• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,539 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 18: The Hooffields and McColts

Chapter 18:

The Hooffield and McColts

At the Castle, Twilight is currently in the throne room with multiple books and charts spread out through the room. Everyone one of them contains information of how to deal with potential friendship problems and information on various locations in Equestria. Twilight since being called to Starlight’s village has been creating charts on paper and on a chalkboard just waiting for the Friendship Map to call her on a mission. Something that she had been aching since her reformation to tackle has yet to come as throughout the previous two times she has helped it is either from the sidelines or assisted those who have been actually been called to solve a friendship problem.

The first one where she and her friends went to was in Starlight’s village where she had to help from the sidelines in dealing with Starlight Glimmer when she took her friend’s cutie marks away and trapped them in a house because she was dealing with the beginning of the backlash from her actions as Midnight Sparkle.

The second one was where Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie have been called and all she did was give Gilda advice to give her the push she needs to help her overcome her broken friendship with Rainbow Dash.

The third one was where Applejack and Rarity have been called and while she did figure out the problem herself she just assisted with making costumes and helping with tidying the park enough so it looks decent and giving Coco moral support and the help she deserves.

“For once.” Twilight thought to herself as she drew on the chalkboard. “Will the map finally give me the chance to finally solve a friendship problem I have always dreamed since I became the Princess of Friendship.”

Just as soon as she said it at that moment the Friendship Map had cutie marks appearing over the map one had a small group of butterflies and the other had a pink star with small white stars on it as they floated over to area where mountains are on different parts of Equestria.

“Could it be?” Twilight gasped when she recognized those cutie marks. “Could this finally be happening?” She asked herself in excitement as she looks at her flank which shows that her cutie mark is indeed glowing along with Fluttershy’s confirming to Twilight yes. The map is finally calling her and Fluttershy for their first friendship mission.

“Yes! YES! YES!! YES! YES!! YES! YES!! YES! YES!! YES!!!” Twilight leaped around the room in excitement before quickly gathering her most important books in excitement on the Smokey Mountains, her portfolio, and her friendship guides in order to be one hundred percent prepared for what she is about solve.

She then quickly and secretly pulled her orb out to check up on Fluttershy and fortunately for her she is already on her way as she got the message.

Once Fluttershy got to the castle entrance, Twilight immediately teleported in front of her so she could immediately greet her and share her excitement over their first friendship mission.

"You're here!" Twilight greeted Fluttershy as she grabbed her by the shoulders before magically teleporting them both inside. "Isn't this exciting?!" Twilight spun around, revealing to Fluttershy her glowing and ringing cutie mark as Fluttershy backed up and fell on her flank to avoid getting accidentally tail-slapped.

"Oh! You were called, too!" Fluttershy said as she looks at the glowing cutie mark. "I feel so much better going with a friend."

"I was about to come and get you, but then I got a little distracted." Twilight explained as she opened up the doors that led to the throne room

"Oh." Fluttershy commented in awe at the massive display of books and charts spread around the room.

"Ever since the map called us I’ve been doing a ton of research!" Twilight said as she teleported herself in front of a chalkboard. "Testing out potential friendship problems." She said as she wrote a little something on the chalkboard before teleporting herself back to Fluttershy while levitating a large book. "Diversifying my solution portfolio."

"Ever since the map called us?" Fluttershy asked in surprise. "But that happened five minutes ago."

"I know!" Twilight exclaimed excitedly as she briefly sat in Applejack’s throne. "But I wanna be one hundred percent prepared! I mean, I know we're the Princesses of Friendship and all, but we never know what kind of problem we'll run into. How will we know the right way to solve a specific friendship problem?" She added as she grinned a little.

"Oh, I'm so lucky I'm being sent with you. Speaking of which, where are we going?" Fluttershy said as she was now getting excited to be helping somebody somewhere and more so since she has a friend accompanying her.

"The Smokey Mountains!" Twilight answered as she pointed towards the map to where their cutie marks are floating around on the map.

"Oh, I've never been there before." Fluttershy said as she observed the area on the map.

“Neither have I.” Twilight said as she pulled the only book she could find about the area and levitated the book to Fluttershy with the page showing the image of the place. “And there isn't a lot of information on them. All I could find was this. The Smokey Mountains harbor the most beautiful valley in all of Equestria between its two majestic mountain peaks.”

"That's gorgeous. And where there's nature, there's a ton of animal friends!" Fluttershy said as she clapped her hooves briefly in excitement on meeting new animal friends there.

"I can't wait to get started! I'm a little nervous since that's all we could find. I usually like to be a bit more prepared." Twilight said as she hugged the book.

"You seem pretty prepared to me." Fluttershy told Twilight as she gestured to all the books she had read in order to find the information she was looking for. The pegasus pony then spotted two sets of bags, Fluttershy’s is the green one with the butterfly image and Twilight’s is the light blue one with a pink star on it. "Are those for us?"

