• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,539 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 31: Every Little Thing She Does

Chapter 31:

Every Little Thing She Does

One early morning in the Ponyville castle both Twilight and Starlight were both starting to wake up as they entered the library.

Starlight yawned, as Twilight also nodded as she picked up a piece of parchment paper she had on the desk.

“I've prepared a full day of spells. You've been doing great, but now it's time for a real challenge!" Twilight brightly told her student once they have both waken up after letting lose their final yawns.

"Oh-ho-ho! It is on! So, where do we begin?" Starlight responded now feeling energized and ready to tackle whatever her teacher had in mind for her.

"Teleportation! Multiple locations! Try to keep up!" Twilight instructed Starlight as she lit her horn and then teleported somewhere else as Starlight did the same a second after her teacher.

Twilight first teleported to outside of the front of the castle to where Starlight appeared a second after Twilight appeared before Twilight teleported elsewhere to a part of the Everfree Forest where Starlight this time was able to keep up with her with teleporting on top of the tree branch in front of her. Next they teleported to rocky mountains, underwater under a deep part of the ocean, and then later inside a bat cave hanging upside down with the bats before teleporting back to the castle in perfect sync.

"Transfiguration!" She instructed, and she focused her horns on transforming an apple on the desk into a nest full of eggs with one of them hatching.

Starlight then used her magic to transform a pile of books into a single tea cup.

Next Twilight used her magic to turn a quill and little ink pot into a top hat while Starlight used her magic to turn a candlestick into a carrot dog before the two rapidly used their magic to transform multiple items. Twilight used her magic to transform a tall book and a picture into a watermelon and a banana while Starlight transformed a scroll and a flower pot into a tea pot and a set of fake teeth and then blowing the smoke of her horn.

"Shields!" Twilight instructed Starlight as they then got into stances into the center of the library before effortlessly sending a blast towards Starlight who almost got struck by the hit before she conjured up her shield before firing a set of three magic beams back at Twilight who effortlessly counters the attack with a shield of her own before firing off a powerful blast from her own horn, pushing hard against the shield Starlight had thrown. Starlight finding herself dealing with a powerful blast that she is being pushed back by before ending the letting loose a flash of light causing a huge magical explosion, leading to the entire library having all of its books blown off of the shelves.

"Whoo! I am on fire! What's next?" She asked hoping Twilight had more spells up her disposal.

"Well, that’s pretty much all I have had planned for today." Twilight said as a ladder hanging on one of the bookshelves fell down onto the floor. “Besides there is a thing as too much studying for I of all ponies know that for a fact. Maybe next time we practice somewhere more outside.” She then giggled wishing she had thought of that sooner. "Guess we'd better clean up the mess we made."

"Don’t worry I got this." Starlight replied to Twilight as Spike entered the room. "As you know, speed spells like Accelero are not easy. But if done correctly, they can allow you to be much more efficient with your day."

Starlight then zoomed around the library at quick speed, quickly putting the books back on their proper shelves.

"Way to go, Starlight!" Spike congratulated.

"Oh, but I'm not finished. I also discovered a very old spell something that you have done in the past when combined with Accelero in just the right way," She said as she duplicated herself into two equal versions of herself. "You can literally be in two places at once!" They said in perfect sync before undoing the spell and sighing. "Now I'm finished."

"I have to admit your skills with magic really are nothing short of amazing.” Twilight said impressed with her pupil. “Reminds me of a unicorn before meeting you.” She added while seeing Starlight as Twilight when she was a unicorn.

"Well, I've always been something of a natural I guess." Starlight humbly replied. “And I got a pretty good feeling of who that said unicorn was before becoming an alicorn.” She hinted with a smirk to which Twilight briefly blushed a little.

"However, it doesn't look like you've tackled any friendship lessons since you met Trixie." Twilight seriously brought up another matter on hoof as she brought up her clipboard.

"Are you sure?” Starlight asked as she took a brief hold of the clipboard to take a look for herself. “I could've sworn there were a couple in there somewhere."

"I'm sure." Twilight replied as she back control of the clipboard.

“I see.” Starlight nervously replied as she tried to trail off form the conversation to which Twilight isn’t fooled for one second sensing that she truthfully doesn’t want to tackle said friendship lessons.

“Well I’m quite busy this week nothing, never mind." She said as she backed up and turned to walk away. “So many commitments. I'll try and find some time in my—"

"No time like the present!” Twilight said as she teleported right in front of Starlight much to her surprise. “Spike and I are headed to Canterlot. Princess Celestia has asked me to give her students a quick overview on the history of enchanted objects in Equestria. We'll be back after the presentation, which should be..."

