• Published 5th Sep 2016
  • 2,066 Views, 204 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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"How's he doing?" Barry asked, seeing Miguel leaning on the door. Right now, Peter had decided to tend to Ben, feeling guily over what he had done a day ago.

O'Hara shook his head, "Not too good. He still blames himself for what happened to Ben." he waved a hoof, "Granted, he punched him hard, but he really wasn't aware of what he was doing... He's always been like this." Miguel faced Kaine, who looked at the door with a cold stare, his mind elsewhere. "And Kaine... He's not taking it easy..."

"Is he mad at Peter?" Barry wondered.

Logan overheard and answered, "No. He's just upset. Granted, I am too, but his brother is comatose. Hell, Parker called both of them his brothers. So they're both taking it hard." he sighed, "Just give 'em some time. But while they're coping I say we should pick up their slack. Rainbow and Applejack are recoverin' as well, meanin' we're down a few allies." he explained.

"That's right. How are they doing?" Barry asked. "I should really check on them sometime today."

"They're fine." answered Quicksilver, zipping into the room. Johnny and Bobby behind him. "They'll be healing for a few days, but nothing a few days of rest can't do." he saw the scarlet speedster sigh at that, "So, I heard you, Logan. What's the plan?"

"Dunno. Gotta wait for Batman." Wolverine answered.

"How are you feeling, girls?" Fluttershy asked, her, Pinkie and Spike sitting down on a few stools. Twilight smiled as Sunset and Trixie awoke as well.

"We're fine." the alicorn answered in a tired tone.

Trixie yawned, "Yes, but that day of rest really helped out. Trixie will be back to normal in no time!"

"So you say." Sunset chuckled. The blue unicorn rolled her eyes at comment, but grinned.

"You missed a lot." Spike revealed, "Punisher, Blade and Arrow left yesterday. But we have some new heroes from Peter's world! They're the Human Torch and Iceman."

Twilight nodded, "Peter mentioned them before. I'm sure he really missed those two. But... It's awfully silent over there. Did something happen while we were asleep?"

"Y-You have no idea..." Fluttershy exhaled.

"Deadpool's here!" Pinkie exclaimed, but then a frown formed on her muzzle. "But then Peter got hit by this strange gas... He fought all of us in this strange rage! And then..." she cut herself off, not wanting to remember what happened.

"What happened!?" Twilight asked worriedly.

Spike lowered his head, "He put Ben in a coma... He's alive, but he'll be out of it for who knows how long. He hasn't left his side at all since yesterday." the three mares gasped at what they just heard. "Kaine's also pretty messed up by it.

Twilight lowered her head, silence filled the room, awaiting somepony to speak up. Eventually, Twilight did, "How are the others taking it? Especially Peter..."

"Rainbow and Applejack are getting their wounds treated. Everyone else is fine, but Peter and Kaine... You could tell they're breaking. Pete hasn't left the room since he found out. And Kaine's been dead silent, more than usual. It's as if..." Spike sighed.

"It's alright, Spike. We know Peter never intended for this to happen." Sunset assured. "Twilight, you should go speak to him." she suggested the alicorn.

Trixie nodded, "Yes. I'm sure some reassuring words from you can at least ease his worries." she added.

The alicorn sighed, "I'm sure he's not in the mood for talking..." about other to death." she removed the covers from herself, "But I should speak to him. He really needs to see we still care, bed-ridden or not."

Twilight got to her legs and slowly walked out of the room, leaving Sunset and Trixie to get up as well. "Trixie needs something to eat. I can pray Quicksilver doesn't eat my food first."

"We'll see." Sunset taunted. "But I'm glad to be up. Is your horn still sore, Trixie?"

"Yes." replied the blue unicorn. "It seems magic will be of no use like they said. At least we're up and about."

"That's good." Fluttershy smiled.

Pinkie nodded, "I'm gonna make you all some yummy treats. Then I have to check on Wade."

Ant-Man sighed, putting down his helmet on the table. "Mister Lang?" asked Mayday, sitting down on the chair next to him. "Why is everypony sad? What happened to Daddy and Uncle Ben?" she wondered, Scott's eyes gazing on the ground. He really didn't want to explain this to someone as young as her. "Did something bad happen?"

Scott closed his eyes before answering, "The bad guys did something to your father. That's why he was so angry. Don't worry... He's better now. Mostly, but he needs time to cope with what happened to Ben. Your uncle won't be... how should I put this?" he whispered the last part, "He's sleeping for a while. I know I shouldn't be telling you this, but your father isn't in a talking mood."

Mayday looked down, a frown on her face, "Will Uncle Ben be okay...?"

Scott managed a thin smile, "If he's anything like your father, then he'll be awake soon."

