• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 4,541 Views, 207 Comments

Light and Dark: Road to Redemption - MXCDarkHorse2020

Twilight Sparkle, now the Princess of Friendship, focuses on proving to everypony through the adventures of Season 5 of Friendship is Magic onwards that she truly has redeemed herself for her past actions as Midnight Sparkle.

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Chapter 67: Journey to Mount Aris Part Two

Chapter 67:

Journey to Mount Aris Part Two

As Twilight flies off ahead to make the arrangements with the captain for her and her friends to travel to Mount Aris, the others are back down awaiting for the crew to help them with their belongings while feeling irritated with Pinkie and Rainbow’s “timely” arrival.

“You both just had to come in and arrive just when I was about to tell Twilight that she truly losing it.” Starlight said with sarcastic annoyance complete with an eye roll to the two.

“Sorry.” Rainbow quickly apologized with raised hooves. “I didn’t realize you were going to tell her when I came by.”

“Maybe it is for the better we don’t tell her.” Pinkie suggested much to the others objections.

“You know just as well as everyone that we have to tell her the truth!” Applejack crossly reminded the party pony. “The longer we drag this out and if she were to find out about it she will not realize that she is slowly slipping back into her old self.”

“Is it because of that dark magic in her heart from when she was Midnight?” Smolder questioned.

“Yes.” Cadance replied as she turned to her. “Something that we can’t remove from her without killing her.”

The students gasped upon hearing and seeing what Twilight is going through right now.

“You mean Twilight is doomed to be cursed with dark magic and turn evil just like Midnight?” Ocellus said with worry.

“I’m afraid so.” Luna could only reply much to their devastation. “Unless we can get her to realize that what she is doing right now is just what Midnight wants her to do.”

“How other than telling her the truth since it seems some of you don’t have the courage to follow through Professor Applejack’s teachings?” Gallus questioned.

“We’ve haven’t dismissed telling her the truth!” Rainbow Dash said in defense. “We’re just trying to figure out how to break it to her.” She then weakly excused herself as Gallus still isn’t buying it.

“Uh-huh. Sure.” Gallus replied unconvinced.

“Whatever you say.” Smolder also said in the same tone.

“Yona thinks ponies should tell pony princess the truth just like Professor Applejack taught us.” Yona firmly insisted to Twilight’s companions, mentor, and brother that they be honest with her.

“Tell me the truth about what?” Twilight asked as she flew down over to them having heard what Yona had just said surprising everyone.

“The thing is Twilight…” Sunset began as Twilight has her ears perking up with full attention. “…what we wanted to tell is…” She began before being abruptly cut off by one of the crew members.

“What do you want us to do, princess?” The muscular crew member Boyle asked of her.

“Just help load the ship with our luggage.” She instructed him as he and the rest of the crew walk down the wooden plank serving as a staircase so they carry her friends belongings onto the ship. “Sorry about that, Sunset you were saying.” She apologized with a smile.

“What I’m trying to say is…” Sunset again tried to tell her friend until they heard the sound of shattering glass from onboard.

“Squawk.” Squabble screeched out with a shriek.

“For Celestia’s sake, Squabble!” Mullet yelled at him leaving said alicorn surprised that her name is used as an expression. “What have I told you about handling mirrors!”

"Wow." Celestia said to her sister secretly in a whisper. "I didn't know I was an expression."

“Squak.” Squabble sheepishly squawked from onboard as Rarity gasped in devstated shock knowing that mirror was definitely her's.

“Just get a broom and a dustpan!” Mullet groaned as he barked orders at him as he immediately ran off to do so.

“Hold that thought.” Twilight politely excused herself with a raised hoof before flying back up to see what the commotion was all about. “What happened?!”

“Oh, nothing major.” Mullet replied as he presented the shattered mirror. “Just a classic case of broken mirror due to Squabble getting distracted by looking at his reflection while not watching where he was going.”

“Well tell him he is not allowed to handle any more fragile stuff or better yet any more luggage. Or he’ll have a classic case of his goose getting cooked on top of seven years of bad luck.” Twilight sternly replied as Squabble squawked in fright with a nod before running off away to see what else he can do instead after leaving behind the requested broom and dustpan.

Mullet clearly unsettled with Twilight’s calm and cold threat doesn’t comment anything to her as she fetches herself some glue the mirror back together as she hold it together with her magic while whistling as she flies over between the bridge to make sure the crew is handling their belongings very carefully not wanting anymore foul ups.

