• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,539 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 29: 28 Pranks Later (Edited 9/14/22)

Chapter 29:

28 Pranks Later

One night both Twilight and Starlight were sorting out the books in the library after another day of magic training. Starlight had been showing great improvement ever since she has been learning under Twilight’s tutelage being able to keep up with whatever Twilight throws at her.

“Sorry I lost track of time.” Twilight apologized as she finished putting away her last book. “I didn’t mean for this to last well into the night.”

“Well, I’m afraid I’m to blame for that too.” Starlight replied with a smile. “I was really getting into your lessons that I may have convinced you to go on as long as possible.” She then nervously laughed. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay, Starlight. Though I’m glad you have been really enjoying it as much as my interest in books. We really make a good team.” Twilight complimented her student as she put away her last book. “There! Everything is all neat and organized.” She said with a smile.

At that moment a book sliding out from the shelf and landed on the ground catching Twilight’s attention.

“Huh?” Twilight said in surprise as she placed the book back on its shelf. “I thought I told you to make sure these books are all the way in their shelves?” She told Starlight.

“I did.” Starlight innocently said as another book slide from the shelf behind her. “What the…” She exclaimed in surprise. “I swear that wasn’t me!”

“Oh, okay so the books just decide to move on it's own and…” Twilight sarcastically commented as a string of books from every shelf were summoned by a powerful gust of wind and circled around the room.

“What the hay.” Both Twilight and Starlight said in shocked unison as the books all came tumbling down on them as a mysterious shadowed figure flew over them with glowing pink eyes and then roared.

Twilight and Starlight both screamed as they tried to escape the library but the mysterious figure immediately locked them inside and causing them backed themselves up into the nearby corner completely startled and hugging each other for safety as the figure menacingly flew just over them and roared again.

Then the figure then laughed as she flew over to turn out the lights.

“Gotcha!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she laughed her flank off and then flew down and rolled down onto the ground laughing at scaring both ponies.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight and Starlight both exclaimed in shocked anger.

“That wasn’t funny!” Twilight angrily said. “You nearly gave us a heart attack!”

“Yeah!” Starlight agreed in the same tone. “You had us believe the library was cursed for a second there.”

“Aw come on, you have to admit that was funny! You girls just don’t have a sense of humor!” Rainbow stilled laughed off. “You both should have seen yourselves clinging onto each other like scared little filies. Priceless!”

“You wouldn’t think it was so funny if somepony did this to you!” Twilight crossly retorted.

“That’s right!” Starlight agreed again. “Consider yourself lucky this isn’t Princess Celestia you are pranking because who knows what she would do if she saw that as a prank that would peeve her off!”

“We are so going to have a talk about this first thing in the morning, Rainbow Dash.” Twilight sternly added. “And I expect you to be back in the throne room by then!”

“Okay, okay…” Rainbow Dash responded as she raised her hooves up defensively as she sees Twilight angrily glare and fly up to her. “I’ll get out of your manes!” She added as she quickly flew out the room and the castle in a flash.

“Well that’s just great.” Twilight sarcastically commented. “Now we got to clean up and organize this library all over again.”

“Thanks Rainbow Dash!” Starlight grumbled as she and Twilight both set off to do so with an irritated look on her face.

The next morning Twilight made good on her promise as all seven ponies have gathered in the throne room to discuss Rainbow’s stunt the previous night.

“I mean, how could you not appreciate that?” Rainbow asked Starlight.

“Because I don't think being scared to death is very fun!” Starlight replied with crossed hooves.

“I do! Your heart gets all racy, your hooves get all tingly, your mouth gets all dry-ie!” Pinkie happily exclaimed as her heart is shown rapidly pounding, hooves shaking, and her mouth crunched up for a bit as she chomps her jaw closed. “Actually, I don't like that part. But the rest is great!”

“See? Everypony likes a good prank! They're just jokes!” Rainbow Dash spoke up still ignoring the glares Twilight and Starlight were giving her. “You’re lucky I didn’t do this to Fluttershy otherwise she would cry and whimper being holed up all day in her cottage and she's scared of everything.”

“That’s not true!” Fluttershy defensively said.

“Boo.” Rainbow simply said as Fluttershy screamed and flew up to hang on to the chandler while trembling in fear as Rainbow simply shrugs feeling she has proven her point there.

“Now, Rainbow Dash…” Rarity voiced her concerns. “I don't think Twilight would have called us all here to talk about this if she thought it was funny. Everypony has things they like and things they don't.”

“And scarin' Twilight, Starlight, and even Fluttershy like that is just mean.” Applejack added as she placed a hoof onto the table.

“Mean?!” Rainbow Dash scoffed taking offense to that comment.

“A prank isn't very good if you're the only pony laughing.” Twilight then said softly after having calmed down enough.

“But what if it's really, really, really, really, really funny?” Pinkie asked as she hopped over where Twilight is standing by Fluttershy’s throne seat as she flies back down to her seat.

“And I can do funny.” Rainbow Dash confidently said as she sat and rested her legs on the table.

“I know you can.” Twilight then said with a warm smile. “I guess the trick is making sure that your idea of funny matches the pony you're pranking.” She said as she made her way to her throne chair. “That way…” But as Twilight and Fluttershy both sat down fart sounds came and were heard throughout the throne room with the latter blushing in embarrassment. They looked under her chair and pulled out separate whoopee cushions as Rainbow Dash can barely manage to keep herself from laughing.