"Twenty moons from now?" Spike said with a dull expression as he lifted up the stack of books in his hands.

"Tonight." Twilight corrected Spike in response to his comment. "It's going to be a quick presentation."

"Sure, keep telling yourself that." Spike muttered to himself as he walked outside of the room.

"You can tackle a friendship lesson or two today, and we can review your progress when I get back later this evening.“ Twilight told Starlight as she followed Spike out of the room.

"Of course! No problem! Friendship lesson... On it..." Starlight nervously replied.

"Don’t worry, Starlight." Twilight assured her pupil. "All you have to do as just try to get to know one of our friends more and do something they like and spend some time with them. It’s just a simple and straightforward get together like with me and Spike."

“Simple and straightforward just like that huh…” Starlight said in response with her nerves still uneasy as she set out to do so.

“Could you do me a favor Spike and check up on Starlight before we leave?” Twilight asked him in a whisper. “I got a pretty bad feeling that she is going to do something she might regret since she isn’t very comfortable with tackling these friendship lessons.”

“On it.” Spike saluted at Twilight’s request as he went after Starlight.

Shortly afterwards Starlight was currently lying on her bed in her bedroom, levitating some blocks with her magic while staring up at the sky when Spike came a knocked on her bedroom door.

“Huh? Huh! Oh, yeah. Mm-hmm” Starlight muttered to herself as she dropped her blocks and zoomed over to her little desk looking over potential friendship assignments she could tackle.

"Hey! Twilight and I are about to head to Canterlot," Spike told her as he opened the door and entered Starlight's room. "Just checking to see if you need anything before we leave."

"Nope, not at all! I'm good here. Oh, not good – great!" Starlight rapidly insisted everything is fine.

"Are you sure?” Spike asked still seeing through Starlight’s lie. "I just want to make sure you're okay because if you’ve forgotten your handling of your first friendship lesson, Twilight isn’t a pony who misses a thing when she notices something is up or when you are nervous in this case."

"Nervous?! Me?!" Starlight laughed it off. "Oh Spike, you really are hilarious. You really think I'm worried over some simple friendship assignments? It’s perfectly fine! I already have some ideas of what I’m thinking." She added as she presented her the note cards of said friendship lesson ideas.

"Bake a cake with Pinkie Pie," "scrapbook with Applejack," "sew with Rarity..." Spike read from the note cards as Starlight groaned at the thought. "Help an animal with Fluttershy," "chillax with Rainbow Dash?" What is chillaxing?”

“No idea.” Starlight honestly answered.

"You know, if you're nervous about your friendship lessons, it's perfectly okay to say so and Twilight would understand if you tell her if that’s what you’re honestly feeling about them." Spike tried to reassure her it’s okay to admit it.

“Silly!” Starlight once again laughed off. “Twilight just said how impressed she was that I combined a speed spell and a duplication spell. That was a challenge. These? Pfft, hah! I could probably combine all five of these at the same time without breaking a sweat.”

“Uh, Starlight. I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” Spike warned her. “I recommend doing one at a time like Twilight suggested.

"Don’t worry, Spike, I got this!” Starlight falsely assured him as she trotted off not paying attention to what Spike is trying to tell her.

"Okay." Spike said to her as they walked away from each other seeing this is going nowhere. "And I thought Twilight was the master of the freak-out. Having said that I better tell her of what Starlight’s plan to tackle her friendship assignments is."

Spike later caught up with Twilight just as they are about to leave.

“Well?” Twilight asked hoping he had some luck. “Does Starlight feel more comfortable with her friendship lessons?”

”I tried.” Spike said in an apologetic tone. “But it seems nothing’s helping Starlight’s nerves even she is told it’s just straightforward and simple like you said.“ Before Twilight could think to talk to Starlight, Spike burped out a message from Princess Celestia. “Oh boy, sounds like Princess Celestia is ready to get things started right away! The students must be really excited for you!”

“Wow, talk about such loving admiration.” Twilight said in amazement as she grabs onto Spike. “Looks like we got to get there the fast way.” She added as she carried Spike and flew off towards Canterlot as fast as her wings can carry her. “I just wish I could have used this time to talk to Starlight before she does something she’ll eventually regret.”

“Well at least it won’t be as bad as the Smarty Pants incident, right?” Spike asked in an attempt to reassure her that Starlight wouldn’t go as far as causing chaos in Ponyville.

“Hopefully as long as whatever happens is restricted to just inside the castle and don’t remind me.” Twilight thought nothing of it as she flew ahead wanting to move forward from that painful reminder of the limits of pursuit of perfectionism. “I was just lucky that Princess Celestia was very forgiving towards me when I explained myself.”

