• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,516 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 53: School Daze Part Two

Chapter 53:

School Daze Part Two

"Well, princess, now that this school is officially shut down I have somewhere else to be since this all turned into a waste of my time and that you still have a lot to think about for lying to me like you did in the past.” Neighsay coldly said to the angered princess as her friends walk up behind her ready to back her up.

“I have a lot to think about?!” Twilight took offense to that comment since that echoes a familiar cold statement years ago. “You’re the one who openly berated every non-pony and caused them to leave in a huff. And thanks to you have just sparked another war!”

“So did you when you took over Equestria when you were Midnight and even when you reformed you still proven you haven’t changed since you brought back her spirit and your failure to prevent her most recent invasion nearly led her to take over Equestria.” Neighsay quickly retorted still standing by what he said.

“I have changed!” Twilight snapped back as she asserted herself with her temper rising and her patience starting to run thin with him. “You can’t blame me for something Midnight did since her return!”

"You already put the lives of Equestria in danger three times!" Neighsay fired back. “You even have the scar to prove to me from the beginning you haven’t changed and you are no better than Midnight herself!”

Before Twilight could further speak in rage Starlight stepped forward in her friends’ defense before she could lose control of her temper like she did at the beach as the rest of her friends restrain her not wanting a repeat too.

"You have some nerve for such a coward treating everyone around you this way!" Starlight angrily said to the chancellor with a matching glare. "Everypony makes mistakes and at least a true leader like Twilight steps up when Equestria needs one the most and tries her hardest to correct her mistakes!"

"That’s right!" Spike agreed with Starlight feeling and looking just as displeased with the uptight pony. "And if it hadn’t been for her we’d all be living under Midnight’s reign of eternal darkness by now!"

"Don't try to defend her Miss. Glimmer. Just like with those other dangerous creatures, Twilight doesn’t deserve to be our allies after the way they've treated us and deep down she is just like Midnight waiting for the right moment to betray us all again." Neighsay refused to back down from further fueling Twilight’s anger by constantly pressing her sore spots with his constant big mouth.

"Look, Chancellor…“ Twilight spoke up with gritted teeth as she now works to control her anger and tone of voice as her friends let her go. “I get that I have made mistakes in the past and don’t deny ever making them…” She said with fiery determination to stand up for herself. "…But at least I’m trying to correct my own mistakes along with trying to spread friendship all over across Equestria. What have you done other weighing down every school with your rules and regulations?"

“Yeah!” Pinkie yelled in agreement. “Your rules are the reason this school wasn’t working nor having fun here!"

"The EEA rules exist for a reason, Miss. Pie. To make sure classes go on and that students are effectively learning for the greater good of Equestria.” Neighsay retorted with a raised hoof. “And if I were you I’d watch that mouth of yours before you test my patience.” He turned to Twilight. “And the same goes to you, princess!”

“You know what…” Twilight spoke up still calm yet fed up with him. “You don’t want give this school EEA accreditation fine by me! But regardless of what you say this school is going to be open and have classes as scheduled as soon as I get everyone back here. So that way everyone doesn’t have to put with the likes you since like Midnight she has no problems destroying relationships to do so even if that means satisfying herself in the protest.”

Twilight then flew off ahead with the rest of her friends following her while casting angry and disappointed glares at the chancellor before doing so.

Both Midnight and Chrysalis watch on and emerge from their hiding spot as Chancellor Neighsay teleports away in a huff.

“While I don’t deny my methods are harsh, winning tends to settle any arguments.” Midnight shrugged it off with a smile as she too feels her approach in life is the best for everyone.

“Especially when it means getting your revenge.” Chrysalis added in the same unfazed tone as Midnight. “Which we have made progress at.” She said as she pointed to the locked up school.

“Don’t be so sure just yet, Chrysalis.” Midnight warned her not to get ahead of herself. “As long as this school is up and running with the magic of friendship spread all over Equestria it can still pose a threat to my plans of taking over.”

“So what are you thinking?” Chrysalis questioned of how she plans to approach this.

