• Published 5th Sep 2016
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Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Divide and Conquer, Part VI


Ant-Man grabbed Yellowjacket by his leg thruster, spinning him around in the process. The armored genius got his bearings, flying after Scott, his hooves stretched in front of him. Ant-Man was shoved aside, Yellowjacket laughing while he did. "You think you're so tough, Lang. This time we have the upper hand!" he shouted, then Scott pushed his elbows on Cross's hooves, releasing him.

"We don't have hands, moron!" Scott remarked, landing on the floor, his form growing to cover his fall. "Do you see our bodies? We don't even have thumbs!" he joked, shrinking back down in time to grab his arch enemy.

"Stop your annoying jokes!" Darren growled, feeling Ant-Man land on top of his armor. Scott huffed, punching the armor, to no effect. "Did you really think that'd work?" the armored villain asked Scott. "This armor is nigh unbreakable!" he used his pincers to destroy a large pebble thrown in his direction.

Ant-Man groaned, "Will you just shut up and let me think?!" he let go as Yellowjacket grew back to normal size, him doing the same as well. "How about you pick on someone your own size?" he quipped, uppercutting Cross. Yellowjacket recoiled, raising one of his pincers, it beginning to glow. Ant-Man somersaulted out of the way as another laser shot the ground.

On instinct, he shrunk again, Scott began to run on the debris made from the powerful beam. Carefully and precisely, he jumped from pebble to pebble, his hoof extended as he leaped. He punched Cross's visor, cracking it again. Ant-Man then grew back, flipping over the armored pony's back, landing on the ground, a smirk seen on his face. "How about them apples, huh?"

Yellowjacket hovered, turning around to face Lang. "How about you just die?" he offered, tackling Scott, grabbing him before ascending again. In response, Scott struggled in his grasp, managing to press the button to activate the Pym Particles. He vanished in Yellowjacket's grasp, leaving Cross to wonder where he ended up at such a high altitude.

"No need to be rude about it." Ant-Man muttered in response to Cross's earlier comment. He had managed to land on a fly, using his helmet to call it to him in time before he could fall on the ground. "Hm. I should give you a name. As the first bug I've rode in Equestria, I'll name you Antony Two. A legacy for you to fulfill." he said, a determined look was seen on his face after naming his new companion.

Meanwhile, Yellowjacket looked around, his visor scanning for his enemy. "Where are you, Lang?" he muttered. His optics scanned something coming for him. He then shrunk down, aiming his stinger lasers right in the direction Scott was flying in. "Now... You poor excuse of a burglar, I'll end you for taking away what was rightfully mine." he growled, seeing Ant-Man.

A laser was seen coming in Scott's direction. Not wanting to lose another flying companion, he made sure Antony 2 flew away from the giant laser beam. "I'm not losing another Antony!" he declared, "You're going to pay, Yellowjacket!" he announced in a faux heroic tone to his enemy.

Antony flew closer to Yellowjacket. Once he was in reach, Ant-Man hopped off his bug ally, rearing his hoof back so he could land a punch in Yellowjacket's face. He grew back to normal size, cupping Cross in his hooves. Without a second thought, he tossed him downward, wanting to end the battle.

But Cross had other ideas, and he managed to move himself right before impact. Scott continued to fall, his slbow ready pin down Yellowjacket, "Not this time, Scott!" yelled Yellowjacket, shooting another laser from his armor's stingers. The beam hit Lang in the chest, burning through his costume slightly. But Ant-Man pushed the pain aaide, he just wanted this to be over.

"Yes this time, Scott!" Lang corrected in a cheery tone, his teeth gritted in doing his best to ignore the pain that subsided on his torso. Yellowjacket shrunk down wanting to make sure he avoided Ant-Man's elbow drop safely. But Scott shrunk himself down as well, focusing so that Antony 2 and a bunch of other flying ants came to his rescue. "I got the upper hoof, Cross! See, no thumbs!" he joked, a smile was seen on his muzzle while he focused his attention to controlling the ants.

Yellowjacket growled, lowering himself to face Scott. "I hate you so much, Lang!" he announced, ready to kill Ant-Man for good. Scott stood atop Antony 2 and jumped, enlarging himself so that he could reach after his rival. "No!" shouted Cross.