Meanwhile Starlight looked over her notes of potential friendship as she heard a knock on the door. She answered the door to see Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash all gathered together, and each of them had brought stuff in tow.

"Oh good, you’re all here." Starlight greeted them.

"A-yep." Applejack replied. "We’re here for our friendship assignments and it seems we’ve all been invited at the same time."

“Oh.” Starlight said in realization. “All right no problem…” She shrugged it off as it’s no big deal. “I should be able to get these all done in no time.”

"Are you sure this is what Twilight would want?" Applejack asked Starlight. "Because it seems like you might want to take your time with each of these."

“Of course I’m sure.” Starlight assured the farm pony she has everything under control. “By working as a team, we can get them done faster. And isn't teamwork a key factor in friendship.”

“I guess.” Applejack replied unsure that things are going to turn out good in the end as she exchanges a confused look with Rarity.

“Super!” Starlight happily replied before turning to Pinkie. “Pinkie Pie, since we're baking, you will be in the kitchen.” She instructed to which Pinkie expressed glee as she decided to hold her breath to hold in her excitement as she turns to Applejack and Rarity. “Rarity, Applejack, you two can set up in the library.”

“Oh, I don't know that a dusty old library has the proper lighting.” Rarity slightly protested before offering a better idea. “Perhaps we can stay out here in the foyer.”

“Well,I thought that Fluttershy and I could work with the animals right here in the foyer.” Starlight brought up what she had in mind.

“Oh, um, whatever you think is best.” Fluttershy accepted without question.

“Great. Now, Rainbow Dash…” Starlight then immediately turned to Rainbow Dash before Fluttershy spoke up again as she wasn’t finished yet.

“It might depend on the animal. For instance, this poor little eagle with a sprained wing might be better off up in one of the towers.” Fluttershy mentioned said eagle on her back.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure.” Starlight absentmindedly agreed without paying attention to her as she leans down to the chipmunk’s eye level.

“And these adorable little chipmunks might prefer a nook somewhere. Maybe if you spend some time getting to know…” Fluttershy also added before being cut off feeling a little taken aback by that.

“In a minute, Fluttershy.” Starlight interuppted as Rainbow Dash flew down to her eye level.

“Uh, I don't know if we can chillax properly in the castle. We need very specific conditions for optimal chillaxing.” Rainbow Dash said to Starlight that what she has in mind isn’t quite going to work out just like that.

“Oh, I just assumed chillaxing could happen anywhere.” Starlight honestly spoke her mind of her initial thoughts.

“Heh. Shows what you know about chillaxing. Let me do some location scouting.” Rainbow Dash as she took off in a flash.

“Okay... It seemed more efficient to start with the scrapbooking, so we can just get it out of the…” Starlight tried to start with Applejack before Pinkie interrupted.

“Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh! Can we start with me? We're gonna need time for the cake to bake! After all...” Pinkie brought up.

“It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake…” Pinkie started to sing before Starlight placed a hoof on her mouth.

“Uh, we're on a schedule, no time for a song. We can start with baking, then…” Starlight politely interrupted Pinkie before Rarity spoke up.

“But we can't design dresses after you've been baking with Pinkie.” She brought up as she walked up to her and then whispered to her. ”She can be a bit messy.” To which her case has been proven when said pony downs an entire bottle of frosting

“Mmm!” Pinkie said in delight showing her messy mouth.

“Fine.” Starlight relented. “We can start with the dresses, and then…”

“While y'all figure that out, I'm gonna start layin' out the pictures for scrapbookin'. We got a whole lot of time to cover.” Applejack told Starlight and Rarity as she walks over to her wagon.

“How much is a whole lot?” Starlight asked.

“We've got at least eighty moons worth of memories to go through.” Applejack told Starlight as he looked up the tall cart of books he has in tow.

“Eighty moons?!” Starlight exclaimed in shock as Rainbow Dash flies back into the room.

“Ugh. There is nowhere to chillax in this castle! We're gonna have to set up somewhere else.” Rainbow told Starlight as every pony starts gathering around her to speak up of what they need to make this all work as Starlight starts to feel overwhelmed.

“Could you excuse me for a moment.” Starlight kindly asked for running off to the library. Once she was inside she then started to hyperventilate a little.

Back at Canterlot, Twilight was secretly watching Starlight from her orb having witnessed what is happening so far.

