• Published 5th Sep 2016
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Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Man of Steel, Part III

Spider-Man's eyes snapped open, him feeling the blood rush to his head. He moved his head, seeing that he was upside down. The wall-crawler was unable to move his arms or legs, feeling something keeping him still and holding him. "What the--?" he muttered, his brain trying to pick up what happened.

"About time you woke up." said Batman, who was also tied up in the same bind of rope.

Wolverine grunted, "Can't get out. The two of ya are in the way of my claws. Joker really thought ahead."

"Wow. We're all tied to the same rope. Something tells me Lex and Joker ran out of their supervillain budget." Peter joked, struggling to move his arms.

"Of course you'd find a way to joke at a time like this." Wolverine sighed.

"Oh, I agree! I love a good joke!" shouted the Joker, stepping into the room, holding a remote of sorts. "A shame that I'll have to hear them no more!"

Batman scowled, able to see his nemesis, "Joker. We're getting out of this!" he declared.

Joker raised a hand, "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Bats!" he tempted, pressing a button. Suddenly, the floor underneath the heroes opened up, revealing a vat of acid below them. The Clown Prince of Crime stood on a platform to watch.

"Wow. A vat of acid? You're all about old-school villainy, Joker! Seriously, nothing unique?" Spider-Man quipped, but he stopped once he felt an elbow hit his ribs.

"Just shut it, kid." Logan warned.

"I'm glad you approve, Spider-Man." Joker responded, "Just be glad you're not the only ones here to witness it! I'm sure he'd get a kick out of your jokes."

Batman frowned, "What do you mean by that?"

Joker placed a hand over his mouth, "I wasn't ready to ruin the surprise, but what the heck?" he asked rhetorically. "Here's the reason why I made my little detour." he pressed another button, lowering a cage where a man was trapped in.

"You son of a bitch." said the man, gripping onto the iron bars as hard as he could. "When I get outta here, I'll make sure that clown girlfriend of yours won't recognize you!"

"Frank?" Peter wondered.

The Punisher lowered his gaze, seeing the three trapped heroes. "You did such a good job, Batman." he snarled sarcastically. "Now we're gonna die. If you just ended him we wouldn't be in this goddamn mess!"

"I told you, Castle. It's not up to me to decide!" Batman snapped.

"See where that got you, Bats?" Joker taunted, "I gave you plenty of chances, but you always backed down! One day, I will make you cross the line. Hell, maybe if I get bored, I'll see if Superman will!"

Wolverine grunted, "When I get outta here, Joker. I'll end you myself!"

"I like to see you do that, Furball!" laughed Joker, raising a hand to place his palm on his face.

Spider-Man groaned, "Damn it. If I can just get free." he said, continuing to squirm. "Logan, can you move your claws?"

"No can do, kid. If I do, I may stab ya." Logan answered.


The Punisher leaned forward on the bars, seeing the large vat of acid sitting below them. "Son of a bitch. I just gotta get myself free." he whispered. He moved his hands around his jacket and pocket, 'Damn it. The clown thought ahead. Got rid of my weapons.' he moved his head down, seeing his arsenal. 'Bingo. Now if only I had a way to cut these bars open.'

"Psst." said a strange voice to Frank's ear. Castle moved his body around, wondering who it was that said that. "Hey, Castle. I wasn't expecting you here." the voice continued to mutter,

"Who the hell is that?" Castle questioned.

"C'mon. You don't recognize me?" a speck revealed itself on Punisher's shoulders. "It's Scott. Black Cat and I overheard all this nonsense before we got out. I flew in here on some bugs once Joker lowered the cage. I may have a plan to get you a way out of here."

"And what'll that be?" Castle wondered.

"Black Cat's gonna distract Joker and take the remote to hide the giant, cliche vat of acid you're hanging over. I have a few special disks I can use to shrink any object. I can bring you your weapons and free the other three, but you're going to have to play along." Ant-Man whispered into Frank's ear.

Punisher rolled his eyes, "Fine. Make it quick."

Ant-Man nodded, jumping onto a bug he summoned with his helmet. "Awesome. It'll be a moment."

