• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 2,056 Views, 204 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Author's Note:

Apologies for the short chapter and longer wait than usual. The next chapter will be longer and will be out by the weekend.

Peter, Twilight and Barry stepped back into S.T.A.R. Labs, the sun setting through the windows, and smiles seen on all their faces, as well as their comrades. Cisco stood up from his chair to give Barry a high-five, "Nice, Barry!" complimented Cisco, raising a fist before sitting back down to eat his snack.

"Good work out there, Allen." Wells said.

"Thanks, guys. But things would've been even more hectic if it weren't for Spidey and Twilight." Barry added, gesturing to the power couple standing next to him.

"It was nothing." Peter assured, "If I'm being honest, it felt good kicking Cap Cold and Heatwave's butts for nearly killing me back when they first arrived in Equestria."

"So that's where they were. O'Hara mentioned that the Reverse-Flash was there." Caitlin said, "Is Luthor capable of grouping a legion at this scale? It seems impossible."

Ben crossed his arms, "He's working with a villain from our world, the God of Tricksters, Loki. From what I've heard and seen, he's a manipulator capable of making anyone his puppets. It makes sense that Thawne would join him if only to screw with the Flash. But it seems that with those two vanishing, Luthor's not ready to get rid of his Legion of Doom quite yet."

"Every shocking time!" shouted Miguel, raising his hands in annoyance, "Everytime it looks like we make progress, Loki and Lex make sure that it doesn't count, and I'm sick of it! Next Legion of Doom member that shows up we're ensuring that he stays incapacitated."

"Yeah. It's getting annoying at this point." Sunset huffed.

Caitlin nodded, "Speaking of Luthor, did he send that strange cloaked figure and speedster after you? It didn't seem like something he would do."

Barry shook his head, "No. He's someone new. Luckily, he's in Iron Heights in a cell that can't be broken by his speed. This Alchemy guy is capable of magic or some supernatural form of science giving others metahuman abilities."

Twilight sighed, "He had this stone in his possession. It was capable of magic as it managed to weaken me. Luckily I managed to subdue him before he could cause more damage."

"Hey, guys." said Spike, "Did magic somehow find a way into this world?"

"Perhaps. Alchemy mentioned rifts and alternate worlds. Something that I imagined someone like him wouldn't know about unless he was told. But why wait until now, and not when the metahumans started to appear right after?" Barry wondered.

Scott spoke up, "Are you questioning the thinking of masterminds? Maybr Luthor got to this guy as well and told him of what's happening as a distraction."

"A distraction?" Harry repeated.

The group could hear Spike outside, the dragon groaning, "It's always a distraction. The bad guys are always cowards when it comes to stuff like this. Remember, Goblin? He always used the heroes just like the Legion of Doom's doing now!"

"Just like Sloan and Ock using villains from my time. It's just a way to throw us off for something bigger." Miguel reminded the group.

"Wow. I think I missed a lot." Ant-Man joked, "You guys went one some crazy adventures. I wish I was there when you came back to Earth, Pete. I could've lent a hand."

"I know, Scott." replied Peter, "You were busy and we were on a tight schedule unlike this time. It's good to know you'd have my back, though." he said.

Cisco put down his bag of popcorn, "So, any idea on what to do now? It seems things are calming down now."

Barry shrugged. "How about the rest of you guys head back to the Hall of Justice? I'll be staying in Central City until we go back to Equestria." he suggested.

"We will. But can we stay for a little longer?" Twilight asked.

"Sure." Caitlin agreed, "It's pretty big in here anyhow."

Lang shrugged, "Doesn't mean much when I can shrink."

"Okay, Atom 2.0." Cisco joked.

Scott looked around the room, "Who the heck is this Atom person you keep referencing?"

"A scientist who created a suit of armor capable of shrinking." Caitlin explained.

With a smirk, Scott replied, "Well, I'm the original shrinking hero. With the suit that was given to me by the previous Ant-Man. Should I go on or did I ruin the moment...?"

"Nah. It's good." Ben chuckled.

"So, this city is metahuman central? What about the other cities on this Earth?" Sunset asked, "I mean, it's way different than the other Earth from what I see."

"Just be glad you're not in Gotham." Peter joked, "I swear, the sky's always red down there just to prove how dark and gloomy it is. I'm still wondering how that city works to be the only one in the entire country to do that."

"Have you been to Gotham?" Barry asked, "Once you see it, it all makes sense."

Peter raised a hand, "Believe me, I was there."

"How?" Peter heard Spike say.

"It's how I met Batman. Somehow a rift opened between our worlds and we stopped our enemies by joining forces. Y'know, typical superhero team-up shenanigans." Peter elaborated.