"Yes!" shouted Scott back at him. He flipped in middair, kicking down Yellowjacket, grabbing the shrunken pony, before he grew back to his normal size. He pinned him down before landing on the ground on top of him. "Let's disarm you!" joked Ant-Man, tearing apart the pincers on Yellowjacket's back. Tired of this, he decided to punch Yellowjacket in the back of the head, knocking him out.

"Finally. Man, that guy doesn't know when to shut up." mumbled Ant-Man. "Now back to square one. Where's the Guardians of the Galaxy right now again? I should buy a map."

Star-Lord uppercutted a goon, knocking him down. As the thug fell, however, a silver blur sped by shoving him to the ground for good measure, "Oh hey, silver haired guy." Quill greeted, seeing Quicksilver give him a salute. The Flash was following him, the yellow blur appearing behid the mutant.

"Reverse-Flash is taken care of, so I decided to stop by with a friend or three." Maximoff responded.

"I do not know who this Reverse of the Flash is, but I'll take anything to lower the number against us here." Drax commented.

"Hey! I never asked for their help!" Rocket groaned, never letting go of his gun or Groot's shoulder.

"I am Groot."

"Yeah, I know we an get this done quicker, I just wanted to show off!" hissed the furry alien to the talking tree quietly so that no one else heard him. "Let me have my moment!" he went back to pulling the trigger, shooting down as many Ravagers and thugs as possible.

"Hey, I'm the trigger happy guy here!" Deadpool yelled, leaping over three thugs, stabbing his sword through each one. Gamora rolled her eyes, slicing her own blade at the chest of some mooks, weakening them greatly.

"Great. Two Rockets. Just what the universe needed." Gamora grunted, ignoring Wade and his sudden outbursts. Deadpool appeared next to her, the Merc with a Mouth using a pistol to shoot some random mook in the head. "What did we say, Wade?" the green mare asked, slapping Wade in the back of the head.

"Nothing to me." Deadpool commented.

"Hey, blue guy!" said Nightwing, hopping over some of Scarecrow's thugs, making his way to the leader of the Ravagers. "Luthor paid you to do this right?" he asked. "I'm Nightwing by the way." he introduced himself to the heroes.

"What's it to ya, boy?" Yondu asked, raising a hoof to stop his gang.

Rocket raised a brow, "Yeah, why the hell do you care?"

Nightwing smirked, "Because I may know a guy who can pay you so much more if you stop this attack." he offered, extending a hoof. Yondu looked at him before facing the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"How do I know ya ain't lyin'?" Yondu questioned.

The Flash nudged Star-Lord to get his attention, "Hey, that kid is the son of a billionaire. Tell him it's an actual deal." he urged. Quill sighed, listening to the speedster.

"He's telling the truth, Yondu. Can you go now?" Star-Lord explained.

Yondu smiled, "Now how do I know yer not lyin', Peter? I raised ya after all, ya mnow my tricks and I know yours." he poked his own head to prove the point.

"Just listen to the wing of night." Drax said.

Smirking, Yondu grabbed Nightwing's hoof, "If yer bein' honest, then I'll agree to this offer. Ravagers, stop." he ordered, the conscious members all paused, facing their leader. "I say they had enough fer now." he placed his hooves in his pocket.

At that moment, Wolverine and Daredevil came by, Gamora prompting them to stop. "Why the hell aren't we stoppin' them?" Logan asked, "Why did they stop?"

"We came to a deal. Nightwing said he'd pay Yondu and his gang more than Luthor to stop." Gamora explained.

Wolverine chuckled at that explanation, Daredevil turning at him in confusion, "Why are you laughing?" the Man without Fear questioned the X-Man.

"A certain bat ain't gonna be too happy about this." Logan revealed.

"Oh crap, that guy was raised by Batman?" Star-Lord realized, "And he's rich?!"

"Where the hell's our pay?!" Rocket demanded to know.

Wolverine grunted, "As if yer gonna get paid."

"I heard that!"

"I am Groot."

Rocket shrugged, "So what if being a hero doesn't mean getting paid? I'm no hero!"

Daredevil smirked, "You are now." he said.

Human Torch and Iceman along with Black Panther went down another path, having separated with Nightwing, who went attend to stopping the Ravagers. "So, T'Challa. You remember anything?" asked Johnny, looking at the king of Wakanda.

