• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 2,066 Views, 204 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Ponyville Attack, Part II

Batman ran as fast as he could, seeing some strange objects in the sky as he did. 'Luthor... He sent his LexCorp drones here already... I have to hurry.' he thought, trying to move his legs faster. 'Bullseye will already be after me. I have to hurry!'

The Dark Knight continued his sprint, but he paused once he saw something. A yellow blur of lightning sped past him, as though it ignored his presence. Batman gritted his teeth knowing that his mission just got a little more difficult. 'No... He sent him already? The Flash is stronger than he looks.. They're in danger.'

Moving his legs faster, Batman saw that the robots were going to Sugarcube Corner, where he supposed the others were at currently. A robot was seen at the door, and the vigilante decided to start the fight himself. He stood up on his hindlegs and pulled a batarang out of his utility belt, throwing it at the drone, the projectile getting tuck on the hinge of its arm.

Batman jumped up and kicked the robot down, his armor protecting his limbs from getting hurt while fighting. The robot was pushed back by Batman's hoof, forcing the Dark Knight to land. But before he could continue the assault, he turned around, using his gauntlets to deflect an arrow aimed for his head. He craned his neck, spotting Green Arrow, bow in hoof.

"You're getting sloppy, Oliver." taunted Batman.

After saying that, Spider-Mane and Scarlet Spider swung out of the small restaurant. "And out we go!" shouted Peter, as he and Ben landed at Batman's side.

"Where are the others?" asked Batman.

Ben gestured into Sugarcube Corner, "Fending off the robots in there. We're gonna clear out soon enough." he explained, narrowing his gaze at Green Arrow. "Now who the heck is this Robin Hood cosplayer?" he questioned.

"Green Arrow. He doesn't have any powers, but like Hawkeye on your world, he has extensive training, mainly survival experience, and has an assortment of arrows, as well as being a master hand-to-hand combatant when needed. He's faced Deathstroke countless times as well, so that should say something about his capabilities." Batman elaborated for the Spiders.

"Well that's assuring." sighed Peter. The stallion shot a webline at Arrow, but the archer managed to break it apart with his bow, causing Spider-Mane to groan. "Mind controlled heroes are already starting to piss me off."

"Join the club." Batman quipped.

Green Arrow charged ahead after the two Spiders and Bat. Arrow moved his bow so that it would hit Ben, but Scarlet Spider managed to flip back before it could hit. Spider-Mane and Scarlet Spider used their webbing to try to grab the bow, but Arrow ducked out of the way in time before it could connect. Batman landed a punch while he was distracted, hitting Oliver in the face. The Dark Knight grunted in pain, feeling his wound ache.

Spider-Mane flipped away as well, perching himself on a wall. Arrow knocked away Scarlet Spider and Batman in order to get a shot at the wall-crawler, but Peter backflipped out of the way in time, the arrow narrowly missing his hindlegs. "Wow. You couldn't even hit the broadside of a barn. Or in this case gingerbread house." he joked, hopping off the side of the building and kicking Oliver in the chest, sending him flying across the small field.

Green Arrow remained silent as he picked himself up. The archer grunted as Batman ran ahead. The Dark Knight and Arrow's punch collided with one another, their fists locked on to each other. Batman moved his other hoof to land another hit. And right as Arrow blocked his punch, Scarlet Spider came from above and webbed the green-hooded vigilante's hoof right before it could connect. "You're welcome." he joked, saluting the Dark Knight, who narrowed his gaze.

"I never said thanks." Batman growled. Green Arrow yanked the gossamer off his limb, scowling his glowing red eyes at the heroes who stopped him. "Now you only made him angrier. Good, it means he's getting sloppy." after saying that, Spider-Mane landed next to him, ready to continue. Scarlet Spider jumped down as well, seeing Arrow ready his trademark bow and arrow. Spider-Mane leaned backwards, avoiding the sharp projectile, but not before it ripped a part of his costume.

