• Published 5th Sep 2016
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Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Divide and Conquer, Part IV


Spider-Mane, Spider-Mane 2099, Black Cat, Batman and Spike started to walk toward Scarecrow, who was seemingly defenseless at the moment. "Did you really think I would pit myself against the likes of you all, Batman?" asked Crane. "Go, my minions! Destroy them for me!" he ordered. Suddenly, a bunch of thugs appeared out of the woodwork, prompting the heroes to battle.

"Alright, actual thugs! Not robots!" Spider-Mane cheered, webbing a large pony to him and flip-kicking him in the face. Spider-Mane 2099 unfurled his wings and tackled two down as well.

"You're telling me. It's about shocking time we fought something other than a neverending obot army." mumbled Miguel.

"Only you would get excited by this, Spider." Black Cat huffed, jumping over another thug and throwing him over her.

Batman ignored the banter and drove a hoof into the jaw of a goon, knocking him out instantly, teeth sent flying. The Dark Knight rolled, kicking another thug right as he neared him. The goon grunted, "We're gonna tear you apart, Bats!"

"I'd like to see you try." Batman remarked, holding his cape with his hoof, flicking it on the stallion's face, stunning him. After doing that, Spider-Mane hopped by and delivered a swift beatdown on his body. The goon fell once Spidey moved his limb downward. "My point exactly." he said with some snark in his voice.

"Aw yeah! Finally I can do something!" Spike shouted, inhaling, letting out a small warning flame at a thug, distracting him long enough for Black Cat to drive her hooves into the back of his skull, knocking him out instantly. He stopped, seeing the mare perform her action. As a safety measure, Spider-Mane webbed up the unconscious bodies of those they knocked down.

Batman threw a lone batarang in the direction of a goon, it grazing their head. "Ya missed, Bats." he taunted, "You losing your touch at your old age?"

"Did he now?" Spider-Mane quipped. After he said that, the batarang came back around, the blunt side whacking the stallion in the back of the head, dazing him. The wall-crawler leaped, backflip-kicking the thug in the chest before rearing his hooves to his jaw, the pony falling to the floor after his body made contact with Spidey's hooves. "Now, I haven't beat thugs like that in a long while. That's why crime doesn't pay." he joked quickly. Another thug slapped the side of his neck, and the sound of glass breaking was heard, a brief moment of pain faded before O'Hara used his talons to scratch him.

"Always with the quips." Black Cat sighed with a smile, spinning her body around, grabbing a thug's head with her legs and flipping him over her body, tossing him to Batman, who leaped up slightly, kicking them in the barrel, knocking the wind out of them. The Dark Knight placed a hoof on the ground, landing gracefully.

Spike ran toward Spider-Mane 2099, who shot a strand of webbing and latched it onto a wall. With a yank, he pulled down a brick, hitting a goon on the head. "Wow. How are we gonna pay for damages?" Spike wondered, using his claws to scratch a goon in the side, allowing Peter to uppercut their face.

"We'll worry about that later, dude. For now, we should focus on sending these guys back to the crime alley they came from!" Spider-Mane responded, swinging past the dragon and his successor.

Wolverine growled, using his claws to hold up one of Daredevil's billy clubs. "You and I have barely met, yet Parker speaks highly of ya." Logan began to say, he unsheathed his claws, taking the blow to the head from the weapon, the pain subsiding almost instantly. "I ain't gonna go all out fer his sake, but that doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy." he said after shaking his head.

Daredevil remained silent at his declaration, jumping up. He reared a hoof back, and nearly punched Logan. Wolverine countered by moving his own right hoof upward, hitting Daredevil's barrel. The Man Without Fear fell down, wheezing for air. His red eyes scowling underneath his devil shaped cowl.

In rage, Daredevil used the strings connecting his billy clubs to latch onto the side of a building, pulling himself up to leap onto the roof. As fast as he could, Wolverine used his claws to climb the wall in order to readh his opponent. Logan flipped, kicking Daredevil in the face, the armor of his cowl protecting him from most of the impact, but blood was still seen on his muzzle.

"Yer tough, I'll give ya that." Logan complimented, crouching down slightly. "But I'll free ya like the others." he punched Daredevil, the costumed stallion, used his elbow to counter with a swift jab to Logan's face, the X-Man spitting in response to the force of the blow.

