• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,519 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 37: The Aftermath Part One

Chapter 37:

The Aftermath Part One

Twilight and Princess Luna both look around to their surroundings as they see the burning flames on the rubble and around parts of the destroyed kingdom in the aftermath Queen Chrysalis’s defeat and Midnight’s attack just minutes ago. Both see that the changelings are all scared for their lives from seeing the dark alicorn’s powers and capabilities and the others groaning in pain from Midnight’s attacks as some are barely able to get up while Shining Armor and Princess Cadance tear up when holding their unconscious little foal who took a hit from Midnight’s attack with a burnt mark on her chest along with the knocked out Sunset who is also being held up by Princess Celestia who is also tearing up clearly distraught at what happened.

Sure, they left on bad terms, but she still missed her and was completely devastated when she came all the way out here and got hurt as she took a hit from Midnight all to save her.

"What in the world was that?!" Discord asked in complete shock. "How is that even possible?!"

"You're telling me!" Trixie exclaimed equally shocked. "Either that's Midnight Sparkle in her own form or I am still hallucinating from being in Chrysalis's cocoon for an hour." She then shuddered at thought of what the former queen put her through and more-so just seeing the dark alicorn in action. "So scary even for the humble and frightened Trixie!"

“Who was that?” Thorax spoke up as she approached Twilight and Luna while still shaken up by what had just happened. “Was that Midnight Sparkle herself?”

“Yes, the villain from the past.” Twilight solemnly answered as she turned to face him. “Except that she is now in her own form now declaring war on all of Equestria in the present.”

“But how is that even possible?” Thorax further asked. “I mean you reformed when you had a change of heart.”

“It was because of a past mistake I made in trying to move on from my past which now grew into a huge problem.” Twilight could only answer as she looked away in regret. “Magic I used in the past that paved her for her return.”

“Don’t worry, Twilight.” Luna assured her with a comforting hoof on her shoulder. “We will get her, we just need to be more prepared for when she attacks again.”

“Right.” Twilight nodded as she faced Luna. “But for now we need to get everypony here medical attention so they can recover because they need it now.” She said as she turned to Thorax. “Thorax, can you and your changelings help those injured get together.”

“On it!” Thorax replied to her request as he turned to the other changelings. “Everyone, round them up!” He told them as they all helped pick up the injured and got together with the others.

“Discord, could you please do the honors now that we can use magic again?” Twilight asked him.

“One trip to the hospital coming right up!” Discord immediately obeyed with a snap of his fingers and immediately everyone was right outside of the hospital where with the changelings help they were all able to get checked in and have their wounds treated.

The Mane Five minus Fluttershy suffered heavy bruises that required them to stay in bed, while Spike managed to get out with a minor concussion with Twilight giving him a bag of ice to help bring down the swelling with before checking up on her niece Flurry Heart and friends Sunset and Starlight while Fluttershy stays behind with Discord to oversee their friends recovery. Starlight who had Trixie for company adjusted her bed to her liking as she too suffered a few bruises that required bed rest, while Sunset and Flurry Heart suffered really bad burns to the chest still unconscious from the attacks with Celestia, Shining Armor, and Princess Cadance watching over them praying that the attacks weren’t fatal with pools of cold water for the two to rest in every hour to sooth the swelling of the burns.

Twilight approached her niece with relief cream to sooth her burns before kissing her on the cheek.

“I’m so sorry.” Twilight sadly told the little foal as she leaned down to her eye level. “I never meant for any of this to happen.” She tearfully told her niece as she turned to her parents. “I really didn’t mean for her to get hurt like this.”

“It’s not your fault, Twilight.” Cadance assured her sister-in-law despite being in distress of her daughter’s well-being refused to let her feel at fault for this. “No one could have known what Midnight was planning.”