"Oh man! I just got this fixed! Rarity's never gonna hear the end of this..." groaned Spider-Mane, getting back on all four hooves. He, Batman and Scarlet Spider readied their battle against Green Arrow again, who proved to be tougher than they anticipated.

Inside Sugarcube Corner, First Spider and Spider-Mane 2099 along with Ant-Man and Logan helped the ponies fight off the robots, but what got their attention was the Flash, constantly delivering blows at any opportunity he could. Miguel held his head right after the scarlet speedster landed a punch.

"Shock... Can anybody do something!?" he blurted out, "It's starting to get on my nerves."

Right before Flash could hit First Spider, a silver blur managed to tackle him. "I got him." said Quicksilver, punching the Flash while he was still pinned down. The scarlet hero hissed, running out of the building, with the silver-clad mutant following him.

"Thank God." Kaine groaned, flipping away from a robot's laser blast, which got deflected thanks to Trixie. The clone jumped to the ceiling, then flipped off, digging his hooves into the head of another robot underneath him. This act seeme to slightly annoy the blue unicorn, who faced First Spider.

"Must you end Trixie's battle?" she asked with a smirk.

"I do what's necessary." Kaine muttered, webbing up the arm cannon of another bot, allowing Rainbow Dash to smash her elbow through it at superspeeds.

Twilight pushed back another robot with a spell before turning to Rainbow Dash, "Rainbow! Go see if can catch up with Quicksilver! He may need help fighting that Flash hero!" she ordered. Dash nodded and wirh a salute, she flew off to help the mutant.

Wolverine jumped forward, cutting apart another robot with his claws before it could reach Fluttershy and Pinkie. Another drone came in and tried to hit Logan, but the masked mutant held up the robot's limbs with his claws. With a grunt, Logan spoke. "Ya could help at anytime!" he shouted.

"Um... I'm not much of a fighter..." Fluttershy admitted.

"Pink one!" Logan began to say, ducking underneath a swipe before cutting the robot. "Make sure she stays safe then!" he ordered, turning around and hitting the robot again. Pinkie nodded, wrapping a hoof around the yellow mare.

"Okie dokie lokie!" the pink mare shouted.

Spider-Mane 2099 hovered next to Sunset, who shot back a drone on her own. The blue costumed pegasus flapped his wings next to the unicorn before he spoke, "Hey! Need a hand, hoof, whatever you ponies say for this?"

"No! I got it covered!" shouted Sunset back, readying another spell. But she was cut off guard by Ant-Man suddenly growing back from his shrunken state, punching another robot in middair. "Woah... I didn't see that coming." she muttered, watching Scott shrink back down after jumping after another.

"Yeah..." Miguel said, shooting a web strand at the head of another robot swiftly. The pegasus dug his talons into the torso of the metal creation, tearing apart its circuits. "I say we take the jam fight outside like the others suggested!"

"You got it!" Sunset and Applejack said, pushing more robots out the door. First Spider swung out with Spider-Mane 2099 following him. Logan sliced the head off another robot before gesturing for the others to follow them.

"Stay in here!" the X-Man told the civilians. Who nodded, not wanting to get involved in the superhuman affairs. "Good this should be over soon enough!"

Wolverine unsheathed his claws, seeing Twilight and Trixie warp and push any remaining robots outside to continue the battle in an open area for the time being. He saw Rarity use her magic to lift a sentry and throw it aside before Ant-Man jumped in the air and shrunk down inside the robot, destroying it from the inside.

"Makes life easier, that's for sure." said Ant-Man, growing back to his normal size. "Hey purple pegasus-unicorn thing! Throw me into another one of those things!"

Twilight saw Ant-Man shrink, and used her magic to carry him. "Be careful." she warned, "This may hurt a little."

"I can take it!" replied Scott, which she heard. She closed her eyes and tossed Lang into the shoulder pad of another robot, where she saw it collapse a second later. He grew again, "See? I told you." he said lightly, dusting off his gloves.

