• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,521 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 61: School Raze Part One

Chapter 61:

School Raze Part One

Much time has passed since the near scandal at the School of Friendship as it is now the end of the school year as students are preparing for their final exams and projects in order to be able to see if they had truly learned a great deal of friendship since day one to which Twilight is certain that everyone of her students will be able to handle no problem at all even the Cutie Mark Crusaders even when they have guaranteed graduation at semester’s end.

Well, expect for Cozy Glow to whom she’s kept a close eye under wing as her assistant who even when she manages to organize everything to her liking and arranged for one of her staff to cover for her whenever she can’t be around for her students still isn’t fooled by the cute act the young filly’s act ever since she attempted to scheme to have the Cutie Mark Crusaders enrolled in her school by purposely failing her friendship test.

Cozy Glow accepting the position under Midnight’s direction acknowledges that Twilight is on to her with the only thing she is not aware of is her connection to the princess of darkness to which Midnight strongly advised she continues keeping up the act to keep her from growing wise to the former’s plan which she is about to carry out.

After delivering the carefully inspected mail to Twilight she then quickly made her way to the basement, and once she was certain no pony not even Twilight was around to hear her she clears her throat loudly to get Midnight to appear who then teleports her to her lair.

“Everything is all set and ready, mother.” Cozy informed her mother-like figure. “No pony not even Twilight suspects a thing.”

“Good. Very good.” Midnight said very pleased with her report as she turns to the other five villains standing before her. “Friends or more preferably allies the more appropriate term here.” She began. “Today we will end Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s reign and destroy Twilight Sparkle and her friends!”

“Great!” Daybreaker eagerly said in excitement with a determined smile.

“Finally!” Tirek said ready to carry it out as he clenched his fists together.

“Yeah!” Chrysalis agreed in the same tone as Tirek.

“Capital.” Nightmare Moon said just as determined as Daybreaker as Sombra also smiles while not saying anything though the tone and expression makes it very clear that he is just as ready to destroy their enemies as much as everyone else.

“This is the day to be ready!” Midnight told her followers as she flew up in the air.

“Just one question…” Sombra spoke up. “Since this plan of yours involves draining everyone of their magic how do we plan on taking down the princesses along with Twilight Sparkle and her friends in the same day?”

“For once I got to agree with the unicorn.” Chrysalis commented in agreement. “Without magic it ain’t going to be easy.”

“Doesn’t this sound a little too extreme to take away all of the magic in all of Equestria?” Tirek also wondered Midnight’s approach considering how reliant everyone including themselves they are on magic.

“Yes I know.” Midnight replied with a knowing expression before changing back into a more condfident one. “And I can assure you I’m not going to really go through with draining all of the Equestrian magic just as long as Twilight and her friends are capable enough to stop it which I’m counting on.“ She then presented an aura of magic to present an image of every pony losing their powers. “I just need the magic drain to go on long enough for the actual takeover plan to work.” She explained as projects an image of the School of Friendship being destroyed in flames as Daybreaker looks on very excited to be able to finally do something good with her powers as Midnight turns to Cozy Glow. “Which means I’ll need you to gather everyone at the school for the plan to work.”

“Okay, and how do I do that?” Cozy questioned.

“You just need to lure everyone to the school and keep them there while the plan unfolds. You think you can manage that.” Midnight simply explained and asked of her little filly.

“I think so.” Cozy agreed after a moment of thought.

“Excellent!” Midnight said pleased with her corporation. “Just continue planting the seeds like you have been so far and we’ll all meet up at the school once the magic returns three days from now.”

“Okay, mother.” Cozy replied as Midnight teleported her back to the school immediately. “In the meantime…” She then turned her attention back to the others. “Before we enact the plan, we have a certain blue ram we need to deal with it. And with Grogar’s long absence it has given me time to prepare the next part of our plan.” She then presented the book and bell for Tirek to read and hold. “His bell which can steal any creature's magic. It holds that magic until it is released by this spell. Which means all the power inside is ours for the taking!” Midnight explained to them as Tirek kissed the bell.

“You're drooling on the Bell.” Nightmare commented with stoic disgust as Midnight takes back control of it while using a can of disinfectant spray to clean it before using a towel to wipe the bell clean.

“Let's try the spell before Grogar gets back. I'm sick of waiting for that old goat's master plan.” Chrysalis then said eager to obtain its powers.

“Take my hands.” Tirek held out his hands much to her confusion as Midnight joins in. “So we can all be part of the spell. Unless you or Midnight prefer I take all the magic myself?”

The changeling and the other two alicorns joined in immediately not wanting Tirek and Midnight to take control of all of the magic.