“And we don’t hold any of this against you.” Shining Armor added as he brought his little sister in for a hug. “This is all Midnight’s doing, she is the one who did this to her.” He said as he gestured to foal resting in her bed. “And when we do meet again we will make her pay for that.” He then vowed with fierce determination to get back at her for hurting their little girl.

“Agreed.” Celestia firmly agreed as she turned to their attention. “Especially for what she did to Sunset.” She gestured the unicorn just as burnt on the chest as Flurry Heart.

“Midnight attempted to kill you and Sunset ended up saving your life by taking the hit.” Twilight told her as she looks over her new friend. “Even when she didn’t have to do that.”

“I know.” Princess Celestia acknowledged while looking very devastated that their reunion came down to this. “I’ve missed her even since the day we ended our student-teacher bond. For I had hoped that one day she come back and see the errors of her ways. I never imagined that when that day happened was when I get captured by Chrysalis and we both nearly get killed by Midnight.”

“Can I ask what exactly happened back then?” Twilight couldn’t help but wonder how the argument went down between them and how their relationship when south into the direction of their separation that lasted for many years. “If that’s okay with you?” She added to say to tell her she’s not pressuring her into telling her right away.

“Well as I said before not long before meeting you, Sunset herself was ambitious with the motivation to achieve whatever she wanted and whenever she wanted.” Princess Celestia began her story as she activates her horn to show her the flashback as she reflects back to the day when she was her student was in the room where Twilight had to take her entrance exam. Here Sunset was standing before three ponies with clipboards and quill pens ready to take her mid-term exam.

“Now Sunset Shimmer… for your final test, you shall need to wow us. Give us the best you got.” The male unicorn with gray fur instructed.

“We’re looking forward to seeing if you can top your “Synchronized Dancing Cats” piece from last semester. That was a dazzler!” The mare with glasses said.

“As Princess Celestia’s own pupil, we expect big, big things today!” The mare with yellow fur added that the expectations for her are high.

“Well, you’ll certainly see that.” Sunset assured them she won’t disappoint as she uses her magic to place seeds in a pot while whistling as she is complete control of what she is doing.

“Oh! Looks like she’s going to do a growth spell. Classic!” The male pony spoke impressed. “But is it enough?”

“Let’s hope it turns out better than Juniper Berry’s attempt.” The mare with glasses added while looking just as impressed as she watches what Sunset is going to do next as said pony’s experiment literally blew up in her face.

Sunset would then turn around and used her magic to blast at the plant which grew into an enormous beanstalk with its vines growing all over the castle as Princess Celestia watches as seeing it grow as she walks by.

“I see somepony just passed their mid-term.” Celestia in the flashback commented with a smile.

“Bravo! Wonderful!” A nearby pony who had the live plant that can bite others as it pleases praised Sunset.

“Thank you! Thank you! It was nothing!” Sunset thought nothing of it as her teachers applauded her for her wonderful display of magic.

“Wow!” Twilight commented in amazement as she watches the scene. “Reminds me of a filly who was able to achieve that feat during her entrance exam.” She brought up.

“And we all know who that little filly was.” Cadance brought up with a knowing smile to which Twilight slyly smiled in resturn before getting back on track with the story.

“So anyways, what happened that led to things going south from there since she was so talented back then?”

“Well, like you at least before allowing friendship into your heart, Sunset wasn’t very interested in friendship and focused more on furthering her studies to the point she blew off other ponies attempts to socialize with her.” Celestia told her as she showed her the flashback of her reading her books outside of the park where Moondancer, Lemon Hearts, Minuette, Twinkleshine, and Lyra Heartstrings approach her where Twilight when she was young is seen playing with her brother and future sister-in-law.

“Sunset Shimmer! That vine you made was amazing!” Minuette complimented.

“Really exquisite!” Twinkleshine added much to the unicorn’s irritation.

