• Published 5th Sep 2016
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Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Crisis of Three Worlds

Marvel Earth...

Lex Luthor stood over the hole he made in the Helicarrier, him wearing his green Power Armor. The genius looked behind him to see his team; his Legion of Doom. Each of them standing over the beaten heroes of the Earth he had arrived in sometime ago. "Gentlemen... It is about time we bring in our newest recruits." he revealed.

A pale large figure slammed his fists on the ground, stunning some of the opposition standing in their way. "Grundy smash!" he yelled, the debris catching the heroes off guard.

"Agh!" yelled the man wearing red, white, and blue. He held his circular shield up to cover himself from the debris. He faced the woman wearing a black latex suit and the man holding a bow and arrow. "Widow! Hawkeye! Get the remaining agents out of here! The few of us left standing will take care of this legion!" he ordered.

"Got it, Cap! Stay sharp!" Widow warned. She and Hawkeye ran off to find any agents needing assistance, leaving the Captain to face the legion with the few heroes left standing.

Captain America nodded, standing on his feet. "You have some explaining to do. Who are you and why are you here?" he asked, his trusty shield held in front of him.

"We're here by orders. And money." the person wearing a coat said. He pulled the trigger on his gun, with ice shooting out of it. Captain America held up his shield and managed to block the ice. The person next to him looked at the coated man, his face was scarred and he wore an insulated suit.

"Let me get a shot at 'em, Snart."

Captain Cold nodded at his comrade's request, "Very well, Mick."

Heatwave smirked, pointing his gun at Cap. Before he could pull the trigger, the Captain threw his mighty shield and managed to hit the criminal duo. The shield landed back in his hand and he caught it without effort.

"That's enough out of you." taunted Cap. "This plan of yours... It's over now."

"Is it?" asked Cold, rubbing the sore spot on his head.

Before he could react, Captain America felt something hit him, knocking him on the floor. When he opened his eyes, he saw a man wearing a red suit with a lightning bolt on his chest, but his eyes were glowing red. "Captain America... Meet the hero of Central City. The Fastest Man Alive. The Flash." introduced Cold to the Avenger. "And our newest and greatest puppet yet."

"The Flash? I remember you. You were on the Justice League! You're a hero! Snap out of it!" Cap pleaded the controlled hero. Flash scowled and ran, punching Cap in the process, knocking him out with a few more blows to the face which the Captain could not counter in time.

"Nice work." said Snart as a compliment to his former nemesis. "I told you you'd make a great Rogue."

The Flash nodded mindlessly, running ahead to help the other Legion members fight off the opposing heroes. The Scarlet Speedster saw a man wearing an red armored suit that he couldn't reach. "Well. This could be a problem." said Iron Man.

Before Iron Man could shoot the Flash, something tackled him, knocking him out of the air and he tumbled on the ground. Stark turned around, seeing a tall figure, also wearing a red costume with a lightning bolt in the middle as well. Electrcity seemed to flare out of his body, the armored Avenger looked at his glowing red eyes with a scowl.


Iron Man sighed, "That's just great..."

Lightning struck Iron Man's suit, but it seemed to only boost his armor's power instead of shutting it down completely. "Nice try, kid. But you'll have to think smarter." he thrusted, a glowing blue light illuminating from his chest. A second passed and a blue beam shot out, hitting Captain Marvel. "Taste Unibeam!" he shouted at the chosen champion.

Captain Marvel grunted, tanking the beam with ease. He walked forward and faced Stark, ripping the Arc Reactor out of his chest. "Well then..." he sighed, feeling the armor get heavy all of a sudden. The armored Avenger fell to the ground as Captain Marvel knocked him out.

In the hangar, Black Widow and Hawkeye saw that their allies were being beaten while escorting the agents to safety in the jets. "Just great. Some threats from another world show up and we get benched." grunted Hawkeye.

"No, Clint. It means that once these enemies are unaware, we can stop them." Natasha responded.

Barton sighed, "I know... We'll get them."

Lex Luthor punched through a wall with help from his armor, and tore it apart. Another figure stepped out of the cell. He had something around his neck and wore a sky blue suit. "Morris Bench. The Hydro-Man as they call you. Welcome to the Legion of Doom." introduced Lex.

Morris smirked, "Thanks for the help, stranger. Now let's get the hell out of here before someone finds out I'm gone."

Lex then said, "That will not be a problem. My team can handle your so-called enemies and have most likely already done so."