No pony said anything as they have the same unamused expression on their faces except for Pinkie who giggles before joining Rainbow Dash in bursting out laughing.

“Good one, Rainbow! Ha-ha!” Pinkie hoof-bumped Rainbow Dash as she turned to Twilight and Fluttershy. “You have to admit! That was funny!”

“Not really.” Twilight calmly replied with a scowl as she tossed aside the whoopee cushion while doing the same for the whoopee cushion on Fluttershy's seat who simply glares at Rainbow Dash for pulling that prank on her.

“Yeah. A whoopee cushion is like a joke shortcut.” Applejack agreed.

“What?!” Pinkie and Rainbow Dash exclaimed in shock by that statement.

“Honestly, Rainbow Dash, if you are not willing to put forth the effort required to pull a prank that everypony can enjoy, you may as well not pull one at all.” Rarity told off Rainbow by stomping her hoof onto the table.

“Fine! If you ponies want effort, then that's just what you'll get.” Rainbow angrily declared as she flew out of the castle.

“I'm not sure she understood what we meant.” Starlight spoke her concerns.

“Not at all.” Twilight said in agreement as she got up from her chair. “And since this meeting’s gone nowhere, I’m going to go over to Canterlot to help soothe things over with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna since they’ve been having quite some disputes in the last week. Hopefully they won’t be at each other throats again like last time I came over.” She added as she turned to Starlight. “Come on, Starlight, I could use your help too.”

“Okay.” Starlight said as she joined by Twilight’s side. “Beats dealing with whatever storm Rainbow’s about to unleash all over Ponyville.”

The two walked to the front entrance to where Spike is waiting for them as he hops onto Twilight’s back as she flies off in Canterlot’s direction with Starlight following behind her by using her gravity spell. Once they got to the castle Twilight announcing her arrival to one of the guards who reports to the two princesses who instruct them to meet them in the dining room.

They all went down to the dining where they were greeted by the sight of Princess Celestia flipping some pancakes onto three plates. The pancakes had faces made out of strawberries, blueberries, and whipped cream.

"Wow!” Twilight commented in amazement seeing they have arrived just in time for breakfast. "This certainly is quite the treat you’ve prepared."

“Yeah, this is not what I was expecting either!” Starlight said in the same tone just as delighted and eager to enjoy their meal together.

"Well I’d figured since breakfast is the important meal of the day we have this discussion over breakfast." Celestia responded with a warm smile. “And to show how much we appreciate your concern and for coming down here, Twilight, you too Starlight.” She also added to Starlight as they all take their seats to dig into their pancakes.

“Mmm, they’re real good.” Twilight happily complimented as she took her first bites while Spike started shoveling pancakes down his throat.

“Mmm-hmm.” Spike replied with his mouth full.

“I know!” Starlight agreed as she took bites into her pancakes. “I almost feel bad eating these!”

"Well it's just my way of saying 'I care.’” The sun princess smiled as Princess Luna came into the dining room looking very grumpy as she joined everypony and simply ate a banana while tossing aside the banana peel as she took her seat.

“Well let’s get this over with.” Luna told every pony to just get to the point as Twilight first finished chewing her food before swallowing before she speaks up.

“Well, I’m sure as we all know that you both have been having some tense conversations recently and we’re trying to help both of you resolve this peacefully.” Twilight began.

“And we think that you're accidentally hurting each other's feelings without realizing it.“ Starlight added.

“Excuse me?” Princess Celestia asked.

“I beg your pardon?” Luna asked at the same time as Celestia.

“Princess Celestia, does it bother you that Luna never notices the wonderful breakfasts that you prepare for her?” Twilight asked her mentor.

“Uh... Y-Yes. It does.” Celestia through her initial stammering admitted.

“Princess Luna, tell Celestia how you feel about the fact that she never acknowledges the work you put into lining the hallway with lavender every night.” Starlight asked Luna.

“I... Well, I... I-It's not the best feeling.” Luna awkwardly admitted before turning to Celestia. “I'm sorry I never noticed that you make fruit faces on pancakes, but nights are long for me. You might be a morning pony, but I am half-asleep.” Luna begrudgingly apologized to her sister.

“You think I don't get tired? I'm exhausted!” Celestia took offense to that. “Oh, I apologize for not noticing flowers in a wall sconce. But by the time I get to retire for the night, I can barely see straight! Even so, I still make an effort to smile!” She then proved her point to give a forced smile.

“Like smiling is so hard.” Luna scoffed as Twilight and Starlight quickly got in between the two sisters.

“Okay, let’s back it up there.” Twilight nervously spoke up not wanting anymore flaring tension brewing in the room.

“I-I-I'm sure that's not what Princess Luna meant to say.“ Starlight tried to intervene to no avail.

“Is that what exhausts you? Smiling and being adored by everypony?” Luna angrily asked her sister.

“And you have it so much worse, do you?!” Celestia scoffed back. “You've spent your evenings flitting around giving ponies lovely dreams! Oh, it sounds just awful!” Celestia said about her sister’s troubles in a mocking tone.