“Would you like to come and have lunch with us?” Lyra Heartstrings offered

“Hmpf. I have better things to do than socialize.” Sunset rudely rejected their offer. “I'm going to re-read 'Advanced Elemental Magical Practices' and then practice for my advanced summoning spells exam. What are you studying for? Nothing, that's what.” She then smugly told them off as she walked off.

“Well, she wasn't very nice.” Moon Dancer said very saddened by her refusal.

“She's right full of herself, that's what!” Lemon Hearts said very irritated by her hostility.

“Her loss. I'm awesome.” Minuette scoffed off Sunset’s words at her not letting it get to her.

“That certainly put’s my blowing them off to shame.” Twilight commented in surprise seeing the scene. “And I ended doing things worse than her when I became Midnight.”

“And that was only the beginning as after having heard of her recent attitude I tried to encourage her and remind her of humility to no avail.” Celestia explained as she showed her the talk she had with her in her castle later than night.

“Sunset Shimmer, I have heard that you’re not getting along well with the other students.” Celestia lectured her pupil as they walked down the hallway. “We’ve talked about the fact that personal relationships…”

“Personal relationships? Who needs anypony?” Sunset interrupted in an uninterested tone. “The most important thing in life is being the best.”

“We’ve talked about friendship and its importance before, and we’ve discussed that you need to start opening yourself up to new friends.” Celestia somewhat sternly told her while off-put by her condescending attitude. “And remember that talk we had about humility.”

“I remember how boring it was.” Sunset scoffed as the two make their way to the room with a mirror inside.

“Look into this mirror and tell me what you see.” Celestia instructed her with a warm smile and tone.

“A beautiful pony that has nothing but power and potential.” Sunset replied as she glanced at her appearance in the mirror.

“Care to try that again with our talk humility taken into account.” Celestia asked with an eye roll to which Sunset begrudgingly obliged to.

“I see a pony who isn’t powerful enough, somepony who could be great, powerful…” She said as she sees herself an alicorn yet with eyes of growing darkness inside her serious expression.

“Maybe we better move on…” Celestia suggested after seeing Sunset’s reflection.

“Wait, what was that?” Sunset asked as she saw something inside that caught her attention that looked like a human. “I thought I saw…”

“Oh, it was probably just a trick of the light.” Celestia quickly dismissed. “Our lesson is over for today. For tomorrow, I want you to reflect on the discussion we’ve just had.”

“Hmm.” Sunset replied not buying it as she is led away from the mirror.

“So for the following weeks since then Sunset would continuously bring up the subject of the mirror to which I refused to explain to her since she has proven she was ready to move on with her studies but her desire for ambition and power went to her head with darkness growing in her heart.” Celestia said as she showed Sunset doing just that constantly to which irritated her patience to the point it was starting to run thin. “Until one day, she decided to take matters into her own hoofs by sneaking into the restricted section of the library behind my back.”

“There’s a restricted section.” Twilight spoke in shock and amazement hearing that. “Please continue.” Twilight then said as she quickly recomposed herself before being shown the argument the two ponies had when Celestia confronted her with her wings spread out and two guards standing by her side for backup.

“That’s not really for you to know, now is it?” Celestia sternly told her pupil who was reading one of the books from the forbidden library.

“How dare you keep this kind of magic from me?” Sunset angrily told her off. “You know that I’m ready for this, that I can be great!”

“You could be great I thought I saw compassion and sincerity in you.” Celestia took a calm approach to their argument at first. “But it was nothing but ambition, you’re being selfish, you need to step back and reflect…”

“I’m selfish?” Sunset interrupted her as she took offense to that comment as she flung the book at her direction to which Celestia easily redirected with her magic while holding back one of the guards ready to restrain her for attempting to attack the princess. “That books right there says I could be become a powerful as an alicorn princess. I could rule here. It’s selfish of you to keep me from my rightful place.” She further roared back at her mentor. “I deserve to stand beside you and be your equal if not better. Make me a princess!” She demanded.

