• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,521 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 6: Slice of Life

Chapter 6:

Slice of Life:

On a fine day in Ponyville, Twilight is in her castle going through her mail with her checklist in tow as reads the invitation for Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda’s wedding which was scheduled for today.

Fortunately, for them Twilight was ready to step up and take care of the preparations. As she herself has always been capable of organizing every important matter in Ponyville even during the time she was Midnight and even when it’s short notice. Pinkie is all set to be the wedding planner while Rarity is set to have the dresses for the wedding to be ready today too.

While Twilight is confident that she will successfully complete this task she personally is a little uneasy at the thought of preparing a wedding as this is the first wedding she is planning since both Canterlot Weddings to which Chrysalis and her changelings nearly took over for the former, and when Twilight when she was Midnight took over Canterlot and Ponyville with her staged changeling attack and gained the Nightmare Moon like form and powers to go to launch a terrorist like attack at the Equestrian Games to take over Equestria. Not to mention her brother and the other Princesses are also coming to the wedding to which Twilight is a little uneasy of facing them even after they forgive her for her actions as Midnight Sparkle as well as everypony in attendance fearing she is just one slip-up away from being cast out of town.

Just before Twilight could carry out her preparations for the wedding Spike came running up to her with an urgent message from Princess Celestia.

“Twilight!” Spike called out to her as he entered the throne room.

“What is it, Spike?” Twilight asked he approached her.

“I just got word from the princess that a bugbear has been spotted near Ponyville.” Spike urgently reported as he panted to catch his breath.

Twilight took a moment to process all of this and after thinking it over she made her decision.

“Okay! Tell the princess me and the girls will take care of it!” Twilight spoke of her decision.

“Are you sure?” Spike asked her a little surprised that she is more than willing to do this. “But what about the wedding?”

“If the bugbear is said to be nearby then that means that it could attack and wreak havoc on all of Ponyville.” Twilight explained. “By the time the princesses arrive they won’t be able to get here in time. I know this means I won’t be able to assist with the wedding preparations and I know how much this day means to Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda but somepony has to stop him before he ruins their big day. After all Equestria was nearly taken over once on the day of the wedding.”

“Ok.” Spike relented understanding Twilight’s reasons as she writes up a quick message to Princess Celestia of Twilight’s response and then sends it to her by blowing fire at it. “What should I do in the meantime?”

“Tell the mayor that the girls and I will be unavailable to help out with the wedding due to dealing with an upcoming bugbear attack.” Twilight instructed Spike as he wrote down her instructions on another piece of paper. “But tell her that we will be able to attend the wedding today. Got it?”

“Got it!” Spike replied as he went off to carry out his task while Twilight runs off in the opposite direction so she can fetch her friends for their help in dealing with this last minute problem.

“Looks like somepony else is going to have to deal with the preparations this time around.” Twilight said to herself annoyed that there is always some trouble arising at a wedding. “First wedding since the one in Canterlot and there is trouble already brewing.” She continued with a sigh as she recalled the challenging invasion from the first wedding and the staged invasion from the second wedding. “Oh, well, at least I didn’t have anything to do with this mess unlike the last two weddings I’ve been too.”

She then rushed to Rarity’s boutique and immediately knocked on the door to which Rarity immediately responded.

“Twilight!” Rarity reacted in surprise and seriously asked. “What’s the emergency?”

“There have been reports that a bugbear has been spotted nearby Ponyville.” Twilight urgently told her.

“What?!” Rarity spoke in shock. “On the same day as the wedding, but I have got to prepare wedding dresses for the bride and her bridesmaids. They are already counting on me to have them ready by today.”

“I’m afraid whatever plans you have before the wedding are going to have to be put on hold because I need your help in dealing with this.” Twilight firmly and apologetically told her what’s more important to deal with. “I’m sure they’ll understand that you couldn’t make time to do it and that you had to deal with an important emergency from the Princess herself. It’s better to have ponies who know how to fight off and deal with these creatures than have a wedding crashed by an attack during the middle of the reception.”

