• Published 5th Sep 2016
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Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Ponyville Attack, Part III

Bullseye managed to climb to the top of a roof, seeing the many ongoing battles. He took notice of Batman and Punisher fighting Blade, "So, those creep manages to find their way here. Not what I expected, but if I can end them..." he growled, referring to Castle and Blade. "Tis a shame Murdock couldn't be here right now... He's missing out on all of the fun." he added.

The assassin decided to keep himself hidden until he could find the right opportunity to strike. After all, it wouldn't be wise to attack when his enemies are still going. He's learned this from ruining Daredevil's life time and again.

Back with the heroes, Twilight lifted up a drone, using a spell to tear apart its limbs. First Spider hopped up and grabbed an arm the alicorn decided to toss away. The clone slammed it down on the head of another robot, destroying it with ease. He threw away the severed metal arm a moment later, feeling it has served its very brief use. He turned around, seeing Spider-Mane 2099 cover some more bots in webbing. "Alright... Where the shock are these coming from?!" he asked aloud.

"Your guess is as good as ours, O'Hara!" Sunset responded, moving to the side to avoid a laser blast shot by another android.

Twilight nodded, focusing her magic to make sure the gun was jammed, and thanks to Anti-Venom using a tendril to keep it still, Wolverine tore into the metal like it was butter. "Heh. As easy as cuttin' cake." he joked.

"Wow. I never took you for making lame jokes, Logan." Ant-Man chuckled, standing next to Trixie and Rarity.

Logan gritted his teeth at Lang's comment, "Now I'm startin' to regret bringin' you here, Scott."

"Hey, it's all in good fun, Wolvie!" Lang snarked back.

"Don't call me Wolvie." growled Wolverine, unsheathing his claws, causing Ant-Man to gulp.

"Message received." Trixie rolled her eyes, but she remained focused on destroying the robots still around. The blue unicorn focused in order to create a spell, lifting up another metal contraption, with Rarity throwing some debris at it, making dents and the like with each time. "Now we're getting somewhere..." she groaned, thinking that the forces were starting to thin out. But a certain farmpony looked upward and saw that she was proven wrong.

"I'm not so sure about that..." Applejack groaned, seeing more robots descend.

First Spider got into a battle stance. "Ugh... I've freaking had it with robots at this point." he groaned, seeing them successfully land. The clone leaped and used his stingers to tear through them as easy as Wolverine could. At this point, his costume was slightly torn from a few lucky shots and he was starting to get worn out. Evident by his panting getting heavier with each attack.

"Don't get tired yet, Kaine." Spider-Mane 2099 warned, shooting some drones with webbing, hoping to jam their guns. "We can't stop until every shocking last one of these things get torn apart."

Ant-Man nudged Sunset's shoulder, "Hey bacon-haired unicorn." he called, Sunset taken aback by the strange nickname but listened to what he had to say anyway. "Think you can do what Twilight did earlier and shoot me up there? I wanna tear some more of these things apart before they can cause more damage."

"I got it. As soon as you're ready." she agreed. Ant-Man nodded and jumped up, shrinking down and allowing Sunset to lift him. She was about say something, but she could barely see Scott turn his head to speak to her despite how small his body was now, the unicorn doing her best to hear him.

"I don't need a warning. Just launch!" he declared.

Sunset smirked and aimed Ant-Man carefully. She threw him with her magic and the small hero did his best to land on a robot successfully. Luckily, he managed to flip atop a drone and punched it, growing back to full size as he fell off of it. It exploded, but luckily, Twilight and Trixie contained it with a combined forcefield. "Alright. That happened. And it's still awesome." he cheered, seeing Pinkie bounce in her spot as he announced this.

Fluttershy swiftly ducked underneath a beam aimed at her, Applejack and Rarity deciding to team up and take it down. The farmpony turned his hooves and bucked it. While Rarity used her magic to hold it still, allowing Applejack and Wolverine to tear it down at the same time. The X-Man panted, feeling the battle starting to wear on him. The white unicorn started to feel like she was slowing down as well.

Twilight exhaled sharply, performing another spell, she could tell that her horn was starting to wear out in constant use of magic. The alicorn noticed Trixie and Sunset were starting to slow down as well. "C'mon girls..." she panted, "We can't stop now. Not until we clear all of Ponyville for good."