“Now let’s just calm down...” Twilight nervously forced her hooves in between the two sisters.

“...And take a deep breath...” Starlight added only for Luna teleport her aside while Celestia pulls aside Twilight with her magic.

“Don't presume to know what it is like to govern the dream realm!” Luna angrily shouted in her sister’s face.

“And yet you know exactly what it's like to be me?! Oh, please!” Celestia retorted just as angrily as both Twilight and Starlight watch on looking very worried that this is going to end badly as Spike continued eating pancakes while watching the scene as he nervously gulps down his last bite.

“That’s it!” Luna replied with raised hooves. “I’m out of here!” She then angrily walked out of the room and slammed the doors behind her while Celestia tosses the pancakes she made for Luna into the trash can before angrily storming off as well.

“Well that didn’t work.” Starlight said after recovering from her shock. “So now what?”

“For now we just give them time to cool down and hopefully try this again in the morning.” Twilight responded after getting over her shock as they both made their way back to the chairs as they continue having breakfast. “Otherwise we’ll just have them come over to Ponyville for a little friendship retreat for the day.”

“Sounds good to me even if that isn’t the best option.” Starlight accepted as the two ponies enjoy their pancakes they see Spike run over to the trash can where he picks up the trashed pancakes and ate them much to their confusion and disgust.

“What?” Spike asked with his mouth full. “Better than letting them go to waste. I mean Princess Luna has no idea what she is missing out on.” He added as both ponies scowl at him not finding this helpful at all as they continue chewing their breakfast.

So the three then made their way through the castle as they watch as both princesses carry out their duties from afar and watch as they both ignore each other without saying a word to each other while Twilight takes notes throughout the day until it was nighttime where they all slept together in Twilight’s room.

The next morning wasn’t much better as even though Celestia made pancakes again both alicorn sisters didn’t look at nor speak to each other as Luna just grabs a pineapple from the fruit basket and just walks off.

There they knew they had to do something about regardless whether it leads to another shouting match.

“Hold it!” Twilight spoke up stopping Luna before she could leave.

“Twilight, we’ve been over this the matter’s closed.” Luna coldly responded as she tried to use her magic to force Twilight out of her way.

“No, we’re opening it again and we are going to resolve this before history repeats again.” Twilight firmly stood her ground refusing to move as Starlight blocks the other door to prevent Celestia from leaving too.

“We know you both don’t agree with each other but this has to stop before you do something you’ll regret.” Starlight told Celestia in the same tone.

“Which is why we are going to Ponyville where you two will work out your differences for the whole day.” Twilight told the two princesses in an assertive tone. “I have already made arrangements for both of your schedules to be cleared out for the weekend.”

“But Twilight…” Celestia tried to protest.

“Ah!” Twilight interrupted evidently having none of that. “My decision is final! We’re going!” She ordered them to follow her outside and towards Ponyville’s direction as the sisters both complied seeing that Twilight means what she said and wants them to reconcile before it gets worse as both alicorns head forward to Ponyville as they walk towards the door while still refusing to see or speak to each other. “Starlight you and the princesses go on ahead, I need to inform the royal staff that both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will be unavailable for the rest of the day.”

“You got it.” Starlight replied as she went off ahead to get everything all set up for the Princess’s stay in Twilight’s castle.

When Starlight arrived as she immediately makes her way to two separate bedrooms where she used her magic to tidy them up. Once she was done she made her way out back to the hallways where she is greeted by Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie with all three ponies looking very angry.

“Hey Starlight.” Rarity spoke up. “Where’s Twilight, we need her!”

“Is this because of whatever pranking Rainbow Dash has been doing? Because if so what did she do you all of you?” Starlight asked the trio.

“Yes!” Rarity confirmed. “She placed my little sister’s uniform for the Cookie Drive onto the cake then made a sewing machine made out of cake where she tricked me into sewing using the cake machine.” She complained.

“She pulled by bed out into the mud pen even after I went through all of that trouble to ensure she couldn’t prank me even after my increased security.” Applejack complained as she sniffed her fur and mane. “And my fur and mane still stinks of mud and pig logs.”

“She tricked me into accidentally burning perfectly good cake! I never burnt cake!” Pinkie screamed as she planted her face to the ground.

“Wow!” Starlight expressed in stunned amazement. “How did she even pull all of that even when you all kept your guard up?”

“I don’t know!” Applejack answered. “But now it’s time we taught Rainbow Dash a lesson because now she is taking this here pranking business too far!”

“So what are you are thinking?” Starlight wondered what revenge they had in mind.

“I was thinking we’d invite Rainbow Dash over to apologize to her but as she comes into the castle we dump a bucket of rainbow paint all over her!” Rarity proposed.

“Along with creamed pie filling for all of those cakes burnt from the tragedy!” Pinkie furiously added.

“Don’t you think your exaggerating, Pinkie?” Applejack questioned.

“No, I don’t!” Pinkie yelled in Applejack’s face. “I never have burnt cake until she played that prank on me compared to painting your apples rainbow this means business!” She seriously added as Applejack backed away from Pinkie.

“Never mind.” Applejack replied deciding it was best to drop it for now as Starlight thinks of an idea.

“Actually I’ve got an idea!” Starlight proposed. “How about we add me stripping her cutie mark for a little while until she learns her lesson about pranking?”