"Yep! I've prepared our things.” Twilight replied as she placed the book she was holding in her bag. “Snacks, books, blankets, books."

"You said "books" twice." Fluttershy pointed out.

"There are a lot of books." Twilight answered before handing Fluttershy her saddle bag with her magic as she happily trotted off ahead while Fluttershy was slow to keep up due to not being as strong as Twilight because the weight was heavier than she expected.

They didn't know what adventures awaited them there, but one thing was certain, whatever it was and no matter what, they would solve it together.

“What do ya think our friendship problem's gonna be?” Twilight asked Fluttershy as they exited the castle.

“I don't know.” Fluttershy replied as she struggled to carry her saddle bag. “But I'm sure we'll figure it out.” She assured her as she slowly made her way to the hot air balloon she and Twilight are taking over there.

“Do you think it'll be a problem about lying?” Twilight asked Fluttershy as she caught up to her while she was getting their ride ready.

“I'm sure we'll find out when we get there.” Fluttershy replied as she finally placed her heavy saddle bag in the hot air balloon.

“You're right.” Twilight agreed as she untied the final rope holding down the hot air balloon allowing the two ponies to fly off to their destination.

“Ooh! Could it be about when two friends just randomly decide to do something together, but they forget to invite the third friend, and the third friend feels left out?” Twilight asked one of the many guesses she thinks their friendship is going to be on the way.

“Or where one friend tells another friend's secret after they asked them not to?” Twilight asked again just as Fluttershy was securing their ride to a rock while she starts off ahead looking at her map.

“We'll know very, very soon. Since we're almost there.” Fluttershy again replied as she struggled to fly and keep up with Twilight with her heavy saddle-bag in tow.

Once the two-winged ponies were in flight, Twilight put her map away once she is certain where to go from here as she sees Fluttershy struggling with her heavy saddle bag.

“Here. Lemme get that.” Twilight offered as she used her magic to levitate their bags from their backs.

“Thank you.” Fluttershy said in relief having the heavy burden released from her shoulders.

“Sorry I've been a little skiddly-bopty-boo. I just can't believe this is finally happening!” Twilight apologized in the mist of her excitement.

Both Twilight and Fluttershy were then suddenly caught off-guard when they saw a pumpkin plow through their bags. Twilight was able to use her magic to pull Fluttershy’s out of harm’s way while grabbing ahold of friendship portfolio. The two then find themselves being nearly pelted by pumpkins thrown from canons from the nearby. They had reached the Smokey Mountains and while the location was just as described it didn't look identical to the picture as the place looked like it was neglected and unmaintained for quite a while.

"Whoa!" The two winged ponies exclaimed as they maneuvered out of the way from another incoming pumpkin.

"What in Equestria is happening?" Twilight asked in confusion at what they are seeing as they dodge another pumpkin.

"It's nothing like your book said it would be!" Fluttershy said as sees what is going on around them.

"Oh, boy. I'm feeling very unprepared. Where do we even start?" Twilight said in dismay as they dodge another pumpkin.

"Maybe by figuring out where the flying pumpkins are coming from?" Fluttershy suggested as they pointed to hill where pumpkins are growing.

The two flew down to said hill where they see an elderly pony watching over two ponies who are preparing a canon so they can fire another pumpkin at the over hill.

“Ready... Aim... Fire!” The elderly pony commanded as one pony finished stuffing the next pumpkin inside the cannon while the other is ready to launch it by holding the string to activate the cannon with his teeth once she gave the command the pony loading the cannon immediately ran out of the way as the other pony pulled the string to fire the cannon sending the pumpkin flying and crashing somewhere on the top of the hill.

“Um, hi. Hello. Excuse us, but what are you doing?” Twilight politely greeted the pony.

“We're pumpkinin' our neighbors!” The elderly pony answered as she gestured a hoof in the other hill’s direction leaving Twilight and Fluttershy confused of why they are doing it.

“Yes, but, um, why are you... "pumpkinin" your neighbors?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, because the McColts are just plain rotten.” She bitterly asked before turning to them suspiciously. “Hey, wait a tick. Who are you two?! You're not spies for the McColts, are ya?”

“I am Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship. And I am here to solve your friendship problem. “ Twilight introduced herself in a positive and upbeat tone.

“I'm Fluttershy, and... um... I'm here, too.” Fluttershy shyly introduced as she looked aside.

“Ma Hooffield. Pleased to meet ya, but you're wastin' your time.” The elderly mare introduced herself as she shook Twilight’s hoof. “We don't have a friendship problem. We have... a McColt problem.”

“And there's absolutely no friendship there.” The elderly pony who loaded the canon added as he turned his attention back to getting more ammo.

Twilight then levitated her friendship portfolio to a certain page with confidence that she can solve this no problem.

“Well, maybe there could be if we figure out what the McColts did to make you so mad.” Twilight offered to the cranky pony.