"Trixie is trying, Twilight." Trixie snarked back.

Sunset wiped some sweat off her mane, "We're not stopping, Twilight. Not until we end this..."

Meanwhile, Spider-Mane 2099 crashed on the floor, after having taken a hit by a robot. "Ah, shock me..." he groaned, feeling his head rattle despite not having a Spider-Sense. He saw First Spider leap next to him to help him up. "Thanks..." he muttered, doing his best to make the world stop spinning.

"They're overpowering us. Somehow..." Kaine grumbled. "There's too many of them for us to fight. This Luthor guy must've worked at Alchemax or something."

"Yeah. They won't stop!" Applejack grunted, feeling her legs wear down as well.

Ant-Man mumbled something on the ground. "Okay... Now I seriously need orange slices. I can only shrink and grow so many times." he muttered. "Not even the ants can reach these bots. Which sucks..." he added. "How's everyone else doing?" he wondered aloud, rolling in his spot to get back up, pushing his hooves on the ground to make it easier to stand.

Twilight gave everypony a stern look. "We can't stop now. We just have to wait for the others to come back." she pleaded, seeing Wolverine continue his assault. "Luthor really knows how to keep us fighting."

"You have no idea." Logan commented. He saw Anti-Venom struggle as a large number of robots tried to grab him. The symbiote roared as it started to lash out at the drones, but even he couldn't keep the fight going forever on his own.

The Punisher pulled out a small pocket knife, right as Blade lifted his katana. The skull-clad vigilante moved out of the way of a vertical slice in time, but when the vampire hunter moved his sword to the right, Frank got grazed, blood dripping out of his right hoof. "Damn it!" he shouted, gritting his teeth. Like Batman, he did his best to ignore the pain and constant blood dripping. The hoof that was hit was also the one he was armed, so he forced himself to push and attempt to stab the Daywalker.

Punisher delivered a right hook, followed by a left jab to the Daywalker, but the half-vampire grabbed his hoof and reared it back, reflecting the punch and making him hit himself. 'How childish...' Castle muttered in his head.

Blade kicked Punisher, grazing him in the stomach while he was stunned, his barrel now bleeding out. 'With as much punishment I took... That hurt like hell.' he thought.

Pushing himself back, Punisher held his bleeding limb and stomach, doing all he could to push on. Batman faced him, "You sit this one out." he ordered, still holding on to his own limb. "I'll cover for you."

Castle managed a smirk, "Never thought I'd hear that from ya." he teased quietly.

Batman scowled, "Well don't push your luck. For now we're allies." he declared. The Dark Knight stared down Blade, the Daywalker backflipping away as Batman was about to make a move. The vigilante threw a batarang, stunning Blade, then pulled out his grappling hook as fast as he could, grabbing the half-vampire by the throat and he yanked, slamming him on the ground. "And note me saying: For now." he repated for emphasis.

Punisher decided to add onto the pain by planting a bullet in Blade's back. Before Batman could say anything to argue what he did, Frank raised his free hoof. "Don't tie your cape in a knot. Like I said, it'd take some serious shit to kill this freak. Believe me..." he hissed, looking at his wound, seeing a cut larger than he initially thought.

Planting a hoof on the ground, Blade pushed himself up again, like earlier, his wounds seemed to heal. Punisher growled, "We gotta put 'em down now!" he yelled. Batman nodded, as Blade raised his sword again, but the cowled hero rolled out of the way in time, blood pouring onto the grassy street as he did. "We're not the enemy, Blade!" he attempted to plead, but Blade ignored him. "You can fight it!" silence was heard from his opposition.

"It ain't gonna work, Bats." Punisher realized.

"I noticed." snarked Batman.

Blade pulled out a small rifle, standing on his hind legs to aim. He pulled the trigger, and a bullet shot out. Batman winced in pain as he moved, meaning that he couldn't dodge, and the bullet went right through his leg, creating yet another wound. He clenched his stinging leg, wanting to continue the fight. The Punisher stood next to him, limping ahead of the Dark Knight.

Frank held out a small pistol and shot it point blank, Blade swiping the bullet away with his sword. "Son of a bitch." muttered Castle. He somehow gained the energy to leap backwards away from a roundhouse kick and countered with an uppercut, hitting Blade's muzzle as hard as he could, sword wounds not stopping him.

