• Published 5th Sep 2016
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Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Final Crisis, Part II

Ponyville, Equestria...

Black Cat grunted, doing her best to drive off the alien forces with her allies, "This is what I get for trying to take a break..." she huffed, slashing the Chitauri as hard she could.

Next to her was Zecora, Luna and Gamora, the former using her agility and training to her advantage, kicking down the soliders as much she could. The latter slashed the creatures with her sword and even stabbed through another. "I've seen these things before." the alien hissed, driving her sword out of the alien's body, "They're called Chitauri, alien goons usually summoned by Loki or Thanos."

"Of course it was Loki." Felicia muttered, flipping over a Chitauri's head and throwing it while flipping.

Zecora dropped her staff and kicked right at an alien before it bounced and she grabbed it. "It appears that this was planned. Loki has brought himself a clan."

"Of course. If you do not mind, I wish to see and aid my sister in case they attacked Canterlot as well." Luna suggested.

Slicing the arm off an alien, Gamora yelled, "Go! We have things covered here!"

Luna nodded, then flew off, hoping to reach Canterlot before any major damage was done.

Inside the Treebrary, Wells watched as Fluttershy stormed inside, with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Granny Smith and Big Mac behind her. "I-I found them..."

"Good." replied Wells. "At least the familes are safe."

"Dr. Wells? What's happening?" Mayday asked worriedly.

Wells looked at the ground, "The bad guys... The Legion of Doom... They're hurting people. We can't do anything right now. We have to hope for your parents and out friends to win."

Crystal Empire...

"Everypony inside!" yelled Shining Armor and Cadance together, gesturing for the ponies to enter the trains. All of them stampeded inside, while others waited. "We don't have enough space to fit everyone..." Cadance realized.

Twilight shot back more Chitauri as she trotted backwards, "Then we have to hold them off until another comes! I'm not letting anypony die here!" she ordered.

Shining Armor and Cadance nodded, standing by the lavender alicorn's side, forcing back as much of the alien forces as much as they can until everypony got to safety.

Back on the battlefield, Captain America continued his duel with Winter Soldier. Steve held up his shield as Bucky attempted to punch him with his metal hoof, the collision of the two metal forces creating a ringing sound as a result. Cap gritted his teeth, swiping his shield onto Bucky's chin. Bucky's head snapped back for a moment before he grabbed Steve's throat, this time using the metal hoof to choke him harder than before.

Steve gagged, losing breath. Without thinking, he flipped himself around and spun the Winter Soldier in the process, driving his back hooves directly to the side of his head. The soldier panted, trotting for his shield for a moment and he picked it up.

Back on his hooves, Winter Soldier charged at Steve, who used his round shield to block another attack, but this time, Bucky yanked the shield out of his grip and he threw it, it nearly bouncing off Cap. Luckily, the supersoldier managed to grab it around his hoof, and he spin-kicked Bucky in the barrel, knocking the wind out of him. With an exasperated sigh, Bucky inhaled and he grabbed his knife again and held it in his metal hoof.

The blade was tossed for a second before it came back in his grip. Steve used his shield and his skills in order to block each attempt as fast as he could. It ended once Steve drove his shield into the middle of his titanium limb, making it freeze. With his hoof temporarily numb, Steve decided to take action.

He grabbed the Winter Soldier's face and threw him down with a flip, removing his mask and goggles, revealing his face. Leaving the Winter Soldier defenseless for a second, Cap kneed Bucky in the face, launching him back a little. Bucky then moved his metal hoof, able to use it again. He pulled out a pistol and shot at the Captain, who deflected it with his shield.

With one last option, Captain America uppercutted Winter Soldier with his shield repeatedly, spinning in the air each time. Cap ended the attack by driving his fist directly into Bucky's chest. Panting, he wiped the sweat from his face, removing his mask for a second. He wondered if he had saved his friend.

The sound of coughing alerted Steve, but he saw that Bucky's eyes were no longer glowing red. "S-Steve? Why doesn't it feel like I have fingers?" he wondered.

Steve grinned, "That's because you don't. We're in another world, and we're ponies." he revealed nonchalantly, helping his friend get back on his hooves.

At that moment, Chitauri decided to surround them, aiming their blasters directly at them. "Should I get my weapons, Steve?" Bucky asked, "I wasn't expecting these things to come out of the woodworks. It's been too long."


The sound of a voice got the soldiers' attention, and watched as a was of webbing landed right in the eyes of a Chitauri soldier. Scarlet Spider kicked it before flipping onto the shoulders of another, ramming his forehooves right into it. "Sorry about the late introduction, name's Scarlet Spider, and I'll be your helper for today!"

