• Published 5th Sep 2016
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Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Scorpion Slayer

The sun beamed through the windows, signaling a new day for the heroes. On his bed, Peter stretched, scratching his head before looking at Twilight, who lied peacefully next to him. 'Huh. And I'm usually the one that slacks off.' he looked at the clock, seeing that it was almost the afternoon. 'Nevermind. Note to self, never spend a night in Gotham or Star City again. It's too taxing on my amazing sleep schedule.' he mused as he sat up.

Twilight moved, showing that she was waking up as well. "Huh? What time is it?" she fluttered her eyes open. Peter's heart skipped a beat at the sight of his wife and she realized that he returned after his night of crimefighting. "Oh, you're back Peter. Did everything go well?" she wondered.

Peter leaned down, giving Twilight a quick kiss on lips. "Yep. Oliver pretty much taught him a lesson. We won't be hearing from Prometheus for a while. We even ended a small crime ring in the process. It felt like old times, honestly."

"Old times? Like back in New York?"

The young man nodded, "Yeah. Before I faced a multitude of themed supervillains and Equestrian threats, I faced common criminals like the Kingpin and his gang who tried to take over New York's underworld. Compared to the things I deal with today, I kinda miss the simplicity of those days." he admitted. "But I wouldn't go back to that if it meant I would never come to Equestria."

"Peter..." Twilight sighed bashfully.

With a yawn, Peter chuckled, "So, Bats said he was coming here to help us find the Avengers. Wherever they're at. As of now, Strange is busy keeping the portal open with Fate, so we really can't ask them for help this time."

"I see. But they could be anywhere on the two Earths. I wish I knew my way around here, and maybe I can at least search the landmarks of this dimension." Twilight exhaled.

Peter frowned, "Don't worry about that, Twi. We have quite the team here as it is. The Justice League is on our side." he blinked, "Wow. A part of me always wanted to say that." a smile formed on his face, "Sorry, had a bit of a geeking out moment."

Twilight giggled, "Of course you did."

Standing on the roof of the Hall of Justice was Luna, who looked at the sun with her arms crossed. The Moon Princess sighed, "Why must trouble always find a way to us?" she asked herself.

The sound of wings flapping got her attention. Turning her head se saw the enlarged Spike looking at her with worried eyes, "You alright, Princess Luna? You don't look to happy."

Luna sighed, "It is nothing, Spike. Thou shouldn't worry about me right now. It's just... Why do we keep fighting? Everytime Peter or any of us rid Equestria of a threat, a bigger one seems to take its place. Goblin, Sloan... And now this Legion of Doom. As a princess, my sister and I wish to protect our kingdom, but how can we if we're not even there to watch it?"

Spike gulped, "I-I'm not one for profound words, Princess Luna. But... We do what's necessary. For as long as I've known you and Celestia, the two of you would never truly abandon Equestria in its time of need. This is a necessary leave in order to stop the threat. At least that's how I look at it anyway."

"What does thou mean?" Luna wondered.

"It means it was the right option." a deep voice interjected.

Luna and Spike turned around, seeing Batman on the roof with them. Spike placed a talon on his chest, "Jeez, Bats. You're gonna give us a heart attack." said the dragon.

"The only way you could win this war is if you take the fight elsewhere. We needed to expand our forces, Superman needed to be saved and the Justice League is still missing one member. Don't doubt yourself now," Batman continued.

"You are a ruler. I know a few of them. Like you, they wish the best for where and who they rule. Even if it means leaving their kingdom in order to stop a threat. That doesn't make you a bad princess or a bad hero. It means you make tough decisions. And as hard and rough as it may sound, the tougher decision may end up being the right one in the end."

Spike blinked, "Wow. That's deep."

"I didn't take you to be a motivator." Luna teased.

Batman smirked, "If it gets you off the roof, I will do what's necessary."

The dragon looked at the two guardians of the night, "Huh. Didn't expect this meeting to go down like this." he silently admitted, "I should'a asked Cisco if he had more popcorn."

"You should let the others know you're here." said the Moon Princess.

"Maybe." replied Batman.

"This guy and his disappearing act. He could scare the entire hall." Spike chuckled to himself. Luna lightly laughed as well at the large dragon's comments.

Batman narrowed his eyes, "Let's go."

"--And so I said, 'why you gotta do that to the box?'" Deadpool told his story, "So, I popped one in his head for mixing up my pizza order. It shouldn't be too hard to give me pepperoni, not pineapple and anchovies!" he yelled. Wase slammed his fists on the table and yelled, "I mean, they went out of their way to put fish on it! It just ruins the whole thing."

Bobby and Johnny yawned, "Y'know, Wade. All of your stories are pretty much the same when you get right down to it." said Bobby.

'Did he just criticize us?'

'He did. I don't blame him.'