“Oh, they done so many things. Why, just today, they shot pebbles at our farmhouse an' wrecked it.” Ma Hooffield pointed to the wrecked house two ponies are sadly overlooking. “See, we're not very good at buildin', so all it took was a little pebble. But still!”

As Twilight pulled up her friendship portfolio again as she figures out a way to approach this, Fluttershy notices some innocent mice squeaking as a pony places the pumpkin they were eating inside from being placed into the cannon.

“Oh, no!” Fluttershy exclaimed in horror as she quickly came to their rescue by pulling the pumpkin before it could be launched.

As Twilight reads her portfolio, Ma Hooffield read over her shoulder curious to what Twilight has in mind.

“I know what to do.” Twilight spoke up once she has an idea. “We're gonna talk with these McColts and hear their side of the story. Once we have all the facts, we can put an end to this using reason and rationale.” She offered to Ma Hooffield.

“Good plan.” Fluttershy complimented her approach as she sees the mice get out of their pumpkin home so they can thank her for saving them. “That's why she's the princess.” She told her new critter friends

“In the meantime, could you please call off the pumpkining?” Twilight politely and kindly asked Ma Hooffield a favor.

“Oh, alright.” Ma Hooffield reluctantly obliged to her request.

“Thanks.” Twilight thanked her before turning to Fluttershy as she sets off to do so. “C'mon, Fluttershy.”

With a temporary stand-down in place the two fly off so they can talk to the other party on the other hill. Once they arrived at the gate Twilight lightly knocked on the gate to get their attention.

"State your business!” A voice called out from above the fence of the compound wooden home as a female pony appeared from above alongside the male pony.

"Don't even bother." She told them as she looks at both ponies suspiciously. "They're probably spies for the Hooffields."

The male pony inspected the visitors with his suspicious look turning into a more surprised look as she gets a good look at them more specifically Twilight.

“Hey, wait! You're an Alicorn! I thought just the three princesses were Alicorns?”

“There are four Alicorn princesses in Equestria now.” Twilight pointed out as she introduced herself. “I am Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship.”

“And I'm Fluttershy.” Fluttershy softly introduced.

“We have a new princess? When did that happen?” The male pony asked in disbelief. “A-A-And how did the Hooffields come by a princess spy?”

“We are not spies!” Twilight honestly replied to the accusation as she turns to Fluttershy wondering what their deal is. Sure maybe something when she was a villain, but not anymore. “Why does everypony assume we're spies?” She whispered her question as the gates opened up just as soon as she finished whispering.

"Because we don't get a lot of visitors.” A voice answered Twilight’s question as the pony in question is a short pony with a tall hat and a dark beard. “I'm Big Daddy Guan, but folks just call me Big Daddy. You caught us at a weird time. We're in the middle of a giant feud with our... Terrible neighbors!" He shouted out to the opposite home on the opposite hill with his voice echoing in the distance to make his hatred towards them perfectly clear which lead to the house falling apart from the vibrations the voice left behind.

"Well, actually, that's why we're here – to solve your problem with the Hooffields." Twilight happily explained and told Big Daddy as he prepared to head back inside.

"So you're here to help us get rid of 'em." Big Daddy quickly assumed and concluded with a small group of ponies giving them a round of applause, whopping and hollering from the rest of the Guan family clan.

"No! That's not what I meant at all!" Twilight corrected, trying to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Well, if you ain't fer us, you're agin' us." Big Daddy said as he narrowed his eyes at the two not liking what she had to say leaving the visitors taken aback by his threatening tone of voice.

“We are not on anybody's side.” Twilight assertively and kindly tried to play it cool and neutral as possible as Fluttershy nervously smiles in agreement at the group of glaring ponies. “We're here to help you become friends again."

"Well, that's gon' be hard. I don't believe we've ever been friends with the Hooffields!" Big Daddy replied with a venomous tone when he said the last word with as much grudging hatred as possible.

"But you could be!" Twilight tried to appeal to them. "They're just really upset you ruined their farmhouse."

“Wait a hog-wogglin' minute!” Big Daddy snapped at Twilight in response causing Fluttershy to turn aside taken aback by his response. “We only did that because the Hooffields pulled the pin out of our wagon wheel!” He continued to venomously retort as he gestured to wagon holding pumpkins missing a wheel which is supported up by a stick which falls down causing the wagon to fall on its side and spill some of the vegetables over. “A whole week's worth of food rollin' down the mountain. Us McColts are mighty fine builders, but we don't know the first thing about farmin'.” He further explained as he briefly took off his hat as the other McColts nod in agreement. “We have to travel a ways away to buy our food. Now, we'll be stuck eatin' the pumpkins the Hooffields launched at us. “ He said as he looks over one of the smashed pumpkins courtesy of the Hooffields. “Pumpkin bread, pumpkin soup, pumpkin paella, pumpkin cheese, pumpkin pie, pumpkin frittatas...” He further explained as he mispronounced quesadillas and thought to himself for a moment. “Actually, that all sounds pretty good. But it'll get old!” He exclaimed to Twilight and Fluttershy with a raised hoof to make his point as Twilight pulls out her portfolio again for another approach while Fluttershy looks around as the McColts as they gathered up all of the squashed pumpkin remains the Hooffields had thrown at them by placing them into bags, barrels, and cauldrons to make the pumpkin soup just like Big Daddy said.

