• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,518 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 41: Fame and Misfortune

Chapter 41:

A Fame of Misfortune

Twilight was trotting through Ponyville for another visit, enjoying the nice walk. Between dealing with the threat of Midnight and helping the stubborn yaks in the aftermath of an avalanche, she couldn’t have asked for a more peaceful day out.

But all of a sudden, her peace was disturbed, when she found herself struck by a scoop of ice cream.

“Oops. Sorry Princess Twilight," One filly apologized to assure her she didn't mean to hit her. "That was meant for her!" She then pointed to the filly on the opposite side of the road who retaliates by tossing an ice cream sundae at her. “Incoming!” She shouted as she and Twilight duck to miss the incoming flying object which landed on another pony’s table at a nearby café.

The stallion simply shrugged and dug into the ice cream happily enjoying it.

“Toola Roola, Coconut Cream, what are you doing?!” Twilight scolded the two fillies.

“Sorry, but that was meant for my ex-friend.” Coconut Cream responded while pointing an accusing hoof at her direction.

“I'm not your ex-friend – you're my ex-friend!” Toola Roola retorted as they went back to throwing ice cream at each other with Twilight being pelted for being in the middle of the crossfire.

“Both of you stop!” Twilight commanded of them as she protected herself with a magical shield before deciding to get them to sort it all out with one of her friendship lectures.

“ ..So you see, friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt, it's worth fighting for.” Twilight said as she concluded her lecture.

“Awww!” Both fillies commented as they then giggled and dropped their feud immediately to which Twilight smiled in response as she thinks to herself with a hoof to her chin.

“Hmmm. That sounds familiar.”" Twilight thought to herself. Then she smiled since she immediately got an idea in her head. Taking off in a flash, the princess rushed to back to Canterlot in flight and then made her way to the library pulling out of the all friendship lessons she learned since day one and including the friendship lessons her friends learned back under Twilight’s tutelage and when she was Midnight Sparkle.

All the while Twilight was doing this she was pulling everything she needed onto the table while briefly pulling out and putting back the books she doesn’t need when both Starlight and Spike come into the room wondering what she is doing.

“No. No. No. No. Aha! Here it is.”

"What’d ya doing Twilight?” Spike asked. “Everything all right?”

“Yep.” Twilight answered. “Just doing a little searching through the library.” She said as she presented what she was looking for with her magic the friendship journal which is worn out and dusty.

“What is that?” Starlight questioned.

“Come on, Starlight, don't judge a book by its cover.” She told her as she presented the journal. “This is the friendship journal my friends and I used to keep. It's filled with all the things we've learned, like: "Friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt, it's worth fighting for."

“I remember that lesson!” Spike recalled. “It’s the most important friendship lesson of all!”

“Sure sounds like it.” Starlight commented. “Though it could use an update considering how long it’s been in those shelves.” She noted of how old and dusty it was as one of the pages crumbles into dust.

“True.” Twilight acknowledged as she turned to Spike. “Spike, could you send a message to all of my friends in Ponyville and tell them to bring together every friendship lesson report they have ever written because we will need them.”

“You got it Twilight!” Spike obeyed without question as he set out to do so.

Shortly afterwards, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity were all gathered in the Canterlot library where they all brought the requested papers consisting of said friendship lessons as asked of them while wondering what Twilight had in mind.

“Thanks for coming, everypony. I've got a surprise for you.” Twilight greeted every pony.

“What is it, Twilight? Do I need to prepare myself?” Fluttershy said in worry.

“Nothing to worry about, Fluttershy.” Twilight assured her friend's question as she presented the old friendship journal onto the table with her magic. ”It's this!”

"Ugh what is that thing?" Rarity asked in disgusts as she fanned the smell of the old book with her hoof. “Why is it so smelly?"

“Wait a minute.” Pinkie gasped when recognized what said book is. “Is this our old friendship journal? I haven't seen this thing in forever!”

“Hoo-wee! It's lookin' a little, uh... overripe.” Applejack took notice of the look and smell of the book as he tried fanning the scent away with his hat.

“I'll say!” Rainbow agreed as she flipped through the pages. “There's a smushed apple in Applejack's lessons.” Rainbow pointed to said pages. “Fluttershy's lessons are so small, you can barely read them.” She pointed out to the very said tiny writing as she squinted at it.

“I, uh, wanted to leave room for all of you.” Fluttershy explained with a small blush as she looked aside as Rainbow turns to pages of the journal with purple cursive writing. “I-I don't even know what this is.” Rainbow showed Rarity said pages of the book.

“It is called calligraphy, darling. If you're going to make words, at least make them fabulous.” Rarity answered as she marveled at her own eloquent writing as Rainbow handed the book to Applejack to take a look at to which she can across pages with holes in them.

“Looks like you got a little aggressive with your friendship lessons, Rainbow Dash.” The farmpony told her as she held up the book with the aforementioned pages.

“What can I say? When I learn something, I learn it hard.” Rainbow thought nothing of it as she closed the book and then reopened it as she is greeted to confetti exploding in her face. “I found Pinkie's page.” Rainbow then said in a deadpan expression.

“Well, I am surprised!” Pinkie giggled.

“That wasn't the only surprise.” Twilight brought up as she nodded at Starlight who zaps at it with her magic and then levitates it into the center of the table which multiplied into six copies with freshly made pages being inserted into the new copies for each of the ponies gathered to read.

“Ta-da! Starlight and I decided to make one for each of you!” Twilight told every pony as she holds their newly made books before handing them out to everyone in the room.

“That's amazin'! A perfect copy!” Applejack spoke impressed as she reads from her copy.

“I learned the spell years ago when I needed to make copies of a certain…” She briefly paused to clear her throat after nervously eyeing every pony. “...manifesto.” She finished before she could say something that brought up the topic of her dark past again.

