• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,521 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 68: Truth and Consequences

Chapter 68:

Truth and Consequences

The ship approaches the docks at Mount Aris at the bottom of the hill. Once the ship has landed everyone got off board as they carried their belongings off of the ship with the crew’s help and under Twilight’s leadership in managing the whole process went smoothly.

Of course no one had the time or courage to tell Twilight that she is slipping back into her old ways since Twilight is so busy managing the whole process which earned some suspicious looks from the alicorn herself along with wondering what Starlight, Sunset, and Tempest all wanted to tell her before being constantly interrupted. But since she was so busy focusing on seeking to take down Midnight and her army in order to take back Equestria she didn’t allow herself time to pursue the matter which further strengthen her slippage into her old self and the other worries as some were still horrified by Twilight’s act of taking down and killing off an entire crew of pirates trying to invade their ride and treasures.

Sure, none of the pirates especially Capper’s former friend were redeeming or even remotely sympathetic after he double-crossed Capper without second thought but deep down that was just too much for Twilight to be willing to go that far to do that without second thought.

“That’s everything.” Captain Celeano told Twilight with a salute as Boyle handed her suitcase and saddle bag which was the last bit of luggage on the ship with a salute.

“Thank you.” Twilight returned with a salute too as she handed her a small bag of bits for her services. “And this is for a job well done.” She complimented her. “I look forward to meeting with you again so we can discuss our plan to take down Midnight Sparkle and her forces.”

“We’ll be there, ma’am.” The captain obeyed to her request without hesitation as she boards back on her ship as it takes off from the mountain’s docks.

“Come on! We better get moving!” Twilight instructed the others to follow as she leads the climb up to the top of Mount Aris.

As everyone watches as Twilight leads the way Cadance hands Flurry to her husband.

“I’m going to try to talk to her.” She said to him as she trots ahead to catch up to her sister-in-law ignoring her daughter’s protest and reached out tiny hoof wanting to accompany her.

“Better hurry before she decides to blow the mountain.” Rainbow called out to her earning herself a hoof-slap courtesy of Applejack. “Ow! What?!”

“Could you at least try to be tactful of how you tell her so she doesn’t feel the need to say she is better off without friends like us again?” Applejack scolded her for being too blunt and just out of earshot.

“But she is!” Rainbow defended in his protest. “I mean did you see how she blew up that ship?! She really is going…” She said as she mimicked cuckoo motions with her hoofs with rolling eyes which earned her another slap this time from her big brother.

“Even when she is slipping back into her old self I’d really appreciate it if you didn’t insult my little sister like that!” Shining Armor reprimanded to had Rainbow immediately hanging her head in shame. “It’s bad enough that she is under a lot of stress to save Equestria but hurting her and giving her reason to hate us again is the last time I want to happen! Because if she does then there will be no hope of saving Equestria!”

“All right.” Rainbow Dash said as she lowered herself to the ground in defeat. “Sorry.”

As Twilight was leading the walk up the top of the mountain Cadance caught up to her.

“Twilight!” She called out to her.

“Hey Cadance!” Twilight greeted the alicorn joining her side with a warm smile. “What’s up?”

“I just wanted to be able to talk to you. You got a few minutes?”

“Of course!” Twilight replied without hesitation. “What’s on your mind?”

“Not much.” Cadance started with a smile too. “I just wanted to talk to you about your well-being.”

“What about it?” Twilight asked wondering why she is concerned as her smile dropped hearing this.

“I just want to make sure you know what your doing is right.” Cadance replied.

“I am.” Twilight calmly tried to assure her as she feels nothing is wrong though she could tell there was more that meets the eye than her sister-in-law lets on as she continued to press the issue.

“I know but I’m just telling you this is because I am very concerned about you. Even though you are moving and able to fend for yourself just fine, ever since Midnight and Sombra struck you with dark magic you don’t seem mentally sound.”