Winter Soldier grinned, "You remind me of Spider-Man."

"Well, I am him, in a way. His clone brother. Long story." Ben joked, "I see you're back to normal..."

"Name's Bucky. At least, that's what Cap's been calling me for years. Or call me James Barnes." Bucky introduced, extending his metal hoof.

Ben blinked as he glanced Bucky's hoof, "You have a metal arm? That is awesome dude!" he saw Cap and Winter Soldier grin softly at his excitement, but he cleared his throat.

"Nice to meet you, Bucky. Call me Ben Reilly. Or Scarlet Spider." Ben intoduced back with a wave of his hoof. He paused once he felt his Spider-Sense tingle.

Cap threw his shield, "On your left!" it bounced off a Chitauri about to shoot him and the object bounced back on his hoof, which he caught without effort.

"That thing does not obey the laws of physics does it?" Ben quipped.

Winter Soldier punched another alien, using his metal limb to enhance the force of the attack. "We'll discuss science later! We have these things to stop!"

In the air, Iron Man shot out more of Falcon's hologram darts aimed at him, "You know... This is really starting to annoy me. I don't know what I should-- Tank missile!" he yelled, aiming his hoof in Falcon's direction, it hitting his jet and short circuiting it. "At least you have actual wings too. I only got my thrusters."

Tony watched as Sam fell, but at the last second, he caught him on his back. Sam slurred, "Huh? Tony? Why the hell am I on your back? And why am I a horse?"

"We're in an alternate dimension. Long story short Legion of Doom had you under mind control. You willing to help?"

Sam grinned, adjusting his flight goggles, "Of course I am. Where do we start?"

"Let's start with the alien army attacking."

With Applejack, she dodged another of Captain Cold and Heatwave's gun blasts, using her earth pony strength to make powerful leaps. Right as the two got a good aim, the farmpony was saved thanks to an outside force. Looking down, she saw Rarity with her horn glowing, creating a barrier around her for safety.

"Ah'm surprised to see ya here, Rares." Applejack noticed, landing on the floor.

Rarity put a hoof on her chest, "A proper mare like me must get her hooves dirty if it meant protecting her friends, after all." she quipped.

Applejack landed a good hit on Heatwave as the unicorn said this, giving him a good buck to the face. This allowed Cold to shoot her with his ice gun again. "You should just stop while your ahead, little pony." he said in his usual slow tone.

Grunting, the farmpony, with assistance from Rarity, picked herself off, thawing off the small amount of ice. "Well, yer gonna have to do better than that to stop us."

Heatwave frowned, "Stubborn..." he shot his flame gun in the ponies' directions, but something yanked it out of his hooves. "Hm? What the hell--?"

Mick was cut off by First Spider's hoof colliding with his face, kocking him out of the fight instantly. "You wanna have a shot at me, Captain Cold? I heard about what happened to Peter when you first arrived in this world and attacked him."

"Who are you supposed to be?" Cold asked.

First Spider jumped, tying Captain Cold in a web-coccoon. "Call me the First Spider. Now you're on your own and I'll be the one to kick your ass!" he grunted, ramming his hindlegs into Cold's head, shattering his goggles and he smacked the ground, unconscious.

Crossing his hooves, Kaine spat, "Pathetic. I honestly expected more from the guys who go up against the Flash. I don't take anyone who hurts my brothers too kindly."

The clone raised a hoof as the ponies were about to speak, "Don't thank me just yet. We still got plenty of aliens to fight." he zipped away on the web-line and were followed by the two ponies as they neared the Chitauri assault.

"Some friend." Rarity grunted.

Sunset Shimmer continued to have her magical duel with Alchemy, the villain proving more resiliant than she imagined. The yellow unucorn grunted, teleporting behind the alchemist for a second, hitting him with a good kick to the back. Alchemy yelled, turning around, only to see the mare gone.

Getting shot in the back, Alchemy saw the smoke on his robe and shot more energy from the orb in response, this time Sunset created another beam. She struggled to keep it up this time. Luckily, a distraction came in the form of Human Torch and Iceman, who threw elemental projectiles his way.

"Hey, you Kylo-Ren ripoff! Face us again!" Bobby yelled.

Alchemy was ready to strike them, but Sunset landed a good hit on him with a concussive spell, "Foolish heroes... The Legion of Doom will control this world..."