“Ahhh!” Rarity enjoyed the fresh smell. “Even better than a perfect copy.”

“Oh, I'd forgotten all about this lesson.” Fluttershy recalled a particular lesson that caught her eye.

“Remember this one from when I helped Daring Do? "Never underestimate the power of friends who always got your back."” Rainbow Dash recalled as she read from her journal.

“Aww, Cheese Sandwich! Party cannon! Ah! Birth-iversary!” Pinkie excitably exclaimed as she remembered that particular day.

“After Twilight remembered the journal, I had so much fun reading all the stuff you've all learned, I just had to have my own copy.” Starlight told their friends as she levitated said book towards herself.

“And that brings me to the second part of the surprise. My idea.” Twilight further continued. “How would you girls feel about making our journal available for everypony?” She proposed to the girls. “If we can get these lessons into other ponies' hooves, maybe they'll benefit from them.”

“Well, I think that's a great idea.” Fluttershy immediately supported the idea.

“I'm in!” Pinkie immediately supported it too. “Yay!”

“W-We always said we wanted to.” Applejack agreed.

“Sounds fabulous.” Rarity also agreed.

“I'm awesome.” Rainbow boasted as she read her own journal entries leading to an awkward pause when she sees every pony glaring at her. “Oh, yeah. Uh, good idea.” Rainbow Dash immediately vouched her approval as she awkwardly smiles and voices her opinion.

Twilight then traveled through different parts of Equestria to promote the release of the journals while her friends covered the rest of Equestria. Pretty soon every book store and stands in every city and town were glad to accept copies so they can sell them.

Within days of them being put on shelves and display stands, eager ponies quickly purchased them all throughout Ponyville, Fillydelphia, Cloudsdale, Canterlot, and Manehattan.

During one of her visits at the Ponyville school where she was handing out copies of journals to the many foals that have lined up seeking a copy with Starlight and Spike accompanying her she heard the two fillies who she came across the other day arguing a little while ago arguing again.

“No! I don't wanna play with you anymore!” Toola Roola argued to her friend.

“Why not?! You love playing hopskotch!” Coconut Cream argued back.

“No, you do because you always win!” Toola Roola argued back.

“Hey, girls.” Twilight calmly interrupted the argument. “Couldn't help but overhear. You might want to take a breather, maybe read Rainbow Dash's chapter on Rainbow Falls?” She offered a journal with said entry for them to read together. “It might help.”

“Sure, Princess.” Toola Roola agreed to listen as they both read from the journal itself as Apple Bloom approaches her.

“Thanks, Twilight!” Apple Bloom called out to her with one of the copies of the journal. “These friendship journal's lessons are really helping us learn a lot about friendship than before and they are makin' us super popular!”

“Oh.” Twilight commented in surprise while still keeping up the smile.

“We were thinkin' of puttin' together a cutie mark summer camp. Now, everypony's definitely gonna sign up for it! This is gonna be awesome!” She laughed in excitement as she and the other fillies walk off. “Cutie Mark Crusaders, whoo.”

“A cutie mark camp is a great idea.” Starlight commented in agreement as she and Spike walked up to her. “At least that’s a start.”

“Yeah and while it's good that some ponies are so far getting the lessons, but the purpose of the journal isn't supposed to be marketing.” Twilight accepted but didn’t completely agree with their approach as that wasn't the intended result as the three walk through Ponyville together. “I just hope those foals actually learn something from our lessons.”

“They will!” Starlight assured her they just need time to understand that. “I'm sure ponies all across Equestria will… Whoa!” She then said surprise seeing some eagerly smiling ponies hold copies of the journal right in front of them.

“Uh, hello! Can I... help you?” Twilight asked them with a forced smile after she, Starlight, and Spike all exchanged surprised looks at each other.

"Our apologies, princess." A earth pony mare with gray fur, light blue eyes, with a black mane and tail, with red streaks in her mane and tail, wearing a black sweater with matching glasses and a pink t-shirt. "But we're here all the way from Fillydelphia because we got copies of your friendship journal!” She said with eager excitement

“Wow! How wonderful!” Twilight expressed delight to her that. “What was your favorite friendship?"

"Well mine was the one was hearing about the time when you three time traveled together." The mare answered much to the two ponies and young dragon's confusion. "And the best part about it is learning how much friendship impacted your life and how much of factor it played into it. Just learning about your adventures when learning about friendship is just really breathtaking!"

"Wow! That's definitely sounds like somepony's been doing a lot of research!" Twilight responded after getting over her shock of what kind of pony they are dealing with. "At least you really understand and value friendship!"

"Oh, believe me, Princess Twilight." The mare thought nothing of it with a brief devious smirk. "I understand it and value it well enough to know what I'm dealing with."

“Will you sign them?!” A colt with blue fur, blue eyes, and a dark blue mane interrupted her train of thought while holding up their copies.

“Oh, uh, I guess so.” Twilight reluctantly agreed as she levitated all of the copies with her magic. “So, what did you think of the lessons?” She again asked.

“Oh, we haven't read them. These are keepsakes.” The blue male pony replied as he wrapped up his copy up. “We gotta keep them in mint condition. Ha-ha.”

“Oh.” Twilight then said in disappointment.

“Wow, that was worth the trip!” Another pony exclaimed in excitement as they all chatter amongst themselves as they walk off while Twilight feels discouraged by this with Starlight placing a comforting hoof on her shoulder.

“Don't worry, Twilight.” Starlight assured her as they continued making their way through town. I'm sure lots of other ponies are being inspired to be better friends at least like that one mare who brought up our time-traveling adventure.”