Sunset then groaned in annoyance seeing that trying to be to able Twilight the truth is getting very hard as Boyle takes his time carrying the rest of the heavy luggage while everyone else takes the stuff they want to carry up onto the ship themselves and just simply getting onto the ship so they can get to Mount Aris as soon as possible.

“How is it that telling the simplest things in life are always hard to do especially when honesty is involved?!” Sunset groaned in annoyance as she Starlight, and Tempest all make their way on board.

“They sure are lucky they are still friends with her at this point? Aren’t they?” Tempest could only remark with stoic disappointment.

"No quetion about it." Grubber commented as he snacked on a box of cookies from Tempest's saddlebag.

"Grubber..." Tempest said to the hedgehog with a stern look. "No snacks until dinnertime."

"Sorry." He hastily apologized as he put the box of cookies away but not before snacking on one more cookie followed by a cheeky smile in the unicorn's direction.

Once Twilight personally saw to it that everything was accounted for she then gave a nod to the captain who gave the order to cast off from the docks.

“Hoist the anchor!” Celeano commanded her crew as they all did so and just like everyone was set out soared the seven skies on their way to Mount Aris.

“What’s all thee commotion about?” Capper voiced with a gruff pirate voice which surprised the others. “Well, well, if it isn’t my little pony friends.” Capper introduced himself to the ponies on board.

“Capper.” Rarity said pleased to see him again as he walks on board with a shiny red velvet coat with gold trimming on front of it that she personally made with with a large yellow hat and a large red feather, orange shirt, white ascot, red pants, red socks, with black fancy pirate shoes with small gold buckles on them. “How’s life living in the seven skies?”

“Pretty good if you ask me.” Capper replied as he drew his sword with his normal voice before changing back into his charismatic voice. “Me and my crew scoured the seven skies and seas in pursuit of treasure and adventure.” He then said as he presented Rarity a treasure chest of gold coins, jewelry, and gems to which Rarity awed in amazement at the shiny treasure while Spike drools at the sight of the gems.

“Can I…?” Spike asked pointing to said jewels in the chest to which Capper gestured him with a nod to go for it to which he dived into the chest and took a bite into one of the gems as he grabbed a few of them and held them in his arms so he can munch on them one by one.

While Capper, Spike and Rarity were all distracted, Flash secretly grabbed ahold of a pink gem before quickly sneaking away before any pony noticed him in the act.

“Oh…” Rarity marveled at the golden tiara in the chest as she levitated to her head. “This looks rather marvelous!”

“Keep it.” Capper replied as he handed her the chest while holding the tiara. “Consider it a my little gift to you for convincing me to live a more adventurous life.”

“Well I must say this is quite generous.” Rarity felt touched by this grand gesture but unable to refuse the gift.

“I insist.” Capper again persisted her to keep it. “You really opened my eyes when you kindly patched up my old coat and that was there I really begin to turn a new leaf.”

“And I’m guessing this is your new career in life huh?” Applejack figured this is how he changed from his previous con-cat ways as she and the rest of the ponies minus the royal family joined in to listen to his backstory.

“Yes. It also reminds of me old times back before the Storm King came along.” Capper responded as he thought back to when he was a young kitten who didn’t have the coat back then.

“Back then I used to have a friend in my life whom we both escaped together when the Storm King ordered his soldiers to attack.” Capper narrated the memory of them witnessing the storm guards invading their home with the other cats running and screaming for their lives.

“Come on, Capper!” The gray cat with black stripes and blue eyes urged him to move as he grabbed him on the shoulders.

“I wanna get a better look at their ships, Chummer!” Young Capper refused to budge which one of the storm creatures took notice of and quickly impaled his spear through the umbrella on top of the kibble cart while trashing the cart causing both cats to scurry in a hurry.

“Let’s beat it!” Chummer again told his friend to which he complied this time around as they both quickly got the heck out of dodge as they leave behind their hometown as the fire that started spreads across Abyssinia.

“We managed to hijack one of their ships and made our escape but of course since neither of us had any proper ship steering experience we ended up crashing our escape ride in the middle of the dessert.” Capper narrated as said events play out just as he described.

“Chummer, we’re sail’ too low!” Young Capper warned his friend in control of the steering wheel as the ship nears incoming rocks.