“Our pact stands. What we do, we do together under Princess Midnight’s leadership. Once we defeat the protectors of Equestria, we can claim this land and rule our kingdoms alone once more.” Chrysalis firmly declared their alliance as Midnight nods to Tirek as they perform the spell to activate Grogar’s bell.

The bell immediately rose up and then ringed as the bottom turned to face them who all grin in eager anticipation of being rewarded of its powers as it blasts them all in the face as all of its magic is sent into everyone’s veins. Once the bell sat back down onto the table all six villains appear with stronger wings, muscles, and horns as they all evilly laugh together at their new and more powerful appearances as Midnight then looked at her orb as it was making noise as she sees Grogar coming to the lair.

“All right everyone, Grogar’s coming back now.” She immediately alerted the others. “So everyone get in position. You all know what to do when he arrives.”

“Yes, yes we do.” Chrysalis said with a sinister smile as they all take cover for nearby hiding spots just in front of the entrance.

“I have returned.” Grogar told the others as Midnight appears to him. “Twilight Sparkle's coronation is right around the corner, and we are going to ruin it with this artifact.” He then presented an jeweled object in his magical grasp. “But to succeed, you must work together.”

“Oh, way ahead of you, Grogar.” Midnight replied as she turned to the others as she nodded at Chrysalis who trapped the ram’s feet into the ground with green goo as Tirek , Sombra, and the two alicorns emerge from their hiding spot as Daybreaker burns the artifact with her fiery magic before presenting his bell.

“The Bell! You had it all this time?! Why didn't you tell me?!” Grogar struggled against his restraints in shock.

“We're villains. Duh.” Chrysalis simply replied as she and the other magic activate the bell against Grogar who finds himself drained of his magic and in addition his disguise as he then appears as Discord who then nervously grins and waves all the five surprised villains with an unsurprised and satisfied Midnight.

“That was unexpected.” Tirek spoke of his surprise at this development as Midnight quickly ensnares him with her magic as he finds him unable to snap his fingers to make something magically happen.

“Wait. Discord was Grogar? Like, the whole time?” Daybreaker exclaimed in surprise.

“Indeed he was and without magic, he's no threat. Much like every pony with what’s about to happen.” Midnight said as she conjures up a teleportation spell to send him to Tartarus before turning back to the others. “It’s time to move forward.”

Back at the School of Friendship, a panic stricken Rainbow and Starlight came rushing into Twilight's office of the near accident that happened on their field trip.

"We have an emergency!" Starlight reported in alarm.

"The students dropped out of the sky!" Rainbow exclaimed just as alarmed.

"Slow down, what happened?" She calmed the two ponies down.

"I cast a spell for our field trip to Cloudsdale, but my magic just failed." Starlight explained unable to understand any of this.

"We barely caught everypony in time!" Rainbow Dash added. "Further more Yona isn’t going want to come back to Cloudsdael anytime soon."

“If no one got hurt then that's what’s most important. I'm glad you're all okay, and I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, Starlight." Twilight assured them as she placed a hoof on her back.

“Are you sure, Twilight?” Starlight replied unsure of what to make of all of this.

"Positive." Twilight positively replied. "Maybe you just did your spell wrong, Starlight. Don’t worry it happens time to time and even I am not perfect in that regard. Maybe your magic's just on the fritz today for some reason?" Twilight further assured her student as she moved to pick up a book with her magic. “Let’s take a look.” But when she did, she only managed to her magic for a second before it hit the ground with a thud. “Okay, this is strange?” Twilight could only say about it.

“Maybe you just did your spell wrong?" Starlight couldn’t help but sarcastically quip with the same words Twilight had just said to her as they heard a thud at the door followed by a cry of pain from Rarity before the door opened.

“Rarity ran into the door.” Fluttershy explained to them as the unicorn came bursting in with tears in her eyes.

"My magic is go-o-o-one! I even had to use my hooves to coif my tail!” She then showed her messy tail with a brush stuck inside of it.

"Still think this is nothing to be worried about?" Rainbow again questioned Twilight if this is something she can just blow off to the sky.

"This doesn't make any sense. Magic can't just disappear. Not even alicorn magic. Something has to be causing this." Twilight said unable to understand this as well. “Unless…”

“Tirek!” Both Twilight and Cozy said in unison.

"Of course!” Rainbow Dash said in agreement .”That would make sense completely."

"Isn't he still trapped in Tartarus though?" Fluttershy also brought up as the door opened with Spike running inside while gagging on something!

"Spike, what's wrong?! Spit it out!" Twilight immediately ran up to him as he pulled Heimlich maneuver on him to spit out the scroll that had gotten stuck in his mouth. He then breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, thanks." Spike said in relief as Twilight helped her up. "I've never had a letter get stuck in my throat before.” He added as he opened the scroll. “And whatever is going on Princess Celestia's already aware of it as she's calling us all to an emergency meeting in Canterlot."

