• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 2,067 Views, 204 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Not-So Civil War, Part II

Gotham Harbor...

"Well, well..." Captain Cold said in a calm tone. "It seems they're coming... Just as planned."

"Solomon Grundy born on a Monday..." Grundy sang to himself, getting bored with waiting for the heroes.

"Shut it, zombie." Heatwave growled.

Spider-Slayer and Deathstroke rolled their eyes at one another, annoyed at the three. "How have you survived staying in Tartarus this whole time with a team like this?" Smythe asked Slade, who was busy observing his sword.

"Not sure, really." Deathstroke admitted. "Being a master assassin, I've come to meditate under stressful, or annoying situations times like being cramped in that cave, at the very least, we were able to get used to our new bodies while we were down there."

Alistair put his hands on his hips, "I see."

Then the villains were surprised by someone jumping within their line of sight. A blur caught Captain Cold off guard, and he staggered backwards as a result. Spider-Man 2099 raised his fists right as he revealed himself, no longer using his Accelerated Vision and Decoy due to it being draining on his body. "Oh, it's the future Spider-Man." Cold chuckled, "I'm gonna have fun with you."

"Did you really think I'd come alone, you bithead?" Miguel asked, remaining still as the villains neared him.

Looking up, Captain Cold fired his cold gun, but a fireball countered the freezing blast. Snart growled bitterly. The Human Torch hovered over him and his partner. Heatwave decided to fire his flame gun upwards as well, and managed to hit Johnny, but the fire hero absorbed the attack as a result. "Good going, Mick." Cold snarled at his partner.

"I wasn't aimin' for him." Rory revealed.

"Then who?" Cold asked. A snowball landed on his face and he heard a snicker near him. The icegun-wielding villain turned around, seeing Iceman with another snowball in hand. Groaning, Snart wiped the snow off his face.

The Human Torch threw another fireball down, but Cold and Heatwave rolled out of the way in time. Snart shot his cold gun on the floor in the path Spider-Man 2099 was running in, making him slip and fall on his side. "Shock!" he cursed, holding his hip while he continued to slide down the small path.

In order to get his bearings, Miguel shot out two strands of webbing and swiftly connected it to Smythe's leg and a wall, yanking Smythe before sticking to the wall, flipping off of it and getting back on his feet. "Grr... Another Spider-Man. And I hear you're from the future. I'll make sure the legacy ends there." he declared, revealing his metal artificial stingers at last.

Moving forward, Spider-Man 2099 was the first to attack, his fist nearing Spider-Slayer's head. In retailiation, Smythe swung his arm upwards, hitting Miguel in the head. The future Spider hissed in pain, driving his elbow to Smythe's torso. But before Miguel could continue, something held him down.

"Yes..." purred Sinestro, "Be afraid, be very much afraid. This little bout shall end here."

The Yellow Lantern trapped Spider-Man 2099 in a bubble, it slowly getting smaller, leaving the Spider to struggle to escape. "Heh. You think I'm afraid of a bubble made by a purple man with a cliche supervillain mustache?"

In response, Sinestro made the bubble smaller, "You dare insult me? The worlds shall know true fear. Starting with your demise."

"I dunno about that."

Something hit Sinestro's hand, making him lose focus. The alien looked up, seeing Sunset and Luna hover over him and the other villains, both of them with magic capable of disrupting his ring. "You will regret doing that to me."

"Thou would like to see you try." Luna quipped.

With a growl, Sinestro used his ring to fly to the magic users. The Yellow Lantern responded, "This ring feeds off of fear. I can use your very emotions against you."

"Luckily for us, I'm not feeling very scared." Sunset boasted.

Back on the ground, Deathstroke raised his sword, ready to slash Spider-Man 2099, but he felt something yank it out of his hands. Slade looked to see Scarlet Spider perched on the side of the wall, wagging a finger at the assassin, "Didn't your parents tell you not to use sharp objects to kill people? So inconsiderate." he hopped down, facing the assassin, who managed to grab his blade.

"It appears you've made a grave mistake." Deathstroke hissed.

Scarlet Spider shrugged, "Mistake? Me? Nah, if anything you're the one who made the mistake, pal."