“How so?” Twilight asked with a confused raised eyebrow.

“Well for starters the way you handled Discord back before we left for Mount Aris…” The pink alicorn brought up.

“Oh, Cadance, he’ll be fine.” Twilight quickly dismissed her concerns about him with a smile. “As long as he doesn’t make the same mistake twice by trying to play Midnight’s game, he’ll survive from being captured again.” Even with Twilight’s attempt to brush it aside, Cadance wasn’t convinced. “Look…” Twilight then sympathetically said as her smile faded. “The point is. He had it coming for starting this mess in the first place and as a result we lost both Equestria and the Crystal Empire all together.”

“I know but…” Cadance acknowledged Discord’s wrongdoings and screw-ups but still persisted to get through to her. “…let’s not forget that just recently you sent a crew of pirates to their doom with Capper’s former friend amongst the group.”

“Was that who he was?” Twilight asked remembering the cat in question. “Well that explains why he knew him.” She simply shrugged it off. “Oh well, he had it coming anyways.”

Hearing this causes Cadance taken aback by Twilight’s cold and remorseless demeanor towards her enemies and those who cross her as she walked off ahead.

“Yes, but please listen to me Twilight!” She pleaded the alicorn as she caught up to her again and placed her hooves on her shoulders to stop her in her tracks in an desperate attempt to spell it out to her as tears form through her eyes. “The dark magic in your heart is influencing you into doing things that you just did and if you don’t stop right now you’ll make the same mistakes you did back when you were Midnight!”

“Really?” Twilight said in surprise. “So that was what Starlight, Sunset, and Tempest have all been trying to talk to me about?”

“Yes.” Cadance said after calming herself down though still tearing up. “So please Twilight, as much as I want to help take down Midnight as much as you do please don’t sink down to her level. It will only result in you becoming the mare Midnight wants you to be, the mare you used to be.” Cadance unable to stop crying clings onto to Twilight as she hugs her tightly and sobs into her chest.

Now, Twilight honestly deep down didn’t know what to say about what she had just heard. The fact that her sister-in-law honestly feels that she is acting like her evil counterpart and is down to desperately crying her heart to her just to get to finally get through to her. She looked at herself in her reflection from the mirror from the Crystal Empire that served as one of the gateways to the human world and saw Midnight’s reflection in herself instead of her own as she thought back to the moments she acted like her ever since she got infected with dark magic and can only quickly put the mirror away in shock of what she had just saw before quickly embracing Cadance in a hug just as the others caught up with them.

Just before any pony could say their thoughts of what to make of this Queen Novo and Princess Skystar all flew down and quickly embraced SIlverstream as the other leaders embrace the other members of the Young Six.

“Silverstream!” Queen Novo cried out in relief.

“You’re okay!” Skystar said in the same tone as happy tears fall out of her eyes.

“Yona!” Prince Rutherford happily cried out as he embraced the young yak in a hug.

“Smolder!” Ember said as she tackled the young dragon.

“Ocellus!” Thorax said as he embraced the young changeling.

Once Ember got that out of her system she quickly composed herself while dusting herself off.

“Thank goodness!” Thorax said in relief. “We really thought you died back there.”

“You did?” Ocellus said in surprise.

“Yes.” Thorax confirmed with a nod. “We were devastated to hear about what happened at the School of Friendship. About how Midnight took over Equestria and the Crystal Empire along with killing Twilight and capturing every pony. At least until we got your letter of course.” She said in Twilight's direction in a relieved tone of voice.

“Yak thought pony princess was dead!” Prince Rutherford added.

“We were just about ready to launch an attack on Canterlot until we got Princess Twilight’s message assuring us you all are okay!” Queen Novo added in agreement with the yak prince.

“You were? So were yaks!” Rutherford said in surprise. “Yaks thought pony friends were dead in the fire at the school.”

