• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 2,056 Views, 204 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Where We Stand

"Okay..." said Peter, still in shock. "How about we start from the beginning?" he told the two newcomers. "Because my brain is still trying to process the fact that you two are here." he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"You fought the Legion of Doom on your own. Captain Cold's gun weakened you while the remaining members took you out." Batman elaborated.

"Yeah, I know that, I'm talking about your side of the story..." Peter groaned. "How are they even here to begin with?"

"Yeah... How did this world get involved in affairs across the two Earths?" Eddie wondered.

"That's what we're tryin' to figure out, Brock." Logan answered.

Ben crossed his hooves, "Well, that's just great... Some supervilains from another world just decided to take over this world... Just when I was enjoying the peace and quiet."

"Who is the Legion of Doom anyway?" Twilight asked.

Batman scowled, "They're a group of supervillains led by the mastermind, Lex Luthor. It's usually a different roster each time he brings them together to end us. He's picked quite a powerful group this time I will admit."

Peter rubbed his back, "No kidding."

"Most of the Legion are from my world." Batman added.

"Well, who's on it? They must've been strong to mess Peter up like that earlier!" Rainbow questioned.

"The biggest threat there is most likely Sinestro, an alien with a ring capable of anything and fueled by fear. Stay clear of him. Solomon Grundy is a zombie, but he's not very intelligent." Batman began to explain.

"Yeah, all he did was roar like the Hulk in anger management class." Peter recalled. "There's Captain Cold and Heatwave, two normal criminals with Elemental guns, it's obvious which gun does what." he also elaborated.

"That must've been the gun that froze your body." Kaine said. At Peter's nod, he sighed.

"Then... there's the assassin Deathstroke... He's very powerful and can think faster than you can react. Except for Peter's Spider-Sense it seems." Batman said. The Dark Knight sighed, "And then... There's the Joker. He's the most unpredictable out of the entire Legion... He may not be much of a physical threat, but he will try to play mind games and keep you in suspense. I'll handle him myself."

The ponies gulped at Batman's description of the Joker, "But he's called the Joker!" Pinkie chimed in.

"Don't let the name fool you, Pinkie." Peter interjected, "I faced him before and he may look like a clown, but he's still on one of the biggest monsters I've ever faced, right up there with the Green Goblin himself."

"That's... awful." Rarity slowly said.

Wolverine decided to change the topic, "Ya may remember some old foes of yers, kid. Saw Scorpion and Hydro-Man there as well."

"Hydro-Man? That doesn't sound threatening at all!" Ben laughed.

"Ben, to put this into perspective for you, Hydro-Man can control water... Think about that kind of power in a heavily populated city, and especially near an ocean." corrected Peter. That shut Ben up and he listened in silently.

"He's that powerful?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah. It took most of the Avengers to keep 'em contained." Wolverine admitted. "But of course Luthor wanted him... Now we have to worry about him removin' the nullifier collar."

"Well then..." huffed Rainbow. "Some freak who can control water is here. Just what we needed."

Miguel looked at the heroes, "So, what the shock happened that brought you two of all people here?"

"Before we begin, you need to know something important Peter. Superman is missing." Batman revealed.

The stallion put a hoof on his chin. "Lex mentioned hat I won't be seeing him anytime soon. Did he disappear right before all of this nonsense happen?"

Batman nodded, "Yes. We've tried looking everywhere, but none of us were able to find him. I have some allies back on my world still looking just in case. The ones who are looking are capable of taking him down if he's under mind control as well."

"Oh great... Mind control." Sunset fumed.

"So, that's what Lex meant. Are you able to get back to the two worlds to get help?" Peter inquired.

"Strange is workin' on a portal that will allow us to travel across the three worlds. The two of us are stayin' here until this whole mess gets cleared up. Batman mentioned that Dr. Fate will tell us whenever Strange finishes opening the rift."

"So, now we have a ticket back home." Kaine smirked, "Once this is all over, tell Strange to leave it open for us."

"Anyway, what happened Batman? The Legion attacked your world first, right?" asked Twilight.

Batman sighed, "It started a few days after Superman's disappearance. The Legion of Doom suddenly attacked Metropolis without him to protect it. That's when my team, the Justice League set out to stop them. But something was different."

"Different? You're fighting a legion of supervillains, what can be off about that...?" Rarity wondered.

"It was obvious the plan of attack was coordinated on Lex's end, something I figured out immediately, I know that he has a hand in Superman suddenly going missing. But we all went to stop them, but then he showed up."


Batman grunted, "Loki. He used his staff to place most of the Justice League there under mind control almost immediately once he revealed himself. Obviously, I got out, along with Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and Martian Manhunter. But Flash and Captain Marvel weren't so lucky. The four of us retreated, where it was decided that the three of them and anyone else will stay on Earth to find Superman while I quietly followed the Legion of Doom to figure out their next move. That's when I found out they were heading to your Earth."