“I’m thinking we need to keep the unrest going and to be sure everyone is still at each other throats.” Midnight spoke of her plan as she pulled up her orb focusing on the six students who skipped class. “And since these six students have potential of bearing the elements of harmony together they will serve as the perfect pawns to use for my next plan to spark an international incident and civil unrest among Equestria.”

“And how do you propose we get them together?” Chrysalis wondered as Midnight pulled up an image of them getting together at the castle of the two sisters.

“This is how by setting up a perfect trap for them.” Midnight smirked as her heart glowed neon purple as she hands Chrysalis a pair of sunglasses so she can protect her eyes from the bright glare it produced. “And since their bond is strong enough for them to get together there all we need to do now is get everything ready for their arrival and this is how were going to do it.” She added as she presented the images of her plan as Chrysalis evilly smiles at her proposal.

Back in Canterlot, Twilight has made her to the princess’s throne room where she tells them of what happened at the school earlier and needless to say both princesses weren’t happy to hear what went down there.

“I can’t believe he went on and did all of that?!” Princess Luna exclaimed in anger. “Does he have any idea of how hard it was just to go build an alliance with them?”

“No he doesn’t and he doesn’t care.” Twilight replied while containing her still brewing fury at the chancellor.

“And I can assure you, I'll be having a talk with him about his behavior when I get a chance." Princess Celestia expressed her disappointment in him while firmly vowing that she will not let this slide. "I really expected better manners from him and to be more open-minded of your vision."

“Well regardless, I’m not about to let him dictate what I do since I plan to open up the school my way with my own rules which I feel is fair since I tried to do things their way and nobody enjoyed them.” Twilight spoke of her mind. “Though I do question what motivated those who skipped class in the first place.”

At that moment her friends arrived in the throne room.

“How did it go?” Twilight asked them.

“Well I went over to Yakyakistan…” Pinkie started somewhat hesitantly. “Even offered a cupcake…”

“I went over to the Dragon Lands…” Rarity added in the same tone.

“I went over to the changelings home…” Fluttershy said unsure of how to break it.

“I went over to Mount Aris…” Applejack added also unsure as well.

“And I went over to Griffonstone but Grampa Gruff still wasn’t convinced because he said…” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Our student is gone!” All five leaders spoke up as they all arrived at the same time.

“What?!” The three princesses said in unison.

“Yep and that was pretty much our reaction too.” Rainbow added with a knowing shrug as she saw that coming.

“Where Yona?! This all pony's fault!” Prince Rutherford angrily turned to Ember while getting into her face.

“You're pretty quick to blame them! What are you hiding, yak?!” Ember hotly retorted as the yak prince snorted in response.

“C-Can... Can we just focus on finding our lost students?” Thorax pleaded with them to focus on their well-being instead of blaming each other.

“Nice try! You grubs are probably hidin' the whole lot of 'em!” Grampa Gruff refused as he got in the changeling leader's face.

“Please, everycreature! If you can just explain what happened...” Princess Celestia tried to ease their tensions and explain before they get really nasty with each other.

“The students left us notes before they disappeared. When the school closed, they didn't want to say goodbye to each other. They claim they ran away to stay together.” General Seaspray explained as Twilight smiled to see a friendship bond come out of this while he was glaring at the other leaders. “The students couldn't have done this by themselves. Some creature is hiding them! If the niece of our queen is not found soon, I promise there will be retribution!”

“Yeah? Well, my dragons will burn every kingdom until we find which of you is hiding Smolder!” Ember released fire from her claws in anger.

“Tell it to the griffon army!” Grampa Gruff raised his fists up ready to fight if she is willing to go through with her threat.

“Yaks fight griffons and dragons!” Prince Rutherford got in between the two ready to take them both on himself.

“The Changeling Empire can't afford an international incident. If any creature blames the changelings for this…” Thorax pleaded them to stop not for Ember to get into his face with a pointed finger.

“What are you up to, shapeshifter?!” She accusingly asked him.

“B-But we're friends!” Thorax innocently pleaded.

“Find the students quickly, Twilight, or I fear our world will be at war!” Princess Celestia whispered to her as she flies off ahead with her friends following her to Sugarcube Corner.

“Okay. Let's review what we know.” Twilight said to her friends as Spike pointed to each of the missing students on the chart Twilight had created.

