• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 2,066 Views, 204 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Mildly Inconvenienced

Peter, Johnny and Bobby all slouched on the sofa, discussing what they were up to since Peter left Earth. The stallion spoke, "So, Johnny? Where's the rest of the Fantastic Four?"

"On some mission in another dimension, and they didn't invite me. They left right before all this happened, so we can't get to Reed to help." Johnny explained. "Strange summoned us to help you in stopping the Legion of Doom. Like I needed his permission anyway, I would've come either way."

"Let me guess... To settle our little rivalry?" Peter chuckled.

"Hey! I'm Peter's rival!" Rainbow hissed.

Johnny smirked, "Sorry, Skittles. Peter and I have been friends long before we even knew about this world." he taunted, "We got a score to settle."

"Hey! Only Peter gets to call me, Skittles! What the heck are skittles anyway?!" Rainbow questioned.

Bobby put a hoof on his muzzle, "I think it'd ruin the joke if we told ya." he snickered at Rainbow's huff.

"But honestly, it's because this guy missed ya." Bobby teased. "It hasn't been the same without you, dude. We were the three musketeers! And we can't be that if there's two of us!" he patted Peter on the back after saying that.

"Well, you'll always be the three stooges." Ben joked.

Johnny craned his neck to the side at the sight of the clones, "Uh, Peter? Why do those two guys look almost exactly like you? Minus the hair of course."

Peter faced his brothers, "Oh, right. Meet Ben and Kaine. My clones... And brothers in a way."

Johnny lightly punched Parker in the shoulder, "What the hell happened here that led to clones living in your house?"

Miguel shook his head, "You have no shocking idea..."

"Well that's assuring." Bobby sighed.

Scott and Maximoff both looked at the three, "So how long are you staying here, you guys?" asked Lang, throwing away his fifth pack of orange juice that Mayday gave him.

"Oh, didn't see ya there." Bobby realized, "How long have you two been here?"

"A while now. I say a day or two. It's pretty cool, honestly." Quicksilver answered. "At least we're closer to stopping the legion than before."

Pinkie raised her hooves, "Heck yeah! They even helped destroying Luthor's robots!"

"Pinkie, now's not the time to be excited." Rarity said.

"Oh, but there's so many ponies here! I have to throw them a party at some point!" the pink mare responded.

"Well leave me out of it." Batman grunted.

"Aw, there was a battle and we missed it?" Johnny whined, "You really could'a used my help. I mean, I'm the only one here who can light things on fire."

"Knock it off, Storm." Logan warned.

Johnny shrugged, "Or what?"

The Flash zipped next to Johnny, gesturing to Wolverine, who revealed his claws, "Look, do you really wanna mess with that guy?"

"Nah, you're right." Johnny agreed, after gulping quietly.

The Flash chuckled, "Best choice. Now, what are we gonna do? Just sit here? The Legion of Doom is still out there in this world apparently, and Loki is with them! Does anyone here have any ideas as to where they're at?"

"No clue, Barry." Peter answered, "There really aren't a lot of hiding places in Equestria. Especially near Ponyville since they can just come here as they please. Unless Loki is warping them. He did mention it was a favor for him anyhow." he put a hoof under his chin, thinking about their options.

Barry kicked the ground, "Great. So we have no lead. And Loki made sure we had no way of tracking them... So we're basically running around in circles."

"Yeah, if only someone could give us answers." Bobby hummed.

"Yeah..." agreed Pinkie, "If only."

"And that's my cue!" shouted a voice outside the window.

Peter's eyes widened at the voice, "Oh crap. Please don't let it be who I think it was..." he dropped his face into his hooves, "First Castle, then this guy?!"

Pinkie hopped up, seeing a pony wearing red and black with weapons strapped around his body. The pink pony gasped, "It is! It's Wade Wilson!" she announced. Deadpool waved at Pinkie, a flag seen on his hoof and a boombox in another, as though he was serenading her for some reason. His terrible singing voice echoed across the room since the window was open.

"How the shock--?!" Miguel began to say.

"I think there are some things you don't question with Wade and her." Logan muttered.

Peter screamed upon hearing that name, "Why!?" he whined. 'Of all the freaking people from my world... It seems Luthor knows how to piss me off more than usual.' he thought, but with a sigh, he stood up. "Johnny, Bobby, and I will take care of Deadpool. This may be a trap of some sort... So just in case, all of you stay here."

"Got it, Parker." Logan nodded.

Applejack faced Peter, "Ya think it's a trap? But he doesn't look that strong."

"It's not Deadpool I'm worried about. Okay, he annoys me, but this could be a distraction for Lex and Loki to send more goons here. So, we should leave most of you just in case he brings in a heavy-hitter. Wade should be no problem."