“No. Being a princess must be earned... “ Celestia firmly stood her ground. “I have been trying to teach you everything you need to know, but you've turned from it. Every time you say you "deserve" to get something without the effort just proves to me that you are not ready.” As Twilight watches this she could think back to when she did the same when she was Midnight yet was much more calm and patient about even if the last part didn’t take long at all as she managed to ascend to being an Alicorn Princess in no time at all. “Sunset Shimmer, I am removing you from the position my pupil. If we cannot get past this, your studies end here. You are welcome to stay in Canterlot, but you are no longer welcome in the castle.” She then motioned her guards to seize her and escort her out of the castle.

“We’ll never get past this because you aren’t seeing how great I deserve to be.” Sunset defiantly retorted as she is now restrained by the guards. “Is that really all you have to say to me?”

“No. The guards will escort you out.” Celestia still kept her composure as the guards does just as their princess asked of her.

“This is the biggest mistake you'll make in your entire life.” Sunset angrily swore as she is being led out of the room.

“One of many.” Celestia stoically said to herself as she looks at a tapestry of her sending her sister to the moon for one thousand years after she became Nightmare Moon.

“So that’s what led to Sunset living life in the other world.” Twilight asked as she tried to process of what she had just heard and saw.

“Yes. And it definitely proved to be my third biggest mistake along with banishing my sister to the moon and not being there for you when you needed.” Celestia somberly said as she reflects back to the moment she walked out on Twilight at the wedding rehearsal with her cold words that made her cry still ringing in her head and the memory of sending Luna to the point to where she also teared up knowing she’ll never see her again for a thousand years.

“I’m sorry.” Twilight apologized upon seeing of how deep the unicorn's backstory was, even for Celestia herself. “I wasn’t trying to bring up old wounds. I just couldn’t help but wonder how it all happened.”

“It’s all right, Twilight.” Celestia assured her it's nothing too personal. “It’s all in the past now, and it’s nice to see Sunset has changed her ways.” She then sadly looked at the unicorn in critical condition. “It’s just heartbreaking that the day our reunion came under dire circumstances.”

At that moment a male doctor came in with the report of both the baby alicorn and the unicorn’s injuries.

“How is she?” Shining Armor hopefully asked.

“Is she going to be okay?” Cadance asked in the same tone.

“The good news is the attacks weren’t fatal despite how powerful the magic from the attack was.” The doctor told which caused the parents along with Celestia to sigh in deep relief.

“Thank goodness!” Shining Armor expressed his relief.

“It’s a very good thing they were powerful and strong enough to take on the attacks at the time, otherwise they would have died.” The doctor further added. “But they will require some extra bed-rest and more burn relief cream to further sooth down the swelling from the attacks because they took on some pretty nasty burns.” He further advised. “So here’s some prescribed cream I strongly recommend every hour.” He handed the baby’s parents said cream. “Also I also advise that they continue rest in cold water every hour for the rest of the day.”

“Will do!” Shining Armor replied as he took his daughter to one of the small tubs of water and gently placed her in so she could recover from her burns.

“But not too long.” The doctor warned. “We don’t want them to be suffering from hypothermia.”

“Of course.” Shining Armor acknowledged as he magically conjured up a timer set for the next five minutes as Celestia does the same expect for ten minutes since the former is still just a baby even though she's an alicorn.

As Flurry Heart and Sunset were having their wounds treated, Spike came into the room.

“How are there?” Spike asked as he held his ice bag.

“Still in critical condition but they’ll live.” Twilight answered in relief as she watches both ponies being treated by resting in cold water. “But no thanks to me for bringing the pony responsible for all of this back, who has now just started a war.” She somberly said.

“But this is Midnight’s doing.” Spike pointed out. “You can’t blame yourself for what she did. No pony could have known what she was planning.”

“I know, but even still I feel like dealing with her is my responsibility.” Twilight acknowledged Spike’s point but still dwelling that they haven’t been able beat her in the two times they have met.