In response to this, Blade jumped to the nearest rooftop, the two vigilantes not able to catch him in their condition. Batman attempted to use his grappling gun, but the Daywalker deflected it with ease in the blink of an eye. "No dice." grunted Castle, seeing the move the vampire hunter just did. "Guess we're waitin' on the others."

"As much as I hate to admit it... We may have to." Batman admitted, feeling himself lose consciousness from his wounds adding up at last after resisting.

Spider-Mane backflipped over Green Arrow's arrow and swiped it away with his hoof. "Wow, really Arrow? Not even a trick arrow or a boxing glove? Wow, you're even lamer than Hawkeye." at the green hooded vigilante's silence, he sighed. "C'mon. Not even a quippy comeback about how I failed this city or whatever? You're no fun." he said, leaning to the side as Oliver attacked again.

Scarlet Spider perched himself on the ground, seeing Arrow ready to perform a middair kick. Ben swerved back and backflipped, kicking Green Arrow in the gut in the process. "Wow. Under mind control these guys get really boring real quickly."

"You're telling me. At least the Capcom guys say something witty every now and then. This is just... very one-sided in terms of conversation." agreed Peter, shooting some web-lines at the nearest wall, slingshotting himself at Oliver. But Green Arrow saw that attack coming and swiped his bow to the left, hitting Spider-Mane in the face while he was in middair, making him hit the building. "Good thing... this wall was here to... break my fall..." he groaned, stuck to it. He slipped off eventually, to get his senses back and feeling in his legs of course.

Scarlet Spider, while Oliver had his back turned, punched Arrow in the back of the head, dazing him. "Bingo bango bongo!" he cheered after getting the hit in. "You alright, Pete?" he asked in a slightly concerned tone for his brother.

"Yeah... This nice soft floor really helped." mumbled Spider-Mane. "Now I'm starting to miss the Capcom guys..." he said, now standing on his hindlegs. "You got any ideas, bro?" he asked Ben, who shrugged in response. 'Then again, Ryu hated spiders so it was much worse then this, but at least Mega Man was with me... Man, what if those guys came here?'

"Go with the flow?" he suggested.

Peter sighed, "Yeah. You're my clone alright." he hopped up, aiming a divekick in Green Arrow's direction. What the two Spiders noticed was that he was fighting defensively, to make up for his lack of superpowers in this battle. Spider-Mane scowled under his mask, his bug eyes doing the same as well. The stallion hopped onto the wall he landed on a second ago and hopped off, using his enhanced speed to try to land a hit on Oliver.

Green Arrow wasn't prepared for Scarlet Spider, who came from above, shooting a lengthy amount of gossamer on him, trapping him in a small cocoon. By doing this, Spider-Mane successfully performed an attack that collided with Oliver, a bruise began to form on the gray stallion's hooded muzzle.

Scarlet Spider punched Oliver, who managed to break out of the webbing, sending him flying across the street. Green Arrow flipped around, successfully landing on all fours. He lunged at Ben, who shot some more webbing in his direction. The Arrow grabbed a loose arrow, using it to break apart the gossamer before it could reach him. "Aw breadcrumbs..." mumbled Scarlet Spider. Oliver threw the loose arrow instead of shooting it, the clone's Spider-Sense allowed him to avoid it before it could impale him. "That wasn't very nice. Or ethical. You forgot the bow." he joked to the archer.

Spider-Mane stood next to Scarlet Spider, "Don't bother. When the Legion of Doom got these guys, I hoped that they at least retained a sense of humor. Guess I was wrong." as he extended a hoof however, he yelped as he felt something go into his back as did Scarlet Spider. The stallions turned around and saw Bullseye standing on the roof, some trusty weaponry in hoof.

"Bullseye? Shouldn't you be fighting Daredevil or something?" asked Spider-Mane.

Bullseye crossed his hooves, "Got bored. He's under mind control as well. Maybe you'll see him." he shrugged. "Let's end this, Arrow guy." he ordered. Green Arrow mindlessly nodded at the demand, pulling out his bow and two arrows.

The Spiders groaned as they could barely walk, the wounds on their backs proving too much. As the bows neared them, however, Peter and Ben grabbed them, a surprisingly confident smirk appeared under their masks. "You missed." he hissed in pain. He and Ben saw the faintest of smirks on Arrow's face. 'That can't be good.'

