• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,521 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 47: Midnight Strikes Part Two

Chapter 47:

Midnight Strikes Part Two

The Mane Six, Spike, and Starlight are all walking through the dessert as they all reach the southern borders of Equestria and they all looked exhausted as they all sweat from the sun’s excessive heat and feeling literally burned out.

“There's sand in my... everything... Heh... Saving... Equestria... “ Pinkie said feeling delirious from the excessive heat as she starts to feel crazy inside as she looks at a empty skull. “Oh! Look! Maybe this guy knows which way to go! What's that, friend? We're lost?” She said to the skull while laughing crazy again as she lies onto the sand while losing her mind.

“Come on, Pinkie!” Starlight told her as she helped her back on her hooves. “We gotta keep moving!”

“We could be going in... circles!” Spike complained as he starts to collapse from the heat. “Endless... sand...Nothin' for miles... but sand... and this rock... and this cactus...and this roooooooooaaaaaad.... ...this rooooooad....” He coughed and wheezed as Twilight comes over to remove the cactus stuck on his butt while placing him onto her back so the burden of walking there is lifted off of his young and small legs.

“Hmm? A road?” She then saw step stones which mean… “Where there's a road, there's a...” She gasped in amazement to see they have finally reached a nearby town for them to get some relief from the dessert heat.

“Whoa!” Spike commented in amazement.

“Cool!” Rainbow said just as amazed.

“What is that?” Applejack questioned at the sight.

“Oooh! A city!” Pinkie commented in amazement with her mane now appeared less frazzled in just a second. “We are doing it, you guys!”

“You know what they say: where there's a city, there's a spa!” Rarity said in relief and excitement.

“Who says that?” Rainbow asked as Twilight leads the way into town.

“'Case you forgot, we're on a mission to save Equestria.” Applejack irritably told the drama prone unicorn.

“I can multitask.” Rarity defensively asserted herself.

They all make their way through town where they see animals in cages along with shady and creepy creatures crawling around the town much to Fluttershy’s discomfort.

“Ooh. Hey! You with the horn, you selling?” One of the creeps asked Twilight.

“No!” Twilight firmly responded before walking off and approached a giant turtle like creature having trouble loading his cargo. “Hi there! Ooh, I'm sorry. Here. Lemme help you with that.” She offered to help load his cart with her magic.

“Hey! No magic around my merchandise!” He immediately yelled at her.

“Okay fine!” Twilight calmly replied with raised hooves before dropping his cargo on the ground and lead her friends away from him. “Although a simple “Please no thanks, would have been much more appreciated.” She said before turning her back on him with Starlight threateningly glares at him for yelling at her like that with a “I got my eye on you.” gesture before walking off to join up with her friends. “Okay. We just gotta stick together. Be careful who you talk to. And try to blend in.” She instructed the others.

“Can I have your attention please?!” Pinkie loudly announced as Twilight groaned in annoyance as she ran off in the direction of her voice. “Can anypony take us to the Queen of the Hippos?!”

“You want something? You gotta give something!” One of the huge blue fish-like thugs told her.

“Well, how about a big warm hug from a grateful pony friend?” Pinkie happily replied as he jumped into his arms to which he quickly dropped her and then walked off. “How about this comb that I've never used? A picture of my sister Maud? This breath mint?”She offered to three random strangers. “Seriously, buddy. Help me help you.”

The pig creature responded to the breath mint with a simple stinky belch which knocked her out due to him having never brushed his teeth in quite a while.

“Pinkie, you can't just take off!” Twilight scolded her through clenched teeth. “And you don't need to announce to every...”

“Relax, Twilight! I totally got this!” Pinkie laughed it off as many creatures gather around them.

“How much for the giant gecko?” One of the lizard like creatures pointed to Spike much to the seven ponies confusion.

“Who you callin' a gecko?” Spike responded taking offense to that comment.

“The gecko in question is actually a dragon and her isn't for sale.” Twilight firmly answered as she placed a protecting hoof in front of him.

“I want that fancy purple hair!” One of the pig-like creatures proposed pointing to Rarity’s mane. “I'll give ya two storm bucks for it!”

“Two storm bucks?!” Rarity took offense to that offer. “It's worth more than that!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow wondering what she really thinks its worth as many creatures approach and corner them.

“Actually everyone!” Twilight announced. “I have a better proposal for you all!” She then produced a small purple ball. “See this?” She told the as she tossed it into the air before leaping up and tossing it down onto the ground creating a smoke bomb with covered the area with purple smoke to which Twilight uses to teleport herself and her friends away from them before reappearing when the smoke dispersed.