“Well knowing you I know you’ll be able to defeat her in the end, Twilight.” Cadance encouragingly told her. “In the end she will pay for everything she’s done and we’re going to help you so you don’t have to face her alone.” She then said with determination. “Especially after what she nearly did to my kingdom and my daughter."

“Well I’m just glad I was able to rescue you when I did.” Twilight said. “And my student Starlight really has come a long way since the day we met. From a unicorn controlling a village’s cutie marks to a pony who is capable of leadership when she needs to be and willing to offer redemption to said villian even after everything that had happened.”

“And the same can be said for you, Twilight.” Cadance returned. “And we are very glad you were able to save yourself when you did.”

“Well I wouldn’t be here if weren’t for.” Twilight kindly replied. “Otherwise things would have been a lot different in Equestria and you all would still be in cocoons by now.”

“True.” Shining Armor agreed with a nod as he watches over Flurry Heart. “Though I hoping you’ll stop saving my rump like this all the time. It’s getting kind of embarrassing.”

Twilight giggled at their friendly sibling exchange as they hear groans from both Flurry Heart and Sunset. Both ponies were starting to wake up and come to as they both open their eyes. Shining Armor, Cadance, and Twilight all relieved to see Flurry Heart is awake all embrace her for a family group hug with Twilight using her magic to bring Spike into the hug.

“Oh thank goodness you’re okay.” Cadance cried out happy tears along with her husband and sister-in-law.

At the same time Sunset groaned as she woke up and clutched her burnt chest in pain as Celestia placed a wing on her back to ease off from trying to get up.

“Hello.” Sunset then greeted downcast before turning to Twilight. “What happened? Where are we?”

“In the Canterlot Hospital.” Twilight answered as she turned to Sunset. “You and Flurry Heart were both unconscious. Midnight managed to get the drop on both you and you both suffered some nasty surprise attacks.”

“Somehow that’s not so surprising.” Sunset commented as she groaned before facing her former mentor after all of these years with a sigh. “Princess Celestia, I know that the last time we saw each other it ended on bad terms and I’ll understand if nothing can change that for what happened in the past.” She humbly spoke. “But when I heard that you were captured by the changelings I couldn’t stand by and do nothing so I joined in on Princess Twilight’s rescue mission to help save you. And before you speak your mind I’d just like to add that this is just my way of apologizing and show you that I am now a changed pony deep down only seeking forgiveness, guidance, and knowledge to what’s right.” She then concluded her apology as she looked away after she directly looked Celestia into the eye to tell her that.

While Sunset still doesn’t expect it, she finds herself brought in for an embrace by the princess herself who happily cries seeing that she is still alive.

“And you have earned it.” Celestia told her as Sunset looked up at her surprised by the gesture. “I’ve missed you, Sunset Shimmer.”

“Really?” Sunset asked still surprised.

“Of course!” Celestia confirmed. “You braved through the face of danger and came all the way out there to save me and you have proved you have redeemed yourself. Welcome back.”

“I’m sorry.” Sunset returned the hug as she tearfully spoke as Twilight watches the scene proudly at her for making amends with Celestia.

“So not trying to get back down to business so soon but was that pony really Midnight Sparkle herself?” Sunset spoke up as she questioned the foe who nearly killed her. “If so, how is that even possible? I thought you reformed.”

“It is her.” Twilight confirmed. “And that’s because of a mistake I made shortly after reforming.”

“What do you mean?” Sunset was now wondering of what happened that led to her creation.

“When I was Midnight I was fueled with dark magic in my heart which impaired my ability to tell right from wrong.” Twilight calmly explained. “After being purified of it I later find out after suffering nightmares of her that there was still some dark magic still in my heart that the Elements of Harmony didn’t get when they were used to cleanse my spirit. So I casted a spell to rid myself of it, but up until the Crystalling I was unaware that the dark magic itself had a mind of its own and when Flurry Heart accidentally broke the crystal heart the magic I left behind in it gave it the ability to resurrect Midnight’s spirit into her own form. She’s been running loose since then.”