"That's what they always say." said a blue unicorn, stepping out of the shadows. Alchemy shot at her, but she faded away, leaving Sunset, Johnny and Bobby confused.

"Surprise!" shouted Trixie, who warped behind Alchemy and spin-kicked him with her hindlegs. "I should do the illusion act more often." she panted, standing near Sunset.

The yellow unicorn looked at Human Torch and Iceman, "You two fight the Chitauri! I think we can handle Alchemy from here on out." she growled, narrowing her gaze at the sight of the supposed sorceror, who raised his stone once more.

"Shall we?" Trixie asked.

Nodding, Sunset answered, "Let's stop him."

The two combined their magic to counter Alchemy's stone, the beams of magic colliding with one another. It ended once the beam neared Alchemy and targeted his chest, sending him tumbling across the battlefield for a minute. Alchemy attempted to stand and gloat, "No... I am Alchemy, I cannot... Be bested now--"

Alchemy was cut off by Sunset and Trixie hitting his face at the same time, putting a stop to his plans. "So much for the great Alchemy." Sunset groaned, relieved to see him down for the rest of the battle after so much struggling. She sat down for a second, wiping the sweat off her forehead, but she immediately took notice of the Chitauri that were fighting Human Torch and Iceman.

"Trixie thinks we should help them now." said the blue unicorn.

Spider-Mane and Anti-Venom attacked the Chitauri, Spider-Slayer and Beetle together. The wall-crawler jumped up and performed a backflip-kick to the Beetle, creating a webline to the head of an alien and doing a Web-Strike attack, kicking them and hopping off of one before going to another. "Bouncing off the walls!" cheered Peter, bringing his hindlegs down on another soldier.

"Always with the jokes." groaned Spider-Slayer.

Anti-Venom hissed and grabbed Spider-Slayer, who cut free from the tendrils with his hoof stingers. Eddie spoke, "You have some nerve coming here, Smythe. I thout you were done hunting Spider-Man after he left..."

"Done?" Alistair laughed, "I'm not done until he dies!"

"Funny, I used to think the same thing." Anti-Venom commented, tackling Spider-Slayer, and he tried to cut the symbiote apart. In order to stop him, Anti-Venom threw Spider-Slayer across the battlefield, ran after him, and dragged his head across the floor. He finished the attack with another throw back to where he started.

Spider-Slayer's armor was dented, "You're different than before, Brock. You've gone soft." he coughed, blood dripping from his mouth as he spoke.

"Not soft..." Anti-Venom raised a hoof, turning it into a blade, "No... I've gotten better!" he was about to stab Smythe but a voice yelled out to him instead.

"Don't do it, Brock!"

Spider-Mane stopped his former nemesis, paying focus to him and the Beetle, who struck with his staff again. Peter deflected it with his hooves and he spoke, "You're not a killer anymore, Brock! Did you learn nothing in Equestria?!"

Anti-Venom hissed, "But he is our enemy!" he hissed.

"And he's down for the count!" Peter reminded Eddie, "If you kill him, then it'll really be like old times." he warned. "I'm sorry, but I'm not having anymore lives taken. Whether good or bad."

Hesitating, Anti-Venom looked down at Smythe, then back to Peter. Despite his better wishes, he changed his hoof back to normal. "I knew you... wouldn't have the gu--" Smythe was cut off by Anti-Venom decking him in the muzzle.

"He's right... I can do better. And it'll start now."

Spider-Mane gave his friend a smile under his mask, but his Spider-Sense warned him of another attack. Beetle came down and nearly grabbed Peter. The wall-crawler shot a web-ball through his visor, blinding him temporarily. While Beetle tried to remove the wad, Peter swung his right hoof directly into Beetle's midsection and flipped, his hindlegs colliding with his face.

Once he saw Beetle fall to the floor, he decided to rip apart the turbine wings and jets, preventing him being airborne. Spider-Mane trapped Beetle in a web-coccoon, changing his web-cartridges after the fact. "Another Legion member down for the count..." he sighed in relief, impressed by the heroes' progress. He knew what had to be done next though.

"And what's next?" Anti-Venom asked.

Peter scowled, "I'm going after Loki and seeing if he knows where Luthor is. In the meantime, you can help clean up the aliens. I hope O'Hara comes back after he gets our backup..." he mumbled, shooting a strand of webbing and beginning his search for Loki.

Meanwhile, Vibe, Star-Lord, Rocket, and Groot fought off the Chitauri nearing the castle. "So, Rocket... Any last words before we probably die near this random crystal castle?"