Fluttershy then notices a squirrel eyeing and licking her lips for a piece of pumpkin that fell from the bag one of the McColts dropped on the table. But before the squirrel could grab, it one the McColts swept it up leaving the poor squirrel upset and deprived of food. Fortunately for the critter, Fluttershy quickly grabbed ahold of another piece of pumpkin and handed it to the squirrel who smiles at her for the kind gesture.

"Have you tried meeting at a neutral location, talking about your problems, and really listening to each other?" Twilight suggested.

"What?! No! They'd sooner launch their dinners at us than listen to us." Big Daddy immediately rejected the idea as he climbed up to the top of the fence and pointed to the Hooffields home.

"Well, they'll listen to me. I'm an impartial third party." Twilight replied with great certainty that they listen to her as she flies up in the air in between the two mountains. Once she was right in between the two party’s homes she uses magic to have a spark go into her throat she can address everypony with an amplified voice like speaking through a microphone.

"Attention, Hooffields and McColts! I'm not on anybody's side, but I can see you're both wasting time and resources on being mean to each other. But me and my friends are here to help, so until we can resolve whatever bad blood has come between you two let us cease this senseless fighting for the time being so we can all move on to a better future as true neighbors. Thank you for your cooperation!"

With her speech said and done Twilight flew back over to Fluttershy, feeling satisfied at a job well done. "There at should do it. Ready to go home Fluttershy?"

“I'd love to.” Fluttershy optimistically replied as she looked at her cutie mark feeling something’s not right. “But if we solved the problem already, shouldn't our cutie marks be glowing again?” She pointed out to her friend.

“Oh, yeah. They should be glowing any minute now...” Twilight reassured as she looked at her cutie mark waiting for it to happen. Several seconds passed yet nothing happened. At that’s when a tomato landed on her flank much to her surprise. She then turned back to see that the Hooffields aren’t listening to reasons as she finds herself about to be bombarded by a horde of tomatoes.

"Or not…" Twilight said in dismay as she and everypony find themselves running for cover from the assault.

While the McColts ran around looking for cover, Twilight and Fluttershy found nearby cover in a nearby shed filled with watermelons. Once they were inside, Twilight immediately shook off the splattered tomatoes that landed on her before pulling out her portfolio again.

"So much for potential friendship solution number twenty-eight." Twilight disappointingly said as she pulled said page apart a page from her portfolio and destroyed it with her magic.

"I guess we should find out why the Hans are launching tomatoes now." Fluttershy suggested to which they both acted on that suggestion as they both flew back over to the McColts to where they have set up slingshots on the group so they could launch the tomatoes.

"One at a time, Greenhoof." Ma Hooffield instructed her just as about she was about ready to launch three at once. "If you smoosh them tomaters in the slingshot, they won't break on the McColts."

"What are you doing?" Twilight asked her once she and Fluttershy landed in front of the elderly pony sounding somewhat upset by this. "I asked you to stop fighting."

“Oh, is that what you were hollerin' about?” Ma Hoofield replied in surprise at the realization she misinterpreted what Twilight was asking of them. “We thought the McColts rubbed ya the wrong way. So we tomatered them for ya. My mistake." Ma Hooffield answered as she tossed aside one of the tomatoes she had ready for the McColts and then called out to the rest of her family to call off their attack. "Stop the tomater slingshots!"

Her family obeyed her command and for a moment things have quieted down. But that didn't last long. The three girls heard the sound of something flying throughout the air. Their eyes widened when they saw it was bales of hay hurling right at them with one bale landing on top of Greenhoof and the other landing on Twilight and Fluttershy.

“Reload the tomater slingshots! We're gonna paint their mountaintop red!” Ma Hooffield commanded to her family as they immediately start firing more tomatoes back at the McColts.

"Well, that plan didn't work. I was so sure it would." Twilight said displeased with the result. “If only the Hooffields hadn’t launched the tomatoes then my speech probably would have worked.” She said as she pulled out her friendship portfolio again looking for another idea that could potentially work.

During the chaos, Fluttershy spotted a poor tortoise trying to stay clear of the incoming hay bales, but his slow movements left him vulnerable and unable to move himself out of harm’s way, especially not the fast moving McColts who just ran by causing it to fall on his back leaving him unable to get himself back up again. Fluttershy gasped and quickly picked him up.

"It was a good plan." Fluttershy assured Twilight it wasn’t a bad approach while lifting up a bush for the tortoise to hide under. "We need to think of another one. And soon. This fight is really affecting the animals around here." she said as she gently shoved him into his new hiding place seeing that he is not moving fast enough to get under the bush in time before being struck by the relentless produce pelting.