“I know Capper, I know!” Chummer tried to regain the ship’s ground. “I’m ergh---tryin’ to keep us upright!”

Unfortunately he lost control of his grip on the wheel causing the ship to plummet downwards into the sand.

“We’re gonna crash!” Young Capper clinged onto his friend in a panic as they braced for the impact.

“Hang on!” Chummer returned in a similar manner as the ship crashed into the dessert crushing one of the horned animals making its way through the dessert.

“Been nice living…” The poor energy drained guy said to himself as he accepts his fate as the out of control ship fatally crashes into him.

“And even when taking him up for shipping flying lessons he still nearly crashes our ride almost every other time.” Captain Celaeno joked at the cat’s expense earning chuckles from her crew and their pony friends.

“I’m trying to learn!” Capper defensively said with dignity before continuing. “Anyways even with our ship totaled we both managed to come out of the wreckage unharmed and still true friends through and through.”

“You all right, Capper?” Chummer asked his friend as he helped him up to his feet.

“I…I think so. We’ll never get the ship flying again, though.” Young Capper answered with a sigh.

“It’s okay, Capper. We still got each other, don’t we?” Chummer assured him as he eyed the ship. “C’mon! Maybe there’s something we can use in the wreckage!”

“We should get going chummer…” Capper urged his friend to forgot about it. “We need to find somewhere to hide! And some food!”

“Yeah, but you never know what you’re gonna…Hey now!” Chummer ignored his friend’s concerns as he searches through the wreckage and stumbles across a glowing green gem on a necklace. “Look at this! It’s gotta be worth something, don’t cha think? Maybe we could trade it for something!

“Sure, Chummer.” Young Capper went along with it for his sake as he covered his forehead from the excessive heat from the sun with the blanket. “Now we can we get going?” He further tried to push him out of the dessert before they die from the heat.

“Yeah!” Chummer finally agreed as they made their way to Klugetown. “Don’t worry Capper… A coupl’a cats like us will always land on our feet.”

“So you two were the best of friends back then?” Pinkie eagerly asked Capper back in the present.

“We were at least back then until we got to Klugetown.” Capper replied as he didn’t want to think too much of it.

“What happened?” Fluttershy asked in a concerned tone wondering of how things went south from there.

“Before the Storm King invaded we both grew up on the streets in Abyssinia as orphans to the point we grew up stealing what we need just to make through to the next day.” Capper then started to explain his former bond with his former friend as he recalled the memories of him outwitting the guards back at his hometown to steal milk, bread, fish, and eggs.

“Aww…” Fluttershy felt sympathy for the cat.

“Even though I had some fun with it, it was only just to live another day and unlike Chummer I never felt truly happy with the life as a common thief.” Capper felt no pleasure thinking back to the memory. “All I really wanted to do was to be able to find a life to claim as home.”

“Is that why you joined Captain Celeano and her crew?” Rainbow asked if this is what he found and wanted in life to which Capper nodded in response before continuing to recall his backstory.

“Until the day I got to join her crew before meeting all of you me and my friend carried on our usual routine day and night making camp at an abandoned windmill in Klugetown.” Capper continued as he recalled the past memories of them doing so while being watch by suspicious thugs from the shadows. “And from your past experience you’ll have learned and know that everything there is so expensive to the point we weren’t able to make as much as we used to which lead to us to make some bigger risks in life to try to reach the vast resources of the town’s criminal empire. And that’s where we meet Vergo.” He also recalled as two of his well-dressed goons took them to his headquarters.

“The guy you tried to sell us into slavery?!” Rarity couldn’t help up feel sparks of anger at the mention of him.

“And let me guess…” Twilight stoically voiced her input. “Your friend didn’t agree with your ideas of how you wanted to live life so he decided to double-cross you and abandon you just when you two successfully scammed him out of one of his most expensive ships.”

“Amazingly, that’s exactly what happened.” Capper voiced his astonishment at her accurate deduction. “How did you know?”

“From what you two grew up to be, to your former friend’s desire conflicting with yours, along with the fact that crime bosses don’t look kindly upon being scammed, it wasn’t too hard to put the pieces together.” Twilight simply shrugged as she took a sip of cider from her mug.

“And then you pretty much that’s how I managed to obtain this here coat at least before Rarity generously redesigned it for me.” Capper then turned Rarity sounding very grateful for her.