"Gotta admit, that one was actually pretty funny. Minus the part where you killed a pizza man." Johnny admitted. "Then it just got kinda dark from there," he critiqued.

Ben sighed, "How did I even get involved in this conversation?" he questioned, planting his face on the table.

"Because you needed something better to do. And by better, I mean listen to my awesome stories!" Deadpool elaborated, pulling out a bottle of glue. "Now I gotta get back to making art of my pink waifu."

Johnny and Bobby gagged at that, "No offense, I'm okay with you being into ponies. But please... Never use that term again." Bobby commanded the mercenary.

The clone got up from his chair and spoke, "I'm gonna see what Peter's up to. Bats said he was coming today anyway."

The elemental heroes nodded and stood up as well, following Ben around the building. They saw Sunset, Miguel, Ben, Felicia and Logan watching the morning news. "...Reports in Metropolis say they saw Superman battling the Weather Wizard before he was put behind bars with assistance from the Scarlet Speedster." a reporter said.

"Man, he can't catch a break." Scott chuckled.

"A man capable of controlling weather..." Sunset gasped, "Luckily, only pegasi can control clouds and even then they can't control every single aspect of our sky to do as they please."

"I didn't even do that. After the first day, I fell flat on my face and decided working in the lab was a better option." Miguel joked.

Lang crossed his arms, "Being a pony has its pros and cons I suppose."

"Yeah. And I basically spent most my life as one." Ben joined in."Being a unicorn was strange."

"I can agree to that." Lang raised a fist.

"Had enough of Wade?" Sunset asked, a smirk seen on her face.

Nodding, Johnny groaned, "You have no idea... I can see why he was on 'Team Shut Up Already'."

"What are you going on about?" asked the thief, raising an eyebrow at his comment.

"No kiddin'. The four of ya just wouldn't stop talkin' when you were together." Logan grunted.

Scott laughed, "I should be a member. Everybody loves my sense of humor."

"Yeah, I'll make jackets." Bobby joked.

"Let's start." Ben agreed. He saw the old X-Man slam his hand onto his face in disbelief.

"This sounds like a bad idea." exhaled Felicia in disbelief."

"Is someone starting a club without me?"

Peter and Twilight walked by, hearing the ongoing conversation. "Is this about the nickname Stark gave us during the Masters of Evil attack?" he wondered.

"Yeah. Just throwing ideas around." Johnny replied.

Twilight rolled her eyes, "Only you three..."

"A bunch of goofballs aren't they?" Sunset teased.

"Don't pair me with these clowns." Miguel blurted out.

"Jesus... What the hell have I gotten myself into?" Logan muttered under his breath.

"Something ridiculous." chided Batman, revealing himself and Luna. Spike's eyes can be seen peeking through the windows, able to see and hear what's happening from his spot. "If we're done fooling around, we should get down to business."

Peter cleared his throat, "Yeah. What do you have in mind, Bats?"

Batman replied, "As of now, we're missing a member of the Justice League: Aquaman. I sent J'onn and Diana to search for him in Atlantis and anywhere else he would like to go. They should be giving me an update sometime today on their progress. In the meantime, we should discuss the Avengers."

Scott nodded, "Cool. So, the six are under their control from what I remember at least. Together they can be a challenge, but I'm not gonna doubt the Justice League. You guys can get them back to their senses no problem once we find them."

"He is correct. The Superman is very powerful. He alone can take on the entire team with ease." Luna added.

"Not quite..." Logan corrected, "Yeah, the boyscout's powerful, but so are the Hulk and Thor. Those two will be a challenge fer him and Wonder Woman. But they are a well-oiled machine when they're together. Sometimes."

"You're telling me." Peter mumbled, "At least we're here as well to help the League. I'm sure Twilight, Luna, Sunset and Spike can ease the pressure should the time come."

"The Hulk was a difficult opponent last we fought," Twilight said, "And we only escaped Thor because we had Hulk on our side to begin with. The two of them together and the other heroes... It seems like too much to handle."

"To be fair, I was holding you back at the time and forcing you to change focus." Sunset admitted with a low sigh, "This time, we're together. And nothing has stopped us yet."

"She's right, Twi." said Spike, "Things are in our favor this time."

Felicia smirked, "I really haven't met the Avengers... But if it means saving the world, I got nothing to lose."

While the team was conversing, Ben clenched his head. Peter noticed this and knelt down to his sitting clone. "You alright, Ben?" he asked in a concerned tone.

Ben nodded, "Kinda... I think my Spider-Sense is going off."

"Now that you mention it... Me too. If you're feeling it too, something's up. You got your costume undeneath your clothes?" with another nod, Peter whispered, "Good. Keep an eye out."

"Is everything alright, you two?" questioned Twilight.