“Smolder, Ocellus, Silverstream, Yona, and Gallus disappeared together. That's all we know.” Spike said and pointed out the obvious.

“They're probably just off hidin' somewhere.” Applejack nonchalantly figured.

“Unless they used some kind of spell to disappear.” Starlight guessed her theory.

“Ooh! Or went undercover!” Rainbow liked the idea.

“Maybe they were attacked by a ferocious shrimp! Nopony ever expects that!” Pinkie eagerly expressed her wild theory to Fluttershy whle nudging her on the shoulder.

“Shrimps can attack?” Fluttershy gasped thinking it may be true.

“Nope! That's why nopony expects it.“ Pinkie replied it isn’t with an assuring wink as Sandbar walks inside.

“Whoa!” Sandbar exclaimed in shock realizing he exposed himself as he placed his order on the table to which Pinkie placed the goods in his hooves.

“Hi, Sandbar! Are you having a party?” Pinkie greeted.

“No! I'm just, um... really hungry? Yeah?” Sandbar nervously replied before making his way out as Pinkie held the door open for him.

“We need to think like our students. If someone told us we would never see each other again, what would we do?” Rarity began to think.

“Go someplace we could all hang out and eat lots and lots of cupcakes!” Pinkie correctly guessed as her friends give her weird looks. “What?”

“Sandbar was friends with all of the missing students... and he just got plenty of cupcakes.” Fluttershy just brought up.

“Huh. He was at the farm this mornin' pickin' up a wagonload of apples...” Applejack brought up.

“And I saw him in a shop buying pillows and blankets!” Rarity added as Rainbow gasps in realization.

“He must be taking all that stuff to the other students! We've gotta follow him!” Rainbow said with determination as she and the rest of the Mane Five squeeze their way out through the door at the same time as Twilight, Starlight, and Spike follow them one by one.

Inside the Castle of the Two Sisters are the five other students where Gallus flies around enjoying the scenery.

“Huh. This place is way cooler than I thought it'd be.” Gallus said as he flew back inside where Silverstream is admiring the scenery, while Ocellus reads from a pile of books she got from the library, while Smolder was eating gems from a nearby statue, and Yona comes down the stairs while tripping and tumbling down them because of her long hair again.

“Even I'm impressed.” Smolder remarked as she ate. “What's it called again, Ocellus?”

“The Castle of the Two Sisters.” Ocellus answered. “I remembered it from class. Princess Twilight's "History of Pre-Equestrian Friendships.””

“Huh. Who knew? School was actually good for something.” Gallus remarked having some second opinions about the school.

“Yona not really like school.” The young yak disagreed before tightly hugging her new friends. “But Yona like new friends!”

“Smolder... like breathing!” The young dragon tried to break free from the yak’s strong bear like hug.

“Hey, you guys! Sandbar's back!” Silverstream called out to them as said pony arrives with all of the goods he received.

“Cupcakes are best cakes!” Yona exclaimed as she ran up Sandbar alarming him as he braces for impact only to his relief just stops right in front of him thanks to tripping on her long hair because Gallus tossing it in front of her as he then finds himself seeing Yona panting like a dog seeking cupcakes.

“Thanks for the assist, Gallus.” Sandbar thanked the griffon in relief from getting plowed.

“I was saving the cupcakes.” Gallus scoffed in a friendly manner as he and Yona both chow down on them.

“Pillows! How nice!” Ocellus said as she observed and rested her back onto them. “The castle is gonna be so much more comfy.”

“And fun! Pillow fight!”Smolder said as she tossed a pillow Sandbar as they both engage in said pillow fight only for Ocellus to end it easily by landing on top of them as she transformed into a bugbear.

Just outside of the castle grounds both Midnight and Chrysalis watch from the shadows as they both plant dry grass and dead branches from the Everfree Forest as they plant it all around the castle while avoiding being spotted by the students.

Midnight pulls her orb out and sees the Mane Six, Starlight, and Spike all following Sandbar back to the castle.

“Chrysalis, check this out!” Midnight called over Chrysalis to observe what her orb is showing. “Twilight and her friends are also headed this way in search for them.”