Meanwhile, Spider-Man continued to bicker with Joker. "So, Clown guy. Why do this, huh? I thought you wanted Batman alive for some yin and yang nonsense?" he wondered.

"Oh, I'm just venting out some frustrations right now. The Legion of Doom wanted me to do this, and how could I pass on such an amazing opportunity?" he asked.

"Yer really sharin' banter with this clown, Parker?" Wolverine sighed.

Spider-Man attempted to shrug and whispered, "Sorry. It's like I'm stalling or something!"

"Stalling for what?" Batman muttered so Joker couldn't hear their conversation. Spider-Man slightly moved his head, making Batman and Wolverine do the same to see what he was talking about. "Hm. Alright. We'll play along."

The trio saw Black Cat cling to the ceiling with her claws, keeping out of sight of the Joker. "You owe me big time, Spider." she huffed, crawling around.

"So, you think that arguing with me will convince me to free you? Tempting offer, but not today-- huh?!" Joker gasped, seeing two feet collide with his face, launching him to a wall, him sliding down on it in a goofy manner. The Clown Prince of Crime rubbed his head, seeing Black Cat picked up the remote. "Another cat? Pheh, you heroes have unoriginal themes."

"Says the psycho clown with a vat of acid while we're tied up and in a cage!" Spider-Man shouted. "C'mon, you Legion of Doom could've done better."

"I thought we told ya to shut up, Parker?!" Wolverine hissed.

Black Cat shook her head, "Nah. Keep on talking, Spider. I can see his pale face turning red with rage." she smirked, pressing a button. The vat of acid underneath the heroes closed up, bringing relief to the four trapped heroes. "Angry much?"

"Yes. Very much so! This was supposed to be my big break!" Joker whined. "But all you do gooders get in my way every single time! I'ce had it!"

"Remember what I told you in Arkham, Joker?" Batman questioned the clown.

"Wait... Which time?" Peter commented. 'Seriously. Do supervillain prisons have revolving doors?' his mind joked.

Batman ignored the remark, moving his arms so the scallops on his gauntlets cut apart the rope. 'I had to wait for the right opportunity. Joker could've done anything with that strange remote, but it seems he forgot an obvious flaw. We had back-up. He's alone.' he thought, tearing apart the rope, freeing the three. Spider-Man flipped so that he landed perfectly on his legs, Batman opened his cape for a second to lower his descent, while Logan landed on one knee, somehow absorbing the impact of the fall without harm.

"I'd never let you win... Never." the Dark Knight continued.

Meanwhile, an army of bugs flew up to Punisher's cage, Ant-Man gre back to normal size once he was back in, handing Punisher all his weaponry. Castle smirked, seeing Black Cat lower his cage and opening it allowing him free. Ant-Man stepped out as well, crossing his arms in satisfaction. "It's like six to one, Joker. You should give up." Scott said in a stern tone. "You're way outnumbered."

Joker got to his feet running after Black Cat. Felicia hopped backwards, tossing the remote to Castle, who blew it up with a bullet from his shotgun. "You..." the clown hissed. "Give that back, or else!" he warned them.

"Are ya really in the position to give out threats, bub?" Wolverine threatened, revealing his claws. He pushed Joker to the wall, putting his other fist underneath his chin.

Logan felt something press on his shoulder, he turned his head, seeing Punisher pushing him aside. "I'll do this. He has this coming!" he declared. Spider-Man's eyes went wide. Then, he saw Castle tackle Joker to the ground, holding his suit with a fist. He reared his other fist behind his head and punched Joker. He saw the clown laugh, and he continued with each punch.

"Alright, clown! It's about time you pay for your sins!" Punisher ordered, punching Joker again. And again. And again. He didn't stop. Joker's face was a bloody, beaten mess. Batman walked forward, holding Castle's fist with his hand.

"That's enough, Castle." Batman warned.

"No, Bats..." Joker coughed, "Let him end me. He'll show you what it means to cross that line. The one you were too scared to pass!" he taunted.

Felicia rolled her eyes, "Should we leave this to them two?"