“Not to worry. I'll just, uh...” Twilight assured her she still has more ideas up her hooves but paused for a moment as she filled through the pages before speaking up of another idea. “...find the root of the problem and work from there.”

As the war brewed, Ma Hooffield readied another tomato to launch from her sling shot when Twilight and Fluttershy approached from behind.

“Pardon us, Ma, but do you remember what started this whole feud in the first place?” Twilight politely asked her.

“They know what they did.” Ma Hooffield simply answered with brewing fury in her tone.

"They know what they did!" Big Daddy told Twilight in Fluttershy in the same tone when they came back to him for answers to which neither pony found helpful.

"I'm starting to think neither of you know what either of you have done." Twilight said annoyed by this feud not being very helpful with anything to go on solving their problems.

"Sure, we do. Them Hooffields did us a grave injustice some time ago for some reason." Big Daddy retorted as he looked in the Hooffields home from its opposite mountain again.

"Hear, hear!" the entire McColt family cheered in agreement as Twilight pulled out her portfolio again for another approach.

"Okay, backup plan to the backup plan. Maybe we can find some common ground that you can bond over. What do you do when you're not fighting?" Twilight again suggested and asked for something to go on about to resolve the matter.

"That's easy. Gettin' ready to fight." Big Daddy simply responded with a raised hoof.

"What do you hope to get out of fighting?" Fluttershy asked Ma Hooffield who assisted her relatives in shooting watermelons at the McColts, while she looked over Twilight’s portfolio and taking a turn asking a question.

"The satisfaction of winnin'!" She replied as one of the Hooffields launched a watermelon.

"Of winning what?" Twilight asked Big Daddy, while he hammered a nail into a piece of wood with his hoof as she took notes.

"The fight, of course! To prove our family is the best!" Big Daddy answered as he turned to face them.

"The best at what?" Fluttershy asked Ma Hooffield as she dropped off more tomatoes for her family to launch at the McColts while Twilight looked over her notes and portfolio.

"Winnin'! Haven't you been listenin'?!" Ma Hooffield simply replied as she turned back to get more ammo.

By this point, Twilight had an assortment of paper notes floating around her, from taking in each and every new detail they could learn about the Hooffields and McColts, but so far they found nothing of any real use from what they told her.

"So the only thing they have in common is that they both want to win a fight, and neither of them know what it's over. How can we end this feud if we don't know what it's about?" Twilight said as she sunk her head down into the ground dropping all of her research in the process.

Fluttershy thought for a moment and then spoke up when she got an idea of her own.

“Ooh! Maybe somepony just needs to say they're sorry.“ Fluttershy offered to Twillight who perk her head up hearing that suggestion.

“That's a good idea.” Twilight happily agreed to the idea. “And friendship solution number forty-eight. But we can move it up.”

Twilight and Fluttershy then tried that approach and to their surprise it seems like the Hooffields are agreeing to it. While Fluttershy seemed to find it great, Twilight from past experience is very suspicious.

When the Hooffields presented the two a huge and tall carrot cake, Twilight acted on her suspicions.

“Hold up.” Twilight stopped them with a raised hoof as she flew up to the top of the cake. “What’s really inside of the cake?” She sternly asked Ma Hooffield of what tricks she has up her hooves deep beneath her peace gesture.

“Nothing.” Ma Hooffield insisted on her innocent reply as she gestured to the cake. “It’s just our offer of forgiveness to the McColts.”

“Uh-huh.” Twilight answered still not buying it as she used her magic to pull three ponies hiding inside the cake. “That’s really convincing, only not so really for me.” She commented sarcastically as placed the Hooffields back onto the ground sounding disappointed in them for what they were about to do.

“Well, did you actually expect we apologize to them when we’ve done nothing wrong?” Ma Hooffield scoffed that Twilight was actually serious about them actually apologizing to them before realizing she meant it. “And how did figure it out on your own?”

“Yes I did!” Twilight honestly responded. “And for somepony who used to be the enemy in the past, I’ve been there before and I can spot out a trick when I see it.”

“Well you got us there.” Ma Hooffield feigned defeat at their ruse being exposed. “Guess there’s only one thing do to at this point.”

“By making them an actual apology cake?” Fluttershy hopefully asked.

“No.” Ma Hooffield replied as she ordered the three ponies to place the cake onto multiple slingshots. “Launch it!” She commanded them as they got back inside of it.

“What are doing?!” Twilight asked them in horrific shock as the cake is launched into the McColts home.

“Declaring war that’s what we’re doing.” Ma Hooffield told her as she and others ran off into the distance towards the McColts home carrying garden tools as weapons.

Big Daddy sees the three ponies flying towards them ready to attack as they but fortunately for him he had a net trap ready to use on them quickly ensnaring the three Hooffield ponies.