"Try me."

Deathstroke leaped forward, driving his sword downwards, Ben jumped back thanks to his Spider-Sense, and he somersaulted on the floor, getting back to his feet. "Eh. Not impressed."

His Spider-Sense went off again, hie went bug-eyed at the sight of Grundy ready to cave his head in. "Mommy..." he gulped, prepared to bounce backwards.

"Grundy break fake spider!"

Then, a figure suddenly appeared, growing right as he backflip-kicked Grundy in the chest. Ant-Man crouched to a knee as he landed, smirking underneath his helmet. "Okay, big, tall and ugly. Time to pick on someone who's kinda not your size."

Performing right hook, Grundy tried to punch Scott, but the hero shrunk down, grabbing the zombie's fist and running on his arm. He grew back and drove his feet into Grundy's body. Right as Grundy was about to counter, Black Cat jumped down, scratching his suit, creating small rips in it.

"You rip Grundy's favorite suit..." the zombie moaned sadly.

Felicia retorted, "It wasn't your Sunday best."

Grundy seethed, annoyed by the heroes taunting him, insulting him. He roared, lunging after Black Cat and Ant-Man. "Hey!" shouted Scott, "Watch where you're running!"

Shrinking again, Ant-Man jumped up, growing and landing a hit on Grundy, who staggered back in surprise. Black Cat ducked, performing a swift sweep-kick that tripped Grundy as he ran. Moving forward, Ant-Man reared his fist back, almost punching Grundy. But as he moved Captain Cold aimed his gun to the side, freezing his legs in place, making him yelp in pain. "Cold..." he whimpered, doing his best to break his legs free from the ice.

"I got ya." Johnny announced, stopping himself and carefully aiming a beam of fire in Lang's direction, melting the ice instantly, and allowing the shrinking hero to move. But that distraction provided Snart an opportunity to attack him with a kinetic blast from his gun, not able to freeze, but the setting allows him to push anyone back. "I thought that gun couldn't hurt me."

Captain Cold smirked, "I learned the insides and out of this gun. I figured out a small way to create a blast that's not all freezing, but can still hurt like hell. Which is good against someone like you."

"Keep telling yourself that, mister 'I wear a coat everywhere I go'." Human Torch muttered.

Heatwave shot Iceman, making him collapse on impact. Bobby managed to move himself back and rolled to the side of Heatwave, hitting him with an icicle, but Mick burnt it away with his gun right before it could reach him. Bobby groaned, "Damn it..." he used his powers to create a path to skate on as fast as he could, but Heatwave burnt the path slightly, making him tumble before he successfully landed an iceball throw onto his stomach, giving him a cold pain. "Okay, I know this is a little off-topic, but has anyone seen Wade? If he went back home, I really wouldn't be complaining."

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch, Icyguy!"

Deadpool teleported into the small battlefield. The harbor was empty, allowing all kinds of damage without any harm of casualties, which pleased Deadpool as he glanced at his large arsenal. Wade rubbed his hands together, "Heh heh. It's time to cook the chimi-freaking-changas now."

The Avengers and Justice League finally collided, beginning the battle of ages. The first two to collide were Captain America and Batman, the Dark Knight driving his fist into the Captain's shield. Cap raised his arm slightly to hit Batman's jaw with the blunt end. In response, Batman uppercutted the Captain before performing a small spin-kick to the soldier's chest, making him slide across the ground. The super-soldier got to his feet, charging after Batman, shield first. But he pulled a switch and reared his fist back at the last second, hitting Batman in the head.

Spider-Man decided to lend Batman a hand against the Captain, giving him some brief advice. "If he's under mind control, then this should still work. Go for his legs." he advised. Batman nodded, using the information to his advantage.

Shooting some webs, Peter landed the strands on Cap's arms as he put his shield away. Spider-Man noticed something strange about the Captain while he slingshotted himself forward.

His eyes weren't glowing red.

Choosing to not focus on that, Spider-Man kicked Cap in the chest before crouching. "I'll take it from here, Peter." Batman declared, using his Batclaw to swipe Captain America's shield out of his grasp, and into his own. Spidey watched agape at the sight.