"No. I remember defending Wakanda from some strange invader, but then I found myself here..." Black Panther explained. "I take it you two were not exposed to the dark magic I have felt?" he wondered, seeing the two elemental heroes shake their heads.

"Nope. We came here to make sure no one else came with the Legion. It sounds like their just bringing whoever they want here to distract us." Iceman said.

Human Torch nodded, "Sounds like yet another convoluted scheme. Last thing I need right now is for Doom to reveal himself as the true mastermind. Heh, he'd feel unaccomplished without Reed being here to stop him." he chuckled. "Looking back... I haven't seen Doom in years. Since after Peter left for good..."

"What do you mean?" Black Panther asked.

Johnny shrugged, "One day our team was fighting him, then he just sorta vanished. He came back at one point wearing a blue cloak for some reason, then he just up and left again, as if he didn't want to have his presence known. That's unlike him, that dude has an ego as big as Ego the Living Planet."

Bobby blinked, "That's a very stupid comparison."

"It's the best I got, alright?" Johnny groaned.

Black Panther scowled, "Up ahead..." he said, nearing the two ponies. Celestia and Luna looked at Black Panther, relieved to see Johnny and Bobby behind him, meaning that he is back on the side of good.

Johnny landed next to T'Challa. "What happened here?" he asked.

Luna sighed, "The Reverse-Flash grabbed my sister, her wing is slightly injured at the moment." she addressed Black Panther, "I take it thou are on our side."

"Indeed. From the looks of you two, you are royalty." T'Challa commented.

Celestia nodded, "Yes, we are. Why do you wonder?"

"Because I too am a ruler. A protector of a nation." he bent down, looking at the sun princess's sprained wing. "It seems you will heal. You do well in protecting your kingdom it appears." he smiled under his mask, "You allow yourselves to enter battle, it is a risk, but I'm glad to know I'm not alone as a royal hero."

Celestia and Luna softly grinned, "Thank you." said the moon princess. "Now, are you able to fill us in on what we missed?" asked Luna. Bobby opened his mouth to respond but was cut off.

"That always happens." Johnny grumbled.

The group saw Miguel, Spike and Black Cat run by, well O'Hara was flying while the others ran. "Whoa. The original Black Panther." whispered Spider-Mane 2099. 'So many shocking heroes from the Heroic Age... This is a lot to take in. How did our world fall so hard?'

"You speak as if you know me." Black Panther said.

Johnny smirked, "This guy's from the future. T'Challa, meet the Spider-Man of 2099. A close friend of the original. That dragon there is Spike, and... Black Cat? This is where you went?" he questioned, Felicia nodding. "Well, then. That explains a lot."

"I see." T'Challa said. "It is a pleasure to meet you. If you are allies of Spider-Man, then I can trust youmfor the time being."

"Uh, thanks. You're a king, right?" Spike asked, at T'Challa's nod, he continued, "Cool! It's like how Peter's a prince! Superhero royalty!" he cheered.

"Spider-Man is a prince? The kid has grown more than I thought." mumbled Black Panther, a proud smirk on his face.

"That's our bro, for ya." Johnny complimented, with Bobby nodding in agreement. "Grows up so fast..." he added.

"Where is he at, anyway? This is the world he resides in, correct?"

"Yeah, about that..." Black Cat began, a frown on her face. "He may have been injected with something called Fear Toxin. Spike said it was pretty bad last time."

Bobby scowled, "Yeah, it was. Peter put Ben in a coma under its influence. We gotta hurry!"

Luna raised a brow, "I thought Deadpool put Mr. Reilly in a coma like he said?"

Johnny exhaled, "He lied to protect Peter's reputation. If word got out that Peter put his clone brother in a coma, what would happen?" he questioned them. "This information has to stay between all of us, for his sake."

Celestia put a hoof on her chin, "He is right on that, Sister. Remember when Peter's true origins were revealed across our worlds? It took the kingdom months to accept him as one of our own."

Johnny slammed his hooves on the ground upon hearing that revelation, "Are you freaking kidding me?! After all Peter's been through, you mean to tell me he was feared because he's from another world!?"

"Gotta agree with Johnny on this one, that's pretty goddamn stupid of these people." Bobby nodded. "Just when I thought he could be accepted we hear this..."