“Great, now I can finally exact my revenge on both Twilight and Starlight.” Chrysalis exclaimed in evil excitement.

“Hold it, Chrysalis!” Midnight placed a hoof on her to stop her from pursing them before she could fly off towards them. “We will get them when we set our trap at the castle but we need to be smart about this in case you have forgotten the last time you tried to fight Twilight.”

“I haven’t forgotten but I’m not about to let my opportunity of revenge slip from my hooves!” Chrysalis insisted on going through with this as she struggled under Midnight’s grasp as she refuses to let her go off like that.

“I understand that, but it’s also not in my interest to let Twilight or anyone in Equestria to know we have escaped Tartarus at this time.” Midnight firmly asserted that she needs to stick to her plan. “Because should word get out then we will have a war we aren’t properly trained and prepared for which could diminish our threat before it could even arise.” She added with emphasis on patience and being discreet about their appearances. “I rather that we take our time to prepare ourselves to work together before waging war against them unless you want to go back to Tartarus.”

“Fine.” Chrysalis groaned in defeat as Midnight lets go of her grip on her as the former chalenging queen really wanted to immediately get back at them so badly that she would have blown their cover and alerted everyone of their escape.

“Just follow my lead and continue setting around this dry grass and branches all around the castle so when Sandbar leads them inside we can burn the place down.” Midnight assured as she instructed her. “If the plan works we’ll soon be rid of the Princess of Friendship, and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, and six future potential bearers of the elements too.”

“And if the plan doesn’t work considering you have plans for both Twilight and Starlight.” Chrysalis asked.

“If they are good enough they’ll survive and if it doesn’t we have all of the time in the world to prepare to continue the war and I have already have another plan in place which will be worth bidding our time for.” Midnight replied as she sees that the search party is near the castle entrance. “Here they come and remember the plan.”

The two immediately ducked out of sight as they set forward with their task and once they see puckwudgie appear before them, Chrysalis immediately swatted away with her hoof as she continues setting forward with preparing to set the castle on fire.

“And you have just given me an idea of how we can directly face them without blowing our cover.” Midnight spoke up as transforms into a purple puckwudgie as Chrysalis coming up with the same idea at the same time also transforms into a green puckwudgie before teleporting back up where the students are.

“What is that thing?” Sandbar asked as the orange puckwudgie appeared before them.

“Am I the only one who didn't sleep through Professor Fluttershy's "Critters of Comfort and Conflict" class?” Ocellus sighed as the other expressed silent surprise. “It's a puckwudgie. Maybe I can make friends with it!” She explained to them as she transformed into a blue one before approaching it by dancing around acting all friendly to them,only to be greeted with a growl as several blue and purple puckwudgies appear ready to attack them. “Oops.” She said after realizing her unintentional mistake.

“Yak plan better.” Yona declared as she charged at them only to be nearly shot with sharp quills from their fur to which Silverstream quickly saved her and lifting the cart in front of them as a shield before being chased inside the castle with the green and purple puckwudgies following from behind while witnessing their rescuers arrive on the scene before quickly teleporting away before she is spotted.

“Everyone is inside.” Chrysalis reported to Midnight.

“Then let gets this bonfire for the party started.” Midnight instructed her as they both transform back into their original appearances and then started lighting their horns to use their magic to set the grass and branches on fire after they both get to safety.

“Think, Ocellus! Did Professor Fluttershy say anything about how to beat puckwudgies in her lecture?!” Smolder asked Ocellus as they find themselves surrounded by the puckwudgies.

“Uh... I'm sorry, I can't remember!” Ocellus apologetically said as she rubbed the side of her head.

“I'm gonna go ahead and guess it's not pillows, apples…” Gallus figured as he lifted up a cupcake which got covered with needles. “...or cupcakes.”

“Wouldn't class have been about how to make friends with them?” Silverstream asked.

“Uh, guys? They're getting really close...” Sandbar pointed out to them.

“Yona not scared! Yona have friends!” Yona bravely said as they all bring hoofs and hands together ready to face off against them.

Just as three puckwudgies leap up at them Rainbow Dash quickly grabbed them and pinned them to the nearby wall.