"Back up, everyone! Back it up!" Capper, a brown furred cat with black hair, wearing a long red trench-coat warned the remaining creatures who stayed behind. "Y'all in some serious danger! Now you didn't touch any of them, did you? Just look at all those colors! You think that's natural? They're infected with "pastelis coloritis"." He cautiously warned them against toucing them while using his tail to paint nearby purple goo from the ground onto the one of the thugs. "Don't worry, don't worry, as long as you're not covered in purple splotches, you'll be fine. Uh-oh." He assured them then pointed to said spots.

"What do I do?!" One of the thugs said in worry that he is seemingly infected.

"Enjoy your last moments and don't touch anyone. Because parts will fall off. ." Capper then could only say as the remaining creatures ran off in terror.

“Over here, tough guys!” Twilight taunted the majority of the thugs as she flew off as they all followed after her as they chase her around town before cornering her in a dead end. As the thugs smugly approach her, the princess simply smirked as she clapped her hooves and made a cage appear over them to lock them up behind bars. They all complained and yelled at her at this deception.

“You tricked us!” One of the thugs complained.

“You traitor!” One of the thugs also complained.

“I’m not sorry, guys!” Twilight said with no remorse before teleporting away and back to her friends.

“Well, all right.” A talking brown furred cat with a red-tailor made coat complimented the alicorn as he approached her. “Very impressive and cunning young one! And it's a good thing I was there to help out when some of them sticked around.”

"And you are..." Twilight suspiciously asked the cat.

“Capper's the name. Charming's my game.” Capper introduced himself as both Rainbow and Rarity admire his charisma while Starlight and Spike eye him suspiciously along with Twilight. “And I couldn’t help your friend announcing to everyone that you all are looking for the Hippogriffs is that correct?”

“Yes, indeedy!” Pinkie happily replied before Twilight could speak otherwise immediately finding him untrustworthy.

“Excuse me for a moment…” Twilight politely addressed the cat to pull Pinkie aside. “I don't know if we should trust him.” She cautioned the party pony with a spread wing to stop her.

“We could definitely use a friend out here!” Pinkie assured her to no avail as Capper intervened as he placed a finger to place down Twilight’s wing.

“You know what? Little Cotton Candy Hair is right. And, if I do say so myself...” Capper agreed with Pinkie before breaking out into a tune.

“This town is not a nice place

For little fillies all alone

There are lots of twists and corners

That could lead to the unknown.”

Capper sang as he danced around and used a single claw to place down the roof over the nearby shops and stores above them.

“Let me guide your way

And I'll be sure to help you through

You could really use a friend out here

And luckily for you...”

He sang as his green eyes glowed in the darkness that transformed into a spotlight hovering over him.

“I'm the friend that you need

When you're lost and don't know what to do

I'm your pal, your amigo

Useful and resourceful, too.”

He sang as he lead them to one of the shops where he shares a secret handshake password for one of the muscular guards to give him and his new friends permission to come inside of the shop.

“And my help, you'll concede

Is a plus guaranteed

You can call and I'll come running

Just follow my lead

'Cause I'm the friend you need!”

Capper sang as he walked by and snuck three oranges from a nearby vendor so he can juggle with them before tossing them to two nearby residents before offering one to Applejack who starts to smile and trust him now.

“He's a friend

Quite a friend!

He's a friend indeed!”

Three of the residents inside sang in support of him as two of them eat their oranges.

“You need a bud to spot the danger

A pal to stop the creep

A chum and not a stranger to assist.”

Capper sang as he stopped them from getting crushed by a giant’s foot, saved Spike from an octopus in a bucket, and placed a sturdy piece of wood for everyone to cross safely between buildings.

“You need a bro who is cunning

That can help you take the leap

A friend who knows what's lying in the mist.”

He further helped them as they fly from a mine cart which crashed until broken rails to where they all leaped onto the tracks on the other side and then walked through said mist together.

“Don't fear these darkened alleys

They're scary, yes, I know

Why, you could use a friend

To protect you wherever you go.”

Capper sang as he protected Fluttershy with an umbrella from a family of bats from the ceiling.

“And such a dazzling beauty

Covered in dirt and muck

But now your fate is changing

Now you are in luck.”

Capper sang as he complimented a flattered Rarity while pointing out she is standing in mud as he rolled out a red carpet for them all walk across on.

