• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,543 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 46: Midnight Strikes Part One

Chapter 46:

Midnight Strikes Part One:

After twenty moons of planning the day of the first annual Friendship Festival has finally arrived as ponies from all over Equestria have all gathered to celebrate what Twilight is planning for everypony that has all come together for this day. To Twilight this friendship festival is a huge deal for her as the day marks the first anniversary since the day Twilight defeated Tirek and reformed from being the villainous and ruthless Midnight Sparkle just when she took over Equestria and came to have a change of heart as she became the Princess of Friendship as a reward for her heroic sacrifice and accomplishment that day and she plans on making this a day no pony will ever forget.

As she looked up at the glass paintings of the four of them. “In the magical land of Equestria, we have four powerful princesses. One for the day.” She said as she focused on Celestia’s painting which depicted her raising the sun. “One for the night.” She said as she focused on Luna’s painting which depicted her raising the moon. “One for family.” She said as she focused on Cadance’s painting which has hearts from below her with one big deep red one over her. “And then there’s me she said as she focused on her painting which depicted her. “Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship. It is my royal duty to make sure everypony feels that they belong. I mean, princess, no pressure.” She said with a shrug as it’s no big deal. “Luckily I have friends no matter what.” She said as she focused on the image of the rest of the Mane Six appearing in the painting with actions and expressions of them living up to their elements along with Spike ready to assist with a quill pen. “That’s what I what for every pony! And I always believe that as now as I have my friends and a well-thought out plan I will be the princess everypony needs me to be. But some things…”

“You just can’t plan for.” Both Tempest and Midnight both said in unison as they both chuckle evilly as they watch her from the latter’s orb as Tempest horn flares up and Midnight’s heart glows neon purple.

“'Scuse me! Dragon on the move! Important princess documents comin' through!” Spike excused himself as he made his way through the chattering ponies through the crowded streets of the redecorated town carrying a handful of scrolls.

“Whoa! Everypony from Manehattan to Saddle Arabia is here!” A white furred mare with an orange mane in pigtails told her friend as they walked side by side.

“I know, filly! We almost couldn't book a stable!” The brown mare with a blonde mare agreed.

“Princess Twilight must have her hooves full with this giant Festival!” Clear Skies told her friend as she flew up in the air in excitement.

“Are you kidding?! She's smart and organized and cool under pressure! There's nothing she can't handle!” Her friend agreed as they flew by the glass murals in front of the castle where inside Twilight Sparkle just as calm and collected currently meditating in front of the glass murals with her eyes closed, horn sparkling, and wings spread out while wearing her new crown for the occasion.

“Ommmmm... Ommmmm… Ommmmm.” Twilight calmly meditated as Spike walked inside.

“Twilight.” Spike politely called out to the alicorn who broke from her meditation. “Sorry, am I interrupting?”

“It’s all right Spike.” Twilight smiled and didn’t think much of it. “Did you bring all the charts and graphs I requested?”

“Sure did Twilight!” Spike presented said requested scrolls.

“Great!” Twilight happily responded. “I’ll definitely need them for my meeting with the other princesses since I'm about to ask them a huge favor!”

“Well I guess I don’t to worry about telling you it'll be fine and remember the most important thing.

“That I’m a princess too.” Twilight replied. “A princess that’s about to kick the celebration of my greatest victory to date.”

“Yep!” Spike nodded. “A princess who reformed into becoming the Princess of Friendship for her heroic accomplishment and sacrifice that saved Equestria from plunging into eternal darkness.”

“I just can’t believe that it’s been one year since that all happened.” Twilight commented in amazement of how much time has passed since then. “From the pony known as Midnight Sparkle who successfully conquered Equestria on her own and nearly got consumed by her own inner darkness to the Princess of Friendship everypony looks up to after proving to them of how much I’ve changed since then.”

“You certainly have come a long way in the last year.” Spike told her as he nudged her in the shoulder.

“I sure have.” Twilight said as she approached the doors to the throne room as she prepares for her meeting with the other three princesses. “To the point I not worried even if the princesses say no to what I’m about to ask them.”

“And that’s what I like about you Twilight.” Spike complimented. “Always calm and cool even under pressure staying two steps ahead at every turn.”

"Princess?" Flash Sentry one of the guards called to her as she approached her. "The other princesses are ready to see you."

"Thank you sir." Twilight responded with a nod while trying to hide her blush from her crush as he saw through of how she was truly feeling at the moment.

"You have nothing to worry about, Twilight!" Flash assured her as he gazed into her eyes. "And even if they say no you'll still figure out a way to make this all work out in the end like you always do. Also just between you and me, I love you."

"Thanks, Flash. It really means a lot to hear that you really mean all of that." Twilight kindly returned as she took a deep breath and then entered castle throne room where Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance are all waiting for her inside with Flash and Spike following her from behind.

“Good morning, Princesses.” She greeted them. “Thank you all for seeing me. I have an idea that I think will make our Friendship Festival the most wonderful celebration Equestria has ever seen!”

“Yes, Twilight! We are very excited!” Celestia warmly returned.

“Ponies have been arriving from all over all morning.” Cadance also added just as eager as every pony else.