"Loki... I take it Thor's involved?" Peter groaned.

"That's my side of the story, kid. Thor's still on Earth, seein' if Loki's still plotting in the shadows. All we know is that he had a hand in opening the rift to Equestria." Wolverine admitted.

"Alright, so the Legion showed up in your world, right?" Sunset wished to hear more of the story.

"That's right. Lex and the legion attacked the Helicarrier moments before we got here. I think they took down most of the Avengers there, meanin' Cap or Stark won't be able to help us fer now. I saw Flash and Captain Marvel already there with 'em." Wolverine explained, unsheathing his claws in silent rage. "But we still have some allies and Strange plans on bringing some heroes here when the rift is ready."

"Some of the heroes are under Lex and Loki's control. Our numbers are dwindling and so far we've had no luck in finding Superman, he probably knows more about this." Batman added.

"That's what I was thinking." Kaine nodded.

"Yeah, but what should we do in the meantime? I mean, we don't even know where these Legion guys are at!" Rainbow muttered.

"We should wait for this Dr. Fate to tell us about the portal when it's ready." Sunset suggested. "Unless Batman or Logan has a viable way of tracking them down."

The Dark Knight nodded, "I planted a tracker on Lex while we were fighting." he raised a hoof, a strange blue hologram appearing on his gauntlet as he spoke. "It should give me a frequency on their whereabouts." he paused, and gritted his teeth. "Damn it..."

"What's the problem?" Ben wondered. "Oh no, wait... They found out didn't they?"

"Yes. It seems they're smarter than I admit. It seems we're going to have to wait for Strange and Fate." Batman grunted.

"Perfect." Kaine grumbled, "So now we're sitting ducks..."

"Hey! What did ducks ever do to you!?" Pinkie shouted.

"Um... It's a figure of speech, Pinkie." Fluttershy corrected.

The first clone rolled his eyes, "Glad someone figured it out."

Peter sighed in defeat, "That's just great. Let's hope Strange or Fate gets that portal soon."

"Yeah. It'd be great to see Stephen again." Sunset admitted.

"Something tells me we're going to stay in Equestria." Ben added, "It's be best if we do so, knowing that the Legion is running rampant."

"Yeah, it'd probably be for the best." Applejack agreed.

"This place just keeps getting more and more crowded." Spike noticed, rubbing his head with his claws.


A beam of light appeared within the dark caverns, alerting the ponies residing in the cave. The centaur groaned, "More special guests, Discord?"

"Indeed! Meet the Legion of Doom! The very people we were discussing with a few days ago." Discord revealed, the spirit of chaos pointing at the team.

"More freaks?" Aria grunted with a roll of her eyes.

"I dunno, Aria. They look cool. At least they can fight unlike Sloan and that Doc Ock pony." Sonata admitted.

"The more the merrier, I say." Adagio welcomed with a smirk, "It's better than being forced to stay with the same ponies for years doing nothing while time passes by."

Green Goblin immediately took notice of two ponies as he stepped out of the shadows, "Well, well. If it isn't Gargan and Morris. Scorpion I'm not too surprised about seeing. But the Hydro-Man himself? I thought the Avengers locked you up like you deserved."

"Norman Osborn? Hold on!" Scorpion said, slack-jawed, "We thought you died! You got sent here instead?"

"Yes, but Parker and his friends don't need to know about that. All of this must remain secret." Goblin warned.

"I'm with Osborn on this one." nodded Electro.

"Max? I thought you were shot up into space!" Gargan was shocked once again.

"Yeah, I was. But I'll get back at that princess when the time comes." Electro explained, "Discord here warped me here after she launched me, heck even I thought I died."

"Discord brought you here too?" Morris wanted to know what else was happening in the shadows. "Is there anyone else I'm missing?"

"How about me?" Carnage hissed.

Scorpion and Hydro-Man stared wide-eyed at the red symbiote, "No... He's here too?"

"Ya got a problem with that Gargan!?" Carnage roared.

"Gentlemen, enough." Lex said in a calm tone. "Legion, meet Discord and Tirek's Sinister Six. The draconequss here offered to aid us in the shadows to help fulfill our plans."

"At least there's an explanation." Deathstroke grunted.

"Yeah! Soon, Equestria will be bathed in chaos and blood!" Carnage laughed.

"I don't think this was a good idea." Cold sighed.

"I'll say." agreed Heatwave.

"So it seems you made it after all." said Loki, stepping out of the shadows, staff in hoof. "Welcome to Tartarus, the perfect hideout away from those heroes and my accursed brother."

"I must thank you for bringing us here. Now, I think we should put our slaves to the test." Lex chuckled. "And I think we can use some more members for the Legion."