"Pretty sure I know what it's about," Twilight commented as she looked at the scroll. "And that classes will have to be cancelled until further notice." She said as she led the others to Canterlot. “Let’s get going!” She told the others as Cozy sticks behind as she watches as Midnight’s plan is set in motion.

Sometime later, the seven mares, Spike, had all gathered in the throne room of Canterlot with the other princesses.

"Throughout our city, ponies have been reporting tales of their magic failing. Spells going wrong. Potions not working…" Celestia explained to every distressed pony in the room.

“Even raising the moon has become difficult.” Luna also brought up. “Are there similar troubles in Ponyville?”She asked the others.

“We experienced it first-hoof.” Twilight reported likewise.

“It's the same in my kingdom. The Crystal Heart seems safe for now, but I worry if this continues.” Cadance reported as the mail pony came rushing in.

"Letter for the princess from Star Swirl the Bearded!” He came and handed Spike the letter to which he flew up to the princesses so Celestia can read it.

“Ah!” Celestia gasped up reading its contents. “It is even more terrible than we feared! Magic is disappearing all across Equestria!” Everyone gasped hearing this. “Star Swirl believes the power will drain from our land in three days. First, unicorn magic and spells will fail.”

“That's what's happening now.” Starlight said in response.

“On the second day, creatures will lose their magic abilities.” Celestia read.

“Oh, no!” Fluttershy gasped.

“And finally, magical artifacts will stop working. When the sun sets on the third day, the magic in our world will be gone forever!” Celestia finished reading as Twilight thinks of how this is all happening.

“But why is this happening now?” Cadance wondered.

"That’s the part we’re trying to figure out too." Princess Luna replied. "Time is already starting to run out and we are already on the first day of the countdown to save Equestria from a terrible fate."

"Has anypony checked up on the prisoners of Tartarus?" Twilight asked them. “Because if my theory is correct then I have a strong feeling that this has Tirek is behind this who is also working with Midnight and Chrysalis.”

‘“I’m afraid we haven’t, Twilight.” Celestia shook her head. “And if they have found some way to escape prison or work from within it, then that could be an excellent theory.”

"And you think that big, scary, centaur along with the big, scary, changeling, and that scary pyscho alicorn might be roaming loose?" Pinkie Pie wondered.

“It’s possible because Tirek is the only one I can think of who knows how to drain magic and Midnight must have managed to sway him and Chrysalis into working for her." Twilight explained and then thought with a hoof to her forehead. "But the thing is when I sent them all to Tartarus I had them all in sealed prisons only accessible to my magic with the door only accessible without magic from the outside. There was no way they could have escaped. Unless she managed to create a clone of herself capable of her capabilities which helped them all escape."

“But why would any of them enact this plan?” Princess Luna also asked very confused with their approach. “Surely they would know this would mean they would be without magic too.”

“I’m sure even Midnight would be smart enough to know that.” Twilight answered. “But if that means a way to force an ultimatum to get us to surrender to her then I’m sure she’ll do it no matter what the cost is even if she doesn’t completely drain all of the magic and the fact that she has some inside help too. Cozy Glow.”

“What?” Princess Celestia asked in confusion as she turns to everyone.

“I know this sounds crazy and hard to believe but it’s got to be true.” Twilight explained to everyone all eyeing her. “And that they would want us to go to Tartarus so they can trap us there.“

“Are you sure what you’re saying about this filly being in league with Midnight is true?” Luna asked with concern. “Remember the last time you acted on suspicions without proof?”

“I haven’t forgotten and I have been keeping tabs on her.” Twilight firmly replied she’s made sure her suspicions are correct. “Compared to the wedding to how I handled her when she failed her friendship test on purpose and when Flim and Flam operated a scam school when trying to discredit me I have definitely learned my lesson about jumping to conclusions like that.”

“Well it looks their trap failed now that we know of their involvement.” Starlight commented. “And since like Twilight I’ve been there before I believe that little filly is up to something and would be in league with Midnight’s scheme.”

“That being said we have means we can turn this around.” Twilight then explained her new plan. “Since Cozy isn’t aware that I know what she’s up too, we can use that to our advantage.”

“This is risky…” Princess Celestia pondered the thought of what Twilight is thinking. “But with the fate of Equestria at stake, we’re with you, Twilight.” She voiced her vow to support Twilight's plan. “Since your suspicions and predictions always hold true.”

“Okay then.” Twilight said as that her friends are all on board with what she is about to propose as everyone gathers around her. “Here’s what we’re going to do…”

Back at the school Cozy Glow quickly contacts Midnight from the orb she gave her after witnessing Twilight’s meeting with the others.