As he said this, a man wearing a purple suit and clown makeup stepped into the room as well as someone wearing orange and black armor, pistol and sword in hand. "Oh, Lex! We got more puppets for that guy you mentioned!" he laughed.

"That's right. Is that your recruit?" the assassin asked, gesturing at Hydro-Man. Lex nodded as an answer.

"Thank you, Joker. Slade, tell the others to group together. We are about to enter Equestria." Lex ordered. He turned around and opened the other cell. Someone wearing green armor designed to make him look like a scorpion walked out, confusion seen on his face.

"Mac Gargan, The Scorpion. Welcome to the Legion of Doom." Lex greeted.

"Why me?" asked Scorpion, "Why have you freed me?"

Lex looked at Scorpion, "Because if you join me, I can get you out of that suit you so despise. As well as a chance to prove your worth against Spider-Man once again." he negotiated. Scorpion pondered his options before facing the mastermind.

"Fine. Let's get this over with." sighed Scorpion.

The rest of the Legion of Doom gathered together as the heroes' forces grew thinner while the Flash, Captain Marvel and the other heroes they captured continued their rampage. Joker laughed at the sight, "Oh, truly a sight to behold! The heroes of our worlds under our bidding and doing as we say! Now how's that for some irony?"

"Shut up, Joker." snarled the purple figure wearing a glowing yellow suit. His ring morphed into a zipper to visualize his words. "Or I will make you do so myself."

Lex raised a hand, "At ease, Sinestro. Now is not the time for arguing." he held his hand to his ear, "Loki. Open the portal, we're heading to this other world. Equestria as you called it." he called out.

'Alright. It's coming.'

Suddenly, to the surprise of the Legion sans Lex, a vortex instantly opened up near them. Lex hummed, realizing that the next phase of his plan was about to begin. "We have a mission. Head to Equestria and get to a place where Discord can bring us to his lair without being noticed." he ordered his new team. "And as a fair warning, out bodies will morph into the dominant populace, but Loki has ensured that we would not be handicapped by such a change." he explained aloud.

"This is gonna be fun!" Joker said, rubbing his hands together.

"Grundy smash ponies!" Solomon Grundy cheered.

Deathstroke crossed his arms. "Alright then... Guess I'm getting a good paycheck out of this."

"I could say the same thing, Slade." replied Captain Cold.

Heatwave smirked, "As long as I get to burn somethin', I'm good."

As they walked into the portal, two figures overheard their conversation from the conversation. The man on the left wore a yellow and blue suit with a pointed mask. "Alright, bub. I know ya don't like workin' with others. I get that, but those creeps are headin' to another world so we gotta be quick about this." he grunted, his voice deep and scratchy. After saying that, he flicked his hand, three claws emerging from his knuckles and through his gloves.

The man on the right scowled underneath his black cowl. He grabbed something out of his utility belt after flicking away his cape, "I'm ready. We have to be careful. The Legion of Doom could already be on the loose once we arrive. And Spider-Man won't be able to take them all on himself."

The clawed man smirked, "He'll do a helluva better job than us two. Together the three of us will find a way to get the other remaining heroes there to stop 'em. That is, if the Legion of Doom hadn't already got to 'em."

"Of course. But we also have to worry about the heroes under mind control. The Flash right now is a priority. Do you have a speedster who can keep up with him?"

"Heh. I think I know a guy. But we'll worry about that once we get to that world ourselves."

The two heroes ran into the portal, right before it closed, sending them into Equestria. This left the heroes of Earth to wonder how to stop the Legion of Doom and the mind-controlled heroes there.

Ponyville, Equestria...

"Hm. We may be making some progress." said Peter Parker, picking up the small crystal lying on the table. Next to him was Miguel O'Hara, Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. "Soon enough, I can create a rift back to Earth before we even have to worry about the rifts opening up themselves!"

"Great! Let's hope it's soon." Sunset said.

"Yeah. Lord knows what new plan Alchemax has cooking up while I was gone." Miguel rolled his eyes, thinking about the corporation he worked for.

"That's just it, Miguel. If this works, then we can send you to a point where it would be as if you never left." Twilight revealed. "If only we had the energy to do that."

"Well, with the rift between Earth and Equestria closed... Again. It'd be scarce, but I think I can make it work." Peter explained, looking at the crystal again. "It'll just take a little more time."

"I'm sure Ben and Kaine would love to go to Earth." said Sunset.