“That’s right!” Spike brought up encouragingly. “Just because a few ponies don’t completely understand the lessons doesn’t make it a complete loss. And needless to say even when that pony does get them, I still found it rather creepy that she is into really deep lessons like that.” He couldn't help but comment on the mare's appearance.

“Well, I for one found the journal terribly illuminating.” A nearby pony at a café table spoke up to which Twilight gasps with excitement of hope as she, Starlight, and Spike duck for cover in the nearby bush.

“I agree. I'm seeing sides of these ponies I didn't know were there.” They all smiled in delight hearing this from the mare as Twilight takes a peak. “I only wish they'd left Rarity out.” Until they heard her say that comment. “She clearly doesn't belong in that book with the rest of them I mean taking advantage of other ponies like that even that little dragon her so-called friend.”

“Hey! That’s not true!” Spike exclaimed in protest.

“Oh, I know! Who does she think she is? Certainly she did a fine job setting up the Ponyville Days celebration, but does she really believe it was a success just because of her?“ The male pony laughed off said ponies efforts. “The nerve!”

Said pony just happened to be reading the paper behind them feeling deeply hurt by that comment as she ran off crying.

“But that's not what she was saying!” Twilight said in surprise at their interpretation. “Rarity!” She called out to the devastated unicorn to no avail. “Oh, poor Rarity. She overheard all the mean things those ponies were saying. She must be devastated. I'm going after her.

“Go ahead.” Starlight encouraged her to. “I'm gonna have a chat with these two.” Starlight proceeded to approach the two ponies with a stern glare.

“Me too!” Spike also joined in. “Because no pony insults the love of the life…” He then blushed when he realized what he just said. “Er…. I… mean my friend like that.” Spike then joined in on the glaring with Starlight as they make their way the two ponies.

“What is your problem treating Rarity like that?” Starlight sternly questioned them. “That was very mean and hurtful of what you both said about her!”

“Well it’s her loss if she so sensitive to what others have to say about her.” The mare callously shrugged it off. “I mean really, this coming from friends like you two, you two are better off without that drama queen in your life.”

“I know crying all the time like she did now whenever some pony hurts her feelings.” The colt agreed as she laughed along with the mare.

“You ponies have some nerve for saying that to her without any remorse.” Spike growled as he got up onto the table and got up in both ponies faces. “If any of you two were in her position you wouldn’t think it was so funny yourself!”

“Aw, come on now, no need for hostilities, Spikey-Wikey.” The mare mockingly told him as she pinched his cheeks to which Spike slapped away and breathed fire at her to which she barely avoided getting her hoof burned there.

Before Spike could go further, Starlight placed a hoof over Spike to stop as she took her turn to tell them off.

“Every pony has their different opinions, which I can respect.” Starlight calmly addressed them while still glaring at them. “However, there is a fine line in between voicing you opinion and hurting other pony’s feelings so I think you both owe Rarity an apology for the way you treated her.”

“Apologize to her?” The mare treated it as a joke. “Like you’re one to talk?”

“This is your last warning?” Starlight ominously warned them with brewing fury.

“Yeah what is your problem?!” Spike added just as furious.

“My problem?” The colt questioned. “How is that the Princess of Friendship deciding to pick a power hungry unicorn to be her pupil our problem?!”

Starlight hearing that hard-hitting comment gritted her teeth in anger as she is about close to losing her patience with them.

“If I were both of you, I’d watch your mouths, otherwise the Princess of Friendship will be hearing about this.” Starlight sternly warned them as she clenched her hoof onto the table. “And if she does hear that you are harassing other ponies again you both won’t be shown mercy, understand?!”

Both ponies surprised seeing her in this tone while realizing they pushed them too far just simply nod in fright as turn to each other.

“So uh, anything else other than the friendship journal you want to talk about?” The colt asked the mare who is just as speechless as her leaving the satisfied unicorn and young dragon both walking off in disgust after having said what needed to be said as the earth pony they encountered from earlier watches the scene from across while hiding her face in her newspaper with a smirk seeing the results of what she is seeing.

Meanwhile Twilight is pursuing Rarity as she runs off crying her eyes out.

“Rarity, wait!” Twilight called after her as she pursed her only to be tackled by Pinkie.

“Twilight! Isn't it amazing? Our journals are everywhere!” Pinkie happily told her now pinned down friend.

“Pinkie, I've got to…” Twilight politely tried to talk her that she has another pony she needs to tend to.

“Ponies keep stopping by to tell me my entries are hilarious!” Pinkie kept on rambling as she signed an autograph for a nearby pony. “I even had somepony come all the way from Las Pegasus to say how much he liked my lessons!”

“I am so glad to hear some ponies are being inspired by the journal.” Twilight smiled in response.

“Hey, look! There's Pinkie Pie! The funny one!” One of the mares pointed as she and the nearby ponies joined in on the laughter.

“Giggly feedback is the best kind!” Pinkie enjoyed the positive attention she was getting.

“Well, at least you're getting a positive reaction.” Twilight said as her smile then turned to a frown. “I just saw Rarity, and I'm afraid this whole journal thing really upset her.”

“Aww, that's too bad.” Pinkie responded feeling sorry for the unicorn as the ponies who overheard that laugh hearing that.

“Wait. That wasn't even funny.” Pinkie said unamused and confused as the ponies still laugh thinking she is still joking around.

“O-kay. Well, I guess I'll catch you later.” Twilight then walked off while still smiling for every pony while not getting a reaction as she presses forward.

“Yup. Bye, Twilight!” Pinkie waved in her direction as the ponies laugh at her response while the dark-furred earth pony just casually walks by while following Twilight.

Pinkie not finding heartwarming dialogue funny simply decides to back away from the crowd with a forced smile.