Still silent, Daredevil turned his body, kicking the stunned Wolverine off the roof. The mutant fell onto the stone floor. He groaned while getting up, wiping the dirt from his muzzle and costume, any other wounds vanishing. "Got lucky there, asshole." he revealed his claws, a sinister look was seen on his face. He stood up, revealing his claws as he roared. "Now I'm done playin'."

Daredevil hopped down, the Man Without Fear gave him a dull look, his red eyes never changing. He threw both of his bily clubs, Logan managed to deflect the first one, but the second managed to hit his chest, causing him to exhale sharply. Daredevil caught the projectile as it bounced back to his hoof.

Wolverine responded by using his claws to stab through Daredevil's armor. Blood was seen dripping out of the costume. Daredevil staggered in his spot, feeling the wound. While he was busy looking at where Logan stabbed him, he didn't expect a hoof to collide with his jaw. Wolverine gave the vigilante a right hook so hard, it left a small bruise on Daredevil's muzzle. "I went easy on ya this time, kid." he muttered to the Man Without Fear, who remained silent.

Then, Daredevil stirred, he cringed once he felt the stab wound Wolverine made. "What the hell?" he wondered, his dull mask eyes staring down at the blood covered hoof. "Wolverine?" he sensed, "Why do I feel like I don't have fingers?"

"Yer in some ponyland." Logan explained, holding Daredevil up, "Easy... That wound shouldn't keep you down fer long. We still got work to do here."

"Work? The last thing I remember was being in Hell's Kitchen." Daredevil realized. "Why are you here anyway?"

Wolverine grunted, "Some goons called the Legion of Doom did that to ya and a bunch'a other heroes. Loki's behind this."

"Loki?" Daredevil repeated, standing on all fours. "I can sense some others nearby. I think they might need our help." he started trotting away as fast as he could, going into a full speed gallop.

The X-Man followed him, wondering where he was going to.

Iceman created a path with his powers, circuling around Nightwing. The hypnotized stallion started to follow him on the trail, his hooves still as he slid on the ice trail. "Seriously, dude?" Bobby asked Nightwing, the former sidekick remained quiet at the question.

Sighing, Iceman shot a small ball of ice in the direction Nightwing was sliding, he brought the path in front of him higher while Nightwing slid on the icy floor face first after feeling the force of Iceman's concussive ice shot. "That'll teach ya." he quipped, focusing on creating an ice path to stay on. Iceman knew that Nightwing wouldn't be able to handle a full frozen shot, so he held back, weakening the blue bird.

Nightwing gritted his teeth, getting back on all fours. He chased after Iceman and pushed the mutant off his own trail. Iceman groaned in pain while he looked back at Nightwing. The hypontized hero grabbed his escrima sticks and stood up. Iceman was unable to react in time before he took two blunt weapons to the face. Ice particles were seen scattering on the floor while he held his head. "Um... Ow." was all Bobby said in response.

Shaking his head, Iceman looked upward, seeing the Human Torch hover over him, trying to throw a fireball at Black Panther who keeps hopping out of the way. Johnny looked at his friend before descending, "You having trouble, bro?" he asked.

Iceman shrugged, "I had it covered." he said, seeing that Black Panther was now standing next to Nightwing, "But I think we should teach these two a lesson."

"Hell yeah." Johnny responded, before taking off once again, now focusing on Nightwing. Black Panther lunged forward after Iceman, the mutant hopped out of the way, extending both hooves in front of him, shooting a small beam of ice in the panther's way, sending him flying before he could reach Iceman.

Black Panther landed on his back, cringing in pain as he heard a crack on his hoof. The panther nontheless got back up, revealing his car-like claws on both hooves. He slashed Iceman, but the X-Man managed to erect a small ice barrier in front of him, taking the strike. He reared a hoof back and punched Black Panther in the face, his armor tanking the hardened blow. "Seriously, cool down Panther! Oh God, I'm sorry for that pun." groaned Bobby quietly. "But not really." he admitted with a light chuckle, shaking his head seeing T'Challa's lack of reaction.

"Usually you would groan or say something serious, but sound witty in response. Those dudes got to your head." Iceman sighed.

In response, Black Panther wrapped a hoof arund Iceman's own, and yanked him forward, slicing his face. More ice particles were seen coming off Bobby's face. The mutant scowled, giving Panther a left hook before kicking him with his hindlegs. "Just stay down, T'Challa!" ordered Iceman loudly.

