls. Thankfully, they were both quick to recover and get up.

“Sorry, girls. I know what I need to do. But I feel like we're not on the same page. So...” Gloriosa said as she walks by the two girls struggling under their restraints as she makes her way to the exit.

“Gloriosa!” The girls called out to her to listen to her to no avail since she wasted no time in sealing the caves with large boulders. “No!” Sadly it was all in vain as she walked off back to the camp without second thought. Both Princess Twilight and Tempest both watch on before trying in vain to remove the boulders she had moved into the cave opening trying to figure out how to deal with her while they are all trapped inside.

Back at the docks, Rarity’s fashion runaway is so far going on as planned with everyone all dressing up in dresses and outfits even Applejack who is currently wearing one resembling a fancy red sleeved dress shirt and a blue elegant skirt.

“Where are Twilight and Sunset?” Rarity wondered with a sigh while wearing her divine and fashionable blue dress. “They're missing our dress rehearsal.”

“Uh-uh.” Pinkie who is wearing a pink min-dress with blue leggings and an matching ascot innocently shrugged as she truthfully has no idea where they are.

“I don’t know.” Starlight could only answer as she looked around. “I’m going to go check on them.” She said as she ran off ahead to do so.

“I suppose we can get started without them.” Rarity decided to press forward with it anyways. “Whenever you're ready!” She called out to Vinyl who started playing music fitting for the runaway show as she urged the campers to line up single file as they prepare for their walk. After gently urging Fluttershy who is currently wearing a pink and green dress onto the runway she turned to Applejack who is readjusting the belt on her dress with a look that she is silently growing accustomed to it.

“Hmm. Told you you'd like it.” Rarity told Applejack with a smug “I told you so” look and crossed arms.

“It's alright... I guess.” Applejack admitted. “I do get to keep it after camp though, right?” She hoped as Rarity nodded yes in response as she follows after Applejack onto the runway.

At the same time. Gloriosa floats forward with the vines following after her as she passes by Snips and Snails pumping water into balloons while quickly hiding them upon seeing her although she did care to pay attention to what they are doing.

“She looks... different.” Snails remarked.

“Yeah. She looks... taller.” Snips said in agreement while they both look on clueless as ever.

Back on the docks Rarity overlooks the beginning of the runway which is so far a success.

“This is only a preview. I've got another entire line I'll debut at the real thing.” Rarity said before finding the music playing stopped by an abrupt record scratch. “Why did you stop the…?” She questioned before gasping upon the sight everyone is seeing. Gloriosa approaching the camp in her horrifying transformed appearance. “Oh, my goodness!”

“Attention, campers!” The villainous figure greeted everyone.

“It's Gaea Everfree!” Trixie exclaimed and screamed with a pointed finger in her direction.

“She's real!” Flash said with terrified widen eyes.

“Aah! We're doomed!” Bulk said in a panic just when Timber arrived on the scene.

“Gloriosa?! What are you doing?!” Timber demanded equally horrified at her demonic appearance.

“That’s Gloriosa?” Applejack remarked in shock. “Am I goin' crazy, or are her feet not touchin' the ground?” She asked the others as Pinkie is the first to agree with her.


“I have an announcement to make!” Gloriosa announced to everyone. “Filthy Rich wants this to be the last session of Camp Everfree. But don't worry, I've got this! She roared as she pounced onto the ground causing massive and tall thorns and vines to sprout around the campgrounds which also destroyed the recently created docks with her powers.

“Oh, come on! We literally just finished building that!” Rainbow complained in great dismay.

“I have waited for the day

To send this greedy wolf away.”

Gloriosa sang as she looks on the terrified campers sans Applejack.

“Now the magic is my salvation

Gather close in my protection.”

We... will... stand for Everfree!”

She sang as she pointed to her necklace made of the geodes she took and then embraced herself before raising her arms to sprout bigger and taller vines above her.

“Behold the beauty of nature in all its glory

No need to fear the vultures at the door.”

She sang as she covered the totem pole with vines and thorns before closely approaching one of the campers who quickly run over to Luna for protection.

“Right here you have me to protect you

Within these walls of thorns

Forever free, forevermore!”

She sang as Celestia stood in front of her sister and the other campers just when the vines moved to trap them inside the cabin before turning to her brother who tries to stop it by using an axe in an attempt to cut the vines.

“They have come into our domain

Here to seal our camp in chains

But we have held it for generations

This is just a complication

We... will... stand for Everfree!”

She sang as she stopped her brother’s attempts to put an end to it.

“Trust in me, this is for your own good

Don't be afraid, nature is our friend.”

She sang as the students not trapped inside look on very fearful of their surroundings as she makes a flower grow.

“All of this beauty that surrounds us

Every lovely bloom designed to defend.”

She sang as she turned the flower into more dangerous vines.

“Let them come, just let them try!

I'm not about to say goodbye!

This camp will be here throughout the ages

Written into the history pages.”

She sang as she used her vine growing to create a stair case up onto the sun dial before floating up into the air.

“We... will... stand for Everfree!”

Gloriosa sang as she further accelerates the vine growth as the Mane Five watch on unsure on what to do about it and how to counter this sudden and terrifying threat they are now facing.

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