• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,543 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 39: A Flurry of Emotions

Chapter 39:

A Flurry of Emotions

One night at the Crystal Empire, Flurry is in her crib sleeping but is currently whimpering as she tries to sleep because she is currently dreaming. She is currently dreaming herself playing and flying around with her mother while her father right behind them in close pursuit laughing as they chase each other around in an open field in Ponyville. As soon as Flurry turns another direction she then gasps in fear of what she is seeing… Midnight Sparkle floating right in front of her with a devious smirk as purple flames appears around the open field separating her from her parents.

“Hello, little one.” Midnight softly told the baby alicorn as she evilly grins as she approaches her before releasing a fiery roar into the sky as she prepares her horn to strike the child to which Flurry screams and flies as fast as her wings could allow her to before she finds her struck in the chest by the evil alicorn who then screams in pain as she falls back down to the ground where her fiery doom while Midnight sadistically laughs at the little one’s fiery end.

“FLURRY!” Both Shining Armor and Cadance both screamed in horror as the baby falls down towards the flames.

Just as she was about to make contact with the flames Flurry woke up crying and wailing which woke up both of her parents up immediately.

“Flurry!” Cadance exclaimed as she rushed over to comfort her little foal in a hug. “Shh. Shh. It’s okay, mommy’s got you.”

“Not again.” Shining Armor groaned still trying to wake up.

“I know.” Cadance agreed feeling just as tired as her husband as she hands Flurry her toy snail. “It’s been nearly a week now.”

“We need to get some rest.” Shining Armor spoke feeling very drained. “But between our busy schedule’s and taking care of Flurry Heart there’s just no time for it.”

“Then we’ll have to make time.” Cadance said seeing they are going to kill themselves by continuing to try to keep this up. “Because we can’t keep wearing ourselves down like this.”

“Okay.” Shining Armor reluctantly agreed at the thought of having to temporaily step down from their roles in the Crystal Empire. “I’ll go tell our staff that we’ll be out next weekend. Maybe we can see if Twily’s available to watch over her for a few hours while take a nap at Canterlot.”

“That would be great, Shining!” Cadance smiled as Flurry has now calmed down now that she has her toy on hoof while still tearing up. “Hopefully, we can help our little foal out as well.”

“Hopefully.” Shining Armor agreed as he set out to what he said. “Hopefully.”

In the following days since the awards ceremony, Twilight has been living her life in trying to balance out her adjustment on living in Canterlot and being able to see her friends in Ponyville. So far she has been living fine aside from residing in Canterlot.

During this time, she and her friends went on a friendship retreat to Manehattan where they just managed to beat the escape room record by two minutes, which they did thanks to quickly remembering to turn the key before bursting into song.

At the same time, Starlight’s friendship lesson with Trixie had some bumps in the road due to Trixie flubbing a teleportation spell which caused the map to disappear and Starlight trying and failing to bottle up her anger which lead to her reaching her breaking point when she yelled at her for all of the trouble she caused.

Thankfully, the two were able to make amends and find the table by the time the Mane Six got back. Although since Twilight is capable of monitoring other’s activities whenever she feels the need to this little incident did not go unnoticed by her but she didn’t press any charges against her.

Little do the two unicorns know is that Twilight had secretly arranged for the two to get together by encouraging them to spend time with each other knowing what would happen if she entrusted the two to fiddle with magic lessons inside knowing that Trixie would accidentally teleport away the cutie map table and Starlight would literally try to bottle up her anger until she couldn't anymore to set up a friendship test for the two of them to see if Starlight was able to try tackling a friendship lesson on her own again.

Today, she is currently making arrangements for tomorrow with a busy schedule where Spike goes over her to-do list for the day.

“Okay so what do we so far for tomorrow?” Twilight asked Spike.

"Well, tomorrow you have your visit to the hospital.” Spike told her as he read through the scroll.