"What do you have in mind?" Loki asked, gazing at Discord, who grabbed a bag of popcorn.

"It seems Batman and Wolverine have followed us, and allied with Spider-Man. I say we should bring in a few people who can pack a punch. It seems he lived in a town close to where we were summoned anyway. Bring in the Flash, Bullseye, Green Arrow, Bushwacker and Blade as well as a few sentries." decided the mastermind. "It's time to test the heroes' worth."

"Alright, I know exactly where to send them. Ponyville it is!" Discord laughed, snapping his fingers.

"Thanks, Discord." Cold smirked. "It's time to sit back, relax and enjoy the show."

"Oh, another show?" Sonata chimed in, "Can I watch?"

"Siren, I think we can." Goblin frowned. "I am surrounded by idiots..."

"I heard that, Norman." Electro groaned, raising a hoof as sparks shot out of the limb.

"Easy, boys. We'll save the infighting for later!" Discord eased.

Tirek sat down, "I made a mistake..."

Marvel Earth...

In the Sanctum Sanctorum, Doctor Strange folded his hands, a rift open behind him, "Welcome Natasha, Clint." he said, aware of the two heroes' presence without them knowing.

"Hello, Stephen." Clint greeted.

"Is it ready?" Natasha asked.

Strange nodded, "Yes it is. I shall alert Dr. Fate of it working and have him tell Batman and Wolverine. Did you bring anybody to summon there first or are you going?"

"The two of us are staying here to make sure nothing else catches us off guard." Natasha responded, "And to make sure no one messes with the portal while you're distracted."

"But yes, we called in two guys. You can show yourself, Lang." Clint called out. A small speck hopped off his shoulder, suddenly growing, revealing a man wearin a red suit and a mask that gave him the appearance of a bug.

"Ant-Man reporting for duty." saluted Ant-Man, "And I still hate that name." he sighed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you once again, Scott." Stephen greeted.

"Same here, sorceror guy." Lang relied, shaking the man's hand. "You mentioned another guy, right? Is he coming or--"

"Already here."

Ant-Man jumped upon hearing the voice, seeing that the man was next to him. The man wore a silver jacket with hair of the same color, and he had goggles over his eyes, with headphones placed over his ears. He crossed his arms as he looked at the heroes. "What?" he blurted out.

"Must you always make a flashy entrance, Quicksilver?" Strange asked in a deadpan manner.

Quicksilver shrugged and vanished, reappearing a second later, drinking a can of soda. "It's all in good fun." he nodded, "So, where are we going? Is it my dad again?"

"No, Magneto's not involved in this. Luthor's Legion of Doom is taking over another world with help from Loki. We have a hunch that he's bringing in reinforcments there, and Spider-Man, Batman and Wolverine will need as much help as possible." Strange explained.

"While you're there, Clint and I will get in contact with the Guardians to see if they can lend a hand before this becomes an intergalactic incident across our worlds." Black Widow added.

Ant-Man groaned, "Oh man... They're a bunch of a-holes, though."

"I don't care. If they can help, we'll take it." Hawkeye scolded.

The sound of a click got the attention of the heroes. Clint, and Natasha scowled at the sight of a middle-aged man wearing a trench coat with a skull on his shirt, he wielded pistols in his hands and many more guns around his coat and pockets, as well as a rifle strapped to his back.

"I'm coming too."

"No, Frank. We all know of your... lack of restraint." Strange denied.

The Punisher glared at the sorceror, "Listen, Strange. I got info that Bushwacker is in cohoots with this Legion from an outside source. I'm going there and seeing it for myself. I'll handle him myself. That and I have a score to settle with that clown. I'm going whether you like it or not." he pointed at Stephen.

"Very well... So long as you hold back so to say." Strange sighed, seeing there was no convincing Punisher otherwise.

Frank smirked, "No promises."

"This was a mistake." Ant-Man muttered.

Quicksilver nodded, "Yeah. He doesn't seem to be the friendly type that's for sure. Now how about we go in? I'm starting to get bored standing here." he grabbed Ant-Man and Punisher's necks.

"What are you doing?" asked Scott.

"Making sure you don't get whiplash." the mutant said quickly.

"What?" Frank questioned,

"Whip. Lash." replied Quicksilver in a slower tone. Punisher gritted his teeth at the comment. The speedster zipped away and jumped into the portal with the other two heroes.

"Good luck you three... In the meantime, we should get in contact with the heroes of the other Earth and learn of their progress after you relay the message." Strange decided.

Author's Note:

Alright, so this will be the last of the constant uploads as this is the last chapter I had prewritten. I'll probably have the next chapter ready by the weekend.

Oh, and I hope no one minds the choices of guest stars for this next arc. The cast of heroes will rotate slightly throughout the story, so I can focus on a certain cast, meaning the Spiders, ponies, Wolverine and Batman.

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