• Published 5th Sep 2016
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Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Not-So Civil War, Part I

Peter munched on the burger, enjoying the taste of a food he hadn't eaten in years. The hero smiled as he looked at the patty and buns, "Oh man... It feels great to be back and eating something other than hay and apples or the like. I'll admit, a drawback to being in Equestria is becoming almost a hundred percent vegan for ethic reasons." he waved a hand, "I can understand why that is, but still..."

Twilight looked at her meal, "I don't know, Peter..."

"I told you, honey. It's fine." Peter assured, "I won't think any less of you. It just means we're humans."

"Aw yeah!" Wade shouted, shoving a burger into his mask and swallowing it with ease.

"What?" Twilight asked in confusion over what Deadpool had just accomplished.

Cracking his knuckles, Wade replied, "Years of practice."

Johnny laughed, "There are some things man wasn't meant to know. That and why he wears the mask in the first place."

"Exactly." Bobby answered, "I've seen it. And even he doesn't want you to see it."

"Assholes..." Deadpool grumbled.

Ben shoved a handful of fries in his mouth, "Holy crap!" he said with his mouth full, spreading some crumbs on the table, "I wish I had this food sooner! Kaine would love it here!"

"Glad you approve of Big Belly Burger, everyone." Barry said, taking a seat next to the small group. With him was Harrison Wells, who had bought his own bag and wanted to accompany the heroes for their small celebration.

Peter leaned on his chair, "Well, I never imagined you of all people coming here, Dr. Wells."

"Heh. Even I can enjoy a good meal, Mister Parker." Wells said in a playful tone.

"Please, just call me Peter." said the young man.

Wells nodded, pulling out his own meal. His gaze turned to Ben, who continued to force all of his food down his throat, "Hm... Is he... feeling alright?"

"Yeah. He just hasn't had Earth food before." Miguel explained, "And it's not everyday I eat fast-food in the past."

"Well, your past. This is our present." Sunset corrected.

Miguel rolled his eyes, "You're as picky as Parker."

Peter huffed at the comment and grinned, "I-I'm right here, you know. It doesn't work when the guy you're talking about is literally sitting across from you."

Twilight looked at Wells, "So, Dr. Wells... You're from another world? I remember mentions of an Earth-2."

Wells shook his head, "It's a long story. One I don't want to ruin the moment in explaining. Let's just say Barry over here has been through a lot."

Miguel raised a hand, "Hold on... If what you said about the Wells of this world was true, then how are you out here in the public with us without causing a panic? I mean, technically you're a felon that died in this universe."

"Simple, Mister O'Hara." he revealed a small stick, "Face-changer technology. With it, I can alter my appearance while all of you can see who I am."

Barry smiled, "Comes in handy. I felt bad that Wells had to stay in the lab with nothing else to do, so I had a little help from Cisco, Caitlin, Bruce and Clark to get the tecnology working properly for him." he explained, taking a bite of his fries.

"Speaking of..." Scott said, "Where are the others at? Bruce and Oliver I can see missing out, but what about Superman, Luke, Danny, or Aquaman?"

"They are all back at the Hall of Justice, meeting up with the Justice League and making sure Luke and Danny send Hydro-Man back to our world with no problems. Logan didn't want to come for some odd reason as did Luna, and Spike is pretty obvious." Peter explained. "As of now, I think they're waiting for Fate and Strange to open the portal and then we're gonna get searching for the Avengers."

Ben nodded, food still in his mouth. "Ben, chew." Twilight scolded. The clone did as he told and swallowed his fries and burger. The clone then smiled sheepishly at his actions, grabbing a napkin to wipe the grease off him, rolling up the sleeves of his blue hoodie before digging into the last of his meal.

"Truthfully, I'm not sure what the natural food is like on your world, but I assume you all to not be carnivores." Wells noted, "A shame. It seems this restaurant is not a multiversal constant."

"I don't remember this place on my Earth as well." Peter revealed. "Maybe it's a thing on your worlds, but not ours."

"If only we could see Earth-2." Twilight said, "I would love to see what is there that makes it different from this world."