“Mother, Twilight and all of her friends are wary of my involvement…” Cozy reported feeling a little uncomfortable of what is happening. “She’s setting out a trap for me to expose my true colors.”

“Don’t worry, dear…” Midnight assured her. “Things are still going smooth, it’s all part of the plan, so just continuing putting on the act and comply with her wishes for the time being.”

“Okay.” Cozy replied after taking a deep breath to recompose herself. “Of course!”

Back at the lair, Midnight watches as Cozy does her part before ending the call then turning to the others.

“That’s the signal.” Midnight told the others. “We better get on over there, the plan is in motion.”

“And how exactly are we going to get to Tartarus quickly without magic?” Tirek questioned.

“With a nice little teleportation from the power of this amulet.” Midnight pointed to the amulet around her neck. “Which I obtained when we were back in Canterlot. Plus magic from it doesn't start disappearing from this until day three.”

“Right, right.” Tirek then understood after reminding himself as he and the others huddled around her. “Even though I just can’t help but wonder how you plan on getting this take over to work.”

“Since Twilight knows by now that we have already escaped they are going to try to turn the tables on us by trying to get Cozy to reveal the source of the magic drain.” Midnight explained to him. “By getting her to lead them straight to get a confession of her involvement out of her.”

“So that will mean they will found out about it sooner…” Chrysalis said.

“Everyone will be there at the same time.” Midnight then added as she turns to Daybreaker who has a vicious grin on her face to which the others all got what she is putting down.

“Which will also us to take out the school, three of Equestria’s princesses, along with all of the most powerful ponies in Equestria, in one fellow swoop or in this case explosion.” Daybreaker then spoke up when she gets how this works out into her plan.

“Exactly!” Midnight replied as she teleported them to the hills just over the school grounds. “So when we get there will split up and cover the school grounds faster.” She instructed them as she turned to the changeling. “Chrysalis make your way inside and start planting dry grass in every room and fetch the scattered artifacts from across school grounds so when Daybreaker sets fire to the school it will spread faster and burn this place down sooner and should you come across Starlight you have my permission to take care of her and see to it she won’t pose a threat to my plan.”

“Will do.” Chrysalis sinsterly smiled as she set out to do so.

“Nightmare Moon, Tirek, you two will sneak around outside and plant dry grass just outside of the castle and make sure it is spread all around so we can cover it up in time for everyone’s arrival the next day. We will need all of the firepower we can get.” Midnight turned her attention to the other two villains.

“Yes, Midnight.” Nightmare bowed with respect and she and Tirek set out to do so.

“And what about me?” Sombra asked.

“You will carry out a very special job in regards to Twilight.” Midnight answered to the unicorn.

“What kind of job are we talking?” Sombra wondered where Midnight is going with this.

“Something that will be answered when my plan comes to near fruition.” Midnight replied. "A job that requires you to strike Twilight with dark magic right at her heart at the precise moment which you'll know when I give the signal."

“And that’s when all magic is restored, right?” Sombra questioned with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes.” Midnight replied with a nod as Sombra took a second to understand what she is putting down. “By the time this all goes down Twilight will no longer have faith in friendship. In the meantime we’ll standby here are watch over the progress and make sure everything is all set for the next two days. We’ll need all of our strength for when the big day comes.”

“Understood.” Sombra replied with a returning nod and bow. “Whatever it takes to get the Crystal Empire back.”

“Which you’ll get in due time with Canterlot and Ponyville a huge start to that.” Midnight said with a chuckle with what’s about to happen tomorrow as they watch from her orb Starlight who just happened to be inside making sure her and Twilight’s offices were closed for the night.

She then found Cozy making her way downstairs. It appeared that she was heading to the very back. Starlight called out to the filly.

"Cozy Glow?!" Starlight called out to her causing the filly to turn around upon noticing her.

"Golly, Vice Headmare Starlight! This is a surprise.” Cozy calmly replied.

"It sure is." Starlight commented with a smile as she trotted up to the filly. "What are you doing here?"

“Oh just a nice exploring the school some more making sure everything is fine.” Cozy calmly answered.

“And I can assure you your help won’t be needed here and if you leave now we’ll forget about telling Twilight about your little adventure here on school ground after hours.” Starlight politely told her as she then evilly grinned in response.

"Oh Starlight, if only some things are better done than said…” Cozy replied as Starlight finds herself knocked out immediately by Chrysalis with a shovel to the back of her head to which she gathered along with the other requested artifacts with Cozy showing an unflinching reaction to what had just happened.

“And now to ensure that you are out of the way for the time being and set up for the perfect trap.” Chrysalis said with satisfaction of finally getting some more payback against one of her arch-rivals which was secretly witnessed by the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Sandbar from just outside.

