• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,516 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 21: The Cutie Re-Mark Part Two

Chapter 21:

The Cutie Re-Mark Part Two:

"Time travel, you say?" Nightmare Moon called out from her castle throne. "Now that's something I would like to see." She said as she emerged her head from the shadows with a malicious grin. "Wouldn't you agree...Midnight." She added as she turned to the other pony in the shadows sitting being her side on her throne too.

"Yes, it would be...Mother." Midnight Sparkle said in agreement as she sports an evil smile as she chuckles evilly as the time traveling trio looked around to their surroundings as they see blue and purple tapestries and banners with Nightmare Moon and Midnight Sparkle both standing on the moon triumphantly with separate stained glass pictures of them separately with their throne chairs having their respective cutie marks on top.

As both ponies evilly laugh, their royal guards walk into the room to surround all three of them in order to immediately block off their escape.

“Tell me how you came by this magic to travel through time.” Nightmare Moon demanded as she flew over to the surprised trio to while Spike and Starlight watch on terrified, Twilight looks on defiantly and bravely at the dark alicorn princess.

“The princess asked you a question! And unless you wanna end up in the dungeon, you'll tell her what she wants to know!” Rainbow Dash told a dismayed Twilight as she reveals herself as one of the royal guards with her mane shaved down to a military style haircut.

“Nopony in me and my daughter’s kingdom but me and her should possess a magic powerful enough to change time.” Nightmare Moon told Twilight in a way that her life depends on forking over this valuable information.

“Your and your daughter’s kingdom?” Starlight felt the need to ask to which Twilight responded by giving her the nudge to tell her shut up again accompanied with a glare to match her illustrated tone.

“Who else?” Midnight Sparkle asked as if it was a trick question to the oblivious unicorn while analyzing that she is also one of the time travelers from a different timeline.

“Um, none of other than the fact that I don’t see a unicorn that looks exactly like me around here somewhere.” Starlight left the need to ask her villainous idol with a nervous shrug.

“Oh, you.” Midnight answered as she knows what she is talking. “She is around, currently working on her studies and magic.” She said as she shows an aura image of her currently reading her books and practicing her image in an open field nearby on castle grounds.

“Cool!” Starlight commented in amazement while Twilight just gives her an exasperated look in her direction to non-verbally tell her to shut up again. “But how did Nightmare Moon become your mother and co-ruler? And where’s Celestia?”

As soon as she asked the last question both Rainbow and the solder next to her look at each other nervously at the mention of a name their rulers do not want to hear to which both Nightmare Moon and Midnight Sparkle both laugh it off as a big joke.

“My sister has been imprisoned in the moon for years! But it is no less a fate than she'd sentence me to!” Nightmare Moon explained to Starlight’s question with no offense as she directed a hoof towards the moon. “And definitely deserving considering what she did to Midnight.”

“What did she do to hurt you?” Twilight asked herself of how she became evil without the wedding happening.

“By not giving me the benefit of the doubt at my lowest point.” Midnight answers as she used her magic to cast a flashback of her good and young filly self watching Princess Celestia raise the sun at the Summer Sun Celebration. “Back when I was young I looked up to Princess Celestia and even desired to get enrolled in her school for gifted unicorns.” She explained as she showed Young Twilight studying from her books and being excited when she gets the opportunity to pursue her dream when her parents show her the letter that she has been accepted. “At least until learning I had to pass an entrance exam.” She bitterly recalled as she shows the memory of Young Twilight standing before everypony as a teacher rolls out a cart containing a dragon egg. “The hardest test for a unicorn possible, hatching an egg.”

“I mustered all of the strength I had trying to hatch it, but I didn’t have enough of spark to do so that day.” She explained as Young Twilight looks down in sadness seeing that she has failed her exam and looks out to the window to see Princess Celestia passing by. “Even though I expected a fair go and at the regular entrance exam like every unicorn before and after me, Princess Celestia for some reason expected me to pass that exam.” She said as she saw Princess Celestia just walk by the window when they saw each other with Young Twilight pleading for help only for Celestia to just walk off without acknowledging the pleading tears that were forming around her eyes as she ran off crying that her lifelong dream had been crushed all because she couldn’t pass the hardest exam expected of her.

“I had a lot potential in me.” Midnight stoically and solemnly said as she plays the memory of Young Twilight crying into her bed that very night. “And Celestia never gave me the chance to show it what I am at least capable of at the moment. Even though other unicorns were given that second chance.” She said as Young Twilight’s sad expression as she looks up a portrait of Princess Celestia turn into a more furious teeth gritting expression as she uses her magic to tear up and set on fire with her magic. Young Twilight would then calmly watch as the fire consumes the portrait of her now former idol turn to ash before turning to her desk to pull out books of dark magic.

While Midnight explains her story, Twilight and Spike were both stunned and saddened for the alternate Twilight’s life had she not passed her entrance exam courtesy of Rainbow’s rainboom. Even Starlight herself looked at the young unicorn with some sympathy for her secretly.

“Then came the day Nightmare Moon returned…” Midnight explained as she showed the flashback of Nightmare Moon returning from her banishment from the moon. “As soon as she made a scene at the Summer Sun Celebration she spotted me in my despair and that’s she came by to meet me.” She said as she showed Nightmare Moon coming across Young Twilight crying herself to sleep.

“There, there, it’s all right.” Nightmare Moon comfortably told her as she stroked her mane and placed a hoof on her chin to get the young foal to look at her causing her to gasp at the sight of her as Nightmare places another hoof over her mouth before she can utter an alarming scream.

“Shush. Shush. Shush. Shush. Don’t be frightened young one.” Nightmare Moon calmly and quietly assured her she’s not going to hurt her. “I have no reason to hurt you.”

“Even though I know you’re Nightmare Moon.” Young Twilight told the dark alicorn with courage still finding no reason to trust her.

“How very smart for a pony your age, Twilight Sparkle.” Nightmare complimented the unicorn for her intellect. “Then you also know how I got banished to the moon in the first place because of what Princess Celestia did to me.” She hinted at the unicorn that she knows a whole lot about her as Twilight’s tears turn into burning fury.

“Join the club.” Young Twilight bitterly remarked as she still recalls of how Princess Celestia dismissed her literal cries for help.

“Exactly!” Nightmare said in agreement as she lays down her proposal in mind for the filly. “Which is why I’m here. To give you the chance you were never given.” She said as she floating around Twilight. “A chance to prove to Princess Celestia of what you truly deserve.”

“Really?” Twilight responded sounding intrigued as she now faces the alicorn with no fear in her eyes. “I’m listening.”

“Hop on Twilight and I’ll show you the way to your destiny.” She offered as she stretched her back for Twilight to climb onto to which Twilight quickly took up the offer as Nightmare flies off towards the castle in Canterlot to where Nightmare Moon would confront Princess Celestia in her throne room.

“Luna!” Celestia coolly told her evil sister as grimly faced her.