Barry shrugged, "There're some major differences in that world that make it stand out. For one, that's where the Justice Society of America reside somewhat in flux to our timeline, as well as a cruder incarnation of the Reverse-Flash, who goes by Zoom."

"Zoom? What makes him different?" Miguel asked.

"He's ruthless. His name is Hunter Zolomon. He travelled our worlds to become the fastest. He captured the real Jay Garrick of my Earth, who was the Flash of that world, and impersonated him on this world in order to trick the Flash, which they didn't know about Zoom's identity. We figured out his plan, stopped him and saved the real Jay Garrick before I headed back to my world." Wells said.

"Couldn't we call them to help us?" Sunset suggested.

"None of us want to bother the JSA with our problems. Plus, they're probably busy enough as it without us having to explain the Legion of Doom situation and getting them involved." Barry answered, knowing that the other team would be busy to deal with another world's problems that wouldn't concern them.

"So much for that idea." Johnny grumbled.

"I can see that. So, I guess it's just our worlds then." Peter said. "I wouldn't be against one of them showing up."

"I don't think any of us are, Peter." Sunset noted.

"More Earths with more heroes. Kinda makes me pity what 2099 has in comparison." Miguel said.

"Yeah... Sunset and I only saw the lab within the company you work for, Alchemax, wasn't it?" Twilight realized, "Besides you, who else is there in your timeline?"

"Let's see... There's another Hulk, but he is nothing like the one in his time." Miguel began.

"Of course." said Johnny, "What about the Fantastic Four? Surely someone must've followed my legacy!"

"Nope," revealed O'Hara, earning a disappointing groan from the Human Torch, "There's also another Punisher, Jake Gallows, who was a cop that had his family murdered by Kron Stone, the son of Alchemax's CEO, Tyler Stone." he continued, 'And whether I like it or not, my own shocking father...'

"Future Punisher... I am so sorry..." Peter apologized.

Miguel crossed his arms, "There's also another team of X-Men, a Ghost Rider and I should probably mention this as well... Doctor Doom is in that time."

"Doom?" Johnny blurted out, "Is that where he wound up?"

Raising a hand, Miguel continued, "I'm not too sure if it's even the original stranded in time or someone believing that to be the case. All I know is that he seems to have mellowed out and is actually on our side in the future. Alchemax took over Latveria, and knowing him, he obviously wishes to stop it like I do. So, I'm kinda glad we have someone on the side of good per se."

"Egh. Doom playing hero. That just... doesn't sound right." Johnny gagged.

"Just keep an eye on him." Bobby warned.

"I am. Er, when I get back, anyway." Miguel replied.

Wells placed a hand on the table, grabbing a clean napkin to wipe off the grease covering his face, "Hm. That was good." he muttered inaudibly, "Anyway," he cleared his throat. "I wish to join you all in this... adventure of yours. If only to make sure none of you mess this up and we do this right."

Twilight raised a brow at that, "Are you sure, Dr. Wells? It wouldn't be safe if you were out in the frontlines with all of us when we stop the Legion of Doom."

"No, I insist." Wells cleared his throat again, "How about this? I go to your world, Equestria as you call it, and go keep an eye on your friends there and tell them you're all fine and that you're coming back soon. I'll keep them all in check. If only I had a dimensional communicator of some sort to update from that end..."

"Unfortunately that hasn't been invented." Peter joked.

"Hold on... Bring Cisco." Barry said. "We should see if his Vibe powers can go between the worlds."

"So, Cisco can travel between worlds?" Sunset asked, "I didn't know he had that kind of power."

"That geek has superpowers?" Johnny blurted out, earning an elbow nudge from Peter and Twilight. He rubbed his sore spot, "Alright, fine. That's pretty cool, I'll admit."

"What about Central City?" Scott questioned, "Wouldn't it be unsafe to leave it exposed, knowing that Alchemy and the Rival could come back at anytime?"

"I'll tell Wally and Jesse to keep an eye on it while we're gone. It's not a permanent trip." Barry assured.

