• Published 5th Sep 2016
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Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Sending a Message

"Aw, yeah!" Rainbow Dash cheered, hovering all around the Treebrary, "It feels great to be back in the air." she had gotten out of the hospital with Applejack only a day ago and was enjoying the freedom to fly around once again.

Trixie rolled her eyes, "Yes, Rainbow. We've only heard you say that about fifty times."

"Only because it does." Rainbow huffed.

Star-Lord looked at the blue unicorn, "Is she always like that?"

"Believe it or not, yes." Trixie sighed.

Drax felt something tug at his leg, he looked down seeing Mayday stare at him. "Mister Drax? When are my parents coming back? It's been almost a week!"

The destroyer spoke, "I am not too sure, little one. But I promise that they will come back."

After saying that, a portal opened up, revealing an older stallion earth pony wearing a suit. Behind him was a unicorn wearing glasses and a leather jacket of sorts. "Holy crap, I'm actually a horse! Barry was right! We're in a dimension full of ponies!" he laughed, a little surprised but enjoying it.

"Yes, laugh it up, Ramon. We have bigger things to worry about though." Wells scolded.

Nightwing immediately took notice of the two, "Harrison Wells and Vibe? Why are you here?"

Wells nodded, "Ah yes, Nightwing. I'm surprised to see you here. To answer your question, Parker and Allen wanted the two of us here as well. To tell you that they were fine and that they are on their way back home soon."

"They're coming back!" Pinkie called out.

"Yes, but I'm not sure how long. Cisco..." Wells called out, "Can you check on them?"

Cisco was in a small trance, "Oh my God... You're a giant tree..." he whispered.

"I am Groot."

"And he can talk!"

Rainbow raised a brow, "Um... Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine talking rainbow horse. My brain just needs a moment to process things." Cisco assured, rubbing his head, "Woah! I got a horn?"

Kaine could be seen shaking his head in disbelief, "Of all the people. They had to send this idiot?" he whispered to himself, hoping that no one would hear him.

Wells stomped a hoof on the floor, "Focus Ramon!"

"Er, right." Cisco coughed.

Quill leaned back on the sofa, "Heh. This is quite the show. Got the popcorn, Rocket?"

"Not this time, Quill." Rocket said.

"Shame. It's usually around when Rarity has one of her episodes. Speaking of, where is she? And Quicksilver for that matter? I haven't seen them all day." he said. The group had been in Equestria for at least a week waiting for the team to return.

"Y'know, Rarity." began Applejack, "That mare's workin' on a new costume fer Quicksilver. Ah'm not too sure why, but that's how Rarity is sometimes."

"Had a hunch." Quill chuckled.

"So, um... Cisco... How are you going to check on them?" Fluttershy questioned.

Raising a hoof, Cisco answered, "I'm going to Vibe them."

"Y-You're going to what now?" Rainbow blurted out.

"Oh, that's right. I have special powers. I can sense frequencies far off, which I call a Vibe. Now, I just need something of Peter's and/or Twilight's real quick." Cisco explained, looking around at the group for what he asked for. "Luckily with the rift between our worlds it should be easier to find them."

"I'll get it!" Mayday called out.

Cisco pointed a hoof at Mayday, "Thank you adorable pony."

A second later, Mayday came back with something held on her back. "This is my Daddy's web-shooters! Will this work for your powers, Mister Cisco?"

Nodding, Cisco gently grabbed the device, "You bet, kid! Thanks for the help. And I didn't know you were Peter's child! That's awesome!" he complimented. "Anyway, does anyone wanna Vibe with me to see what I'm talking about?" he offered.

Rainbow raised a hoof, "Yeah, I wanna see what's up."

"Perhaps Trixie will witness this." Trixie added.

Looking at the two, Cisco nodded, "Alright then. Just put a hand- sorry, hoof on my shoulders. Just be warned, it's kinda disorienting at first, but after a while you'll get used to it."

"Just do it, already!" Rainbow shouted.

"Jeez. Impatient much?" Cisco huffed in annoyance. He held the web-shooters close to him and focused. Rainbow and Trixie did the same, feeling something different about all this.