“So were we until Twilight informed us otherwise!” Ember said in agreement. “So we all came together here as soon as we heard in order to figure out our next move.”

Twilight hearing this gives Yona an “I told you so.” gesture from her hoof with Yona just giving a defeated shrug knowing that she was right before focusing on the others.

“Glad to see you all managed to find the time to make it all the way out here so we can further discuss this.” Twilight spoke up.

“Of course, Twilight!” Novo said without hesitation. “We’re all in this together and that includes the hippogriffs this time around. I backed down from Midnight once and I almost paid the price. I’m not about to make the same mistake again.” She vowed to help this time around for the battle of Equestria.

“And it is very much appreciated since we need all of the help we can get if we want to take back Equestria.” Twilight gratefully voiced her thanks to the hippogriff queen. “Along with the fact that you all got my message before you all could do something rash because if any of you tried to launch a charge like that you all would be prisoners of war by now.”

“Well not us changelings.” Thorax spoke up. “Just witnessing her take down all of you alone back at the hive was enough for us to back off from even trying to fight her. I mean seriously that alicorn is just scary on her own.”

“I know and I hate to be her by now.” Twilight said in agreement while gently stroking Cadance’s mane as she tries to calm herself down from her emotional outburst.

“Is she okay?” Skystar asked pointing to the sobbing love princess’s direction in concern.

“She’s fine, she is still just shaken up by what’s happened is all.” Twilight assured.

“Considering of how she just had her kingdom taken over I wouldn’t blame her.” Gallus added in sympathy for her.

“I know.” Twilight also said sympathetically as she helped Cadance to her hooves and continued pressed forward towards the climb up the mountain. “Let’s all get going to the mountain top so we can continue with our next move in dealing with Midnight’s army.”

With that everyone made their way up to the top without hesitation as Twilight still comforts Cadance as they both walk side by side together while Twilight is still determined to take her evil counterpart down while taking what her sister-in-law said to hear to heart.

“If my friends honestly feel the same way deep down how come they haven’t told me sooner?” Twilight wondered to herself in her mind as she is now feeling mortified with what she allowed herself to do under the dark magic’s influence while placing a comforting wing on her back as Flurry Heart rides on top of her mother for additional comfort as Shining Armor joins them by patting his wife’s back with one of his hooves to contribute to his care for her.

Twilight while secretly looking at her brother with silent disdain personally wishes he along with her mentor, and the Mane Five had told her that sooner, secretly feeling disappointment and anger inside of her since it lead to her committing some amoral acts under the dark magic influence and lead to Cadance’s heartbreak and pleading to her through tears to get through to her.

Meanwhile Midnight is watching this from her orb as she watches Twilight’s expressions from the shadows.

“So disappointing indeed when the ponies you count on fail to live up to their promises.” Midnight pitied the young alicorn as she comforts her sister-in-law. “Now it is just going to take another push from your so-called friends for you to push you over the edge. Just one more small thing to get you to accept your destiny as the Princess of Darkness.” Midnight said with a determined and devious smirk as her heart glows neon purple as she watches on seeing that her friend actions will do the work for her.

Twilight with Shining Armor and Flurry Heart all escort the Princess of Love up the mountain for comfort as she then has calmed herself down enough to the point she has stopped crying.

Even though Twilight had every reason to bring up the matter herself, she choose not to due to more important concerns on the horizon such as discussing the plan to deal with Midnight and her followers to which she will lay down at the main discussion during their war meeting the next day which is when Twilight has requested Discord to show up with valuable information on hand.

In the meantime, Queen Novo and the other hippogriffs have assisted the Equestrian allies with their luggage in arranging for everyone and their belongings escorted to her castle in Seaequestria although Rarity insisted on taking her own luggage to her own room she is so very protective of her things and seemed ready to twist one of the guards off just to get things her way much to her younger sister’s embarrassment and her other friend’s dismay especially since this is the queen of the hippogriffs hospitality they are all dealing with.