As Twilight looks around wondering where Rarity ran off too she found papers of said journal falling onto her horn she looked up in the direction to where they came from and sees it was as she flew upwards.

“Maybe it's time to call it a day.” Rainbow Dash tried to gently tell one of the fillies asking her questions about the journal that she’s done for now.

“I wipped out all the Twilight Spawkle lessons 'cause they were getting in the way of the good ones.” One of the fillies told an uninterested Rainbow Dash as Twilight flies up to them.

“What do you mean you skipped the lessons?” Twilight asked in surprise and shock that she would do that. “We've all had valuable experiences.”

“Hey, here's a great idea!” Rainbow proposed as she pushed the two in Twilight’s direction. “Why don't you guys talk to Twilight for a while? So I can get back to things like working and napping and, well, pretty much anything else.” She told them to which Twilight frowned at her trying for shifting their focus onto them as if she is avoiding her problems.

“Aw, we don't wanna hear her bowing lessons!” The foal immediately dismissed the princess who felt insulted by this comment. “Come on! Tell us again about when you met Dawing Do!” She asked Rainbow as she points to said page in her copy of the book.

“Again?” Rainbow responded after a brief nervous laugh. “Haven't we already covered that one? A couple dozen times?”

“We can't get enough of it! Come on, you don't want to disappoint your fans!” The second filly egged her with a smirk as more peagsus ponies their age join in with eager smiles and held up journals.

“Uh... It's just that I, uh, really need to get those storm clouds back in their... pens.” Rainbow pointed to said storm clouds to excuse herself from dealing with her fan club.

“Oh, cool! We'll come along. You can tell us the stowy there.” The first filiy responded as the other pegasus fillies follow after her chanting her name much to the latter’s displeasure and Twilight’s disappointment as she flew off after them and got in between them to stop them.

“Okay, there’s very nice and sweet of all of you…” Twilight politely addressed them before getting firm with them. “But Rainbow Dash has got work to do and it is very distracting to her if all of you are constantly asking her questions when she has a job to do. So it be much appreciated by the Princess of Friendship if you all leave her alone right now.”

“Awww.” The fillies all groaned in disappointment as they fly away.

“Thanks, Twilight!” Rainbow greatly appreciated that as she flew off to pursue the storm clouds. “I’ll catch you later!”

Twilight’s brief smile of satisfaction faded as she hears more commotion from down below.

“Oh, what's going on now?” Twilight questioned as she flew down to see four ponies cornering Fluttershy as if they are now harassing her.

“Please, just leave me alone!” Fluttershy pleaded them to back off as Twilight moves aside two of the ponies to make sure she is okay.

“Fluttershy, what's wrong?” Twilight asked in worry for her friend.

“We want answers!” A huge turquoise colored pony demanded.

“Yeah! We're entitled to know!” A yellow colored pony wearing purple glasses and a light blue pearl necklace also demanded.

“What is it, everypony?” Twilight asked everypony.

“We wanna know why Fluttershy keeps learning the same thing over and over again! Be assertive already!” The yellow colored pony explained and then addressed the meek peagsus.

“Even I've learned more than she has! Why can't I be in the book?!” One of the ponies with light brown fur complained as Starlight and Spike arrive on the scene.

“What? Really?!” Starlight asked in disgust as she held said pony. “Are you attacking my friend because you want to be in a book?!”

“It's okay. I got this, girls.” Fluttershy assured her friends as she takes a deep breath before firmly addressing the crowd before her. “Listen up! I am more assertive! And yes, it took me a while to get there. But can you honestly say that you could learn something one time and completely change who you are?“ She addressed the pony with purple glasses with an accusing hoof who had no response to return. “I didn't think so.”

“Wow. You're way different from the Fluttershy in the book. I don't know how I feel about that.” The turquoise colored colt spoke sounding impressed to which Fluttershy briefly smiled at hearing that before flying off disappointed that her message is quite getting through to them as they discuss amongst themselves.

“It feels like everypony in Equestria is missing the "friendship" part of the friendship journals.” Twilight told Starlight feeling like that this whole friendship journal publishing wasn’t such a good idea after all as they make their way to Rarity’s shop to check up on her finally with Spike riding on Starlight.

At the same time the earth pony having witnessed everything is hiding in the bushes looking through her binoculars to spy on them as she secretly and stealthily makes her way through town.

“Rarity, are you alright?” She asked her only to nearly get hit in the face with a roll of fabric as they all see Rarity sewing. “What are you doing?”

“Why, I'm creating a gown, darling!” Rarity answered as she turned around and showed her crazed smile which surprised the three.

“Uh oh.” Spike commented in shock seeing that Rarity is losing it again.

“For what?” Twilight asked.

“I don't know! I'm stress-sewing!” Rarity answered as she makes some noises in frustration.

“Stress-sewing?” Twilight again asked as the disheveled appearing unicorn walked up to her still tearing up.

“When I overheard those two at the cafe, I suddenly understood why I've been getting cancellations for days!” Rarity explained.

“What? Why are ponies cancelling their orders?” Starlight asked her.

“Because nopony likes me any more! They're boycotting me!” She cried out as she fiddled with a mannequin as she briefly opens her curtains to show said ponies who have formed an angry mob outside of her store holding up protesting signs.

“I'm sure if I go out there and talk to those ponies, they'll see that they're being unreasonable.” Twilight proposed as she made her way to the door only to nearly get hit in the face by Applejack who just barged in with a messed up mane and tail along with having bags under her eyes.

“I need a hundred blankets, and I need 'em now!” Applejack called out to her. “Sorry, Twilight.” She quickly apologized as she shoots her a brief irritated look at her direction.

“Right away, pony-who-still-likes-me!” Rarity quickly responded to the farm pony's request.