Smoke suddenly shot out at the two, causing Spider-Mane and Scarlet Spider to cough. "Oh come on!" groaned Ben. "I can't... Believe... we fell for... that." he mumbled, beginning to lose feeling to his limbs. "What a terrible night to have a curse."

"You're telling me." groaned Peter, feeling the same. 'A paralizing gas. Not permanent, but it'll leave us stuck...' he thought. 'Longer than we want.' he added, struggling to move with Scarlet Spider, making them collapse while awake.

"Peter!" shouted Twilight, seeing her husband unable to move right there. She was too tired to fight back though as the robots continued to tackle and grab her and her friends. Wolverine and Anti-Venom were the only ones still fighting, but even they couldn't keep up at this point and protect everyone around.

Blade readied his boomerang weapon at Batman and Punisher, who struggled to move out of the way in time. And Spider-Mane 2099, Ant-Man, and First Spider found themselves on the floor, trapped by some LexCorp bots that caught them off guard. Above them, were flying robots ready to shoot. Back with the two Spiders, Bullseye and Green Arrow aimed their weapons, and at the same time, the opposition fired, the shots could be fatal.

But then time seemed to slow down in the area, as three familiar poines stepped in, their blurs revealing who they were, and they noticed how everything declined after they left. Quicksilver faced Flash and Rainbow Dash. "Seems they need our help." he gestured to the group.

Rainbow smirked as Flash nodded, "Looks like it." he said, seeing everything move in slow motion.

"Aw yeah! Now we're getting serious!" Rainbow boasted, seeing the bullets and lasers inch their way through the air. She faced Quicksilver, who gave her a grin.

Quicksilver held his hooves together, somehow cracking them in the process. He placed his headphones over his ears, wanting to listen to an old song in the meanwhile with his phone. He ran ahead, seeing the group all trapped and tired then ran back to Rainbow and the Flash before speaking.

The mutant looked at Rainbow as he gestured to the flying robots, the mare nodded as she zipped to the skies. He then looked at the Flash, who gave him a sincere smile. Then the two sped off in a blur of silver and yellow.

Rainbow Dash saw the flying bots gathered in a circle. She planted a hoof on one of them, seeing it slowly dent with her touch. The pegasus then moved to her right and zipped past the remaining ones in the circle, seeing their metal pieces slowly fly off of their bodies.

Quicksilver saw a robot hold down Miguel and Kaine. He ran to it and gently moved its arms away and held its head slightly, seeing the hinges on the drone loosen with each action. He grabbed O'Hara by the neck and zipped away, leaving Flash to do the same with Kaine. The projectiles inched slightly closer as they did this. The mutant saw Logan growling at another bot, he grabbed the robot's back and slightly kicked it, breaking it slowly.

The Flash, meanwhile, saw Trixie and Sunset hold back as many robots as they could. The scarlet speedster ran ahead and removed the robots from their spots, allowing Rainbow Dash to punch through them with ease. Then he grabbed Sunset Shimmer, after placing her in a safe spot, he did the same with Trixie, leaving that area clear.

Quicksilver spotted Twilight and lightly shoved a few robots in the direction of the nearest building, knowing what would happen. Rainbow decided to push them even harder, ensuring their destruction, the mutant then grabbed the alicorn, while the Flash found Ant-Man. He gently picked up the shrinking man, taking him away from the battlefield with yellow lightning behind him.

With Anti-Venom, Rainbow decided that since he really couldn't be moved, that she'd help lighten his load. She sped past the barrage of robots on him, and threw some, them flying away in slow motion. She let out a chuckle at the sight.

Applejack and Rarity were fending for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, evident by their motion. Quicksilver, Flash and Rainbow noticed this as the robots got closer slightly. The cyan pegasus moved ahead, elbowing a sentry and destroying it ever so slowly in their timeframe. The Flash grabbed Pinkie while Rainbow grabbed Fluttershy, the two moving away to get them to safety. Rainbow came back a second later, grabbing Applejack in the process, leaving Flash to destroy the robots in that smaller area in the meanwhile.

Quicksilver smirked, licking his hooves slightly. He grabbed Rarity by the mane, ruffling it slightly as he moved her out of the way, right after that, the laser moved through where she was just standing. Now done, the Flash moved on to the other area.