"Do not fret about that. Peter has won the trust of our world back. We and his closest friends knew before Goblin used his magic. So, he had us for support." Luna assured.

Johnny crossed his hooves, "That's good to hear, at least. Now, we gotta get the others before Peter loses it again!"

Miguel nodded, "Yeah, no kidding. That bithead Batman decided to fight him on his own."

Batman raised a hoof, using his gauntlet to block a punch from Spider-Mane. He used his grapnel gun to catch Spidey while he was in middair, with a yank, he slammed Peter face first on the stone ground. Shaking the cobwebs out of his head, Spider-Mane got back to his hooves, pulling the claw from his body. "You're all the same... Wanting me and others dead... All I see are monsters." he declared.

"We're not monsters! We're your allies!" Batman yelled.

"Lies!" Spider-Mane reared his hoof back, forcing Batman to somersault out of the way in time, the spider's hoof breaking apart the ground upon contact. "I know what I see!" he added. Batman scowled, jumping so that he could try to kick Spidey. The wall-crawler used his Spider-Sense to dodge the attack, grabbing Batman by his extended hoof and he spun the Dark Knight around.

"I'm sorry, Peter. I didn't want to resort to this." Batman growled. He jumped up, throwing a smoke pellet on the ground. Spider-Mane coughed, the smoke covering the surrounding area. His Spider-Sense went off, but he wasn't fast enough to react as the vigilante pulled him by his back and threw him to a wall. Before Batman could do anything, Peter punched him.

Batman responded by punching Peter's face. He grunted as Peter kicked him. The Dark Knight pulled on Peter's costume, stabbing a batarang on the loose cloth, sticking Spider-Mane to the wall. In a fit of rage, Peter ripped the batarang out and threw it at Batman, who ducked before it could hit him. He spun around, catching his loose projectile before it could catch him off guard. "Did you really think that trick would work on me?" he asked.

"I know how to take you down. After last time, I ensured a measure to make sure we didn't have a repeat of last time you were injected with the toxin." Batman revealed, pulling out a different batarang, 'This one was enhanced by Rarity... Like the ones I used last time, but this time I'm ready to stop him before he can do anything he'll regret.'

Spider-Mane remained silent, instead shooting two strands of webbing in Batman's direction. Batman used the scallops on his gauntlets to break apart the gossamer before Peter could reach him. The spider slid on the ground slightly, confusing him. Batman took the moment to jump and kick him while he couldn't control his movements, successfully kicking him in the face. "Like I said. I prepared." the Dark Knight taunted, angering Spidey.

The spider hopped up again, his hindleg extended to kick Batman. The Dark Knight rolled away in time, grabbing his freeze grande from his belt. While Spider-Mane dealt the impact of his landing, he tossed the small device, it landing on Spidey. The wall-crawler slowed his movements as ice began to cover his entire being. He shuddered at the sudden cold surrounding him. "It won't kill you, but it will keep you down long enough for me to inject the cure." Batman explained.

Spider-Mane roared, breaking apart the ice covering him before Batman could reach him. The Dark Knight shielded himself from any loose ice fragments flying near him. But by doing this he allowed Peter an opportunity to attack. He felt something collide with his barrel, knocking the wind out of him. "So weak. I should have stopped holding back years ago." Peter declared.

Batman wheezed, feeling Spider-Mane step on him. The Dark Knight managed to move himself, causing Peter to stumble, in his trip, Batman gave Peter a left hook to his chest before finishing off with a kick that sent him through a wall. Spider-Mane held a small piece of debris near his body, picking himself back up. He shot two web balls at Batman, the Dark Knight using his gauntlets to tear them apart with ease.

"It's over, Peter. I'll free you." declared Batman.

Spider-Mane hissed, "There's nothing to free me from! I see through your ruse!" he shouted, running toward Batman. The Dark Knight attempted to counter, but Peter's Spider-Sense warned him to duck underneath his roundhouse kick and respond with an uppercut. Batman's head snapped upwards, blood dripping out of his mouth. "I'll repeat what you said. It's over."