“Okay, Starlight. You've got this.” Starlight tried to reassure herself she can still do this. A handful of friendship lessons is nothing compared to the spells you've mastered.” She added with a nervous laugh before pulling out a book from the shelf. “Maybe if I cast a little spell to help things along... Something simple and safe. Fiducia Compelus... That's not bad. They would barely notice it, but... is it enough?” She wondered as she pulled out another book. ”Oh... Maybe Cogeria so they're more... open to suggestion.” She said just now thinks of an idea as she combines both books together. “Oh, or maybe Cogeria combined with Fiducia Compelus! Yes, that could work nicely! Oh, with a hint of Persuadere to be sure it sticks.”

As Twilight watches she can only watch with dismay knowing from past experience that this isn’t going to turn out well as she conjures up a magical orb.

“Everypony'll probably thank me for getting it all done so quickly. And Twilight will be thrilled I've completed so many lessons. Everypony wins!” Starlight said to herself this will work out fine as she casts the spell.

“And I’m pretty sure when my lectures to the students are over things are going to be very messy and overall lose-lose for every pony involved.” Twilight said in a hurry to get back to the classroom before anyone starts wondering where she is.

“Congratulations, Starlight. You're a genius.” Starlight said to herself only to gasp when she sees her friends are all just standing just staring straight ahead. “Maybe the congratulations were a little premature...” She thought immediately having second thoughts a little too late as she waves her hooves to get them move and snap out of their catatonic state.

"Cogeria... Persuadere... Fiducia...Hmm," She wondered to herself as she tries to figure out how to get them to snap out of it before realizing what the problem was or at least she thinks she knows. "Ah! Of course! Fiducia Compelus probably needs a trigger." She then said as she lit up her horn with her eyes glowing white and then spoke in an amplified voice. "Ponies! Hear my voice and listen!" She then commanded with a magical zap. Starlight then went to each of her friends and instructed them. "Pinkie, kitchen. Rarity, Applejack, library. Fluttershy, stay here. Rainbow Dash, find somewhere inside the castle and set up a place where we can chillax. Got it?"

All five ponies nodded and set off for their respective areas. Starlight smiled seeing that things seem to be going okay so far as she makes her way to the kitchen deciding to start working on baking a cake with Pinkie.

“Let’s get to work, Pinkie!" She told Pinkie who was just standing in front of the table of baking ingredients with wide eyes looking on without any emotion.

"Okie-dokie! What would you like to do first?" Pinkie asked.

"Uh, what are we supposed to do first?" She asked Pinkie sounding confused by her question and that she would know how to bake a cake.

"Whatever you want to do first, Starlight Glimmer." Pinkie simply replied.

Starlight deciding not to question it just decided to open up the book and read her the instructions.

"Get a medium sized mixing bowl, beat together eggs, sugar, and two teaspoons of vanilla," Starlight said as Pinkie immediately does so. "Mix in flour," She added, as Pinkie quickly mixes the batter together in the bowl. "Add baking soda, salt and cinnamon!" She said as she saw for herself that Pinkie immediately obeyed without question, and so she slide the cookbook in front of Pinkie. " I think you can take it from here."

"Take what from where, Starlight?" Pinkie asked still cluelessly.

"The baking." Starlight replied sounding a little annoyed that she is asking that but kept up a smile. "Just keep following the instructions in the book until I get back. Okay?"

"Abso-tively!" Pinkie obliged. "Instruction following starting... now!" She then said as she rapidly performed all the tasks in the cook book incredibly fast.

"Baking a cake. Check!" Starlight said to herself as she left the kitchen. "Now on to sewing."

Inside the library while Applejack was already sitting in front of the table just as wide eyed as Pinkie, Rarity had also pulled together a pile of colorful cloths onto the table on Starlight’s command.

"So, what did you have in mind, Rarity?" Starlight asked Rarity.

"Whatever you want me to have in my mind, Starlight Glimmer.” Rarity simply replied to which Starlight pulled out one of a book with a page with a checkered dress and then presented it to Rarity. "Can you make a dress exactly like that one?"

"Just like this one?" Rarity asked.

"Just like that." Starlight confirmed.

"Absolutely. It will look perfectly divine." Rarity replied as Starlight then went over to Applejack and her collection of photos.

"That's a whole lot of photos," Starlight noted of the number of photos she has. "So, how do you usually organize them?" She then asked.

"However you want me to organize them, Starlight." Applejack replied with the same tone of voice the others affected by the spell said and reacted.

"Okay," Starlight said sounding unsure tone as she pointed to a picture of Granny Smith shrugging, while a pig floated on an inner tube. "Tell me about this one."

"Sweet Apple Acres, twenty moons ago. Granny Smith was lookin' for her favorite pie tin. She looked in the kitchen, but it wasn't there. She looked in the barn, but it wasn't there." Applejack narrated as Starlight groaned as she spoke up.

"I don't need every little detail. Just sum up the story in one sentence?" Starlight politely instructed her.

