• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 2,066 Views, 204 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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The Plan

Scarlet Spider rolled to the side, dodging another one punch from First Spider. "Alright, bro. You leave me no choice." he declared, parrying his brother's hoof with his own, deflecting a right hook. Ben lowered himself and spun, kicking Kaine with his hindlegs as hard as he could. "You're not the only Spider who can buck." he joked.

Straightening himself out, Ben turned around to face Twilight, "Twi, Trixie. Get the girls to safety at the library and watch them. I think the rest of us can handle this small alien army of whatever this stuff is." he ordered the alicorn.

"No. I'm not standing by anymore. Just because we don't have magic, it doesn't mean we're useless." Twilight declared, a spark was seen glowing out of her horn. She then glared at Loki, "You dare come here, and threaten my friends and family!?" she asked in rage-filled disbelief. "Tell the Legion of Doom their leader isn't coming back!" a purple beam shot out of her horn, but the trickster god managed to shield himself in time to avoid the blast, the beam deflecting off of him and nesring itself back at the alicorn.

"Twilight!" Sunset and Trixie shouted, suddenly finding themselves next to said alicorn in a flash of white. Without thinking, Twilight erected a small shield to absorb the blast. "Did we just...?" she began to question, but Twilight nodded before she could finish.

"Your magic?" Eddie asked.

Twilight smirked, "It seems that way."

"My theory was correct and right. Now how about we show these wrongdoers our might?" Zecora suggested, earning a nod from everypony around.

"What about us? Ah didn't want to be here!" Applebloom commented.

Fluttershy looked around, gulping upon seeing Deathstroke and Loki's army. "C-Can I take them back?"

"Sure thing, Fluttershy." Ben said, seeing First Spider hop right at him. He saw the fillies and the pegasus trot away as fast as they could from the battle. Kaine roared, with Scarlet Spider leaning back to avoid his dive attack. "I don't want to fight you, Kaine. I'm not sure what happened to you, but I need to know that the same person we know is still in there somewhere."

Loki chuckled, "Don't bother. As long as he's under my control. He'll remain my mindless puppet." he announced, the Chitauri behind him continuing their rampage. Twilight groaned, using her magic to lift a weapon out of one's grasp, allowing Sunset to shoot them down with a concussive blast.

Trixie appeared above another, digging her hooves into their head. The blue unicorn sighed, "I don't even know that these... things are."

"I agree..." Rarity gulped, standing as far away from them as possible, only using her own magic to attack. "These appear otherworldy. And very repulsive."

Zecora hopped down, landing in front of Deathstroke. "So, you think you stand a chance against me?" Slade asked, standing up and grabbing his sword. "That's a huge mistake on your part, lady. You should'a stayed behind."

Smirking, the zebra held up her staff. "I am not a fool, unlike you. Let me show you what I can truly do." she declared, walking slowly toward Slade to initiate their fight.

Deathstroke raised his sword, Zecora using her staff to deflect the blade as it lowered. The zebra performed a sweep kick, tripping Slade. But the assassin pushed himself up, his hindlegs connecting with Zecora's chest, launching her back slightly. Zecora gasped, breathing again. She flipped, but Deathstroke dodged her kick in time, allowing him to uppercut her in the jaw. Grunting, the zebra lunged after Slade, the terminator deflecting her punch with a hoof. Countering the attack, Zecora reared her hindleg back, kicking him in the arm. Slade held his aching limb for only a moment before shrugging off the pain.

"Not bad, I'll admit." Slade said with a grimace. He pulled out his pistols, ready to shoot. Deathstroke pulled the trigger, forcing Zecora to hop to avoid the bullets aimed at her. She jumped off a wall, punching Slade as he turned.

Before he could react, however, Anti-Venom took a second to us his tendrils to lash out at Slade. The assassin managed to grab his blade and sliced apart the tentacles coming at him. "You should've stayed where your pathetic team is at, Deathstroke!" Anti-Venom roared, lashing out at Deathstroke. Zecora landed a hit while he was distracted.

"Son of a bitch!" Slade yelled, slicing horizontally and nearly hitting Zecora, but Eddie managed to toss the sword aside. Anti-Venom hissed, wrapping another tendril around Slade, tossing him aside as though he was nothing. Slade picked himself up, grabbing his sword again but he decided to sheathe it.

Meanwhile, Trixie and Pinkie hopped over two Chitauri soldiers, allowing Sunset to shoot them down while they were distracted. The aliens landed on their backs, smoke seen from their chests. "It's great to be back." the blue unicorn boasted.