“Well I couldn’t go against my element darling even though this was before you tried to have sold to that horrible man!” Rarity thought nothing of it while sounding a little bitter towards Capper for doing so in the first place for a moment.

“Yes and I am truly sorry for trying to do that do you.” Capper sincerely expressed his remorse. “At the time and until I met all of you I was trying to be able to settle a debt I owe him for attempting to double-cross him.”

“Well at least thanks to Midnight you don’t have to worry about him coming after you anymore.” Twilight said as the others shudder at the mention of her.

“The one good thing that came out of crossing paths with that scary alicorn aside from providing me money to start up a new career. Which for the record I had only met her once when she was after you and had nothing to do with whatever she was talking about.” Capper couldn’t help but feel creeped out of the dark mare. “Not to mention trying to have me and the crew killed for attempting to deceive her.”

“I know.” The pirate captain sympathized with him and his fears. “As bad enough as it was being forced to work for the Storm King, I still feel chills running up my spine just thinking about that crazy alicorn. So dangerously smart as she is dangerously powerful as the fire inside of her is burning bright in her dark heart.”

“Even though we all barely came out alive from nearly drowning.” Capper couldn’t help but think of the intimidating mare’s powerful attack that sent them flying in the ocean below as Boyle and Squabble nearly drowning after sinking 100 feet down below the surface before being saved by Capper rescuing the latter despite his dislike for being in water and Captain Celeano pulling up the former back up to the surface as they both gasp for air as both Capper and Celeano both mustered all of their strength to make back up to the surface before making their way to shore where they meet their new friends and allies just after Midnight and Tempest captured Twilight.

“At least you didn’t have to serve the Storm King and latter Midnight until Rainbow Dash helped us regain our confidence which along with thanking for doing so I also thank you for helping save my crew back there in return for saving you from the Storm King back when we first met.” Celeano voice her input on the matter while commending the cat for his bravery leaving some intrigued expression from the others to hear they have met before they crossed paths.

“And to tell you the truth we both can definitely relate what it’s like to be forced into a life of servitude.”

“How so?” Capper wondered.

“Well, you all know by now that me and my crew used to be treasure hunting adventurers before crossing paths with the Storm King, right?” She asked everyone who all nod their heads in agreement. “Well back then we were just as fearless and adventurous in the face of danger when going on treasure hunts we had no qualms of looting the Storm King’s ships.” She said as she recalled the memory when they invaded one of his army’s ships.

“Ya-ha-har! Prepare to be boarded, ye dogs!” Past Celeano told the two storm creatures in front of her just after boarding their ship.

“Sky pirates!” The storm creature exclaimed in fright.

“Avast ye scurvy scallywags!” The captain brandished her sword. “I am Captain Celeano, and we are fearsome pirates! Give us your loot or face our wrath!”

“N-no way!” The storm creature defiantly protested even in fear.

“The Storm King’s rulebook says w-we oughta defend our cargo to the end!” The other storm creature further stood up to her only to be intimated as she pulled him right into her face with a harden glare. “On second thought, perhaps we could consider a temporary suspension of the rulebook.”

“Of course those were his cargo ships.” Celeano narrated as she spoke with one of her crew members in the past. “Even then we knew better than trying to go against someone who would wipe the floor against us but knew we needed more than flying with so little but I cared for my crew well enough not to risk my crew lives to him. But because I also cared about my crew’s well-being I ended up taking the risk to which I regret to this day.”

“What kind of risk?” Rainbow asked.

“Attempting to plunder the Storm King’s ship of his treasures with the aid of one of his former second-in-command.” She simply answered as Twilight spoke up at the same time coming to the same conclusion.

“Tempest?” Rainbow asked which earned the unicorn’s attention.

“What about me?” She asked in response after hearing her name called as she turns to face the pirates in question. “Honestly no, I mean sure I blew up their last ship but I didn’t feed them the idea and plan to rob them of their treasure.” She said before feeling the need to defend herself. “And I’m sorry I blew up your ship.”

“Oh, no hard feelings.” The captain waved it off as it’s no big deal. “Besides you managed to get a taste of your own medicine when Midnight tried to end you.”

“Okay, let’s not try to push each other’s luck okay.” Tempest replied with an irritated tone.

"Okay ponies and creatures..." Grubber said as he got in between the two before they could even think of decking it out. "Let's all take a breath here and have tome apple citer, okay." He said as he sipped into his mug before chugging down the whole mug. "Wow, this is great stuff we should really get a barrel of this stuff." He then trailed off as he stumbled away while now clearly drunk leaving the unicorn to follow after him to make sure he doesn’t go overboard.

