• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 2,066 Views, 204 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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All Coming Together

Miguel stretched, being the first to walk into the Hall of Justice. The first thing he noticed once he removed his mask and put on his sunglasses was a strange device sitting on a table, with headphones connected to it. "Hm... What's this?"

He placed the headphones over his head and pressed a button on the touchscreen, and he heard music. He bobbed his head to the rhythm before stopping himself, "This is what we listened to in the past? Eh, we could've done better."

"Damn right on that." agreed Logan.

"But I thought you were about fresh beats, Wolverine." Peter joked, patting the mutant on the back.

"Hey! Get off my music player!" Deadpool shouted, snatching the device off of Miguel's hands.

"Was that there this whole time, Wade?" Twilight asked.

"Duh! I had it with me since Lex summoned me to Equestria! It beats being bored that's for sure." Wade replied.

"Yep! We sent the Legion running that's for sure." Johnny boasted.

"I don't know about that, dude. Something tells me there's more to this than we think..." Bobby commented.

"What do you mean?" questioned Peter.

Bobby looked at his friend, "I mean that they just sort of stopped fighting and warped back to Equestria."

"Hm. The Avengers pretty much did the same thing." Aquaman noticed as well.

"It was a distraction." Batman realized.

"I-It was...?" Peter asked, "Oh, who am I kidding? Of course it was!" he groaned.

Barry sighed, "Then that means something happened in Equestria. We gotta get there soon."

"We will." Superman declared. "I'll tell Fate and Strange to open a portal back to Equestria. If there's anything needed to be done for all you. I advise you finish in two hours."

"Two hours?" Logan repeated, "Ah well."

"Yay! Time to meet my waifu once again!" Deadpool cheered.

Ben sat down on the sofa, "Kinda can't wait to see Kaine again to be honest. I hope he and Eddie held the fort while we were gone." he said to himself.

"We left Ponyville in good hands, Ben." Peter reminded his clone, "At the very least, no one should've died."

Miguel held his mask in his hand, but his attention turned when he saw Sunset, walking to her room, a sad look on her face. "Yeah. I guess I got something to do in the meantime."

"Called it." chuckled Ben.

Putting on a jacket, Peter looked to Twilight, "Hey, honey? I know we've been busy and all, but how about a nice dinner? Just the two of us before we leave?" he offered his wife.

A smile formed Twilight's lips, "I would love that."

"Excellent. After you m'lady." Peter gestured, holding the bedroom door for Twilight. "Er... I probably should've waited until after you got ready to say that."

"Smooth move, Parker." Johnny teased.

Not caring, Peter laughed, "Way more smooth than you, Johnny."

"Nah." Johnny shook his head.

So, while Peter and Twilight left for a quick bite to eat and Sunset and Miguel were left to their own devices, the remaining heroes discussed what would happen once they return to Equestria. Superman was the first to speak, "Here's what we're going to do. Bruce, Diana, Barry, Hal and myself will head back to Equestria. The rest of the JLA will stay in case something goes awry on this Earth."

"Then I guess I'm becoming a pony again. Eh, could be worse." Scott admitted.

Felicia chuckled, "Hey. Truthfully, I'm better off on that world where I'm not a constant target. I'll take being a pony over being dead, that's for sure." she revealed.

Ben nodded, "Gotta admit, I enjoyed being on an Earth. It's way different than being a pony or giant spider-monster."

"Once we're ready, we'll find the Legion and Avengers as soon as possible, because we may be running out of time." Batman announced to the others.

"Time limit. Of course." Johnny groaned.

Bobby shrugged, "Sounds like a group of supervillains, alright. They have no patience."

"What're you talking about?! This story's almost forty chapters and they jut now decided to attack!" Deadpool shouted at the top of his lungs, confusing the others.

"None of what you just said made any sense... So I'm just gonna nod and pretend I understood." Ant-Man slowly responded, nodding his head like he said.

"The fate of the world rests on us, everyone..." Johnny mumbled.

"Well, it'll have to do." Superman scolded. "We're the only once standing in the way of the Legion and their plans succeeding. So I advise you keep silent about your doubts about who's joining us back into Equestria to stop then."