The next day, Twilight and her friends all make their way back to the castle with the royal sisters walking beside them.

“Everyone all knows the plan?” Twilight asked everyone who all nods.

“We’ll have a small army of guards arriving shortly and we will around be around ready to have her arrested as soon as she confesses to her crimes against Equestria.” Princess Celestia told her faithful student. “Although if it weren’t for dealing with you in the past I would have a much harder time believing that Cozy Glow would be in league with Midnight.”

“Me too sister.” Luna agreed with her. “A child that could be capable of being evil is not an easy thing to believe not even now.”

“And if we were to be wrong we could be facing charges against the EEA which almost happened before.” Rarity also brought up. “Along with losing our magic permanently our reputations could be forever tarnished and it would be so devastating.”

“We would be forced out of town should the plan fail.” Fluttershy also added as she shuddered at the thought of it.

“But how will we know that Cozy Glow will be here since school is closed until further notice.” Applejack questioned.

“Because she will be there standing by under Midnight's orders and because I called her here so she can help out preparing things for when schools reopen in time for end of the year projects and final exams happen.” Twilight answered. “So she should be in my office waiting for me. And remember…” She’ll be expecting me and me only so everyone just stay in position and close until I get the recorded confession with Spike’s help.”

“We won’t let you don’t mam sir.” Pinkie immediately saluted in reply to the alicorn's command.

“You know what to do, Spike?” Twilight turned to Spike as they walked inside.

“Ready as always.” Spike replied with a salute as he is given the artifact to record the confession with.

“Speaking of ponies who are supposed to be meeting with us, where’s Starlight?” Rainbow Dash brought up noticing the unicorn is late.

“I don’t know I haven’t seen her we got back to Ponyville.” Applejack could only answer.

“The only thing I do recall is her coming back to make sure everything was closed down until further notice.” Rarity brought up her telling her before they went their separate ways just after making it back to Ponyville.

“And no pony has seen her since?” Applejack questioned as she placed a hoof on her chin. “Though I wonder if something happened there while were all away from school?”

“Don’t suppose Cozy Glow has secretly taken care of her while were all resting?” Luna wondered with worry in her tone.

“With everything that has happened it’s all pointing in that direction since the threat of Midnight is getting more and more serious by the second.” Celestia replied just as worried as her sister.

“It sure is.” Sandbar called out to them as he along with the rest of the Young Six and the Cutie Mark Crusaders ran up to them.

“Apple Bloom?” Applejack said in surprise.

“Sweetie Belle?” Rarity said in the same tone.

“Scootaloo?” Rainbow Dash said just as surprised.

“Sandbar?” Fluttershy said also surprised.

“Ocellus, Smolder, Gallus, Yona, Silverstream? Pinkie rapidly said before cheerfully exclaiming “Pinkie!” which earned her glares from the others.

“What are you all doing here? School is closed.” Princess Celestia questioned all of the young students.

“Well, me and my friends decided to get together for a studying session in the school library and we also invited the Cutie Mark Crusaders to join us.” Sandbar explained to everyone while give a gesture that says “I know but we couldn’t help it.” before continuing. “When we all went to get more snacks we noticed Cozy Glow walking around the school after hours with Starlight following after her towards the basement.”

“And what happened?” Princess Luna inquired.

“We followed them down without being noticed and found out she has been captured and imprisoned in a large magical sphere that is sucking up all of the magic in Equestria.” Sandbar continued his explanation. “With the help of Queen Chrysalis.”

Everyone widen their eyes in alarm hearing that Chrysalis is already here in Ponyville and the source of the drain is right under the school.

“Chrysalis is already here?” Pinkie questioned before exclaiming it again in horror. “Chrysalis is already here!”

“Girls…” Celestia spoke up and urgently commanded. “…Warn Twilight so she doesn’t fall victim for this trap Cozy Glow has set up for her! We need to lock down this school!”

“We need to make sure reinforcements are already on their way here…” Princess Luna told her sister while urging the students to come with them to safety and away from the school. “We can’t have innocent lives in jeopardy. Come on kids!”

“Aww can’t we come?” Apple Bloom pleaded with them to let them help.

“No girls!” Luna firmly refused.

“But can’t we at least help?” Ocellus again pleaded. “We can really help out with this.”

“Yeah, since we seem to represent the next generation of the elements of harmony maybe we can help you and the girls stop it.” Smolder also offered.

“I know sounds hard to believe but the day King Sombra destroyed the tree we felt a strange disturbance.” Silverstream rapidly explained much to everyone’s confusion. “Until last night when we dreamed of it we didn’t know what to make of it.”

“Yona wants to help! Please!” Yona demanded and pleaded as she and the others sports puppy dog eyes to which the others groaned in response.