"Huh. Turns out that Granny Smith didn't really know how to make a pig do the backstroke." Applejack just got to the point without questioning it.

"Uh huh.” Starlight responded with little interest. ”Why don’t you keep putting these photos in chronological order and when I get back you can keep give me more highlights." Starlight instructed.

“Sure thing Starlight Glimmer.” Applejack replied to which Starlight began to feel exasperated by her friends unable to do anything without her giving them instructions every time as she then goes to check up on Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, where are all of the animals?" Starlight asked her who was just standing in the middle of the room in front of the stairs Starlight was walking down.

"They ran away." Fluttershy replied, speaking in the same tone as the others.

"And why didn't you stop them?" Starlight asked Fluttershy.

"Because you didn't ask me to do so." Fluttershy simply replied.

“Obviously I wanted you to...” Starlight irritably spoke before regaining her composure. "Never mind. Can you please go round up all of the animals in the castle and bring them back here to the foyer for me?" She then asked Fluttershy.

"All of the animals. Got it." Fluttershy obeyed in the same tone before flying off as Rainbow Dash flew by.

"So, did you find a good place to chillax, Rainbow Dash?" Starlight asked.

"Sure thing, Starlight." Rainbow replied, speaking in the same tone.

"Great! Let me know when it's ready, okay?" Starlight happily asked.

"Yes, Starlight Glimmer." Rainbow Dash obliged as she immediately flew off.

Starlight smiled to herself seeing that everything is going fine so far before making her way back to the library to check up on Applejack.

“Granny Smith knew she was gonna need a bigger boat," Applejack narrated as she pointed to a picture of an elderly pony sitting on a bench with cats around it while Starlight forces herself to smile and pretend she is interested. "So Goldie Delicious says, 'If you can't say anythin' nice about anypony, come sit by me!'," She said before pointing to another picture with Big Macintosh coating himself in mud and hiding in the pig pen. "Big Mac knew if he just covered himself in mud, the creature wouldn't be able to see him!"

"Starlight Glimmer. I have finished the dress." Rarity called out to her much to Starlight's delight which immediately faded when she saw it was just a copy of the page in the book and not an actual dress. "Isn't it gorgeous?" Rarity asked.

"What is that?" Starlight questioned.

"You wanted me to make a dress exactly like the one in the book." Rarity replied.

"Go make a real dress out of fabric, exactly like the one in the book." Starlight clarified of what she actually meant.

"Ah. I see. Yes, of course, Starlight Glimmer." Rarity agreed as she set out to do so to which Starlight turned away before quickly turning back upon realizing that Rarity is making said dress the size fit for a mouse.

"Rarity! Make it bigger than the one in the book. Got it?" Starlight quickly clarified.

"Oh, of course, darling. Bigger it is." Rarity obliged as Starlight walked away.

"She was just a pony standin' in front of another pony askin' him to love her." Applejack narrated not noticing that Starlight wasn’t paying attention.

Starlight went back to the kitchen to check on Pinkie Pie, and was quite surprised to find that when she opened the door, an entire stack of cakes and pans came crashing down on her

"Pinkie, what are you doing?!" Starlight asked in surprise wanting to know what she is doing.

"Following all of the instructions in the cookbook in order, Starlight Glimmer!" Pinkie replied still not taking her eyes off of the cookbook.

"I meant just the one cake!" Starlight clarified again. "I was only gone for a couple of minutes at best! How in Equestria did you get all of this done so fast?"

"First, I combined three eggs," Pinkie replied. "Then I-" But then Starlight used her magic to silence Pinkie as she levitated her in her magical grasp.

"I think the baking lesson is done," Starlight commented, before she heard a growl coming from the foyer. "Oh, what now?" She wondered as she left the kitchen while carrying Pinkie in the air with her magic.

"What's going on?!" Starlight asked, as she saw all the animals Fluttershy had come in with huddled together and looking quite frightened as Harry the bear pointed to Fluttershy, who was covered in bugs and spiders.

"I have gathered all of the animals like you asked to me, Starlight Glimmer." She said, not appearing to be bothered by the creatures crawling all over her.

Hearing this caused Starlight to drop Pinkie on the floor to when Rarity came into the foyer and grabbed ahold of the rug the animals were on with her magic.

"Oh, yes, this will do nicely," She said to herself. "A much bigger dress!"

Starlight then begins to see that everything is really going south now that seeing that her friends under her spell are completely clueless and have no idea of what they are doing.

“I can handle this.” Starlight still tried to assure herself she has everything under control. “It's just magic, and I know magic. What's that?!?" She then said in alarm seeing the smoke that had just formed over her. “Please tell me, Midnight isn’t around!” She said to herself as Pinkie gave a muffled response. "What did you just say?"