Batman panted, wiping his muzzle. He used his grapnel gun to climb a small building. Swiftly, he flipped backwards off the edge, his cape extended so that he was in a glide. Spider-Mane jumped up to attack, but the Dark Knight was ready. He kicked down Peter, holding him down with an elbow while he grabbed his explosive gel shooter, he traced small bat symbol next to Peter.

The vigilante jumped back and detonated the combustible gel, stunning Peter as he staggered in his spot. 'Nonlethal round. Long enough to stun him.' as Batman walked forward, Spider-Mane screamed again, pinning Batman on the ground.

"It's not enough." taunted Spider-Mane.

Batman used his batclaw to grab a building wall. He slid away from Peter's grasp, causing him to groan in annoyance. Spider-Mane shot two lines of web on Batman's hindlegs, forcing him to stop. The Dark Knight sighed, "I'm getting tired of this." he uppercutted, but Peter flipped away in time, pulling the webbing in his direction, tossing Batman away from his desired spot.

The wall-crawler saw Batman get back up, prompting him to leap forward again. Batman leaned backwards, performing a backflip-kick to Peter's leg, causing him to tumble in middair. The stallion got his bearings and planted a hoof on the ground to absorb the impact of his fall. He flipped to the nearest wall, jumping off to divebomb Batman.

The Dark Knight planted a small gel on Peter's torso and created a small spark, burning Spider-Mane slightly, a small hole seen on his costume. Batman swiped a hoof downward to Peter's head, before moving it back up to hit Peter's face again, then slamming his head on the floor. "Had enough?" he asked.

Spider-Mane answered by moving his legs to trip Batman, then the web-slinger held him up, his hoof curling. Batman sighed, using his gauntlet's scallops to scratch Peter, blood marks seen on the rips of his costume now. Batman was released and he panted, seeing Spider-Mane was wearing down.

Before Batman could move to continue, Spider-Mane shot more webbing in his direction, trapping him on a small bond. His entire body was covered in gossamer. 'Can't move my limbs... I need a few moments, but I don't think Peter will give me that at this point.' he thought, seeing Spider-Mane walk closer to him. The vigilante stuggled in his trap, trying to break free to no avail.

"Finally. I can end this!" Spider-Mane yelled, but as he moved his hoof back, a blue blur tackled him. Batman managed to turn his head, seeing Miguel hold Peter down. "No! I was so close!" whined Peter.

"Parker! This isn't you! It's Scarecrow!" Spider-Mane 2099 shouted. "Now, Luna!" he released Peter, the stallion now trapped in a bubble of sorts hovering over the ground.

"So, this'll hold him down?" Felicia asked.

"Yes it will." Luna said.

"Oh man, I've never seen Peter so angry before... What's in that stuff?" Spike asked.

"I do not know." said Celestia. "But while we wait for the others to arrive, how about you save our friend, Batman?" she suggested. Spike used his fire breath to burn the thick webbing off the Dark Knight, who slowly trotted over to Peter.

Luna released the bubble, Peter's Spider-Sense began to tingle, but instead of it being Batman like he anticipated, it was Black Cat holding him down along with Spike using his fire to surprise. "Get this shocking over with, Bats." Miguel groaned.

"Please." Luna added.

Batman poked Peter with his special batarang, placing it on the wall-crawler's shoulders. Spider-Mane then collapsed, surprising everypony, Batman included. "Hm." he hummed, "He should be fighting off the effects harder than I thought at first."

"Hold on," said Miguel, raising a hoof, a yellow hologram appeared suddenly, "Lyla." he said.

"I forgot you even had that." Spike muttered.

"Yes, Miguel?" Lyla wondered.

"Check Parker's blood. See if the Fear Toxin is in his system still." Spider-Mane 2099 ordered. After a moment, Lyla finally answered.

"Yes. It's still in his blood, but he's in a subconscious state, and appears to be fighting off its effects as Batman suggested." Lyla answered, fading away.


Luna looked at the stallion, "So, only he can face his demons?" a worried gaze was seen on her face, 'Please, Peter. You can do this, I believe that you can face this darkness as you've done before. As you've taught me to.'

"I've suffered the effects of the toxin before. He will face his worst nightmare, but he has a strong will. He will win." Batman said.

"Let's see you bet on it." muttered Felicia.

Peter fell down a black abyss. He turned over, his body landing perfectly on his feet. He looked at himself, seeing fingers on his hands again and feeling taller. "I'm human again?" he asked himself, "W-Where am I at now?"

