• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 2,056 Views, 204 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Invasion: Gang's Back Together

Ponyville, Equestria...

It was just another peaceful night in Equestria. Peter and Twilight slept soundly, Mayday cuddled up in between them. Peaceful snores escaped their nostrils and first the first time in days, Peter had yet to have another nightmare haunt his mind.

But an all-too familiar tingling sensation in the back of his head caused him to open his eyes. A quiet yawn was heard from him and he refused to budge from his spot. 'Stupid Spider-Sense... Everything's fine... Nothing could go wrong tonight... So don't wake me again.' his mind ran off and was tired as well. He closed his eyes again, hoping to drift back to slumber.

The stallion's Spider-Sense went off again, forced him to sit up. Peter rubbed his head while cringing, "Alright, I'll bite. Let's see what's got my head so worked up." he muttered to himself, getting off his bed so that he didn't awake anypony.

"Where's my costume--" Peter paused. His ear twitched at a noise. It sounded like something was coming down. As fast and quietly as he could, Peter put on his costume and hopped out the window, hoping to find the source of the noise. He jumped onto the top of the Treebrary, surprised by what he saw.

'A meteor shower? There wasn't anything saying that'll happen.' thought Peter. He shot a strand of webbing outward and sling-shotted himself forward to get a closer look. Loud trembles could be felt from the Everfree Forest, and so that's where Peter decided to head to.

The wallcrawler landed on the grass after making it. 'That's not a meteor...' he thought. The stallion slowly inched closer to whatever it was that crashed. It looked to be metallic and there were a few of them. Spider-Mane's Spider-Sense gave him a headache as he moved closer to the object, but he ignored it so he could get answers.

Peter put a hoof out to touch the metal object, but once he did, a forcefield ejected him outward, causing him to leap backwards and fall on his back. He grunted as he heard and saw what appeared to be a door lowering itself.

Then, out of nowhere, a mass of figures stepped and ran out. They were tall, yellow, thin and had red dots on their foreheads. As they all ran into the forest, one of them stopped to lower itself to roar in Peter's face, surprising him. The stallion was frozen in fear and could only watch as the figures ran into the shadows.

Once they were out of sight, Spider-Mane stood up, in diebelief over what he saw. "Crap... No no no..." he muttered to himself while pacing back and forth. "Not aliens..."

"Are you shocking kidding me?" Miguel asked.

Peter had brought out the Spiders, and Twilight after waking them up. They decided to leave Trixie with Mayday in case something were to happen. "Yeah... It just doesn't make any sense." Eddie added, "Why come out now?"

"I have no clue. Heck, I don't even know what they are." Peter relied with a shrug.

Kaine tilted his head, "And you said they all just ran into the forest. Why didn't you do anything?"

"Because I had no clue what to do!" admitted Spider-Mane, "There was a surprising number of them walking out of these pods. The closest thing this world had to an alien invasion was Loki using the Chitauri as generic minions."

"Aliens... And you have no idea as to what they are?" Twilight repeated, seeing her husband shake his head. "Perhaps one of our friends know what they are." she suggested.

Peter nodded, "I was gonna call them for help anyway. There are two teams I can depend on for alien invasions: The Avengers and the Justice League. I can ask Strange and Fate to open a rift in the morning to see if somebody can come."

"Sounds like a plan, Pete." Ben replied, "Just know we're with you every step of the way." the stallion smiled at his clone's words.

Morning came in Ponyville and Spike, Fluttershy, Rarity and Mayday were led to Sugarcube Corner until everything was cleared up. The heroes had reached out to Strange and Fate, asking if any heroes were available. Unfortunately, there were few left at the moment in both Earths, but Peter decided to call upon anybody who was able to. And so, the team awaited the portal in the living room, and it came.

The first two to step out of it were Wolverine and Batman. "Heard ya needed some help." Logan quipped.

"Yeah. This won't take long hopefully." Peter responded. "Thanks for coming guys."

"What you described sounded familiar. We may be able to offer an explanation once everyone arrives." Batman added.

Trixie crossed her hooves, "So, it's something from your world? Hoo boy..." she muttered.

Batman narrowed his eyes, "Maybe."

The Flash and Ant-Man were the next to come out. "Woo. Another alien invasion! Just what I needed!" Scott yelled in a sarcastic tone, falling to his hooves.

"Aw yeah, now we got a team!" Rainbow boasted, "Where's Quicksilver at?"

The Flash gestured behind him, "X-Men stuff. They could only bring Logan here. Mister Sinister or something attacked. I didn't really pry for details, but we got plenty of people here as it is."

Peter chuckled, "You're telling me. The last thing I need is for this place to get crowded like it did when the Legion attacked."

Star-Lord and Deadpool came in next. "Wade!" Pinkie called out.

"Pinkie!" Wade called back.

"You guys just saw each other last week." Eddie reminded the energetic duo. "Why the grand reunion?