“That’s true.” Rarity acknowledged. “If that beast were to destroy my shop I’d have more orders I can’t fulfill because he wrecked my place of inspiration for beauty and fashion. Ok. I’m help.”

“Great! I’m going to go get Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy while you fetch Applejack and Pinkie Pie. We will need their help as well.” Twilight instructed Rarity on what she needs her to do first. “Have them meet us in front of the bowling alley.”

“Will do Twilight!” Rarity immediately obeyed as they both ran off in separate directions with Dr. Hooves arriving at the boutique a minute after they had left.

Later after the Mane Six all gathered together in front of the bowling alley Twilight is giving her friends the brief-in of what’s about to happen while they were talking a bunch of ponies nearby watch them as they talk during their group huddle including Big Mac, Cheerilie, and the Cutie Mar Crusaders.

“All rights girls. As you all have heard by now there have been reports that a bugbear has been spotted nearby Ponyville.” Twilight started off their group huddle conversation.

“Yep, and on the day of the wedding.” Rainbow Dash irritably pointed out. “Of all days this creature had to choose today?!”

“Well, regardless.” Twilight spoke immediately to focus on the upcoming threat. “Whatever plans we have today have to be put aside in favor in dealing with this threat before it causes even more damage. So Applejack you think you can try to lasso and bring that bugbear down?”

“Agreed.” Applejack nodded on board with what they need to do.

“Rainbow Dash you on board too? Can you use your speed to your advantage to slow him down in case he tries to fly off and hurt other ponies?” Twilight questioned her.

“I’m in.” Rainbow Dash spoke in agreement too as Pinkie is leaning in toward Twilight popping head around her as she speaks.

“What about you, Fluttershy? Can you try to tame him?” Twilight questioned while pointing a hoof at her.

“Got it!” Fluttershy replied.

At that moment the bugbear in question roars from a small distance having just arrived in Ponyville.

“And here it comes now.” Twilight spoke up as she and girls spot the bugbear in the distance.

As soon as the bugbear has got everypony’s attention the Mane Six immediately assume fighting positions with Fluttershy being a little reluctant and dead serious on fighting him like her friends.

The bugbear immediately goes in for the sting as he charges at the six ponies but they all effortlessly dodged the attack as Twilight flies in and blasts a beam of magic at him as Rainbow Dash swoops in to swat him on the back of the head.

He then gets up and attempts to charge at the Mane Six as they lead them away from everypony gathered around at the bowling alley.

The bugbear is putting up a tough as he has already knocked Fluttershy and Rarity away and took Pinkie Pie hostage as Twilight and Applejack try to figure out how to bring him down.

Rainbow Dash attempts to quickly charge at the bugbear only to be swatted away and into a house and just barely dodging him as he destroyed that house in an attempt to attack him.

The Mane Six regrouping all circle the bugbear from a safe distance as Rainbow tries to attack him by continuing to fly around it quickly as she can before Applejack lassos the bugbear down to the ground in an attempt to bring him down.

Even with all of Applejack’s strength alone she could not stop him from breaking free from her lasso as he manages to free himself and get back up and flying again.

The bugbear then flies off with Rainbow Dash in hot pursuit as she tries to fly in stop him from destroying another house as Twilight flies in to attack it with more magic as Rainbow flies around it with super speed successfully managing to slow it down long enough for the others to catch up to him as they regroup around the bugbear again as Pinkie is now balancing spinning plates while riding in place on a unicycle before Twilight attacks with magic again while Rainbow Dash lands some punches to the bugbear’s stomach side as Applejack and Fluttershy follow them as they make their way to Rarity’s boutique store.

The bugbear then uses his stinger to sting Rainbow on the back which knocked him out of the fight briefly as she tries to fly in for another super speed attack.

“Aaah!” Rainbow Dash cried out in pain as she fell down to the ground on her stomach.

The bugbear then take Rarity hostage much to her dismay as she pouts and crosses her arms in annoyance as Twilight and Rainbow Dash still try to bring down with magic and super speed combined as Applejack tries to get a good opening on trying to lasso him again after the speedy Pegasus was able to shake it off like it didn’t cripple her super speed.