Peter rubbed his head, "Our Spider-Sense is going off... Something tells me--"


The windows broke apart as Spike moved away from the top of the building, the dragon lashing his claws out. Strange spider-like creatures raised their heads and their clawed hands. The heroes gave a disgusted scowl before Scott spoke, putting on his helmet. "I gotta ask. What the hell are those things?! Are they aliens?!"

Peter and Ben removed their shirts, revealing their costumes and putting on their masks. Spider-Man moved back as one of the creatures lunged their claws after them. "I don't know. But something about them looks familiar." he kicked the creature, performing a backflip and a handstand to push himself back up.

"These things look familiar?" Sunset almost shouted, "Is there anything you haven't dealt with before?"

Wolverine grunted, revealing his claws as he placed his cowl on, "Parker's right... Their scent is familiar. Somethin' tells me this is from the Legion of Doom."

"Whatever gave you that idea?" Scarlet Spider asked sarcastically.

Spider-Man 2099 lunged his talons at one of the creatures, jamming his fist into their mouths. "These shocking things remind of Tarantula... The Jackal better not have come back..." he groaned, digging his feet into the head of the same creature after hopping upward and pulling himself down with webbing.

Batman remained still, using his Detective Vision, "These... Things are bio-organic. Artificial creatures. I notice an exoskeleton on some of them here. Whoever created them knew what they were doing." he pointed out, throwing a batarang at one of them, it sticking to their shoulder. Twilight added to the attack by using a small concussive blast, sending it across the room.

"Flame on!" yelled Johnny, turning into the Human Torch. Johnny threw a fireball at one of them, burning it to a crisp almost immediately. "Oh, uh... That was... A little creepy."

Bobby transformed into Iceman and froze two of them over, allowing Sunset and Luna to blast them to pieces. "Now we just have to worry about the number of these things."

Gunshots were heard as Deadpool walked in, shooting some of the spider creatures down in an instant. "Yeah, yeah. All your base are belong to us. I got the point. Let's just get this over with." he unsheathed his katanas and began to attack.

Spider-Man and Batman stood back to back, both of them ready to stop the creatures. The wall-crawler shot web-balls at a few of them while the Dark Knight used his batclaw to pull one toward him. In a second, he raised both of his arms and slammed his gauntlets into the necks of the monsters. "Nice trick." complimented Spidey, driving his right leg into the jaw of a creature.

The webslinger hopped away, seeing Twilight and Sunset shoot down more robots with their magic. "Keep at it, Sunset! Who knows how many of these things there are!"

"I'm trying, Twlight!" Sunset responded.

In the air, Spike was busy on his own. Strange flying spider-robots tried to attack him, leaving him alone to fight. "Oh no you don't. I'm not getting pushed around while I'm a giant awesome dragon!" he roared, driving his claws into one of the machines.

Luna looked upward, seeing the dragon. She looked at the others for a moment, "I will aid Spike. Do your best in stopping these vile creatures." she declared. Her alicorn wings appeared on her back and she flew upwards a second later.

"You got it, Moonbutt!" Deadpool replied, slicing the heads off the creatures with a single slice. "Okay... A little grotesque I know... But they're not actually living!"

Wolverine dug his claws into a monster, stabbing it and slicing off its arms, "Whatever the hell sent 'em, they meant business."

Spider-Man 2099 and Black Cat stood next to each other, the future Spider scowling under his mask as one of the creatures shot acid at them. "What the shock?!" he webbed up its mouth in response. Black Cat used her claws to scratch their weak skin, allowing Johnny to finish them off with a simple fireball. "These are as weak as the Scorpion 2099 clones in Canterlot."

"I'll pretend I understood what you just said." Human Torch commented before facing the sky, "In the meantime, I think I should join Luna and Spike. Those robot things just keep coming." he angled himself upwards, ready to aid their fight.

Spider-Man groaned as the tingling sensation continued on his neck. "Yes, Spider-Sense, I know I'm in danger. You don't have to remind me right-- oof!" the wind was knocked out of him as he felt something whip his stomach instantly, breaking apart the walls. Spidey held his gut as he looked up.

"Oh crud." gulped Peter.

The Scorpion moved his tail back, and he snarled at Spider-Man, "A gift from the Legion of Doom. Meet the all-new and improved Spider-Slayers!" the villain revealed.

Spider-Man gasped for air, "S-Spider-Slayers...? No... Not him... I thought I was done with him."

Scorpion pointed a claw at Peter, "Well, he ain't done with ya! And neither am I!"

Imhaling, Spider-Man scowled, "How about we settle this outside, where there's more space, huh Gargan?" after saying that, he bolted out the door, with Scorpion chasing him. 'At the very least, it will get the others out of his crossfire. Seems cowardly, but I rather I get hurt by him than anyone else right now what with the Spider-Slayers.'

"There goes the Spider. Typical." Black Cat sighed.