“Is that Professor Egghead?!” Gallus said in surprise as both Twilight and Starlight work together to pull away all of the surrounding puckwudgies before sending them all away with a combined force field shield.

“Aw, yeah!” Spike commented as he heads butts one of the puckwudgies before being chased by two of them approaching him.

Rarity defeats one by giving it a makeover complete with placing ribbons on top of the puckwudgies’s hair as Spike continues to be chased by the puckwudgie’s until Applejack came to his rescue by lassoing two of them up while two birds pick up the third one.

“Oh! Don't hurt them! Just ask them to leave nicely.” Fluttershy kindly said as she hugged the creature who struggled in vain to break free.

Once all of the puckwudgie’s were gathered together by Rainbow Dash she loads them Pinkie’s party canon where they all blasted out of the castle in parachutes for safe landing as they grumble in defeat.

Before anything else they suddenly smell something burning.

“Yona smells something burning.” Yona said as she sniffed the smoke.

“I smell it too.” Pinkie agreed as she smelled the smoke.

“Please tell me that wasn’t you, Spike.” Twilight looked at the young dragon who shrugged in response.

“Not me this time.” Spike quickly replied as he looks up to see… “FIRE!”

Everyone reacted in shock seeing the fire that was forming as Midnight and Chrysalis from outside strength the flames.

“Everyone get together now! NOW!” Twilight said in alarm as they all do so as she and Starlight transport everyone out of the castle just as the castle explodes.

Everyone appears just inside the forest run back outside to see the old castle up in flames with all of the books scattered around.

“Oh my gosh!” Ocellus said in shock as she flies over to the many books to pick them all up. “All of these books just laying here.”

“What the heck just happened!” Gallus exclaimed just as shocked.

“The castle just blew up into smithereens!” Silverstream exclaimed in excitement. “That was so cool!” She then saw the glares her friends were giving her. “Expect that this was the princess’s old castle. Sorry.”

“It’s all right.” Twilight took no offense as she quickly extinguishes the flames with her magic while wondering how this could have happened. “It’s not like they live there anymore but also discouraging to see past history go up in flames like that.”

“Wow! They're amazing!” Ocellus expressed her excitement of seeing their teachers in action after gathering all of the books together.

“I had no idea our teachers were actually cool.” Gallus expressed his stunned amazement after getting over his shock of nearly being blown up inside the castle.

“I've been trying to tell you!” Sandbar chuckled in response.

“Did you see that?! Rainbow Dash was like voooooom and then werrrrr, and the puckwudgies went flying!” Silverstream expressed her excitement as she flew around. “And then the birds came and—!”

“Yeah, we all just lived it.” Smolder quickly interrupted her to get her to understand they all get the idea. “But you're right. That was pretty amazing. Even by dragon standards.”

“Is everycreature alright?” Twilight asked everyone once she was done putting out the fire to the castle to which everyone nodded in agreement.

“You're lucky we got here in time!” Spike added as he caught his breath.

“You know, this probably isn't the safest place for a campout.” Starlight also brought up in concern.

“Well considering of what just happened from a puckwudgies ambush to a fiery explosion at the castle no question about that.” Smolder agreed.

“Yak nearly got killed in fiery explosion at the castle.” Yona agreed while recovering from her shock.

“Does that mean you're going to send us back to our homes?” Ocellus said with a knowing tone as she and the others gave them puppy-dog eyes pleading for them not to do this.

“Not exactly. We have another option in mind.” Twilight offered. "Which reminds me we are going to have a talk about skipping school in the first place." She also reminded herself to bring that up.

“We're listening.” Gallus spoke not even denying they are going to have to own up their actions.

“It's pretty clear you've already started learning friendship without your teachers. But we'd like to show you even more... if you'd come back to school?” Twilight explained her offer with a somewhat pleading smile.

“Not much of a choice.” Smolder reluctantly agreed as the others showed looks that they are not looking forward to it.

“To be honest, we felt exactly the same way when Twilight told us she was reopening the school.” Applejack assured them as she placed her hat off of her head and down to her chest to which Twilight placed a hoof on the back of her head in response.

“But this time, we guarantee it shall be different.” Rarity also assured them.