“That’s right Celestia! You never thought you’d see me again, did you!” Nightmare told her sister as she evilly laughs.

“Don’t make me do this to you again, sister!” Celestia pleaded with her with tears forming around her eyes.

“Do what, Celestia? By trying to use the elements of harmony to banish me again?” Nightmare scoffed as she sent a beam of magic right at her chest, staggering her as she was sent backwards towards her throne and destroying it upon impact.

Celestia got herself up in time to dodge a punch to the face causing Nightmare to punch a hole in the wall instead. Nightmare immediately shot two more beams of magic at Celestia as she flew around and dodged the attacks before dodging another attempted punch as she twirled around as Celestia regained her ground. Nightmare immediately landed another blow of magic right at Celestia’s chest as she tumbled across the floor and got right back up as Nightmare glared at her direction.

The two both flying up into the air both shoot their beams at each other as they both collide with Nightmare’s gaining the upper hoof over Celestia’s as she struggles to hold her own against her.

Celestia then sees Young Twilight walking into the room as she calmly watches their fight unfold.

“Twilight!” Celestia cried out to her as Nightmare’s beam was about to overpower her. “Please, help me!”

“Oh, I will.” Young Twilight calmly said with an evil smirk as she lightened up her horn and then used her magic to blast Celestia in the face leaving the sun monarch to scream in pain as she falls down to the ground unconsciousness.

As Celestia struggles to get back on her hooves she is left stunned as she sees Young Twilight blow the smoke of her horn as she walks over to where Nightmare landed as she looms over Celestia.

“I don’t understand, Twilight?” Celestia weakly said in shock at this sudden betrayal she did not see coming.

“Did I do good, mommy?” Young Twilight asked as she looked up to Nightmare Moon.

“You did excellent, Twilight. I could not wish for a better daughter.” Nightmare complimented Twilight as Celestia finally loses consciousness after losing whatever strength she had left to keep up the fight as Nightmare evilly laughs as she uses her magic to send Celestia off and away to the moon.

“Ever since then, Nightmare Moon became my mother who trained me to master the art of dark magic into working my way into becoming an Alicorn Princess and is there she performed the spell that allowed me to become Midnight Sparkle.” Midnight further explained as she showed flashbacks of Nightmare training Twilight then crowning her co-ruler when she became an alicorn, and then performing the solar eclipse to allow Twilight to become Midnight just like how Luna became Nightmare Moon.

“Whoa.” Starlight commented in amazement while Twilight and Spike were left speechless at alternate Twilight’s descent to darkness.

“Even with the threats of Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, and even those two con artists Flim and Flam trying to mow down Equestria with a bulldozer coming our way, we still proved to be an unbeatable duo and force of nature to cement our rule over Equestria to this day to where no pony even dared to try to challenge us or even try to take away our power.” Midnight concluded her backstory. “Alas, my brother and would be sister-in-law ended up leaving Equestria rather than helping me and my mother strive to find the country's greatness with the most powerful alicorns in control after they saw no hope of “saving me”…” She sarcastically emphasized while raising a hoofs as she motioned it. “…from the darkness consuming my heart.” She demonstrated as her heart glowed neon purple.

“But why do you feel this is all justified?” Twilight asked in stunned shock.

“Let’s call that something I tell you as long as you reveal to us the source of this time magic.” Midnight ominously answered that there’s a catch to that. “So what will it be?” She asked as she somewhat demanded an answer from her.

After some deep thinking, Twilight spoke of her reluctant answer.

“Come on, like you can actually pry this valuable information for her?” Starlight scoffed off Midnight’s threat.

As she as she said those words, Midnight immediately responded by using her magic to zip up her lips.

“Zip it!” Midnight told off the unicorn for her disrespectful attitude.

“ ...Alright.” Twilight answered much to Spike’s horror.

“Twilight, no!” Spike cried out for her not to do it.

“What?!” Starlight exclaimed in muffled surprise due to the zipper on her mouth.

“We have no choice, Spike.” Twilight explained to him before stepping forward to Nightmare and Midnight. “I can take you to it, but you'll have to get past the Timberwolves.”

“We are the rulers of all of Equestria. Do you think we can't deal with Timberwolves?” Nightmare Moon responded unfazed at the thought of Timberwolves standing in their way.

“No. I know you can.“ Twilight replied in acknowledgment of their powers and capabilities.

“And if you were thinking of trying to escape...” Nightmare further warned her as she grabs Spike with her magic and ties him up in chains. “...it would be very unfortunate for your friend.

“So don’t bother trying to pull any tricks on us, Twilight.” Midnight further warned with narrowed eyes as she nudged at both Twilight and Starlight to show them the secret of the time travel spell.

As the two walk off ahead to do so with Nightmare and Midnight both behind them Starlight takes another opportunity to whisper at Twilight after she magically unzipped her mouth.

“Great! Tell them the secret to time-traveling which will lead to use being trapped here by your evil counterpart and her adopted mother. Great plan.” Starlight sarcastically commented to Twilight who rolls her eyes in annoyance at Starlight’s complaining.

“Just follow my lead if you ever care about living.” Twilight simply fired back in her whispered reply. “Because these ponies are very dangerous and someone you do not want to treat as a joke. They will kill you the second you pose a threat to their rule and by that I mean if any of us die here we cease to exist.”

“Fine.” Starlight relented as she conceded in pouted defeat. “But that doesn’t mean I won’t stop myself from making you pay for destroying my sanctuary of equality because this changes nothing!” She told Twilight in a rather venomously tone of voice that saving her life changes nothing.

“Fine by me!” Twilight calmly acknowledged as she expected that as Nightmare Moon and Midnight Sparkle walked up to them as they easily blasted away the oncoming Timberwolves.

“How does it work?” Nightmare Moon asked Twilight.

“A pony from my time used this spell to travel back and change the past.” Twilight explained as she showed her the map with Starlight glaring at Twilight for mentioning her involvement to both evil alicorns as Twilight motions her to follow her lead when she gives the signal.

“And now you will give this spell to us! With it, we will ensure that the Elements of Harmony are never found and our reign lasts forever!” Nightmare proclaimed with the information she is about to learn with her adopted daughter.

“But it won't.” Twilight retorted.

“And why is that?” Midnight sternly asked Twilight for daring to say that.

“In my world, my friends and I found the Elements and used them to defeat you Nightmare Moon!” Twilight confidently told Nightmare as she turned to Midnight in the same tone. “And you Midnight would eventually come to see the errors of your ways. And I will do everything in my power to bring that world back!”

“No!” Nightmare Moon exclaimed as she teleported before she could stop her as she teleported Spike out of her chains and then had Starlight teleported by her side on the table.

Midnight being just as quick as Twilight was able to ensnare the three in her magic before she could go back in time.

“Very impressive.” Midnight complimented at the three struggling from within her magic. “Too bad, it’s not enough to outsmart me.”

“Oh, you think.” Twilight smirked as another Twilight appears right in front of her quickly blasting her and Nightmare Moon aback with a force-field that expanded into a powerful wave that knocked out them and their soldiers.