Suddenly, the three found themselves in a different location. They were still ponies, but they saw humans standing nearby. "Woah! Can they see us?" Rainbow wondered.

"No. We're invisible for the most part. Just observers." Cisco answered the pegasus in a quiet tone.

Trixie shuddered, "Well, this is unnerving."

"Like I said, you'll get used to it." Cisco said.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "That's assuring." her eyes wandered around the area. To Cisco, it looked like an airport, "Where are we, anyway?"

"My Earth." Vibe answered. "It looks like an airport or something... But why are we here?"

Looking around, Cisco saw a group wearing strange costumes. "No way." he muttered.

"What is it?" asked Trixie.

"The Avengers... They're there." Vibe revealed. He turned his head to the right as did Rainbow and Trixie.

"Aw yeah, Peter's there!" Rainbow cheered.

"But who else is there with him and Batman?" Trixie wondered, "They look as colorful as the Avengers."

After asking that question, Vibe, Rainbow, and Trixie snapped back to reality, their jaws agape after that experience. The cyan pegasus shook her head. "Woah. That was a trip!" she yelled, lying on her back on the floor as she tried to wrap her head around whatever it was she just witnessed.

"I could say the same. I do not know how you are able to handle such strange abilities." Trixie huffed, rubbing her head before she got a migraine.

Cisco removed his glasses, "Yeah... Anyway, it seems the Justice League are about to fight the Avengers."

"Woah. Now that's the show of a lifetime. Kinda wish we were there to even the score." Star-Lord called out.

"How can a show last a lifetime?" Drax wondered.

"Yeah. We'd kick their asses straight into next week." Rocket smirked.

"I'd rather we were here if that were the case." Gamora muttered.

Wells looked at Vibe, "So, it seems they found them after all. It's a start I suppose."

"My Mommy and Daddy found them? Yay!" Mayday cheered.

Applejack chuckled, "Easy there, Mayday. They gotta save 'em first before they come back."


"Hey, May. Knowing your dad for a grand total of probably an hour before coming here, I think he has this covered." Quill assured the pegasus filly with a grin.

"Only you could make an assurance like that." Gamora quipped.

"It's better than nothing." Quill joked back.

Nightwing looked at the group, "I am not sure how the five of you can function as a team. Heck, the Batfamily loses trust at least every other week or month."

"You get used to workin' fer these guys after a while." Rocket mumbled inaudibly.

"I am Groot."

Rocket stomped a foot in disbelief, "Of course I can trust ya, pal."

While they were conversing, Kaine left the room, prompting Eddie, Wells and Fluttershy to follow him. "Hey, Kaine. You look like something's on your mind." Eddie called out to the first clone, who sneered in slight disgust.

"My brother almost died. And yet he decided it was a good idea to travel to some unknown world just to have an adventure." Kaine spat out as he leaned on the wall. "After that scare, it left me thinking."

"Kaine, correct?" Wells asked, at the clone's nod, he continued, "Your brother, Ben was it? He spoke about you. I know the two of you are clones and about what happened to him before he arrived. So, what are you thinking about?"

With a low sigh, Kaine glared at the three, "Once I return to Earth, I'm giving up becoming the First Spider. I'm through being a hero. It beings nothing but suffering. Pain I can't bear to go through any longer after this ordeal ends."

"Yer gonna quit?" Applejack blurted out.

Eddie exhaled, "No, I can see where he's coming from. Is this about what happened when Loki had you under mind control?"

Clenching his hoof, Kaine continued, "He almost had me kill children out of spite... Just to torment me. It's working. I can't trust myself anymore after that."

"I've been in your shoes, Kaine. I've been used before, as Venom and Anti-Venom." Eddie revealed, "After killing Spider-Man back on 2099, I was considering finding a way to remove the new symbiote as penance for what I've done... But, I realized... There are people that can use a hand. A poison to crime. I'm no longer the Lethal Protector, but I want to do better. You can do the same."

"Whatever you say isn't gonna change my mind, Brock." Kaine spat, crossing his hooves.

Applejack spoke up, "But what about Ben? What if he continues bein' the Scarlet Spider? Surely, you wanna keep an eye on 'em, just in case somethin' were to happen."

"Of course I'll keep an eye on him. I just won't be a costumed superhero to do it." Kaine responded.