“Anyways…” Twilight then said wanting to move on from that. “So what kind of deal did you make with the second-in-command before Tempest?”

“Said second-in-command before Tempest was some mysterious creature named Stride who had no interest in serving the Storm King.” Celeano replied as she recalled meeting his projected recorded image from a potion spell he created beforehand. “And despite my initial lack of trust in him he didn’t betray us. But just as I feared the Storm King managed to catch up to us, threw his backstabbing lieutenant overboard to his death from ten thousand feet down below, and forced us to work as cargo haulers as punishment for trying to rob him. And when Midnight came along she had personally ensured and checked up on us every single day to make sure we were following his and her rules and policies perfectly which we managed to do despite our fear of her. And let me tell you she is so scary and unpredictable even she keeps a cool head all of the time and hardly raises her voice.”

“At least you can count yourself lucky that they didn’t throw you overboard for trying to cross them.” Tempest couldn’t help but throw a jab back at her as she trotted back up after she retrieving Grubber but before they could get into a fight as Tempest readied her horn as the captain drew her sword Shining Armor called out to them.

“Invading ship ahoy, captain!” He alerted her as said ship had a crew of cats closes in on their ship lead by a familiar cat wearing a black pirate coat with blue trimmings with a matching shirt, a black ascot, matching pants, along with matching blue socks and black shoes similar to Capper with a large blue hat with a large black feather on top.

“Chummer.” Capper said with a surprised expression before changing it to an expression of betrayed anger.

“Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in, himself.” Chummer smugly remarked. “Long time no see old friend.”

“Like you’re in any position to say that.” Capper growled to his former friend. “Because of you I ended forced into servitude with Verko.”

“So big deal.” Chummer expressed no remorse for doing so. “You survived and got out of it didn’t you? So what’s the big deal? You escaped.”

“Eventually. No thanks to you!” Capper refused to buy his act of faux remorse. "Your solo act of selfishness cost me my freedom until the day I could finally pay off my debts to him."

“Come on! You wouldn’t turn your back on an old friend would you?” Chummer attempted to persuade him into joining him again with an offered claw. “It will be like old times again. You and me made plundering the seven skies to make a living off deadbeats like your former crew.”

“An old friend? No. You? Yes!” Capper simply replied with bitterness towards him as he narrowed his eyes. "And I will never turn back on my new friends because unlike you they are true companions through and through!"

“Suit yourself.” Chummer simply replied as he nodded his crew to attack as they prepared to leap onto the ship as the others prepare for battle. “Attack!”

The cat pirates all yelled as they all leap from their ship with their swords brandished… only to find themselves plummeting to their doom after lightning strikes their ship with the nearby explosion scattering all of the cat pirates all around the ocean from ten thousand feet down making multiple splashes in the water below them.

“Tempest! What have I told you about blowing up ships with lethal force!” Shining Armor immediately barked and scolded his commander as he got right in her face who is just as surprised as everypony else.

“That wasn’t me, sir!” Tempest quickly and honestly defended herself without flinching or moving a muscle.

“Huh?” Shining Armor was now confused before they all turned to Twilight who has smoke coming from her horn to reveal she is one who blew up their ride and sent them to plummeting to their deaths to which she is quick to blew the smoke from her horn as she just casually watches as every pirate aligned with Chummer all suffer fatal falls from a fiery explosion and hard hits from the splashing water from down below.

Twilight watching this just delivers a satisfied smile as her heart glows as her horn sparks of electricity as she looks over from the edge of the ship.

“It looks their attempt to rob this ship just went up in smoke.” Twilight darkly commented as she chuckled to herself as the others look shocked, speechless, and uncomfortable with what she just did as she then walks off ahead feeling proud of herself while exchanging uneasy glances towards each other.

Sunset during her shock had a flashback of Twilight’s human counterpart relishing in her dark side just after turning into Midnight.

“Is she okay?” Captain Celeano spoke up turning to the alicorn’s friends after Twilight had left. “Because it seems to me she is deep down she is…uh…what’s the word to describe her?” She then asked her crew not trying to outright say she is turning evil and insane.

“Cuckoo?” Squabble squawked as Mullet motioned his hand to the side of his head with mimicking cuckoo clock sound effects.