“Oh, yeah! With class run my way, it'll be two hundred and twenty percent cooler.” Rainbow emphasized on cooler.

“And without the EEA…” Fluttershy brought up as she tossed the rule book to which landed on a nearby puckwudgie. “…it'll be much friendlier.”

“Plus, all your nations won't go to war if you come back with us! Bonus!” Pinkie added with a smile leaving the students aghast to hear that.

“Wait. What's happening?” Sandbar asked after a moment of shock.

“How about we tell you on the way?” Twilight told them as she and her friends led them away from the destroyed castle with Midnight and Chrysalis watched them from afar.

“So predictable.” Chrysalis commented in disappointment. “It would have been a lot easier had we dealt with them ourselves.”

“True but as I said before then it would mean revealing we have escaped sooner than I'd like.” Midnight acknowledged with a knowing nod as they all got lucky at the last second. “But we still have all the time in the world to try again and time we can use to our advantage as we prepare for the next big plan I have in mind.” She then told Chrysalis as she presented her a book with an image on her orb to which Chrysalis maliciously smiled at the idea she is proposing. “And I can assure you it will be worth the wait.” She added as she teleported them away from the scene.

Everyone made it back to the school of friendship where Princess Celestia and the other leaders arrived on the scene at the same time.

“Twilight! I was so relieved to get your letter!” Princess Celestia happily said.

“As was Queen Novo. Oh, we're just glad you're alright, Silverstream!” General Seaspray expressed his relief while not holding anything against her for running off like that.

“Don't expect a welcome party from me, sonny! It's time you got home!” Grampa Gruff scolded Gallus as he prepared to drag the young griffon by the ear only for him to stand up for himself and pull himself out of his elder’s grasp.

“I'm not leaving.” Gallus asserted himself.

“Whaaaat?!” Grampa Gruff asked in disbelief at his defiance.

“None of us are. Sorry, Thorax.” Ocellus spoke up while politely apologizing to her leader for her disappearance while hiding behind Smolder.

“Yak not understand. This pony joke?” Prince Rutherford asked in confusion.

“No. We're going back to school.” Smolder firmly answered.

"But how?" Ember questioned. "You can’t even get inside."

Twilight simply answered by using her magic to remove the lock and chains that prevented anyone from accessing her school.

"School is back in session!" She declared as everyone cheered in excitement.

But the celebration was cut short when Chancellor Neighsay emerged from a portal he had just conjured up.

"Who has dared remove my seal?!" He demanded.

"I did, Chancellor Neighsay.” Twilight bravely answered. “And I respectfully ask that you step aside, or else classes will start late."

"Classes won't start at all! The EEA has spoken, and none shall pass!" Neighsay growled in response as he stomped his hoof onto the ground creating a small shock-wave to assert that the decision is final.

"Yaks pass if yaks says!" Yona angrily retorted as Sandbar restrained her.

“This is for the greater good.” Neighsay asserted his stance to the glaring daggers everyone was giving him. “The school was disorganized…” She pointed to Twilight. “…the teachers unqualified!” She pointed to her friends. “And those dangerous and unpredictable "students" put ponies' lives in danger!” He added as he pointed to said students and destroyed tower as proof to back up his claims.

This further angered the other leaders as they all look ready to kick his flank for his backwards attitude towards them.

“I'll show you unpredictable!” Ember growled as she and the others prepared to angrily advance towards the chancellor ready to tear him apart as Princess Celestia threw up a wing to stop them before they do something they’ll regret.

"Hold on, please! I'm sure Princess Twilight Sparkle has a good explanation for all of this." She told them as she turned to Twilight to let her speak.

"And you Princess Celestia…” Neighsay turned to the sun princess just before Twilight could get another word in. “How could side with them when all I am doing is ensuring as head of the EEA that all schools in Equestria are following our standards."

"Because these creatures are our new friends and allies thanks to the magic of friendship." Princess Celestia sternly asserted. “Times have changed and the same applies to you chancellor and right now you need to watch your tone and address your princesses in a respectful tone.”