“Right, I remember Nurse Redheart expressing delight of how much everypony from Cheerlie’s class will be looking forward to my visit.” Twilight brought up. “Especially after they all came down with the horsey hives. Fortunately, for them I’ll be there to give them the cheering up they deserve. Anything else?” She asked want else needs to be done.

"Well if we want to be at the hospital by lunch tomorrow, we will have three hours to buy get-well presents, borrow a book from the schoolhouse, and pick up treats." Spike also brought up while acknowledging how exhausting this jammed pack day is going to be.

“Yes, I know it's a lot, but if we stick to the schedule, I know we can get it all done.” Twilight acknowledged but assured Spike it’s doable.

“Yeah, knock on wood.” Spike agreed.

And no sooner as he said those words, there was a knock at the door, which surprised the two.

“I wonder who could possibly be visiting at this hour?” Twilight wondered as she made her way to the front doors of the castle.

When Twilight opened the front doors of the castle, she was surprised to be greeted by a crying infant alicorn who floated in her arms as Twilight’s brother and sister-in-law Princess Cadance came in looking exhausted with dark circles under their heavily bagged eyes, and messy manes while looking worried for their daughter’s well-being.

"Surprise!" Shining Armor apologetically said to Twilight while telling her that this is not what they had planned for the surprise visit to turn out like.

"Whoa." Spike commented with surprise seeing this. “This is definitely a surprise.”

“No kidding.” Twilight agreed as she watched her niece fly over to her as she cried and hugged her on her back before turning to her parents. “You know of all of the surprise visits or times I could be asked to watch Flurry Heart I never really expected it to turn out like this.” She gestured to the crying foal to which she comforted with a hoof. “What happened?”

“Ever since Flurry’s been recovering from her injuries, she has been having nightmares every night.” Cadance apologetically explained to Twilight. “Nightmares that cause her cry non-stop every night and keeping us awake trying to calm her down.”

“Nightmares?” Twilight asked.

“Yes.” Shining Armor answered. “So aside from hoping you can watch over her for a few hours, we were also hoping that you could her aunt could help her find her overcome this nightmares that are keeping her up every night.”

“Well…” Twilight started as she turned to Spike who nodded that today is good. “I so far have nothing on my schedule for today so I could definitely do that and even see if Princess Luna is around today to see what kind of nightmares she’s been having.” She brought up as she offered her assistance.

“That would be great, Twilight!” Cadance said in happy relief. “If you could do that for her then you’ll definitely be helping us all out big time.”

“Yeah, Twily!” Shining Armor also spoke very thankful for his little sister. “I hope you don’t mind if we spending the afternoon taking a nap in one of the guest rooms so we can catch up on sleep.”

“Not at all!” Twilight assured them they deserve to rest as she levitated the foal to her face while repeatedly kissing her on her face before blowing a raspberry on her tummy. “You hear that, you get to spend some time with Auntie Twily.” She said in an adorable baby-like- voice who giggled in delight hearing this.

“I've got a surprise for you!” Twilight then told her niece as she rode on her back to the closet to where she opened it up and presented a gift-wrapped box. “A little something that reminded me of Flurry.” She told the parents as she levitates the gift she wanted to give Flurry. “Something that came from some shopping for Flurry Heart.”

“Oh-ho-ho, you're so sweet. You didn't have to do all that.” Cadance sweetly replied.

“I know, but I couldn’t resist!” She excitably acknowledged as she handed Flurry the present with her magic. “Open this one, Flurry.”

Flurry opened said box where two red and blue toy bears were inside of it to which she giggled at the sight of them as she holds up the blue bear and growls like a bear.

“Exactly! They're bears! You're one smart cookie.” Twilight told her niece with a wink as she held the red bear as she levitated it over the top of a book case with nearby books on top having do some acrobatic movements.

Flurry applauding her aunt uses her magic to try to do the same yet being very young is only able to perform the basic version of the movements.

“We'll just put Flurry's things over here, Twily!” Shining Armor called out to Twilight to which she stopped to make sure she acknowledged what her brother said to her.