The Young Six however had to take shelter back on dry land with their respective leaders as they couldn’t live underwater unlike Silverstream and they were set to return back to their respective kingdoms after the meeting for their own safety. As much as it leans on overprotective mode a little it’s reasonable for them to want to keep a close eye on them. Considering the students nearly died from a fire at the school and their guardians don’t want to lose their young ones.

Twilight herself could understand that since Celestia did the same to her when Midnight burned down her castle. Like her, they just really wants to look out for her subjects and loved ones and would be devastated if something were to happen to any one of them. To them they would feel that they have failed to protect their subjects from danger that could have been easily avoided to which they would forever feel the brunt of the mistake for years to come.

“Although…” Twilight thought to herself in private as she watches as Celestia and Novo get acquainted with each other in helping with each other’s needs from afar. “She is not doing the best job of being honest to others when it counts.” She felt unhappy with her for not telling her the truth right away. “They need to tell themselves if they honestly feel that I am slipping back into darkness and becoming just like Midnight all over again then they should have told me right away.” She knows they had good intentions but as Applejack said and what Celestia would have told her if the roles were reversed the truth is always better than a well-meant lie. “If they are not going to tell me, then I should bring up the subject myself.” Twilight secretly vowed to herself as she sets off in the opposite direction as she heads to room. “If they truly care for me, then they should listen to what I have to say.” As Twilight makes her way to her own her heart glows briefly again as her expression of determination is filled with hints of anger and bitterness inside of her heart.

Later that evening once everyone was all settled in the castle, everyone all met back up on the beach for dinner to which the staff who hasn’t helped with the packing and unloading has prepared for food for the royal family and the guests and they have all prepared cuisine to satisfy everyone and their needs.

Pinkie for once was on her best behavior as she didn’t immediately go hoping around munching and chomping down everything she comes across in contrast to the time they were at Celestia’s first social gathering with them. Even though it was just a social gathering and Celestia didn’t mind the time Pinkie wolfed down the cupcake she held in her magic Pinkie still needed to remember her manners a little more to which the Cakes had to pull her aside to lecture her for doing so.

Applejack thanks to the social gathering back from shortly after Twilight moved to Ponyville remembering her table manners as Rarity still felt the need to wear a dress at the dinner table which for once was fair and no pony complained about it.

All the while everyone was eating, Twilight couldn’t help but think to herself of how she is going to get her brother, mentor, and closet friends (minus Cadance, Spike, Flurry Heart, Starlight, Sunset, and Tempest) to talk to her about seeing that they aren’t going to open up to her about their concerns that she is thinking and acting like her evil counterpart.

“So…” Twilight began to get their attention as she prepared to bring up the subject. “Any of you have something you all would like to tell me? Something of great concern?” She asked them as they all shifted their eyes very uneasy with her question knowing what she is going to ask of them. “Because if any of you do, it is well advised that you all do so in order for our arrangement to take back Equestria to continue. After all honesty and trust are the key elements to friendship and if friendship is to prevail in the end, they must be valued through and through.” She further prodded them into confessing the truth with a stern expression.

“Nope, everything’s good.” Shining Armor lied through his teeth as sweat formed from her forehead as the others shake their heads “No” in agreement.

Twilight played it cool as she accepted it as she got up from her seat and strides towards the direction of the hippogriffs preparing hot tea from a brewing kettle over a fire even though she wasn't pleased with their obvious lie.

“Okay.” Twilight calmly said with her back turned. “If you all say so. I'll be back. I'm going to get some more tea.”

Twilight then trotted off so she can get herself some more tea leaving everyone else at the table as Luna, Starlight, Sunset, and Tempest all have expressions making it clear to them that they all are not liking the fact they had the opportunity to confess their true thoughts about the young alicorn yet none of them took up the opportunity to do so when they were all given the chance.