“McColts! Assume Delta Force formation!” Big Daddy commanded the McColts to attack as he led the charge driving Ma Hooffield just when she reached the gate.

“Yah!” The McColts yelled as they charged towards the Hooffields.

“Ready... aim... fire!” Ma Hooffield commanded her family as she ran back to her territory.

On her command the Hooffields launched watermelons, carrots, and cupcakes at the charging McColts who quickly shielded themselves with wooden shields that just happened to have on hoof with them except for a tall and muscular stallion who got pelted with cupcakes.

Just as she motioned some of the Hooffields to carry out their attack on the McColts, Twilight landed in front of her.

“Ma Hooffield? Why in the name of Equestria are you doing this?” Twilight demanded to know why they are still at each other’s throats.

“What does it matter?” Ma Hooffield shrugged off Twilight’s attempt to reason with her. “We ain’t done nothing wrong.” She yelled at Big Daddy defiantly.

“What're you talkin' about?! You done so many things wrong!” Big Daddy yelled back just as defiant as her.

“Not as many as you!” Ma Hoofield yelled back right in his face as they growled with such intense hatred before they decked it out hoof to hoof leaving both Twilight and Fluttershy dismayed as the watch the brew appear right before their very eyes.

During the midst of the chaos, Fluttershy swooped in and quickly saved the little critters caught in the crossfire from being squashed before turning her attention to two fighting ponies about ready to tear each other apart.

“Um, if you could just not yell so much or maybe stop saying words altogether...” Fluttershy kindly tried to get them to back off only for it fall on deaf ears as they proceed to lay a beat-down on each other by punching each other and pulling each other’s manes leaving Fluttershy to quickly crawl away to avoid being caught in the crossfire too just avoiding carrots that landed in front of her.

“Twilight?!” Fluttershy called out to her wondering where she is before spotted her sadly walking off.

She caught up to her as she sat down in an open area and pulled out of few pages from her portfolio and then crumbled and zapped them away with her magic before sighing in defeat.

“Um, Twilight? We should probably get back there. I mean, if you need a break, that's fine, but I really can't do this without you.” Fluttershy tried to urge Twilight to help her only for Twilight to reject with another defeated sigh.

“I don't know if we can do this at all. Even if I make things right, they're just gonna fight again.” Twilight sadly replied seeing that this is just going to continue to the bitter end not seeing if it is possible to solve this. “The first friendship problem I get summoned to and get to solve and I am so far failing at it. I am certainly living up to my title as Princess of Friendship.”

Before Fluttershy could try to encourage her not give up hope her attention is drawn to critters squeaking from the nearby bushes. She went to the bush looked under the bush to see a mouse, chipmunk, and squirrel hiding from the brewing war.

“Hey, little fellas. Oh, that's okay, you can come out.” Fluttershy assured them it’s safe as they emerged and came out to greet her along with a group of other nearby critters as they all embrace her.

Both she and Twilight then heard a noise which caught their surprise.

“What was that?” Twilight asked as she briefly snapped out of her depression.

They looked down at the critters and saw that the noise is coming from their grumbling stomachs. The poor critters are suffering from hunger.

“Oh, you poor things! There isn't enough food here for you!” Fluttershy exclaimed in sadness and sympathy for their plight as they cuddle around her for comfort. “Oh, brrr, and you're freezing! I'm gonna take you all home with me and get you all hot cocoas. How do you feel about book clubs?”

“I don't get it. This was supposed to be the most beautiful valley in all of Equestria. What happened?” Twilight wondered how the place could have turned from one of the best to one of the worst as a squirrel climbed onto her back and chattered something into her ear.

“What's that?” Fluttershy asked the squirrel as he continued to speak to her in her ear. “Oh! Uh-huh... Twilight!” She called out to her. “They know what happened here!”

“What?” Twilight asked in surprise. “How?”

The critters continued to explain the story to Fluttershy who listens intently while Twilight watches her reaction as she joins her.

“Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Wow! Really? Goodness?! Oh my goodness?!” Fluttershy reacted as the critters tell her the story as she turned to Twilight to whisper it all back to her who reacted the same way Fluttershy did. “I think we might have the solution to our problem. But I am going to need your help in getting their attention.”

“Are sure this will work?” Twilight asked with uncertainty as she looked aside. “What if they just continue fighting again even after they hear the story?”

“I’m sure they will once they open up their eyes to see what their senseless fighting is hurting those around them.” Fluttershy assured as she placed a hoof on her back. “After all a wise princess came to see that not long ago after saving Equestria and knows not to give up even when thing are looking bleak.”

Twilight then smiled as she regained her confidence ready to try again with this new approach.

“All right! Here’s what we’re going to do!” Twilight said as she prepares to tell them her plan. “I’ll try one more time to get them stop and if that doesn’t work I’ll freeze them with my magic and when the fighting has completely stopped you tell them what happened.”