“'Cause I'm the friend that you need

When you're lost and don't know what to do

I'm your pal, your amigo

Lookin' out for friends like you.”

Capper sang as she lead them all down the red carpet with the Mane Five eagerly dancing to the tune while Twilight, Starlight, and Spike are cautiously trailing from behind before teleporting to disappear.

“And my help, you'll concede

Is a plus guaranteed

Just call and I'll come running

We'll say it's agreed...”

He sang before turning to one of the small creatures sitting by the doorway.

“Here. Tell Verko, "My place, twenty minutes." I've got something that will "magically" erase all my debt.” He told him while secretly slipping a note to him to which Twilight and Starlight both secretly reappear with Spike while hiding just outside of the tavern.

“'Cause I'm the friend you need!”

Capper got back into song.

“He's a friend” The Mane Five minus Rarity sang together.

“Quite a friend!” Rarity complimented.

“He's a friend indeed!”

The Mane Five all sang together as Capper leads them to his den.

“Welcome, my little ponies, to my little manor.” Capper introduced to the Mane Five as Twilight, Starlight, and Spike secretly observe them from outside.

“Ooh! A sort of a roco-hobo-Bohemian hodgepodge.” Rarity commented in amazement.

“Apologies for the state of my litter box. I wasn't expecting guests.” Capper humbly told them.

“Ooh! So many fun breakables!” Pinkie commented with glee at the glass chandelier.

“Whoa!” Rainbow commented on the fancy teapot to which Applejack chuckled in amusement.

“Y'all sure y'all want the Hippogriffs?” Capper asked Pinkie.

“Yessirree! The Queen of the Hippos!” Pinkie cheerfully confirmed.

“Not like the Queen of the Lions, or Tigers, or Bears?” Capper asked again as the ones outside eye Capper suspiciously as Twilight secretly levitates the book without Capper’s knowledge to take a look at it but before she could read it Starlight taps her shoulder with her hoof.

“Um, I don’t know how but Midnight and Tempest found us.” She alerted them to the tall alicorn and tall unicorn walking fearlessly side by side through town in their search for Twilight as the soldiers search and toss aside every barrel and potential hiding spot they come across while everyone is terrified of the alicorn, unicorn, and the soldiers in the process where they all plead for mercy.

“You really think the ponieth got thith far?” Grubber asked the dark alicorn and unicorn while eating a Carmel apple.

“Of course!” Midnight answered as she continued forward. “They had to come across here since they are all going south from the border.”

“Oh, they're here.” Tempest agreed as she sniffed the air and found one of a piece of Pinkie’s hair left behind. “Attention!” Tempest called out to everyone. “A little purple pony passed this way. Tell me where she is...”

“…or thumpin real bad'th gonna happen.” Grubber added as he backed away from the giant blue fish-like creature approaching them.

“You think we're gonna fall for this again?” He asked the alicorn and unicorn leaders. “I don't know what kinda scam you're workin' with Capper and the rest of your friends, but…”

"Friends?" Tempest suspiciously asked him.

“Scam?” Midnight questioned stoically unfazed along with Tempest.

“Poison or no poison, you're gonna pay!” The creature threaten them as he attempted to punch Tempest and Midnight with the former responding by dodging the attack and then kicked him square in the gut as the latter follows it up by using her own hooves to knock him off of his feet as Tempest finishes him off with grabbing him as she jumps up into the air and then slams him hard into the ground.

“Ohhhh, Fishman juth got dropped!” Grubber called out.

“Now...” Tempest began as she placed a hoof on his neck. “...about this... "Capper"...” She asked with a devious smile with her horn flaring up.

“Has he come across them?” Midnight also asked sporting smile just as vicious as Tempest with her horn flaring up as Twilight, Starlight, and Spike watch in horror as Midnight viciously slays him with her magic after getting the information they needed as the fish creature screams in pain upon being killed by her.

The three quickly hide behind the corner as they catch their breath from that horrifying scene.

“We gotta get out of here!” Twilight told the others with wide-eyed shock of what she had just saw.

“No kidding, that alicorn is really freaking me out!” Spike exclaimed still catching his breath.

“I wonder if she could teach us that move.” Starlight wondered as Twilight glares at her before turning back to the Mane Five. “That’s a no.”

“Guys!” Twilight burst into the window. “We gotta get out of here! Midnight and Tempest are here!” She alerted her friends.

“What?! Where?!” The Mane Five all asked in shock.