"Yeah. They get to live the lives they wanted away from my shadow and on their own." Peter smiled warmly at the thought. "And Eddie gets to go back to whatever he does." he got up from his chair and led the others up the stairs to the doors of the cellar, where they walked back into the Treebrary to relax.

Peter and Twilight decided to make a meal for themselves, Spike, Trixie and Mayday, leaving Miguel and Sunset to converse. O'Hara looked at his costume hanging up on the door to his guest room. 'How the shock does Parker even have this many rooms to begin with? At least Ben, Kaine and Eddie moved out with the others meaning more space for us anyhow.' he mused. His thoughts were interrupted by Sunset clearing her throat.

"Huh? What?" Miguel blurted out.

"So..." began Sunset, "We've never had the chance to speak what with you being busy and me being at magic school..." she trailed off, trying to figure out what to say. Miguel ignored the apparent pink glow on her cheeks.

"Yeah..." agreed Miguel, fidgeting in his spot on the sofa. "Um... What's up?" he asked awkwardly. 'Why is this more awkward than usual? For her anyway...'

"Oh, nothing much. I just wanna say thanks for letting me help with this experiment." said the yellow unicorn.

Miguel shook his head, "Hey, it was no problem. At least we can get this shocking thing done sooner with you helping. Are you sure you can just skip class like that though?"

Sunset nodded, "I asked Celestia if it was alright. Since I'm ahead and could be graduating sooner than expected, she gave me a small break before I have to go back. I have a few days to spare at least." she explained.

"That's good at least..." he said slowly before standing up from his spot and walking away, "I'm gonna see what Parker is up to."

"And I'll help Twilight." Sunset added, getting up as well. Once Miguel was out of sight, she mentally slapped herself for putting the two of them in an awkward situation like that.

"What was that about?"

Sunset turned around and saw Trixie, looking curious at Sunset's strange reaction. "I have never seen you look so... confused. Tell me, did Parker say something stupid again?" she asked with a smirk.

Shaking her head, Sunset responded, "No... It's strange. I only ever act like that around Miguel... Ever since we defeated Sloan, I've started to get to know what he's actually like and... Oh, sweet Celestia, what's wrong with me?"

Trixie let out a quiet chuckle, "You're starting to sound like Twilight when she found out she had feelings for Parker. It seems Mister O'Hara's caught your eye."

Sunset huffed at Trixie's tease, "T-That's not it! I just think he's a great guy is all."

"Sure..." replied the blue unicorn sarcastically.

Meanwhile, Miguel walked into the kitchen with Peter, while Twilight decided to wake up Mayday. "Hey, Parker..." O'Hara got his predecessor's attention.

"Oh, hey Miguel. Here to help me cook? Lord knows I can't be trusted with even a box of cereal r it'll catch fire." Peter wondered and laughed.

"What? No! I need to talk to you about something." Miguel replied in a stern tone.

Peter shrugged, "Alright. What's up?"

The future hero turned his head left and right, making sure no one heard him and the topic at hand, or hoof in this case. "It's about Sunset..."

"Um, what about her?"

"Have you noticed her acting a little... strange lately?" he asked his predecessor.

Rubbing his head, the stallion responded, "Uh, kinda? I'm not too sure... She seems fine to me. Why do you ask?"

"She and I just had a really awkward conversation a few minutes ago, like as though she wanted to speak with me on her own. I dunno. I just find it a little off is all considering we barely spoke to each other while we were fighting Sloan. I was hoping you knew why." Miguel elaborated for the other stallion.

"Hm..." hummed Peter. "I really can't think of anything, dude. I'll see if I notice anything as well. In the meantime, how about we get the other Spiders and girls over for a group meal or whatever? It's sorta become a weekly thing at this point."

"Eh. Sure, I guess." said Miguel as his stomach rumbled, "Ah, shock..."

Peter and Miguel arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, home of the Apple Family, of which Peter was an honorary relative and the current residence of one of his clone brothers, Kaine Parker. The Spiders stepped into the orchard and saw Kaine and Applejack hard at work, with Big Mac pulling a wagon.

"Thanks fer the help today, Kaine." said Applejack, looking at the buckets next to the clone. Ever since they foiled Sloan's plan, the first clone decided to stay with Applejack, if only to get some hard work done until Peter and O'Hara finished the crystal experiment. During the time, Kaine decided to grow out his mane in hopes of differentiating himself with Parker.

The clone dusted himself off, "Hmph. Anything to keep myself busy... Better than sitting around doing nothing I suppose."