“The cakes are burning. You left the ovens on." Pinkie calmly told Starlight in the same tone under the spell as Starlight shook Pinkie and dropped her back on the floor.

"We need water, now!" Starlight shouted.

"Yes, Starlight Glimmer." Rainbow replied and zipped away and quickly brought back a bunch of dark clouds with the help of other nearby peagsus ponies.

"Storm clouds?!" Starlight exclaimed as she grabbed ahold of her cheeks as the rain began to fall into the castle after thunder rumbled from the storm clouds. The rain water quickly extinguished the fire, but it also flooded the entire castle from top to bottom, until it all poured out through all of the castle windows leaving the entire place a mess.

"Big Mac always told me, 'With a whole lot of power comes a heck of a lot of responsibility.'" Applejack continued to narrate as she remarkably drifted past on a table, holding onto one of the photos.

"Things can’t get any worse!" Starlight groaned realizing she is so dead when Twilight gets back.

And no sooner then she spoke those words Twilight came inside and was completely shocked by what she saw.

"Oh, I pretty sure things have Starlight!" Twilight calmly spoke leaving Starlight to nervously gulp realizing she is truly in trouble now.

For the rest of the day and on into the next day, Spike and Twilight tried their best to at least begin to clean up the mess in the castle while Starlight just sat in the library as ordered by Twilight.

"I had no idea we had spiders in the castle!" Spike said as he brushed aside a spiderweb with his broom stick from one of the shelves. "I'm never sleeping again!"

Starlight could only read her book to the pass the time while waiting for whatever trouble she is facing for causing the spiral scene at the castle.

"Starlight? You okay" Spike asked.

"Not really." Starlight responded ashamed of herself while not looking at Spike. “Other than I fact that Twilight is going to kill for this all because I didn’t tell her the truth from the beginning.”

"Don’t worry, Starlight.” Spike attempt to assure her. “She’s not going to kill you. She might give you a talking to for casting a spell on our friends to your bidding but nothing worse.”

At that moment, Twilight entered the library, ready to talk to Starlight.

"I finally untangled that mess of a spell and got everypony home. It was really powerful stuff. They're sure gonna feel that in the morning," She commented to Spike on what mess she had to clean up before turning her attention to Starlight. "Now please try to explain to me how in the name of Celestia things got this out of control?"

"Well, it was the first time I cast that particular spell, and I didn't fully think it through, and I just thought it would help move things along a little better before it ended up going awry which I never intended to happen." Starlight explained honestly while knowing it’s not going to ease things up at all.

"Okay, so what made you think that casting a spell on your friends to make them do your bidding was even remotely a good idea?!" Twilight calmly asked while looking incredulous that she would think it would work.

"Well it seemed like a good idea at the time but when you put it that way it sounds really bad." Starlight could only answer as she nervously placed a hoof on the back of her neck.

"That's because it is really bad!" Twilight seriously and sharply stated to which Starlight could only stammer trying to explain herself with little to no words coming out of her mouth. “Starlight” Twilight calmly spoke in a softer tone. “I'm not mad at you, but I am disappointed. You’ve been doing so well. I just don't understand how a friendship lesson turned into all of this."

With a deep breath seeing that she is backed into a corner here, Starlight decided to come clean.

"The truth is, I’ve been avoiding the friendship lesson on purpose.“ Starlight confessed.

“Why?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“I can cast complex spells, but baking a cake with Pinkie Pie freaks me out!” She honestly expressed as she got up from the couch. “And yes, I know how ridiculous that sounds. That's why I didn't say anything. I thought if I just kept wowing you with my magical abilities, you might just... not... notice?”

“Baking a cake freaks you out?” Twilight asked.

“Yes! Baking a cake, sewing – all of it!” Starlight expressed her fears of failure. “What if I was bad at it? I didn't want to be a disappointment to anypony, and I ended up being a disappointment to everypony.”

“Starlight it’s okay.” Twilight said. “Nopony cares if you can bake a cake?

“But the lesson…” Starlight tried to speak.

“Was to get to know Pinkie Pie better by doing something she loves. It was a friendship lesson, not a baking lesson. Just like I said earlier.” Twilight finished and clarified of what kind of lesson they are dealing with.

“Oh.” Starlight said now feeling guiltier than before.

“That being said, all of this could have been avoided if you had just told me that from the beginning and if you had honestly said what you were feeling about dealing with all of this. After all honesty is part of the Elements of Harmony.”

“I know.” Starlight glumly replied.