The panther grunted, deciding that he had enough. Black Panther jumped up, his claws sharpened and ready to strike. Iceman hopped out of the way, shooting T'Challa with yet another beam of ice. He created an ice trail to speed himself up before jumping and punching the panther again, this time his attack impacted the armor, laying a good hit on him. T'Challa held his barrel with a hoof, his glowing red eyes started to dim back to the normal mask color.

Gasping for air, T'Challa called out, "Iceman?"

Iceman nodded, "Look who decided to wake up. Nice to see ya, T'Challa. Normally I would say something else, but we're kinda in the middle of a battle."

Black Panther looked up, seeing the Human Torch, "I see."

Meanwhile with Johnny, he lowered himself to face Nightwing, "So, you're the Batman's friend? Shouldn't you be a bat as well? Like as Batman and Batboy or something?" he joked, throwing a fireball in Nightwing's direction, the stallion backflipped away, throwing one of his escrima sticks at the wall so it bounced and hit Johnny in the back, knocking him to the floor face first.

The Human Torch slammed a hoof on the floor, his anger rising. Without thinking he took to the skies again, diving and lunging himself at Nightwing in response. Luckily, he realized what kind of damage he could do to him and at the last second, curved his path upwards, a trail of fire following his every action. 'I gotta be more careful. Last thing I need is to get on Batman's bad side.' he thought. 'He has one heck of a glare that's for sure.'

Nightwing combined his escrima sticks and turned them into a pole, with electric sparks flying out of it. He stood up, holding it behind his back while spinning it. "Show off." muttered Johnny, doing three backflips in the air before diving down in front of the former sidekick.

Johnny dulled his flames, using his momentum to kick Nightwing in the gut. The ex-Robin tumbled as he felt the force of the attack. The Human Torch slowly walked up to him, seeing him slur something. "What did you say?" asked Johnny.

A smirk was seen on Nightwing's face, "I said... You know how to do some tricks." he quietly complimented.

"Aha, I knew I was awesome!" Johnny shouted, helping the former Boy Wonder up off the ground. "I don't think I need to explain what's hapening to you. Ponyland, bad guys, the whole thing."

Nightwing nodded, "I got it. Where should we go?" he asked.

"Wherever we're needed." Johnny responded.

Ant-Man and Yellowjacket were in a freefall, having just jumped off a building while still shrunken. Scott grabbed onto one of Cross's pincers while he activated his thrusters. "Will you get off!?" Yellowjacket asked in disgust.

Under his helmet, Lang laughed, "Sorry, Cross. I'm as annoying as a bug." he quipped, his hooves wrapped around the robot's armored stingers.

Yellowjacket tried to fly in different directions to shake off Ant-Man, but he refused to budge. Scott swore he could see his allies, who were obviously larger than he was at the moment. Ant-Man managed to rear a hoof back to punch the armor slightly. Cross growled, moving the pincers Scott was holding on to. Lang gritted his teeth, releasing his grip on them purposely. While he was in middair, he pressed a button, turning back to normal size again.

He slammed a hoof onto the now tiny Yellowjacket, but before he could be swatted, Cross grew back as well, the two of them now in a struggle. "Die already! You're nothing special!" Darren shouted.

Ant-Man snapped, "Says the jealous businessman! You're using this tech for the wrong reasons!"

"As if I should listen to the petty crook Pym took in!" Yellowjacket hissed back, raising a stinger. As it lowered, Ant-Man shrunk himself, flipping Yellowjacket over with a flick of his hoof in his shrunken, but still strong state. "You could never understand the full potential of these particles! Something you and Pym never understood!"

Ant-Man grew back, "Yeah. I'm totally offended that a psychotic terrorist called me a petty crook, which I'm not anymore." he said sarcastically. Yellowjacket responded to his snarky comment by shooting some lasers out of the arms attached to his armor's back. "Nope." said Ant-Man shrinking down once again, somersaulting over the lasers, his hooves planted on the ground before leaping. He ran on the small pebbles made from the force of the yellow laser blasts.

With a hop, Ant-Man moved his hoof backwards, punching Yellowjacket, who brought himself down to Scott's size. "You have no reason to wear this suit, Lang!" Cross yelled, "Pym made a mistake training you! And you made a mistake allowing me to live!"