Starlight was the first to speak her frustration at their hesitation. “Why?! Why is it so hard for you all to tell her the truth?!”

“I’m sorry.” Shining could only reply with lack of courage. “I just can’t do it!”

“What do you mean you can’t?” Tempest calmly and stoically questioned with a raised eyebrow. “That you can’t find in your heart to tell her the truth or that you can’t tell her because you are too afraid to tell her that she is acting like her evil counterpart?”

“Now, Starlight…” Celestia scolded Starlight and Tempest for their cross attitude. “There’s no need for that.”

Unbeknownst to everypony, Midnight was secretly observing the scene from her orb and had just used her magic to ensure Twilight who was already getting herself her tea was hearing every single word they are saying about her behind her back with a hidden microphone hidden in one of high ledges of the nearby mountain.

“Oh really?” Sunset asked with her temper rising at their stubbornness. “Is there anything you do know?! Like how tell her in her own way the truth?! Or how to further break her and give her reason to turn evil again?!” She demanded an answer from the sun monarch. “You're supposed to be so smart and wise, but did you ever think that the truth no matter how harsh is better than deceiving her?!”

“But I do!” Celestia firmly answered as her patience was getting tested at this point.

“Do you?!” Sunset refused to hear her excuses. “Like you did when you dodged all of my questions when I was your student or when Twilight was your student as well while sending her on mission while treating her as a pawn in your game while you watch from the sidelines!” She angrily called her out on her lies.

“I never did anything like that and if I were you I would cease talking to me like that!” Celestia shouted back as Novo quickly motioned and led Skystar, Silverstream, and all the others minus Luna, Flash, Cadance, and Flurry Heart (who was scared of her great aunt's fury to the point she hid behind Cadance’s head) to sneak away from the table.

“How is telling and reminding you what you taught a bad thing?!” Sunset demanded refusing to back down. “Come on, Celestia! Say it! Tell me!”

“Because you don’t understand!” Celestia snapped shouting at her former student. “Equestria depends on Twilight being sane and not having her feelings hurt! It's supposed to be that simple! Just that simple! And then everything goes wrong from Equestria to the Crystal Empire falling and right down to the only pony capable of stopping Midnight slowly becoming one of the worst villains in Equestria!” She yelled in Canterlot voice before taking multiple breaths to try to calm herself down as Sunset still glares down at the white alicorn before noticing someone standing just outside of the dining room and then looking away in shame to which the others expect Tempest gasp in shock upon seeing what's behind her.

Celestia suddenly snapping out of her rage has a surprised look as she turns back to see Twilight standing right behind her looking very angered and hurt as she drops her tea cup which shattered on the ground leaving the tall mare to gasp in shock realizing she had seen and heard every word she and Sunset had just said before feeling overwhelmed with guilt as much as Sunset.

“Is that what you think of me, Celestia?!” Twilight asked as tears form from her eyes as she approaches and confronts her mentor with an angered glare. “If you honestly felt I was acting like Midnight why didn’t you tell me?”

“I’m so sorry!” Celestia quickly apologized as she flew over to her. “I didn’t mean to insult you. It’s just I just lost my temper in the heat of the moment!” She said as she bowed her head in shame to which is meant with a cross expression from the younger mare as it didn’t answer the question she had just asked. “But that’s no excuse for what I said. You have every ready to be upset with me.” She then accepted she deserves it.

“You really just don’t get it do you?” Twilight responded while keeping her composure.

“What do you mean?” Celestia asked wondering what she is truly thinking.

“I’m not upset because insulted me!” Twilight replied still not raising her voice though her tone made it perfectly clear that she is hurt and angry.

“You’re not?” Celestia asked sounding hopeful only for Twilight to immediately shoot it down with what she said next.