“Even though I can’t let this slide completely, I’m not going to end our lessons over this.” Twilight then firmly told her pupil.

“You’re not.” Starlight asked in surprise.

“No I’m not.” Twilight answered. ”Instead I’m going to put our lessons on hold until you are really ready to properly try them again with the one hundred percent expectation of complete honesty going forward since you once again failed to be honest with me from the start.”

“Fair.” Starlight accepted.

“Now it's time for a pretty advanced friendship lesson.” Twilight then instructed. “It's called apologizing.”

“Okay.” Starlight again responded having accepting of what Twilight wants from her.

Starlight then set off to find her friends and found them outside sitting at a few outside tables of a restaurant where they are all sitting looked very drained and exhausted still recovering from what happened.

"I don't know what kind of whammy Starlight put on us, but I feel like I got shoved through the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000.." Applejack groaned.

"Ugh, tell me about it," Rainbow Dash groaned just as tired with his mane and tail a little disheveled as Rarity spoke up in a hushed tone while wearing a hat and sunglasses.

"If everypony could just speak in a whisper for the next few days, that would be most delightful. My head is thumping!" She said as she rested her head onto the table.

"I was up all night calming the animals down." Fluttershy said sounding and looking tired and exhausted with her head resting on the table.

"Fluttershy, please! Not so loud." Rarity pleaded.

"Starlight's spell made me burn perfectly good cake! I never burn cake!” Pinkie yelled before her face planting into the table.

"Yeah, about that... Things got a little out of hoof last night." Starlight commented as she started things off as she approaches them.

"Well, ain't that the understatement of the day." Applejack bluntly remarked.

"Tell it to the cake, sister!" Pinkie angrily shouted.

"Can we all please argue at a lower volume?" Rarity pleaded as she readjusted her hat and sunglasses.

"I really messed up back there. I cast the spell because I was nervous about working with you on the friendship lessons." Starlight sincerely explained herself.

"Well here's a little friendship for ya," Rainbow glared and then angrily shouted to which caused Applejack and Fluttershy to wince at her loud shout. "Don't cast spells on your friends!"

"Believe me, I know.” Starlight acknowledges she deserved that. “What I did was wrong, and I can't take it back. You're right to be upset, and I hope one day I can make it up to you. But all I can say is... I'm sorry. Now, if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go clean the castle covered in wet cake batter and spiders." She apologized before turning to leave.

“That was a pretty good apology." Rainbow Dash commented sounding impressed.

“Seems like she feels pretty bad.” Fluttershy added.

“Hey, Starlight!” Applejack called out to stop her from getting too far. “Most of the Apple family photos are still layin' around in the wreckage. I think I'll come along and hunt 'em down.” She then told her with a smile.

“Oh, and I feel awful for disturbing all of those cute little spiders and bats. I should check on them.” Fluttershy warmly added as she joined Applejack.

“Ah, yes, and I left some lovely fabric out. I should come and move it to that nice quiet library.” Rarity also joined in.

“Uh, I'll come and get those storm clouds out of the bathroom.” Rainbow Dash also piped in while unable to find it in her heart to stay completely mad at her.

“Fine!” Pinkie grumpily yelled surprising Rainbow Dash. “Somepony has to bake a cake to honor all the poor cakes that sacrificed their batter in last night's tragedy!” She then added a smile to assure there's no more bad blood between them.

First, Starlight started off by sewing up the damaged tapestries with Rarity who smiles at her for doing a fine joined of sewing it back together. Unbeknownst to Starlight, Twilight was watching them from outside then checking it off on her clipboard.

Next, Starlight helped Applejack put together her scrapbook of photos both bonding and laughing as she explains to her the memories behind the photos to which Twilight also checks off from her checklist as she walks by behind them.

Next, Starlight helped Fluttershy deal with the spiders she gathered when she was under Starlight’ spell returning them to the webs where they originally were found while Twilight and Spike watch a distance behind them.

And last but not least, Starlight joins in on baking with Pinkie who was currently mixing batter in her bowl by bringing in her own bowl of batter though Pinkie just coldly turns away not even looking at her still mad at her for causing her to burn all of those cakes while under her spell. But then she softens up and giggles when Starlight trying to get the hang of baking gets coated in flour to which Starlight blushes in acknowledgment that she isn’t an expert baker while Twilight secretly checks it off from outside.

Later, Starlight is sweeping up the last of the dust leftover from the mess she created when Twilight checks up on her.

“It seems your apology went well.” Twilight said.

“I'm just lucky to have such understanding friends.” Starlight humbly acknowledged.

“Well it does help that they know for a fact that I’ve been there once.” Twilight told her that she once again did worse than her before becoming Midnight.