“No time to explain, we need to get out of here now! NOW!” Twilight urgently told them as she levitated them all out of the window.

“Wait! You can't—you can't make it by y'allselves. You need an airship! And lucky for you, I can get you a ride.” Capper called out to them.

“And what kind of ride?” Twilight narrowed her suspicious eyes. “The ride to becoming slave ponies?”

“What do you mean?” Capper nervously asked as a stranger with buck teeth, airplane googles, with fancy clothes opened the door.

“Here's Verko!” He introduced himself. “These ponies better shoot rainbow lasers out their eyes if they're gonna settle your debt! Brought the big cage. Let's load 'em up!” He added as he approached the ponies at the window.

“You were... You were going to sell us?” Rarity asked feeling betrayed as Twilight drags everyone back outside the window as Midnight and Tempest approach the doorway chuckling evilly.

“Silly little ponies.” Tempest commented with an evil grin.

“Midnight! Tempest!” Twilight fearlessly said in the face of her enemies as Spike screams in fright and as Fluttershy buries her head in the nearby lamp cover.

“Trusting strangers? Big mistake.” Tempest chuckled as she taunted them on their naivety as she approached them.

“Huge!” Grubber said with emphasis.

“Well done, Capper.” Midnight commended the surprised cat with a bag of gold coins. “Just like we always planned.” She added as Twilight and Rarity further glare at the con-artist who tried to say something in defense only for Verko to stand in-between them.

“Hoo-hoo! My goodness!” Verko commented as she grabbed both Midnight and Tempest by the cheeks. “Well, look at you! With your scary broken horn and scowly eyes. And your scary dark wings and long sharp horn. What tricks do you know, my little pony-wonies?” He asked them as Tempest responds by zapping him with electricity. “Not bad...” He weakly said as he faints into unconsciousness as Midnight used her magic to kill him on the spot.

“Go! Go!” Twilight told her friends as they escape through the window.

“Get her now!” Tempest furiously demanded the guards to pursue them.

“You gonna be thcared now, ponieth!” Grubber called out to the ponies who are all riding onto of the nearby windmill as one of the storm creatures grunts as he grabs ahold of the windmill with Twilight and Rainbow quickly flying over to stop it from pulling them to him as the piece of the windmill breaks before it loosens up and sends the windmill wheeling down the hill.

“I'm... gonna... be... sick!” Applejack cried out as they all landed on their hooves on top of the building’s nearby roofs as the wheel destroys their wooden getaway path as all eight friends just narrowly avoid falling from their crumbling path.

“We have to get there! To the docks! Hurry!” Twilight told the others as they approach said docks ahead in the distance.

Rainbow Dash thinking quick used her teeth to grab ahold of one of the shop ropes for the others to quickly cross onto the ship.

“That's it.” Applejack gently nudges Rarity ahead who whimpers in fright of heights. “Don't look down now!” as Starlight tries to stay light on her hooves with Spike on her back as Pinkie jumps onto the rope only to lose her balance and fall down causing Spike to nearly fall too and Rainbow to lose her grip on the dock and be pulled along with the ship.

“Pinkie!” Twilight cried out and she quickly flew downwards after her and then pulled her away from the sharp and pointy rocks just in time and flew them up onto the ship.

“Best... escape... plan... ever!” Pinkie cheered in excitement.

“WHAT?!?!” Twilight exclaimed in shock at this as Applejack quickly lassoed them inside their nearest hiding spot.

“Shh!” Spike quietly told them as one of the crew members appear with his shipmate.

“Did you hear something?” One of the crew members asked his bird companion as he squawks in response.

“Eh, probably just the rats. If we find 'em, we'll eat 'em.” The shipmate dismissed it as they walked off.

“Rats?” Rarity asked in surprise and fear.

Meanwhile back at the docks, Capper is finding herself face to face with Midnight, Tempest, and Grubber.

“Now... where are they going?” Tempest somewhat threateningly asked him as her horn briefly sparked up.

“Okay. No need for violence. Uh, they're headed...” Capper smooth talked to them about to tell them until seeing the buttons Rarity added onto his coat along with sewing it up together. “They headed east! Yeah, to... to Black Skull Island.” He lied to them to which none of the three are fooled by him. “So, uh, glad I could be of service to His Majesty, the Storm King. I'll just be on my way.” He tried to smoothly walk off only to be blocked off by the guards.

“When we get our Princess.” Tempest told him he is not off the hook yet. “Until then, your fate is still... up in the air.”