"Shut it, Brock!" Deadpool warned, "I can't miss my bestest friend in the history of ever?"

Twilight furrowed a brow at the sight of the space outlaw, "Why are you here, Quill? Shouldn't you be with the Guardians of the Galaxy offworld?" she questioned.

Star-Lord shrugged, "Thought you could use my awesome wit and ingeneous skills in order to defeat these aliens. After all, who better to fight aliens than an intergalactic hero? Plus, I was still on Earth. Ship upgrades and all that jazz."

"Is that what you call yourself?" Trixie muttered to herself.

The last two to reveal themselves were Captain America and Superman. Even Peter was surprised by their presence, "Cap! Superman? I thought the JLA and Avengers were busy?" he wondered.

Cap placed his shield on his back, "I told Tony he could lead the team for today. I'm sure his ego would like that. It was only a low-scale breakout at the Raft and Scott volunteered to come with me. Hulk and Thor are offworld at the moment as well. But they'll be fine handling things while I'm gone."

"And the Justice League is busy individually. Batman and I were available to come. But it looks like we have enough allies anyhow." Superman explained.

"Looks like it." Ben chuckled. "So... What do we do?"

"I would say decide on a leader considering how odd of a team we are." Sunset chimed in, and saw Rainbow raise her hoof. "No offense to any of you, but I would have to pick Cap or Superman. They have the most experience as leaders." the cyan mare lowered her hoof as a reponse, not saying a word.

"Yeah, gotta go with those two." Kaine added.

"Actually," Captain America began to say with a smile on his face, patting Peter on the back, "This is Peter's new home. He has my vote in leading us to battle."

Superman nodded, "I agree with Steve. Peter and Twilight can lead us this time."

"Uh, Cap, Supes..." Peter whispered, "You know I'm not a very good leader, right?"

"Of course you are, Peter." Cap complimented, "You did very well in helping the remaining heroes find Superman and us. And the Legion was a bigger threat."

"That was different! Everyone else had to explain things to me! I really didn't do anything." Peter muttered under his breath.

Captain America shook his head, "Don't worry. You'll be fine."

The former leaders all stood in a line with the other heroes and Equestrians, all looking to Peter for guidance. The stallion cleared his throat, unsure of what to do. "Uh, okay everyone... So, um... As leader of this team we gotta make this a group effort!"

"Cornsville." Wade and Rainbow chuckled to one another.

"So, Bats." Spider-Mane reached out to the Dark Knight, "You said you might have a clue as to what I'm describing? Can you and Superman shed some light on what we're dealing with?"

"Of course," Batman began, "What you describes sounds similar to an alien race called the Dominators. Last time they invaded Earth, they led an alliance with other races such as the Daxamites and the Thangarians for one purpose."

"The Metagene," Superman continued, "Basically they feared any powered race in case of eradication. They were pragmatic and seeked to end us before they think we could end them. In our case, it was the metahumans they feared."

"So they hate superpowered people?" Rainbow asked, "Ugh. They're gonna ate us in that case."

"Well, that's too bad." Star-Lord said. "If they have a problem, the last people to pick a fight with would be us."

"But how did they learn about us?" Twilight wondered.

"That's what we're going to find out." Superman replied, "Any ideas, Peter?"

"Um..." studdered Spider-Mane, "How about we track these Dominators down? Logan, how's your sense of smell?"

"I see yer plan, kid." Wolverine said, "Take me to where ya saw them crash. I can help sense 'em."

"You can do that?" Twilight asked.

Logan nodded, "Yep. Comes in real handy fer times like this. Couldn't really do that before considering our resources were thin. Can't track 'em if I have nothin' to track."

"Alright! To the alien ships!" Pinkie called out.

"Aw yeah!" cheered Deadpool. "It's about time we saw their leaders instead."

"Can't believe you two are excited about fighting aliens." Ant-Man muttered.

"Well, they picked a fight with us. We can't be afraid." Applejack commented.

"Damn right." Kaine agreed, putting on his mask.

"To the spaceships!" Spider-Mane yelled.

The Dominators carried something on their back, a beacon of sorts was planted on the ground. 'The final beacon has been set. The mothership may access this world in a matter of hours.' the leader of the alien group said.

'Yes. Very soon, all powered individuals of this world shall be gone and free from our wrath and us from theirs.'

'The one called Peter Parker. He must be found and brought to us at once.' the leader said, 'Go find him. He is in the nearby town.'

And the Dominators all ran off as ordered, intending to find their target, Spider-Man.

Author's Note:

Before I can truly move on; I have to write the grand finale to the Marvel/DC characters in this spin-off. After the Crisis chapters with these characters will be set before this.

This arc is gonna take about 3-4 chapters. The Invasion trilogy and the finale chapter.

Comments ( 4 )

7808066 It only hurts because Spider-Man loves everyone except himself and literal Batman, he went there to a bunch of kids perfectly.

This was awesome in amazing and great I really like that you did a good job

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