“All right!” Applejack relented. “But only because time is at the essence here.” She added as she spoke with the students who all cheer with glee.

“Just be careful everyone!” Princess Celestia warned them as they all went inside before she and her sister turned back to the train station.

Once the princesses had left Applejack turned back to take command and give instructions.

“Since we now know what the source of this magic drain is we’re going need extra help to power the elements since they are destroyed.” Applejack told everypony. “So we need to split and gather the Pillars special items since they are still connected to the elements and still left around from the scavenger hunt.”

“That’s right if it weren’t for our friendship missions we would have been there.” Pinkie said as she realized what she was talking about.

“And for some reason Discord felt the need to cause havoc at school and test Starlight’s temper to the point she blasted him to another dimension after summoning a bug bear.” Spike also recalled.

“Anyways we need to split up.” Applejack got the topic back on point. “Spike you and Gallus head on over to Twilight’s office and warn her about Cozy’s trap while Apple Bloom, Yona and I search around my classroom. Silverstream you and Pinkie cover the hallways of the first floor, Rainbow and Fluttershy you both take Scootaloo, Smolder, and Sandbar and cover the outside of the school, Rarity you take Sweetie Belle and Ocellus and cover the upper floor of the school. We’ll all meet back outside of Twilight’s office when we find what we’re looking for.“

With time at the essence they all split up to do so with the villains all watching from above.

“Can I start the fire now?” Daybreaker impatiently asked.

“Not yet.” Midnight shook her head with a raised hoof. “We want the other princesses and all of the element bearers inside when the fire starts.”

“Chrysalis, keep them looking around and moving…” Midnight then turned to Chrysalis. “We need to buy some more time to ensure everyone gets here before it is time for the fire to start.”

Chrysalis bowed with respect as she set out to do so while the others await for everything to come together.

Meanwhile, Twilight has made her way to her office where Cozy Glow is waiting for her.

“Good morning, Cozy Glow.” Twilight greeted with a smile.

“Good morning, Professor Sparkle.” Cozy Glow greeted with another cute smile of hers to which Twilight still smiled in face of her faux innocence.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” Cozy wondered what her assignment is.

“Preparing the school for reopening.” Twilight replied as Cozy obeys without question. “I just need you to make sure the classrooms are all set and organized.”

“The way you like it perfect and down to the tee or just good and nice?” Cozy questioned knowing of what of how the headmare usually likes her cleanliness to be handled.

“Perfect and down to the tee.” Twilight replied.

“On it, Professor Sparkle.” Cozy responded as she turned away to immediately do so.

“And Cozy Glow…” Twilight added causing the filly to stop in her tracks before she ran a single step ahead and turn back. “I just want you to remember that honesty is one of the key Elements of Harmony so you’re encouraged to be honest with me if you have anything you’re hiding from me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Cozy meekly replied as she insisted otherwise.

“I know you will…” Twilight pretended to assure her. “I’m just telling you so don’t do something you’ll regret like making a deal with somepony like Midnight Sparkle. Because she may seem charming and friendly at first but she also might be just manipulating you into doing her bidding if she doesn’t see you have potential in her eyes just to get you to trust her.”

“I get it.” Cozy quickly pretended she understood her point. “And I can assure you I haven’t come across her at all.” She then quickly made her way to her assigned task as Twilight closes the doors after her and pulled out her orb so she can monitor her without her realizing it.

As Day Two went on Twilight watched from her orb and from her monitors of everything going on in the school from watching her friends and students find the items scattered around the school with much difficultly that took much of the day thanks to Chrysalis unbeknownst to the friendship princess further more tidying and Cozy preparing everything perfectly just the way Twilight would want which she did in order to keep her from cluing in her involvement with Midnight as Twilight on the other hoof asked her to do that to avoid suspicion and keep her busy and under her watch at all times while Midnight and her cohorts are still watching from above and in the shadows from the nearby mountains.

By the time it was night the second day drawing to a close as the princesses have not yet returned with backup, the other girls and students have just managed to find what they are looking for along with Cozy just finishing up for the day.

During her monitoring Twilight pulling up on Starlight’s whereabouts to find out where she is and to her surprise not only is she trapping in a magic bubble but found the source of the magic drain and it is right down in the basement where Cozy trapped her there.

“I have to find the others.” Twilight said as she put her orb away as the door was knocked on before opening to reveal Chancellor Neighsay is here to greet her. “Well, well, well, look who the pony dragged in, himself?”

“Greetings, Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Chancellor Neighsay smugly smirked upon entering her office.

“May I ask why you are here at this hour?” Twilight politely asked with hints of brimming fury dripping in her tone.