“I’m upset because in all of the time we known each other I thought you taught me the importance of friendship, trust, and honesty and that would you do the same if the roles were reveresed.” Twilight said as her voiced waivered as she addresses her mentor before turning to girls as she resists the urge to tear up while using her magic to place the three female unicorns along with Cadance, Flurry Heart, and Luna, aside so she can focus her wrath on the Mane Five along with Shining Armor. “And as for you girls, you along with Celestia all knew the truth of how I was acting and none of said a word to me when you felt and knew something was wrong. Just how could you? How could none of you tell me?”

“We just didn’t want to hurt you all over again.” Rainbow Dash nervously replied as she and the others sensed Twilight’s anger as she tries to keep her composure.

“And you thought not telling me I was slipping into becoming like one of the worst villains in Equestria would avoid hurting me?” Twilight felt very stung with exasperation as that was the best they could come with to defend themselves. “After all we have been through together this is how you repay everything I taught you all in return?”

“Twilight darling please…” Rarity tried to speak as Twilight still wasn’t done.

“I trusted you all.” Twilight started to choke a little as her heart glowed continuously startling every pony present even Luna and Tempest. “Even after I forgave you after everything you still find a way to backstab me again.”

“But Twilight we didn’t backstab you…again.” Rarity again tried to reach out to her while fumbling as remembered they technically did when they walked out on her at the rehearsal.

“Oh really?” Twilight immediately questioned unconvinced by this claim. “Like you did when you left me alone at the wedding rehearsal or what you all would have done when I said I would be better off without friends like you after getting kicked out of Seaequestria?”

“Now we weren’t really going to abandon you following the Seaequestria incident.” Pinkie came to her defense. “Come on Twilight. Please don’t do this to us.” She pleaded.

“But you were quick to call me out for attempting to steal the queen’s pearl without letting me explain that I was forced into accidentally setting off the alarm because Midnight threw me up there after refusing to give into to her beliefs and desires.“ Twilight refused to let the party pony touch her as she tried to grab ahold of her right front hoof. “Much like the wedding you were quick to jump to accusations without letting me explain myself and figuring out the whole truth cause you thought I was slipping back into my old habits when all I was really doing at the time was pondering ways to stop her.”

“Now come on Twilly…” Shining Armor stepped forward as he tried to come to her friends defense. “You can’t blame them. The whole mess with Midnight is not their fault.”

“You’re right about that.” Twilight said in agreement to her brother’s temporary relief only to be caught off guard with what she said next. “It’s your fault!”

“What?” Shining Armor asked now shocked and hurt by that statement.

“Yeah. If it weren’t for you saying all of those horrible things to me and just at least listened to me when I knew something was wrong back at the wedding we'd all be back in Equestria right now. None of this would have ever happened.” Twilight explained her reasons with her voice still sounding hurt by what happened back then as she recalled said. “You and the others said you all learned your lesson, but instead I find out that this was all one huge lie after all of these years we have agreed to bury the hatchet.”

“What? No. Twily, that’s not true.” Shining Armor pleaded with his little sister to listen to him. “I do care for you.”

“Well if you truly do care for me then why didn’t you tell me the very first second you knew that I was slipping back into my old ways thanks to this dark magic in my heart?” Twilight questioned as a tear falls from her face as her brother couldn’t answer as Rainbow had already answered the question.

“I…I just didn’t have the heart to hurt you feelings after regretting what I said back then.” Shining Armor could only say to try to appease her to no avail as Twilight got further angry.

“Wow, glad you care for so much that you were willing to still lie to me and keep me in the dark like you did when you told me that you and Cadance were going to get married.” Twilight returned while sounding very upset and hurt by her big brother. “Now thanks to you repeating the same mistakes I know have a powerful alicorn to deal with along with this scar over my eye for my troubles!” She further went on as she flew up while pointing to the mark over her left eye as the others looked worried and scared wondering what she is about to do. “After all of these years of not giving back into my old ways, all of the times I was given reason to along staying true to who I am, this is how I get repaid in return!” She said as she started to cry with pain in her voice. “Well, if this is how it’s going to be, then so be it!” She screamed as she changed her appearance to look just like Midnight as the others look in horror to see that Twilight is accepting her destiny that Midnight has set in store for her.