“Uh-huh. Totally.” She replied as went back over to him and Cadance with Flurry in tow.

“Mashed peas, her favorite.” Shining Armor said as she levitated said jar.

“And diapers.” Cadance added as she levitated said package while pulling out two more packages. “Uh, extra diapers. Oh, and backup extra diapers. Heh.” She then laughed nervously. “Well, okay maybe not exactly necessary.”

“I don’t want to know.” Twilight responded with a raised hoof and a forced smile as she gets the message they are trying to tell her.

“Mashed peas, her favorite.” Shining Armor repeated. “Wait, did I say that already?” He asked as if he jumped a skipped record.

“Uh-huh.” Spike answered as he emerged his head from the pile of items.

“Oops.” He said realizing his mistake with an embarrassed grin.

“Oh, and this is the most important thing of all” Cadance brought up with her magic a toy snail. “…her Whammy.“

“I take it Flurry named it?” Twilight asked as she levitated it to her.

“Yup. If she gets fussy, just give her the Whammy and she'll calm right down.” Cadance told her.

“That’s pretty cute.” Twilight couldn’t help but admire her toy.

“Got all this, Twily?” Shining Armor asked to make sure she got it all down.

“Yep, whenever’s she hungry feed her mashed peas, have lots of diapers to work with if she needs to be changed, and give her the Whammy if she gets fussy.” Twilight quickly summed up like it's no biggie.

“We really appreciate you doing this for us, Twilight.” Cadance happily told her.

“Oh, no problem.” Twilight thought nothing of it. “You two deserve a day to relax after everything that has happened.”

“I know. I just wish I knew what was troubling her.” Shining Armor thought. “She been that way since Midnight attacked us.”

“Ever since then?” Twilight questioned as if that might be the key to Flurry’s nightmares.

“Yes, ever since she got struck down by her.” Cadance confirmed as she sees Twilight in deep thought. “Don’t suppose she might be having nightmares about her do you?”

“I don’t know?” Twilight answered unsure herself. “But if it gets really bad, we’ll talk to Princess Luna and find out.”

“Are you sure you can watch her?” Cadance asked her one more time just to be sure she has this under control.

“Absolutely!” Twilight confirmed with a nod. “And since we’ll be around the castle all day you know where to find us.”

“Great! Thanks again, Twily.” Shining Armor smiled as he and Cadance brought Flurry in for kisses on the cheeks. “Come on. Cadance let’s go and get some rest together.”

“I’m now so looking forward to this, Shiny” Cadance lovingly told her husband as they made their way to one of the guest rooms.

As Twilight watches as the couple look forward to their relaxation she could only giggle to herself knowing what kind of fun they’ll be having together.

“Well I’s just you and me, Flurry.” Twilight told the baby alicorn who flies over to her eye level and holds up one of the bears and growls wanting her get what she wants to play with her aunt.

“Oh, you want to pretend we're the bears.” Twilight got what she’s trying to tell her. “Let’s do it!”

Flurry Heart races off ahead giggling.

“Hey! All right! I'm gonna get ya!” Twilight raced after Flurry Heart while pretend growling like a bear.

The two flew around the room as the two giggled as Flurry races ahead of her aunt as Spike watches amused at this adorable family bonding scene.

“I'm catching up!” She told her niece as she closes in on her who responds by flying down at a lower level as Twilight follows suit while still growling like a bear.

Flurry Heart giggles as Twilight moves back up in the air with her back turned Once she took notice she couldn’t help but wonder in confusion of where she went as she looked around as she finds her face to face with Twilight who roars like a scary bear right in front of her.

Flurry seeing her envisions Midnight in her place and then whimpers of fear as she lowers back down to the ground with a magic shield to protect herself with.

“Uh-oh. Sorry, bug. Did that scare you?” Twilight said realizing that it was a little too much for her. “It's okay. It's just Auntie Twily!” Twilight assured her as she knocked on her shield to get her attention with an innocent smile.