Wells leaned on a wall, "Kaine, if I may give some input. You remind me of Allen and Parker in a way. Always putting themselves down. But they never thought to quit when they had the chance to use their powers to do something greater. If I were you, I'd reconsider quitting. After all, your Earth needs heroes."

Kaine groaned, "Why the hell should Iisten to you!? We've just met! You don't get the right to tell me what to do! None of you do!"

"Kaine, we're only tryin' to help." Applejack tried to ease the clone.

"You've done enough--"

The sound of explosions cut off Kaine before he could continue his rant. Wells narrowed his gaze, "We'll talk about this later. For now, this town seems to need your aid."

With a grunt, Kaine walked away, looking for his costume. Eddie morphed into Anti-Venom and with Applejack, the two ran out back into the living room. Star-Lord had his mask on, Gamora, Rocket and Drax had their weapons ready, Groot looked prepared, and Nightwing pulled put his escrime sticks. "Hey, Dr. Wells. Can you keep an eye on the kid while we check to see what's wrong?" Nightwing asked.

"I will. Be careful out there. If what the others said was true, then it might be the Legion of Doom." Wells warned.

"Let's see what's up then. Maybe it's the pizza pony?" Quill joked.

Nightwing chuckled, "I don't have the money if that were the case."

The group then left, willing to see what's awaiting them outside.

"How does this look, Mister Maximoff?" Rarity asked, holding up a white shirt with blue trimmings.

Quicksilver appeared behind the unicorn, observing the suit. He silently nodded, "Yeah. Looks good. Suits me I think." Rarity handed him the suit, and he used his superspeed to put it on. He wore it underneath his silver jacket and it seemed to fit perfectly.

"It looks amazing on you."

The speedster looked in a mirror, admiring himself. "Yep. I can't complain about the results. What made you want to do this, Rarity?" he asked the fashionista.

"I looked at Barry's suit and it inspired me. Since you have superspeed, I decided to make you a suit. With a spell, it will not burn in friction like your jacket." Rarity explained.

Smiling, Quicksilver spoke, "If there's anything I can do to repay--"

"No. Consider it an offer for a friend." Rarity assured.

"Very generous."

"Why thank you--"

The explosions were heard all the way at the Carasoul Boutique, surprising the two. Quicksilver scowled. "I'll meet up with you and the others. Stay safe." he ordered. After saying that, the speedster zipped away, leaving the door open.

"Oh, dear. I hope it's nothing too bad."

Outside the Treebrary, the heroes gathered, seeing Lex Luthor using his suit of armor to blast apart the buildings and homes scattered around Ponyville. They also saw a strange flying purple costumed pony shooting apart the buildings as well. "Hey! Who the hay are you guys?! The Legion of Doom?" Rainbow snarled.

Loki stepped forward, "Indeed we are, child. The time of reckoning has come. We are here to send a message." he pointed his staff out and nearly shot the heroes, but Star-Lord used his Elemental Gun to block the attack.

"Hey, that's a little rude." Quill scolded.

Vibe looked at the Legion of Doom and gulped, "This isn't what I had in mind."

Rainbow Dash unfurled her wings, being the first to attack, and she tackled the Beetle as he shot the floor at the civilian ponies some more. "Hey! Who are you?!"

"That's the Beetle. He's not very talkative." Luthor revealed. "Now, it's time I revealed another ally that's joined us."

Suddenly, red lightning zipped by, and grabbed the pegasus so fast she didn't see it coming. Rainbow glared at the strange yellow vibrating being with red eyes and immediately took notice of the costume, "What are you, the Flash?"

"No... Some would say I'm the reverse." Reverse-Flash revealed his voice distorted again, raising a vibrating hoof to shank her.

But before Thawne could, a silver blur knocked him down. "Looks like we meet again, Thawne." Quicksilver quipped, standing triumphantly near the Reverse-Flash.

"Thawne?" Vibe noticed. "Why are you here?"

"To taunt the Flash of course. Imagine how heartbroken he'll be when he finds his new friends beaten to a pulp by the Legion of Doom while he goofed off." Reverse-Flash snarled before facing Quicksilver once again. "You think that the two of you could stop me, then this time you're sorely mistaken."