“Twilight, please stop!” Celestia cried out to her as the other shield themselves from the strong gust of wind she produced.

“No!” Twilight again refused as she spoke in her royal Canterlot voice with her eyes glowing pure white. “I have considered myself a fair and reasonable mare up to this point. I have been forgiving and willing to turn the other cheek when the situation calls for it. But instead of you all holding your promises I am met with finding out you all have been lying to me this whole time!” She yelled as she lit up her horn and used her magic to send Celestia crashing back aside into the nearby mountain wall across the area creating a silhouette imprint with a burnt mark on her chest leaving the others shocked that she has actually struck her down before backing up away slowly as Sunset who along with Starlight and Tempest could watch from the sidelines as the amber mare recalls the memory of Twilight’s human counterpart doing the same back at the Friendship Games.

Twilight now having lost control of herself and enraged grits her teeth as she focuses her energy and attention at the seven ponies who have hurt her back at the wedding rehearsal in order to put an end to all of this as her horns lights up.

But just before she can land her most powerful strike at the terrified ponies she finds her magic suddenly blocked off as the source of the block came from something small in front of her with a magic shield. Once the shield disperses Twilight angrily looks down and sees Flurry Heart has blocked off the attack.

Upon seeing Flurry Heart giving her aunt pleading and buttoned up eyes as she grabs her mane with one of her small hooves, Twilight gives a surprised look at what she does next as she refuses to let go of her.

“Auntie Twilight. Auntie Twilight.” Flurry pleaded through her first words to her much to everyone’s surprise especially Twilight’s as she was not expecting her niece to say her name while bravely facing the wrath of furious lavender mare who gave her nightmares shortly after she was born.

“Flurry.” Twilight said sounding shocked and saddened to hear as her niece then hugs her tightly leaving the former to float back down to the ground in frozen shock of what had just happened of what she had almost just done as tears fall from her eyes while Flurry still holds onto her aunt in an embrace as Cadance joins them.

After calming herself down enough she breaks apart from the hug while turning back to the others with tears still falling from her eyes while refusing to allow any of them to get any closer to her as she raises a hoof and lights up her horn again.

“Not a step close.” Twilight sternly warned them as she canceled the glowing flare from her horn once they immediately obeyed.

“Come on, Twi.” Applejack insisted. “Don’t be mad at us anymore.”

“I’m not.” Twilight calmly replied with a serious expression.

“Whew, that’s a relief to hear.” Fluttershy felt at ease now as her friend has seemingly came to her senses.

“It sure is.” Twilight agreed as her expression didn’t change although still not smiling as Pinkie took note of it.

“There where’s that smile?” Pinkie tried to lighten the mood to no avail as Twilight is still frowning at them as the other’s worry what she is going to do to them now.

“Just not here because I’m still not happy with all of you.” Twilight replied in an ice cold tone. “Because it didn’t change the fact that in your efforts to try to help me you instead lie to me about my well-being when you knew that honesty is always the best policy.”

“So what? You’re going to wait for another day to try to kill us again?” Rainbow asked if that’s why she spared them.

“No.” Twilight replied to the other’s relief. “Because the truth is clear to me now throughout all these years we have known each other. And that is the fact that even though I have come to value friendship throughout the years I have come to see of what I thought it was truly all along, nothing but a sucker’s game.” She further explained as the reality of what Midnight is trying to tell her about friendship is sinking in. “Why should I waste my time trying to kill you all when the simple solution is much too easy and merciful when I could just give you all something that you all truly deserve.”

“What?” Rarity spoke as she gulped as she pleaded with her not to saying what her friends are thinking.