“I'd like to think it's to see us, but Songbird Serenade might be the bigger attraction.” Luna commented with a giggle.

“Yes, she is the... "mane" event!” She giggled unable to resist saying that joke. “And to make it extra special, I have an idea that I could use your help with. Spike?” She called out to him who wheels in whiteboard with some calculations, some sticky notes and a drawn image of the stage.

“Songbird Serenade's performance is not scheduled to start until after you begin the sunset. And based on my precise calculation, to get the very best lighting for the stage…” She explained as she used her magic to draw an image of Princess Celestia on the whiteboard lowering the sun. “Princess Celestia, I was hoping you could make sure the sun stays about 28.1º to the south…” She then said as she draws an image of Princess Luna lowering the moon and, Princess Luna, if you could raise the moon 62º to the north at the same time, it would reflect the sunlight on the other side and really frame the entire stage perfectly!” She presented said diagram with emphasis on perfectly much to the princesses concern and surprise at this proposal.

“I...” Luna tried to speak.

“But wait! There's more!” Twilight still continued speaking still not done with her proposal. “Cadance, if you could use your crystal magic to create an aurora above the stage, the sun and the moon will shine through it and create a truly amazing light show!” She then said as she used a pointer to point at the sun and the moon drawings as Spike from behind tosses up a sparkle of magic from atop of the board.

“Presenting Songbird Serenade!” Spike said from the behind the whiteboard as Twilight rolls her eyes in amusement.

“So you're saying you want us to move the sun and the moon for the party.” Luna asked of what she is asking of them in confusion.

“Well, I'd do it myself, except I don't have your magic.” Twilight reasoned with them with a shrug.

“Twilight, each of us uses our powers to serve Equestria in our own way.” Princess Celestia told her as she and the other princess glowed their horns briefly. “You are the Princess of Friendship. You already have all the magic you need.” She then told her as she placed a reassuring hoof on her chin.

“Okay so maybe it’s just my drive for perfection doing the talking.” Twilight said with a giggle and a grin in acknowledgment. “I just wanted to ensure that this festival goes off without a hitch considering we’re about to celebrate the day that I became the Princess of Friendship after reforming from being Midnight Sparkle and I thought this proposal would help with the preparations.”

“And every pony knows that for a fact, Twilight.” Cadance assured her sister-in-law. “And that you don’t need our help to prove that since you came a long way since you reformed.”

“I know.” Twilight acknowledged. “And I’m just glad I’m not the pony about to invade Canterlot ten moons from now. I mean can any pony even imagine if what things would like if she is in charge of Equestria?”

“From my past experience as Nightmare Moon it wouldn’t be good but we’ll be ready by then thanks to you.” Luna grimly commented before changing into a more assuring tone of voice on the latter part.

“Thanks.” Twilight gratefully told the other alicorn princesses.

From her orb Midnight is watching the scene with Tempest watching over her shoulder as they make their way to the soldiers standing in front of them with the Storm King present there to as they approach the borders to Equestria. All three leaders stand side by side with Tempest on Midnight’s right with the Storm King on her left while she herself stands on the center of the stage.

“All right soldiers.” Midnight announced to them. “Today is the big day you all have been waiting for. The day we will end Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Princess Twilight’s reign and takeover Equestria.”

The guards all cheered in excitement as they spear their weapons on hand.

“This is the day we have all been training for months now, the day for all of us to be ready!” Midnight proclaimed as she flew up into the air.

“Um, Midnight just one question?” One of the guards asked with a raised arm.

“How do we plan on taking down four of the most powerful creatures in Equestria in the same day?”

“He’s got a point there, it ain’t gonna be easy.” Another guard commented in agreement.

“Yes I know…” Midnight calmly acknowledged. “Which is precisely why me and Tempest will lead the charge to deal with them personally and for good measure me and the Storm King have been creating some weapons that will help us make this takeover go through quickly without a hitch.” She then said as she turned to the Storm King to allow him to speak. “Your excellency.”

The Storm King presented five black orbs with green stripes on them as Grubber hands every solider special armor for them to wear.

“These right here are special Obsidian Orbs that will cause the pony who comes into contact with them to turn to stone from the gas it releases.” The Storm King told his soldiers. “And this special armor will help deflect all magical attacks that any of the unicorns might try to use on all of you should they attack. Thanks to Midnight helping me out we managed to make sure they work efficiently.”

Midnight then took ahold of four of the five Obsidian Orbs from the Storm King’s claws as she hands three of them for Tempest to hold onto.

“Midnight Sparkle and Tempest Shadow will lead the attack at Canterlot this afternoon so follow their lead and do what they command because they expect your complete and full cooperation in order for the plan to work.” The Storm King announced to his soldiers who all nod in agreement.

“You know what to do, Tempest?” Midnight asked the unicorn as she turned to her.

“And do it I will.” Tempest said with determination as she blasted magic from her horn into the ground at the borderline with her image on it for emphasis as the alicorn further addresses the soldiers ready for the upcoming invasion.