“I don't need nothin' fancy.” Applejack told her as she pulled a blanket from on the shelves.

“What's the matter, Applejack?” Twilight asked in concern.

“I'm popular, Twilight! I'm popular, and I don't like it one bit!” Applejack frantically answered as she ran off back to Sweet Apple Acres.

“You go ahead. We'll stay here.” Starlight told Twilight who then took a deep breath before running after Applejack.

She follows Applejack back to Sweet Apple Acres where the place is overrun by ponies who are just walking around like they live there. From resting on the apple hills, to gathering to gobble up all of the treats at the table Granny Smith prepares for them much to her exhaustion, and drinking up the apple cider even charging Apple Bloom to give them refills.

“Applejack, who are all these ponies?” Twilight asked said pony handing out blankets to the nearby crowd.

“They call themselves the Sweet Apple Admirers. They say they read my journal entries, and they felt like a part of the family. And now they actually wanna become part of the family!” Applejack explained as one of the fan ponies snaps a photo of her with Applejack.

“Your journal entries?” Twilight asked as Applejack pushed over a bucket of apples for the fan ponies to enjoy.

“Yeah, you know, all the stuff about how friends are like family and whatnot?”

“Can't you get rid of them?” Twilight suggested.

“And kick out my own family?!” Applejack immediately rejected the idea. “Granny Smith, hang on! Let me help!” She then ran off to do so upon seeing her carry a huge load of plates on her back. Probably more than she should at her age.

“There she is!” One of the Sweet Apple Admirers called out as she runs after her grandmother.

“Yee-haw!” All of the ponies shouted in her direction.

“I wish we'd never released that journal.” Twilight sighed with regret as she decides to make matters into her own hooves.

“Listen up everypony!” Twilight addressed the Sweet Apple Admirers. “While it’s much appreciated that you all really like to be a part of the Apple family, there is a fine line between visiting and making yourselves at home and right now you are all overstaying your welcome so everypony who does not live here needs to leave!”

“But…” One of the ponies tried to protest.

“I said now!” Twilight assertively spoke in a demanding tone to which every pony immediately dropped everything and immediately left. As soon as every visitor left Twilight turned to Applejack and said “When you’re done helping your family clean up meet me in Canterlot. And you’re welcome.”

She said as she left off ahead back to Ponyville where she whisked the rest of her friends away with her magic and disappeared with a quick teleportation to inside of the castle.

At the same time the earth pony was secretly relaxing under the shade of one of the apple trees, enjoying an apple treat while wearing sunglasses and watching the scene from afar from the very back boundaries of the farm and sipping on apple cider.

Once every pony was inside, Twilight just sighed to herself as she sadly walked back to her room so she can stare at the open window to which concerned her friends seeing Twilight feeling this upset.

A short while later, Starlight and Spike meet up with her after they had just arrived via teleportation courtesy of Starlight herself.

“There you are! Okay, I just left Rarity. I think she's doing better, and…” Starlight then started to explain before seeing what Twilight was doing and realizing just how serious this growing dilemma has become. “Oh, boy. Window-staring, huh? Was it that bad at Sweet Apple Acres?“

“It's bad everywhere. I thought I was doing something good.” Twilight sadly explained to her friends as she walked up to them as she showed them the journal. “I thought I was helping. How could our friendship journal have led to so much... anti-friendship?!

“Oh, Twilight, it's not your fault.” Starlight tried to assure her.

“As much as I’d like to say otherwise, I honestly don’t see how its’ not!” Twilight retorted. “If I hadn't had the big idea to make copies, none of this would be happening! I'm afraid I made life awful for my friends!”

“I really think you're being too hard on yourself.” Spike tried to reason with her.

“Am I?! Because instead of caring and valuing the friendship lessons as intended ponies are instead using it to constantly harass and belittle me and my friends at every turn! It’s a catastrophe!” Twilight exclaimed as she hung her head upset as Starlight tried to comfort her Spike didn’t know what to do as he couldn’t stand to see Twilight like this as they all walk outside of the room to check up on their friends.

They all made it through the hallway where the rest of their friends were all looking upset and worn out.

"I don't know what to do now! Because of these ponies constantly harassing me I've got so much cookin' and cleanin' and family-in' to do... I ain't got time for anythin' else!!" The farm pony complained as she buried her head into her hat.

“At least ponies aren't laughing every time you talk!” Pinkie pointed out as she popped her head out of the vase she was hiding in. “Not even I want to be funny all the time! I'm telling you, my days of hilariosity-ness-ness are over!." She said as she popped her head back inside the vase to continue hiding.

"You think you've got problems? I know I'm awesome, but I can't even go to the bathroom without somepony trying to tell me how cool I am!” Rainbow Dash complained as she floated back down to the ground before noticing Rarity wearing an outfit she clearly put together in her haste. “Uh, Rarity? What are you wearing?” She asked the fashionista.

"My emotions, darling! Stress couture!" Rarity replied with a very fragile expression.

“I don't know what I'm gonna do if I have to defend myself one more time!!" Fluttershy complained angrily as she noticed Rarity floating some measuring tape around her neck to which she responded by glaring at her.

"Oh, sorry, darling. Force of habit." Rarity quickly apologized and put aside the measuring tape.

Twilight then opened up a curtain from a nearby window to where no pony has even dared to come and try to find them there before quickly closing the curtain as she turns to see her friends all with mixed feeling from Rainbow looking uneasy at Rarity curling herself up in distress, while Fluttershy sits down looking very frustrated, Pinkie still hiding in her vase, while Applejack sleeps on the floor very exhausted.

“Okay, so maybe they are having a hard time with it.” Starlight agreed with her point upon seeing their friends’ reactions. “That doesn't mean you did anything wrong.” She then assertively told Twilight it’s not what she thinks.