Nodding, Peter stood up from his chair, grabbing the bags, "It's settled. We'll pick up Cisco, bring Wells and send them to Equestria once Luke and Danny return to our New York."

Later at the Hall of Justice...

Peter, Twilight, Sunset, Miguel, Ben, Barry, Johnny, Bobby, Scott, and Wade returned to the Hall of Justice, with them were Harrison Wells and Cisco, in his Vibe costume. The team was surprised to see the entire Justice League sitting together in the meeting room, debating the next plan with Luke and Danny overseeing Hydro-Man with Black Cat and Jax, ensuring that he wouldn't escape. "Hey, guys." Peter greeted, waving, "Did we miss anything important?"

Superman smiled, "No. Fate and Strange said the portal should open shortly."

Batman gave Wells a quick scowl, silenty facing away from him. "Dr. Wells."

"Batman." Wells greeted.

Barry whispered to the others, "Mistrust. Even though this is a different wells, Batman isn't exactly trustworthy of someone with the face of a known supervillain on our side. Though, the rest of the League is a little wary."

"Why did you bring him and Vibe here?" Wonder Woman questioned, pointing at the two.

"We wanna have them keep an eye on Equestria until we find the Justice League." Peter explained.

"I see." said Hal Jordan, "We'll tell Fate to open a portal back there as well."

"Thank you..." replied Twilight with a slight pause.

"Oh, call me Green Lantern, ma'am." Hal introduced himself. "The best of all lanterns."

"Just don't tell John that." Barry joked.

"Ha ha, Flash." Hal quipped.

Suddenly, a portal opened up, gaining the attention of Luke and Danny. The two partners looked at each other, before facing Peter. Luke was the first to speak, picking the unconscious Morris over his shoulder, "Hey, Peter. You owe me for this." he quipped playfully.

Chuckling, Peter extended an arm, "Yeah. I'll be sure to pay you once this is over."

Luke smiled, patting the wall-crawler on the back, "Nah. I'm just messin'. Consider us even, kid. The burglar and Logan explained what you've been up to. Keep it up. I don't wanna hear that ya screwed up."

"I'll do my best, Luke."

With a smile and nod, Luke jumped into the wormhole, leaving Danny to face his fellow crime-fighter. "It has been an honor seeing you again, Peter." he said.

"You kidding? You're the martial artist with a flaming fist! You and Shang-Chi should train me one day!" Peter complimented, "But seriously, Rand. It felt good seeing some old New York heroes. Brings me back to the old days."

"Same here, Pete." Iron Fist shook Peter's hand, "Take care." he looked at the former ponies, "Same to you all. Keep an eye on this guy. He's wild."

Smirking, Twilight said, "I already am."

Iron Fist then hopped into the portal and Fate's voice was heard a few moments later, 'Strange altered the course of the vortex. Equestria is the destination.'

"This is my stop." said Cisco, "Hey, Barry. Don't eat my pizza."

"No promises, Cisco." Barry replied.

Vibe jumped into the portal, and Wells faced it, a strange gun slung around his chest. "We'll be waiting for you, Allen." he said before following his ally, before the portal closed.

"Now we can focus on the Legion of Doom." said Aquaman, placing his staff on the table.

Putting a finger on his chin, Peter spoke up, "Speaking of them. How did they capture you, Superman?"

The Man of Steel sighed, "It surprised me... I sensed Loki and Luthor coming after me. And I ensured that they couldn't put me under mind control thanks to a mind barrier placed by Doctor Fate when he sensed a breach in dimensions."

"Why you?" Twilight asked.

"Because I'm an easy target. If they had me under mind control the Legion would've won. Fate had the time and energy to only perform the act on me, saving me from corruption. I'm not sure if he planned for anyone else. Anyway, they planned for that, and exposed me to Kryptonite. After that, I was knocked out and woke up in the Red Sun room hidden in LexCorp, where my powers were nullified until you lot saved me."

"Really? They planned for that?" they heard Spike say, who was listening in to the conversation.