“Everypony in Equestria foolishly celebrates today as the day Twilight gave up everything she had worked so hard for in conquering Equestria in favor of becoming the Princess of Friendship.” Midnight then said with hints of disgust towards friendship in her voice. “But soon it will be known as the day I returned to take over Equestria alongside the Storm King to further spread Equestria’s wealth and prosperity after defeating the Alicorn Princesses once and for all.” She then evilly chuckles as her heart glows neon purple.

Back in Canterlot, Twilight is going over her checklist as she and Spike approach their friends who were doing their parts in preparing for the festival. Rainbow Dash is in charge of clearing the skies and performing her famous Sonic Rainboom during the festival, Applejack is charge of preparing the apple cider to which Rainbow takes great pleasure of every opportunity to helping herself to multiple cups of the stuff. Pinkie is charge of the party decorations, Rarity is in charge of making sure the place looks fashionable, and Fluttershy is charge of the music courtesy of her animal companions.

“Okay, just two hundred and eighteen things left to do and we're ready.” Twilight said to herself as she went over her checklist.

“Hey, Twilight!” Her friends greeted her.

“Hello, Spike.” Rarity greeted the young dragon.

“Uh, hi, Rarity. Heh heh.” Spike nervously replied with a blush at his crush.

“How'd it go with the other Princesses? They like your idea?” Applejack asked her.

“I bet they loved it!” Pinkie figured they said yes as she hopped around putting up the decorations.

“They did but not enough to agree to do it…” Twilight said otherwise while undeterred. “…Because they think I can make today perfect without their magic.”

“And they are absolutely right, darling.” Rarity assured her in agreement. “This festival is your brilliant idea and we know you're up to the task!”

“That’s true.” Twilight replied. “Everypony knows me the pony who is the Princess of Friendship instead of the Princess of Darkness from a year ago.”

“And the princess who has looked after and saved Equestria three times since then and gave other ponies who are willing to follow in her example another chance.” Starlight added as she walked over to them while carrying the fireworks she got from her friend Trixie. “And luck would have it me and Trixie have arranged for special firework Trixie made with her magic in place in case the other princesses didn’t agree with your earlier proposal.”

“Well then I guess that spares me the trouble of making last-minute adjustments.” Twilight chuckled in amusement. “Before I can even ask, those fireworks are tested and safe to use right?” She seriously asked the unicorn.

“Yes Twilight, safe and tested, and I personally made sure of that even when Trixie wanted to go over the top with her pizzazz flare.” She then waved her hooves as she emphasized on Trixie’ way of saying pizzazz.

“Good.” Twilight nodded in approval. “Although it’s too bad Sunset had the Friendship Games to tend to and couldn’t make it. She really would have enjoyed what today had to offer.”

“Twilight, look at me!” Pinkie seriously said as she got into her face. “This will be the biggest celebration Equestria has ever seen! As the Princess of Friendship, you cannot fail! This day will define who you are! The pressure is intense! It's almost too much for any single pony to handle” She then screamed out loud much to the nearby ponies confusion before turning back to her cheerful tone. “But you have us! So no need to worry.”

“I not.” Twilight assured Pinkie still not fazed by what she had just said. “Since I’m always two steps ahead at every turn no matter what. And this promises to be a day no pony will ever forget.” She confidentially declared. “Because I know I got this!”

“That’s the spirit, Twi!” Applejack pounded her shoulder in support only to slight wince in pain from how tough Twilight’s shoulder is. “And nice to see you have the muscle power to back yourself up with.” She added to which Twilight’s blushed at the compliment as Applejack begins to break out into a song.

“It's time to show 'em what you've got.”

Applejack sang as she placed a hoof on Twilight’s back.

“It's time to go and get things done.”

Rarity sang as she readjusted Twilight’s crown on her head.

“But you don't have to do it on your own.”

Fluttershy sang as she and Rainbow joined by her side.

“'Cause you've got friends right here to make it fun.”

Pinkie sang as she pulled everypony together for a group hug while Starlight giggles at the cute scene.

“We got this, you got this

We got this together.”

The Mane Five all sing together circling around Twilight and Spike as Rainbow Dash flies up carrying both in tow.

“Sometimes the pressure gets you down

And the clouds are dark and grey

Just kick them off and let the sun shine through.”

Rainbow Dash sang as and Twilight flew up towards the dark clouds before being welcoming to the warm and inviting rays of sunshine from above.

”And scary as it seems, more help is on the way

‘Cause friends have friends that wanna help out, too.”

She sang as the Wonderbolts cleared the skies before they circled around the young princess.

“We got this, you got this

We got this together.”

Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts all sang together.

“It's the Festival of Friendship

And we can get it done.”

The crowd of ponies sang together as Rainbow drags Twilight back down below to the streets of Canterlot as many ponies are setting up their stands and enjoying themselves to the attractions and games being played on the streets in Canterlot such as Bulk Biceps easily beating a ring the bell game with his strong muscles and Photo Finish taking a quick photo of Twilight and Spike where they both sport strong and fearless poses.

A festival that they won't forget

A party to be proud of

A day of games and fun

Just you wait and see

A magic day in perfect harmony.”

The crowd of ponies sang as Twilight fist-bumps with the DJ pony as she makes her way to Fluttershy.