"Batman with Captain America's shield... Never thought I'd see the day." he lamented, watching as Batman moved his arm upward, hitting the Captain in the jaw.

Aquaman decided to attack, not using his trident as not to harm Cap too much. The king of Atlantis gave the soldier a right hook, deflecting Cap's punch with his elbow, before shoving it on the Captain's face. Captain America narrowed his gaze.

Hitting Aquaman with a chop, he stunned the Atlantean. Aquaman responded with a boast, "I must not hold back against you, Captain. But even you can be saved."

Meanwhile, Twilight and Flash chased Iron Man, who remained in the air. The two stared each other down silently, the Amythest Sorceress scowling at the sight of the Armored Avenger charging a repulsor blast. But an idea came to mind. She closed her eyes and muttered to herself as she raised her arms, "Come on..."

Before Iron Man could release his blast, a car came crashing down on him. Making sure he didn't get hit again, he blasted the next car that fell from the parking garage. Barry saw what Twilight was doing and looked at her, "I'm gonna go charge up a quick lightning shot. Can you hold him in place?"

"I'll do my best." Twilight hissed with a nod.

The Flash then started to run in a small circle next to the Amythest Sorceress, who continued to wave her hands around in order to lift the cars down from their spots. "I sure hope no one minds this..." she mumbled, seeing Iron Man continue to shoot the vehicles down as they fell one at a time.

The Armored Avenger continued to counter each car that was sent his way, but a truck fell, catching him off guard and hitting him, making him fall to the ground. Using his jet thrusters, he managed to pick himself back up.

But by then, the Flash was ready and threw his lightning at Iron Man, the Avenger moving as the lightning entered his system. "That should shut him down..." but instead of doing as the Flash said, Iron Man ahot a supercharged repulsor blast in his direction and Twilight's, and the Scarlet Speedster ensured that the two dodged in time. "I-I don't get it... Why didn't that work...?"

Twilight hummed, deducing the reason, "Y-You may have charged his armor temporarily. That glowing thing on his chest gives his armor power, and you must've hit that."

Slapping himself on the head, Barry groaned, "Of course! I'm an idiot for not knowing that!"

"Don't put yourself down too hard, Barry. The two of us didn't know that." Twilight assured, putting a hand on the Flash's shoulder, "Being with Peter, he does that enough, despite me telling him otherwise. We just need to stop him, his armor boost shouldn't last long."

With a smile, Barry faced Iron Man once again. And the Amythest Sorceress did the same.

Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter and Green Lantern decided to take on Thor. The God of Thunder raised his hammer, creating a burst of lightning in their direction. Hal used his ring to create a green forcefield, blocking the attack. "Diana... J'onn. I'll cover for you! Just find a way to stall him!"

Diana spoke, "I shall." she pulled out her lasso and tossed the end, wrapping it around Thor, the rope glowing as the thunder god struggled in its grip. "Stand down, Prince of Thunder!" she ordered, grabbing her shield as well. Her shield collided with his face, and she released the lasso.

Then Martian Manhunter appeared, grabbing Thor. The Prince of Thunder used his hammer to swipe J'onn's leg, forcing him to release the Prince of Thunder. In response, Martian Manhunter grabbed Thor's arm, using his free hand to sucker punch the god in the chest. The Asgardian Prince growled, hitting Martian Manhunter with Mljnoir again, launching him across the airport.

Deciding to take action again, Wonder Woman punched Thor in middair, but the god swung his hammer horizontally, hitting her side hard. Diana groaned, seeing Thor ready to charge more lightning her way. Wonder Woman flew in his direction, readying her shield and sword. "Stand down, Thor... If you wish to survive." she threatened, but deep down it was a slight bluff and hoped that he would listen.

Thor smirked, gripping Mljnoir with both hands. He swung upward and hit Diana before she could attack. Unfortunately for him, Green Lantern held him down with his ring before he could continue. "Heh. She warned you, Thor." Hal joked, his arm extended forward and a green beam keeping Thor's arms in place. "I can keep you there all day if I want. This ring can withstand anything if I remained focused."