“Well normally, I would find that there extreme but if it means getting Rainbow Dash to stop I’m in!” Applejack said immediately approving of the idea as she raised her hoof out for a hoofshake.

“Me too!” Rarity added as she brought in her hoof.

“Me three!” Pinkie added.

“Let’s do this!” Starlight said with a devious smile as she used her magic to fetch a half dozen buckets of rainbow colored paint to where she would use her magic to place them on top of the doorway as Applejack makes sure the paint is steadily standing on top of the door and balanced while Rarity keeps an eye out for Rainbow Dash while Pinkie heads ahead to invite Rainbow over to the castle.

After making sure everything is set, Starlight, Applejack, and Rarity all look on in amazement at the trap they have set for Rainbow Dash.

“We are so going to nail Rainbow Dash!” Rarity expressed her excitement as Pinkie came in through the window.

“Rainbow’s on her way!” Pinkie alerted them.

“All right girls, take your positions!” Starlight instructed them as she hid from the nearby hallway corner while the other three ponies stood in front of the doorway ready to watch as Rainbow comes in. But to their surprise Rainbow comes inside from the back instead.

“Okay! I’m here! So you ready to apologize?” Rainbow told the three girls eager for the words she has been waiting to hear since their meeting.

“What the…? Rarity exclaimed as she turned around in surprise.

“Rainbow Dash, You were supposed to come in through the front door.” Applejack told her just as surprised as everyone else.

“What?” Rainbow asked in confusion but before anypony could say anything a couple of ponies came walking inside.

“Starlight, I need you to…” Princess Celestia called out to her with Princess Luna by her side as said mare blasted her magic at the two sisters creating a blinding flash of light which lead to their cutie marks disappearing than reappearing on each other’s flank’s. Princess Celestia had Luna’s cutie mark, while Princess Luna had Celestia’s cutie mark.

“Yes…” Starlight said as she smiled before gasping at what she had just did by accident as the buckets of paint poured paint all over the royal sisters who both look on shocked, confused, and enraged as all four ponies look on in horror and shock expect for Rainbow Dash who smiles.

“You girls are so dead!” Rainbow said in delight of seeing the prank as the royal sisters look towards Starlight’s direction with eyes filled with rage as she nervously gulps knowing that she and her friends are in huge trouble.

The royal sisters looked at the switched cutie marks with shock and anger having more concern with that than all of the paint covering them.

“What have you done?!” Princess Celestia exclaimed in Starlight’s direction as she summons towels for her and her sister to wipe their faces and flanks clean of paint.

“What the hay is this?!” Luna further demanded as she is the first pony of the two to direct her fury on the unicorn already quivering in fear.

“Starlight did it because she hates both of you!” Rarity immediately exclaimed in cowardly fear.

“Rarity!” Starlight exclaimed in shock that she is willing to throw her under the bus like that.

“Sorry Starlight, every pony for herself!” Rarity exclaimed as she ran out of the castle leaving Starlight facing the furious princesses still demanding that explanation as they continue to clean themselves up.

“No, my apologies, princesses, but this was really just a prank that’s gone wrong. Horribly, horribly wrong!” Starlight honestly confessed with an apologetic bow.

“Well I have a prank too. One where my hoof doesn’t plow through your flank!” Princess Luna said barely keeping her temper under control as she slams the towel onto the ground and then approaches Starlight who backs up a little in fear due to her menacing approach. “Let’s hope it doesn’t go horribly! HORRIBLY! WRONG! So switch our cutie marks back this instant!” She then furiously added as she got into Starlight’s face when Celestia joined her.

But before Starlight could defend herself, Twilight came inside through the front doors.

“Okay, now that we’re all here we can finally sort this all out and…” Twilight said before gasping in shock at the spilled paint on the royal sisters and their switched cutie marks. “What in the name of Equestria happened to you too?” Twilight asked in shock. “That paint was for the painting in the upstairs mural, and why do you two have each other’s cutie marks?” She asked as Pinkie and Applejack look on nervously while Starlight gulps as Twilight looks at her figuring she was behind this.

“I'm afraid your friends used it for a prank, Twilight.” Princess Celestia truthfully said very annoyed and irritated.

“And your student even switched our cutie marks as part of the prank too.” Princess Luna added in the same tone as her sister.

“Starlight, how many times have I told you don’t poke the bear? Don’t poke the bear!” Twilight scolded Starlight as she looks down in shame.

“Well technically we didn’t poke the bear we poured paint on the bear.” Pinkie tried to lighten the mood a little with a grin. “And only Starlight switched the bear’s cutie marks.”

“Are you correcting my student?!” Celestia crossly asked Pinkie who immediately stops smiling seeing it did little wonders to brighten her usual smile.

“Rainbow’s laughing at you.” Pinkie immediately said pointing in Rainbow’s direction as everypony all turn towards Rainbow Dash who is snickering behind the two sister’s backs.

“Are you laughing?!” Luna furiously asked.

“Oh, come on you’re both covered in rainbow paint and Sunbutt is now Moonbutt while Moonbutt is now Sunbutt!” Rainbow admitted with a laugh. “It’s funny!”