First Spider used his stingers to impale another robot, tossing it over his head to Spider-Mane 2099, who punched it away with one left hook. Sunset used her magic to slam it down on the ground, where it finally broke apart and created a small explosion, which she contained in a small forcefield. "Don't strain yourself with this spell," the two warned, seeing Shimmer clench her eyes shut to perfom the spell.

"I-I can handle it." she said with a wave of her hoof, struggling to stand up. The power of containing the explosion took a small toll on her. O'Hara lowered himself to pick her up quickly, once she was standing, he shot a webline away to continue his fight.

'This is as bad as Alchemax... What the shock goes on in Batman's world?' thought Miguel.

Meanwhile, Anti-Venom impaled some drones with his tendrils, lifting them over Applejack. The symbiote roared, "Feels good to be back!" he yelled.

"Ah'm sure it is." Applejack commented.

Eddie nodded, shooting a webline at two robots. Spider-Mane 2099 and First Spider managed to destroy them with ease. Ant-Man came back and stood next to Anti-Venom. "Um... What the heck are you anyway? Venom 2?"

"No..." hissed Brock. "It's a symbiote, but I'm on the side of good."

Sunset chimed in, covering Fluttershy and Pinkie. "You can trust him, Lang! He helped us save all of time itself!"

Ant-Man shrugged, "If you say so." he shrunk back down and landed on Eddie's shoulder, running on a tendril he lashed as fast as he could. While jumping he grew back and squashed a metal creation. "That never gets old."

"It looks like fun." Pinkie admitted. She hopped a top of a robot's head, and it tried to hit her, but she jumped off, making it hit its own head. "Whee!"

"Wha--?" Ant-Man blurted out.

"Don't question it..." Twilight groaned loudly, hitting a robot with a powerful blast. "How many more of these are there!?"

"Probably a crap ton." First Spider exhaled.

Sunset sighed, "No kidding." she pushed more robots backwards, allowing Applejack to kick them with Anti-Venom aiding in their destruction. "I'm starting to get tired here..." she panted.

"Same here." agreed Trixie, wiping some sweat.

"Does this guy know the meaning of surrender?" Scarlet Spider asked, jumping onto the roof of a building, dodging another arrow shot by the vigilante. "Seriously, my legs are getting tired here!"

Spider-Mane perched himself on a wall again, this time shooting two strands of webbing on the floor. He wanted to slingshot himself in Green Arrow's way, but as he readied to let go, something cut off the weblines, catching him by surprise. The hero's eyes widened underneath his mask as he looked around, "Uh... Bats?" he asked, "Tell me that was a misaimed batarang that broke my webbing." he pleaded the Dark Knight with a whisper.

"Unfortunately, no." Batman answered. He faced the newcomer with a fixed scowl. The pony had dark brown fur, wore sunglasses and a leather jacket. A silver katana was strapped to his back and a strange boomerang-like device was on a belt.

"Does this guy and Punisher shop at the same clothing store?" Ben questioned the apparel.

Peter shook his head, flipping next to Ben. "Really? They brought Blade here as well? They're really reaching the bottom of the barrel for hero puppets." he joked, seeing the Daywalker. "Seriously, I've probably said like three words to this guy. He's always out hunting vampires in his own little world. I'm not even sure why Luthor thought it was a good idea to bring him here."

Blade remained silent at the quip as he grabbed the katana's hilt with his mouth. Luckily, Batman managed to hold him still thanks to his gauntlet, but the wound on his shoulder started to strain him a little more than usual. "I'll handle this vampire hunter... You two take care of Green Arrow." he ordered the Spiders.

"You got it." replied Scarlet Spider. The two zipped after Green Arrow, hoping to bring him back to the side of good. This left Batman to deal with Blade. Batman didn't know who he was. The only thing he did know was that as of now, he was an enemy and if Peter was to be believed, then he was once on their side before the Legion of Doom got to him. 'It's one against one... My would shouldn't be that much of a detriment.' he thought while activating his Detective Vision, 'Hm... His blood is... Different.'