The Twilight, Midnight thought she had was really a duplicate of Twilight as the real Twilight was the one who got the drop on them as she smiled proudly before making the duplicate disappear as she quickly hopped onto the table with Spike and Starlight so they can go back to the past.

Back in Cloudsdale, Starlight upon returning back to the past she could help but feel amazed and sympathetic for Twilight. On one hoof, without the Sonic Rainboom, Twilight still became Nightmare Moon after failing her entrance exam and not even being given a fair go like the others than came before and after her.

That alternate future, was just about what she could dream for, learning that her future self is Midnight’s protégé, and that her idol is ruling Equestria and promoting equality and prosperity unchallenged. But Twilight saving her from the villainous duo didn’t change her mind as in her mind she just sees it all more of the reason to continue pursuing her goal.

“And I thought my past was bad.” Starlight commented to herself before turning to face Twilight as she refocuses on her goal back in time. “Now where were we? Oh, yes. Stopping the Sonic Rainboom.” Starlight said as she knocked Young Rainbow aside with her magic just as he racing the two colts while gaining speed.

Twilight quickly responded by flying up into the air and sending a powerful magic beam at her direction to which Starlight easily dodges causing her beam a slice the cloud she was standing on.

“Not bad.” Starlight actually complimented before glaring down Twilight. “But it's gonna take a lot more than that!”

“Lucky for you, there's more where that came from!” Twilight responded as flew up and around in the air to shoot multiple magic beams at Starlight’s direction to which Starlight quickly countered by conquering up a shield to protect herself from them with some of the reflected blasts nearly hitting Spike.

Starlight retaliating by shooting a long laser beam attempting to nail Twilight with it, but Twilight proved to be faster than she expected as she easily outruns the beam as she zapped away a few more clouds as Twilight counter-attacked with another beam directed at Starlight to which she barely dodges.

“You've really gotta work on your aim.” Starlight taunted Twilight for missing even though she nearly got her as the two exchanged multiple beams of magic at each other with neither pony managing to land a hit on each other.

During the fight, Young Rainbow and the other colts and fillies at the camp all stopped hat they were doing and watched in amazement at their fight. Young Rainbow even stopped to get herself popcorn so she can watch the show.

“Whoa!” Young Rainbow exclaimed in amazement.

At that point Starlight now worn down from the fight tried to throw a sneak attack in only for Twilight to easily produce a magic shield to block off the attack as she has more energy that Starlight before trapping her in a crystal prison.

“Let me go!” Starlight demanded as she struggled to break free.

“No, because you need to understand what you are doing.” Twilight firmly told her as she shook her head in refusal. “And that’s going way beyond cutie marks!” She explained as she made a model of a slide where a snowball rolls up and then rolls down growing bigger as it goes downhill and crashes into a snow model of a house. “Everything we do here in the past – even the smallest change – can snowball into an avalanche of trouble for the future!” She tried to explain to Starlight who simply breaks free from her crystal prison and then zaps the model away with her magic still refusing to back down.

“Oh, next I suppose you'll tell me that "the fate of all of Equestria hangs in the balance"!” Starlight sarcastically and angrily remarked.

“It does!” Twilight tried to further reason with her but Starlight wasn’t having it.

“Spare me your overblown ego! No group of friends, not even Princess Twilight's, is that important!” Starlight scoffed off as she sent a magic beam at a speeding Young Rainbow Dash to stop her from achieving the Sonic Rainboom.

“Aaaaaaah!” Young Rainbow screamed as tumbled through the air and as the time portal appears to suck Twilight back into the future.

“I didn’t want to have to do this, but there is something you need to see since the future of Midnight Sparkle doesn’t give you reason why the fate of Equestria needs friendship.” She said as she tackled Starlight again as she was dragged back through the portal once more.

The three then appeared in the future where they find themselves standing in the middle of a barren wasteland with strong winds blowing and with no signs of life around.

“Where are we?!” Starlight demanded to what she sees as a huge joke.

“The future or rather the present.” Twilight solemnly explained to her.

“But there's nothing here! “ Starlight pointed out.

“I wish I could say I was surprised. This is the end result of what Midnight Sparkle’s evil taking over as a result of Nightmare Moon’s eternal darkness and corruption looming over. With no sun and darkness completely consuming by alternate self in this timeline no pony would go to live life in prosperity and peace last. Even when Midnight had good intentions her pursuit of revenge and clouded judgment from the dark magic in her heart led to her doing anything including hurting and killing many lives to secure her power over all of Equestria at least until it destroyed everything that was built here.” Twilight told her that what they are seeing is the truth.

“I don't believe you!” Starlight refused to believe it despite the glaringly obvious sight to the contrary.

“Come on, Starlight, look around!” Spike tried to reason with her.

“Like I said, everything in the past affects the future, even the tiniest act. And what you're doing leads here.” Twilight added as she held up dirt that blew from her hooves as a result of the strong wind. “I know this is hard to believe, but I thought showing you this would help you open your eyes.”

“Change my mind?” Starlight responded completely incredulous that Equestria is reduced to nothing as a result of Midnight’s actions. “You don't know anything about me! I was perfectly happy before you and your friends ruined what I built! Heck, I even looked up to you to when you were Midnight until you decided to give up your control over Equestria!”

“Really, you looked up to me when I was evil?” Twilight asked surprised by this revelation. “But why?”

“Why?!” Starlight growled. “Because you did something that no one else has done. You conquered Equestria by relying on mostly your wits and intellect, you pursed power through bidding your time waiting to turn on your enemies with your false friendship to them as soon as it wasn’t in your best interest.” Starlight then yelled at the top of her voice. “I even actually hoped that someday I would meet you so you would take me up as your student and maybe someday an Alicorn Princess just like you. But then you decided to relinquish it all just when you had it all of Equestria right on its knees.”

“I’m sorry that your hopes and dreams got crushed and that me and my friends had to take away your village, but it was good that I came to my senses when I did because if I didn’t, Equestria would have slowly declined because of dark magic corrupting my mind into committing worse things than shattering the Crystal Heart and all of those ponies would have never been able to realize their true talents and passion.” Twilight tried to further reason with Starlight why she did what she did.

“I just don’t understand why you gave up everything you worked hard for at the top of your game and how it all came to this.” Starlight questioned still unaware and not understanding why she gave up being Midnight as Twilight sighs seeing that she needs to see why for herself.

“Then prepare yourself for something you have to see in order to see and understand what happened to me.” Twilight said as she uses her magic to zap the table to send them to different part of time, back to the first Canterlot Wedding.

“Where are we.” Starlight asked as she looked around the Canterlot Castle. “Is this the Canterlot Wedding?” She asked as she recognized this particular event.

“It is, the first one, not the second one.” Twilight calmly answered as she walked forward and instructed Starlight to follow her as they made their way to the castle which was under a purple protection spell courtesy of Shining Armor’s magic.