Twilight was completely disgusted at Rainbow Dash’s sense of humor while Starlight could only look at Rainbow with contempt with a glare at her direction.

“That it!” Princess Celestia said reaching the end of her patience as she flew up and towards Rainbow Dash to actually kick her flank to which Rainbow quickly backed up against the wall in fear to which Twilight quickly teleported in between the two ponies to stop it before it could get ugly.

“Okay, Okay, Princess Celestia. I know you and Luna are both upset with each other and at my friends, but violence isn’t the answer.” Twilight pleaded with Celestia to remember what she taught her. “Don’t let anger cloud your judgement. Especially before you do something you might regret, Celestia.” Thankfully, Celestia backed off as she flew back over to her sister while Twilight turns to her friends. “Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, I want all of this paint cleaned up.” She sternly ordered them before turning to Rainbow with a very serious glare that frightened her to the bone. “Rainbow, get out and don’t come back until I even invite over because if I catch you here without my permission I will have you arrested and imprisoned for trespassing and for whatever trouble you caused while I was gone!” She told Rainbow who immediately flies out of the room in fear of all three alicorn princesses as she turns to Starlight. “And as for you…” Twilight said to her student with the same glare. “You are going to help me wash the paint off of the princesses. And I mean every drop you and your friends splattered on them. Is that understood?!” Twilight seriously asked Starlight as he gulps again.

“Yes, Twilight.” Starlight conceded with a sigh.

“Then let’s go!” Twilight ordered Starlight with a sharp tone as they and the royal sisters go up the stairs to two separate bathrooms so they can both get cleaned up before continuing trying to soothe the sibling tension while the three other ponies stick around as Applejack and Pinkie fetch the cleaning equipment from the nearby closet so they can clean their mess.

“Pinkie can you go get fetch Rarity so she can help us clean up this mess?” Applejack asked.

“Can do.” Pinkie quietly replied without question as she sets off to do so.

“Oh, mother of Celestia, the princesses are all going to kill us for this.” Applejack said to herself as she briefly stopped to bury her hooves into her face that their revenge prank horribly backfired.

Upstairs, Twilight is one bathroom cleaning up Celestia’s fur who is now much more relaxed as the paint comes off while Starlight cleans up Luna’s fur.

Spike is currently outside proving towels and cleaning products for both ponies to obtain to clean the two sisters while everyone remains silent about while saving it for when they regroup in the library.

Fortunately, Twilight was able to undo the spell Starlight had cast allowing both sister’s to have their cutie marks return to normal since the spell was just the old switcheroo.

After they both get cleaned up all four ponies walked to the library so they could discuss some more about dealing with Starlight and their own sibling tensions.

“Okay, Starlight.” Twilight calmly spoke up as they all walked up to Starlight who was sitting on the couch. “Now that everything is all cleaned up, could you please tell us what were you thinking that lead up to this?”

“Well, before you all got here, Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack came to me after being pranked by Rainbow Dash who beforehoof scared the daylights out of me and Twilight the other night so they were planning on getting back at him with the rainbow paint prank that was meant so me wanting to get back at Rainbow too decided to add in taking away Rainbow’s cutie mark all to get back at her. But instead it lead what really happened.” Starlight calmly yet somewhat nervously explained as she hung her head. “So for that accident you both experienced, again I’m sorry and I’ll accept what punishment you see fit for me.”

“Are you telling me that we got covered in paint and had our cutie mark’s switched because you were trying to get back at Rainbow Dash and you didn’t do it?” Celestia asked sounding dumbfounded at what she was hearing.

“Yes, and what else is the problem with that?” Starlight asked while she and Twilight both give each other confused looks as the latter is starting to feel really dumbfounded herself.

“The problem is that you are letting Rainbow constantly best you and that’s like letting your opponent constantly beat you over and over again.” Celestia explained of why it is a big deal.

“I’m sorry I didn’t realize that pranking is a big deal?” Starlight replied still very confused at what she is hearing.

“Of course it is.” Luna spoke up in agreement with her sister. “Pranking is like a declaration of war on somepony and you do not rest until your enemy is defeated for good.”

“That having said we will let this cutie mark incident slide in exchange for showing you how to do this pranking business right.” Celestia said to Starlight. “Which means we need to go after Rainbow Dash the head prankster.”

“What?” Twilight exclaimed in shock at what she is hearing.

“Count me in sister!” Luna voiced her approval of this. “Question is how do we do it!”

Before Twilight could voice her objections to this a knock is heard on the door to which she answered.

It was the Cutie Mark Crusaders in uniforms with boxes of cookies in tow with Rainbow Dash accompanying them.

“Good afternoon, Princess Twilight!” Sweetie Belle greeted.

“We’re here selling cookies for the annual filly guide cookie drive.” Apple Bloom said.

“And we were wondering if you would like to buy some?” Scootaloo asked.

“Why of course!” Twilight happily replied as she got every little bag of bits while glaring at Rainbow Dash that she is not fooling her as she gets out a single bit to which Spike nudged at Twilight wanting more than just one box much to Twilight’s annoyance as she pulls out five more bits as she gets six boxes of cookies.

“Good luck!” Twilight called out to the three fillies as they walked off before closing the castle door with her smile turning into a frown as she inspects one of the cookies to see what Rainbow Dash has done this to which Spike quickly eats one and finds his mouth covered with rainbow colored icing inside while Twilight at the same time breaks a cookie apart to see the rainbow filling inside. “So predictable.” She said to herself.