"Nah! I got my bad boys right here!" Rocket shouted proudly, shooting down aliens with his machine guns atop Groot's shoulders. The tree alien used his branches to entrap the soldiers and gave Vibe and Quill an opportunity to strike them down.

"Is he always this trigger happy?" Cisco asked Quill.

Star-Lord shrugged, "Eh. Yeah, most of the time."

"He lives up to the name, Rocket." Cisco quipped.

'Vibe. The DC Earth needs assistance. Remember what I have told you earlier. Focus.'

"R-Right, Fate." Cisco closed his eyes, "I'm opening a portal to my world. They could use some help trashing aliens."

"Groot and I are on it, right pal?" Rocket wondered.

"I am Groot!"

Smirking, Rocket stepped into the materializing portal before Vibe closed it. Star-Lord used his Elemental Gun to shoot down more Chitauri as he spoke, "So, I guess it's just us..."


"Against an army of aliens."


"We're screwed."

Suddenly, Deadpool and Pinkie Pie teleported past them, fighting off the Chitauri that were coming close to them. "Nope! Have a deus ex machina on the house!"

Star-Lord and Vibe blinked, "So much for the tension."

Ruffling his mane, Pinkie giggled, "The tension's gonna come later, silly Star-Lord."


Marvel Earth, New York...

Robbie Reyes whipped his chain, stabbing the end-scythe directly into Doomsday's chest, causing him to bleed profusely. The new Ghost Rider swung his arm again and yanked it right out, creating a small wound on the monster. The new rider picked up a rock, used his powers to light it on fire and he hit Doomsday directly in the jaw, making him snap his head backwards.

Doomsday recovered and attempted to attack Robbie, but Blaze bragged his arm and attempted something, "It's about time you see your sins, monster."

The original Ghost Rider used his Penance Stare, which would give the victim the suffering of his victims. But the effects weren't seen on Doomsday and he knocked Blaze aside nonchalantly. Superman looked at him as he picked up the Ghost Rider, "What was that supposed to do, exactly?"

"The Penance Stare... It was supposed to show him the suffering he's brought..." the original Ghost Rider revealed.

Superman pursed his lips, "That's the problem. Doomsday is remorseless. He doesn't care who he hurts. All he seeks is destruction. That's why your move doesn't work." he explained.

Blaze watched as Hulk and Reyes challenged Doomsday. The green hero punched Doomsday, and he countered by stabbing Hulk again, making him groan in pain. "Hulk will break you, Doomsday!" he roared, slamming his fist downward.

Doomsday fell face first onto the ground, but he pushed himself back up easily, grabbing Hulk by the throat and throwing him down. As Doomsday roared, the sound of sunshots got his attention. The monster looked to see Punisher standing on a rooftop, rifle in hand, and held out directly in front of him. "Come and get me you sick freak." he taunted, walking away slowly.

Roaring again, Doomsday wanted to charge after Punisher, but something tripped him and burned him slightly. The original Ghost Rider had wrapped his flaming chain around the monster's legs, tripping him before he could move. "Stay down, asshole. If you know what's good for you."

Ghost Rider pulled out his rifle, shooting Doomsday in the back of the head. At that moment, the monster punched the ground and moved his elbow back, hitting Blaze in the chest, knocking the original Ghost Rider off his spine. He stood up, then he grabbed Superman and flung him around easily.

Robbie whipped his chain in one hand while grabbing a broken pipe in another, lighting it on fire as well. "You better let him go..." he warned in a dark tone. The new Ghost Rider flung his arm forward, causing the scythe at the end to stab through Doomsday's shoulder, making him release Superman. Once he did, Robbie pulled the chain back, then added the flaming pipe on top of it. He whacked Doomsday clean in the jaw with the attack, knowing that it could do some damage. "You should've listened..." his demonic voce said in a snarky tone.

"Hulk see you are realy strong! Hulk is strongest there is!

Hulk clapped his hands, creating a soundwave that broke apart countless windows. But Doomsday forced through, his arms held out in front of him to block the waves. Superman pushed him while he was distracted, both of his fists held out in front of him. "It's over, Doomsday, I already have a plan set in motion."

Sleepwalker appeared behind the monster, using his Warp Vision, to trap Doomsday in poles, and mailboxes. "You're welcome, Superman." he went back to focus on the Chitauri.

"Thank you, Sleepwalker."