"How many adventures did you go on before I summoned you?" Twilight asked.

Peter shrugged, "I dunno."

"Hold on... You summoned him?" Cisco wanted to know.

"Yes. A spell to summon the greatest hero in the universe to Equestria." Twilight elaborated for the scientists.

"And you brought him to your world? You'd think it would bring Superman." Caitlin responded.

Miguel sighed, "None of us believed it either, especially when Parker told me. But it was for the better, I think."

"So let me get this straight. You used a spell to summon Spider-Man to this magical world of ponies. Under what circumstances would it be required to bring a hero from an alternate universe to your aid in your own world?" Wells questioned.

"My magic was being blocked, no other method of communication and a rampaging dragon attacking. I was out of options at that point, and my magic only worked with the spell." Twilight answered.

"It makes sense in context." Sunset added.

Wells shook his head, "I'm pretty sure it doesn't."

"Yeah, it does." Ben noted.

Wells responded by rubbing his head in frustration, "Right... Anyway, how about we give you a tour of the lab. Then you all can figure out the next step in fighting the Legion of Doom." when everyone nodded, it was decided.

The group walked around, seeing the old cells where they kept the metahumans before Iron Heights manages to contain metahumans on their own. Peter and Twilight pointed out how unethical the situation was, and the team agreed, but there was no other option at the time. "That's one way to arrest someone." Ben joked.

After the tour, the group went outside to meet Spike, who lowered himself so everyone could hop on his back. Peter put on his mask as he waved to the lab team, "It was nice meeting you all. Maybe we'll come back before we leave!" he said.

"Anytime, Pete!" Cisco responded.

"It was a pleasure!" Twilight added.

"Stay cool you guys!" Spike said before flapping his wings and taking to the night skies. As the group left, Wells looked at Barry as he waved goodbye for the moment.

Barry looked at the older scientist, "What?"

"Never drag me into these things again." Wells responded, "I can only handle so much crazy on two Earths."

"You know you enjoyed it, Wells. For once nothing terrible happened." Caitlin reminded him.

Cisco nodded, "Heck yeah! This calls for celebration. I'll get the nachos!"

Iron Heights...

Alchemy sat down, but he remained calm. Almoat as though everything was according to plan. The guards passed by his padded and sealed cell with dirty looks, seeing that he was powerless without that strange stone of his.


The figure stood up, "Is it you?"

At that instant, a green light appeared, revealing an image of Loki, 'That is correct. You have done your part here and have proven yourself worthy to our organization.'

"I see. What shall you do?"

Loki chuckled darkly, 'You will come with me to introduce you to the others. Once there, I will grant your abilities back as you have used in the knowledge I have given you properly.'

'Welcome to the Legion of Doom.'

The two then vanished, to where Loki and Luthor continued their machinations in the shadows. The Legion of Doom had just gained a new member.

Star City...

A lone thug was seen exiting the back door of a club. He walked peacefully through an alleyway as he drank a bottle of beer. His thoughts were pushed aside, however, when he felt as though something was off at the moment. "Somethin' ain't right here." he whispered, holding the glass bottle tightly.

The sound of a zipwire got his attention, and he looked upward. The thug gulped, seeing a man wearing a green hoodie and a bow in hand with a pack of arrows behind him. "H-Hey, man! I ain't done nothin' tonight!" he pleaded.

The hooded figure silently responded by grabbing an arrow and placing it on the bow. He released the string, the arrow hitting the man in the leg, causing him to scream in pain as he fell to a knee. "What the hell!? I'm innocent!" he cried.

Quietly, the hooded person hopped down, landing next to the injured thug. The man immediately realized that this wasn't the same vigilante he faced before. His mask was different, covering his entire face, instead of a domino mask like usual.

He held down the thug, holding his head and shoving him on a brick wall a second later. "You think I'm Green Arrow... Your mistake... I have a message for your boss." he said in a demonic voice.

"A-Anything! Just let me live!" the man cried again, seeing the hooded person hold an arrow to the side of his head. "What is i-it that you want?!" he asked.

"Tell your boss, Tobias Church, that the Green Arrow is my kill! If he dares intervene in anyway, I'll kill him and then you!" the hooded figure revealed to the thug.

"Okay!" screamed the man, feeling an arrow get lodged into his arm, him feeling the blood drip off his limbs. "Ow! W-Who are you?!"

The hooded figure released the man before yanking the arrows out of him. He turned away before jumping up the catwalk in the alleyway, but he gave a name. A name that sent shivers down the thugs's spine all night.


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