“Taste great regardless!” Spike said as he chowed down the box of cookies as Celestia and Luna approach them.

“Who was that?” Celestia asked.

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders selling us cookies for the Filly Guide Cookie Drive to where Rainbow placed rainbow icing in these cookies.” She answered as she presented the royal sisters and Starlight the cookie on hoof.

“Interesting…” Celestia said as she got an idea on hoof. “And I think I know how we’re going to do it!” She added with a devious smile to which Twilight is thinking she wants no part of this but then thought of something else in mind as she pulls Starlight for a quick word is she whispers to her plan to which Starlight intently listens on as Celestia tells Luna of their plan.

Later that night, Rainbow Dash is flying around Ponyville to see everypony’s reaction when they ate the joke cookies but so far to her surprise finds no pony around until she comes across Starlight.

“Starlight, there you are!” Rainbow called out to her. “Something strange has happened. The whole town got the cookies, and now everypony is shut up in their houses! You don't think there's something wrong with the joke cookies, do you?”

“I don’t know I mean depends if you put something really bad in those cookies, did you?” Starlight replied as they heard clattering from outside of Subarcube Corner as Rainbow flew inside to see what the commotion is.

“Mrs. Cake! Phew! Have you seen Pinkie? I was thinking I might have something to do with her not feeling great.” Rainbow addressed one of the ponies inside. “Uh... Mrs... Cake...?”

“Cookies...! Cookies!” Mrs. Cake moaned from inside

“Uh, I can see you're busy! I'll come back!” Rainbow Dash nervously said as she accidentally tripped.

“Cookies...!” Pinkie moaned as Rainbow screamed in fright while Starlight smirks seeing that the prank is working.

“More... cookies...!” Mrs. Cake moaned as the Cake twins are heard moaning too.

“Cookies... cooooooooooooookiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeees...” Mrs. Cake and Pinkie repeated.

“Moooooore cooooookies... “

Rainbow Dash then flew out of the house and away as Starlight watches on as she meets up with Twilight and Spike.

“Everything’s going according to plan.” Starlight told Twilight.

“Good.” Twilight replied. “You know what do when I give the signal?” She asked.

“Yep.” Starlight nodded as she saw Rainbow Dash flying towards them.

“Here she comes.” Twilight said as she and Spike started munching on the cookies while Starlight pretends to wonder what they are doing as Rainbow Dash flies in.

“Twilight! You gotta come with me to Sugarcube Corner!” She pleaded. “Something's going on with the Cakes! Well, not something exactly. I mean, it may have something to do with these joke cookies...”

“Cooooooookies...” Twilight moaned as she turned around with rainbow food coloring on her face as Spike groaned as he did the same

“Oh, no!” Rainbow exclaimed in horror.

“Coooooookies...” Twilight moaned again as Spike groaned again.

“Run!” Starlight exclaimed in horror as she ran away from both Twilight and Spike as Rainbow flies off.

Starlight then makes her way to Sweet Apple Acres where the other princesses are waiting for her.

“Is every pony moaning like zombies?” Celestia asked.

“Yep.” Starlight answered. “And they are all heading this way.”

“Good.” Luna responded as they walked off to go change. “Now Starlight, get in position. You know what to do when they arrive.”

“I do.” Starlight replied with a nod as she set off to do so as the moaning ponies approach Rainbow Dash who is with Applejack, Rarity, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders as she teleports inside to join them before hiding in the shadows.

“Did we lose them?” Rainbow asked the others unaffected by the joke cookies.

“Why are we running from the ponies of Ponyville?” Scootaloo asked as she looked out the window.

“What happened to all of our friends?” Sweetie Belle wondered.

“I think it's something in the cookies.” Rainbow Dash somewhat confessed.

“Ugh! That's ridiculous!” Applejack dismissed. “Filly Guide cookies haven't changed for years! It's not like there's a new ingredient that's turnin' the whole town into cookie-cravin' zombies.” He jokingly added.

“Uh, unless there... is...” Rainbow struggled to confess.

“What are you saying?” Rarity asked wondering where there is leading.

“What did you do?” Applejack suspiciously asked as many ponies started busted holes in the windows.

“Coooooookiiiiiiiieeeee... coooooookiiiiiiieeee....” The ponies all moaned.

“Cover the windows!” Rainbow panicked.

“Cooooooookieeeee..... cooookiiiiieeeeeeee...” The ponies all moaned.

“Okay! So I may have switched all the Filly Guide cookies for joke cookies that were supposed to make ponies' mouths rainbow but somehow turned everypony into mindless cookie-eating zombies instead! I figure we just hide out here until the effects wear off, and as long as nopony else eats the cookies, we'll be fine.” Rainbow came forward in complete panic.

“That's lovely, darling, except for one thing...” Rarity calmly replied as she emerged from the shadows. “We've already eaten theeeeeeeeeemmmmm...” She moaned revealing she has a rainbow colored mouth too.

“Looks like your prank up and backfiiiirrrrreeeeed...” Applejack added also having the same rainbow colored mouth leading to Rainbow Dash to scream as the Cutie Mark Crusaders have also eaten the cookies too.