“And what does whatever happened at your brother and future sister-in-law’s first attempted marriage have anything to do with you becoming Midnight and what happened afterwards.” Starlight skeptically questioned as they make their way to through the castle as Twilight shows her the wedding preparations.

“Because what I am about to show and tell you is how I became Midnight in the first place.” She explained as she began telling her tragic tale. “Back at the first wedding, initially I wasn’t thrilled of being keep in the dark of my brother telling me at the last minute that he was getting married, but once I found he was marrying Cadance who was my foalsitter when I was young, I was more excited about it than before.” She said as Chrysalis disguised as Cadance walks up as Past Twilight meets up with her brother.

“I hope I'm not interrupting anything important.” Chrysalis irritably asked as she arrived.

“Cadance!” Past Twilight eagerly ran over to greet her as she did some kind of secret handshake they shared in the past. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!” She danced yet Cadance doesn’t join her in the little routine as she eyes her annoyed and disgusted at her shaking her rump in her face.

“What are you doing?” She asked leaving Past Twilight slightly taken back by her response.

“Cadance, it's me, Twilight!” Past Twilight said while still smiling at her future sister-in-law.

“Uh-huh.” Cadance replied uninterested as she then walks over to Shining Armor and then sports an evil grin at Past Twilight to which that did not go unnoticed by the confused unicorn.

“Wow!” Starlight commented in disappointment seeing through the charade herself as she sees Chrysalis’s smirk directed at Past Twilight. “Compared to you she doesn’t put too much effort in hiding her true self unlike you or me. I’m surprised that none of all this raised red flags to anypony expect you. You had every right to be suspicious of her.”

“Trust me, Starlight. I did.” Twilight assured her that there’s more as they make their way to where the wedding preparations were occurring.

Twilight answered as she showed her around the castle during the preparations which showed Chrysalis disguised as Cadance at the time overseeing the preparations with past Twilight as the former goes around being condescending, disrespectful, and downright nasty to Twilight and her friends.

“Hiya, Princess!” Applejack greeted.

“Please, call me Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.” Chrysalis rudely told the farm pony before she grabbed a few of her apple fritters and tossed them in the trash without second thought before making her way to where Rarity is making dresses.

“I was hoping for something with more beading and a longer train.” Chrysalis commented very critical of the unicorn’s hard work.

“Oh, yes, of course. “ Rarity reluctantly agreed.

“I think they're lovely.” Twinkleshine complimented.

“Me too!” Minuette agreed.

“I love them.” Lyra Heartstrings also agreed.

“Make them a different color.” Chrysalis demanded as she left.

“Gee, maybe her name should be "Princess Demandy-pants." Past Twilight irritably commented to herself.

“Or Princess Jerk with a Heart of Jerk.” Starlight commented in disgust with Chrysalis’s act as she makes her way to Pinkie’s preparations which was filled with fun party accessories including balloons and streamers.

“You said it.” Twilight said in agreement as she motions her to follow her past self and Chrysalis through the wedding preparations.

“I think this reception is gonna be perfect! Don't you?” Pinkie asked Chrysalis.

“Perfect! ...If we were celebrating a six-year-old's birthday party.” Chrysalis again commented in sarcasm to which Pinkie failed to notice.

“Thank you!” Pinkie took it the wrong way not seeing the insult or sarcasm behind it.

“Well, she’s wasn’t quite wrong there.” Starlight noted to Twilight. “I mean she does have the mentality of a party throwing child.

“True, but she is definitely someone who knows how to throw a party no matter what.” Twilight accepted her thoughts as she responded in Pinkie's defense to illustrate that while acknowledging Pinkie’s personality in light she knows what she is doing when it comes to parties before showing her the memory of her trying to explain to her friends that Cadance is not who she seems only for it to fall on deaf ears as they laugh it off and pass it off as pre-wedding stress causing Past Twilight to slam her hooves on the table and spill their drinks across the table in frustration.

“I tried to tell my friends about it but they were all caught up with the wedding preparation to even acknowledge my warnings or take my concerns seriously.” Twilight explained as they make their way to the memory of Twilight meeting up with her brother who was wearing his red jacket.

“From the looks of how you handled it didn’t sound like that was the first time.” Starlight noted from her observations to which Twilight nods yes it’s true. “Didn’t that drive you crazy?”

“Oh, believe me it did the first time.” Twilight replied as they go to the memory of her later meeting up with her brother who is wearing his red uniform for the wedding. “As that was where I began to question whether my friendship with the girls was true or not.” She said before getting back on track with her story. “I tried to speak with my brother but she had already had him under her spell.” She explained as she shows the memory of Chrysalis casting a spell on her brother which showed green magic instead of light blue magic from her horn.

“Oh, dear. Are you getting another one of your headaches?” Chrysalis told Shining Armor as he gasped in pain from a headache he just had leaving a horrified Twilight to rightfully conclude she is evil as she runs off.

“Headache healing spell my flank, you liar.” Starlight commented in further disgust. “How in Equestria did no pony other than you see through all this?”

She said as Twilight makes her way to where the rehearsal is happening. “With all possible options exhausted. I decided to take drastic measures and this is the part where you’ll be most interested in." She said as she calmly took in deep breaths as she readies to let her most painful memory play out again.

“Hey… has anypony seen Twilight?” Shining Armor asked as the doors burst open as Twilight Sparkle arrived on the scene.

“I’m here!” Twilight angrily announced leaving Shining Armor embarrassed by her behavior. “I’m not gonna stand next to her! And neither should you!”

“I’m sorry, I… I don’t know why she’s acting like this.” Shining Armor told Chrysalis in an nervous and apologetic tone.

“Maybe we should just ignore her.” Chrysalis irritably suggested.

“You have to listen to me!” Twilight further moved to make her voice heard to everypony.

“Oh, goodness! Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked Twilight feeling very concerned.

“I’m fine.” Twilight told Fluttershy as Applejack approaches her.

“Ya sure about that?” Applejack asked her suspiciously to which Twilight responded by pulling her hat down over her face.

“I’ve got something to say!” Twilight said as she marched up to the alter. “She’s evil!” Twilight declared pointing an accusing hoof Chrysalis. While Shining Armor stood in front of who he thought was his bride in her defense. Everypony in the room all chatter in confusion of what she is talking about. “She’s been horrible to my friends!” She accused as she teleported onto the alter right behind Chrysalis and Shining. “She’s obviously done something to her bridesmaids!” She accused as she threateningly advanced on Chrysalis backing her into a corner. “And if that wasn’t enough, I saw her put a spell on my brother that made his eyes go all-!” She explained as she rolled her eyes with her tongue sticking out as everypony watches in shock and surprise.

Chrysalis nervously smiled with a blush before being glared at by Twilight who smirks at her to tell her it’s over as she then starts quickly crying up a display of crocodile tears.

“Why are you doing this to me?!” Chrysalis cried out as she ran off.