"Luthor's a tricky person to follow." admitted Superman. "After that, I assume that's when they began their assault across the three worlds. But... I have no idea why they're targeting your world. Nothing about that makes sense."

"I see. So much for that." sighed Scott in disappointment.

"What is all this talk?"

The group turned around, seeing Luna and Logan walk in. "Hey, guys. Superman was just explaining his side of the story. Turns out he doesn't know anymore than we do." Peter elaborated.

Logan grunted, "Damn."

"So what shall be our next course of action?" Luna wondered.

"We told Strange and Fate to see if they can sense the Avengers anywhere within our worlds. They should be giving us an update later on." Hal noted, clenching his fist, "Now that we're a full team again, they and the Legion are our first priority, knowing that Superman hasn't become a target."


"Are you sure this is the best course of action, Loki?" Lex asked his accomplice.

"Divide and conquer, Luthor. The heroes will be split apart, meaning that they all can't rely on each other once again." Loki raised a hoof, "I have sent the best fighters out there. The rest of us will attack Ponyville, where the ponies won't stand a chance. I may have had Discord bring in a few more... recruits you could say."

A grumble was heard, scaring Luthor slightly. Standing behind him was a familiar spiky, white creature, who had his form unaltered in this new world, somehow. "D-Doomsday?! Isn't that overkill for the ponies? We told Discord that! How is he even here?!"

"Oh, I know that. I was the one who brought him from space after all." Discord chimed in, teleporting in between the masterminds, "But I'm making sure that they do not die in this next encounter. I already have the chairs, cups and popcorn all ready to go. There's two more people joining us in this Equestrian side of the battle, by the way. I felt with the large numbers here, we should even the playing field. There's no entertainment in a true curbstomb fight after all."

Another red blur revealed himself, the Rival stood proud next to the Reverse-Flash, who rolled his eyes, "And who the hell are you exactly?" Eobard asked.

"The Rival to the Flash." Clariss revealed.

Thawne nudged Edward, "Just don't get in my way. I'm the Flash's true reverse."

"Sure." Rival scoffed.

"Ooh! I can't wait to see the last guy!" Joker cheered.

Suddenly, a pegasus wearing green and purple armor hovered around the cavern, "And who might you be?" Joker asked, extending a hoof. The armored pony silently stood still.

"Meet the Beetle. An assassin that Spider-Man used to encounter every now and then." Discord introduced. "He's not much of a talker, this version. The original reformed sometime after Peter left to stay in this world."

The Beetle nodded, revealing his weapons sealed within his armor. "Welcome to the Legion of Doom, Beetle, Rival. Today, we strike Equestria." Lex greeted. With the group he was taking responding, he faced the small table Discord made for his long desired experiment, beakers placed and scattered about it with papers crumbled and scribbled on.

"I see you're almost done." the draconequss laughed.

Luthor smirked, "Yes. And soon I shall overpower the heroes of both worlds." he looked at the liquid within the large beaker.

DC Earth, Hall of Justice...

Alarms blared at the Hall of Justice, surprising the heroes as they spoke, cutting their conversation short. Batman looked at the monitor, getting alerts of attacks in two different locations. He looked at the attack happening in Gotham. "Some members of the Legion of Doom are spotted near Gotham Harbor: Deathstroke, Cold, Heatwave, Sinestro, Spider-Slayer and Grundy..."

"And the other alert?" Superman asked.

"Metropolis Airport." Batman revealed. "No... The Avengers were seen, and everyone was evacuated before anyone was harmed. It seems they came to us."

"The Avengers? This has to be a trap!" Peter shouted, putting on his costume.

"Seems that way." Twilight agreed.

"The Justice League will attend to the Avengers." Superman decided.

"Sinestro has a ring that can counter mine." Hal warned, "I should face him."

Luna spoke up, "My magic might be able to withstand his ring, Green Lantern. You must go with your team."

"I'm going too." Spider-Man said.

"Then that means I'm going with Peter." Twilight added.

Peter groaned, "Fine. The JL and the two of us are going to save the Avengers. The rest of you can go and fight off the Legion members, which shouldn't be too tought from the sound of it."