"I'm coming too." Batman declared. "He could have a lead on the legion's location, and I'm gonna make sure we get something."

"Alright. The rest of you stay here and keep your guard up." Peter declared.

"You got it, Pete!" Rainbow said.

Peter put on his costume, becoming Spider-Mane once again. Johnny stretched his hooves and lit himself on fire. "Woah! Are you like Firestorm or something?" Barry wondered. "Seriously, we're running out of unique hero gimmicks."

"Call me the Human Torch!" declared Johnny. "Okay... Maybe I'm not a human anymore... So, I'll need a better name." he realized, hovering in his spot. "Eh. I'll worry about it later."

Then Bobby stood up, lowering his hooves so ice began to cover his entire being. He broke out of the small block, turning into Iceman. "Alright! Iceman is ready to kick some ass!"

Spider-Mane smiled, kicking the door open, "Look out evildoers! Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends are back!" he declared, but he failed to notice Batman and the others shaking their heads at the corny declaration he made. He saw Iceman and Human Torch chuckle at what he said, "...What?"

"It's nothing." Iceman assured.

The wall-crawler huffed as he and the other three stepped outside. "Alright, Deadpool. You can stop that annoying singing." Spider-Mane groaned. "Now why are you here? I was having a somewhat pleasant day until you showed up."

Deadpool snickered, "If you wanna know, you gotta catch me first!" he started to run away, "Woohoo!" he cheered. Peter groaned as he shot a strand of webbing, hitting Wade's leg and making him stumble. "Aw... There goes the epic chase scene."

"Did you forget Spider-Man could do that?"

"Hey it's not our fault we forgot! It's been years since we saw him!"

Spider-Mane pulled Deadpool closer so he could get answers. "Alright, Wade. Spill everything you know." Batman ordered. Right after saying this, Deadpool pointed a gun in his direction, forcing the Dark Knight to duck, but while he did that, Wade managed to cut himself free of the webbing and ran away.

"Woohoo!" Deadpool repeated.

Human Torch flew upward, trying to hit Deadpool with fireballs, "This guy's as wacky as Daffy Duck!"

"Clearly you haven't been around Pinkie long enough." Spider-Mane joked.

Iceman groaned, stretching a hand so that he could form an ice trail in front of him to move faster, with Batman sliding behind him. "She can't be any crazier than this guy."

Golden Oaks Library...

"Aw... I wish we could help." Rainbow whispered.

Quicksilver appeared behind the cyan pegasus, "They can handle it. Deadpool's only one guy, and even with all of his abilities, it's still four against him."

"But it makes you wonder why he's here." Barry said.

"Yeah. There's something more to this somehow." Ant-Man paused, "Or maybe we're overthinking things."

"Nah! Wade's too awesome to have a plan!" Pinkie explained. "They'll be fine! Maybe they can convince him to join us!"

"Am I the only one wondering how she knows Deadpool?" Ant-Man questioned. "Is there some kind of inside joke I'm missing or... what exactly?"

"Don't question it, Scott." Rarity told him.

"What's up with Deadpool anyway?" Spike asked. "Peter seems to really hate him more than Castle. And that's saying a lot."

Logan grunted, "Wade really knows how to get under people's skin. Ya can't kill 'em either, his healing factor is stronger and faster than mine, meaning that it'll take a lot to hold him down." he explained, "And he just keeps yammerin' on and on... Parker hates him since he can be an immature brat at times, but he's not a ruthless killer, unlike what Parker thinks."

"He's called the Merc with a Mouth for a reason." Quicksilver teased.

"Well, let's hope he doesn't stick around." Rainbow groaned.

"This is gonna be a long day." Applebloom sighed.

Scootaloo sighed, "You're telling me. I was thinking things were getting quiet too."

"Same, kid." Kaine said. "This is getting ridiculous."

The Flash chuckled, "You have no idea. It'll be better once the others get back. Maybe Deadpool knows something that we can use."

"That better be the case." Eddie grunted.

Deadpool teleported away from Iceman as Batman threw a batarang in his direction. "Woah! Careful where you throw that thing!" he shouted at the Dark Knight. "Seriously! I think there are children here!"

"He knows it won't hurt us, why bother?"

"Duh! We gotta set an example for the children in every universe!"

"We had an R-rated movie not too long ago..."

"Yeah! But that doesn't count in this case!"

Deadpool groaned, pointing his gun at Spider-Mane, "We're educational after all!" he shot the webbing, forcing Peter to let go, swinging on another line again. Right as Human Torch threw a fireball, Wade teleported away again. "Missed me!" he taunted, causing Johnny to rumble, pushing himself forward again.