“Because you’re evil!” Twilight responded at Chrysalis direction as she ran out of the room crying as Twilight teleported to the door. “Evil! And if I don’t stop you, you’re gonna ruin my brother’s life!” She repeated at her direction and continued to yell out to her as she ran off.

“That’s telling her, Twilight.” Starlight proudly complimented the alicorn who doesn’t smile as she continues to keep a stoic expression for what’s about to happen as past Twilight turned around and proudly walked back into the hall, having succeeded in stopping Chrysalis, only to accidentally bump into her angry brother.

“What?” Past Twilight asked with a nervous smile and a shrug as Starlight wonders why her brother is giving her the stink eye as much as Past Twilight.

“You want to know why my eyes went all-?” Shining Armor angrily said as he made a weird face with spinning eyes. “Because ever since I started having to perform my protection spell, I’ve been getting terrible migraines. Cadance hasn’t been casting spells on me. She’s been using her magic to heal me!” Past Twilight opened her mouth to try to speak and explain herself but Shining quickly interrupted her before she could get a word in while slamming his hoof on the ground. “And she decided to replace her bridesmaids because she found out the only reason they wanted to be in the wedding was so that they could meet Canterlot royalty! And if she hasn’t been on her best behavior with your friends, it’s because with me being so busy, she’s had to make all the decisions about the wedding!”

As Starlight watches this scene unfold, she could only look on surprised with the tone he is addressing his little sister in for trying to protect him.

“I was just trying to-” Twilight tried to explain herself but was cut off by her brother as he paces around her.

“She’s been completely stressed out because it’s really important to her that our big day be perfect!” Shining angrily continued as he then yelled directly in her face. “Something that obviously wasn’t important to you!” He stopped as he felt another headache. Twilight tried offer a helping hoof to her brother but he coldly brushed it away as he walked off. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go and comfort my bride. And you can forget about being my best mare. In fact, if I were you, I wouldn’t show up to the wedding at all.”

As Shining Armor stormed out of the room leaving Twilight saddened by what he had just said to her as she sat on the floor and turned to her friends pleading for comfort. Almost all of her friends looked sorry for her even Starlight herself even though she wasn’t there to see it herself.

“C’mon, y’all. Let’s go check on the princess.” Applejack told the others being the only one disgusted of her friends disgusted by her behavior as she coldly glared at her as she and the others walked by and out of the room.

“I was-” Past Twilight tried to explain herself to Princess Celestia as she too decided to walk out on her.

“You have a lot to think about.” The princess coldly told and cut her off while not bothering to even look at her leaving Twilight in tears as she slams the doors shut on her.

While Twilight calmly kept her composure, Starlight had her jaw open in shock at what had just happened while Spike tears up in regret as he pulls a tissue to wipe the tears from his eyes from his backpack.

“Maybe I was being overprotective.” Past Twilight said to herself in shame and regret as she walked over to lie on the stairs leading up to the altar. “I could've gained a sister. But instead... I just lost a brother.”

“He was my big brother, best friend


And now, we'll never do anything

Together... “ Past Twilight sang as she cried.

While her future self didn’t cry as she still remained stoic and emotionless, Starlight herself feeling sorry for her felt tears forming around her eyes as Chrysalis walks up to Past Twilight to comfort her with soft smile.

“Wait, didn’t she just run off a minute ago.” Starlight asked out loud.

“I'm sorry!” Past Twilight tearfully apologized as her eyes to turn green.

“You will be.” Chrysalis threateningly said to her as green flames appeared around a shocked Twilight as she forcibly dragged underground as Chrysalis evilly smiles as she walks off.

“It was in that brief moment, I felt like I was in the wrong for the moment until she sent me underground.” Twilight told Starlight who was frozen in shock at what she had just saw. “Just hearing what my brother said to me back then really tore me apart when I was trying to do was to protect him from the biggest mistake of his life.” She solemnly said as she showed Starlight the memory her reuniting with the real Cadance. “But instead I get a verbal slap to the face for it. My friends and even Princess Celestia coldly rebuked me for it and left me alone in the mercy of the evil faux princess.” She said as showed her the memory of the initial wedding attempt showing Twilight and Cadance confronting Chrysalis who shed’s off her disguise.

“Who is that?!” Starlight exclaimed in horror at Queen Chrysalis.

“That's Queen Chrysalis, the leader of the changelings who feed off of love form others.” Twilight explained as Chrysalis and Celestia engage in a beam war to which Chrysalis wins by sheer luck having absorbed enough love from Shining Armor before the Mane Six desperately try to reach the elements to no avail.

“Even though I came through and brought back the real Cadance thus helping save the day, the damage had already been done as in that moment, I felt Princess Celestia didn’t deserve to rule Equestria, nor felt that the friendship between me and my friends were real.” Twilight explained as she shows them the memory of her angrily calling them out for what they did to her before running off and staging her fake death from the train explosion.

While Twilight explains more and more to her of how things all went downhill until her reformation, Starlight could only watch in stunned shock of how much Twilight has suffered because of it as if the heartbreak she got from her alternate timeline wasn’t bad enough as Twilight shows her the memory of her approaching the train station by sending the duplicate inside the train as she dons her Mare-Do-Well disguise.

As the train makes it way away from the station, Past Twilight secretly follows it and once it was about halfway between Canterlot and Ponyville she blasted her magic at the train to make it explode sending many ponies flying around and crashing into the ground after scattering around leaving many ponies either injured or dead from the impact of the explosion.

As the time traveling trio watch the scene unfold, Twilight watches with stoic regret, while Spike cringes as she sees the duplicate Twilight fly away from the explosion as she lands on the ground lying dead from the impact, while Starlight looks on in horror at what she is seeing.

"Ever since that moment I have strived to do whatever it takes to seek to take over Equestria for what I saw fit for a better future." Twilight explained as she showed the horrified Starlight the many ponies who died from the train accident. "Even if that mean hurting innocent ponies caught in the crossfire. When I look back at it now I came to see how much more harm than good I have done in my pursuit of revenge against the ponies who hurt me."

“But why did you come to forgive them in the end after all of that?” Starlight spoke up as she asked while still in shock. “I mean after all of that, it’s no wonder you snapped.”

“Because I ended up doing things much worse in retaliation.” Twilight answered as she showed her the memories of her using dark magic to resurrect King Sombra, accelerate the growth of the plunder seeds Discord planted, the events of the second wedding with swapped roles between her and Applejack, created a staged changeling invasion leaving many ponies fleeing for their lives into nearby houses for shelter, transforming into Midnight Sparkle after successfully and single-handily “defeating” the invasion, followed by shattering the Crystal Heart at the Equestrian Games and taking down her brother, former mentor, and former friends in a straight up fight.

“And because they felt responsible for creating a villain who would have gone on to rule Equestria to this day bringing on eternal darkness in her efforts to share peace and prosperity throughout the country before I went on take down Lord Tirek and save everypony.” Twilight explained as she showed her the memories of her fighting Tirek and reconciling with her friends and loved ones.