“But why did you have dark magic in the heart in the first place?” Sunset couldn’t help but question that too.

“It was to resurrect my spirit in the events of my eventual death and should the heart be shattered again.” Twilight explained as she reflects on her biggest regret. “But because I had reformed it brought Midnight to life who is now worse than what I was before.”

“Well, that’s admittedly better than I have accomplished during my dark times.” Sunset couldn’t help but feel more and more impressed of how more effective and successful Twilight was when it comes to scheming and striving to get what she wants in life.

“And since Midnight is unpredictable we have no way of knowing what her next move is because it is only a matter of time before we see her again ready to take over Equestria.” Celestia also brought up. “If only we knew what she is planning so we can be ready by then.”

Twilight thought for a moment before speaking up with an idea.

“There is one way.” Twilight said as she pulled out her orb and used her magic to make it a big enough for everyone in the room to see.

“What’s that?” Shining Armor asked.

“A little something I used to keep tabs on everypony back when I was Midnight.” Twilight responded as she activated the orb. “And a little something that can be used to keep tabs on Midnight and figure what she is up to now.”

When the image of Midnight is shown she is currently shown overseeing the troops of storm creatures practicing training exercises while their leaders Midnight, another storm creature who appears to be their leader of said troops, and Tempest Shadow.

As the image of the three villains are shown, Celestia couldn’t help but wonder who the creatures were and wonder what Midnight is doing with them, while Flurry Heart whimpers and covers her eyes at the sight of Midnight with her parents comforting her as they glare at the villainous alicorn for nearly killing their baby, while Twilight and Sunset look on in surprise at the unicorn overseeing the training, particularly her broken horn and the scar over her right eye.

“So how’s the training going.” The Storm King himself asked.

“Pretty good, your excellency.” Tempest replied as she and Midnight share the same calm and stoic expression in contrast to the Storm King.

“Good, good.” The Storm King responded. “And there is just one matter of business I need to ask Midnight.” He said as he turned to the alicorn in question. “And that is word you say of this magical power you speak of so the Storm King can back up his intimidation with you know what? A STORM! THAT WOULD BE GREAT!” He shouted as Twilight and Cadance flinch a little as they and the others are ready to listen as Midnight tells them what she knows. “Because you promised me magic that could control the elements, and right now, I'm holding a what? A branch. A twig. Bleh!” He added as he presented his staff.

“You mean the Staff of Sacanas.” Tempest corrected. "Well it wouldn't be so powerless once we get ahold of the magic of the four rulers of Equestria."

“And with that staff you will be able to channel the magic of the four rulers of this land and with it you'll soon have the power of a hundred armies.” Midnight explained as three of said princesses glare at her of thinking that her plan will work now that they know what she is up to.

“So that would be a yes on your locking down the four Pegacornicuseses, or whatever you call them?” The Storm King asked as Cadance, Twilight, and Celestia give “Are you serious?” looks at the Storm King’s direction.

“They’re alicorn princesses and yes.” Midnight confirmed as she corrected him. “Once we have their power we’ll be able to rule Equestria unchallenged. In the meantime, after we get this all trained up ready to attack Canterlot in the next thirty moons it will be then we will be ready to attack.”

“All right, sounds like a plan.” The Storm King agreed in a sudden upbeat tone. “And when that day comes I'm ready to power up, crash and bash, and be the biggest, baddest bugaloooooo...” He added for dramatic effect before talking in a more serious tone. “Now get too it!” He commanded Tempest to further prepare the troops as he left them to it.

“It won't be a problem.” Tempest obeyed without a change in tone as she oversees the training with Midnight.

“Once we have everything ready we will soon have all of Equestria, and the princesses, and any potential competition out of our way.” Midnight stoically told Tempest.