"The Scorpion here?" Batman asked, "The Legion of Doom is definitely behind this."

"He called these things, Spider-Slayers." Logan noted, "Of course... Luthor got Smythe's creations as well. That means the brains isn't too far behind. Parker seems to be drawing 'em out to give us more space."

Twilight pushed back three Spider-Slayers with her magic before Sunset lifted them into the sky. "Spider-Slayers?" repeated the former alicorn, "These were meant to fight Peter then, and not us... That's good to know then."

One of the Spider-Slayers crawled on a wall and was ready to perform a backflip kick with the aid of a web-pull, but Sunset held the creature down, which gave Iceman a moment to freeze it. "How tough is the Scorpion?" asked the former unicorn.

I analyzed his suit. Made of a very durable material. It will be very difficult to break." Batman paused, detonating Explosive Gel planted on the floor underneath a group of Spider-Slayers, disintergrating them instantly. "Peter's going to need help in weakening him. Logan, Wade, O'Hara. You should go. The rest of us can handle the remaining Spider-Slayers in the building."

With them nodding, the three ran out to follow Spider-Man and Scorpion to aid the wallcrawler.

"Y'know, Scorpion, us arachnids should really stick together! No pun intended of course!" joked Spider-Man, leaping over a pile of debris, avoiding Scorpion's tail attacks. The armored arachnid drilled his tail downward again, and Spider-Man jumped in surprise, dodging the appendage in time.

"I just want out of this suit! And your death is the only way I can get that!" Gargan yelled, reaching out for Spidey, who ran up a building as fast as he could. He hopped off, pushing his hands off the stone wall, driving his feet into the Scorpion's jawed armored face. Spider-Man rolled back to his knees, seeing the villain unfazed by the attack. "Has it really been that long since we fought, Spider-Man? My armor got upgraded for just this occassion."

"Aw, breadcrumbs."

Scorpion gave Spider-Man a right hook, sending him flying across the street and creating a dent on a wall. Citizens ran about and the city,was in disarray. Peter held his aching spots as he fell back to the ground, "Crap. He did get an upgrade. This is gonna suck." he gulped, cracking his knuckles.

"Once I'm through with you, I'll get Jameson for sticking me in this thing in the first place." Gargan declared, driving his tail down again, prompting Peter to jump backwards.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not to play with sharp objects, Gargan? Someone could lose an eye. Especially when said sharp objects are your hands and mutated tail." Peter joked, uppercutting Scorpion's jaw, jumping as he did so. Before Scorpion could counter, Peter placed his hands on Scorpion's large armored hands, giving him a vantage point to jump off his shoulders.

Spider-Man spun around, roundhouse-kicking the back of Scorpion's head. but Peter felt something pinch his legs. Spider-Man gulped again as Gargan slammed his body across the ground like a ragdoll. Whimpers were heard from Peter's mouth. Gargan laughed, "No more annoying jokes, Spider-Man?"

In silence, Peter shook himself free of Gargan's grasp, punching him with a right hook in process. He jumped as faraway as possible ans stretched his arms out. Scorpion then charged after him, teo weblines colliding with his shoulders, "Hey, Scorpion!" began Peter, clenching the web-lines as hard as he could.

"Get over here!"

Spider-Man performed a web-strike, driving his feet right into Scorpion's body, launching him across the block. Getting his bearings, Gargan dug a claw into the ground, stopping his momentum. "Not bad, bug. But it'll take a helluva lot more to stop me."

Peter held his aching legs, "Alright, you Juggernaut rip-off. I'm going to have to sue you for injuring my legs... Cause I can hardly feel them right now." cracking sounds were heard as he moved his limbs, "Ooh, yeah. That's gonna hurt in the morning."

Digging his feet into the ground, Scorpion was ready to tackle Spider-Man again, but something else got his attention. Bullets. Then, out of nowhere, Deadpool hopped on top of his body with a cowboy hat in his right hand. "Ride 'em, cowboy! Bring on the rodeo!"

"What the hell?" Gargan shouted.

Wolverine sliced Scorpion's armor, and in response Gargan threw Deadpool aside while stabbing Logan with his tail. With the tail still in his body, Wolverine smirked, "That hurt." he said, grabbing the appendage and yanking it right out of his chest.

Then, suddenly, while he was distracted, he felt something else attack him. A blur of sorts. It revealed itself to be Spider-Man 2099, who was crouching down. "Another shocking Scorpion. I guess Kron was unoriginal in his jam gimmick." he performed a short talon strike attack to Scorpion's chest, but it did nothing to damage him.

"Son of a glitch," muttered Miguel.

"Well, well. It seems you're handling things just fine." said a new figure, wearing a suit of armor designed like the Spider-Slayers. "I guess I wasn't needed.

Spider-Man clenched his fists at the mere sight of the figure. "I was hoping we'd never meet again, Smythe."

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