The Dark Knight faced the Daywalker, his eyes scowling at the sight of the hunter. Batman and Blade stood on their hindlegs, their hooves still locked on. Batman was the first to punch, hitting Blade in the chest. The half-vampire grunted in pain while Batman held his sore hoof, seeing some small blood spots drip through his costume. 'No... The wound... I didn't think it would affect me this bad.'

Blade lifted his katana, his hooves somehow holding on to the sword's hilt. Batman managed to roll out of the way of the swipe, landing back on his hindlegs. The Daywalker moved his sword again, this time the Dark Knight ducked underneath the slash, still holding onto his bleeding shoulder. "Hm. There should be an opening." he whispered to himself, looking up.

As Blade raised his arms again, the loud sound of a gun caught Batman's attention and stopped Blade. The Dark Knight looked up and saw Punisher standing on the roof, a gun in hoof. The hardened vigilante lowered his gaze upon Batman. "Where were you?" he interrogated Castle.

"Had a run-in with Bushwacker." upon seeing Batman's glare, he raised a hoof. "Don't stain your tights. I didn't kill him. It's take a hell of a lot to keep him down, something I've accepted for now." he began to say, hopping down next to the bat. "But that bullet won't keep Blade down. I've met him a few times. It'd take a helluva lot to stop him." he admitted to Batman, who spoke back.

"Good to know. You got anything that'll slow him down?" asked Batman.

Punisher shook his head, "I dunno. Guy like him, I'm not sure what would stop him. Didn't think I'd be fightin' a half-vampire."

"Half-vampire? How's he out in daylight?" Batman asked.

Frank groaned, "As stupid as this sounds. He mentioned to me that due to his genes, sun-screen can prove to protect his skin." he explained the best he could. "I couldn't believe it either. But here he is. So either that or Loki did some magic mumbo jumbo. I don't get myself invloved in this shit."

"You're right. That sounds completely idiotic." mumbled the Dark Knight. The two saw Blade get back up, as if he hadn't got shot. "Well, you better hope you have something."

All around the town were blurs of yellow and silver, with one of rainbow trailing them. Quicksilver ran next to the Flash, who's red eyes glared at the mutant. "Not the first time I got that look." quipped Quicksilver, turning his head at the speedster. The two continued their little race, with the X-Man waiting for the right moment to strike.

They ran past the various battles happening, but right now they were focused with each other, with the Flash wanting to eliminate his competition as quick as he could. The Flash was the first to strike, elbowing Quicksilver's side, making him stumble and slow down. The mutant fell face first on the floor.

"Well, that was mean." he taunted.

"Yo, Silver!" Rainbow called out. Quicksilver smirked at the sight of the pegasus, who hovered near him.

"Seems you couldn't be showed up, can you?" he quipped.

"Nah. Decided that you could use a hoof." Rainbow taunted. "Clearly you need it."

"Then I'll let you take the first shot." he offered. Rainbow smirked and flew forward, going as fast she could. But before she could attack, the Flash stood up, moving his forelegs fast enough so that they created miniature whirlwinds. The force of the winds, sent Rainbow flying backwards and she cursed as she was flying in the opposite direction. "That... Could've went better." he studdered.

The Flash allowed a small grin at what he's done. "You seem awfully jolly." Quicksilver joked. He ran forward, trying to land a punch on the scarlet speedster. Flash turned to the side and Maximoff craned his head to see him dodge. The Flash kicked and flipped Quicksilver, making him stumble again. Right as Flash was about to follow up, howevee, a familiar rainbow blur took him away.

"We ain't done yet!" Rainbow boasted, pushing the Flash down on the ground hard. The Flash responded by pushing her off with his forehooves, forcing her to let go. Rainbow grunted, seeing the Flash free. She hovered slightly and attempted to punch him, but he was too fast. Luckily, before he could counter, Dash ascended slightly, making sure she didn't get hurt by him.