“One way or another I am not about to let this opportunity slip from my grasp even with Princess Twilight getting the drop on us.” Tempest said with fierce determination as Twilight wonders what they meant by that.

“Oh don’t worry about her, Tempest.” Midnight assured her. “Because I have plans for the girl. Big plans.” She then said with an evil grin as her heart glowed neon purple.

After seeing what they needed to see Twilight returns her orb to normal size before turning it off and putting it away while wondering what Midnight meant she has plans for her specifically.

Once Midnight was no longer seen Flurry uncovered her eyes while still whimpering and scared of the alicorn while burying her face into her parent's chests.

“And I’m pretty sure by then we will be ready as you are.” Twilight spoke up with determination on her face not about to let her ruin any other pony’s lives because of her. “Now that we know of what and when your plan is going to happen.”

“So that’s how you knew what we were planning.” Shining Armor asked about the orb she had just used to spy on Midnight and while she was evil. “I hope you weren’t using that to spy on us.”

“Yes and no.” Twilight answered before focusing on the more important issue at hoof. “But right now we need to start strategizing so we can be ready for when they attack because that’s what they’ll be doing thirty moons from now.” She then seriously added.

“Twilight’s right.” Celestia spoke up. “She’s already caught us by surprise twice by nearly dooming the Crystal Empire, destroyed Twilight’s castle, and nearly killed our friends and loved ones. We need to stop her before she can do anymore damage.” She said just as serious and furious as Twilight.

“And you’ll have the Crystal Empire to help you when that day comes.” Cadance spoke up in the same tone. “Because she tried to have my baby killed and she will pay for that.”

“And I’ll be back too since I care for Equestria as much as you all do and to get back at her for trying have me, my friends, and my teacher killed.” Sunset also vouched her support.

“If we work together I know we got this!” Twilight said with a determined smile.

“Yeah, that’s the spirit, Twilight!” Spike cheered for her.

At the same time as Twilight is giving her rousing speech Midnight herself is currently overseeing Twilight’s plans from her orb.

“Such a determined young leader always taking charge on the front-lines.” Midnight commented with an impressed smile. “Too bad, even knowing of my plan isn’t going to stop me from staying a step ahead of you, Twilight. Because the future and destiny can be full of surprises.”

At that moment, Tempest accompanied by a small hedgehog carrying a tray of desserts approached her in her tent and small base of operations.

“Spongecake.” He offered.

“Thank you, Grubber.” She politely returned as she helped herself to some cake as she is handed the plate of food in question.

“I really love tweets, and juth can’t get enough of them.” Grubber replied as he sunk his teeth in the rest of the cake he had on the plate.

“Well, enjoying them certainly can be rewarding when you are given your dues.” Midnight thought nothing of it as she took a bite of her cake with her fork.

“Ture tis.” Grubber agreed as he continued eating his cake much to Tempest’s disgust as Midnight calmly takes a sip from her tea with a content smile as her heart glows again.

"Sure is indeed." Midnight replied as she chuckled evilly a little.

Author's Note:

For starters I decided to make Celestia Advice the Season 7 opener into a two parter renamed "The Aftermath" that focuses on a different approach mainly by focusing on the aftermath of Midnight's latest attack as many ponies who fought are still recovering from the injuries they sustained. Thankfully everypony made it out alive but it doesn't change that war has been declared by the villainous alicorn is she is now preparing to invade Canterlot thirty moons from now with the Storm King's army by her side.

At least Twilight's past experience let's them know of what they are planning thanks to her little spying tool well at least knowing what she is planning but not when since Midnight anticipated that secretly has some tricks up her hooves to stay a step ahead of her.

Next up in Part 2 we will be dealing with Twilight's living predicament as she deals with the fact that her castle has destroyed in the fire and the fact she is not safe in Ponyville anymore along with the heroes of the rescue mission being given their dues for their acts in saving Equestria from Queen Chrysalis.

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