"Yeah, it is." Sunset replied with a smirk.

Pinkie nodded, "All we're missing is Rainbow and Applejack! Rainbow must be really annoyed she's missing this."

"I can hear her whining now." sighed Trixie. She then went back to attacking the Chitauri, her horn lighting up as it shot down one more, allowing Pinkie to kick it.

Back with Ben, the clone lowered himself, ducking underneath the First Spider's attack. "Bro! Seriously, this is getting annoying." he whined, turning his head to face his brother. Scarlet Spider noticed that Kaine paused for a second, but he continued his assault. He extended his hoof, shooting two long strands of webbing, covering Kaine in his gossamer lines. "Alright. We can do this the easy way or the hard way." he threatened. "I prefer the easy way honestly."

First Spider struggled in his webbing coccoon. Ben sighed, removing his mask. "Kaine. Speak to me." he ordered. He saw Kaine continue to wiggle in his trap, but then something surprised him, a familiar sound reaching the first clone's ears. "C'mon, man. You, me, Peter, Eddie and Miguel are all the two of us have. Are you willing to let that go? I thought you were stronger than that."

"B-Ben...?" asked Kaine, calming down. "Is that you?"

Scarlet Spider managed a smile, "Yeah it is. It seems I missed a heck of a lot. Now, why were you under his control?" he asked, "And where the heck is Peter and O'Hara?"

Kaine shook his head, allowing Ben to remove the webbing, "I was fighting that Deathstroke guy, then everything went black. Hell, I don't know where Parker and the others are at. Honestly, I didn't think you'd manage to do that to me in the state I was in."

"Hey, us Spiders are full of surprises." Ben joked. "Now how about we kick this yellow-pointed guy's ass?"

"With pleasure." Kaine chuckled.

The two Spiders hopped up, landing next to Twilight, who was trying to attack Loki, the god of tricksters teleporting away each time she tried to shoot him. "You can't hurt me as of now, Twilight. I'm too powerful, and your forces are dwindling against mine." he boasted.

"I've had it with you maniacs." grunted the alicorn. "You threatened our friends. You threatened their families. You nearly killed my daughter using my friend!" she shouted.

"Hey, didn't think you could get so pissed off." Kaine quipped.

Twilight shook her head, "Kaine?" she wondered.

The First Spider nodded, "Yeah, Ben brought me back to my senses."

"I wish we could have a proper reunion, but Trixie is fighting for her life right now!" Trixie shouted, ducking underneath a laser shot from a Chitauri soldier. She, Sunset and Rarrity shot once each while they were focused on Pinkie, who danced to get their attention. "I... Can't believe they fell for that."

Anti-Venom held down Deathstroke, Zecora punching him with a right hook. Slade grunted, flipping Eddie over his shoulder, "You're all a freaking pain." sighed the assassin, loading another round in his gun. Thr zebra hopped up, throwing her staff at his hoof, making him let go by accident, the cane bounced back in her grip, and she drove her legs into Deathstroke's barrel, causing him to gasp for air.

"Do not worry much longer, Slade." Loki started to say, "We shall be leaving in a manner of seconds."

"Why the hell would we do that!?" Slade wondered.

Suddenly, a white light appeared in the area, gaining the attention of the heroes. It was the heroes that left for Canterlot, with Luna standing in the center. Peter turned around, seeing the trickster god. He gritted his teeth as he spoke. "Loki. What the hell did you do?!" he almost shouted, seeing the Chitauri around them.

Deathstroke sighed, "If it isn't the Spider."

"Slade." Batman and Spider-Mane hissed.

"It's over, Loki. You got like three Avengers teams against you." Star-Lord boasted, pointing a hoof at the trickster god's direction. Instead of being afraid, Loki laughed.

"Do you think I'm foolish enough to pit myself against all of you right now? Come now, Slade. We must part from the heroes until Luthor's true plan is finished." Loki revealed. Slade nodded, and the Chitauri stopped. "Be ready, because your pal Superman is in grave danger."

"Oh no you don't!" Quicksilver said. He and the Flash zipped ahead, but by the time reached Loki, he, Slade, and the Chitauri army vanished without a trace. "Damn it!" shouted Maximoff.

Peter sighed, removing his mask, "Son of a--" he cut himself off, thrn he faced Twilight. "Honey, what happened? What did Loki do while we were gone?!" he asked worriedly.

Luna stepped forward as well, "Was anypony hurt in this attack? He merely sent his other minions as a diversion it seems."