“Nothing other than I’m done with you.” Twilight calmly answered as everyone’s heart’s sank hearing those cruel words in an emotionless and blank tone. “Because I truly am better off without friends like you since all friendship has done has brought pain and suffering through Equestria and the truth is that when times got tough nothing falls through in the end. Midnight and Tempest were right. Friendship truly has failed me.” She coldly concluded as she gives every shocked pony cold glares minus Spike, Cadance, Flurry Heart, Starlight, Sunset, and Tempest. “I’m done with all of you.” She added for the final kick in the coffin into everyone’s heart as she walked off towards the top of the mountain.

Pinkie’s heart and mane completely sank hearing these cold and cruel words, while Applejack and Rainbow Dash both look down in shame, while Rarity looks on in frozen shock, while Fluttershy slumps down to the floor to silently sob to herself seeing this transformation.

Even Princess Celestia and Shining Armor couldn’t resist letting loose tears after seeing how much damage their actions from the past have truly done to her as Flurry buries her face into Cadance’s chest as they both cry together in an embrace.

Even Spike, Starlight, Sunset, Luna, and Tempest were all stunned with shock hearing and seeing what Twilight had just said seeing that the transformation is nearing its completion and that she truly is turning back to her old and evil self while trying to think to themselves through their shock of what they are going to do now as Twilight and Equestria as a whole has truly entered its darkest hour.

Midnight watching this from her orb feels satisfied that everything turned out in her favor as Twilight finally comes to realize thanks to the dark magic in her heart that friendship truly has failed her.

“I know. I know.” Midnight sympathetically voiced her thoughts. “It’s very harsh but it is the truth.” She said as she focuses on the dark magic in Twilight’s heart. “It was only a matter of time until Twilight would come and see that I was right. Friendship truly has failed her.” She then said as she sports another dark smile seeing that her long run game with Twilight has truly paid off as her heart glows neon purple at the same time Twilight’s heart does the same as the latter has an expression of cold and stoic bitterness written all over her face.

Author's Note:

In this chapter we have what the most recent chapters has been building up too, Twilight finding out the truth leading to another argument as Twilight calls out her brother, the Mane Five, and mentor for not being honest with her from the start in regards to her sanity slippage into acting like her former and villainous self just like Midnight Sparkle and needless to say it wasn't a pretty sight as she actually transforms into her evil counterpart for the third time with much needed intervention for her to realize what she was doing.

When you think about it because Twilight couldn't quite clearly tell right from wrong she had no idea that she was acting like Midnight until Cadance told her through tears which further fueled her anger along with them saying the truth behind her back along with straight up lying to her so it would make sense why she snapped like that.

Of course because Luna, Cadance, Starlight, Sunset, and Tempest were trying to tell her before being interrupted she holds nothing against them which lead to Celestia and Sunset having an arguement they never had before since the day their teacher-student relationship ended before reuniting later on.

Aside from Cadance being the one to finally get the opportunity uninteruppted to tell Twilight from her heart in regards to the latter's well-being since her heart became infected with dark magic we also have Flurry Heart who despite her fear of Midnight blocked off Twilight's attack meant for the guilty party and flew up to her face to face for her to realize what she nearly just did. For a young baby who would have been utterly terrified of the alicorn in that appearance had that been Midnight, that was very brave of her just to save her aunt from completely losing it and embracing Midnight's destiny.

Which nonetheless changes Twilight's stance towards friendship as the damage through the extended lie as she comes to see Midnight and Pre Heel-Face Turn Tempest that they were right about friendship failing her and that it has brought her nothing but pain and suffering with her falling out scenes from at the wedding rehearsal, the beach, and again today at the very same beach where Twilight and her friends had their previous argument just after getting banished from Seaequestria.

With everything all said in done we will have "Between Dark and Dawn." come up next as we get an episode focusing on the royal sisters who will try to take a vacation in preparation for the final battle against Midnight and her forces as they cope with Twilight's decision to cut Celestia out of her life for her lies.

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