“Yes, I did!” Twilight still refused to see things that way. “Releasing the journal was my idea, and it backfired in ways I could never have imagined!”

"Twilight..." Spike began, reaching a claw out to her.

“It's not your fault. It's everypony else's!” Starlight again told her. “They're just focusing on the wrong things, and…” She then gasps when she gets an idea. “Wait here! I've got an idea! Come on Spike!” She told the young dragon as she held onto him as she teleported away.

As soon as Starlight left, Twilight heard the sounds of the fan ponies gathering up outside of the castle much to her irritation.

“That’s it!” Twilight declared having enough of this as she marched outside of the castle to confront them as many of the royal guards have gathered to guard the entrance.

“Everypony, please stop!” Twilight demanded to the arguing ponies as one of the pony’s steps forward with a notepad and pencil ready to take notes.

“Princess Twilight, I'm with the Canterlot Chronicle. Quick question. What would you say to ponies who wonder why you moved to Ponyville in the first place?”

“I moved here to there about friendship.” Twilight honestly answered. “That's why the journal even exists. It took some time for me to get the hang of it, but it was each of these ponies standing next to me who taught me the lessons in those journals. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy, too. Then it was all of you. I've learned so much from…”

“What I mean is, some ponies would argue that it doesn't seem believable that the six of you would be friends.” The reporter pony interrupted.

“"Believable"?” Twilight asked with a quizzical expression.

“Well, sure. I read this journal cover to cover, and I have to say your character would have been much more interesting if she'd stayed in Canterlot or better yet still continuing to being the ambitious and power-hungry Midnight Sparkle.”

“My character?!” Twilight asked now crossly at the ponies she is dealing with especially the ones who yell in agreement that she is better off being Midnight Sparkle. “We are real ponies! This journal is a record of things that actually happened to us! We made mistakes, and we learned from them!”

“What about Rarity? Are we really supposed to believe everything she wrote in there?” One of ponies that made Rarity cry earlier asked.

“That's why you wanna be Team Dash! She's the only one that didn't weally need to learn anything, because she was alweady so cool.” One of the young Pegasus ponies commented.

“Twilight was better before she got wings!” An elderly pony commented.

“Fluttershy is just so painfully shy, it's hard to relate! I mean, come on!” One of the ponies that was harassing Fluttershy earlier commented.

“Are Pinkie Pie and Applejack related or what?!” Another pony commented as they all angrily chatter amongst themselves.

“Twilight was better when she was Midnight! She should be ruling over Equestria by now!” Another pony in the crowd spoke up.

At that point, Twilight has had enough of this and then used her royal Canterlot voice to speak up.

“Listen to me!” She shouted to every pony to stop talking.

“That is enough all of you!” She then scolded every pony. “You all have differing reactions and I respect that but this has gone far enough! You have all harassed my friends non-stop, used the journal for own purposes, and what’s worse you completely missed the point of the lessons. You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves coming all the way out here to Canterlot making a fuss over these very little things.” She then asked as she flew up. “How would you all feel if any of us constantly harassed you?!” She demanded to the speechless ponies who could not reply in response. “Not very good, huh? So If I were all of you, I’d leave right now before I press charges against all of you!” She then demanded every pony with a gestured hoof away from the castle’s direction as the ashamed ponies all did so without another word as many of the guards went back inside to assume their usual positions with a couple setting off to report to Princess Celestia and Princess Luna that the crowd has dispersed.

Once Twilight was inside she then sighed in relief that it is all taken care of she then is greeted with two friends accompanied by Starlight and Spike.

The two pony’s faces that have accompanied are Toola Roola and Coconut Cream.

“Um, Spike, Starlight?” Twilight began to ask.

“Yes, Twilight these are friends who actually understood the journal and the message you were trying to set for everypony.” Starlight confirmed with a nod.

"Did you really think I was going to let you stand by and give up like that?!" Spike spoke up. "Just because someponies got the wrong idea about your friendship journals doesn’t mean it wasn’t a total failure. Which is why we went out and found ponies who actually read the journal to get you see the success for yourself."

"Is this all true?" Twilight reluctantly asked to the ponies Starlight and Spike brought over who both nod “Yes” in response.

“And thank you for publishing this journal Twilight. And for the lesson from of all of you.” Toola Roola answered on behalf of every pony in the room.

“Yeah, our friendship? Well, we were having trouble until we read your journal. It showed us that friends can go through all sorts of tough times and come through stronger than before.” Coconut Cream added her input as her friend hugs her.

“It's made us better friends than we've ever been!” Toola Roola happily added.

“Really?” Twilight asked the two feeling touched hearing this who both nod in response. “Oh, I can't tell you how much it means to hear that. Thank you for telling us. We've had a tough couple of days, but knowing we've helped fillies like you...“

“It makes everythin' we've been through worth it.” Applejack added

“Absolutely.” Rarity agreed as she hugged Applejack. “Fads come and go. Friendship is forever.”

“There are worse things than not being able to do anything without being told I'm awesome.” Rainbow Dash added as she flapped her wings while leaning on her back.

“And we can't change the way other ponies think about us. But we can change how we let it affect us.” Fluttershy said with a hoof to her chest.

“Or how we don't let it affect us!” Pinkie added as she pelted herself in the face with a pie with a giggle. “Go ahead! Laugh!”

Everypony does laugh as Starlight hugs the two fillies for brightening up their days with those much needed words as Twilight then pulled Spike close to hug him.

"And thank you, Spike for going through is just for her." She happily told the little dragon.

"It was nothing.” Spike returned with a blush. “I mean compared to telling the Apple Family, The Cakes, The Cutie Mark Crusaders, and pretty much every pony in school about the journal who told me to tell you all that they all learned something from the friendship journal."