After battling the bugbear for hours now he is finally tiring himself up and weaken from Twilight and Rainbow Dash’s attacks as he ends up letting go of Rarity due to losing his strength after suffering a good number of blows as Applejack was able to tie him up with her lasso as Twilight delivers the finishing blow with her magic.

Together, The Mane Six has finally defeated the bugbear as it lies on the ground unconscious.

“Phew! I glad that’s all over.” Applejack spoke in relief.

“Me too!” Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement in the same tone. “That bugbear really did a number on my back with that sting.” She added as she pointed to her upper back where the bugbear stung her.

“Don’t worry Rainbow Dash. We’ll get you all healed after we deal with this bugbear so sit tight while I drop him off in Tartarus.” Twilight reassured her as she grabbed the bugbear with her magic and then teleported straight to Tartarus where she placed him in an empty cage and placed a magical lock on the cage door to prevent him from ever escaping again without a unicorn or alicorn using magic to unlock the lock.

Once the job was done she immediately teleports back to Ponyville back to where her friends are.

“Now let’s get you all healed up so we can all attend the wedding.” Twilight happily told the others as she placed a hoof on Rainbow Dash who flies up in the air as they head over to the castle so they can get some ice and lotion and to bring down the swelling of the sting.

Fortunately for Rainbow Dash, the sting wasn’t too bad although it still hurts when pressure is applied to the sore spot.

The Mane Six eventually made their way to town hall as quickly as they can as the wedding is about to start.

“Well, is everypony here?” The mayor asked everypony in attendance as the Mane Six make their way to town hall.

Just before Derpy could shut and lock the door, Twilight quickly used her magic to stop the door from closing shut allowing the girls to enter the room.

“We do now!” Twilight announced as she took a moment to catch her breath. “Sorry everypony, but as you may have seen we had to take care of a bugbear that somehow got loose.”

“No trouble at all.” The mayor kindly replied as she gestured them to take their seats in the back of the room to which they all did so as instructed.

“Now that everypony is here.” The mayor then begin the reception. “We gathered here today for…” The mayor begin the ceremony only to cough repeatedly.

“Everything okay Mayor?” Cranky asked out of concern.

“Yeah I’m fine it’s just a little cough.” The mayor spoke between stronger coughs as she tried to reassure him as her voice sounds weaker.

“Mayor, I think you might be losing your voice.” Matilida spoke in concern hearing the mayor trying to speak but unable to voice a word at the moment due to her coughing much to the crowd’s concern.

“Well this is just great!” Cranky bitterly commented. “Of all times to lose your voice it has to be now.”

“Now dear, no need to be hard on her.” Matilda scolded Cranky. “We can find somepony here to marry us.” She reassured her soon to be husbands as she looked around the crowd looking for a suitable replacement until she locked her eyes on Twilight.

“Twilight.” Matilda called out to her in the back causing her to be surprised when called out. “How about you marry us?”

“Me?” Twilight asked in shock at being given this honor. “I don’t know if I the best pony for the task…” She tried to talk her out of it nervously with an awkward grin until Matilda spoke up again.

“Come on, Twilight.” Matilda encouraged her to come up with a gesturing hoof. “You can do this. What better pony to marry us than the Princess of Friendship who had just saved Ponyville from a bugbear attack with her friends.”

At first Twilight thought about further trying to talk her way out of this, but after looking around and seeing her friends, tearful brother, and the alicorn princesses giving her encouraging “Go on.” looks and hoof gestures to her but then relented as she sighed in her response.

“Okay. I suppose it is the least I could since I missed out on the preparations.” Twilight conceded in defeat as she got up from her seat as she used her magic to have her flashcards so she can remember what she is going to say when she marries Cranky and Matilda.

As she made her way put she nervously gulped as sweat falls from her face to which her friends took notice of seeing she is going to fumble in her speech.