The scarlet speedster saw Batman and Punisher lying on the floor right as Blade's boomerang neared them. Flash ran in front of them and lightly moved the projectile down to the ground while Rainbow made sure those two got to safety. Quicksilver got to the roof, seeing Blade unmoving in their timeframe. The mutant speedster grabbed Blade's hoof and moved it toward his face, ripples seen on his muzzle. He decided to leave it at the that, but not before grabbing his katana and throwing it on the ground next to him.

The Flash saw Spider-Mane and Scarlet Spider lying on the floor as well. Rainbow Dash gently lifted Ben up while Flash picked up Spidey. The two were ready to speed off right after Quicksilver showed up, moving the arrows and blades aimed in their direction with a hoof, making sure it'd give a warning shot to Bullseye. He then got to Green Arrow, yanking the bow back to his face and pulled the hood over his head for fun, a smirk on his face.

The Flash and Rainbow Dash saw the projectiles aimed at the walls and decided to move them up a little. A chuckle escaped Rainbow's lips as she pushed the arrow upward a little so that it'd barely miss Bullseye's face. Then Quicksilver and the Flash decided to team up and end this little trip by punching Bullseye in the face after the arrow passed by his muzzle.

They high-fived as they considered it a job well done.

Then, time began to flow normally. From the perspective of everypony else everything seemed to pass in a blur as they moved to another location in a matter of seconds. The robots that were giving them so much trouble were suddenly flying into walls, and blowing up, leaving Wolverine and Anti-Venom to wonder what just happened.

The projectile Blade threw forced itself to the ground, as Blade suddenly punched himself in the face. Hard. And fell off the small building, rendering him unconscious after another hit by Punisher. Nearby, Green Arrow suddenly felt his hoof spaz out and hit him in the head with his own bow, and his hood suddenly covering his vision, him tumbling on the floor as well.

Then an arrow barely skimmed Bullseye's face, causing him to eylp in surprise. Then he was suddenly knocked unconscious thanks to Quicksilver and Flash. The three speedsters noriced the other heroes' stunned expressions. The mutant smirked, "What? You didn't see that coming?" he asked the group nonchalantly, crossing his hooves and removing the headphones.

"B-But... How...?" Twilight studdered to say.

The Flash gave a goofy smile, "We're fast." was the only answer he gave them. He saw Logan smirk with Batman giving a reassuring nod at his comment.

Spider-Mane and Scarlet Spider twitched in their spots, feeling the rush of adrenaline in their bodies again. "Woo! What the heck just happened?!" he asked.

"Yeah. It felt like I just teleported. And not in a good way." gagged Ben slightly.

"The kid managed to end this little battle of ours with some help." Logan explained, pointing to the remains of the robots.

"Thank God..." hissed Anti-Venom, reverting to Eddie. "Nice job you three. Even I was getting tired,"

"It was no problem." Rainbow said.

Meanwhile, Fluttershy spotted Batman and Punisher, and she gulped at what she saw. "Batman? P-Punisher? Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

"We're fine. We should get patched up once we clean up and explain what's happening." Batman managed to say, holding his wounds which stung.

"My mane!" Rarity screamed. "What in Equestria happened to it!?" she asked, not noticing Quicksilver and Rainbow chuckle quietly. Earning hoof bump from Peter in the process.

"What the hell?"

The heroes turned their heads and saw Green Arrow get up from his spot. "Why am I a freaking horse?" he asked. "Oh, hey Batman." he greeted in a gruff tone. "Didn't think I'd find you of all people here."

"Likewise." Batman nodded,

"Glad to see you're alright, Arrow." Flash said. Green Arrow grinned at the sight of his comrade.

"Hey, Flash. Can anyone explain to me what's happening, and why I see Spider-Man and some heroes from the Marvel Earth, and why there are rainbow colored horses staring at me?" he wondered.

"Yeah same here." mumbled Blade, getting up from his spot. The first person he took notice of was Castle. "Frank."

"Daywalker." replied Punisher.

"Didn't think you'd be in this kind'a place." Blade admitted.

Frank growled, "I could say the same to you."

Ant-Man rolled his eyes, leaning on the wall, "This is gonna take a while."

And so, the group explained the situation involving the Legion of Doom, the portal and Superman's disappearance. Arrow exhaled, "So, that's what happened... Superman's still missing, huh?" he asked rhetorically, earning nods. "Flash. You can stay here for now, I'll cover Central and Star City while you're gone. These guys could use your help. You said Cold and Heatwave were here anyway so things should lighten up there anyway."