Twilight then hugged Spike a little tighter hearing of what more Spike did for her.

"But what about all those ponies that were just out there?" Applejack pointed out.

“They’ll come back.” Twilight acknowledged. “But as long as we all know where to draw the line while being firm and polite about it while not letting them get to us we’ll be fine.”

At that moment two of the guards approached them with two ponies walking with them and they were two of the fan ponies who were in the very back of the crowd from earlier one was a unicorn with blue fur, blue eyes, with a dark blue mane and tail and his friend is a mare with magenta fur, magenta eyes, with a purple mane and tail both looking very apologetic with journals in their hooves.

“Princess Twilight, we’ve had two ponies still sticking around after the crowd of ponies all left.” One of the guards informed her.

“They requested to have a quick word with you with the promise to never bother you uninvited again.” The other guarded added asked for her answer for her orders to deal with them.

“Very well.” Twilight said as she turned to the two ponies who simply wait to be able to speak. “Proceed.”

“Hello Princess Twilight.” The colt began awkwardly. ”Listen, I just wanted to come by and apologize for what you and friends had to put up with.” The blue colt said sincerely to her.

"All of those ponies had no right to treat you all like that." The mare added agreeing with her favorite pony. "Unlike many of the ponies who didn’t get the lessons we did as we read the journal ourselves and we certainly have come across some well-thought out lessons we could learn a thing or two from."

“Really?” Twilight hopefully asked.

“Yes, really.” The colt confirmed with a nod. “We really learned a lot more about friendship ever since we came across this journal you published! It actually helped get our relationship right back on track just when were about to break up with each other. Especially the lesson of how you reconciled with your loved ones after everything that had happened since the first attempted wedding at Canterlot.”

"Wow!” Twilight commented in amazement that her brief road to villainy has actually helped a struggling couple get together again. “You have no idea how much this means a lot to hear all of that.”

“We also wanted to tell you that and we’ll try our hardest to make sure the message is made more clear to our friends back in Ponyville so they’ll understand the meaning of the lessons better.” The mare added.

“Thank you both for coming and telling me all of this!” Twilight gratefully told the happy couple who both turn to leave. “It really means a lot!” She emphasized with a huge smile on her face.

"Well it’s the least we could do for the Princess of Friendship.” The colt said with a smile. “And we look forward to hearing more about your future friendship lessons.”

“We look forward to hearing from you soon, Princess Twilight!” The mare added as she waved bye to the alicorn as they both make their out of the castle.

“Well, that was interesting.” Rainbow Dash commented. “Something good coming out from your dark past.”

“Who would have known?” Twilight replied with a shrug. “At what matters is that there are ponies out there who completely understand the main purpose of the publishing of that journal which will definitely improve in time.” She then said feeling much better and confident that publishing said journal wasn’t a bad thing after all. “No pony’s perfect. Every pony has made mistakes. And we all learn from them and move on with life.” She then said as prepares to sing to a tune.

“I never claimed to be perfect

My mistakes are all written in ink

None of us claimed to be perfect

And it's sad if that's what you all think

Our flaws helped to make us special.”

Twilight sang as she walked through the hall with her friends smiling as they get into the beat.

“They bond us and keep us strong

Our flaws are what brought us together

So stop actin' like somethin's wrong.”

Twilight sang as she teleported besides her friends.

“We're not flawless

We're a work in progress

We've got dents and we've got quirks

But it's our flaws that make us work

Yeah, we're not flawless

We're a work in progress

So tell me what flaws you got, too

'Cause I still like what's flawed about you.”

The Mane Six all danced together as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash hugged each other for a moment.

“They say I'm a big shot

That my ego's the size of a whale

My confidence comes off as cocky

But it gives me the courage to fail.”

Rainbow Dash sang as she flew into the air.

“Sure, I can be a drama queen

A bit stuck-up, it's true.”

Rarity sang as she sat back.

“And I can be too eager to please

There's such thing as bein' too honest, too, 'cause…”

Applejack sang as she revealed herself as Rarity’s couch as the two ponies get up together.

“We're not flawless

We're a work in progress

We've got dents and we've got quirks

But it's our flaws that make us work.

Yeah, we're not flawless

We're a work in progress

So tell me what flaws you got, too

'Cause I still like what's flawed about you.”

The Mane Six sang together as Pinkie tackled Applejack for a hug.

“Ponies think I'm all bubbles and laughter

That I don't seem sincere

I might joke around a little too much

But I'm just so happy you're here.”

Pinkie sang as she gathered Twilight and Rainbow in together for a group hug.

“It took me a while to be confident

To really come out of my shell.”

Fluttershy sang as she flew up into the air.

“But nopony has to be perfect

By now, don't you know us so well? Because, yeah.”

Twilight sang as she and Rarity danced side by side with the former holding a book with her magic before the later kindly pulled it aside so they could share a heartwarming hug together.

“We're not flawless

We're a work in progress

We've got dents and we've got quirks

But it's our flaws that make us work

Yeah, we're not flawless

We're a work in progress

So tell me what flaws you got, too

'Cause I still like what's flawed about you.”

The Mane Six all sang and danced together as they concluded their song together.

“Well if there’s one thing we learned from that is we know for a fact friendship’s isn’t flawless either.” Toola Roola commented with a smile.

“It sure isn’t.” Twilight replied. “But like we said it’s our flaws that make us work.”

“And nobody’s perfect.” Starlight added. “And I’ve had a good teacher to teach me that.” She said as Twilight blushed hearing that compliment.

“Well you were a good student.” Twilight chuckled in response. “Speaking of which I have another friendship lesson in mind for you back in the changeling kingdom that you might be interested in.”