"But why not alter time so that the first wedding never happened the way it did?" Starlight pointed out while very astonished that she has accepted what has happened to her not even bothering to change it even when she has the chance. "I mean since you here you have the power to change it so it never happened."

"Because as I said before one alternation in the past causes major changes for the future." Twilight answered. "And even so I have come to accept what happened since every pony has forgiven me for what I done as Midnight Sparkle leaving me no reason to go back and change the outcome of that wedding for who knows how much my life would have played out differently had that never happened." She said as she showed the memory of the Midnight and Nightmare Moon past. "As evidenced by the past we had just visited I probably would still be evil and on the dark path of no return unleashing a reign of terror on every pony for who knows how long and how it happened. And I don't want to find out if that means another terrible future that awaits for every pony who doesn't deserve it." Twilight added as she turned to face the stunned unicorn who is now feeling very ashamed of herself and very sorry for what the alicorn went through. “I know this is probably not going to change your mind, Starlight but I thought telling and showing you all of this would help keep you from making the same mistakes I made unless of course you want to be thrown in prison or banished for your crimes.”

“You just did.” Starlight solemnly answered as tears fell from her eyes. “I’m done fighting for now I see I am making the same mistakes you did in the past.” She said as she failed to resist crying as she wiped the tears away in vain.

“Starlight?” Twilight asked as she and Spike looked on in surprise at her seeing her like this, a literal far cry from her confident facade. ”Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not.” Starlight said while still in tears. “Because I had just lost everything and all of the bridges I have crossed have been burned beyond repair.”

“Why would you say that?” Twilight asked as Spike hands her a tissue so she can give it to Starlight who wipes away the tears from her eyes and then blows her nose into in.

“Well, I guess it’s my turn to explain what happened to me.” Starlight told Twilight as she used her magic to zap the table. “Even though it won’t change anything.” She said as she, Twilight, and Spike were all sucked up in the time bubble.

When the trio reemerged they found themselves in an unfamiliar village.

"Where are we?" Twilight asked Starlight.

"That map of yours is connected to every part of Equestria, and this part is my home." Starlight explained as she pointed and lead them to a small house ahead. Peering in through the window, Twilight and Spike saw what looked Starlight as a young filly with her mane being styled in pigtails, playing with another unicorn with orange fur, orange mane and tail, with dark blue eyes by stacking up a very tall tower of books to which Young Starlight clapped at their success.

"That pony I was playing with back that is Sunburst." Starlight told Twilight and Spike glumly. "We did everything together much like you and your brother. In fact, I don't remember us ever being apart. Until today." She said as they watch as Young Starlight pulls a green book in an attempt to stabilize it which instead caused the tower to wobble over and tilt in her direction.

But before Young Starlight could feel the incoming pile of books land on her, she found the books caught up in Sunburst’s aura of magic. Sunburst then proceeded to effortlessly put the books back on the nearby shelves with great concentration as he floated up into the air, and after he had finished a bright light flashed on his flank. When the flash disappeared, Sunburst looked at his flank and let out a happy whinny as he finally discovered his cutie mark. An orange sun with bursting yellow rays, and six blue stars.

Sunburst in his excitement rushed past her and started prancing around in the town in delight with many ponies congratulating him on getting his cutie mark leaving a stunned and surprised Starlight behind as the towns ponies lifted Sunburst up in the air with their magic leaving Starlight in tears.

"And just like that, my friend was gone. His family recognized his magical talent and sent him off to Canterlot. I never saw him again." Starlight sadly lamented her story to Twilight.

"Why not?" Spike asked.

"Because of his cutie mark, up until then Sunburst and I were the only ponies who had yet to receive their cutie marks. And when he did he moved away to pursue his lifelong dreams.” Starlight answered as she still looked away. “Leaving me as the only pony in town without a cutie mark. I tried to make friends with other ponies but they just laughed at me and turned me away like I was a joke to them. All because I didn’t get my cutie mark until I finally decided to leave after being humiliated one too many times." She bitterly said as she teared up. "Up to this point, Sunburst was the only friend I had in my life, and then the day he got his cutie mark came and took him away from me. But now by the time I see what I really lost it is too late. I made a lot of choices that drove me into becoming a dark reflection of myself and now because of I will never be able to get that chance ever again. Because I became a pony who pony wants to befriend because my ambitions and control for power and I don't blame them."

"Starlight…" Twilight tried to speak while left speechless at seeing another pony she could have turned out to be had she not changed her ways before becoming an Alicorn.

“Just don’t.” Starlight cut her off as she wept and lit up her horn and another time bubble to whisk themselves away back to the day Rainbow did her first Sonic Rainboom.

Once the trio got back the time travel portal placed Starlight onto one higher cloud, and Twilight and Spike onto another lower cloud.

"Well, now that you know what happened." Starlight solemnly told to Twilight. "You both can go while I watch and make sure Rainbow Dash does her first Sonic Rainboom while spend the rest of my days living it out in the past to never return to the present again because I deserve it."

"No, I won't do leave you behind.” Twilight replied.

“Why not I deserve it. I have already committed a string of crimes in my pursuit of revenge against you to the point I have no excuse for what I’ve done no matter how sad my past is. I deserve to die out here!” Starlight demanded Twilight to do what she asks as she shouted in despair.

"Because you do deserve another chance.” Twilight firmly answered while refusing to give up on Starlight. “Because after I shattered the Crystal Heart at the Equestrian Games and exacted revenge on my former loved ones at the time I felt I was beyond redemption because I ended up becoming a villain who nearly destroyed Equestria in my pursuit and ambition for control and power. It wasn’t until Lord Tirek attacked Equestria which allowed me to finally open up my eyes and see how much more harm than good I have done during my time as Midnight especially towards Princess Cadance the one pony who still cared and hope that I would turn myself around." Twilight explained as she slowly approached Starlight. “She of all ponies stepped forward and offered her forgiveness and love to me even nopony had any reason too and I accepted it because it was that very love that brought back from sinking into total darkness into my heart and had been filled with dark magic that clouded my judgement and had me feeling justified in the ruthless measures I took into securing power. You haven’t crossed that line yet and if you stop yourself here right now and let friendship back into heart like I have.”

"I thought Sunburst and I were the same. But we turned out different, and it tore our very friendship apart!" Starlight tearfully exclaimed while still sounding like she is refusing to return to the present. “And there’s no way of knowing how and when or if we will ever see or speak to each other again when and if we do.”

"So try again! Make new friends!” Twilight suggested as she flew up in the air. “And if something that you can't control happens that changes things, then work through it together! That's what friendship is, Starlight! And it's not just my friendships that are important to Equestria! Everypony's are! When yours ended, it led us here. But just imagine all the other friendships that are out there waiting for you if you just give them a chance!"

"How do I know that they won't all end the same?" Starlight asked with tears in her eyes still uncertain it will work out this time around.