Before Quicksilver could say anything else, another blur of red lightning tackled him. "Okay! Who is this guy?"

The black-clad speedster glared at Maximoff, "Call me the Rival. Because once I kill you and Flash, I will be the fastest man alive."

"Keep telling yourself that." Reverse-Flash mocked.

Rainbow Dash shoved her elbow at the Rival, freeing Quicksilver from his grasp. "Thanks for the save. I'll race Reverse-Flash, you can take on the ripoff." he suggested. With a nod, Rainbow Dash flew toward Rival, ready to fight.

Nightwing stepped forward, seeing the Joker reveal himself. "It's been a while old Boy Blunder." the clown cackled.

"Same here, Joker." Nightwing hissed. "I'm surprised you're even a part of Luthor's team."

"I couldn't miss out!" Joker laughed, swiping his knife in Nightwing's direction. Dick hit Joker with the end of his escrima stick, slightly shocking as a result. Each time he hit, the Joker laughed, as though he was enjoying it. Right before he uppercutted Joker, the Beetle swooped down, but Drax punched him with his right hook right before he could attack Nightwing.

"Thanks for the save." Nightwing said, focusing back on Joker.

"That guy's a creep." Applejack shuddered.

"I could tell." Trixie was ready to blast Luthor with a concussive spell, but something launched her back. She tumbled on the floor, her eyes looking up at the gas-mask wearing pony. A strange orb was seen on his hoof as he walked slowly.

"What now?!" Trixie growled.

"I am... Alchemy." Alchemy revealed.

Trixie slowly got back on her hooves and she and Applejack lunged at the sorcerer looking pony. "I've had enough of ya Legion members comin' in and harmin' others!" the farmpony yelled, kicking Alchemy down, but he used his orb to launch her in the air. As fast as she could, Trixie used her magic to levitate Applejack back on the ground. "Thank ya fer that, Trixie." she said.

"It was no problem. Now back to Alchemy..."

Star-Lord and Rocket used their guns to counter Lex and Loki, who diverted for a moment to continue terrorizing Ponyville. "This is really starting to piss me off!" Rocket shouted, bombarding Loki with a grenade, stunning him.

Once Loki got his bearings, Luthor shot him, sending him flying. "Rocket!" Quill shouted. In response, Gamora raised her sword, driving into the shoulder of Lex's armor.

"Don't you even think about hurting anyone else." Gamora hissed to Luthor.

"I can never be stopped." Luthor whispered, then Loki hit her with with a powerful shot from his staff, knocking her out like Rocket.

Groot scowled, "I am Groot!" he lashed out, using his branches to grab Loki.

"Oh, shall we bring him out?"

"Yes." Luthor nodded.

A loud roar was heard, surprising the ponies and heroes. Vibe's eyes went wide at the sight of Doomsday, still in his original form. "No, not him..." he gulped.

Fluttershy shivered, "Who...?"

"Doomsday." Vibe introduced. "You and Pinkie stay behind me... Groot and I will handle this." he extended a hoof, creating a shockwave that sent Doomsday back a little, but in the process, the soundwaves of him walking, crumbled a building and tripping a couple ponies in the process as a result.

"I am Groot!" Groot yelled, using his branches to wrap Doomsday, allowing Vibe to hit the monster with more shockwaves. Doomsday roared again, surprising the ponies. While he was distracted, Loki hit Fluttershy and Pinkie with a spell from his staff, knocking them out.

"No!" Vibe yelled.

Doomsday broke out of Groot's grip, and swing an arm at Vibe's direction, launching him to the wall of a building. Vibe extended a hoof again, sending more shockwaves in Doomsday's direction. Groot slammed his hands on the ground, creating more thorns on the floor to trap the monster's feet.

With another roar, Doomsday created soundwaves powerful enough to counter Vibe's. In a second, Vibe was launched backwards again, this time he rolled across the floor. Using the last of his energy, he shot out one last energy blast at Doomsday before collapsing. Doomsday walked forward, and grabbed Vibe, throwing him near Nightwing.