“And that also applies to me in case you haven’t taken the time to notice, chancellor.” Twilight added in the same tone as she spread her wings out briefly to remind him that she is an alicorn too. “And while it's true that my School of Friendship is EEA-unaccredited...."

“Then it is not a school!” Neighsay rudely cut her off.

“It's not an EEA school.” Twilight continued speaking while glaring at the chancellor for daring to interrupt her. “It's a friendship school with its own rules. I should know. I wrote the book!” She further spoke as she presented her own rulebook and placed it right in front of the chancellor. "These students reminded me that every friendship is special, so the way we teach it has to be just as unique. My school is going to do things differently."

“By allowing all of these creatures to attend your school, changing the rules for them – it simply won't work!" Neighsay refused to accept this at all.

“I seem to recall something about Earth ponies, unicorns, and Pegasi doing something similar, don't you? Like when I tried open up my school of magic for an example." Princess Celestia said as she flew over to join by Twilight's side.

“Chancellor Neighsay, I assure you that despite your concerns my school will help protect Equestria." Twilight vowed that her way will work better for this school.

"Or destroy it!" Chancellor Neighsay hissed in defiance.

"Chancellor, that’s enough out of you!” Celestia sternly warned him. “You've already caused enough everyone enough problems and if I were you, I'd leave before one of these leaders decides to give a piece of their mind and that extends to Princess Twilight too. And one more thing, chancellor..." She added. "...you can expect a disciplinary meeting coming your way later on this week along with suspension ready to be hoofed in light your most recent behavior."

Chancellor Neighsay simply grunted before turning and left through his portal in a huff to which everyone cheered as they were all glad he is finally gone for now.

“How is this school going to be any different from last time?" Grandpa Gruff expressed his doubts as Twilight responds with an assuring smile this time around.

“This brand new school of friendship

Is home to everyone.”

Twilight sang as she leads everyone inside the reopened school.

We're learning how to trust.”

Ocellus sang as she carried all of the salvaged books from the Castle of the Two Sisters inside before being scared with a statue of a pony guard thanks to Gallus.

“We're here to all have fun.”

Gallus sang as Ocellus found his joke very funny.

“With friendship ties that bind us.”

Rarity sang as she braided Yona’s hair into knots to ensure she doesn’t constantly trip over her hair again much to her pleasure as she embraced Rarity in a hug.

“Tighter than the strongest bonds.”

Applejack sang as she and Rainbow Dash shared a toast as they drink their apple cider together.

“We're hoof-in-hoof.”

Fluttershy sang as she had Twilight and Starlight hold each other hoof and hoof together.

“In hand in hoof in wing or even claw.”

Everyone sang as they all held hoofs, wings, and claws together for a group circle get together.

“There's a griffon in the garden.”

Twilight sang as she watched Gallus fly around and towards his new friends.

“Hippogriffs hang in the hall.”

Rainbow Dash sang as Silverstream and General Seaspray talk to each other.

“And the door will be open

To all creatures great and small.”

Spike sang as he, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash walk down the hall together while Smolder, Sandbar, Yona and Ocellus as a pony run by.

And a yak or two or three.”

Pinkie sang as she played a musical instrument in front of her students.

“Sing in perfect harmony.”

The yaks all sang together with Pinkie

That might have been a changeling.”

Starlight sang as she watched pony Ocellus in the classroom and walked by.

“But it kind of looks like me.”

Fluttershy sang as she turned to Angel on her back.

“This school of friendship is for all of us

A place where we belong

Where we all learn to share and trust

The only rule here is to find your way

And friendship always wins at the end of the day.”

Everyone sang together as everyone enjoys Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash classes now that they can all teach their way as opposed to the EEA way where Yona is caught by the other students in a trust fall during Applejack’s class in her barn after Applejack grows a tree inside of the barn while teaching the students of working with wood. Everyone laughs when Smolder accidentally burns part of a dress Rarity made. And everyone is having fun playing sports during Rainbow’s class as Gallus warmly hugs Sandbar and Smolder much to their delighted surprise.

“Some things you just can't teach with books

Some things you only know

So trust your heart and let us lead

And your friendship's sure to grow.”