The green suddenly broke apart, allowing Thor to be freed. Hal silently gulped, "Well... So much for that." in an instant, he created a baseball bat and shield in both hands, lunging after Thor. The Green Lantern swung his bat at Thor, then his shield, both constructs vanishing after he attacked. "That didn't hurt you, did it?"

In response, Thor raised Mljnoir, lightning aimed at Hal, who tried to fly away as much as he could. The bolts of lightning came closer to him, but Wonder Woman swooped down in time, deflecting them with her bracelets right as they neared Hal, throwing the attack right back at Thor, who staggered to each bolt.

"Thanks for the assist, Diana." Hal thanked.

Wonder Woman grinned, "It was no trouble."

Martian Manhunter flew back, "Thor seems to be an issue. We cannot hold back any longer."

"I can agree to that." Green Lantern decided.

Down on the ground, Wolverine chose to fight Hawkeye and Black Widow, who decided to join forces against him. Logan used his claws to block Hawkeye's bow from hitting him. "Stand down, Avengers! I don't wanna hurt ya!"

In response, Hawkeye spun slightly, aiming his bow to Logan's head, the X-Man blocked it, but this gave Black Widow a chance to attack him with a wrist taser, stunning him. She leaped, performing a scissor kick and spinning him aside. Wolverine felt the pain on his head, but it subsided a little, "Ya gave me a headache, bub... Yer gonna regret doin' that, mind control or not."

Hawkeye shot an arrow and it managed to stab right through him. The X-Man yelled, ripping the arrow right out of his leg, the wound healing instantly. "Okay, now yer pushin' it." he threw the arrow down, preparing to face the two agents.

And finally, Superman and Spike were the only ones capable enough to keep the Hulk still. The two superbeings collided, Hulk drove his fist to Superman's side, creating a small shockwave that sent the Man of Steel flying. Spike spat his firebreath with covered the Hulk, but the green goliath tanked the fire, the flames covering his body. The dragon smashed his foot downward, but the Hulk managed to hold it up.

By then, Superman came flying back, tackling the Hulk in the blink of an eye. "I'm impressed. You're actually able to keep up with me."

"Hulk is strongest there is!" Hulk boasted.

Spike noticed that, "Wait... Did he talk? None of the other mind-controlled heroes did that!"

Superman swung his fists to Hulk's chest, creating another small shockwave that launched the Green Goliath upwards. Spike flew up as well, slashing his claws on Hulk's body, with green blood dripping out of the wounds briefly before healing. "Woah. That's a little freaky." the dragon admitted, grabbing the Hulk and tossing him down, allowing Superman to drive both fists to his stomach, making him roar loudly in pain as a result.

The Man of Steel spun kicking Hulk back down to the ground, making a small crater from the force of the throw. Hulk groaned, jumping out of the crater. He roared as Superman and Spike landed as well, and he lunged forward.

Scarlet Spider backflipped from Deathstroke's sword. "Ah. Forget this." he held out two pistols and began to shooting."

Using his Spider-Sense, Scarlet Spider swerved, jumped, crouched and rolled in order to avoid the bullets coming his way. "Holy crud. This is cool!"

Deathstroke grumbled, putting his fists up to combat Ben. The clone spin-kicked, but Deathstroke deflected the attack with a powerful strike to the chest, knocking the wind out of Scarlet Spider. Wheezing, Ben made one last punch to Slade's head, denting the metal helmet slightly, "Heh... Got your nose." he quipped.

"Shut up!" Slade yelled, slashing downward. Ben flipped backwards and shot a line of webbing at the tip of the blade. With a yank, he disarmed Slade.

"Someone's cranky!" Ben taunted.

Lashing his arm stingers, Spider-Slayer hoped to attack Miguel, but the future Spider's Accelerated Vision still gave him a slight advantage. "Stay still!" Smythe ordered.

"I'm thinking... No!" Spider-Man 2099 responded, ramming his fist into Smythe's helmet, cracking it a little.

Captain Cold decided to lend a hand by shooting the floor underneath Miguel, making him slip backwards. "That oughta do the job, Smythe." the coat-wearing villain joked, turning his attention back to his partner and Human Torch and Iceman.