"I guess it's up to you to make sure that they don't." Twilight answered as she offered her hoof as she landed on the cloud just below her. "Now how about you take my hoof and come back so I can show the way and find the light in the dark?"

Starlight hesitated for a moment until she finally decided to reach out and accepted Twilight's hoof with a small thankful smile. At that moment a young Rainbow Dash pulled off her first ever Sonic Rainboom uninterrupted.

Twilight, Spike, and Starlight then returned to the present, as the rainbow created from the rainboom echoed across Equestria as the next time portal bubble sucked them up and back inside the castle in the present day.

Twilight, Spike, and Starlight then arrived back in the throne room of Twilight's castle, as the time bubble sucked up the scroll as a blur orb of magic appears outside of it then zapped the map as the time loop has been stabilized again before disappearing as it gets sucked up in the time portal and creates a huge white wave of light.

Spike was so pleased to see everything back to normal that he kissed the ground in relief.

"One Castle of Friendship – check!" He said to himself as the throne room doors opened, and all of Twilight's friends came in.

"What in Equestria was that?!" Rarity asked.

"Is everypony okay?" Fluttershy asked Twilight and Spike.

"Can you do it again?" Pinkie squealed in excitement.

"One group of amazing friends – check!" Spike said to Twilight as she smiled.

"Yes, Spike. It looks like we're finally home!" Twilight said while glad to see everything is back to normal.

"Uh... what's she doin' here?" Applejack suspiciously asked Twilight as she and others saw Starlight standing next to her with Fluttershy and Rarity looking on at her in fright as the unicorn standing by the alicorn's side looks away in shame.

“Actually, it's kind of a long story," She said as she turned to reassure Starlight that she and is going to talk to the girls about this and they decide from there.

“Starlight would you please?” Twilight told Starlight with a gesturing hoof to wait outside.

“Sure.” Starlight somberly obliged as she walked outside to leave Twilight and Spike to explain their whole time travel adventure with Starlight.

Twilight and Spike then explained their entire adventure to their friends, all of whom were very surprised by what they heard.

"Wow, that is a very interesting trip you both went on!" Rainbow Dash commented in amazement. "I mean, I knew my rainboom was amazing but I never would've imagined that all of Equestria depended on it!"

“Or us.” Pinkie added.

“Or the fact that your life actually depended on it too.” Fluttershy added in surprise after hearing that Twilight became Midnight without the rainboom helping give Twilight the boost of magic she needed to pass her entrance exam and strive for the bright future. “That must have been very tragic to go through.”

“It sure was.” Twilight calmly replied. “Same goes to Princess Luna who still be Nightmare Moon had that had happened and had we never met.”

“I’m so sorry to hear that, darling?” Rarity sympathetically said to Twilight. “That’s almost as bad as us leaving you when you needed it the most.”

“I’m just amazed of how my sonic rainboom has really steered you all from being evil at least until we made the biggest mistake of our lives at the wedding.” Rainbow said just as amazed of how much it impacted Twilight’s life. “Who would have known that would have been the only thing standing between you and all of Equestria being plunged into eternal darkness.”

"If anything, that discovery turned out how it’s more than just that." Twilight said in reply. "Friendship connects all of Equestria, and undoing one group of friends made its magic less powerful. The fact that had I became Midnight back then meant I would never have been able to make friends with all of you and without that friendship and love I once had before the wedding meant I never would been able to open up eyes and see the light from in the dark within me."

"I can't believe y'all were able to travel through time like that," Applejack said to Twilight in amazement of what she went through. “Or the fact of how much Nightmare Moon or Midnight’s influence really impacted you without us ever meeting you."

"She obviously has more talent for magic than almost anypony I've seen. Even though my magic, intellect, and fighting expertise could stop her and escape both Midnight and Nightmare Moon. I had to convince her to stop on her own. Once that happened, everything fell into place.” Twilight explained of Starlight’s capabilities and potential. “And I think that magical talent could be put to good use under the right guidance and maybe someday become a pony who will fully redeem herself by saving all of Equestria."

“Well, I guess.” Applejack reluctantly agreed seeing that there are not many other options. “I mean we can’ just send her on her way considering she is able to go toe to toe with you.”

With all said and done, Twilight nodded at Spike to summon Starlight back inside.

Outside the throne room, Starlight was pacing nervously back and forth, while wondering whatever fate the Mane Six have in mind for her for her actions until Spike popped his head out after opening the door and motioned her to come in leaving Starlight nervously gulping and sighing before calmly walking towards her fate.

"I know there's no excuse for what I did, but I want you all to know that I'm ready for whatever punishment you think is fair," She calmly said to them while accepting whatever decision they make.

"I've been thinking a lot about how badly Equestria fared without just one group of friends. Because even when one friendship dies, the results can be disastrous."

"I know first-hoof how true that can be." Starlight solemnly noted from their recent time travel experience.

"And that's why I've asked you here. If you're willing to learn, I'm willing to teach you what I know about friendship." She offered. "And help you redeem yourself in the eyes of all of Equestria. Even though it hasn’t been long ago since I reformed, I can definitely help you out every step of the way to the best of my ability. And no matter what happens I will be always be by side standing by you when you need it the most."

“Does this mean…” Starlight asked.

“Yes it does.” Twilight answered with a smile. “Starlight Glimmer, I would like to make you my own personal protégé. Just like you always dreamed from the beginning who will gain the power to help make an even better place."

Starlight looked at Twilight, then Spike, then the rest of the Mane Six as she thought for a moment before she spoke to Twilight in a hushed tone.

“How do I start?" She asked.

"Starting is easy, Starlight! All you have to do is make a friend!" Twilight positively answered as she placed a hoof on her back. “And you’ve got seven of them right here!” She added as Spike and the rest of the girls huddled around her.

“Thank you, Twilight.” Starlight sincerely thanked her for sticking her neck out for her even though she really didn’t need to. “

"You're welcome," Twilight replied. "Now that your now reformed. It’s time we put a close on your villainous past and that involves paying a certain village a little visit.” She added.

“You mean going back to the village I used to enslave?” Starlight asked wondering does she really have to do this to which Twilight confirms with a nod.

“The first step I had to take was answering and apologizing for everything I’ve done which I did at my coronation when becoming the Princess of Friendship.” Twilight told her it’s necessary. “And I think that’s the first step you need to take in order for you to do the same. But remember that I will be there with you to back you for support.” She reassured she won’t be going in alone to which Starlight smiles to non-verbally thank her for that.

Starlight then looks on in the room as she begins to sing.

“I never thought I would find a place.

To step right in and start again.”

She sang as she reflected on being abandoned unintentionally by her only friend who is currently celebrating on having just gained his cutie mark as she sadly walks away feeling deeply hurt.

As she turned around as she sang she bumped into Twilight who brightly smiles at her reformation like seeing a past reflection of herself for turning around before doing something that destroyed any chance of earning herself redemption.

“I never thought I could just begin

Right where I left off and make a friend.”