Once she got up on the altar and in between Cranky and Matilda where the mayor once stood as she stepped aside and watch behind Twilight as she got her notecards in order.

Twilight took a deep breath to try to calm her nerves a little as she is still sweating and feeling like she is going to bomb this as she tries to urge herself to speak to the crowd as she conjured a towel wipe her forehead clean as she starts to speak.

“Deary beloved…” Twilight tried to speak yet can’t help but stop mid-sentence as she continues wiping the sweat from her forehead.

The crowd gives concerned looks as Twilight is starting to struggle and freeze in the process of trying to marry a lovely couple for the first time.

“Oh my goodness, Twilight’s not doing very well up there.” Fluttershy spoke to her friends seeing Twilight nervously gulp as she freezes up mid-sentence overwhelmed with having this responsibility thrust on her so soon.

“What should we do?” Rainbow Dash asked the others seeing she needs help.

At that moment, Spike whistles as she tosses Rainbow Dash Twilight’s crown as he makes his way up to the altar with her necklace and slippers to which Spike had handy in case Twilight needed them for this important occasion. Rainbow Dash seeing what Spike wants her to do has Fluttershy join her in carrying Twilight’s crown as Spike walks up and places the necklace and slippers around her neck and hooves. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash fly up and delicately place her crown on her head as the three non-verbally tell her that she has earned this privilege and she can do this as they make their way back to the seats.

Once Twilight gets the message her friends are giving her, she regains her composure she wipes off the last of the sweat off of her forehead as she confidently speaks to everypony after clearing her throat.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in mare-trimony. As I look around this room, I can only imagine how uncomfortable Cranky must be.” Twilight announced as the crowd laughed as the groom tugged onto his collar, already sweating himself now.

“Uhh…” Cranky nervously expressed as Twilight reassures him with a wink that it’s nothing to worry about as she continues.

“But I also see so many ponies from all trots of life, brought together by love.” She further continued her speech as she sees Shining Armor and Cadance lovingly embraced each other and smile at her very proud of her. “Cranky searched all across this great land of ours to find Matilda, and no matter what obstacles kept them apart, love would finally bring them together.” Twilight further spoke as Celestia and Luna hold each other’s hooves so they can silently apologize to each other for their brief argument over a misunderstanding over a wedding gift. “Just as it has brought all of us together now. Believe me, when I tell you all I know that for a fact.” She further spoke as she jokingly giggles with a blush. “It's remarkable to me how a story like Cranky's search for Matilda could fill this room with such a unique collection of ponies! It makes you realize that everypony is the star of their own story. And it's not just the main characters in our stories that make life so rich! It's everypony – those who play big parts and those who play small. If it weren't for everypony in this room and many more who couldn't be here today, Cranky and Matilda's lives wouldn't be as full and vibrant as they are.”

Even though Twilight was referring to the couple, her friends and everybody else could tell she was also addressing to all of them and recalling her past experience as Midnight showing how much they all meant to her and how much they all meant to each other. Stephen the dragon who was watching from the open window cried tears of joy as he hugged Bulk Biceps much to his surprise.

“And so, in front of all these loved ones... Cranky, do you take this donkey to be your lawfully wedded wife?” Twilight asked Cranky as she faced her.

“You bet I do!” Cranky confidently replied.

“And do you, Matilda, take this donkey to be your lawfully wedded husband?” Twilight asked Matilda the same question as she faced her.

“I do!” Matilda happily replied with tears of joy in her eyes.

“Then I'm proud to say, I now pronounce you jack and jenny!” Twilight announced as she officially marries the couple as they approach each other and kiss each other.

Everypony cheers and claps for the married couple and for Twilight for successfully completing the honor of the marrying the happy couple.

Suddenly, some brightly colored balls started to glow and rise up something to which Dr. Hooves watched attentively they activated. In a dazzling display, the bright balls that turned out to be fireworks went up, exploding indoors in a variety of sparkle and color, amazing everypony.

Dr. Hooves laughed with joy and hugged Rose and grabbed her by the cheeks.