“You got this

We got this together.”

Fluttershy sang as she checked up on her critter friends as Harry hugs her, Twilight, Spike, and Angel Bunny.

“With friends and family, you are never alone

If you need help, we've got your back

You can be honest, let your problems be known.”

Applejack sang as Twilight checked up on her as they prepares the apple desserts for the festival while taste testing the cider to which she honestly responded by adding more sugar to the sour drink.

“'Cause you got us to pick up the slack

We got this.”

The Apple family sang as they placed the apple pies onto the table.

“Eeyup!” Big Mac happily said as takes a bite from one of the pies he is holding as the Apple Family sings together.

We got this together.”

“Pay attention to the details

Every gem even-spaced

Make the colors perfect.”

Rarity sang as she decorated the stage with bright blue gems when Twilight checks up on her.

“Takin' one or two to taste.”

Spike sang a verse as he gets one to snack on.

“Inside and out, beautiful throughout

Generosity is what we're all about.”

Rarity sang as she levitated a basket of gems for Spike to snack on instead.

“You got this”

Spike sang in encouragement.

“You got this.”

Rarity sang as she levitated one of the main centerpiece decorations for Twilight to hang up onto the curtains.

“We got this together.”

Rarity and Spike sang together in encouragement.

“Today needs to be perfect, it all comes down to me

I don't know if I'm ready

For all the things they need me to be

I am the Princess of Friendship

But that is more than just a crown

It's a promise to bring ponies together

And never let anypony down.”

Twilight sang as she flew around town while overseeing the preparations from above while looking at her reflection in the river while flying back up towards the sun.

“We've got an awful lot to bake

Each pony needs a piece of cake

Oh, wait! There's something better we can do.”

Pinkie sang as she rode a mixer as a stationary bike while mixing together cake batter from a huge bowl while Starlight oversees the firework creations Trixie is creating for the firework display.

“We're gonna need some more supplies

To make a really big surprise

She'll be so shocked—she's sure to love it, too!”

You got this!

We got this together!”

Starlight sang as she boxed up the finished and finalized fireworks for the festival.

“It's the Festival of Friendship

Together we are one

A day we will never forget.”

And now everything is ready

So when the day is done.”

Everypony sings together as the Mane Six, Spike, and Starlight all group together at the center of the just created stage.

“The weather.”

Rainbow sang as she sees the Wonderbolts in the sky.

“The banquet.”

Applejack sang as presented her family’s finished desserts for the festival.

“The style.”

Rarity sang as she and the other fashion ponies posed for a group photo.

“And music.”

Fluttershy sang as she flew up into the air in front of her bird chorus.

“All will be in perfect harmony!”

Everypony all sang together as it came to a end.

Just then a a cannon shot a huge cake into the sky and set itself to fall back down onto Twilight.

Luckily, Twilight having enough time to react catches it with her magic before setting it down on the ground after giving herself the time to get out from harm’s way.

“Pinkie!” Twilight lightly scolded.

“Oopsie! Guess my easy bake confetti cake cannon needs a little bit more fine tuning!” Pinkie cheerfully apologized.

“And a lot more caution if I might add.” Twilight said somewhat annoyed as two security guard ponies approach with a white furred pony with a yellow and black mane covering her eyes, with a matching tail, and a huge pink bowtie on her mane arriving at the scene.

“Hiya. I'm lookin' for the pony in charge?” The pony spoke up as Photo Finish snapped a few quick photos of her. “I need to set up for my sound check.”

“Ms. Songbird Serenade?” Twilight recognized the mare. “Welcome!” She greeted as she approached her. “So glad you could make it.” She added as she reached out her hoof for a hoof-shake. “I'm Princess Twilight, and I apologize for the mess. I'm usually not so…”

“Caked in cake?” Songbird Serenade jokingly figured as Twilight giggled in response.

“Anyways, I’m glad you could come since everypony has been looking forward to your appearance since they heard you were coming.” Twilight gratefully thanked her.

“Well that’s what friends are for.” Songbird though nothing of it. “And what’s the Princess of Friendship without her friends?”

“A princess of darkness would be still be ruling Equestria to this day.” Twilight honestly answered. “Which I’m glad she’s not around anymore.”

At moment the ground rumbled as fire appeared in the sky and shot upwards surprising every pony as Midnight appears from the burst of fire chuckling at that response.

“I’m afraid you’re wrong about that, Twilight!” Midnight told her from above before evilly laughing. “Surprise!” She told everypony while chuckling evilly which lead to every pony gasping and reacting to fear upon seeing her as Songbird’s bodyguards immediately and slowly escorted her away from the dark alicorn.

“Midnight!” Twilight said to her with narrowed eyes.

“Good afternoon, Twilight!” Midnight calmly said in response to the glaring daggers her good counterpart was giving her. “So good to see the young leader of Equestria once again. Ah, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance. There you all are.” She pleasantly added when the other princesses joined by her side. “I almost forgot about the three of you. Now that we got the pleasantries out of the way let’s talk about your complete and total surrender to me while you still have the chance.”