"You sure, Oliver?" Flash inquired.

Green Arrow nodded, "Yeah. But let me know if you need help, and I'll stop by to lend a hand."

Peter faced Scott, "Hey, Lang. You think you could stick around until all this is over? No pun intended." he chuckled.

Ant-Man shrugged, "Sure. You could use all the help you can get anyway."

Quicksilver smirked, "Now hold now. You're gonna need some more speedster help. I'm staying as well." he decided.

"Whatever you want, Maximoff." Wolverine commented. "Just don't be a showoff."

"Eh. Showing off is what we do best!" Rainbow announced.

Punisher looked at the ground. "You do that. I gotta get back to New York. I'm staying out of this mess. But... As much as I don't want to. I kinda like living, so if it's really an emergency, then I'll come over to lend a hand for you imcompentent dumbasses."

"Same here. I owe you all for saving me from being what I hated. Just tell whoever it is to get me and I'll maybe stop by." Blade agreed.

"Great!" cheered Ben. "The more the merrier!"

A light chuckle was heard, gaining the heroes' attention. They turned and saw a blue alicorn wearing a costume. His familiar yellow points getting recognition.

"Indeed. But will it be enough?" he asked, a confident grin on his face. His staff appearing in his hooves.

"Loki!" growled Spider-Mane, the heroes gathering beside him for battle.

Loki smiled, "Do not worry, Spider-Man. This was only the first test. And you and your friends passed. I'm only here to help clean the mess." he revealed.

"What do you get out of this, Loki!?" grunted Batman, "Messing with both of our worlds?"

"Not much. Just a little fun." he admitted, with a wave of his staff, the debris, robots, Bullseye and Bushwacker faded from Equestria. "Those two were useless anyhow. But fret not. The next batch will prove to be much tougher than you will ever expect."

"Why are you doing this?" asked Twilight, "We've never done anything to you!"

"Yeah. Heck, we never even heard of you!" Sunset shouted.

Loki scowled, "You dare not know me? The God of Tricksters?!" he scoffed, but kept his composure, "But if you must know. I'm doing this as a favor."

"A favor for who?" Miguel questioned.

The god rolled his eyes, "Luthor." he lied. "He wants both worlds under our control, and I'm just the one who can help." he explained to the heroes.

"You sick freak!" Logan roared, lunging after Loki, but the Trickster God vanished in a green light, laughter echoing across the town. "Shit!" he yelled.

Peter put a hoof on Wolverine's shoulder. "We'll get him, Logan. He and the Legion of Doom will regret messing with us!" he declared.

"Yer darn right he is!" Applejack shouted.

"But how about we patch up first. I'm ready to pass out. Right about..." Peter began to tilt until he fell. "Now." he closed his eyes and was unconcious.

"Idiot." muttered, Miguel, Kaine, Logan, and Frank. While Twilight and her friends laughed. Batman shook his head at the sight.

The civilains walked out to see the commotion what with the giant robots attacking, "It's okay everypony!" Twilight assured, "All this will be over soon!"

"Are you sure?" asked Derpy, holding Dinky.

Ant-Man walked next to the gray mare, "Yeah. Just stay safe, okay? Last thing we need is anybody getting hurt while we're... Being heroes. Eh. Better than saying I'm going to burgle someone." he tried to say in a cool, heroic tone.

"Like he said, ma'am. Stay clear okay? That goes for all of you!" Green Arrow ordered in his gruff voice.

Peter smiled, "It's alright you two. These guys are with me. They're... Old friends, you could say." he told the ponies when they gave Arrow a questioning glance.

"Okay, Spider-Mane." Dinky said.

Derpy nodded, "Then we're in good hooves." she held up her Spider-Mane cap to the others.

"Merchandise?" Logan asked.

"They wanted it, not me!" Peter said defensively.

Twilight ignored the conversation and faced Rainbow, "Hey, Dash? Can you tell Zecora of what's happening? And see if she apcan bring some herbs for us to heal?"

Rainbow saluted, "You got it, Twi!" and she zipped off.

"Can we just go home? Trixie is seriously tired." Trixie sighed. The others agreed and made their way back to the Treebrary, where they hoped the Legion of Doom would give them a small break.

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