Flurry cancels her magic while still looking very fearful of her aunt even though she is not Midnight.

“You know, that was a very advanced spell for somepony your age.” Twilight commented as tried to keep the happy mood up. “Looks like you're already taking after your Auntie Twily.” She complimented with a wink as Flurry tried to do the same but then just decided to blink with both eyes.

Even Flurry is hugging her, Twilight couldn’t help there is more to Flurry’s reaction as if there is something inside she sees in her.

“Everything okay, Twilight?” Spike asked having witnessed the scene.

“Yeah Spike.” Twilight answered while truthfully unsure as Flurry’s stomach rumbles. “She just needs to be fed is all now.” She said as she fetched herself a jar of mashed peas with a spoon for Flurry to snack on.

But Flurry, truthfully not a fan of the green vegetable takes control of the spoon and flings it at her just missing and staining the wall across the room.

“Come on, Flurry, be a good foal and eat your peas.” Twilight again tried to offer the spoonful of food to which Flurry again defiantly refused and flinged another spoonful at her to which she effortlessly dodged.

Twilight thinks of another idea of how to get through to her when she comes up with another idea as she rushes over to the kitchen gets some mashed potatoes.

“Hey, Flurry.” Twilight began in a sing-song tone. “How about some mashed potatoes.”

Flurry then immediately smiling seeing this as Twilight levitates the spoon to Flurry who then eats it along with her mashed peas.

“Glad we could work out a little compromise.” Twilight spoke in relief that Flurry is now cooperating.

“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Spike asked.

“It’s all right, Spike.” Twilight assured him. “She not allergic to them and they are healthy and good for her as much as peas.”

As Flurry eats her mashed potatoes and peas she glances up and sees Twilight before seeing Midnight in her again to which she whimpered at quickly ate as fast as she could.

“Okay, okay! Take it easy Flurry!” Twilight quickly stopped her from shoveling down her food as she levitated the mashed peas and potatoes away from her. “You don’t want to get a tummy-ache do you?”

Flurry again snapping out of it calmed down as she sighed and then hiccuped a little. Twilight then handed her bottle to drink some milk to help get rid of the hiccups. Flurry then burped and then smiled adorably at her aunt before she hands her the rest of her peas and potatoes until she feels satisfied.

But even when Flurry is still seeking to have fun with her aunt, she still is worried about her mental well-being at her flinching at Twilight as if she fears her for some reason.

“I wonder if Midnight’s attack on her is taking a greater toll that we thought?” Twilight wondered to Spike before focusing her attention back to her niece who hold up one of the bears she gave her with a growl.

“You want to play, don't you?” Twilight replied with a knowing smile but remembering Flurry’s fright from her playing that game earlier thinks of another idea they can have fun together. “Well, I know a game that's even more fun! Playing race cars! Ha-ha!” She exclaimed with excitement as she magically conjured up race karts for her and Flurry Heart.

Twilight is in the big red kart while Flurry is in the small blue kart both wearing the typical racing gear as they use their magic to power their karts to get them going with Spike riding passenger inside Twilight's kart.

Both Twilight and Flurry were both racing around the halls as their karts are driving around at fast speeds racing neck and neck as they take turns trying to take the lead as they drive around the hallway.

“Vroom, Vroom!” Twilight said to Flurry as they raced side by side as Flurry gets ahead. “I’m right behind you!” She said as she maneuvered in front of Flurry Heart to take her turn up front to which Flurry countered with a loop-de-loop jump over Twilight to take the lead back.

“Not bad, Flurry?” Twilight spoke impressed of her natural talent. “You’re a natural!”

“Wow! This is fun!” Spike screamed really enjoying the ride.

Flurry giggled as she raced ahead mimicking the same imitations as they loop around the castle hallways which they continued to do so for the next hour having fun while exchanging the lead and pulling various maneuvers on each other.