“And what makes you think we would ever do that, there’s only one of you and hundreds of us.” Luna defiantly refused to surrender to the dark alicorn.

“And one who has real nerves showing her face around here after what you did to my baby the last time you showed your face here.” Cadance furiously told off the villainous foe.

“Come on now Cadance.” Midnight shrugged off the angered tension the Princess of Love was giving her. “She survived didn’t she so why are you getting mad at me over it?”

“Because you could have killed her!” Cadance rightfully retorted.

“Wow talk about tough love.” Midnight commented with pity at the pink alicorn’s hostility towards her. “Anyways, where were we?”

“Trying to get us to surrender to, Midnight. Well we got news for you, the only way you’re taking over Equestria is if you can take us all down!” Twilight bravely spoke in the face of her as she flew up to her eye level.

“So if I were you, you’re the one who needs to leave because we will protect Equestria from any danger even from you.” Princess Celestia added as she joined by Twilight’s side to face Midnight.

Midnight instead of backing off instead smirks and then laughs it off.

“Well, I’m so glad you all feel that way, otherwise I would have brought all these reinforcements here for nothing.” Midnight calmly replied unfazed to the threats from the princesses.

“Reinforcements?” Celestia asked in confusion as one the Storm King’s airships approaches the balcony of the castle before changing her expression into a more shocked one.

“Yes, reinforcements, surely thanks to Twilight you would have all known by know what I was planning.” Midnight replied to clear things up. “Too bad, that didn’t include when I was planning my attack.” She said as the airship docked onto the balcony with Tempest Shadow herself emerging from said airship.

“Oh no.” Twilight whispered to herself at what is about to happen.

“Good afternoon ladies.” Tempest stoically greeted. “Sorry to spoil your party but we can’t have any alicorn princesses talking about ruining our plans. So here is the deal, just like Midnight had just asked of the four of you, we need your magic so give it up nicely please, or we make it difficult.”

“So what will it be?” Midnight asked with a smirk. “Surrender your power, or try the fight the two of us?”

“I think we’ll take our chances.” Celestia defiantly refused to surrender with her mind already made up as she speaks for all four princesses standing against them. “Because we’ll never surrender to you, Midnight.”

“All right, you asked for it.” Midnight casually replied as she gave Tempest a nod.

“And we were hoping you’d choose difficult.” Tempest added with a chuckle.

Midnight then quickly fired a blast at both Twilight and Celestia which forced them back a small distance as the Storm King’s soldiers jump all down from multiple airships that have all just arrived on the scene causing many of the ponies to scatter around in fright.

Tempest then charged at Princess Cadance from her airship unleashed one of the Obsidian Orbs at her direction with a kick to which the Princess of Love tries to block it with her magic shield to no avail after struggling for a minute against the orb’s powers before getting hit by it and then turned to stone.

“Cadance!” Celestia cried out in horror.

“Aah..I…I can’t stop it.” Cadance screamed as she is turned to stone as Princess Luna barely dodges the attack to fly around to face Tempest alone while Celestia and Twilight look on in shock at what had just happened.

“Oh, did I forget to mention that I also brought some weapons of help.” The dark alicorn said as she showed no remorse or reaction as she holds up one of the orbs Tempest had just used on Cadance.

Angered by what had happened to her sister-in-law, Twilight charges at her by firing the most powerful blast of magic she’s got against her evil counterpart, who quickly produces a shield to protect herself against the attack before quickly using the magic against her by flying in to punch Twilight with it sending her flying across the balcony screaming as she crashes into the back of the wall.

Tempest then faced off with Princess Luna who fires a beam of magic right at her who barely dodges it before firing a couple of blasts of her to which Luna effortlessly countered as she sends them back right at her to which Tempest used the smoke screen to tackle her to the ground who both wrestle each other down on the ground with Tempest trying to pin her down only for Twilight who had just recovered from the attack to respond by tackling her of Luna as the two wrestle each other on the ground before firing magic blasts at each other once they broke apart with Twilight being the only pony landing blasts on Tempest while Luna fights off more of the guards.

Princess Celestia then faces off against Midnight Sparkle who both engage in their fight by firing blasts of magic from their horns to fight each other to a standstill as neither alicorn could gain the edge against each other as they both manage to dodge each other’s attacks with no effort.

Starlight herself was finding herself fighting off against multiple soldiers to which she fired magic at one of the guards which reflected off of his armor to which Starlight dodged when it hit another solider in the face to which Starlight would then use her magic to fire five simultaneous blasts at each of five surrounding soldiers around to take them all out while the Mane Five all try to make their escape.

The guards all joined in on the battle as they take on the Storm King’s followers to where they all tried to use their magic to blast the invaders only for the magic to be effortlessly rebounded back against them.

“Finding it difficult, to use magic?” Tempest taunted the soldiers as she squares off against Twilight while trading magical attacks against each other. “Our armor has the ability to counterattack any magical attacks thanks to Midnight.”

Twilight then continues fire magic right at her to knock her back as the two ponies continue to deck it out.

Princess Luna faces off against the multiple soldiers against her and even with their anti-magic armor she was able to counter by using the rebounding magic about to hit her and turning it all into a smoke screen to which she effortlessly takes out the soldiers with each one of her hoofs with one getting knocked out to a blast to the face.