Quicksilver hopped back up, speeding up once again, throwing a punch in the Flash's direction. The Flash scowled and grunted in pain while Rainbow spun around the hero, trapping him in a rainbow circle. Quicksilver was surprised to see that the Flash had somehow caught hee tail, tossing her aside. Luckily, Rainbow Dash got her bearings and flew back down, where the scarlet hero ducked underneath her tackle before they could collide.

Quicksilver ran forward, but Flash extended a hoof, making the mutant trip and flip in middair as he tried to get his bearings. Luckily he landed.

The mutant noticed that the scarlet hero started to run, and he followed of course. The two ran up the walls of a small building, but they didn't stop once they got to the roof. Instead, they ascended higher than Rainbow believed they could. She witnessed the two of them delivering punches and kicks in middair. The Flash grabbed Quicksilver by the throat, where the X-Man managed to counter by rolling around and giving the metahuman a right jab. Eventually, the two landed on the ground, the Flash taking the fall with Quicksilver on top. The scarlet speedster kicked him off, and started to run around.

Rainbow Dash tried to follow him, but to her surprise he stopped. But what she didn't expect was him to throw his lightning trail at Quicksilver with a flick of his hooves. While he was still, the pegasus managed to tackle him. Meanwhile, the mutant managed to move out of the way in time. He wiped off any blood he had on him from the fall, seeing the lightning projectile hit a wall and not any living ponies. With the tension gone he ran ahead to check on Dash.

Back with the cyan mare, Rainbow Dash held down the Flash, who struggled in her grasp. Quicksilver saw this and decided that he had enough. "Let's end this now." he declared. "You can let go, Rainbow. It's about time I show him who's the fastest hero."

After nodding, the pegasus released the scarlet clad hero. But it only took a second for Quicksilver to run up and uppercut the Flash in the jaw, knocking him out of the fight. The mutant smirked as he saw Flash flip across the ground. "That's how us speedsters do it." he bragged, earning high five from Rainbow.

"Heck yeah! We make a good team." Rainbow announced.

Quicksilver crossed his hooves, "The fastest have to stick together." the two heard a groan, putting an end to their conversation. "Speaking of which..." he trailed off.

The Flash held his head as he sat up. "Oh man... Feels like I took a beating from Reverse Flash..." he groaned, his eyes widening at the sight of his hoof. "...Why the heck am I a horse?" he asked aloud.

"Welcome to the club, dude." greeted Quicksilver.

The scarlet speedster turned to see Maximoff and Rainbow Dash looking at him. A goofy grin was seen on his face. "You're ponies too. Wait... Who even are you?"

"Name's Quicksilver. This is Rainbow Dash. We're the ones who just brought you back to the side of good." answered Quicksilver as fast as he could.

"How'd you even catch me?"

"News flash... Um, Flash. We're fast too!" Rainbow revealed. "Those Legion of Doom scumbags got you and a few other heroes under mind control or some junk. They're already loose here with some random robots."

"Yeah. Wanna join us? They got some guy called Green Arrow here as well." Quicksilver added.

"Him? Oh, when he gets back to his senses..." he warned the bad guys, who couldn't hear him. "Yeah, I'll help. Then I gotta get back to my world after this. As much as I wanna help stop the Legion, we still have to find Superman."

"Good. I'm sure Batman will be glad that something got done." Rainbow chuckled.

The Flash did a double take, "Batman's here? Woah... I never imagined him being a horse."

Quicksilver and Rainbow chuckled, "It's pretty funny to see."

"Who else is here that I know?"

"A bunch of heroes from my world," Quicksilver began, "Wolverine, Ant-Man, and Spider-Man with some other Spiders.

"Did you say Spider-Man? This is where he went? Man, I'd rather be here honestly. Seems so peaceful. Most of the time." Flash complimented, getting up.

"Most of the time." Rainbow quipped back.

"Besides this of course." Quicksilver added. "Now how about we kick some ass?"

The Flash nodded, "I'm with you on that! Let's do it!"

And so, the three speedsters ran back to help their friends, but what they didn't notice was a familiar assassin. "'Bout time I made it. Glad I didn't miss the show." said Bullseye, making his way back to Ponyville.

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