Twilight sang as she spoke to everyone in her lecture room as she lights up her horn to the planetarium designed library with a planet chandelier from above and her cutie mark symbol as wallpaper decorations on the nearby walls.

“And once we master kindness

We will spread it 'cross this land.”

The students all sang together as they enjoy Twilight’s lecture before attending Fluttershy’s class where Ocellus turns into a mouse upon meeting another puckwudgie to which the other students chuckled in amusement.

“And give the gift that's ours to share

So others understand

This school of friendship is for all of us

A place where we belong

Where we all learn to share and trust

The only rule here is to find your way

And friendship always wins at the end of the day!”

Everyone sang together as the students repair the tower they accidentally destroyed, while Starlight teaches in her classroom before getting together with everyone with a group photo to celebrate the first successful day of the school's grand re-opening.

“Ugh, fine! If you promise to stop singing, Smolder can stay!!" Ember complained as she put her claws to her ears to which Smolder cheered in response.

"Uh, if dragon stay, yak stay." Prince Rutherford voiced his approval as he embraced Yona.

"I know you will make the changelings proud, Ocellus." Thorax affectionately rubbed her on the top of her head.

“You belong here.” The hippogriff general warmly told the young hippogriff who hugged him in excitement to which he warmly returned. “Now, can you show me those stair things you mentioned?” He asked her with intrigued interest as she happily leads the way.

Sandbar looked up at his parents, who gave him a confirming nod. "Okay, Mom and Dad. I'll stay here too. And I hope you'll let me bring my friends over to my house sometime."

Gallus smiled as he is alerted of his elder Grampa Gruff flying over to him very sternly.

“What? You belong at home! You think I care if you've made friends?” Grampa Gruff still isn’t convinced as he crossed his arms.

“Please, Grandpa Gruff?” Gallus pleaded with puppy dog eyes.

“Alright, alright! Stop doing that!” Grampa Gruff relented unable to resist as Gallus silently cheered in victory as everyone gets back to class ready and excited for more fun learning.

“Guess I make a pretty good guidance counselor, huh?” Starlight commented to Twilight.

“I’d say more like a vice headmare.” Twilight said with a smile. “And it’s nice to see that this school is now going to work out now that Chancellor Neighsay is no longer around tell us how do things around here. Furthermore writing the rulebook was the most fun ever! I can't wait to start working on the new lesson plans… with help from my friends of course.” She then said as she turned to her nearby friends.

"I think it's safe to say your legacy will continue on improving the future of Equestria as long as you are around.” Starlight complimented as everyone goes inside ready to resume classes.

Unbeknownst to everyone, the celebration was being watched by Midnight as pulled up a new image on her orb.

“And I think it is safe to say everything is going according to plan so far and soon you shall be free and be able to join by my side in our pursuit of Equestria…” Midnight spoke into the orb as she evilly grinned at the alicorn headmare and unicorn vice headmare with her heart glowing neon purple.

Author's Note:

In Part 2, was also rewritten where Twilight has enough composure to retort to Chancellor Neighsay's accusations by telling him off with her friends backing her up to call him out on his behavior too instead of sinking to a depression like in canon before immediately focusing on getting everyone back to the school.

Still wanting to ensure the threat of the Elements of Harmony is diminished Midnight and Chrysalis use the Young Six's desire to get together along with the Mane Six's desire to look for them to lure them to the Castle of the Two Sisters before setting the castle up in flames in an attempt to kill them.

Even when the plan failed, Midnight still has her sights on seeing to it that the school of Friendship doesn't succeed. And while it would be easier to personally confront them to do the job, it wasn't in her interest to reveal she has escaped from Tartarus at this time in order to prevent facing a war they are unprepared in favor of having them face a war they are unprepared for.

Unbeknownst to the heroes, even when the previous battle against her was won, the war with her is still not over.

And of course, Chancellor Neighsay is going to be facing a stern talking to from Princess Celestia for his behavior of nearly inciting a international war in Equestria so he doesn't get off easy which my story has made sure was the case for every minor antagonist and con-artist that appeared in this story.

Next up is "Sparkle's Seven." where we will see the rewriting of the 200th episode of the show as Twilight and Shining Armor pit their wits together to settle the score of their sibling rivalry.

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