"Eeyup." agreed Big Macintosh.

"Hey guys." greeted Peter.

"Oh, hey boys." Applejack said, seeing the two Spiders walking by. "What brings ya two down here?"

Shrugging, Peter answered, "Eh. We were here to check on my bro over here." the clone rolled his eyes at that, "How's it going with all of you anyway?"

"It's fine, kid." said Kaine. "I've needed something to do. I got bored sitting in that giant tree anyhow."

"You and me both." Miguel sighed.

"We were just thinking of bringing the whole gang down for brunch or whatever meal it is. You guys wanna come?" Peter wondered.

"Sure thing. Kaine here is already done his part. Big Mac and ah have some more to do, but we'll be there fer sure." replied Applejack with a tip of her hat.


Kaine stretched his hooves, "So... What's the occasion? Did Pinkie put you up to this?"

"No. Parker just really likes reunions." said Miguel with a light laugh.

"I gotta admit, Fluttershy... This is peaceful."

The yellow pegasus chuckled, "I'm happy to see that, Eddie."

Eddie Brock decided to live with Fluttershy while the others searched for a way back home. So far, the experience was calming to say the least. He sipped his cup of tea, feeling himself at peace for the first time in what felt like years. "I still can't thank you enough for letting me stay here, even after you know of what I was..."

Fluttershy frowned, "Eddie. You're not like that anymore... We know you're better now..."

Sighing, Brock looked at the ground, "I know, but it's still too good a fate for me."

The door opened, revealing Peter, Kaine, and Miguel. "Hey, Eddie. I see you two are enjoying themselves." said the stallion.

"Hey, Parker." greeted Eddie. "How are you guys doing?"

"Fine, I guess." replied Kaine. "It seems you're calm."

"I am. Fluttershy and I have been practicing meditation. This world's a lot better than New York that's for sure. I haven't needed to use the symbiote for crime-fighting in a while." Brock said.

"That's great." replied Peter. "Say, we're having a get together and we were wondering if you'd come."

"Oh, I'd love too!" Fluttershy cheered.

Nodding, Eddie looked at the pegasus, "Sure. It'd be nice. It's not everyday Peter Parker and Eddie Brock can have a civil conversation." he joked.

"That was then, dude. I trust you now. As bizarre as that sounds." laughed Peter as well. "Heck, you and I even joined forces a few times. Remember the Life Foundation?"

"Yeah... It took us forever to get there." Eddie recalled. "They shouldn't have attempted to clone the symbiotes like that."

"What kind of plan is that?" asked Miguel.

Kaine shook his head, "Let's just go."

"Oh, um... You can go Eddie. I have to check on the animals first, then I'll meet you at the library." Fluttershy said.

"Order up!"

Pinkie Pie brought the tray of delicious treats to Ben Reilly. The other clone also changed his appeance, dying his mane blonde to distinguish himself from Kaine and Peter. "I got this, Pinkie." he grabbed the treats and held them, standing on his hindlegs.

Ben placed the tray on the table, "Here you go. Enjoy!" he said with a smile. The ponies grinned at his enthusiasm and immediately grabbed a cupcake each,

"You're doing great, Ben!" complimented Pinkie.

"Thanks, Pinkie. Glad to be of service."

Pinkie bounced around the back kitchen, getting more orders ready, "I'm glad that we have more help around here!"

"Yep." was all Ben said.

A knock was heard on the back door and Pinkie immediately opened it, seeing Peter, Kaine, Miguel and Eddie. "Ooh! Hey guys! Are you having a get-together?" asked the pink pony,

"Uh... Yeah..." muttered Miguel.

"How did you know?" asked Kaine.

"Just a hunch!"

"Right..." mumbled Eddie.

"Ben! You can go ahead, the lunch rush is clearing up anyway! And once I'm done, I'll get the other girls." Pinkie decided.

"How... Did she know we wanted to get--" Kaine was cut off by Peter, who waved a hoof.

"Don't question it." muttered Miguel.

Pinkie looked out the window, "Hey, Peter! Did Rainbow Dash tell you or O'Hara there was a storm today?"

"No..." said Miguel. "The weather was supposed to be clear all week. Why?"

"There's a whole bunch of gray clouds and ominous thunder outside right now!"

Peter felt a familiar tingling sensation on the back of his neck. 'Spider-Sense? Why is it going off? Unless...' he thought. He scowled, "Pinkie, get the girls. The five of us are gonna investigate this."

"What do you mean, Parker?" Miguel asked. "What the shock is going on now?"