"He didn't do anything, Peter and Princess Luna. He and that Deathstroke just showed up with an alien army. And had Kaine under their control for a little while." Twilight explained.

"You got him back right?" Peter asked.

"That'd be because of me, bro."

Peter's eyes widened, he slowly turned around and saw Ben unmasked while wearing his Scarlet Spider attire. "Hey, Pete. Thought you saw the last of me?" he quipped.

"B-Ben?" Peter wondered.

Ben laughed, "Who else would wear this?"

"That would depend on who you ask." Miguel responded, walking next to the Scarlet Spider, "It's good to have you back." he admitted, a smirk seen on his features.

"I guess the Spiders are reunited." Eddie chuckled.

Kaine huffed, "Still a strange name for a team."

Ben's eyes turned to the Guardians of the Galaxy, "Oh, hey. Who are you guys? Did you guys show up while I was sleeping?" he wondered. "I'm Ben Reilly, the Scarlet Spider." he extended a hoof, Star-Lord giving it a shake.

"How many Spiders are there?" Gamora questioned.

"Too many." Rocket grumbled.

Daredevil only remained still, "What the hell is going on?"

"Spider-Man has made quite an impression for sure." Black Panther merely said in response.

"We had our own fair share of battles." Black Cat added.

"No kidding." Nightwing laughed lightly.

"Um... Who are you three?" Sunset wondered.

Peter perked up, "Oh right. Everypony, meet Daredevil, a fellow crimefighter from New York. This guy here is Black Panther, the king of Wakanda. And this bird themed hero is Nightwing, an ally of Batman." he introduced.

"Yep. This guy taught me everything he knows." Nightwing nudged Batman, who frowned.

Pinkie pursed her lips, "What's wrong, Batsy? Did somepony make you sad?" she asked.

"It doesn't take a lot for that to happen." Ant-Man whispered to Star-Lord, who quietly chuckled.

Batman remained silent deep in thought, "Uh, Batman. Pinkie was talking to you." Trixie said firmly. "I think it would be rude if you ignored her." she added.

"I know. I'm just trying to think about what Loki said." the Dark Knight responded.

Wolverine raised a brow, "What do ya mean?"

Batman stared at the ground, "He mentioned that Superman is in danger. We have to get to my Earth right away. I have a feeling there's more to this than what we thought. He could actually be in danger."

"You're right." Twilight agreed. "How soon do you want to leave?"


After a quick scolding to the children about endangering themselves. The heroes gathered around back at the Treebrary, where Batman manages to get a portal for Black Panther and Daredevil ready to go soon. Deadpool placed his weapons on a table, "Booyah! We just kicked evil ass!"

"Deadpool! Not in front of the childen." Twilight scolded with a hiss.

Miguel shrugged, "Hey, those guys had it shocking coming." the alicorn then glared at him. "Anyway, now what?"

"We have to divide ourselves. Some of us can go to Earth, while those of us here will protect Equestria in case the Legion of Doom have similar ideas." Batman explained.

"Alright, but now it's a matter of who goes and who stays." Peter realized in a stern tone. "Obviously, Bats and I are going. And I guess that means Twilight is going." he saw the alicorn nod at what he just said.

"I will stay here. In case the villains bring something we fear." Zecora decided.

"I'm goin'." Wolverine said. "And Wade knows where Superman's at, so he's goin' to give us tips."

"You're gonna need someone if we're breaking in to LexCorp like you mentioned." Felicia said.

Scott nodded, "Yeah, I'll go as well for that. I used to burgle places before I had the suit."

"Burgle?" Fluttershy questioned his choice of wording.

"Stealing. I changed my ways." Ant-Man revealed with a slow sigh.

Miguel placed his hooves on the table, "Alright, where the shock do we go?"

"Yeah, I kinda wanna see Earth too." Ben noted.

Kaine rolled his eyes, "Only you would be ready for interdimensional travel a day after waking up from a goddamn coma."

Sunset hummed for a second, "I'll go."

"How about we stay behind?" Gamora offered.

Rocket moaned, "And stay in ponyland? No thanks."

"I am Groot." said Groot.

"And your point? I'd rather sit in the ship!" Rocket shouted.

"Ignore him. We'll be just fine here." Star-Lord agreed with a wave of a hoof.

Luna nodded, "I see. I'll attend to this as well."

"I guess we can kick back." Bobby said.

Johnny shrugged, "I dunno... I kinda want to go."

Kaine exhaled, "How about this. I'll stay here. If you need me, open a portal and I'll come. You two can go on ahead anyway... I have something to think about anyway."