After trading blows with each other for several minutes by trying to fire magic at each other while using each other’s hooves to block each other’s attempted attacks, Twilight finally takes down the unicorn with a blast of magic to the face followed by two more blasts to knock her down to the ground. Tempest struggled to get up as she is faced with Twilight who had her wings spread as she prepares to deliver the final blow. But before she could she ends up getting blasted away from the unicorn by Midnight while sending another blast right at her to knock her across the balcony to which Tempest takes the opportunity to fire an Obsidian Orb right at Princess Luna off-guard just after she defeated the many soldiers that attacked and invaded Canterlot.

“Luna!” Twilight cried out in horror as she is turned to stone as Tempest sadistically chuckles at her misfortune.

“Twilight, quick!” Princess Celestia told her as she faced off against Midnight while still holding off against her attacks. “While you still have the chance! Go south beyond the Badlands!”

“But Princess Celestia, I can’t just leave you!” Twilight pleaded.

“It will be fine, you got to get out of here!” Celestia assured and commanded her faithful student. “I’ll hold her off as long as I can! Seek help from the Queen of the Hippogriffs!”

“But…” Twilight again hesitated as Midnight and Celestia lock horns with each other.

“Go now!” Celestia commanded as she and Midnight sends magic from their horns right at each other creating a beam war between the two alicorns as Tempest fires her last Obsidian Orb right at her to which Flash Sentry who was currently fighting off against the guards takes notice of and quickly charges at her to push her out of harm’s way before she could get hit while leaving her crown behind in the process.

“Twilight! GO!” Flash called out to her as he is turned to stone.

“Flash!” Twilight cried in horror seeing her crush petrified as Rainbow Dash pulls her out of harm’s way.

Seeing that Midnight is winning this fight she is left with no choice as she flew off ahead after Rainbow Dash lets go of her as she leads the rest of the Mane Six, Spike, and Starlight away from the fight as Princess Celestia and Midnight continue to duke it out with their magic in the sky as Princess Celestia starts to gain the edge against in their beam of war.

Just when it seems like Celestia has the upper hoof she finds herself suddenly overwhelmed by Midnight’s magic as her powerful magic immediately shot right up at Celestia’s horn sending flying back down to the ground to which she takes the opportunity to petrify the sun princess with her Obsidian Orb on hoof.

Once Princess Celestia is turned to stone, Midnight gives a satisfied smile that she has successfully taken over Equestria at long last.

“Grubber, Soldiers!” Tempest commanded them upon seeing Twilight and her friends escaping. “Go get Princess Twilight! Find her!”

All eight friends all easily dodged the soldier’s attempts to grab them before finding themselves cornered on the bridge by two soldiers blocking off each side of the bridge.

“Hang on!” Twilight told every pony as she blasts magic onto the bridge they are all standing on to make it crumbles causing them all to fall down to the flowing stream of water below them. Once they all landed in the water, Twilight used her magic to form an ice boat for all of them ride onto down the stream.

“On the count of three, we jump from this iceberg!” She told everypony.

“Why?” Rainbow Dash asked as Twilight directs a hoof at the upcoming waterfall. “Never mind.”

“Ready?” Twilight asked the others as she, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy had their wings spread out, while Starlight and Rarity have the magic from their horns ready to use as they all nod ready for her command. “One, two, three, Jump!”

They all immediately jumped from the iceberg just mere seconds before it could fall over from the waterfall. Using her magic Twilight was right down the waterfall like a slide while flying down just over the water as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash catch Pinkie and Applejack mid-fall as they slowly descend, while Rarity and Starlight use their magic to carry Spike while creating magic bubbles while slowing down their descends as Twilight appears below them at the bottom of the waterfall where Twilight recreates the iceberg so everypony lands safely.

Grubber and two of the guards arrived on the scene just after they all fell downwards but could not spot them from down below.

“Which one of you guyth ith goin' down there?” Grubber asked the two guards who growl in refusal to which Grubber groans. “I would, but I jutht had a hearty meal, and I will think and I will thide-cramp. I'm very big-boned. I think quick.” He then said as he led the two guards away from the waterfall.

Back down at the stream of water from down below Twilight uses her magic to safely guide their ride down the river as Twilight could look on and focus as they get their ride to shore.

“Everypony okay?” Applejack asked every pony.

“I think my bottom's on backward.” Rarity complained in pain from having her bottom blasted by one of the Storm King’s goons.

“We just got our cupcakes handed to us by the worst party crasher ever!” Pinkie exclaimed in defeat. “And that party crasher was Midnight herself!”

“And it was like she knew what we were planning ahead of time!” Starlight took note of what had just happened.

“Well what do we do now?” Fluttershy asked every pony.

“We gotta go back there and fight!” Rainbow Dash told everypony not wanting to give up on Equestria just yet.

“Well, you saw the size of those goons. And you saw what Midnight herself is capable of on her own.” Spike pointed out. “You seriously wanna go back and challenge her after the last time we tried to fight her?”