Then a flash of white enveloped his being, an elder man looking at him with a smile. "U-Uncle Ben?" Peter asked, ready to cheer, "Y-You're okay?"

Then, the old man's face faltered, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Peter shuddered, looking at his hands, covered in blood. 'You did this, you know...' said an eerie voice.

The young man turned around, he looked to see he was in his Spider-Man costume. He ran when he saw Gwen lying on the floor. He cradled her as he attempted to wake her up, but she didn't. 'You always hurt the ones you love...' the distorted voice said.

Peter turned around, a familiar face staring at him again, "Because of you, I'm in a coma. Your own clone you call a brother. Kaine is mad at you because of your inaction as well, tearing your precious Spider family apart." said Ben Reilly, also a human, his voice distorting slightly, making Spider-Man shudder.

"Because of you Eddie and Miguel are stranded here when they don't want to be." Ben said. "It's your responsibility, but you failed Kaine and I. What if I never wake up?"

"You will!" Peter yelled, a lone tear escaping his eye.

"What will happen to Twilight and Mayday? Will they share the same fate as your uncle, Gwen, or me?" Ben questioned, the inquiries piercing Peter's soul. The young man knelt down in agony, a black tendril grabbing his throat.

"Let me take control. I will make sure you never suffer again." Ben smirked. Another tendril appearing on his back and poking Spider-Man, "Let the nightmare finally end."


Ben scowled, "No..." the tendrils released Peter, the image of the clone fading away. "Not now... Pheh. We will see each other soon, Spider-Man." he disappeared, leaving Spider-Man to wonder what it was that just happened. "And I will convince you..."

Then, he got his answer, Scarecrow appeared before him, the man now in a strange distorted version of Canterlot, covered in yellow smoke. Scarecrow towered over him, now appearing a giant. "Your mind is fragile, Spider-Man, i will enjoy breaking you for good!" his eyes began to glow as a beam, him looking around.

"Now where are you!?"

Spider-Man panted, "Oh man... What do I do?" he whispered, crouching behind a wall to avoid Scarecrow's gaze. He clenched his fist, peeking up to see Scarecrow not looking at him. "I'm not being used as a puppet. Never... I'll make it up to you, Ben." he declared.

The wall-crawler started to sprint, doing his best to avoid getting Scarecrow's attention. Spider-Man jumped over a small chasm, then swung to reach a roof that will allow him to continue. "Now to find a way to stop him." he muttered, turning his head as fast as he could. What got his attention was a giant spotlight.

With a shrug, Spider-Man continued to run, "Guess I'm bringing back the Spider-Signal." he jumped again, shimmying along a narrow path near a wall, escaping Scarecrow's gaze.

"I'll find you, litte spider!" announced the giant.

Spider-Man groaned, "Sure. You're doing such a good job of that." he climbed up a small wall, ducking in time to avoid Scarecrow's beaming gaze. "That was close." he sighed in relief. He continued to run, but something stopped him.

Scarecrow planted the syringes on his fingers to the ground, "You won't get past these, Spider-Man." he said. Suddenly, skeletons popped out of the ground.

"What kind of Tim Burton film did I walk into?" joked Spider-Man. He punched each skeleton down with ease, punching one, then he kicked another before tripping the last one. "Some army." he mocked, continuing his small journey.

Eventually, after one last jump, Spider-Man finally reached the spotlight. He was about to touch it, "Now let's see what this can do..." he paused, Scarecrow's bright gaze freezing him. "Oh no..." he grunted.

"Finally. Now you shall succumb to you worst fears." Scarecrow laughed, "Isn't it good...? To just release your rage, the very emotions you have buried and burdened? Let the toxin control you forever."

Spider-Man knelt down, "No... Not again." he hissed, but the feeling of someone touching his shoulder got his attention. He saw Twilight, also a human, wearing her Amythest Witch costume. "Twilight...?" he wondered aloud.

"Don't give up, Peter." she said. "Think about me, Spike, Mayday. Your friends, the Spiders... You can't give up. Not now." it was though she was really there. Spider-Man smiled under his mask. "You can't succumb now."