“And if it turns out your lying well, consider yourself in much hotter water kitty kitty.” Midnight further backed up with the implied death threat to which Capper nervously gulped in response. “Much like two of your friends I came across and killed.”

“Oh, you're gonna go in the thkiff! Which ith a boat! Thpethifically, a air-boat!“ Grubber laughed the storm creatures push him onto their ship. “We make a great team. I love it how you thaid hith fate wuth "up in the air", and then I thaid, "you're gonna be in the air on an air-boat!" He then complimented to Tempest as Midnight joins up by her side.

“So Midnight?” Tempest asked. “When you said you had a trap set up for the princess why is she still on the run now?”

“Because that was part of my plan.” Midnight replied. “The real trap is when we get to Mount Aris where the Queen of the Hippogriffs are.”

“Right, right, the queen of the hippogriffs.” Tempest acknowledged. “Well not anymore they are there because me and the Storm King.”

“You know these creatures?” Midnight asked sounding intrigued of where this is going. “Have you crossed paths with them before?”

“I have.” Tempest replied as she thinks back to her past. “Just after joining up with the Storm King’s army I was tasked of getting ahold of their queen’s prized pearl of transformation which I nearly succeeded in after pretending to be a grateful guest seeking shelter. Alas, I found myself outmatched by the queen herself and because of what happened they decided to live out life underwater hiding from the Storm King and his army ever since.”

“At leath you didn’t sufftteth anything worth than what that Ursa Minor did ta you.” Grubber pointed out to which Tempest glared at him to shut up. “I gonna stopt talking now.”

“Interesting.” Midnight said sounding very interested by this information. “With that said that’s where phase three will play out where we can capture Twilight Sparkle which I will personally take care of her there while you do the honors of capturing her. Until then…” She added as she eyed the skies ahead of them with a devious smirk. “…Is phase two of my plan.”

Back onto the pirate ship the Mane Six, Starlight, and Spike all hide behind the crates as Rainbow and Applejack groan in disgust seeing one of the pirates scratch his bottom.

“Whadaya think, Twilight? Should we just... ask 'em to take us?” Applejack asked her as she looks at the map of Mount Aris from the book she got from Capper’s place.

“Last time we trusted somepony, he tried to sell us!” Twilight immediately rejected the idea as they all got discovered by the pirates as he lifted up the cover to their hiding spot.

“And now we’re busted.” Starlight said in worry.

“Hey, guys! Come check this out!” A parrot crew member told the others.

“Looks like a pack of stowaways. ”Another parrot crew member commented at the sight of said eight stowaways.

“What are we s'posed to do with 'em?” Another crew member wondered as she scratched her chin with a fork as the squawking bird from before appeared over them.

“I think we tie 'em up!” The first crew member proposed much to Applejack’s shock.

“We clip their wings!” The female crew member proposed as Rainbow Dash gets into a defensive stance.

“Nah. We scar 'em...” The second crew member proposed as Rarity yelps in fright

“...emotionally!” He finished as Fluttershy sobs at the very thought while Twilight and Starlight show no fear to the pirates.

“Wai-wai-wai-wait. What say the book, Captain Celaeno?” The first crew member asked their captain who approaches them with said boo.k

“Storm King's rule book says, "Throw them overboard." The captain ominously said as all eight friends gasp in fright but none of the less Twilight was ready with her horn flared up and wings spread out to defend them just until the clock nearby whistled with the clock striking twelve on the nose.

“All right! That's lunch!” Captain Celaeno called as everyone finds themselves with grub being served to them.

“What?” Twilight asked in confusion of what had just happened.

“Whoa whoa whoa! So you were about to toss us overboard and you stopped for a lunch break?” Rainbow Dash felt the need to ask as both Twilight and Starlight both give shut up glares at her for having the need for a big mouth.

“Storm King only allows one break a day for meals, then it's back to hauling goods.” The first crew member named Boyle sadly replied as he ate his grub.

“So you're delivery guys?” Spike asked.

“And gals.” Captain Celaeno added just as sad as every other crew member. “These uniforms aren't exactly doing us any favors.”

“Then can you deliver us to Mount Aris?” Twilight hopefully asked while showing them the map.

“We do what the Storm King orders or we suffer his wrath.” The captain sadly declined while holding up the book with his insignia. “And as of recently Midnight Sparkle’s orders.” She added as she held the book with her insignia on it.

“Right. Still going overboard.” Twilight grimly replied. “Guess it beats being captured by Midnight.”