"What the hell's going on to warrant that reaction?" Kaine questioned.

"Something big. You felt it too, right Ben?" Peter asked his brother.

"Yeah. It's bad."

Eddie frowned, "Then what do we do?"

"Suit up and split up."

A womhole opened up near the edge of Ponyville, revealing a random group of ponies. "Hm... It seems we have become equines like I predicted." said a green stallion wearing armor, his head exposed with no mane.

"Oh wonderful! Now no one will expect me!" cheered a pale earth pony with a green mane and wearing a purple suit.

A pegasus wearing orange and black armor grunted, "Great... I'm a freaking horse. I'm not getting paid enough for this shit."

"Same here." said a blue unicorn wearing a dark blue coat. "Now, this is beyond humiliating." he faced a red stallion wearing some armor as well.

"This world... What did it do to us?" asked a purple pegasus with a mustache and wearing a glowing yellow suit.

"Why Grundy horse?" asked the large pale earth pony wearing a suit.

"The magic of this world altered our appearance like I said. I had a hunch it was equines like I saw before." Lex said, moving his changed armor around. He faced a unicorn wearing a blue suit. "Hydro-Man, what is that collar for?"

"This? The damn heroes placed it around me and it nullifies my powers. It will take a lot to take it off." Morris revealed.

"I may know someone who can help. But we have to get to an isolated area first to do so." Lex added.

"Heh. Think he can get me outta this suit?" Scorpion wondered, his armor still on his new earth pony body.

"Yes, but first you must help me in taking this world." Lex responded in a stern tone.

"Grr... Fine." grunted Gargan.

The Spiders all huddled up outside the Treebrary in costume. "Alright, while Pinkie gets the others, the five of us will have to look around before whatever is here does any damage." Spider-Mane explained.

"So, we split up? Sounds like a Scooby-Doo episode." Scarlet Spider joked.

"Only you two would make such a lame ass reference." First Spider groaned.

"Here's the plan. Each of you cover a different part of Ponyville, and if we don't find anything come back here in twenty minutes. If one of us isn't there, head in the direction they went." the wall-crawler planned out to the others.

"Got it, Parker." said Spider-Mane 2099, the pegsasus unfurling his wings to the east.

"Let us know..." said Anti-Venom hopping off into the distance.

"We'll let you know, punk." replied First Spider, shooting a strand of webbing to a building south.

Scarlet Spider nodded, "Same here, bro." he hopped away to the east. This left Spider-Mane to patrol the west.

Spider-Mane perched himself on top of a roof, his mask eyes scrunching as he looked around. "C'mon, what's the problem now?" he asked himself quietly. The clouds continued to hover over the small town. His Spider-Sense was still going off, leaving the stallion to wonder what was happening.

He saw some figures in the distance and decided to hop off the building, shooting a small web-line at the building adjacent to him. He swung and continued the pattern. He planted a hoof on the grass as he landed, "So, you guys are causing this storm?" he asked the group. Peter chuckled as he saw their strange looks. "What is this? Ponyville Comic-Con?" he wondered.

Lex smirked, "A pleasure to meet you again, Spider-Man."

Peter stopped joking as he faced his new adversaries. "Woah. Okay... You know me, so that can't be good."

"Let's just get this over with." groaned Deathstroke.

"You!" hissed Scorpion. "We have a score to settle, Parker!"

Spider-Mane's eyes went wide at the pony who shouted, "Gargan!? The Scorpion!? W-Why are you here?"

"He and I want to face you one last time." declared Hydro-Man.

"Um... Hydro-Man? You too? I thought the Avengers locked you up for good before I got summoned here!" Spider-Mane shouted.

"I did this, Peter. Your friends on Earth wished you were there to stop us." Lex chuckled. "Meet my Legion..."

"Legion...?" repeated Peter. "Wait... I recognize your bald head now! You're that genius Lex Luthor! It seems no matter what world you're in, your hair never grows." he joked. "So, this is your new Legion of Doom? You can do better!"

"Joke all you want, Spidey! That's my thing!" Joker laughed.

"Grundy smash you bug!"

Peter gulped, "Why me...?"

Author's Note:

Hey everyone... So, I know this came sooner than expected. But that's because I had this planned for a while now. I'll do my best to write this as well as my Mario and Sonic stories at a comfortable pace in the meantime so no consistent daily updates for this story.

I hope you enjoy this ride inspired by one of my favorite fanfic series. Again.

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