Scott groaned, taking a swipe from Yellowjacket, "I should've just left you in the Microverse like I planned." he muttered, holing Darren's armored helmet and kneeing it, making a crack in the visor. "Yeah, that's what I should have done." he blocked Yellowjacket's pincers, rolling away before they can impale him.

"As a wise man or whatever it was once said, you're too slow!" taunted Scott, kicking Yellowjacket, then he was stunned by Cross swiping his hooves and punching him in the chest. "Yeah... I deserve that..." he gasped, holding his gut. But after getting his breath, Ant-Man found the resolve to continue the battle.

Star-Lord somersaulted out of the way of Yondu's strange floating arrow. "Do you have a wi-fi connection to that thing, Yondu?" asked Quill, pointing his Elemental Gun at his father figure. Yondu chuckled at his comment.

"Nah, I thought I explained it to ya, boy." Yondu responded, whistling to move the arrow again. "You should just give up, I wouldn't have to hurt you or your friends here." he admitted.

"Well, you shouldn't have allied with the enemy!" Gamora shouted, slicing one of the alien goons. A wound was seen on him, and it began to bleed a little bit. "This mistake was on you!" she declared, raising her blade once again.

"I. Am. Groot!" Groot yelled, extending his branch hands to grab a bunch of thugs at once. He moved his arm around, slamming each of them on the ground, then the walls and he repeated this action for a few minutes. Drax raised a brow at this action, feeling like he has seen his tree ally do this before.

"I am getting the sense of deja vu. Whatever that means." Drax said, jumping into the air, swiping his blades horizontally. They connected to two more thugs standing across from each other. They collapsed almost immediately after Drax stomped on them. The goons were still breathing, relieving Quill.

Rocket hopped up on Groot's shoulder, he looked down seeing his weapon on the floor, "Hey! Someone pick that up!" he commanded. Star-Lord nodded and rolled away, grabbing the gun from underneath, tossing it to the furry creature. Rocket held it in his hands, a smirk was seen forming on his face.

"Oh... Yeah!"

Shouting, Groot began to turtn around, Rocket pulling the trigger on his weapon, shooting a bunch of lasers at the opposition, "Yeeaaahhh!" shouted Rocket, moving his arm left and right to aim properly.

"I am Grooooooot!" yelled Groot.

Star-Lord tackled Gamora, the two of them dodging out of Rocket's barrage. "Watch where you aim that thing, Rocket! Some of us like our heads on our bodies!" Quill commented loudly. Gamora shoved him away in response.

"I didn't need your help, Quill." she grunted.

Star-Lord rolled his eyes, "That's a weird alien way to say thanks." he muttered, dusting his red jacket off.

"That is impossible. We all speak the same language. Somehow." Drax chimed in, ducking to avoid Rocket's laser fest. "Except for Groot of course."

"Nah. I'm sure he and Batman can communicate." quipped Star-Lord, shooting some more Ravagers down. Smoke appeared out of his blaster, and he placed it back on his strap.

"Will you two stop and take this seriously?" Gamora wondered, slicing more goons without directly killing them.

"I can't. They're Ravagers." Star-Lord chuckled. "These guys get in our way all the time and we still stop them. Now we have three universes full of heroes to back us up as our entourage." he bragged, facing Yondu once again.

Blurs of yellow, red and silver zoomed around Canterlot. Trailing them in the skies were Celestia and Luna, accompanied by Deadpool. "Must we bring him, sister?" Luna groaned.

"If Peter and Batman said he could be useful, I see no reason to doubt them right now." Celestia explained.

Deadpool hopped from roof to roof, "Woo! I knew I can be useful!" he cheered, never stopping himself.

For the speedsters, time seemed to move slower, but the Flash managed to shove his reverse into Quicksilver, who jumped and kicked Thawne in the back. The Reverse-Flash flew into a wall, but he picked himself up. They could see his distorted form, as Celestia and Luna landed while Deadpool hopped next to the superheroes. "Be careful. Thawne can use his speed for many things." Barry warned.

Celestia nodded, using a spell to hold down Reverse Flash, but he suddenly vanished. "What the--?" she asked in confusion, something hit her in the side, causing her to twitch in pain, holding the now bruised area. "How?" she asked.