The filly grinned back, "That's good." she hopped on a chair and grabbed a small juice pack, deciding to have a small snack while everyone else sat around. The pegasus looked at the helmet, "Why does your helmet look like that?"

Scott flinched, having lost his train of thought, "Oh, careful. That helmet is what allows me to do what I do and allow me to talk to ants." he explained. "So don't put it on."

"Okay, Daddy mentioned that you shrunk with Pym Particles, and that this mask gives off a unique frequency and soundwave similar to that of insects, like flies and bugs." she patted the small bug shaped helmet, "That's cool."

Lang grinned, "Smart kid. Your mom and dad must've taught you everything. Maybe if possible I can have Hank give you a scholarship or a job at his corporation."

"They did teach me! And maybe..." Mayday responded.

Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders looked at Deadpool, who held the gun in shame. "You didn't mean it, Wade." Sweetie Belle assured. The merc sighed, as he continued to stare at the weapon that changed everything.

"Yeah! The Legion tricked you!"

Deadpool sighed, "It was my fault!"

Human Torch gave Wade a sympathetic look, "Wow. I've never seen you look so... down before. What happened to the goofy Deadpool we all know?"

Deadpool gave Johnny a glare, "Listen, Storm. Even I have my limits. I wanted to prove that I got better, but in my excitement I screwed up!" he cried. Scootaloo patted him on the shoulder.

"We know you, Wade." Bobby added, "This doesn't seem like something you'd do on purpose. We know how much you respect Peter. We'll try to convince him, don't worry."

"It was a rash action." Batman began to say, walking by, "But we should wait for Peter's response." after saying that, the Dark Knight noticed Kaine glaring at Deadpool. "Luthor and Loki are masters of manipulation, they managed to take your respect and used it to their advantage."

Applebloom agreed. "They're the bad guys here. Not you."

"Hey, Eddie?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah, Bobby?" Brock wondered.

"Has Peter gotten out at all since we left?"

Eddie shook his head, "No. But give him time... He'll be back to his old self soon." he raised a hoof, gesturing to the room where Ben was sleeping in.

"We can only hope." Miguel sighed.

Pinkie hopped out of nowhere, bringing the group a tray of treats. "Here... Ben used to like these. Strawberry frosted cupcakes." she mumbled, gently placing them on a table next to Ant-Man's helmet. Scott was the first to grab one.

Barry ran by and picked one up as well, taking the first bite. "Wow, Pinkie. I can see why Ben would like these..." he paused once he saw the color of the frosting. "Oh, heh. Nice." he observed the treat. "Thanks. I'm sure some of us needed this."

"You're welcome." Pinkie replied, seeing Deadpool grab one for himself. He pondered for a moment before gently lifting his mask partly, eating it in small bites.

Scootaloo looked at him, "Why won't you take off your mask, Wade?"

Deadpool groaned, "You don't wanna know."

"I know. That sack of shit Francis..."

"Is that even relevant in this continuity?"

"Now it is!"

Logan grunted, choosing not to eat the red frosted desserts. "I hope Parker sees this... He should know none of this is his fault."

The door to Ben's room, gently creaked open. Twilight slowly walked in, closing the door behind her. The only source of light was the setting sun by the window. "Peter...?" she called out quietly. She frowned at the sight of the clone.

Ben's body was bandaged, his breathing slow, and blood stains seen around his face. He wasn't disfigured, but it looked like one punch from Peter did major damage. 'Wow... I had no idea it was this bad...' she thought.

The alicorn saw Peter, leaning back on a chair. His snores echoing through the usually silent room. She sighed as she wrapped her hooves around the back of his neck. "Huh? What?" Peter blurted out, his eyes slowly opening upon contact. His eyes looked downward and spotted a pair of familiar purple hooves around him. With a single yawn, he asked, "Twilight?"

The alicorn released the stallion, and turned around to face him. "What happened?" was all she asked.

A tear ran down Peter's face, "I did this Twilight. Deadpool shot me with a gas known as Fear Toxin, which forced me to live out my fears... That all of you died. I went crazy... Filled with rage. Like the black suit, and... during our final battle with Osborn. Ben got the worst of it... With a single punch, I put him in a coma..." he whispered, planting his hooves on his face.

Twilight pursed her lips, glancing at the comatose clone. Peter continued, "It's my fault, Twilight... Everytime I think things are under control, I have to be reminded... that I'm a failure and nothing more." the alicorn responded by nuzzling her husband's neck.

"I don't think you're a failure, honey. Everyone outside is worried about you. I overheard Batman explain that it was the gas, not your own actions." Twilight elaborated. "If anything, this is Loki's fault. He and Luthor made Deadpool shoot you with the gun."

"You're right." Peter scowled. He got up from his chair and turned around, 'I have a few choice words for that merc. He brought this upon me and himself.'