“Spike’s right!” Starlight agreed. “Considering that she can go toe-to-toe with the Princesses and take over Equestria in a matter of minutes, from trying to face her alone up to just the eight of us is suicide.”

“So now what? We can't hide here forever.” Applejack pointed out they need to do something about it. “And let's be honest, we can't go back and after what Midnight and Tempest did to the Princesses. We gotta keep them from Twilight.”

During the conversation while Twilight pilots their river ride she was the only pony who didn’t say anything as she is still in shock and guilt-ridden that Midnight still managed to get the drop on them and figured she knew that Twilight spied on her and bumped up the invasion ten moons in advance. But during her thoughts she remembered Princess Celestia telling her about the Queen of the Hippogriffs as she was facing off against Midnight before being petrified.

“The Queen.” She thought to herself.

“Yeah, the Queen! Uh, what queen?” Pinkie eagerly asked before asking of what queen she is thinking of.

“Celestia told me to find the Queen of the Hipopogriffs before I escaped.” Twilight answered while still not looking at her friends. “Who she says is our only hope of saving Equestria.”

“Where are they?” Applejack asked.

“They're somewhere south, past the Badlands.” Twilight answered.

“That means we'll have to... leave Equestria. Oh!” Fluttershy shuddered in fright

“I'm not even packed!” Rarity complained.

“I understand you're scared, and nopony else has to go since I should have seen this invasion coming and yet I didn’t pay close enough attention to Midnight as I should have and for that I’m sorry you all suffered through and what had just happened.” Twilight said to them as their ice ride approached the shore allowing everypony to get off. “While I go to find her, you girls go and get reinforcements from Shining Armor and the Crystal Empire, Thorax and the Changelings, Ember and the other dragons from the Dragon lands, along with the yaks and griffons.” She instructed them as she set forward south towards the borders. “We’ll need all the help we can get.”

She then sadly walked off alone as her friends give each other knowing looks as Spike used some papers Starlight produced with her magic to write down SOS messages to each Shining Armor, Thorax, Ember, to inform of them what had just happened to reads.

Dear leaders of all over Equestria,

Midnight Sparkle has just invaded Canterlot and took control of Equestria after turning Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance into stone. We need you and all of your best warriors to meet us at Mount Aris ASAP so we can deal with a new strategy to defeat her, the Storm King, and their followers.

By urgent command of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Spike then blow on each of the scrolls he had written with his fire to magically ensure they all get sent to them within minutes

Just as Twilight is walking through the woods she finds herself cut off by her friends courtesy of Starlight teleporting in front of her.

“Um. You girls hear a word of what I just said?” Twilight asked in confusion.

“We did and we took it upon ourselves to have Spike sendoff letters to them and have them meet us at Mount Aris as soon as possible.” Starlight said to her as she smiled at the young dragon. “So this way we can help you seek the queen’s help.”

“You really think we'd let you be getting all the glory. We're in this together.” Rainbow Dash added as she flew into her face.

“We got your back.” Applejack assured her as she placed a hoof around Twilight’s back.

“Indeedy!” Pinkie agreed

“I am ready to save Equestria!” Rarity vouched her confidence.

“Yay.” Fluttershy shyly added.

“We're all behind you, Twilight.” Spike assured her as he approached her.

“Let's go find this queen of the hippogriffs!” Pinkie declared as she bounced off northwards.

“Uh Pinkie.” Twilight called out to her completely deadpan. “South would be that way.” She said as she pointed her to the right direction.

“Hehe! Whee! Whee! Boingy-boingy-boingy-boingy-boingy!” Pinkie happily said as she bounced off ahead in the right direction. “Anypony up for a game of "I Spy"?”

“NO!” Everypony immediately said not in the mood of fun, jokes, and games in a time of crisis.

“No, really! Come on! I spy with my little eye something that is orange. No takers? It's you, Applejack!” Pinkie continued to keep up the fun and games despite what’s at stake to which Twilight responded by using her magic to zip her lips shut until she stopped.

Back in Canterlot, all of the captured ponies have everypony restrained and muzzled as they are all escorted by the guards while other’s cause the balloons hanging around to float away after cutting the strings holding them down.

Back onto the balcony, Midnight and Tempest both oversee as the soldiers do their work as the balloons floated up to the sky.

“Well done Tempest!” Midnight commended the unicorn. “We have Equestria now under our control.”

“And a good thing!” Tempest stoically agreed as they both make inside the throne room where the petrified princesses are now standing in the middle of the room. “All this power wasted on parties when there are far greater uses.”

Two of the Storm King’s soldiers approach her in front of a circular bowl shaped table separating them with a potion making a ring-tone like noise.

“Well? Answer it!” Tempest irritably ordered them to do so as they pour the potion into the bowl sized table into the potion inside as blue smoke appears from the bowl of chemicals as the Storm King appears from the smoke from the magical phone call spell.

“Where am I supposed to be looking?” The Storm King looked around in confusion. “I never understand how this spell works. Midnight! Tempest!” He called out to them.

“Over here, Your Excellency.” Midnight called out without a change of emotion.

“Where?” He asked.

“Over here.” Tempest instructed him.

“Huh?” The Storm King responded confused.