During their racing, Shining Armor and Cadance both came out of their room together now having their manes combed up and returned to its normal well-kempt state as they both emerge feeling more well-rested and after napping together for the last few hours.

“This was just what we needed.” Cadance lovingly said to her husband as they hug each other.

“No question.” The stallion agreed as they hear Twilight and Flurry laughing and giggling as they race and have fun. “And it sounds like our little foal is having a great time with her favorite aunt.”

“Vroom, Vroom.” Twilight repeated to Flurry as they race side by side.

Flurry giggled as she took the lead again as they raced off one of the hallway turns again as Flurry looks on ahead she sees a tapestry of Twilight hanging at the end of the hallway. She gasps as she sees envisions Midnight again in her aunt’s place and doesn’t react to turn as she comes in at high speed.

“Flurry! Turn!” Twilight called out to the frozen in fear baby alicorn about to crash into the wall.

But when she did not react, Twilight quickly pulled Flurry away and out of her kart with her magic as the kart crashed into the wall and shattered into multiple pieces.

“What was that?” Shining Armor and Cadance exclaimed in horror as they heard the crash before they both run over to where Twilight and Flurry were where they kind their little foal crying under Twilight’s comfort from her kart while the little blue kart is completely totaled.

“Flurry! What’s wrong!” Shining Armor asked in worry as they ran up to them with his and his wife's parental instincts kicking into high gear. “What happened!” He asked his little sister.

“I don’t know!” Twilight explained equally surprised as them. “We were just racing then for some reason Flurry was approaching this corner too fast and nearly crashed.” She explained before raising her hooves up defensively to assure them that she wasn’t purposely endangering their child. “It was like she saw some ghost or something when she froze.”

“Are you sure you’re not just making stuff up here to excuse the fact you two were messing around with race karts.” Cadance skeptically asked her sister-in-law as she took control of their baby. “I know you two were having fun but somepony really could have gotten hurt.” She then gently yet firmly spoke.

“But we were playing it safe.” Twilight responded as she pointed to the helmets and protective gear they along with Spike had on. “And it wasn’t the first time that happened.” She also backed herself up with.

“And I certainly can vouch for her there.” Spike spoke up in Twilight’s defense.

“What do you mean?” Shining Armor intently asked his sister.

“I mean when it came to playing bears and feeding her earlier...” Twilight answered. “… She reacted in fear and holed herself up in a magic bubble when I only made a brief scary face and then later just when only feeding her with a friendly smile she flinched just the same.” She explained herself as she tried to reach out to her niece. “Sweetie, you don't have to be scared. It's just me, see?” Twilight smiled at her direction who still flinches and flies away from her as sees Midnight’s face instead of Twilight’s.

Both Shining Armor and Princess Cadance both look on at her very surprised seeing her back away from her aunt like that with Twilight giving them “I swear I didn’t do anything to her.” look as Princess Luna hearing the commotion runs up to them.

“What’s all the commotion?!” Luna asked the four ponies in alarm after having heard the crash and Flurry’s crying.

“Flurry’s been having bad dreams recently that’s been keeping us up every night for the past week.” Cadance explained to the night monarch.

“We had her spend time with Twilight but for some reason she seems to be scared of her even though she didn’t do anything to her.” Shining Armor added while believing Twilight.

“And I’m beginning to worry that whatever dream she had is causing her to be afraid of me whenever I try to have fun with her.” Twilight sadly lamented worrying that her niece seems to be only seeing Midnight whenever she sees her.

“So this all started ever since Midnight attacked her?” Luna asked if she got all it down.

“Yes.” Twilight answered still looking on very guilty at seeing the sobbing baby’s direction. “Some best aunt I’m turning out to be.”

“It’s okay, Twilight.” Shining Armor assured her with a hoof on her shoulder. “It’s not your fault. But I don’t suppose you have time to see what Flurry’s dreaming of so we can find out what’s troubling Flurry?” She asked Luna.