"Of course! They need love to ignite! How could I have missed it?!" He exclaimed in excitement as he creation goes off wonderfully.

Matilda and Cranky happily and proudly watched the display as the fireworks go off. Twilight herself produces tears of joy as she sees of how the wedding went off no problem this time and thanks to her friends she was able to gain the courage to officially marry a lovely couple for the first time. No arguments, no fallouts, no pony descending into darkness and turning evil as a result of heartbreak from major mistake as everypony in Ponyville demonstrated of being able to quickly and efficiently organize the wedding while they deal with a potential threat to Ponyville.

Near sunset, at the reception outside, Everypony happily chatted with one another, talking about how beautiful the wedding was and what a happy couple Cranky and Matilda made as Twilight still wearing her crown and princess accessories watches the happy married couple lovingly embrace each other from the entrance to the back door of town hall as her friends approach her from behind.

“You know something, girls?” Twilight spoke up as she continued to watch the couple she had just married under the sunset. “We are so lucky to live in this town.” She added as she turned to face them and bring them in for a group hug. “I love you all!”

“Ow! That's where the bugbear bit me!” Rainbow winced in pain from Twilight’s hug.

“Sorry!” She apologized and moved her hoof a little lower so she can still hug her without aggravating her sore spot.

For Twilight getting the honor and accomplishment of marrying a happy couple who have overcome a lot of ups and downs and still love each other after everything that has happened is another big step forward in her road of redemption for her sins as Midnight Sparkle.

She would then fly over to where the married couple are dancing as she grabs a microphone with her magic as she addresses everypony.

“If I could have everypony’s attention once more I would like share a song that will help inspire our married couple that no more what hurdles they face they will always stay together in the end.” Twilight announced to everypony as she starts to sing as music began to play.

“Love is the bloom

“A beautiful bride, a handsome groom.”

She sang as she fell over the dance floor and crowd admiring her performance from down below.

“Two hearts becoming one

A bond that cannot be undone because.”

She sang as she locked her eyes on Princess Cadance who dancing with her husband Shining Armor.

"Love is in a bloom”

A beautiful bride, a handsome groom.

She sang as she flew over her as she looked on at her sister-in-law very proud of her seeing how far she has come in her road to redemption.

“I said love is in a bloom.

She sang as the other Princesses embrace each other remembering the sisterly bound they share deep down despite their disputes.

“You’re starting a life and making room.

For us. (For us. For us...)

She finished singing as everypony applauds her for her inspiring speech and song for Cranky Doodle Donkey and Matilda who will see her past actions and experience as a way that their bound will remain strong through and through no matter with the bright light always emerging from the darkness it is buried in deep down.

Author's Note:

[For this chapter, I decided to write about what the Mane Six were doing why everypony was focused on preparing for the wedding which I tried really hard to write down how it played out off-screen and forgive me if I missed something or made some errors in this story so feel free to add suggestions of what I should add on as I move forward with this story.

I also rewritten the wedding scene to where the Mane Six get see the wedding too because to be honest I didn't like the way they were treated even after they had just defeated a bugbear that could have done some serious damage if no pony stepped in to stop it.

So instead, I rewritten it also to have Twilight officially marry the couple instead because I felt it was fitting for her to have this honor as it not only reminds her of the love that brought her back from becoming the villainous Midnight who briefly took over Equestria but it also allows her to make the next big step in her redemption arc as Cranky and Matilda's love for each other further reassures her that love and friendship will remain strong even with all of the ups and downs that come and go.

Since this is the 100th episode of Friendship is Magic I after much thought decided to do Love is in a Bloom tsimetjimg that she sang at the canon Canterlot Wedding and the wedding that happened when she was Midnight in this version where Twilight this time sings it as herself and how love always blooms no matter what ups and downs a happy couple faces but pulls through in the end.

So next up on the calendar is "Party Pooped." which will definitely will have Twilight struggle with her pursuit to make new friends with the Yaks and their Yakyakistan prince which will put Twilight's patience and politeness to the test.

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