"I say it's for the better. If he didn't step up, I would've." Spider-Man revealed.

Punisher pulled out his pistol, aiming it at Joker's head. "I can end this now. Do the deed you were too much of a coward to do yourself." he decided.

Batman spoke, "If you do this, Castle. I'm taking you to the Justice League to be placed under arrest."

"Tell me that when I give a shit!" Frank hissed.

Spider-Man shook his head, "Come on, Castle. Do make us get into this debate, now. You know most of us will take you down, in about five seconds."

Punisher looked at Peter, then Bats, then the Joker. With a sigh of defeat, he lowered his pistol. But he punched Joker once more, knocking him unconscious. "Just this once. But if I see him in my crosshairs again, and you're not around. I'm pulling the trigger." he warned the heroes, but Wolverine spoke up.

"I ain't arguin', bub."

Ant-Man rubbed his head, "So... What do we do with him?" before his question could be answered, Joker's unconscious form vanished in a yellow light. "Uh, nevermind then. There goes that idea." he groaned in annoyance.

"Anyway..." Peter trailed off, "So, I guess you two caught wind of Joker before he caught us. Nice. But we got bigger things to worry about right now."

"Doomsday is outside as we speak. I'll go free Superman from his prison. The rest of you should go ahead." Batman ordered.

"I'm staying. Just in case something else is hidden here." Spider-Man decided.

"Fine. Just don't get in my way."

Spider-Man and Batman walked away, leaving the other heroes to their own way. "Doomsday's out there. I'm sure, the others can't beat 'em on their own."

With a sigh, Punisher loaded his shotgun, "If I get away from him, I think I'm good."

The Human Torch threw a fireball in Doomsday, the monster absorbing the heated blast. "That... Was supposed to burn you." he gulped, seeing the creature reach out for him. A fireball like his was aimed at him, but Johnny swerved away, creating a fire trail in his path. Twilight used her magic to deflect the flame orb, aiming it at the sky. "My bad, Twilight." Johnny apologized.

"So Doomsday can replicate our abilities." Luna sighed, "This may have proven more difficult than I anticipated."

The Flash nodded, "Yeah. Doomsday's no push over. It usually takes most of the Justice League to put him down." he turned his head. "But give me a minute." he then ran off, circuling the building, needing time to perfect his ability.

"A minute it shall be!" Deadpool commented, shooting Doomsday. Bullets bounced off the monster's body as the Merc with a Mouth ran closer to him. Wade pulled out both of his katanas to strike the monster, but the cuts made were healed instantly. Doomsday roared as Deadpol groaned, "Hey! I'm supposed to be the one with the awesome cartoony healing factor! No one else!"

"This guy also ripped off our style!"

"I think a lot of abombinations have healing factors."

"But still!"

"You're not very bright are you?" Ben questioned, shooting some webbing in Doomsday's direction. The killing machine ripped apart the webbing before he could reach him, but this gave the Scarlet Spider an opportunity to kick him while he was distracted. Before he hopped off, he planted one more kick with his other foot. "You would make a great footstool!" he joked.

Sunset appeared behind Doomsday, shooting a beam of magic in his direction. He seemingly absorbed it. Doomsday turned around, stretching out his hands, but as it nearly hit Sunset, something appeared in front of her. A hologram. She looked to see Spider-Man 2099 standing next to Doomsday, using his Accelerated Decoy to distract the killing machine. He proceeded to scratch him with his talons, backflipping before driving his knee into his spiked jaw. "Watch where you shocking point that thing, you bithead." he told the monster.

"You alright?" he asked Sunset, who nodded.

"Yeah, I think so. How do we stop this thing?" she wondered.

"Tartarus if I know." Twilight sighed, teleporting next to Sunset. "I hope Peter and the others come soon. If nothing happened to them."

Iceman created an ice path, Spike flying next to him. "Nothing's happened. Knowing Pete, something caught his attention, but he and the others will be back."

Spike hissed, lowering his body to face Doomsday. "You may be tough, but I'm a giant dragon!" he stepped on the killing machine, but Doomsday raised his arms, lifing up the dragon's giant leg. "Woah! What the heck is this thing?!"