The Reverse-Flash chuckled, his echoing voice creeping out the group. "Speed mirage." was all he said, then he zoomed off again, grabbinf the injured princess and dragging her by the wing. The Flash and Luna scowled, following him as fast as he could. Quicksilver placed a hoof on Deadpool's neck, grabbing him as he ran.

"Stop this now, Thawne!" Barry commanded. The Reverse-Flash stopped, facing his nemesis and letting go of Celestia, her sister running up to her for aid. "Our battle doesn't concern them."

"You're right. You and I have been at this a long time, Barry. They may not be who I'm after, but I'll make sure you fail, like you did for your mother." Reverse-Flash taunted. At that moment, Barry sped ahead, grabbing Eobard by the throat and slamming his head on the ground. "Do it, Barry. You know you won't." he said as Barry began to vibrate his free hoof.

The Flash huffed, stopping his other hoof, but he still kicked Thawne in the ribs, injuring him. Quicksilver zipped next to him, "Do you want Deadpool to do it?" he quipped. Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot got their attention as well as a scream from Thawne's mouth, his voice echoing across the town. The speedsters turned their heads and saw Deadpool holding a gun, smoke appearing out of it.

And a bullet wound on one of Reverse-Flash's hooves. "What?" asked Wade innocently. Before anyone could react, however, a red blur tackled him.

"Did you think a mere bullet wound would stop me?" Thawne asked, vibrating a hoof, but not the rest of his body. "I can kill you right now! In fact I will." he declared, his hoof getting closer to Deadpool's chest.

"It ain't gonna work, Yellow Flash!" Deadpool laughed. "I've been stabbed, blown up, shot, drowned, ripped in half, but..." his hindlegs reared upward, kicking Thawne off him, "I keep on kicking!"

"That pun was terrible."

"Shut up! It was comedic genius!"

Luna turned away from Celestia for a second, holding down Reverse-Flash, who was unable to move anything, "You think you've won, Flash, but you know I'll be back." he said, "No matter what, I'll be waiting to break you again."

Quicksilver shook his head, "Does this guy ever stop monolouging?" he wondered, punching Thawne. Reverse-Flash grunted, moving his body so that he was distorted again.

"What kind of creature is he?" Celestia asked.

"A speedster, but no different from me in all but dignity." Flash growled, running to Thawne, he jumped and flipped over Eobard right as Quicksilver hopped up a wall to elbow drop Reverse-Flash, the evil speedster taking a blow to the back. Eobard hissed, feeling and hesring his back crack slightly. Luckily for him his healing factor kicked in, allowing him to pin Maximoff to the wall. "That's enough, Thawne." Barry ordered the yellow speedster.

"It's not enough, Barry." Thawne replied with a sinister smirk.

"No, he's right." Celestia added, her and Luna combining their magic to hold down Reverse-Flash and levitating Quicksilver away, the silver-haired speedster gave them a quick salute as he was gently placed on the ground. "But maybe that will." she quipped.

"Can I shoot him again?" Deadpool asked, holding up his gun.

"We're not killing anypony, Deadpool. Stand down." Luna ordered.

"Aw." groaned Wade.

"Reverse-Flash," Celestia began, "You have done enough damage here. Who is behind this?"

Reverse-Flash laughed, "It doesn't matter now. The Legion of Doom is coming for you all. Hell, I wanted nothing to do with them at first." his red eyes began to glare at Barry, who scowled in response, "But to turn down a chance to screw you over again, Barry? It'd be like old times, so I decided to come here."

"You're sick, Thawne." Barry grumbled.

The Reverse-Flash didn't move in his force-field prison, "It's as history said, Barry. I'm your enemy and you can't change that ever." he chuckled again, "I'm gonna torment you... Destroy you... I may not kill you, but I'll prove to you and any other speedsters, such as you Quicksilver, that I am not to be taken lightly."

"Me? What did I do?" Quicksilver blurted out, zipping behind Reverse-Flash, startling him. Barry managed a thin smile at what Maximoff just did to his nemesis. "I mean, I get that I'm awesome." he gestured to himself, "But someone like you?" he tapped the bubble, "You're not worth my time I feel."

"Not worth your time!? I'm the fastest speedster!" Thawne declared.