“If she goes to bed tonight I’ll fly into her dream no problem.” Luna answered with a warm smile. “And I’ll be able to find the source of the problem from there.”

“Thanks, Aunt Luna.” Cadance gratefully thanked her with a hug.

“You’re welcome.” Luna returned. “Now if you’ll all excuse I got something I need to take care.” She then set back out to do so.

As Flurry watches the family bonding moment she flies back over to Twilight to hug her.

“Aww.” Twilight responded very touched. “I take you hold nothing against me?”

Flurry responds by nuzzling into her head into her chest seeing that even though she fears because of Midnight she’ll never stop loving her.

“Thanks, Flurry.” Twilight kindly thanked her niece. “Still want to spend with your niece?”

Flurry giggled in delight as Twilight thinks of something else they can do aside from go-karting for the sake of her parents.

“How about hide and seek?” She offered to her who babbled in delight as she flew off ahead while Twilight counts to ten with her eyes closed as she gives her parents a reassuring wink that they are doing something safe and fun to which they greatly appreciated as she counted to ten before flying off to find Flurry.

Later that night when Flurry was sleeping with Twilight, Shining Armor, Cadance, and Spike overseeing her as she sleeps with Princess Luna focusing her magic on the young infant as she taps into her dream where Twilight is happily playing with Flurry heart as they play bears inside of the castle like earlier with Twilight following her shortly afterwards when Twilight disappeared like earlier, Flurry wondered what happened to her as Midnight appeared right in front of her.

Flurry gasped when she saw her and then quickly flew away from her just barely avoiding get struck in the chest as Midnight purses after her as she turns the corner. Flurry looked back panicking as Princess Luna witnesses the dream unfold as Midnight flies ahead of her to cut her off. Flurry whimpers as she flies away in the opposite direction.

“Aw, come on now little foal.” Midnight falsely assured her that she has nothing to worry about. “I just want to play. Come to your Auntie Midnight.” She then said as she sent a fireball at Flurry’s direction to which Princess Luna stepped in and blocked the attack before sending magic her way to which Midnight effortlessly dodged. “Well, well, well, Princess Luna, nice to see you again.” Midnight said with a smirk. “Now if you don’t mind I have business with a little foal to attend.”

“No!” Luna refused to get out of the way. “You will not harm this little one, Midnight!”

“Suit yourself.” Midnight nonchalantly replied with a blast directed at Luna only to be blocked off and redirected back at her much to her surprise courtesy of Twilight who had also slept in the nearby bed so she can join in on Flurry’s dream.

“Not on my watch you’re not!” Twilight stood her ground against her evil counterpart. “Because no pony does that to my niece."

“Nor our daughter!” Cadance firmly spoke appearing in the dream too as she musters much of her strength to unleash a powerful blast at the villainous mare’s direction along with Shining Armor who joined in on the attack.

“If you ever harm our daughter again!” Shining Armor calmly but furiously told off Midnight. “You will pay!”

“Here’s a better idea.” Midnight retorted as she used her magic to breathe huge flames at their direction to which Twilight quickly shielded herself and everypony with a magic shield to withstand the blast before counter attacking with a charge to punch her in the face as the two exchange magic blasts at attempted punches at each other with their hooves all while dodging each other’s attacks until Twilight finally forces her back with a magical blast right at her followed by Luna and Cadance both jumping into the fight by sending magical blasts right at her before she could even recover followed by a punch and kick to the face courtesy of Shining Armor.

Midnight then responds by pulling up a shield and then plows her way through her opponents as she makes her escape by disappearing in a flash leaving behind a trail of smoke.

Once Midnight was gone, everypony embraces each other for a group hug as Flurry babbles in delight of her family fighting Midnight off all for her.

Back outside of the dream realm the entire family sleeps together feeling happy and satisfied that Midnight is no longer haunting her dreams and that Flurry feels safe being around her aunt now knowing that even though that the two alicorns may look like each other and may be alike in some ways she knows for a fact that her aunt cares much more about her than Midnight could ever dream of and will never become her as Luna and Spike watch the family sleep together in the bed with Spike deciding to join in on the family sleeping bonding moment as he pops inside the hug with Flurry.