Iceman used his powers to freeze the monster's arms, but Doomsday continued to push up as if he wasn't being frozen. "What the hell? That's not natural!"

Twilight gritted her teeth, and she and Luna combined their magic to shove Doomsday, using their magic to hold him down. The monster struggled to move as Spike lowered his foot, succeeding in stopping him. He raised his leg, seeing Doomsday lying on the ground in a small crater. "That should keep him down." the dragon sighed.

"Uh, you may want think about that." Scarlet Spider noted, seeing Doomsday get up. "Oh come on!"

Doomsday shoved Spike aside, pushing him through the wall of an empty building. Twilight hovered using a flame spell with the Human Torch to try to burn him. "No one hurts Spike!" she declared, seeing Johnny extend his hands as well. The fireball hit Doomsday, actually knocking him back somewhat.

"Together! At once!" Miguel ordered.

Scarlet Spider hopped up, driving his elbow at Doomsday's chest. "Too slow!" he mocked, flipping over his arm. He dug his fist into his shoulder, cracking some of the bone protrusions on his body. "This is really disgusting, but I don't care right now!" he flipped away, seeing Luna flapping her alicorn wings from above.

"Thou shall fall, vile creature!" she yelled. She extended her hands, using a concussive spell, creating a small shockwave, stunning Doomsday. The monster screeched, "You will not harm another living creature as long as we stand!" she created another small shockwave, forcing the killing machine to planet his feet firmly into the ground.

"Outta the way, Moonbutt." Deadpool ordered. "Let a cool guy show ya how it's done."

"You dare call me that?!" Luna groaned. She dropped the topic, seeing Wade teleport on Doomsday's back, then getting grabbed, his face slammed onto the ground.

"Not again." moaned the mercenary. He teleported again, appearing behind Doomsday, katanas in hand. He dug them into the creature's back, but the monster didn't budge. "Okay, normally, you would be screaming bloody murder. I know I would."

"Healing factor..."

"We just wanted to be sure!"

Deadpool gulped, seeing Doomsday turn around. The monster grabbed him by his waist and threw him like a ragdoll. "Why is it always me?!" he shouted, flying into a wall.

Twilight rolled her eyes, standing next to Spike, who flew back into the battle. "How can this thing take so much?!" the dragon wondered, prompting the sorceress to answer.

"I wish I knew... But he could cause a lot of damage." she shot a bram in his direction, making him cringe slightly. "Magic can only do so much to him."

Spike tried using his fire, but like before it did nothing to affect Doomsday at his state. "Why do I even bother?"

Human Torch and Iceman stood next to each other, "You try, bro! That's all that counts! But let a real fire user show you how it's done!" he flew around Doomsday, the monster trying to grab him. Iceman threw stalagmites at him, the sharp cold projectiles sticking to his body before melting by Johnny's powers. "Okay, I admit. I should've thought this through better!" he said, before taking a punch from Doomsday, cracking sounds echoed as his fist collided.

"Johnny!" Bobby, Spike and Ben shouted. Luna warped next to Johnny's form, seeing him breathe.

"He is well. But we should be wary."

Johnny coughed, "I'll be fine. Knock him one for me!"

"You're not dying, dude." Bobby remarked.

"So?" Human Torch retorted.

Then, the Flash stopped running, moving his arms so that his lightning trail was tossed. Doomsday was unprepared and was sent flying by the lightning before it vanished. "Yeah. That should keep him down. For at least a couple seconds."

"At this point, we're going to need more than a couple seconds." Sunst commented, shooting Doomsday with more spells, one of which was a powerful beam. Spider-Man 2099 appeared next to him thanks to his enhanced speed and punched the killing machine once before vanishing instsntly.

"Yeah, but he's not letting us have that much." Miguel grunted, seeing Doomsday stand up. "God. Superman better be worth the effort at this point."

"He will be." The Flash assured.

Twilight stood in front of Barry, nodding. "Well, it shouldn't be much longer at this point. Let's continue on." she hovered, shooting Doomsday with an ice spell. Scarlet Spider agreed and used his webbing to trap the monster in a coccoon.