Groot yelled again, but Doomsday saw it coming and stabbed Groot in the chest. He fell down, and Star-Lord's eyes went wide under his mask upon seeing that. "Groot! No!" he shot his gun at Doomsday and made him stagger backwards. He knew that he could regenerate after a while, but he knew the risks.

As a result, Doomsday uppercutted Star-Lord. The outlaw kicked himself free of the monster's grip. And something else helping him. Quill noticed that he was in a blue aura. "Hey! Looked who decided to make a dramatic entrance!"

"It is in my nature..." Rarity huffed, bringing Star-Lord down safely. "Now, you face that monster while I help my friends. Please."

Before she could continue, Rarity was shot by Alchemy's stone. The unicorn used her magic to lift some rocks and throw them at Alchemy, but he deflected each one. Applejack landed a good buck on his chin, stunning him. Trixie used a spell to trap him in an aura of her own magic, giving Applejack another opportunity to strike. "You think you have overpowered me."

"We did." Trixie growled.

"No... You have not." Alchemy whispered, using his orb to free himself from the aura. He shot out a beam again, hitting Applejack first. Right as Applejack got up, Beetle came down with Drax chasing him and he hit the farmpony with both of his hooves and used a wristblade to cut her side a little.

Blood dripped from the farmpony and she felt herself losing consciousness after taking a powerful blow to the head. "Who in the hay did that?" she slurred.

"No one's in the hay." Drax could be heard saying, using his blades to deflect Beetle's own. Beetle raised a hoof and swiped his blade at the destroyer's chest. While stunned, Beetle continued his assault and shot Drax nonlethally, putting him out of the fight.

"I will... make sure you pay." Drax revealed before closing his eyes.

Star-Lord hopped atop of Doomsday, driving his hooves into the exposed parts of his shoulders, avoiding the spikes that protruded from his body while doing so. "Go down, you... thing. Seriously, what the hell are you? A gorilla?"

Doomsday grabbed Star-Lord and he was slammed on the ground, creating a crater. "I hate you... Whatever you are." he groaned before passing out after Doomsday slammed his fists on his chest, knocking the wind out of him.

Quicksilver uppercutted Reverse-Flash, before punching him in the stomach. "Some enemy you are, Thawne." he quipped, seeing Eobard get back on his hooves.

Thawne grabbed him, holding him by a wall. "It doesn't matter how important you are to the timeline. I will destroy you." his hoof began to vibrate as it neared him. Quicksilver kicked Reverse-Flash and zipped behind Thawne, tripping him. He saw red lightning move and the hero followed.

The two sped around the arena, seeing Rainbow Dash and the Rival do the same. The Rival unfurled his wings and lunged after the cyan pegasus. Quicksilver shoved Reverse-Flash and the two managed to trip as a result. "Lucky shot, kid." his voice was no longer echoing and distorted while he spoke, meaning he wasn't focused.

"Hey, I'm not a kid." Quicksilver taunted.

Using the Speed-Force in his system, Reverse-Flash enhanced his punches, actually damaging Quicksilver as a result. Bruises were seen on his face and hooves. "You don't have the Speed-Force in you. How sad. It means I have the advantage."

Quicksilver spat, "Yeah right."

But before he could react, Reverse-Flash attacked Quicksilver with a flurry of punches and kicks, assaulting him nonstop. Maximoff groaned with each punch. Thawne gave Quicksilver a taste of a Speed-Force enchanced right hook, and he rolled on the floor, to weak to stand back up. "I told you."

Rainbow Dash elbowed Rival with her hoof, smacking his face. "You're a little too clingy!" she hissed, using her back hooves to kick him away from her.

A blur of red lightning appeared in right of her and everything suddenly went black for Rainbow. But she managed to get her bearings and punched Rival while in middair. "Unlike you, I have the Speed-Force in me and I have the experience."

"I've been at this longer probably." Rainbow boasted.

After hitting the Rival with her own attacks and ending with an uppercut. The Rival grabbed her wing and dragged her as they flew. After a second, he tossed her and let go, throwing her into a wall, cracking it a little as she collided. Then while she was stuck, he drove a backhoof into her stomach, making her spit. "I'll show you who's the fastest!" he shouted to her after doing that.