“Figures.” Starlight said in the same tone. "Maybe being stranded in the middle of the sea won't seem so bad after all."

“Eh, it's nothing personal.” The female crew member named Lix Spittle shrugged off. “Pudding?” She offered.

“There's pudding?” Rarity hopefully asked to which she is greeted to the same slop that she had just ate. “Oh.” She remarked with disappointment.

“You weren't always delivery birds, were you? What about before the Storm King and Midnight Sparkle?” Rainbow asked the captain.

“Yeah. We used to be much more adventurous.” She recalled as she pulled as the posters of the Storm King and Midnight Sparkle to reveal a flag image of skull with cross bones.

“Ooh! I met that guy in the desert!” Pinkie happily recalled.

“Whoa! You used to be pirates?!” Rainbow asked in surprise.

“Um, we prefer the term "swashbuckling treasure hunters".” One of the crew members corrected her.

“So... pirates.” Rainbow said saying it’s the same thing as the crew member Squabble sitting in between Spike and Fluttershy squawks in response.

“You birds have a choice to make.” Rainbow seriously told the crew. “You could let some cloven-hoofed Storm King and some dark-magic controlling alicorn tell you how to live your lives, or...” She further added as she ripped both posters off. “...you could be awesome again!”

“Rainbow Dash, this really isn't a good time for a…” Twilight tried to tell her not to only for her go ahead with it when she moved to stand on the table.

“I know the world can get you down.”

Rainbow already broke out into song as Twilight face-hoofs in response.

“Things don't work out quite the way that you thought

Feeling like all your best days are done.”

She sang as she marched her way onto the table after gently tapped up one of the crew members chins up.

“Your fears and doubts are all you've got

But there's a light shining deep inside

Beneath those fears and doubts, so just squash 'em.”

She sang as she stomped onto a mug of water to which Twilight easily caught with her magic with an annoyed expression.

“And let it shine for all the world to see

That it is time, yeah, time to be awesome.”

Rainbow sang as she pulled off all of the Storm King and Midnight Sparkle banners as the other ponies minus Twilight and Starlight got into the beat.

“Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!

It's time to be so awesome!

Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!

It's time to be so awesome!”

Everypony sings minus Twilight and Starlight as they walk away from all of this.

“You've no idea how hard it's been

This dull routine we've been forced to do.”

The captain sang as she pushed aside her stew and remembrance her past as fabulous buccaneer.

“Don't let them rob you of who you are

Be awesome, it's all up to you.”

Rainbow Dash encouragingly sang as she handed her captain hat.

“I feel the light stirring deep inside

It's like a tale still yet to be told.”

Captain Celaeno sang as she happily put on her captain hat feeling her spirit reawaken.

“And now it's time to break the shackles free

And start living like the brave and the bold!”

Rainbow and Captain Celaeno sang together as all of the pirates regain their old possessions.

“It’s time to be awesome!

Let loose, be true, so awesome!

It's time to be awesome!

Go big, be you, so awesome!”

Everypony sang as they all watch the pirates don their former gear and clothes and shed off the Storm King and Midnight Sparkle uniforms while putting on some hats and bandanas as well.

“We used to soar through the clouds in the skies.”

The muscular bird sang as she carried Rainbow Dash.

“Elaborate schemes we would love to devise.”

Lix sang as Twilight and Starlight observed their own map in the corner of the deck while looking out for Midnight and Tempest.

“We rescued our treasure and stored it away.”

The muscular bird sang as he slid the chest to his captain.

“Saving those gemstones for a rainy day.”

The captain sang as she held up a dazzling bright blue gem to which Rarity marveled at.

“We see that light filling up our skies.”

Everybody sang together as they march towards the front of the ship.

“So take the Storm King and Midnight's orders and toss 'em.”

Rainbow sang as she tossed the books with their insignias overboard.

“'Cause it's the time to let our colors fly.”

Everybody sang together as the song came to an end.

“Hey, scallywags, it's time to be awesome!”

The captain encouragingly sang to her followers as Spike and one of the crew members drummed on some of the crates

“Come on! Let's show these little ponies how it's done!” The captain took control of the wheel as the crew spread out the ships true wing colors which were rainbow colored just like Rainbow’s mane and tail.

To which everybody expect Twilight and Starlight marveled at the sight as the sunshine peaks through the dark skies.

“Awesome! I knew you had it in ya!” Rainbow happily complimented them for their newfound spirit. “And now for the finishing touch!” She added as she flew up into the air.