Batman and Spider-Man ran back into they found Superman in. "Let's make this quick, Bats." Spidey said, seeing Superman wait in his large cell.

"With pleasure." said Batman. He knelt down, grabbing his Cryptographic Sequencer and pointing it near a keypad. He pressed a few buttons in order to hack a keycode. With a beep, the red light on the keypad turned green.

With that, Spider-Man kicked the door open, seeing a smile on Superman's face. "I knew Joker wasn't much of a challenge." he told the two while the heroes removed the strap on his jacket in a matter of seconds.. "Thank you."

"No problem, Supes. We couldn't leave you like this." Peter responded.

Superman wrapped an arm around Peter's shoulder, him being too drained to move on his own. Batman mirrored his actions, helping Superman stand up. "Come on, Clark. The world needs you now than ever."

"Does it? It seems you did fine." Superman reminded them. "What happened while I was gone? And why is Spider-Man here?"

"The Legion of Doom came to his world, putting the Avengers under mind control. We've been in a strange world called Equestria, where the Legion has been hiding out in. We came here as soon as we knew we were in the clear." Batman explained, walking up the stairs.

"But right now. We have bigger problems. Doomsday is out there, attacking our friends. I think Bats already put out a call for the Justice League, so hopefully someone responds." Spider-Man added.

The three found themselves back in the room where they found Doomsday. Superman raised his hand, absorbing the energy of the yellow setting sun. "It feels... Nice." he felt the energy come back to him. Spider-Man smiled under his mask, seeing his inspiration come back at full force after being absent.

Then, he ripped off the jacket, revealing a red 'S' symbol on the chest of a familiar blue suit. A red cape was seen hanging off his back, strapped to his neck around the shoulders. "Lex should've taken this off when he captured me." joked Superman. "Thank you both." he looked put the broken window.

"Let's stop Doomsday." Spider-Man announced.

The sound of an explosion hitting Doomsday got the attention of the heroes. Twilight turned to see the Punisher standing there, rocket launcher in hand. "Castle? Why are you here?"

"Joker kidnapped me. I don't want to talk about it." Frank explained briefly, shooting Doomsday more next to Deadpool, who mirrored his actions with his pistols. "Now, why the hell are you here?"

"To save Superman! Duh!"

Castle rolled his eyes, "The ultimate boyscout. Wonderful." he spat.

Ant-Man and Black Cat ran next to Wolverine, the X-Man slicing Doomsday's skin as soon as he got out. "What's the progress on this thing?"

"Not much." Bobby replied. "Everything we do, he seems to ignore."

"That is one butt-ugly monster." Scott joked.

"We can agree on that." Sunset responded, using concussive spells the killing machine.

Twilight appeared in front of Doomday, using an enhancement spell on her fist to uppercut Doomsday, her fist colliding with the monster's jaw, causing his spikes to shatter slightly. Before the monster could counter, Luna created a forcefield around her. "We have to end him, now." the princess said.

"Yeah, and we should be able to do that with all of you here."

Then, to their surprise, Doomsday began to glow. Barry gulped, trying to punch the monster with his super-speed barrage, to no effect. "He hasn't done that before."

A large, powerful beam then was shot out of Doomsday. Everyone avoided it's straight path. But Miguel said something as it neared him. "Oh shock..." he gulped, seeing Sunset ready a forcefield around him, but something else happened.

The beam vanished somehow, the particles vanished in almost an instant, revealing a figure standing, their arms raised an x formation, with their bracelets covering their face. She was a warrior. "Who the shock are you?" Miguel blurted out the question.

"Wonder Woman?" Barry asked.

Diana smirked, lowering her arms, "It's nice to see you again, Flash. But it seems we have a monster attacking." she reached for her back, grabbing her sword and shield.

"Are you a friend of Batman's?" Twilight asked.

Wonder Woman nodded, "Yes, stranger. But I will have introductions later. Right now, Doomsday must be eliminated."