Spider-Slayer jumped up, his arms reared back. Miguel rolled, going into a somersault right as Alistair drove his metal claws right into the ground where he once was.

Ant-Man spin-kicked Solomon Grundy in Deadpool's direction. The mercenary extended a palm, ramming his hand into the zombie's nose. Once Grundy staggered back, Black Cat slid on the icy floor, kicking the giant's legs. Scott shrunk down, grabbing Grundy's collar, grew back and used his momentum to throw him through the window of an abandoned warehouse. "Boom!" shouted Ant-Man, raising the faceplate of his helmet for a second to cheer.

The sound of a wall being broken got his attention, and Scott gulped, "And... There goes the moment." he saw Grundy standing in the hole he made, clearly angry.

Deadpool shot Grundy's chest, launching him. "And there goes the dynamite!"

Raising a brow, Felicia looked at the two, "D-Did you plan that joke? Sounds like something Parker would do."

"I didn't, but he probably did." Ant-Man answered, gesturing toward Deadpool, who smiled under his mask.

"I cannot tell a lie." Deadpool answered.

Scoffing, Lang rolled his eyes, "Bullcrap!"

"Hey! I'll have you know--" Wade started to talk, but he felt something breathe behind him. His face was suddenly held within the grasp of a large hand. "He's right there, isn't he...?" he asked, his voice muffled in Grundy's hand.

With a powerful throw, Wade was tossed aside, "Wade!" called Ant-Man, seeing Deadpool fly through the hole the zombie made in the wall perfectly.

They saw a thumbs-up gesture, "Hot wings..."

Scowling at the zombie, Black Cat slashed at Grundy, ripping the collar of his suit. While he was distracted, Ant-Man jumped up, shrinking down to grab his sleeve and slammed him on the ground. "You have some moves there." she complimented.

"Thanks. Training from Black Widow really helped out." Lang noted.

Heatwave used his gun to counter Human Torch's own blast, and with the help of Iceman, the two shot at him, but Mick managed to destroy both shots with his heat gun. "Ya gotta try harder, boys!"

"Yeah, sure. This is fair." Johnny grumbled.

"Nothing's fair in war, kid." bragged Captain Cold, adjusting his goggles again.

"Yeah, says the guys working for the enemies. Like you ever play fair." Bobby reminded him. "We gotta lay out some boundaries for superhero battles."

"Like I said..." Snart began. "It's fair... For us."

Without any time to react, Iceman took a hit from Heatwave's gun, while Johnny tanked Cold's own blast. "Iceman!" he called out to his friend, putting out an arm to help him out. "Easy, pal. I got ya." he threw a fireball in Cold's direction, barely missing his foot in the process, earning a laugh from the duo.

"I'm impressed." Sinestro admitted, blocking each magic attack from Luna and Sunset. The two Equestrians had their hands held out, a spell ready just in case.

Using his ring, the Yellow Lantern created a turret, aiming it at the two. Sunset moved her hand upwards, creating a small barrier that would protect her and Luna, "Is there anything this ring can't make?" asked Sunset rhetorically.

"It appears not," sighed Luna in slight disappointment.

Deciding to act, Sunset and Luna shot at Sinestro with a bolt of lightning, averting his focus from the construct. He clenched his fist, the yellow aura keeping him afloat getting bigger. The two Equestrians shot at him again, striking him in the chest. He held the sore spot, his eyes looking down on the ground.

Sinestro managed to change focus from Sunset and Luna for a split second, managing to grab O'Hara in no time at all. Spider-Man 2099 struggled in the grip of the construct chains. "Okay... I kinda deserved that..." he lied, "But seriously... Is this the best you can do, Sinestro? Hold me hostage? I'm the future Spider-Man!"

"Wow, I did not take O'Hara to be boastful." Luna blinked.

Sinestro smirked, "You were an easy target. I sense something within you, future Spider-Man. A lingering doubt as it were. You tried to bottle it up, but my ring can detect that kind of emotion. And even a little bit gives it energy."

"You think I'm afraid of you? Have you seen your mustache?" Miguel quipped with a snarl.