“And you just spoke my mind right there Twilight.” Starlight eagerly responded to said friendship lesson opportunity. “What kind of friendship lesson?”

“Remember Thorax’s brother Pharnyx?” Twilight asked.

“One of the changelings that still hasn’t agreed to share love yet?” Starlight recalled.

“Yep.” Twilight nodded. “Said friendship lesson involves rekindling the two brother’s relationship and get Pharnyx to accept the new way by sharing love so the hive will accept him too. You think that’s something you can manage?”

“I’m certain! Much like that friendship lesson you set up for me and Trixie along with when you encouraged to meet Pinkie's Pie's sister Maud?” Starlight confidently replied and wondered the reason for her role in those matters.

“Well I wanted to find out if you were ready to tackle friendship lessons again.” Twilight replied with a smile. “And you’ve proven that you are capable of handling them.”

“Wow Twilight! That’s while manipulative but very amazing!” Starlight returned. “And you don’t suppose Trixie can come with me to help solve this do you?”

“Go ahead!” Twilight again approved. “The more the merrier. And especially since your friendship lesson with Trixie will help set an example for the two brothers there.”

“Thanks, Twilight!” Starlight happily responded with a hug.

“You’re welcome, Starlight!” Twilight returned the hug as Spike, Toola Roola, Coconut Cream, and the rest of the Mane Six all join in on the hug together as Princess Celestia watches the scene from the nearby corner having witnessed everything with a proud smile directed at Twilight.

At the same time one of the fan ponies who asked Twilight earlier about her time traveling experience was secretly observing the scene from one of the windows outside before quickly teleporting away from the scene with a frown.

She teleported to back to the borders just outside of Equestria where she transforms back into Midnight Sparkle before making her way back to her hideout where the Storm King’s army is residing.

“Looks like I have to find a different approach this at a different angle.” Midnight said to herself as she walks back over to her secret base while pulling recorded memories of her encouraging many ponies to get the wrong idea of the journal.

"Hello." Midnight greeted the couple at the cafe. "You both read the journal right?"

"Yes, we have and we got to admit the journal is terribly illuminating it's very interesting to learn more about these ponies." The mare admitted in an intrigued tone.

"Well, have you ever considered that they better off without a friend like Rarity?" Midnight asked the couple who insulted Rarity. "I mean for somepony who supposed to represent the Element of Generosity she sure certainly is failing to live up to her standards, am I right?"

"No question." The colt agreed.

"How about Pinkie?" She asked the ponies in town with a chuckle. "She is always a card always making ponies laugh, huh?" She said as every pony joins in on the laughter in agreement.

"Well weally love the Wainbow Dash wessons." One the filly fans told her. "She weally is our hero."

"How about you try to send as much time with Rainbow Dash?" Midnight proposed. "I'm sure she'd love the extra company."

"That's gweat idea." The other filly agreed. "In fact let's twell all of our fwans!"

"The more the merrier!" Midnight told them with a smile as they fly off to do so before changing her smile into a smirk before flying off to the ponies who harassed Fluttershy earlier.

"So how about Fluttershy huh?" Midnight asked the group of ponies. "Still the same meek and timid peagsus pony from day one."

"I know." The elderly mare agreed. "Shouldn't she be more assertive by now?"

"Yes she should!" Midnight answered with a nod. "How about you all go and tell her that to her face?" She proposed. "That should snap some sense into her."

"That's a great idea!" The turquoise colored pony voiced up as the group of ponies all march off to find her. "It's about time she had some sense knocked into her."

Midnight then made her way to greet the many ponies who are all admiring Applejack's family business from the front gates.

"You know I'm sure the Apple Family would be very accommodating to all of you if you ask them nicely to spend time with them." Midnight told them with a gesture of her head to go forward and do so to which all immediately did so much to the Apple Family's surprise as they obligated to their demands.

Once Midnight canceled her magic to end the flashbacks she then made her way to oversee the Storm King's army undergoing their training exercises.

"And even then it will be a lesson Twilight and her friends will never forget." Midnight said to herself with determination as she has her eyes set on her planned invasion to fall back on.

Author's Note:

For this chapter, I also did some things differently in this version such is having the Cutie Mark Crusaders actually learn something from the friendship lessons aside from using it to boost their popularity.

In addition, I have added Spike in this chapter as he along with Starlight try to assure when things didn't go exactly as she hoped when publishing the journal who also gave the ponies that made Rarity cry a stern talking to with restrained fury when their buttons got pushed a little and helping her find ponies who also learned and understood what the journal's purpose was.

Also, I had Twilight standing up to the loony fans when they harassed Rainbow Dash and later Applejack as well later on dealing with every pony causing a scene in front of the castle doors in addition had the "Flawless" song saved for just them, Starlight, Spike, and the two fillies to see.

Another brief mention of Starlight's friendship lessons she's been tackling without realizing them throughout this version of Season 7 aside from "The Royal Problem." have been set up by Twilight to see if she can handle friendship lessons on her own again after the little incident back in "Every Little Thing She Does." to which she passed her tests in stride.

And finally, with the crazy ponies giving them a hard time is set up by Midnight fueling them into doing so in an attempt to break apart their friendship and get Twilight to see that she is better off without it in her life by disguising herself as one of the mares who showed a great understanding of the journal and it's lessons while secretly spying on her. Having said that, Midnight is very smart to acknowledge the Power of Friendship and doesn't underestimate it's threat for even one second to the point she wants the bond to be broken something that others before and after her have failed to comprehend. But nonetheless, still has for what's to come on the horizon as she prepares for her eventual attack at the end of Act 2 of this story.

Next up is "Once Upon a Zeppelin." where we have the entire Sparkle family go on an cruise to try to relax after everything that has happened so far.

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