Johnny nervously nodded, "Yes, sir."

"Heh, got you good." Bobby teased.

"I advise the same to you, Bobby." Batman warned.

Gulping, Bobby saluted, "Sir, yes sir!"

Ben silently laughed, "Hm. This is fun."

"Anyway..." Diana trailed off, "Should the Legion find a way to attack this world or the other Earth, we need the entire Justice League, and as many as reserve members as possible."

"I will be sure to do that." J'onn noted, transforming back into Martian Manhunter.

"Sounds simple." Felicia said, "The Legion won't know what hit them when we get back."

"I pray my sister is doing well." Luna sighed,

"I'm sure she is, Luna. We've been over this." Spike said, his form nearly hitting the ceiling. "Equestria's safe. The Guardians of the Galaxy, Quicksilver, Nightwing, Kaine and Eddie were there with our friends. There's nothing to worry about."

"Hey, Sunset...?"

The former unicorn jumped at the sound, knocking her out of her small trance. "Oh, it's just you Miguel." she sighed.

Miguel knelt down next to Sunset, "So, I kinda noticed you walking all depressed and the like. Somethin' bugging you?"

"I didn't think you cared." Sunset lamented.

Shaking his head, Miguel responded, "I hate to admit it, but spending all that time in Equestria probably made a little softer. I'll get Parker for that later on."

Chuckling softly, Sunset looked at her hand, "I-I lost control, Miguel. I don't know why, but it felt like Osborn had me under his mind control again." she placed her hands on her knees, "My rage took over, and I almost became a she-demon."

Placing a hand on his head, Miguel replied, "Alright... If we're gonna get to the bottom of this... Do you know what triggered that rage? It may not actually be sudden for all I know. God, now I'm starting to sound like Parker."

Closing her eyes, Sunset focused her thoughts, red covering her cheeks upon realizing, "I-It started when I saw Sinestro threaten to kill you when he captured you. At that point, I just s-sorta lost all rational thoughts and wanted to m-make sure you were safe."

Miguel's eyes widened at that, 'Oh shock...' he thought, his brain wondering something. 'D-Does she...? There's no shocking way...' his mind continued.

Clearing his throat, the future Spider continued, "R-right... Uh."

Sunset tilted her head, "You alright, O'Hara?"

"Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine..." Miguel rambled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Hm... That reminds me... You were acting a little strange when Sinestro captured you." Sunset changed the subject, "He mentioned you were afraid of something... Do you want to talk about it?"

Now it was Miguel's face that went red, "Oh, about that..." he cleared his throat again, "I-It may have been about you."

"Me? W-Why?" Sunset studdered.

Miguel raised his hands, "I don't know! It could be because... Because I may have developed feelings for you and I'm just not sure how to handle it..." he revealed at last.


"After we defeated Sloan, I thought nothing of it. Y'know, I was never a romantic back on 2099. But you decided to help us with getting me back to my timeline and..." he paused for a second before continuing. "And I guess I realized how smart you were, how you handled things and something just sorta, oh son of a glitch, I don't know what to say anymore..." he sighed.

"I was afraid because... If we were to be together, at some point I'd have to head back to 2099 and I didn't want to give you the heartbreak." he announced.

Sunset gave Miguel a small smile, "Wow, Miguel. I-I had no idea. If w-we're being honest... I may have felt the same way about you."

"Wait what?" Miguel asked.

Nodding, she continued, "Like you, I thought nothing of it... But, after getting to know you a little better... Seeing how level-headed y-you were and that you were brave, smart and pretty handsome." she blushed even more after saying that last part, "But knowing you, I didn't think you would... Ever think of me like that. So, I tried to push those feelings aside." she revealed, tears rolling down her face.

"And honestly, Miguel." Sunset continued, "I'll be willing to accept you heading back... If it means being with you for the amount of time we do have."

She felt something on her shoulder, and saw Miguel's hand. "So, with that cat out of the bag..." he began to say, "Once we're done fighting the Legion of Doom, would you like to go for lunch?" he asked her, the two looking into each other's eyes.