“No. No, right. Look right.” Tempest corrected him.

“My right?” The Storm King asked again.

“Yep.” Midnight confirmed with a nod.

“Oh. There you two are.” The Storm King said now able to see them. “Report.”

“Successful, everything went exactly as planned.” Midnight reported.

“Good!” The Storm King said very pleased to hear that. “Now do we have all four Pegacornicuseses, or whatever you call them?”

“Again they are called alicorns, and all but one.” Midnight honestly reported without fear in her eyes.

“Ok, and you are going to get her right?!” The Storm King asked with brewing fury.

“Of course!” Tempest calmly replied.

“Give us three days. We’ll have everything ready for your arrival.” Midnight calmly told him. “And by then we will all have what we came for once we finished the job.”

“All right then.” The Storm King conceded in agreement. “Just remember, Tempest. Only I have the power to make you whole. Make this twig work, and you'll get your reward. Fail me, and your horn won't be the only thing that's broken.” He then ominously warned the unicorn.

“It won't be a problem.” Tempest replied unfazed to the threat.

“Great!” The Storm King replied suddenly upbeat as the spell seems to be suddenly wearing off. “I'm ready to power up, crash and bash, and be the biggest, baddest bugaloooooo...”

“Thorry, bad thpell thervice.” Grubber appeared as he appeared in front of both Midnight and Tempest. “You want me to call him back?”

“Do you have the Princess?” Tempest asked of him.

“ Well, uh, funny thtory. It kinda theemth like she... she might've like, you know, got away... a little bit.” Grubber hesitantly answered much to Tempest’s discontent glare at him.

“So in other words, she got away and you let her slip away.” Midnight said stoically and somewhat annoyed.

“I know you're dithappointed, but I got one word for you.” He then offered a slice of cake on hand with a smile in an attempt to lighten the mood. "thpongecake"

In response, Tempest zaps him with her magic who screamed in pain when it happened.

“We need all four for the staff to work.” Tempest stressed the importance of having all four rulers here.

“Hey, I know! I want the Thtorm King to fix that crazy horn as badly as you do. It lookth like a crackly chipped tooth on the top of your head. And you know you don't look good in hatth.” Grubber innocently insensitively remarked to which Tempest turned around with her horn flaring up in anger.

“That Princess is not gonna keep me from getting my horn back!” Tempest’s voice rose a little as she threatens him. “Prepare my ship!”

Grubber immediately obeys without question as he runs off in fright.

“Don’t worry, Tempest.” Midnight calmly assured her. “One little setback isn't going to stop us from getting what we want.” She said as she pulled out her orb to show she and her friends making their way south towards the Equestrian border. “Since I’m always able to adapt to new circumstances when the situation calls for it to stay two steps ahead, I have a plan and a perfect trap for Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Midnight said as she smirked at the eight traveling ponies and dragon traveling through the dessert.

"Of course Princess Midnight." Tempest replied after calming herself down. "I mean how far can one pony get on her own?"

"Very far." Midnight replied as she showed them their current location through her orb. "They are just arriving to Klugetown."

"A place that sure brings back memories I wished never to revisit." Tempest thought nothing of that place.

"But definitely worth visiting if that means a chance to catch Twilight before she reaches Mount Aris." Midnight told her as they made their way to Tempest's ship as Midnight takes lead in flight while Tempest's ship follows from behind. "For we are going on a very important hunting trip for one very special princess." She said as she grinned with her heart glowing neon purple as she leads the way.

Author's Note:

In the first part of the Act 2 finale taking placing during the MLP movie, we have Midnight carrying out her attack on Canterlot with some changes I've made in a attempt to correct the flaws it created.

For starters, I had the fight go down where the Princesses minus Cadance all put up a good fight against the Storm King's army. Princess Luna is only defeated when she is hit by the orb by surprise and when Midnight takes down Twilight just when she defeating Tempest, and Princess Celestia is able to due on equal terms with Midnight before being overwhelmed and taken down.

Of course Midnight at her A-game in the first part staying two steps ahead always has a plan having bumped up the scheduled invasion ten moons in advance while being undeterred even when Twilight escapes. By leading the Storm King's army into battle, going toe-to-toe with the Princesses and taking over Equestria in a matter of minutes, she has definitely proven to be the most dangerous and cunning foe the heroes have faced to date.

Tempest also gets credit for being able to fight evenly with Princess Luna and Princess Twilight and proving herself to be just as capable of fighting as both Twilight and Midnight.

In addition, I have also added Starlight in this story where she gets some time to shine against the troops while joining in Twilight and her friends to find the Queen of the Hipogriffs, while singing a couple of lines in the first song, along with offering her support at her teacher.

Along with Flash Sentry who the two have become boyfriend and girlfriend as of this chapter who proves his love for her by saving her from becoming turned to stone with the other princesses.

While the heroes seek out the help they need while sending messages and calls for help from Shining Armor, Thorax, Ember, and the other Equestrian leaders with the threat of Midnight arising again now that she has successfully taken control of Equestria third time around, Midnight and Tempest personally set out to capture Twilight Sparkle with big plans from Midnight to come.

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