Sinestro tossed O'Hara to the ground. "This battle's between the three of us. No one else..." Sunset growled, her anger rising each time Spider-Man 2099 was thrown around like a ragdoll, despite his many efforts to escape.

"No... Not anymore. It's time there were casualties in this war." Simestro chuckled darkly. He created a chainsaw, allowing Miguel's body to near it. Ben attempted to web him up, but Deathstroke held him down instantly. Johnny and Bobby were shot by Captain Cold and Heatwave before they could act, the kinetic force of the blast keeping them down. Spider-Slayer also kept Scarlet Spider occupied, the clone having to fight the two of them off. Black Cat, Deadpool and Ant-Man were too busy finding Grundy to act in time.

"Let us end this."

"Sh-Shock you..." muttered Miguel.

Then, something triggered within Sunset Shimmer. Her eyes glowed red for a second. She teleported behind Sinestro, shooting him hard enough for him to lose focus and drop Miguel. Sinestro was sent flying, and Luna shot at him. "Alright, you guys!" Ben cheered, driving his fist right into Spider-Slayer's jaw, then he spin-kicked Deathstroke, his foot aimed right at his helmet.

Sunset growled, using her magic to enhance her hand, strengthening her punch right at Sinestro's stomach, then she launched him with a magical barrier blast. Once he got his bearings, the Yellow Lantern lunged flrward, hitting Sunset Shimmer with a construct car, whacking her right on the back of the head.


Spider-Man 2099 shook the cobwebs out of his head, shooting some web-balls and distracting Sinestro, "You dare? Very well, the two of you shall perish together!"

Scarlet Spider ran, jumping off the warehouse wall, and kicking himself upward, driving his knee straight into Sinestro's abdomen, allowing Luna to hit him with a kinetic blast. "Nice speed, Scarlet Spider." the Moon Princess complimented.

"It's all in the arms."

"Why you..." Sinestro hissed, but he heard something.

'Do not attack. The deed has been done on our end. We must rally up for their return. I'm bringing you back now.'

Smirking, Sinestro began to disappear, as well as the rest of the Legion, "Heh. You may have gotten lucky this time, but the same cannot be said about Equestria." he warned before vanishing for good.

"Jam it!" shouted Miguel.

"What did he mean?" asked Ben.

Ant-Man, Black Cat and Deadpool walked to the rest of the heroes. "What happened?"

"Sinestro disappeared as well as the rest of the Legion." Luna crossed her arms, "This may have been a distraction."

"He mentioned Equestria..." Ben paused, blinking, "Oh, shit. We gotta get the others and head back there!"

Batman watched as Captain America pressed a button on his wrist, bringing his shield back to him. The Captain smirked, holding it up and ramming it right at the Dark Knight. Batman fell back, using his Batclaw to trip Steve while he slid.

Captain America punched Batman once he stood up, but the vigilante countered with his arm, directing a punch right at the Captain's chest. "He was right." he noted, recalling Peter's advice.

"Told you!" shouted Spider-Man, shooting some web-balls in Cap's direction while swinging, forcing both of his feet into the soldier's chest, launching him unharmed due to the vibranium shield being held in front of him.

Twilight and the Flash continued to fight Iron Man, the Armored Avenger shooting them as much as he could. He tackled the Flash, but Twilight shoved him aside with her magic. The Scarlet Speedster gave her a grin and a thumbs-up before focusing back on Iron Man, "Can anything keep his suit down?"

"I'm not sure." the Amythest Sorceress responded, using a spell to stall his arm before charging another repulsor blast. "But we can only keep him still for so long."

The Flash used the Speedforce to surround his hand, jumping from his spot, running up a building, and punching Iron Man as hard as he could, to no effect. Once he landed, he sighed, "Well, so much for that plan working..."

Black Widow used a cloaking device to disguise herself from Wolverine while he fought Hawkeye, the archer using his bow as a makeshift shield for the mutant's claws. The two spun as they attacked on another, Logan doing his best to attack Clint, who only defended himself. While he was busy, he noticed something.

Widow was missing. So he sniffed, tracking her scent. "No use hidin', bub." Wolverine warned, moving his head to the side.