Red lightning covered his hooves as he repeated the action, bruising and cutting her. With one last attack, Rainbow fell to the ground with a loud thud, putting her out of the fight. "Heh. So much for her arrogance." he smirked.

"Like you're much better." Reverse-Flash mocked.

"Shut up."

Nightwing blocked the Joker's punch and he threw the clown over his shoulder. "Oh ho ho! Now!" he yelled.

The circus-boy looked up and felt the Beetle grab him. Nightwing struggled in his grasp, but Beetle used his blade to cut into his skin. "Get off me!"

Nightwing was released and he knelt on the floor. But Beetle shot him in the shoulder after Joker stabbed his leg. He lowered himself, and the Joker and Beetle kicked his chin, making him fall on his back unconscious. "That was a fun teamup!" Joker cheered, raising a hand, but Beetle did not return the gesture.

"You're no fun." huffed the clown.

Alchemy shot at Trixie and Rarity. The blue unicorn shot a concussive spell at Alchemy, "You think yourself a magician! Trixie is the best at that!"

"Arrogant. That will be your downfall." Alchemy muttered, hitting her and Rarity with the orb until they were unconscious, constantly bombarding the two with the power of the stone he wielded, never giving them a chance to counter.

Loki and Luthor looked around, "We've done good here." said the scientist proudly.

Suddenly, a strand of webbing connected to Luthor's armor. He looked up, not able to react to the hoof of a red-and-black costumed spider heading for him. "Element of surprise, Luthor." he jumped toward Loki, kicking him in the face. "And payback for what you did to me, Loki." he added.

"The First Spider." Loki growled, "I forgot about you."

The First Spider watched as white tendrils lashed out at Doomsday, revealing Anti-Venom, "You will pay for what you've done to our friends, Lex and Loki!" he roared, the symbiote stepping forward.

"We do not even have to raise a hoof." Luthor chuckled.

Doomsday jumped forward, but Anti-Venom stepped back, using a tendril to grab the monster's arm, "I've heard of you, Doomsday. The one that killed Superman. You've never met a symbiote before. Ah!" he screamed at the feeling of Beetle shooting him in the back, the symbiote shielding him. He used a back tentacle to grab Beetle and throw him aside, "Never do that..."

Joker tried to attack Kaine, but the clone kicked him away with ease. "Stay down, clown. Please." he sighed, shooting some webbing at Alchemy, but the sorceror used his stone to hit Kaine and send him flying for a moment. The First Spider hissed and shot some web-balls at Alchemy, trapping him in gossamer. "Alright. Anyone else?" he offered.

Anti-Venom threw Doomsday aside and manage to see Rival before he was able to attack. The Rival snarled, "You have one chance to let me go..."


The Rival was thrown aside, but Anti-Venom staggered once the Rverse-Flash attack him with his Speed-Force punches. Doomsday got an opportunity to attack and slammed him and stabbed him with his spikes. Anti-Venom noticed that he was stabbed in the side, keeping him alive but he passed out a moment later. "We warned you." Loki quipped, raising his staff.

The First Spider hit Beetle, Joker and Alchemy, but he was surprised once Luthor shot a missile at him. Kaine fell on the ground painfully. His costume was torn a little and cuts and bruises were seen on his exposed body. Loki decided to end it with a powerful shock from his staff, ending Kaine's counterattack.

After they caused some more damage, the Legion of Doom looked around. "Mission successful." Luthor said. "Spider-Man will be in for quite the surprise when he returns."

"They shall know we mean business. We will head for the Crystal Empire afterward once he retrieve the rest of the Legion and the Avengers to attack." Loki said, raising his staff before bringing the group back to Tartarus, leaving Ponyville in near ruins.

"That was quite the attack." said Sigma, keeping his virus form in order to observe without anyone noticing from afar. "Perhaps this world will be of use to me."

"The magic... It will make quite the battery for the Unity Engines the doctors will build." Sigma added.

The Maverick looked around, "Yes... There's enough power here for me to begin the takeover. In the meantime, I should probably head to Mobius again to check on Eggman and see if he used the emeralds to build the engine properly."

With that, he faded away in his own purple rift. Right as a blue one appeared in Ponyville, revealing Batman, who saw the destruction. "Luthor..." he muttered.

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