“Uh-huh.” The Cutie Mark Crusaders all said together in agreement.

“Cuckoo, indeed.” Scootaloo said as she mimicked the same motions. “If I didn’t know any better she looks and acts just like Midnight and Tempest…” She commented which earned another stern look from the latter. “…before you became a good girl of course.” She quickly added apologetically as Tempest averts her attention back to the pirate captain.

“Well not exactly going nuts.” Tempest commented on Twilight’s mental state as she takes notice of her glowing heart. “But is definitely taking a darker turn for the worse and that's no joke." She quickly added to emphasize she isn't joking and doesn't find it funny herself. "Which she is going to continue down that path if she doesn’t see the difference between right and wrong. Which is exactly the same path I once walked down.”

“Uh oh!” Grubber said with widen eyes as he clenched his stomach.

"What the shock too much for you?" Tempest asked with an amused smile.

"No. That cider was a little too much for me." He said as he covered his mouth before running over to the edge of the ship to puke out the cider his full stomach couldn’t handle down into the sea after the now fallen crew much to everyone's disgust. "Oh boy, and now I'm starting to feel a little seasick." He then added as he briefly turned back with his face now green around the gills before resuming his little vomit episode.

“I can tell Twilight has taught you well.” The captain remarked on her turnaround after quickly moving the conversation back onto topic.

“Believe it or not, she sure has.” Tempest didn’t even deny of how much the alicorn has helped her out. “And she needs to hear it for herself before she slips even further.” She said with determination to tell her herself despite the pleading looks from the Mane Five, Celestia, and Shining Armor not to do it out of fear of hurting her.

She made her way across the ship to the bridge where she just found Twilight putting on some hair dye turn her the color of her mane black as she watches the clear skies as the ship makes its way across.

“Twilight!” Tempest called out to her while surprised her newly colored and sleek black mane and tail still sporting the same pink streaks in her mane and tail. “Nice hair.” She quickly complimented.

“Oh, this.” Twilight said as she placed a hoof on her recently dyed mane and turned around to present her dye job. “Just trying this on for ideas of how to look when taking back Canterlot but thanks. Anyways, you just wanted to talk to me about something?”

“Well…” She began to say before being side-tracked with her previous words. “…you’re seriously taking up a fashion statement before battle?”

“Well a pony who is taking back her homeland has got to look prepared doesn’t she?”

“Yes. Even though it may not be necessary unless it's Rarity we're talking about.” Tempest just said in order to try to move on to she wanted to say. “Anyways what I wanted to talk to about is…”

But before Tempest could tell her the truth one of pirates came up onto the bridge with a cleared throat.

“Your highness, forgive me. But we are approaching our destination.” He reported as he pointed to the incoming Mount Aris.

“Tell the captain to prepare for landing.” She told the pirate who immediately set off to do his task at hand as she turns back to Tempest. “We better get ready because we have all just arrived.” She said as she and Tempest ran off together to do so as Tempest grits her own teeth in frustration that outside circumstances are making it impossible to do the simplest task at hoof.

Author's Note:

In the second part we have the crew making their way to Mount Aris through the skies thanks to Captain Celeano and her crew giving them a lift as Capper is their newest member after finding joy and pleasure of the life of relaxation and adventure with them.

In addition to the penultimate episode of Act 2 where I showed how Tempest lived her life following her Start of Darkness before meeting the Storm King and how the later came to distrust loyalty in his subordinates, I took the opportunity to do the same with Capper and Celeano showing how Capper came to distrust friendship and how Celeano became slaves for the Storm King.

Since like with the Storm King and Tempest this material was gotten from the prequel comics you pretty much get the idea of what happened to them aside from Midnight's status as the Dreaded runs chills up everyone's spines along with Capper getting a moment to shine by helping Celeano save her crew in return for saving him back in the past.

In addition, a brief and short lived confrontation with Capper's former friend to show how Capper could have lived life with his now former friend through piracy with no desire for adventure and relaxation and instead for continuing to plunder and seek riches and wealth for his own sake...

...Only for said former friend to meet his end when lightning strikes causing him to have a very high drop into the middle of the ocean as Twilight's demeanor takes a darker turn for the worse.

It's only a matter of time until the truth comes out as her friendship with those who hurt her from the first wedding are about to be tested again in this next and upcoming chapter as they all arrive at Mount Aris.

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