“Oh nothing other than taking over this school so it can be run my way for the greater good.” Neighsay simply replied.

“Really?” Twilight asked with intrigue at his new approach. “What happened to trying to shut down like before?”

“Oh I’ve come to see that this place can be fit to teach students as long as they are ponies only while warning of the disappearing magic.” Neighsay answered just as smugly his smile.

“Well, here’s a new lesson for you Chancellor…” Twilight began to tell him off. “That is not going to happen because you don’t know friendship as well as you think, Neighsay!”

“Well at least I know what is best for every pony compared to the one who is reported to have said some things just like me.” Neighsay retorted.

“What are you talking about?!” Twilight demanded to know what this is all about.

“Perhaps you should take a look at these photos, head-mare.” Neighsay presented a copy of the fake photos Flim and Flam had to which Twilight rolled her eyes at in response.

“You have got to be kidding me?!” Twilight said in exasperation seeing that the chancellor is this gullible. “These photos are clearly fake and edited to make it look like the case which in this case it’s not!”

"Doesn’t matter…" Neighsay coldly replied. "Since I know you still haven’t changed from day one and have proven Star Swirl’s old philosophy “Once a villain, always a villain!” I don't care how smart and friendly you are. Besides, with Equestria under attack, ponies must stand together. You have endangered us all by skipping off on friendship trips while these dangerous creatures run loose.." He proceeded to growl at Twilight. "Now where’s the magic?!"

“I told you I am not behind all of this and I am not Midnight and I’ll never be like her, Neighsay!” Twilight angrily said in her defense.

“Don’t be disingenuous!” Neighsay retorted refusing to listen to her. “You fooled me once before, and I’m not playing the sucker game again!" He said as he gestured a hoof to her face. "Now again tell me where is the magic drain is and who is the real thief if it is not you!”

Before Twilight could answer, the doors suddenly swung opened where Sandbar, Gallus, Smolder, Ocellus, Silverstream, and Yona all came tumbling out and landed before Neighsay and Twilight.

"Perfect timing!” Neighsay grinned as he used his magic to quickly wrap them up in chains.

"What are you doing?!" Sandbar demanded of the chancellor.

"Yeah what do you have against Headmare Twilight?! She didn't do anything to you to deserve having her school threaten to be shut down!" Ocellus bravely said to the stallion’s face.

"Young lady, you will address your future head stallion in a respectful tone!” Neighsay snapped back. “Because that attitude or yours will not be tolerated! As for Princess Twilight, she will be fine as long as she cooperates to my demands and reveals to me the source of the magic drain in order to restore everything back to order!”

Back outside, Midnight is currently watching this from her orb as she expresses interest in his arrival.

“Well, this is certainly an interesting turn of events.” Midnight commented with a smirk and a hoof on her chin as Twilight runs up to her student’s defense.

“Chancellor Neighsay let them go this instant!” Twilight angrily demanded of the stallion who refuses to do so.

“Yeah Yona says what she said.” Yona angrily agreed with Twilight.

"If you reveal to me where all the magic is going like I asked of you to reveal, princess. But in the meantime…" Neighsay instructed before turning to the captured students. "…Since you refuse to explain your plot against Equestria and return the magic you stole, you will stay here while I summon your guardians to take you home."

Before Neighsay could take further action Sandbar stood up and declared, as the magical chains faded away, Sandbar stood up and declared.

"Wait! You were right about them from the beginning, Chancellor. I see that now." He said much to the students shock as Twilight seeing what he is doing after a brief second pretends to be surprised.

“What are you saying?!” Smolder asked with feelings of betrayal in her tone of voice.

"Sandbar?!” Silverstream said in shock.

“How could you?!” Twilight asked pretended to feel betrayed while briefly winking at her students to go along with it.

"With Equestria under attack, ponies must stand together. Twilight has endangered us all by skipping off on friendship trips while these dangerous creatures run loose!" Sandbar only replied as he turned to Neighsay.

“Wisely put, colt.” Neighsay bought the ruse as he used his magic to free him. “Everypony will come to their senses eventually.” He added before letting him leave the office while Midnight continues watching the scene from her orb.

“Well, since the esteemed chancellor is here too…” Midnight spoke from her observations as she turned to her cohorts. “It looks like we’ll have to accelerate our plans.” She said as prepared to teleport inside with her amulet. “Remember Daybreaker, do not set fire until I give the signal when everypony is here on school grounds, so stay put!” She ordered the fiery alicorn to stand by s she huddled Tirek and Sombra with her before teleporting inside the castle hallways.

Once inside they quickly turn the corner as Sandbar runs down the hallways and comes across the Mane Five who had just regrouped with Spike.

“Girls!” Smolder called out to them.

“What’s wrong?” Fluttershy asked in worry.