“That’s the spirit, Twilight!” Fluttershy encouraged her as she bumped her hoof into Twilight’s arm and then retracted it and rubbed it in pain. “Oh, gee, Twilight, you’re strong.”

“A lot of training in magic and combat does the trick even when you’re scheming to take over Equestria.” Twilight replied with a embarrassed giggle seeing Fluttershy accidentally bruised her own hoof bumping one of Twilight’s muscular arms. “Let’s go!” She said as she flew back over where the Hooffields and McColts are fighting.

Twilight flying back over the destroyed forest spotted the two families battling it out. While horrified at the devastation going on, she was now determined to put an end to this.

"Stop! You have to listen to me!" she shouted one last time to get them listen to reason to no avail as she hit in the face by a cupcake. And that is where Twilight decided she’s had enough of this as she readies her horn to do her spell.

"Everybody freeze!" She yelled out as she cast her spell.

Her voice echoed across from across the entire area as a powerful beam of magic emerged from her horn, expanding into a giant glowing spear before vanishing in the blink of an eye. Once the light had disappeared, both families found themselves frozen in place. Their bodies surrounded by Twilight’s magic while their eyes kept on moving, as well as their facial expressions. Each one remained in their frozen position while Twilight slowly lowered down as she calmly concentrated on her magic. While freezing ponies is very powerful and hard, it isn’t much difficulty for Twilight as she manages to keep her horn and spell going no problem.

“Okay , Fluttershy, your turn.” Twilight told her as she took in deep breaths.

Fluttershy emerged from her nearby hiding spot from the bushes and then flew up so she can address the ponies on the battle field.

"Before you keep fighting, there is something you should know!" with the squirrel on her shoulder as she hovers over to tell the story of how it all came to this.

"Grub Hooffield and Piles McColt. When they found the valley between the Smokey Mountains, they knew it was something special. So they made a promise to each other to protect and preserve the valley for all its adorable furry inhabitants. But they disagreed on how to go about it. Grub wanted to start by planting crops so that everypony would have something to eat. But Piles thought it would be better to start by building a shelter to protect them against the cold and wind. The two ponies were unable to come to an understanding, so Piles went ahead and built a shelter anyway, exactly where Grub was gonna start his farm! Grub was upset, so he tore down Piles' shelter so he could plant his crops! They kept fighting back and forth, until it turned into a feud! The valley suffered from the constant destruction, until finally the Hooffields and McColts moved to separate mountains. Even then, the valley and all the animals in it continued to be caught in the crossfire. You see? By fighting, you're destroying the very thing that brought you here in the first place!” She explained to them as she flew back down to the ground. “So it's time you both put your differences aside and come together! If not for yourselves, then for the sake of these cute and cuddly guys!”

Once the story came to an end, both families fell into silence and finally took a moment to look around them to see what their senseless feud has caused.

“Aw, shucks, we never meant to hurt you little critters.” Big Daddy apologized to the critters with great remorse.

“Yeah, we're sorry!” Ma Hooffield apologized in the same tone.

The squirrel then chattered something into Fluttershy’s ear so she can tell them of their response.

“They say they accept your apology.” Fluttershy told the two family leaders.

"Uh, princess? You can unfreeze us now." Big Daddy told Twilight who was currently reading her portfolio while sitting on a chair cross-legged.

“Huh?” Twilight said in response to someone calling for her. "Oh, right!" She said as she snapped to attention and cancelled out her spell to unfreeze everypony as she made her chair disappear in a flash and got up on her hooves. Once every pony was free from the spell they all let go of each other.

“Ma Hooffield? We promise we won't fight you no more.” Big Daddy humbly vowed their new truce to her family.

"Us too, except we promise not to fight you. I suppose it doesn't matter who's right. We're both wrong." Ma Hooffield replied while feeling ashamed of herself.

"That's one thing we can agree on.” Big Daddy as they spit on their hooves and shove hoofs together with them.

The critters all chattered in excitement to see the two families are now at peace once again as Fluttershy looks on proudly while Twilight teleports herself in front of the two leaders.

“This is wonderful! I am so proud of you two!” Twilight commended them for their change of heart.

“Aw, thanks, princess.” Ma Hooffield thanked her for the compliment. “Though I would just like to point out that I was the, uh, first to admit I was wrong.” She then proudly and smugly added.

“That may be, but I promised not to fight first. That counts for more!” Big Daddy pointed with their feud sparking up again.

“Oh, yeah?!” Ma Hooffield glared at Big Daddy as got in her face again.

Just before they would go at it again, the creatures all started to chatter angrily at them to get them stop reigniting the feud all over again for petty reasons with Twilight and Fluttershy glaring at the two very disapproving at them to warn them against it after all of what they just did to get them to this point.

"Oh, all right. We don't have to speak animal to know what y'all are sayin'.“ Ma Hoofield immediately dropped the matter for good. “Truce?" She told Big Daddy with a smile.