Another sound caught Diana's attention, seeing a blur fly out of the window above her. She saw something tackle Doomsday away from the group. Leaving the Equestrians to look at amazement, while the heroes of the two Earths saw who it was. Spider-Man swung down, landing next to Twilight, while Batman glided down next to Wonder Woman. "It's about time you arrived, Diana." the Dark Knight said in a stoic tone.

"I got your message. The rest of the league should be arriving soon, so for now, allow me to stop Doomsday." Wonder Woman commented. She saw Batman grab his Remote Electrical Charge. The area around them was in flames, empty cars burning and the evacuted buildings drawing no attention to the area near the docks.

Superman revealed himself, hovering adjacent to Batman and Wonder Woman, all ready for their first battle together in a while. The Trinity had been reformed, and the other heroes decided to leave matters to those three.

"Is that Superman?" Twilight asked.

"Yep. Fer now, Doomday's done for." Logan answered.

Spider-Man 2099 shook his head, "Finally. A break from fighting this shocking monster."

"Superman is back." Peter cheered. "Nw if only we can save the Avengers, wherever they're at."

Batman ran forward, seeing Doomsday charge after the Trinity. The Dark Knight used his Remote Electrical Charge to stun Doomsday with electric orbs powerful enough to stop him. The vigilante gave the monster a right hook before adding a roundhouse kick to his chest.

The Dark Knight uppercutted Doomsday jaw, "Diana! Now!"

Wonder Woman smirked, jumping after Doomsday. The Amazonian reared her sword back, her shield in front of her. She sliced horizontally, creating a small cut on the monster's body. The warrior spoke, "I shall make you pay for the damages made." she commented, putting away her weapons.

The Amazonian used her lasso to wrap Doomsday around, trapping him long enough for Batman to punch him while he jumped. Wonder Woman pulled Doomsday toward her once the Dark Knight landed, uppercutting him before spinning him around her. She released her lasso, and dug both of her fists into Doomsday's body, having landed on him after leaping. "Let's end this."

Batman used his Remote Electrical Charge to stun Doomsday, while he slowly got up. "Now Superman!"

Superman nodded, tackling Doomsday again, this time ascending. "Doomsday! I'll make sure you won't harm another living being as long as this war is on!" he punched Doomsday, then again. Again. Again. Each one created a shockwave and they pushed each other further upward, until they were in space.

"Now." Superman said, moving his fist back. His hand collided with the silent monster, then he used his super breath to push Doomsday away from him. Then with one last combo punch and kick, he forced Doomsday into the vast reaches of space. "You'll be back. But I need a long break from you."

A few minutes later, Superman descended with the other heroes. "I take it you're all the ones protecting the worlds?" at their nods, he continued, "Thank you all. I say we should debrief at the Hall of Justice."

"You're Superman? That was so cool!" Spike complimented.

The Man of Steel smiled softly, "Thank you..."


"Thank you, Spike." Superman finished.

Wonder Woman grinned, "Let's celebrate for now. We'll clean up thr mess first."

"Aw..." Deadpool whined.

"Then, we can go to the hall." Batman said.

Johnny and Bobby looked at each other, "Do we have to clean?" Johnny asked.

"If you would stop whining." Twilight groaned.

"Well, I'm finding a way back to my world." Punisher said. "Get that freaking portal soon."

"What ragtag group do we have now?" Ben asked.

Superman looked at Batman, "Quite a colorful team you have here." he joked.

"It wasn't my idea." Batman growled.

Wonder Woman chuckled, "You must be Spider-Man. It as been a while."

"Yeah, it has. Ever since our worlds crossed." Spider-Man said.

"Your worlds are really different." Twilight commented, "It's a pleasure to meet you both. My name is Princess Twilight Sparkle. That's Princess Luna and Sunst Shimmer, and Spike." she introduced.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I assume you're from the world Spider-Man went to?" Superman wondered.

"Yes, but we should explain more when we have downtime." Batman told them.

Spider-Man and Twilight nodded, the wall-crawler thinking, 'It feels good. A big victory happened today. We saved Superman, reunited a team and stopped Doomsday. Now, we gotta find the Avengers.'

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