“What happened?” Starlight wondered.

“Well part of the reason I felt my friends weren’t living up to being good friends to me which contributed to me becoming Midnight was when I was worrying about getting my weekly friendship report to Princess Celestia to the point I suffered a nervous breakdown over it when I didn’t have anything to report.” Twilight explained to her.

“Really?” Starlight asked sounding surprised seeing that her incident pales in comparison to her screw-up.

“Yes.” Twilight replied before continuing while showing a aura with her magic of the memory of when it happened. “After my friends laughed it off, I decided to take drastic measures by making a friendship problem by casting a Want It Need It spell on a few ponies and well of course things didn’t go exactly as I planned which involved the entire town being affected by my spell and brawling each other over a Smarty-Pants doll I enchanted my spell onto with Princess Celestia herself showing up and undoing the spell immediately.”

“Was she angry at you?” Starlight asked.

“Unquestionably, yes.” Twilight answered. “But she calmed down when I explained myself and when my friends came in to explain that they too were to blame for ignoring me when I needed their help.”

“Wow!” Starlight commented in amazement as the magic from her horns dissipated when she ends the flashback. “Even when we know it or not and just seems that we have much more in common that we realize don’t we?” She said with a giggle.

“You have no idea.” Twilight replied with a giggle. “And like my mentor, she only punished me by having me clean up the mess I made while apologizing to every pony I cast the spell on, so consider me being firm and fair about this by only postponing your friendship lessons until you are more than one hundred percent ready to try them again.”

“True, it is going to be a while before I try to tackle those friendship lessons again.” Starlight then said in acknowledgment.

“While that’s true but by the time you try them again you’ll be able to do them no problem like you did all day.” Twilight said in response.

“What are you talking about?” Starlight asked in surprise. “I've been cleaning up the mess I made by totally failing at friendship.”

“Really? But didn't I see you sewing with Rarity?” Twilight brought up.

“Yes, but—“ Starlight tried to interject until Twilight spoke up not finished.

“And you and Applejack did a great job collecting those photos and putting them in the book. Helping animals with Fluttershy, baking with Pinkie Pie. Those sound like your assignments to me. In fact, I think there's just one that you're missing.” Twilight then said as she walked around her student.

Last on the friendship assignments was spending the rest of the afternoon on the castle roof to chillax with the Mane Six joining her and much needed for Twilight’s friends after helping Starlight clean up the mess she made while under the spell’s effects.

“Sun, check. Chairs, check. And thanks to a simple Catadupa Levitata spell, we've got water.” Starlight examined as she walked around to make sure they have everything they need for the rest of the afternoon as the Mane Six rest on lounge chairs while Spike rests in the pool. “Is that everything we need to chillax?”

“Nope.” Rainbow Dash replied.

“No? What did I miss?” Starlight asked confused as she moved to sit on her lounge chair.

“Quiet.” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Ah! Right.” Starlight remembered as she sits back and chillaxes.

“Great job, Starlight.” Twilight complimented as she reads her book while sitting next to her. “Looks like you've completed another friendship lesson.” She said as she then sigh so she can sit back and chillax.

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash called out. “She completes the lesson when I say she completes it. So less learning and more chillaxing!” She added as she sat back cross-legged.

“So... How long do we sit quietly?” Starlight asked still wondering how chillaxing works which prompts everyone to laugh in amusement like it's a joke.

Author's Note:

For this chapter I have made some adjustments to this episode in this version.

For starters, Twilight knows that Starlight is not completely honest with her about feeling comfortable with doing the friendship lessons with the Mane Five but because of her schedule could only work out time to see the disaster that had happened while she was away.

Second, while people say that Starlight is getting off too easy for her actions in this episode, I still decided to go with the canon approach aside from Starlight having her friendship lessons postponed until further notice as a firm and fair punishment because Twilight also did something similar in the past while having to own up to her mistake.

Third, Another Twilight and Starlight bonding moment where their past experience with causing chaos unintentionally as a result with an uncontrolled spell back with Twilight's experience back in "Lesson Zero." to which further proves how Not So Different they are deep down. Both seeking to impress their mentors, while resorting to extreme measures, while having near mental breakdowns over it, which lead to the opposite happening. But both mentors were forgiving aside from giving a firm and fair punishment (which FWI added in Twilight's incident in this version.) by having them clean up their messes and apologizing to everypony affected by their spells.

Next up I plan on doing both the Rainbow Rocks trilogy and the Where and Back Again two-parter which I plan to release Sunday and Monday this upcoming weekend. So this means the return of Sunset Shimmer who is like Starlight trying to redeem herself for her villainous past.

So for now enjoy.

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