Spider-Mane flipped in the air, kicking Deadpool, making sure he doesn't teleport out of the way this time. The Merc with a Mouth grunted as he pulled out a weapon. "Say cheese, Spidey!" he warned, Peter was about to dodge, but instead of bullets popping out of the barrel, a strange gas covered him, making him cough. "Yeah! Now we get to be the bestest of friends."

Instead of the intended reaction, Spider-Mane punched Deadpool in the face and then did it again. "Ow! If this is how you treat your friends, I'd hate to be your enemy!"

"Parker! Calm down!" Batman ordered.

Peter ignored his warning, "I. Just. Want. Him. To. Shut. Up!" he shouted, each word he said was another punch for Wade. The Merc managed to tank each hit.

"Sorry, Spidey! But that's not in my vocabulary!" Deadpool joked.

Batman put a hoof up, grabbing Peter's raised fist. "Stop. Now." he threatened. He didn't expect Spider-Mane to uppercut him, throwing him across the area. The Dark Knight got back up and tackled Spidey down, allowing Iceman to freeze Deadpool in his spot.

"Stop, bro!" Johnny pleaded, turning back to normal, helping Batman restrain the suddenly angered Peter. "What's wrong?!" he asked.

"Yeah. That's not like you!"

Peter stopped squirming, "I know... I'm good." he said through gritted teeth. "Now talk Wade!"

"Look. I was paid to kill you and use this gun on you." Deadpool revealed loudly.

"Well, listen Deadpool... How about we give you a deal? We'll pay you more to join us... And you get to meet Pinkie." Iceman bargained, the merc smiling under his mask.

"Oh boy!"

"Yeah. It's quite the deal I say."

Deadpool nodded, "I'll do it!"

"Good." said Batman, releasing Peter after his little episode. "What can you tell us about Luthor's plan?"

"I didn't get much since I was only there for five minutes. But I saw a projection of Superman or something in some padded room. It's in the mot obvious spot according to him and Loki. A lead covered room with red sunlight in LexCorp."

"How did you know?" asked Human Torch.

Deadpool pulled out a book, "It was in my script." he revealed, flipping through pages of crayon drawings and text. "Yeah. There. Page 45, line 2." he found and pointed at the page.

"How did you get that information?"


"...Fair enough."

Spider-Mane scowled at the merc. "Fine. But if you pull any funny business, then I'm kicking you out." he threatened.

Johnny raised a brow at the comment, "Pete? You okay? You're normally not this aggressive."

Peter shook his head, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little off. Something was in that gas... I'll shake it off in no time." he assured his friends. "Let's just take Deadpool back." he webbed up the mercenary, who for some reason did not resist the action while Iceman carried him.

"Yay!" cheered the merc.

As the Amazing Friends made their way back to the house, they failed to spot Batman's narrowed gaze, the detective activating his Detective Vision. 'Something was in that gun. I'll be sure to stand guard. Peter may be in more trouble than he thinks.' he started walking back, double checking the wall-crawler's status.

Somewhere near Earth...

A lone spaceship sped by, it nearing its destination: Earth. After a distress signal was received from the heroes of that planet, the heroes of the outer reaches have finally arrived after so much travelling. The outlaw raised his legs as he leaned on his chair. "Alright, we can set this baby to autopilot from here on out." he said calmly.

"How long until we arrive, Quill?" asked the green-skinned female.

"A few hours at most, Gamora." Star-Lord answered. "You can trust me this time."

"I dunno, Quill. Time telling isn't your strong suit." said the furry creature that looked similar to a raccoon. "Especially after the many times you said we were there, and it took us a goddamn day."

"How can a suit be strong? It is something you wear." ondered the green-skinned tattooed male.

"Being metaphorical isn't your strong suit, Drax." Star-Lord chuckled.

"I still do not get it." Drax commented.

"So, a world of colored horses, huh?" Star-Lord asked them, changing the subject, "Are you guys ready for this?"

"As long as I get to bring my weapons, I'm good." Rocket answered.

"I am Groot." said a tree alien.

"Who cares if they're peaceful? I ain't getting into a battle without my weapons!" Rocket shouted a Groot.

"Are you sure this was a good idea, Quill?" Gamora asked him, "We have better things to do than going into a world of coloful ponies."

Star-Lord smirked, "And miss out on kicking Loki's ass? No thanks. I'm sticking around till the end."

"How can you stick around? You're not Spider-Man." Drax trailed off, "But despite my quest for revenge, this will provide a nice distraction. I'll be at your sides."

"I am Groot."

The outlaw put on his mask, "Then let's show this world what happens when the Guardians of the Galaxy show up!"

"Ugh. Again with the name?" Rocket wondered with disgust.

Quill shrugged, "The name stuck, alright?"

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