“Cooooooookiiiieeeees...” The Cutie Mark Crusaders moaned as they approach Rainbow as Applejack kicks open the door to let every pony march as they all corner Rainbow Dash.

“No, no! Stay away! They're making you sick! You don't want these!“ Rainbow Dash frighteningly exclaimed.

“But we dooooooo... We want cookiiiiiiiieeeeeeees...!” Pinkie moaned as Rainbow bumped into another pony behind her who emerge from the shadows.

“If looks could kill I’d been dead.” Starlight moaned as she appeared with her eyes rolled back with a rainbow-food colored mouth leaving Rainbow Dash to scream very terrified as they hear evil laughter from outside as Nightmare Moon emerges from the doorway.

“Now foolish pony you will pay for causing the rise of the dead.” She bellowed.

“No! NO! NOO!” Rainbow Dash screamed as she burst through the window to escape only to bump into Princess Celestia looking angrily down on her.

“Rainbow Dash!” Princess Celestia bellowed leaving the blue peagsus stunned in fear.

“Oh, boy.” Rainbow slinked her head down knowing how much trouble she is in now.

“Do you have any idea what you have done?!” Celestia sternly asked Rainbow Dash.

“Nngh! Please! Stop! I’m sorry! I never meant for this to happen! It was just a harmless prank! It was supposed to be funny! But this isn't funny at all!” Rainbow begged for mercy as she floated back down to the ground groveling before the sun monarch.

“Well do you promise not pull pranks like this again!” Princess Celestia asked still furious at her.

“Yes! Please don’t kill me!” Rainbow Dash cowered as she shielded her eyes as she finds herself levitated and then is greeted...to a pie in the face with a can of rainbow paint dumped all over her.

“Okay.” Princess Celestia replied with a smile. “Everypony, Rainbow Dash has finally learned her lesson.”

“Wait what?!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed in shock. “Did you all just seriously turn the tables on me?!”

“Exactly!” Pinkie answered as every pony smiled as they all wiped the food oloring off of their mouths as Nightmare Moon changes back into her normal Luna form.

“What? Wait... What's happening?” Rainbow asked completely dumbfounded.

“Just delighting in pranking the prankster.” Rarity replied as she combed her mane.

“Yeah.” Applejack chuckled in agreement. “How does it feel to get some of your own medicine?”

“So... you're... not sick? None of you are?” Rainbow asked still in shock.

“Of course not, silly!” Pinkie replied.

“Gotcha!” Everypony exclaimed.

“This... was all... a prank?!” Rainbow asked in realization.

“Yep! And you can thank Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.” Applejack confirmed as she pointed to said mare. “After you told Twilight about your plan to prank the whole town, they got everypony together and came up with a way to turn the tables on you.”

“It was nothing! Just a little something I threw together. Along with the Nightmare Moon appearance to come in to really get you scared!” Princess Celestia thought nothing of it.

“Uh...” Rainbow Dash said as Luna and Celestia both smirk at her.

“Wow! You should see your face!” Scootaloo laughed.

“Talk about funny!” Apple Bloom also laughed leading to Rainbow Dash scoffing in response.

“Well, I don't think it's very funny! And I'm the one that got pranked! I was really scared! I thought I made everypony sick! You can't just go around…”

“…pranking whoever you feel like?” Twilight finished.

“Without thinking about how it might make them feel?” Fluttershy added.

“Or if they'd even enjoy it?” Rarity added.

“Or think it's funny?” Applejack added.

“Yeah!” Rainbow agreed before realizing what they are trying to tell him. “Ohhh. I see what you did there.

“Pranks can be a lot of fun when everypony has a good time. I thought you just needed to see what it's like when they don't.” Pinkie explained Rainbow the fine line between what is funny and what’s not.

“I guess I did.” Rainbow humbly accepted. “I'm sorry, everypony. I haven't really been thinking about how other ponies feel.”

“Well, I hope you learned your lesson.” Princess Celestia added somewhat sternly. “Because you still owe me and my sister a few bath’s as punishment for all of that paint you got your friends to accidentally spill on us. Understood?”

“Totally!” Rainbow accepted the punishment without question. “You ponies pulled off an amazing prank! I'll have to work extra hard to top it!” She added as awkward silence erupted throughout the farm.

“Gotcha.” Rainbow quickly told every pony she was just joking to which everypony laughed once they got the joke.

“Well now that everything is all good I think it’s time for me to hit the hay.” Starlight said with a yawn as she walked off in the castle’s direction only to be stopped by Twilight who teleported right in front of her.

“Not so fast, Starlight!” Twilight crossly told the unicorn who froze in her tracks. “There’s still the matter of your punishment for creating this mess in the first place!”

“What?” Starlight asked in shock. “But how was this my mess? You helped partake in this prank too!”

“Only because the princesses forced me in partaking this…” Twilight retorted as said princesses register confused looks. ”I’m not the only who goes and messes with other’s cutie marks!” She added to which Starlight twitched her eyes hearing that.

“Says the pony who tricked every pony into thinking she was dead.” Starlight angrily retorted.