In response, Sunset leaned forward, surprising Miguel wth a kiss. Although, he wasn't anticipating this, he embraced her and the two fell onto the bed.

"Feels great, doesn't it Twilight?" Peter wondered.

"I guess you could say that." Twilight replied slowly.

"You miss Mayday too, don't you?"

The former alicorn nodded, focusing on her meal. "I'm worried. What if something happened?"

"Like Star-Lord, Nightwing and Quicksilver will let anything happen to her and Equestria while we were gone." Peter responded. "She's in good hands, honey. She's safer there than over here. Remember what we've seen?"

"I know..." Twilight said. "Applejack and Rainbow Dash should've recovered by now too. But it's my instinct to worry, Peter."

"Believe me, honey. I'm worried too. I was hoping to get some time off, but here we are with our minds wandering." Peter chuckled, "I guess we can't help it, I guess." he added.

"That's why I love you. You can't help but think about others." Twilight said.

"Funny, I was gonna say the same to you. I guess we were meant to be after all." Peter quipped.

And so the two continued to eat. With one last day on this Earth, they wished to make the best of it.

Back at the Hall of Justice, the heroes came together, all of them in costume as the portal opened, "Well, I guess this is it." Spike sighed n sadness.

"Hey, to me you'll always be a cool dragon." Peter comforted.

"Let's go. We've wasted enough time." Batman ordered, being the first to step into the vortex followed by Spike.

"Jeez. Impatient much?" Barry whispered, stepping inside next.

Ant-Man and Black Cat looked each other, "So, I guess it's back to being a pony. Oh well." Scott said, walking into it next. Felicia hopped inside as well.

Johnny transformed into the Human Torch, "Meet ya on the other side, guys!"

Miguel and Sunset looked at one another, "So, I guess this is the end of seeing the past."

"Quite a history lesson, huh?" Sunset teased.

"It was a learning experience." Miguel sighed, and the two held hands, jumping in at the same time.

"What the heck was that?" Peter blurted out.

"We'll ask about that later." Twilight said.

"Alright! Pinkie, here I come!" Deadpool shouted, running like a maniac into the vortex.

"Damn it, Wade." Logan grumbled, following the mercenary.

Bobby turned into Iceman and slid in, "If only the other X-Men were here too."

Luna looked at Peter and Twilight, "I shall await your return."

"Well, I guess it was fun, but to Equestria!" Scarlet Spider announced, jumping in.

The last ones besides the Power Couple were Superman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman. "Good luck, Clark." Aquaman said to the Man of Steel.

"Same to you, Arthur." Superman responded, "We'll be back soon enough."

Wonder Woman and Green Lantern nodded, flying into the portal with Superman. Peter and Twilight were ready to return home, but the remaining Justice League members stopped them, "Wait you two." said Martian Manhunter.

"This may be the last time we'll see you, Peter." added Aquaman.

"Just know we've heard about what you went through. We wish you the best in protecting Equestria." J'onn declared.

"And Twilight, make sure he doesn't mess up." Aquaman joked.

"I will." Twilight joked.

"Where's the love?" Peter huffed.

"Good luck, you two. Let's hope our paths cross again." Martian Manhunter said.

"Yeah. You ready, Twi?"

"Ready when you are, Peter."

And with that, the heroes jumped into the portal, ready to come back to Equestria. The Justice League needed to regroup their reserve members just in case.

Back in Equestria, Peter and Twilight landed back right outside the Treebrary, but what they saw frightened them. Peter knelt down, seeing the heroes and Elements of Harmony beaten and Ponyville was in ruins. Buildings were torn apart, fires were seen spreading, and ponies lay unconscious around the town.

"W-What happened?" Peter studdered.

"Legion of Doom..." Nightwing mumbled, "They attacked right before you showed up. Nearly destroyed the town."

"No..." whispered Peter, slamming his hooves on the ground.

"It's not your fault, Peter." Superman assured, putting a hoof on the stallion's shoulder. "Lex did this."

"I failed again... That's all I'll ever do."

Author's Note:

A smaller chapter. But next chapter's gonna be a flashback in Equestria.

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