Iron Fist hopped from his spot, his hand glowing. He gave Doomsday a powerful right hook. Luke Cage hopped in next, headbutting Doomsday as hard as he could without breaking his own skull. Once he was done, he rubbed his head. "Sweet Christmas... That thing is tougher than I thought..."

"Well, he did kill Superman once." Iron Fist pointed out with a light chuckle.

Blade and Moon Knight jumped in next, the former using his swords and shurikens to distracf Doomsday. The latter using as many gadgets as he possibly could. Blade drove his sword into Doomsday's neck, causing blood to splatter. "This thing is durable. Surprised the sword didn't break doing that."

Moon Knight threw an explosive at him, it blowing up and only creating small burn marks. "Hm. I wish I had time to investigate this further. Maybe another time."

Punisher shot at Doomsday some more, with Black Panther using his enhanced speed to attack without getting beaten. T'Challa swiped his claws on Doomsday's chest as he attacked, creating more scratch marks on the monster.

Then out of nowhere, a billy club bounced off of his head. Looking up, Superman saw Daredevil standing on a rooftop. "I'm surprised to find you of all people here. I guess I made it just in time?" he wondered, hopping down from his spot.

"Yeah. You should help fight the Chitauri. The four of us can handle Doomsday from here." Superman assured.

Daredevil ran down, spotting Punisher, a mistrustful glare seen in his eyes. "Castle."


The two had to put their grudge aside if it meant saving the world, which they had done before. Usually in times like this, when aliens attack or a gang war escalates.

Hulk tore apart the warped landscape and wrapped his own arms around Doomsday, jumping high into the air and pile-driving him into the street, creating a small crater. "Grah! Why won't Doomsday stay down?!" he asked loudly, stomping on Doomsday's head repeatedly with emphasis on syllables.

"That's what we're trying to figure out." Blaze noted, seeing Doomsday stand up and he used his fire breath to burn the very ground he was standing on, creating a small explosion, launching him into the sky after the fact.

Robbie used his own flame breath to burn Doomsday when he fell back down. He stabbed the monster with his own chain and he dragged it down, ripping into Doomsday's spine. "He will suffer." the new Ghost Rider said.

"He will..." Superman sighed, "Open it now!"

The Man of Steel picked up Doomsday and a portal opened up, where he threw the monster inside for good. The breach closed once he did so and he sighed.

The original Ghost Rider looked at him, "Where did you send him?"

"The Phantom Zone. He won't be getting out for a long while. I told Strange and Fate where to open a rift just in case he came back after I threw him into space." the Man of Steel revealed.

"Hulk wanted to smash him." Hulk pouted.

Johnny Blaze got back on his motorcycle and whispered to his successor while Superman was focused on speaking with Fate and Strange, "Reyes. You should stay here and fight the aliens. At this point, everything should be clear until it's over. Luthor and Loki have sins to answer for and I'll be the one to pass judgement."

"If you say so." Robbie commented.

The portal to Equestria opened up thanks to Strange and Fate. Superman and Hulk went inside, but unknown to them, Ghost Rider drove his motorcycle behind them, the rift closing behind them before they could notice. So, New York was left in the defense of the vigilantes, who could handle things from there end.


Lex slammed his hooves on the desk Discord made him. "Ah, is it time to unveil the Secret Project?" he teased, making a file appear in his hands and put sunglasses over his head.

"I have no choice. At this point the formula is stable, but temporary. But with what it can do, it will work." Lex announced, lifting the beaker in his hooves.

Discord's interest was piqued, "And what pray tell is it?"

"A chemical that will give me the powers of Superman."

Near Canterlot...

Spider-Mane 2099 watched as the crystal opened up the portal. He realized what it was and awaited the calvary. Two mares hopped out of the rift once they realized it open, wanting to see what was happening on the other end.

"Thank God you're here. Where are they others?"

The white mare sighed, "They are... Not well. I'll explain another time. I assume you opened the rift because you need help?"

Nodding, Miguel nodded, "That's right. Parker sent me to get you. An old foe from his world, Loki showed up and sent aliens to Ponyville and Canterlot. We need you to protect Canterlot. We're a little swamped at the Crystal Empire at the moment and we really can't spare the manpower, but you two should be more than enough. I'll send you to Canterlot before I go back. Amy questions?"

The pink mare chuckled darkly, "So, it's like last time, then?"

"In a way."

Pinkamena and Future Sweetie readied their weapons and they smirked, "What do we have to lose?"

Author's Note:

The final battle continues. If there's one thing I learned is that I'm not really good at fight scenes, so I apologize if some of these fights feel anti-climactic.

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