“Rainboom! Rainboom! Rainboom! Rainboom!” Pinkie cheered for her.

“Get everything ready for our escape, right away!” Twilight ordered Starlight who immediately ran off to do so as Rainbow Dash performs her sonic rainboom and gives away their position to Midnight and Tempest as everyone else on the ship.

“Huh? Huh? Looka that rainbow! Looka that rainbow! Whoa, that'th so cool!” Grubber remarked very impressed at the sight as he dropped his slice of cake as Tempest reacts with silent amazement while Midnight still watches on stoically as if she expected that.

“Yeah. Of them to alert us.” Tempest then smirked as she turned to Capper as Midnight glares at him. “Funny, though. They don't seem to be heading to Black Skull Island.”

“Like "ha ha" funny or... ha ha...” Capper still kept cool under pressure knowing that his lie has been exposed.

“Set across towards the ship.” Midnight instructed the unicorn who steers their ship into their direction.

Just as the captain and Rainbow both spare with each other with swords they see one of the Storm King’s ships heading towards them.

“Storm guards! Looks like they found you!” Captain Celaeno said in alarm.

“Midnight and Tempest!” Twilight said just as alarmed as she gestures her friends to follow her.

“Secure the rigging! Lock down the cargo! Everyone, prepare to be boarded!” She ordered them as one of the crew members hides them in the cellar.

“Oh my goodness!” Fluttershy said in fright.

“Ya think they saw my sonic rainboom?” Rainbow nervously asked Twilight.

“Are you kidding me?!?!” Twilight asked her in exasperation and anger at her friend's idiocy. “Of course they did and thanks to that you just gave our position and brought Midnight and Tempest to us!” She scolded her friend as an anchor from both mares ship hooks onto Celaeno’s ship as Midnight, Tempest, Grubber, and two storm guards jump onto the ship together.

As Grubber still seriously looks on at the pirates while still eating his cake the crew all shown fright and wide eyed fear in the face of Midnight Sparkle as if this is the first time they are meeting with the villainous alicorn face to face.

“Where is the Pony Princess?” Tempest stoically asked the captain,

"Princess"? Prin-Cess, Prin-Cess...” Captain Celaeno pulled out her clipboard to pretend she is looking for her but it doesn't quite ring a bell. “Nope. All we're hauling is Storm King merchandise.” She lied as Squabble held up said bobble head. “Along with your royal decorations for your throne room of course, Princess Midnight!” She added as said alicorn glared at her.

“I see you all decided to have a change in uniforms.” Midnight commented as she inspected their uniforms. “Sounds like somebody inspired you to do so against my orders.” She then glared at the crew who all flinch in response at her purple eyed daggers.

“And you do realize that if you were to shelter fugitives, the Storm King would be quite... explosive.” Tempest calmly but sternly warned them of the consequences as the Captain nervously gulps as one of the two leaders is standing right in front of them and they are so dead.

“We have to get off this ship before they tell Midnight and Tempest we're here!” Twilight loudly whispered to her friends.

“We helped them get their mojo back! They're not gonna give us up!” Rainbow whispered back not offering anyway getaway solutions as Starlight motions to Twilight of her escape plan as Rarity is hyperventilating in panic with Spike comforting her, Fluttershy is cowering in fright, Applejack is sighing in defeat, while Pinkie goofs off as always.

“I've got this!” Twilight confidently said to Starlight as they put her plan into motion.

“Now, We’re gonna count to three, and if you don't tell us where they are, your ship is going down.” Tempest calmly threatened the crew.

“One...” Both Midnight and Tempest counted as two of the crew members look on nervously.

“Hold this!” Twilight instructed Starlight as she held one of the Storm King’s flag’s and rope without question.

“What are you doing?!” Rainbow asked.

“...two...” Both Midnight and Tempest counted as Captain Celaeno grabs onto the handle of her sword ready to fight them if she has to despite her fear of the two ponies.

“Oh, thith is inteeenth!” Grubber commented ready to see the action.

“Three!” Both Midnight and Tempest counted as they hear screaming from down below.

“What?” Tempest questioned as Captain Celaeno gasps in relief that they have escaped.

“Oh, for Celestia's sake!!!” Rarity screamed as they fell overboard from the cellar door.

“Whee!” Pinkie laughed it off as fun after briefly screaming in fright.

“I can't look!” Fluttershy screamed as she covered her eyes as Rarity screams as she briefly pauses to look at herself in the mirror before continuing to scream.