“That tears it!” Twilight furiously responded as she tackled Starlight and teleported them to inside of the barn surprising every pony seeing their instant fight as they peer from the doorway to see a cloud of dust forming as the two punch and kick at each other as they duck into the shadows while screaming at each other.

“Get off of me!” Starlight yelled at Twilight as scream at each other. “Wait what are you doing, Twilight, no, Don’t!”

“You deserve this!” Twilight yelled as a loud thud is heard with liquid spilling.

“What happened in there!” Applejack asked wondering in worry.

“I don’t know!” Rainbow Dash responded in the same tone.

Applejack quickly turns on the lights in the shed to see Twilight taking breaths in front of a seemingly dead Starlight bleeding out onto the ground.

“Holy Apple Cider!” Applejack exclaimed.

“What did you do!” Rainbow Dash also exclaimed as everypony looked on in horror as Rarity covers the Cutie Mark Crusaders eye's to keep them from seeing a potentially traumatizing sight for ponies their age.

“Teaching her a lesson! That’s what I’m doing!” Twilight furiously exclaimed.

“By killing your own student!” Celestia exclaimed in shock.

“I didn’t want it to come down to this but she left me no choice!” Twilight retorted seeing she did nothing wrong. “She pushed me to my limits and had it coming! What’s wrong with that?”

“What’s wrong is that you killed your own student!” Celestia further pressed with the issue at hoof.

“A pony you also see as a sister to you and…” Luna added as she and Celestia have looks of realization on their faces. “Ooooh. Oh my.”

“Mmm-hmph. Doesn’t feel so good does it?” Twilight calmly responded.

“No it doesn’t.” Celestia honestly replied as she turned to Luna. “Sister, I am so sorry!”

“I’m sorry too!” Luna also replied as they hugged. “Let us never fight again!”

“Agreed!” Celestia said as they hugged.

“Great! That’s all we wanted to hear! Come on Starlight!” Twilight positively said as Starlight got up as the two ponies trotted forward to the barn exit much to everypony’s shock.

“Wait a minute!” Celestia quickly called out. “You were faking it!”

“Oh, don’t act surprised I’ve faked my own death before and Starlight has also faked some things in her past so that should have rang some bells.” Twilight simply brushed off everypony’s shock.

“Yeah, I mean we’re not that smart and devious.” Starlight also added just as unfazed as Twilight as they both trot outside and towards home by walking as they hoof-bump in celebration that they managed to get the royal sisters to quit their disputes.

“Well now that everything is all settled, me and my sister should be getting to Twilight’s castle for some rest.” Celestia told everypony as they set off to leave after recovering from her shock at being tricked by Twilight and Starlight. “And that sure was fun, sister.” She said to Luna with nodded in agreement as they flew off ahead back to Twilight’s place.

“Agreed, sister. Makes me forgot all about what we were arguing about in the first place.” Luna said as she had so much fun with the pranking they forgot all about their feud. “What were we fighting about anyway?”

“Probably something not important.” Celestia replied that she doesn’t know either as they headed towards the castle where Twilight had prepared their beds for them.

While the alicorn sisters were flying, the current scene was being watched by Midnight Sparkle from her crystal orb who watches on as she evilly smiles when she gets an idea in her head after watched the two sister’s quarrel from before as she pulls up the previous scenes of the alicorn princess’s fraying relationship with both Twilight and Starlight trying their best resolve it to no avail.

“Didn't sound like that wasn’t important. Nor did it look like it either.” Midnight commented with an unconvinced look as she arches an eyebrow. “You’re both lucky something unfortunate hasn’t happened to the two of you yet. Because it would be if something very unfortunate from your quarrels to the point you both nearly did something you both might regret.” She said as she pulled up images of both Princess Luna and Princess Celestia with their dark and evil forms. “And I will personally make sure that you’ll both never forget it.” She then added as she chuckled evilly as her heart glowed neon purple as she thinks of something to turn this to her advantage in the future.

Author's Note:

For this version of this prank episode I decided to try to do some things differently here.

For starters, I changed the opening prank to Twilight and Starlight since the prank on Fluttershy in cannon was deemed too mean for Rainbow to pull on her. So for the meeting I changed it up a little so Fluttershy is instead pranked with a whoopee cushion along with Twilight.

Next up I have decided to add in the royal sisters for this episode adding in their argument from "The Royal Problem." into the mix along with Starlight's accidental swapping of their cutie marks. After being accidentally pranked they decided to be the one's to come up with the plan to turn the cookie prank back around Rainbow Dash. In addition, to Twilight and Starlight teaming up again to pull a prank on both of the princesses and everypony immediately afterwards so they could get back at Rainbow and get the royal sisters to bury the hatchet.

For now... since Midnight having watched the scene from her orb in the shadows outside of Equestria isn't planning on letting them forget this dispute anytime soon since she sees a potential opportunity to captialize on Celestia and Luna's fraying relationship. Something that wouldn't be explored until "The Royal Problem."

Next up is "The Times They Are Changeling." which also will have some rewrites now that one of the changelings who is not like Queen Chrysalis will be coming into the redemption arc story which provides some more opportunities for past redeemed characters.

UPDATE 9/14/2022:

For this episode I just rewritten the Prank Gone Wrong aftermath with Luna saying most of Celestia's original angry words after deciding it was a little too out of character for her to be saying something along the lines of the original version.

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