"What's the matter, Kaine?" Peter asked sincerely.

"It's nothing to be concerned of right now." the clone responded in a stern tone.

"Are you sure?" Sunset asked.

"I'm fine."

"You're gonna need a speedster there. I say you take Barry. I'll protect Equestria." Quicksilver decided.

"You sure, Maximoff?"

Quicksilver raised a hoof, "Yeah, this is your world. I can handle things here."

The Flash nodded, "Alright then."

Nightwing looked at Batman, "What about me, Bruce? You need some eyes in Gotham while you're wandering about right?"

"No, actually. You should stay here until we finish things on Earth. Gotham will be fine as long as I'm on Earth. I'll cover for your absence in the meantime. Equestria is better off with you here."

"Alright, you're the boss I guess." Nightwing chuckled.

Spike raised a hand, "Can I go? I wanna be a giant dragon again."

Peter smirked, "Sure thing. So, Twilight, Sunset and Luna will be with us. Trixie, you sure you wanna stay?"

"Trixie does not want to concern you with learning about another world right now." she decided.

Batman nodded, "So it's settled. Those of us leaving will be back in a week or two. Those staying... If we truly need it. We'll alert you." he suggested.

"Sounds fine to me." Quicksilver said.

Then, a portal opened up. "I wish I could help, but our world's in chaos. I gotta pick up the slack while you do this. And Peter?" Daredevil said, the stallion looking up, "It was fun working with you." he admitted, hopping into the portal. Peter smiled at that, his old ally waving him off for what he thinks is the last time.

Black Panther nodded, "I agree with him. I have a country to defend. But I wish you all the best of luck." he also hopped into the portal.

"Yo, Doc Fate!" Peter called out.

'What is it, Spider-Man?'

Twilight looked up as well, "Has anything changed while we were busy?" she wondered.

A sigh was heard, 'Unfortunately, yes. Hawkeye and Black Widow were captured... By the Avengers to be put under Loki's control. They're gone.' Fate revealed.

"Damn it." Batman mumbled. "Fate. Tell Strange to open a portal to our Earth. We're saving Superman now."

"Daddy? Mommy?" a young voice was heard. The parents looked to see Mayday.

"Yes, sweetie?" Twilight asked.

"Are you leaving?"

Peter sighed, "Yes, May. But for a little bit. Your... Extended family will keep an eye on you. Like Uncle Kaine and Quicksilver, and Nightwing. Oh and the Guardians. You'll be fine. We have Logan and Batman as well as the other Spiders. We'll be back safe and sound, I promise."

"Pinkie promise?" Mayday questioned.

Pinkie smiled, "Do it, you two!" she cheered.

The couple sighed, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." they declared, performing the gestures that goes with the declaration.

"Thank you. Please be back soon." May hugfed her parents, the couple reciprocating her action.

"We will." said Twilight with determination.

'The portal is ready.' announced Fate. 'You'll appear in the Hall of Justice. From there, you'll discuss what needs ro be done.'

The heroes looked at the vortex. "This is it." Logan announced, "We're changin' the tide of this war. We're savin' Superman and the Avengers." he said.

"Yeah. I guess you can call this a semi-homecoming." Peter joked.

Miguel sighed. "Let's get this shocking over with."

"Heck yeah, we're going Earthbound!" Ben cheered.

Batman scowled, "Let's end this."

The heroes jumped into the portal, it closing behind them. Quicksilver and Star-Lord rubbed their necks, wondering what to do next. "So... You guys up for chess?" asked Quill.

"Am I?" Pinkie repeated.


"What was the point of all this, Loki?" Luthor questioned.

"To scare them. They'll be paranoid now. Wondering if we'll strike again." Loki explained.

Green Goblin rolled his eyes, "Strange plan."

"Indeed. But I love those types of plans. Now with some of the heroes on Earth, what shall be done?" Discord wondered.

Luthor smirked, "Quite simple. The first step is to bring Joker there to my building where Superman is held. It won't be easy for them." he looked at the Joker, who laughed.


"The next step would be bringing in a few more challenges for the heroes." Luthor added.

"And who do you have in mind?" Electro inquired.

Luthor raised a hoof, "Well, first I say Scorpion and Hydro-Man should go there soon. The Spider-Men will be a concern, so I should get in touch with an expert who can slay them: Smythe. But first, the Justice League shall bear witness to something great."

"Ooh! I like the sound of that!" Discord yelled. "I'll bring whoever this mysterious person is. Just tell me."

Luthor chuckled, "The League shall bear witness to their doomsday."

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