She sang as Twilight encourages Starlight to follow her as they trot off.

“Don't ever think that it might be too late

You don't have to wait, there's no mistakes with the friends you make

A friendship's only made of what you bring

And if you do it right, you can do anything.”

Twilight sang as she led Starlight outside of the castle where the rest of their friends are waiting for her.

“Just use your eyes

This time, no lies

Just don't disguise

Who you are inside.”

Starlight and the Mane Six all sang together as they marched together down the path with Spike banging on a drum and when they sang out in the open field.

"Because your friends are always there for you.”

They all sang as Rarity sews up Starlight a black dress with light blue jewels on the back to which she tries on and admires.

“You don't have to be the same for friendship to be true.”

They all sang as Fluttershy and Starlight hug in the air with Starlight lifting herself up with her magic so she can hug Fluttershy while she is flying in mid-air before being brought in for a bear hug courtesy of Harry the Bear.

“Because your friends are always there for you.”

They all sang as Rainbow Dash urges Starlight to follow her as she uses her magic to leviatate herself through the race course at Cloudsdale.

“Around the world, it's still the same.”

They all sang as Starlight and Applejack both buck apples at Sweet Apple Acres to which Starlight has fun doing it.

“Together you have more to gain.”

They all sang as Pinkie offered Starlight a cupcake she made and decorated from a tray of cupcakes she had just made to which Starlight happily helps herself to one with white icing and munches on it just as happily.

“There's nothing that a friend won't do."

They all sang together as she and Twilight both bonded over reading books while Spike naps away on his throne.

“Everywhere you go

Friendship there will grow.”

When you find it, it's the key

Friends can change the world, you see."

The girls all sang as they all marched into town all together.

"Everywhere you go

Friendship there will grow

When you find it, it's the key

Friends can change the world (ah-ah)

Friends can change the world (ah-ah)

Friends can change the world, you see.”

They all concluded their song as everypony gathered around the eight friends as they all smile together before Twilight and Starlight both made their way to the train station for the train ride back to Starlight’s village.

Once they arrived at the village, Starlight very reluctantly took a few steps into the village to where she would meet the faces of everypony she forced her ideals onto.

Sugar Belle who was chatting with Double Diamond, Party Favor, and Night Glider was the first to see Starlight arriving at the village to which the others immediately took notice of her presence.

Even though they didn’t said anything, their glares and initial disappointment in her made what they think of her perfectly clear until Starlight hanged her head in sorrow and shame and express how sorry she is for what she did to all of them. After a moment the four ponies all brought Starlight in for a group hug to let her know that they all forgive her for her actions allowing Starlight’s past to remain behind her as Twilight watches on proudly of how well that turned out just how her public apology at her coronation turned out after she reformed.

In just one day, she'd not only single-handily saved all of Equestria again, outsmarted both Nightmare Moon and Midnight in an alternate timeline, but had also gained a new student after helping her, a pony she sees her villainous self in, steer away from further sinking down the path of darkness and evil, just like her.

Interestingly enough, Starlight had dreamed of becoming Twilight’s protégé while under her rule when she was Midnight. Now that dream is becoming true under the bright path heads towards the bright future for all of Equestria.

Twilight’s own redemption is now nearly coming to a close as she joins in on meeting up with the five ponies in front of her.

From afar on top of the mountains is the mist of dark magic again looming over the village as it eyes Twilight from afar before flying off in the direction of the Crystal Empire to where the Crystal Heart secretly glows neon purple in the void room.

End of Act One.

Author's Note:

For the second half of this version of the Season 5 finale we have some alternations of what I did to try to make it work out while fitting in with this story-line while understanding of other's mixed reactions to this season finale.

For starters, I decided to have the time traveling trio visit the alternate future where Nightmare Moon is ruling Equestria with Midnight Sparkle by her side. For this version, I had written an alternate timeline to where Twilight ends suffering her Start of Darkness as a result of failing her entrance exam as a result of her idol blowing her cries of help off when she needed it the most. As a result, she ends up learning and becoming a student under Nightmare Moon's wing after helping her defeat Princess Celestia. Without the sonic rainboom, Twilight would never have had friends nor somepony to help her open up her eyes to come to redeem herself like she did in the current timeline.

As for my reasons for making the time-traveling trio's visit like a five-minute scene and the only other alternate future scene seen is because as stated because of the powerful duo ruling Equestria, they ruled Equestria unchallenged thus the threat Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, and Tirek all possessed were all dealt with no problem. On the positive side, Twilight was able to save both Spike and Starlight by not only out-smarting Nightmare Moon but also Midnight Sparkle the pony noone has ever been able to out-smart her.

Next up and most importantly, Starlight's redemption. Initially the forcible drag to alternate future along with the future where Equestria becomes a barren wasteland as a result of eternal night and darkness looming over all of Equestria under Nightmare and Midnight's rule was to get Starlight to open up her eyes to see what will eventually happen to Equestria without Rainbow Dash's sonic rainboom to no avail as she only admires Midnight seeing that she is protege in that timeline like she always dreamed and doesn't believe that it will all eventually turn Equestria into a wasteland. So Twilight decides to show her what happened at the first Canterlot Wedding that drove herself into becoming Midnight in the current timeline. Initially, Starlight was secretly sympathetic of what happened to Twilight in the alternate timeline, but seeing what Twilight really went through was enough to get Starlight to really feel openly sorry for her leaving her feeling that it put's her backstory to shame to which I had written her tearful explanation of her backstory to make Starlight a little more sympathetic when she acknowledges that she too had no excuse for her villainous actions no matter how sad her backstory as her reformation plays out with Twilight relating to her past experience to talk Starlight in turning over a new leaf.

Here as stated in the Season 5 opener, Twilight saw a lot of her past self in Starlight to the point she sees her as somepony who needs help before she makes the same mistakes she made as Midnight after learning of how much she looked up to her villainous self with hopes of following in her hoofsteps. Here after her reformation, Twilight now gets a chance to be the pony offering redemption to Starlight even though she didn't have to. With the irony, that Starlight's dream of becoming Twilight's protege coming true, under the right path and course of direction life than the initial villainous route complete with Starlight answering for what she did at the village she had stripped of their cutie marks.

When writing this story, this is the pretty much the story-line I had set when I decided to create it as I had Twilight's villainous arc from the beginning of Season 3 come to an end at the of Season 4 to make way for Starlight Glimmer taking over the Big Bad role in Season 5 like in canon as she serves another evil counterpart for Twilight to overcome in her road to redemption arc this season.

Before I get into the Season 6 opener I will be doing the first Equestrian Girls movie which will serve as the next 3-part episode of this story since Sunset Shimmer also is an antagonist turned protagonist as a result of Twilight's actions in the film which never happened in this story since Twilight was Midnight in between the end of Season 3 and the beginning of Season 4 in this story-line.

So enjoy this 2-parter for the time being while I have the upcoming 3-parter and the Season 6 premiere in the works as Twilight's redemption arc is coming to a close.

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