"Enough!" Luna shouted. "We've had enough of your trifling. You will tell us, why are you here?!" she demanded to know. She only got angrier upon hearing the Reverse-Flash's laugh.

"A distraction."

Celestia narrowed her gaze, "A distraction for what?"

"A double whammy." was all Thawne said before the forcefield was removed. Deadpool shot Thawne's other hindleg, causing him to scream in pain. "Damn it!"

"Wade!" Luna yelled.

Deadpool shrugged, "Did I do that?"

Barry shook his head in disbelief and he and Quicksilver ran to Eobard, punching him unconscious. The Reverse-Flash fell to the floor, "Now, what does he mean by a double whammy? Ugh, it's as vague as the whole Harrison Wells schtick he pulled." he held his head.

"Two things are about to happen?" Quicksilver suggested.

"That's what I assumed, but what?" Celestia wondered.

Spider-Mane flipkicked another thug, throwing him in Black Cat's direction, and she dug her hooves into his torso, knocking him down for the moment. "Not bad, Felicia. Now how about you handle these guys, while Bats and I get to talk the big bad Scarecrow himself?" he offered his partner.

"Yeah, I think he has this coming." she replied.

Batman walked forward, nearing Scarecrow. Spider-Mane was right by the Dark Knight's side, leaving Miguel, Spike and Felicia to handle any remaining thugs sent by the villain. Peter webbed up the unresisting villain, leaving Batman to interrogate him. "Why are you here, Scarecrow?" he asked, rearing his fist back.

"I'm not here for you this time, Batman." replied Scarecrow calmly. Peter was disturbed by the tone of his voice, as though he had something planned.

'Why is my Spider-Sense going off?' thought Spider-Mane. He rubbed his neck, feeling a stinging sensation. He looked at his hoof, seeing small droplets of red and yellow on his costume. 'Oh no...' thought Peter, his complexing turning pale as he realized something.

Spider-Mane 2099 lowered himself for a moment, seeing a broken syringe on the floor. "What the--?" he blurted out, seeing the needle. His mind raced, seeing Peter look at his hoof, "Oh shock. Batman!" called out Miguel.

"What?" asked the Dark Knight.

Miguel held up the syringe, "Something tells me Scarecrow doused Parker with another batch of Fear Toxin." to confirm his theory, Batman used his Detective Vision, seeing the chemical enter Spider-Mane's body,

Without hesitation, Batman held down Spider-Mane. "What the hell, Batman?!"

"Don't talk. Scarecrow injected more Fear Toxin into your system." he held up a batarang.

"Wait what?!" shouted Peter, "Get away from me! I don't wanna hurt you or anyone else!" he commanded. Then, he flipped Batman over, forcing the vigilante to hold his head. "Get... Off!" he shouted, "I'll make sure you all pay for what's happened!" his eyes somehow glowed yellow again.

"What's wrong with the Spider?" Black Cat asked quietly, seeing Spidey's angered glare.

"Not again." gulped Spike.

Spider-Mane 2099 slammed his hoof on Scarecrow's jaw, "Why the shock are you doing this!? Is this some kind of sick game you're playing, you lawn ornament!?" he slammed Scarecrow on the ground, covering him in webbing. Miguel then held up Crane's head, ready for an answer to be blurted out.

"I was told of the Spider's weak mind. It seems he really is fragile. It is perfect. A hero succumbing to his fears." Scarecrow chuckled darkly. "This world will see true terror through their own hero's rage--" he was cut off by O'Hara punching him in the back of the head, knocking him unconscious.

"That'll shut you up, you annoying bithead." Miguel retorted.

Batman stared down Spider-Mane, "I'm sorry it's come to this, Peter. But like you said, you can't hurt anyone anymore." he turned to the others. "Go. I'll handle Spider-Mane. The Fear Toxin will drive him insane. Find the Guardians, anybody! Just get out of here!" he commanded them all.

"You sure you can handle Peter like that on your own? I've witnessed first hand how he is when pissed off. He gave Octavius arachnophobia for quite a while." Black Cat said.

"You oughta listen to Batman, Cat. It's better off a one-on-one battle if he can take of it." Spike replied.

Miguel sighed, "Just make sure things go better this time." after saying that, the three ran off to assist the others.

"No promises." Batman admitted, crouching down. Spider-Mane yelled, ready to fight Batman, who he believes to be the enemy once again.

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