Twilight and Starlight confidently smile as they use their magic to lift everybody including Rainbow into the nearby crate as they use the rope to wrap it around the crate together.

“What in the hay is she up to?” Applejack asked in confusion.

“Just watch.” Starlight commented as she helped tie the flag into the rope as both ponies get inside as Twilight squeezes Spike to breathe fire into the flag to create a hot-air balloon to fly away just barely nicking a top of one of the tall trees in the process.

“Thank goodness.” Rarity said in relief.

“Phee-yew! Quick thinkin', Twilight!” Applejack complimented her as she cheered in victory and hoof-bumped with Starlight.

“That was fun! Can we do it again?” Pinkie happily asked with an eager smile.

“Next stop, Mount Aris!” Rainbow flew to the back to push it towards the tall mountain’s direction.

“We're home free!” Twilight cheered as the rest of the Mane Six join her.

Back onto the ship the storm guard grunted as they chunked some of the chests aside as both Midnight and Tempest glare at Capper and the pirates who all nervously back up.

“There'th no ponieth.” Grubber reported as he emerged from the cellar. “But I found thith. It'th a... kind of a cupcake... with thprinkleth...” He added as he presented said item. “Oh, yeah, and I found thith, too.” Grubber added as he presented a map Twilight left behind. “Wow, this is a real artitht!” He said as he munched onto the cupcake.

“Looks like they're really heading to Mount Aris.” Tempest commented at their discovery.

“Well of course they would.” Midnight commented as she already expected this all to happen with a content smile. “Just as planned. And I have to admit, Twilight’s escape is very clever and creative, and I’m mildly impressed with her.”

“Really?” Capper stammered and laughing nervously. “Mou- Mount Aris? I... Well, that's my mis— I didn't know that... Mount Ari... My bad, I didn't... That's my... I'm sorry, I'm very very sorry.” He tried to lie that he didn’t mean to mislead them yet still is not fooling the stoic and unimpressed unicorn and alicorn leaders.

“Now, about your betrayal...” Tempest calmly approached them as she flared her horn along with Midnight who joined her and spread her wings out threateningly as everyone watches on fearfully as the duo use their magic to destroy their ship while attacking them with fiery blasts as they send all of them hurling towards the ocean down below at a fast rate as the ship explodes from the fiery combined magic of both ponies as multiple parts of the ship come crashing down to the water with parts still in flames. Once the deed was done, Midnight carrying Tempest, Grubber, and the two guards onto her back flies them back to their airship where she would drop them all off once they were all back aboard.

“All right, Tempest…” Midnight turned to the unicorn. “…Set a course for Mount Aris towards the beach on the other side of the mountain. Once there, get the ship into position ready on my signal because this next attempt of capturing Twilight is one that it counts because now it is time for part three of my plan.” Midnight then said as she grinned evilly as her heart glowed neon purple as she sets her sights on Mount Aris.

Author's Note:

In Part Two, the heroes make their way through Klugetown and traveled through the skies en route to find the Queen of the Hipogriffs.

Like in canon Twilight along with Starlight are rightfully suspicious not to trust Capper as well as the pirates they came across. Even though the friendship has really inspired and dug into their hearts it did little to wonders as they nearly got caught by Midnight and Tempest twice as a result which leads to Twilight beginning to feel friendship and her friends are being dead weight as they finally reach Mount Aris.

One of the changes was while Capper helped the Mane Five out, Twilight is also the onehe one to trick and capture the mob of thugs trying to get them to offer themselves at small prices with a simple trick and lead into a trap ploy with Starlight later assisting with her escape plan from their second encounter of both Midnight and Tempest's capture attempts.

As for the villains both actively hunting down Twilight, they both establish themselves as No-Nonsense Nemesis's during their hunt for her as Midnight herself shows no restraint in killing two thugs that came across her path for trying to fight and threaten her. Along with the more scared reactions of the many thugs who saw her along with the pirate's reaction to her implied death threats along with blowing up their ride, Midnight is really proving herself to be a villain who really darkens the tone of this story whenever she is involved while Tempest is very determined to hunt her down no matter how many obstacles get in her way.

Also Midnight herself is calm and collected even when Twilight escaped their grasp the first two times because she gains the ability to tear down Twilight's respect for her friends and friendship overall in the process. And with Seaequestria next up for the heroes, Midnight plans to take personal and direct action in Part Three in order to ensure the third capture attempt is a success since this is the next part of her plan.

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