"Truce." Big Daddy also said with a smile as Twilight and Fluttershy smile at each other seeing they have succeeded in restoring peace to the two families and homes.

Shortly after the truce has been made peace and beauty managed its way back into the Smokey Mountains. The McColts are starting construction to create stronger and even better houses than the ones the Hooffields used to have New gardens were made, new crops were planted, the trees started growing back, the water from the streams were now clean and fresh, flowers were blooming and even they even constructed a new fountain in the middle of the pond with two statues, in honor of the two ponies who founded this place, both shaking hoofs. Grub Hooffield’s statue was a bush while Piles McColt statue was made out of cement as a reminder that while they are good at different things, they work out much better when they work together.

“Woo-hoo! Ain't that a pretty sight?” Big Daddy cheered at the sight of their new fountain with Ma Hooffield, Twilight, and Fluttershy overseeing the progress of re-flourishing mountains.

“Sure is!” Ma Hooffield agreed with Big Daddy again. “The McColts are gonna help us rebuild our homes! Good ones this time.”

“And the Hooffields are gonna help us grow some crops!” Big Daddy vowed along with Ma Hooffield.

“Not pumpkins.” The muscular stallion briefly popped his head into the conversation.

“Thanks for teachin' us that friendship is so much better than winnin' a silly argument.” Ma Hoofield thanked the two ponies for their help as they walked off ahead.

Twilight and Flutterhsy as they see the two leaders off sense and see that their cutie marks are glowing to let them know that their mission is a success.

"Yay! I told you we'd figure it out." Fluttershy said after she cheered at their success.

"We did, and we didn't need my friendship portfolio to do it." Twilight said as she held up her friendship portfolio with her magic before making it disappear. "We just needed each other."

The two girls celebrated with a hug, not only happy that they solved the problem, but they also solved it together which proved crucial in helping fix the friendship problem for the Hooffields and McColts.

“Thanks for not giving up on me.” Twilight thanked Fluttershy. “Because if it weren’t for you I would have gave up and left home failing at rekindling friendship.”

“Well, if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have the courage to keep on trying much like trying to hope you would eventually come to your senses when you became Midnight.” Fluttershy thanked Twilight in return as they continued hugging each other.

"So, what do you think will happen next?" Twilight asked Fluttershy once the hug ended and she levitated their respected saddlebags "We've all been called by the map now."

Fluttershy strained when her saddlebag was mounted onto her back, "Oof! I'm sure we'll find out when we get home…"

Seeing her struggle and remembering that when they got here, Twilight levitated her saddle-bag off of her back and onto her own back so she doesn’t force Fluttershy to carry the heavy burden again.

“Sorry about that. I’ll get both bags.” Twilight apologized again. “If you want I’m more than happy help you build more muscle. I’m sure you could use it” She offered as they continued to make their way back home.

“That’s very kind of you to offer Twilight but really I’m fine.” Fluttershy kindly appreciated the offer while trying to politely decline it but Twilight wouldn’t have it.

“I insist. You helped me, so now I owe you.”

“Well, okay.” Fluttershy relented but smiles as she is looking more open to the idea. ”Actually, I think that would be nice even though I’m not quite as strong as you.”

“I’m sure we can make some progress when we get back.” Twilight told her as she starts to think and wonder what the next potential friendship problem is. "What if it summons all of us to another place? Or another pony we weren't expecting? What if it wants us to solve other kinds of problems, like quantum physics, or why the apple doesn't fall far from the tree?"

Now that Twilight has finally completed her first friendship mission with Fluttershy, Twilight herself is now feeling pleased that she has finally managed to help spread friendship herself to ponies who really needed it and that she has taken another step towards her redemption now that she is certainly feeling that everything will be fine going forward.

Unbeknownst to the two ponies the mist of dark magic hovering from the nearby bushes is watching Twilight and Fluttershy walk off before disappearing into nearby bushes so it can disappear without being spotted.

Back at Ponyville at night, Starlight views Twilight’s castle from her balcony with her determined and devious smirk as she is about ready to enact her plan of vengeance against the Princess of Friendship.

Author's Note:

So we have here Twilight finally being summoned along with Fluttershy on their first friendship mission which is something that Twilight has been waiting most of Season 5 for.

It plays out mostly like in canon with the only differences are that Twilight is much more stronger at her freezing spell and is quick to see through the apology cake and ambush they were going to give to the McColts.

In this chapter, while Twilight was feeling down at the seemingly unstoppable civil war, Fluttershy gives her the encouragement she needs to her to continue to press forward to come up with the plan so they can put an end to it and solve their first friendship problem.

Now that she is successfully completed her first friendship mission she now feels lie things are going to be fine going forward unaware of what Starlight has in mind for her as well as the mist of dark magic floating around with who knows of what it is up too and when it will make it's move.

Next up is one more Starlight chapter as she gathers one more thing needed in order to enact her endgame against Twilight before we get into the Season 5 finale "The Cutie Re-Mark."

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