"Peter? What are you doing?" Twilight asked, but her words were lost on the angered stallion. She followed him as fast as she could, wondering what he was doing.

The first person Peter passed was Quicksilver, "Hey, Parker. Are you better?" the spider was silent. "Alright, bro. Just wanted to know." he groaned. "Jeez."

Peter eventually reached Deadpool, "Pete? Hey, buddy!" he was cut off by the wall-crawler uppercutting him. Peter was going to continue, but Barry and Logan held him back.

"Dude! What the hell?" Johnny shouted.

"You did this to me!" Peter shouted, "You shot the toxin in me! It's your fault! All you ever do is screw up!"

Deadpool remained silent, but the Cutie Mark Crusaders stepped in front of him. "Peter! Why are you so mad at him?" Applebloom wondered.

Logan nodded, "Kid, calm the hell down." he warned.

Peter gritted his teeth, "It's all because you decided to show up here! Of course when you did, everything went to hell!"

Deadpool scowled his mask, he stood up from his spot, poking Peter's chest. "You don't think I'm trying to be better!?" he question with a shout, "After all these years you still treat me like a damn nuisance!" he exclaimed, earning a gasp from the ponies, while the superheroes remained silent while he continued. They've actually never seen Wade so serious often.

The Merc with a Mouth stretched his hooves, "And I am! I'm not afraid to admit that! But you so much as think that I wanna ruin your life after you put up with so much shit?" he inquired. "Then that's on you, alright? After all these years even before you left, I've looked up to you, Peter! Think about it. I only ran away when I showed up without putting up a fight, I hadn't hurt a single living creature. You think I'm just some heartless monster with a wacky mind."

Peter allowed Wade to continue, while Batman crossed his hooves at the rant. "I wanted to be a hero like you. I screwed up yesterday, and I accepted it. I only joined Luthor for those five minutes just so we can reunite! I only wanted to be your friend." he said the last part, causing Peter's eyes to widen. Deadpool's words hitting him like a tank. "And now I was involved in this! Go ahead, be angry all you want." the mercenary started to storm off, but Peter cleared his throat. Having taken his words to heart.

A look of sincerity was on the stallion's face, "Wade..." Peter started to say, "I-I'm sorry... You're right." he put a hoof on Wade's shoulder. "I shouldn't have been too hard on you." he rubbed his neck, "How about this? If you're being honest... You can stay and help us so long as you don't hurt anybody." he paused.

"Hey, did you already forget?" Deadpool asked.

"Forget what?" Miguel asked.

"I know where Superman's at!" the merc revealed to the others.

"That's right." Batman recalled, "You said he was being held up at LexCorp within a hidden room. While the rest of the Justice League and Avengers fend off our Earths, we should prepare an escape for him in a day or two."

"Yeah." agreed Eddie. "But we can't afford to lose this time. The fate of our worlds rest in this."

"Thanks, Wade." Peter said with a grin. "You somehow turned the tide of the war."

"Ah, it was no problem. That's also why I left. I can't have these Legion of Doom guys stealing my money!"

"See! I told you Wade was good!" Pinkie called out.

Johnny put his hooves behind his head, "He has his moments."

Peter stepped in front of everyone, "Then it's settled. Starting tomorrow we'll think of a way to free Superman. We'll do this right. For Ben!" he chanted.

"Yeah!" shouted everyone, but Logan and Batman. But they nodded in agreement of what he said.

"What a show!" Discord called out, throwing away a small box of tissues into a flying trash can. Airhorn sounds were heard after he threw it in perfectly. "Now, have you all decided the next batch of opponents to distract our heroes of the day?"

Luthor nodded, "We have. The group keeps getting bigger so we have found our own team powerful enough to handle each powerset. Scarecrow, Yellowjacket, the Ravagers, Daredevil, Black Panther, and Nightwing." he revealed.

"And what of the speedsters?" Loki wondered.

Captain Cold chuckled, "I may know a guy. He and I don't work well together, but he should prove to distract the Flash and Quicksilver, so don't worry."

Tirek nodded, "Very well."

"Oh, I know what I should do! I'll bring this speedster of yours to Canterlot first, and give the princesses a scare!" Discord decided.

"I love this guy! He knows how to bring paranoia!" Joker noted.

"Then do it." Luthor agreed.

Loki used his staff to speak to the person in question. After a few moments of conversing, they came to a decision. "He said he'll do it, but only because he wants to show the Flash who is the better speedster once and for all."

"Good enough for us." Sinestro sighed.

"Hm. When the hell are we getting back out there?" Deathstroke wondered.

"When the heroes are separated. We'll give Equestria a taste of its new world order soon enough." Luthor revealed. He looked at a small beaker, containing a red liquid, 'And soon, with the proper tests and research, three worlds will have the ultimate ruler. One who is better than Superman in every way. Literally.'

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