Logan growled, "Now hold on. The Avengers are my allies too. I'm comin' with ya too, kid. The Green Guy and I have a small score to settle, anyhow."

"Then it's settled." Batman declared.

"If what Luna says is true, your magic should be enough to hold off Sinestro." Hal assured Sunset Shimmer, who nodded, "Just be wary of his tricks, and don't be afraid. His ring feeds off of the emotion of fear, which is the counter to my will emotion Green Lantern ring." he explained to the uninitiated.

Barry continued, "Cold and Heatwave should be the easiest to fight. Just have Johnny and Bobby gang up on the two with their opposite elemental abilities this time."

"Deathstroke is a powerful assassin. It would be best to leave him to Ben due to his Spider-Sense coming in handy." Batman elaborated to the team.

"Okay, I think we got it." Scott cut them off, "I'll fight Grundy with Black Cat and Deadpool, and Miguel fights Spider-Slayer."

"What about me?" asked Spike, holding up a claw.

"Help us fight the Avengers. At least the Hulk. He can tank your giant strength." Spider-Man announced.


"Let's go." Batman commanded. The heroes nodded, and they went to their destinations.

Metropolis Airport...

Spider-Man and Batman decided to walk into the empty airport field first, leaving the other League members and heroes waiting until they get the signal to attack. Batman narrowed his gaze, "It's a little too quiet here... Is your Spider-Sense going off yet, Peter?"

Shaking his head, Peter answered, "No. That just makes me a little more worried than usual."

Then, the familiar tingling ran on the back of his neck and he jumped, shoving Batman away from a blue blast aimed directly at them. When they got their bearings, the two heroes looked up, seeing Iron Man holding out an arm, apparently being the one who shot the repulsor blast at them.

"Iron Man." whispered Peter. It was first time he's seen his old friends and inspirations and years. 'I just wish we hadn't reunited under these conditions!'

Following Iron Man's appearance was Thor, who spun his hammer, Mljnoir over his head to stay afloat, his cape flowing in the small wind he was making. Captain America stepped out of the shadows, his round red, white and blue shield in hand and raised over his head. Hawkeye shot an arrow from behind and Batman caught it, dropping the projectile immediately after before the archer stood next to his team. Black Widow flipped next to Cap, glaring at the heroes before aiming her wrist tasers. The last one to arrive was Hulk, who jumped from the roof of the building. Thor and Hulk knelt in front of the other Avengers as they landed.

Gulping, Peter took a step back, "Oh crud..." but he smirked under his mask, "Whatever shall we do, Batman?" he asked sarcastically, looking at his ally.

A smirk was seen on Batman's face, and he answered, "Let's show them our team."

Revealing themselves first were Twilight and Wolverine, the former holding out her glowing hands, the latter unsheathing his claws and his teeth gritted. Logan's eyes narrowed underneath his black and yellow cowl.

Next up were Wonder Woman and Martian Manhunter, who descended by Batman and Spider-Man's sides. Following them was the Flash, who ran into the battlefield. Green Lantern and Aquaman followed Barry's lead and they stood next to him.

The last to arrive was Superman and Spike, lowering themselves from the skies, the alien standing in the center of the group, while the dragon towered over the others from behind. The Man of Steel crossed his arms as he faced his allies.

"What do we do, Bats?" asked Peter.

Batman frowned, "We fight."

Seeing that their opponents were there. The Avengers slowly walked forward, prompting the Justice League to do the same. Soon, they began to move faster, and the JL mirrored their actions. Spider-Man's eyes widened as he faced Superman, "Uh... They're not stopping!" he almost screamed.

"Neither are we." Superman boasted in a determined tone.

Eventually, the two teams collided. The battle of titans had just begun.

Author's Note:

The Justice League (with Spidey, Logan, Twilight, and Spike) vs The Avengers! Place your bets here!

By the way, the battle in Equestria will be seen after this arc, capping off the Earth Saga as I call it.

And I need to find a better picture of the Avengers...

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