“We got another problem!” Chancellor Neighsay is back trying to take over Twilight’s school again!” Sandbar frantically explained to them.

“Not him again!” Rainbow groaned with a hoof to her face already having enough with putting up with his obstructive attitude.

“Hasn’t he caused enough problems already not to mention we already have bigger problems here.” Rarity exclaimed in exasperation.

“Apparently not!” Spike grumbled in annoyance.

“He is aware of the magic disappearing and blames Twilight and the rest of my friends for it.” Sandbar continued to explain himself.

“Why the very nerve of that grump meany pants!” Pinkie angrily growled with her teeth clenched at that bully like authority figure.

“I know.” Sandbar agreed.

“We spent all day trying to find the Pillar’s artifacts in order to stop the magic drain but we found nothing!” Spike also added in frustration. “We could have sworn we left them right where we hid them!”

“Unless…” Sandbar added in realization as they briefly saw Cozy Glow sneaking away with Chrysalis joining her with said artifacts to which all seven witnesses quickly made their way to follow her.

Back at the office, Twilight then pulls out her orb after having enough of Neighsay’s ridiculous arguments.

“What have you got there? You’re little spying tool to confess?” Neighsay suspiciously asked her.

“Yes it is.” Twilight bluntly answered as she presented an image of where the magic drain and where Starlight is trapped. “And this is something you just have to see since you really want to know so badly the truth behind the disappearing magic along with the actual mastermind's confession.”

As Cozy Glow and Chrysalis head downstairs, the Mane Five, Spike, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders all secretly follow them with Sombra and Tirek both watching from the shadows of nearby hallway corners as Tirek follows after them.

All nine ponies and young dragon all walk down the stairs until they all come across Starlight as correctly predicted trapped under a magic bubble over a huge vortex with Cozy Glow and Chrysalis arriving as they place the artifacts in place to ensure the magic drain is accelerating and gone for good in less than twenty four hours.

"Enjoying yourself in there, Starlight? I'm sorry I had to push you in. But what else could I do? You were going to ruin all our plans?" Chrysalis evilly laughed in her face as she flew up to her so she can gloat and rub her victory over her face.

"You may get some company in there soon though. If I can't get that annoying Chancellor Neighsay to back off!" Cozy Glow cheerfully added before shouting on those last three words and then quickly recomposed her. “All this magic needs time to drain from Equestria before my vortex sucks it to another realm. Three days can sure seem like forever, huh? You know, you ponies got it all wrong. Friendship isn't magic. Friendship is power!” She further added as she bent down to pick up a crown to which she painted black and added a dark purple jewel inside of the center of it. “And the best part of this I will have somepony leading Equestria to a greater future moreso than Princess Twilight could ever dream…” She continued as she flew over towards said pony in the shadows. “Isn’t that right, mother?”

Said mare emerges from the shadows to reveal herself as Midnight Sparkle.

“It sure is child, and I can you right now I could not wish for a better daughter.” Midnight said in agreement as Cozy flies over to her and places the crown onto her head. “With everything coming together, Princess Midnight will be no more as when Equestria is under new leadership, all of Equestria will bow to me! The Empress of Equestria!" She then said as she evilly laughed as everyone watching from just outside of the catacombs along with the students watching from Twilight’s office as said head EEA member and even the school headmare was left shocked and jaw-dropped at this shocking discovery.

Author's Note:

In the first part of this mid-act story we have the beginning of the titular School Raze which I took the liberty of deciding to re-write because I'm sure anyone would agree with me here is this season finale is the worst.

For starters, I had the Season 9 elements of the villains turning against Grogar who was really Discord in disguise before imprisoning the Lord of Chaos in Tartarus imprisoned in this chapter.

Next up is one of the glaring flaws that the Mane Six and Spike have been easily duped into getting themselves into a trap and unable to save the day so I corrected this by having Twilight quick see through that and plan to turn the tables by getting Cozy to make another confession while pretending to still be fooled so she can lure her into a flase sense of security.

Third, for those thinking why Midnight is going through with this plan is because she is planning to lure everyone to the school so she can have Daybreaker set it on fire and is counting on the magic drain to be stopped. Although with the royal sisters still away to retrieve backup upon word Chrysalis is here inside the school along with Neighsay's arrival has led to Midnight implement Xanotos Speed Chess in order to accelerate her takeover plan.

With the truth of Cozy Glow's relationship to Midnight along with her alliance of Chrysalis and Tirek as the second day of the magic drain comes to an end with Day Three to come in Part Two of this version of School Raze out in the open to Twilight and company.

Prepare to brace your hearts for this upcoming chapter as Midnight's endgame comes to fruition and what is about to happen next is going to change everything for the rest of this story.

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