The next morning, Celestia has prepared pancakes for everypony for breakfast to which everyone really enjoyed, well except for Luna who just spent another exhausting night of venturing into other ponies dreams courtesy of Midnight’s influence who simply ate fruit from the basket to which it did not go unnoticed by her sister but said nothing about it not wanting to argue in front of the rest of her family who had all just went through a lot to help Flurry Heart overcome her emotional trauma.

“So I take it Flurry has overcome her nightmares?” Celestia asked with a warm smile.

“Yes, she has mostly.” Twilight happily replied as she ate her pancakes.

“Now that she can sleep well now thanks to Luna I think things will be working out smoothly when we get back to the Crystal Empire after the weekend.” Cadance added just as relieved seeing her daughter happy again.

“And at least feeling well-rested enough to be able to carry on with our lives.” Shining Armor said in the same tone. “And be able to play with her aunt without seeing Midnight inside of her.”

“That’s true.” Twilight agreed after swallowing her last mouthful of food. “One thing’s for certain is that even though we look alike and may act alike at times, I’ll never be like her.” Twilight firmly vowed. “Not again.”

“And we’re glad you’re not.” Cadance smiled very pleased to hear that.

“Very glad because things would not have been good if you were in charge as her.” Celestia added just as pleased as Cadance. “Seeing that you would have eventually dropped all morals together had you still continued to pursue that dark path.”

“I know.” Twilight agreed. “And since Midnight herself doesn’t have any redeeming traits, things would be a lot worse if she managed to take over. But when she does try to attack we’ll be ready!”

Flurry babbled in delight as she smiled at her direction while hugging her Whammy.

Unbeknownst to the royal family, Midnight was secretly spying on them from her orb with a look on her face that disagrees with Twilight’s words as she pulls up the image and memory of their confrontation with her in the dream realm.

“And I’m sure if I was fighting all of you with full effort and if it weren’t a dream things would have been a lot different there.” Midnight spoke up her thoughts as she watches the fight unfold. “But nonetheless, very impressive.” She commented as pulled up an image of Twilight. “And I get the feeling that’s going to change pretty soon for when I do attack when you least expect it and that two of your beloved princesses are soon about to have their differences come to a head pretty soon.” She said as she pulled up an image of the royal sisters locking horns and getting into each other’s faces in their previous argument. “Question is, what will it take I wonder for the both of you to reach your breaking points.” She sinisterly thought to herself as she observes the image and memory of the two sisters fighting back before engaging in the prank war against Rainbow Dash with a devious smirk as she thinks of a plan to deal with this.

Author's Note:

Following Midnight's attack, the incident has left Flurry emotionally scarred and terrifed of her even more and what's worse is that she sees her in Twilight due to being Twilight' evil counterpart to the point she sees the evil alicorn inside of Twilight in brief moments and in her nightmares which makes quailty family with her favorite aunt a little difficult.

That being said I rewrote this episode so that some of the issues from the canon version are corrected and ties into this story more by leaving out the busy errand day Twilight had with Twilight preparing for that day when her family comes over for a visit for much need rest because of Flurry's troubles since the events of Queen Chrysalis and Midnight occured.

Because of Flurry's nightmares of Midnight we have Princess Luna helping the little foal in her dream which leads to another family fight against the alicorn haunting her which I had written down for each member to have their moments to shine before what comes to in the end that Flurry Heart can longer look upon her aunt with fear. With the acknowledgement that her fears of Midnight wouldn't fade away overnight that she has her family has her back and even though Twilight and Midnight are similar the former will never become the latter.

Speaking of Midnight, she on the other hoof is focusing on preparing to capitalize on the royal sisters tension with each other in this upcoming chapter "A Royal Problem." and clearly isn't about to them forget anytime soon.

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