"You're right." Twilight began to fade from his mind, the wall-crawler standing up in Scarecrow's mind piercing gaze. "I'm not allowing that to happen again. I have a mission right now and I can't let them down now." he declared.

"What?!" roared Scarecrow in surprise. "You're supposed to fall!"

"Well, sorry you giant halloween toy, I'm not bowing out just yet. I'm Equestria's knight! I have a war to win and I'm not letting my family live knowing that I went insane!" Spider-Man announced, holding the spotlight at last.

"It can't be!" yelled Crane.

Spider-Man placed the spotlight in Scarecrow's direction. "But it is!" a light shone on Scarecrow, a giant spider symbol enveloping his body as he began to glow. "Kingdom Hearts is light!" yelled Spider-Man as Carecrow finally vanished from his mind.

Back in the real world, Peter snapped awake. He looked around, seeing his friends gathered around him. "Calm down, kid." Logan said, "You had us worried there." he said.

Spider-Mane sighed in relief, "I'm back."

"It appears so. I not sensing any more toxin in your system. You fought it off, impressive." Batman revealed.

"Told ya he could do it, Bats." Nightwing nudged. Batman rolled his eyes under his cowl at that. "So, Spidey. You survived Scarecrow, not bad dude."

"Yeah, my man, Pete!" Johnny cheered, giving Peter a high hoof.

"It's over." Bobby said, also giving Peter a high hoof. The three guys laughed, Peter finally letting loose for once. His mind went into a panic when he saw Yondu and his Ravagers.

"Whoa, Peter. They're on our side, now." Star-Lord explained, "It took some convincing. But we did it."

"If only I got money." Rocket grumbled.

"Darn right. I guess I'm with ya now." Yondu said.

Peter sighed in relief, "Alright. So, Nightwing, Black Panther?" he faced a familiar man, "Hey, Daredevil!"

"Spider-Man." Daredevil greeted back, a smirk seen on his face. "Ir's been a while huh?"

Peter chuckled, "No kidding. Back then, we were New York's protectors. You missed me didn't you?" he teased.

Daredevil shrugged, "Someone had to pick up your slack." he joked.

"You have more friends than I thought, Peter." Celestia teased.

"Maybe I do. Sup T'Challa?" Peter greeted, Luna raising a brow at how undignified the greeting was, the again she knew that he was always like that, even around her, much to her annoyance, and slight pleasure.

"Spider-Man. You have matured I've heard." T'Challa commented.

"I guess you can say that?" Peter wondered.

"Nah, he's still an idiot." Miguel laughed. "But, he's earned his position."

"Hey, we're not idiots." Ant-Man joked. "Except you."

Black Panther nodded, "As a king, I am glad to see you are taking your role seriously. You were but a naive child when we first met, but I am glad to see that image gone from you." he placed a hoof on the stalion's shoulder. "I will stand by your side during this war."

"Wow. Thanks, T'Challa. That means a lot." Peter said bashfully.

Then, a chuckle got the group's attention. The heroes turned around, seeing Loki standing there. A flash of yellow enveloped Canterlot, the villains vanishing, Yondu and his group included. "Who are you?" Celestia demanded an answer. The trickster god chuckled again at her question,

"Loki." growled Wolverine.

Loki laughed, "I see you survived. Come to Ponyville, I have a surprise for you all, a reward so to say for passing my test." after hearing that, Peter scowled.

"Where's the Legion of Doom?" Batman growled.

"Why did you capture Superman?"

Loki smirked, "I'll never tell. Luthor has a plan, and I can't afford to break it. As I said, you better hurry to Ponyville. Your close ones are waiting, Peter."

"What do you want with our world?" Luna blurted out.

"Ah the Royal Sisters. I do not have time to explain everything to the likes of you." Loki said, before vanishing in a small yellow warp.

Celestia narrowed her gaze. "Luna. I will tend to Canterlot. You bring the heroes back to Ponyville."

The heroes then grouped together, "Hurry, Luna. I'm worried about what Loki has planned." Barry gulped. "He better hope no one got hurt, or maybe I'll finish this."

"Calm down, Barry." Quicksilver said, "For all we know, this could be another ruse by him."

"We'll find out soon enough!" Deadpool shouted.

Luna nodded, lighting her horn up. The entire group of heroes vanished in a white light. Their next destination, Ponyville, where another battle awaited them.

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