When the timing was right, he elbowed Widow in the face, revealing her and deactivating her cloaking defense. She lied on the floor for a second while Logan pointed his claws down on her, never turning away from his fight with Clint, "The nose knows."

With those involved fighting Thor, Wonder Woman rammed her shield into Thor's face, snapping his head to the side. The God of Thunder scowled, hitting her with Mljnoir. Martian Manhunter stretched his arms to hold down Thor long enough for Green Lantern to hit him with a construct of a car. "A little overkill I'll admit," he joked to J'onn, who replied with a stoic nod.

"He is powerful. Definitely worthy of a god." Wonder Woman admitted, panting a little. She used her lasso to bring the prince to Martian Manhunter, who uppercutted him.

"Indeed. We have left no effect on him so far." J'onn noted.

Thor swung horizontally, nearly hitting Green Lantern, but once again he put up a barrier with his ring, then this allowed Diana to charge after him with a knee to the stomach.

Superman and Hulk stared each other down, their gazes narrowing further each second. They stood within a crater they made, pushing each other back, but their sheer strength made them equals. "This is for your own good, Hulk." warned the Man of Steel.

"Hulk not scared of alien." Hulk sneered.

Smirking, Superman kicked Hulk, "That's what I figured."

Spike roared, bringing his foot down, but the Hulk proved to be nuisance as he held the dragon's foot up again. With no other option, he spat his fire breath on him again, distracting him. Superman reared his arm back, punching Hulk again, creating a small shockwave and a small crater from where he stood. "Aw yeah, Superman!" cheered the dragon, raising a fist in joy.

Spider-Man flipped next to the dragon, dodging Cap's right hook, which was countered by Batman, "Just like old times, huh Spike?" Peter asked his dragon brother.

"Minus the other heroes, yes." Spike answered with a small chuckle, swiping at Hulk with his claws once he nearer him.

Captain America swung his fist again, hitting Spider-Man in the face while he was distracted. "Lucky..." groaned the wallcrawler, blinding Cap with some webbing to the eye.

This gave Batman a moment to hit Cap with a left hook, stunning him for a moment. "Clever thinking, Peter." he admitted.

"I do my best." joked Spidey.

At that moment, Aquaman reappeared, hitting Cap in the stomach. The King of Atlantis spun his leg and kicked Cap again, shoving him back slightly. "Sure you do."

Superman uppercutted the Hulk before slamming him on the ground. As a response, the Hulk grabbed his cape and threw him down, smashing his fists on his back. Luckily, the Man of Steel could handle the attack and he briefly blinded the green giant with his heat-vision, making him yell in pain as a result. The Man of Steel kicked Hulk before Spike held him down with his giant hand.

"Now Superman!" shouted Spike.

Superman nodded, picking up the Hulk with one hand and throwing him like a ball. "You say you're the strongest. Maybe you are... But today's not the day to prove it. We're here to save you."

'You are no longer needed there. We will bring you to Equestria.'

Captain America nodded, "Understood. Avengers fall back."

Iron Man looked at the leader and stopped his fight, "Alright, Steve."

"Hulk done anyway." Hulk pouted.

"I concur!" Thor shouted.

Hawkeye and Black Widow nodded as well, "We're with you every step of the way Captain." Natasha said.

"To Equestria!" Clint called out.

At that, the Avengers disappeared in a flash of light. This confused the heroes watching, "That was weird." Barry noted.

"Yeah, something was off about it. I can smell it." Logan added with a slight growl.

Twilight hummed as she thought, "I think I figured it out."

"Did you?" Peter asked, "I thought I was the only one who noticed."

"You're wrong. I just didn't say anything just in case." Batman added.

"They're eyes." the three of them said at the same time.

Diana raised a brow at that, "What do you mean?"

Twilight continued, "Every other mind controlled hero we faced had glowing red eyes."

"And were silent. The Avengers clearly spoke." Peter noticed.

"We should stop explaining. I think we have it figured out." Batman told the couple.

Superman decided to speak up, "I see. Well, they mentioned they were going to Equestria. That should be a clue as to what comes next. We'll settle on who's going once we reconnect back at the Hall of Justice."

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