• Published 5th Sep 2016
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Spiders and Magic: Dimensional Crisis - MetalJrock

Spider-Mane and his friends must protect Equestria from the Legion of Doom.

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Aqua Ambush, Part II

A car was flung in the battle against the Hydro-Men and Atlanteans. The vehicle was launched across the block and nearly hit a couple as they did their best to escape the crossfire. As it neared them, they heard a strange noise, prompting them to open their eyes. They saw Spider-Man 2099 holding the car over his shoulders, his knees hunched over and head turned as he spoke, "Go! Get the shock out of here!" he ordered the two, who nodded and sprinted, despite not knowing what shock meant in that case.

Miguel tossed the car aside, wheels on the floor. He then turned his attention to an Atlantean jumping for him. Spider-Man 2099 grabbed the soldier's fist, then he crouched, spinning his legs fast enough to trip him easily.

Deadpool stood next to O'Hara, "Hey, Future Spidey! You're from the future, right? Do I make it?"

"Not sure. I haven't met you until recently." Miguel admitted, slashing apart a Hydro-Man clone with his talons. "But is this world and timeline so full of weird heroes?"

"Says the guy that knows a cyber Ghost Rider!" Wade shouted, driving his elbow into another Atlantean. "And a lizard Hulk. Seriously, you're calling us strange?"

"How the shock do you know about them?" O'Hara wondered, ducking underneath a right hook from an Atlantean soldier. "If I ever find you in the future, I'm knocking the ever-loving shock out of you."

The mercenary sighed, "Get in line, buster. There's a lot of people claiming to do that. A shame most of them are C-List supervillains that aren't worth giving a damn while Spidey says that everytime we ever encounter."

Using his Accelerated Vision, Miguel ran through a line of Hydro-Men standing in front of him. Once his stamina was drained, he saw the Flash mirror his actions and for a split-second, he was able to see him kick, punch and leap through the watery clones. Barry looked to see Green Arrow use his bow as a staff of sorts.

"Hey, Arrow." Barry joked, "You plan on shooting some arrows with that thing?"

Oliver smirked, moving his arm back, driving the end of the bow into the chest of an Atlantean. He then spun around, poking a Hydro-Man before shooting an ice arrow from the pack strapped on his back all in a matter of seconds, "Yeah, and...?" he replied, watching as the clone froze in its place. Miguel then kicked it into pieces as he swung from his own webbing.

Flipping in middair next to the archer, Spider-Man 2099 saw Deadpool march his way to the block. "If you have it, shocking use the bow. Not as a staff."

"You can't tell me how to do my thing, future Spidey." Green Arrow taunted. The Flash shook his head, combining his Speed-Force abilities and placing it into his fist, uppercutting a Hydro-Man before doing the same to another instantly.

The future hero groaned, "I can if it means saving our asses in times of battle."

"You sound like Bats. Nothing like Parker." Arrow joked, smirking as he jabbed a Hydro-Man that nearly blindsided him. "I thought Spider-Men were supposed to be funny."

Spider-Man 2099 crouched as he felt a soldier kick him from behind, "Sorry. I'm a lot more cynical than you realize. I'm from the future, it's worse than this."

"This must be some break then, huh?" Barry asked. "And Arrow, you've never met Kaine."

Deadpool teleported on the roof, holding his pistols, "Ammo time! Time to shoot some water!"

'That sounded really lame.'

'We'll take what we can get.'

Then, Wade pulled the triggers of his weapons, unloading the bullets into the Hydro-Man in precision, avoiding the other heroes. "Aw yeah! Awesomeness ensues!"

"Watch where you aim those, Wade!" Arrow shouted.

"Sorry! Can't hear you over the sound of my bullets!"

Clenching his fists, Flash mumbled, "Yeah... He tends to go a little overboard with weapons."

Ant-Man grew back to normal size next Batman, Black Cat, Scarlet Spider and Iceman. "Hey, ladies and gents. Did I miss anything? Other than Hydro-Man trying to terrorize the entire city of Washington D.C. with an army of clones and Aquaman?"

"No. You're caught up." Batman growled.

"Sounds about right." Black Cat said.

Ant-Man pumped a fist, "Awesome."

Ben grinned, "Great to see he made it just fine."

Iceman stretched his hands, freezing a few Hydro-Men standing in his way. A few civilians were running away, unable to see the water clones heading in their direction. The mutant turned to the Scarlet Spider, and the clone shot a ball of webbing in the Hydro-Men's direction, breaking apart their liquid structure and turning them into a puddle. "Nice webbing." he complimented.

"Learned that from Spidey." Scarlet Spider explained.

Black Cat used her claws to scratch an Atlantean's armor, scratching it slightly. The burglar then jumped, kicking while she performed a backflip, making the soldier fall onto his back. Felicia knelt down and punched their exposed face, knocking them unconscious. "I'm getting tired of this whole goon nonsense."

Ant-Man grew back to normal size after shrinking down to attack another soldier. The hero looked up at the actual Hydro-Man, seeing him tower over the city, the only defense being Luna, Johnny and Spike. The Lunar Princess shot a bolt of energy in Hydro-Man's direction, but the being phased through it easily.

Morris cackled, "Really? This is the best you got?"

"No! But this is!" Johnny shouted, flying around Hydro-Man to divert his attention, "I may not be able to hurt you, but that doesn't mean my usefulness will go unwanted!"

"What the hell are you--?"

He was cut off by Spike diving right through his body, his body spinning around like a torpedo. This stunned Hydro-Man long enough for him to reveal his normal form. Luna had an opportunity to strike, hitting his face with a small burst of kinetic energy, "Thank you for the assistance! We may have this yet!"

Hydro-Man morphed back, while Spike got his bearings and turned around. The water man roared, "It's not over yet! I have amazing power now!"

"Yeah, yeah. The Goblin said the same thing." Spike yawned, glaring at Bench. Luna and Johnny hovered around him, distracting him, but he raised his hand, driving it down into Luna's direction. Spike and Johnny could only watch as he held down his palm, leaving Luna to drown within his palm. "Luna! No!" he growled, his fangs exposed as he once again glared at Hydro-Man.

Johnny, in a fit of rage, released a fireblast, but it had no effect on Hydro-Man. "You idiot!" he raised his other hand, slamming Human Torch on the same rooftop as Luna. "Now drown!" he yelled, hearing the two gurgle under his grip.

Spike roared, flying right toward Hydro-Man, "No one hurts my friends!" he used his claws to attempt to break apart Hydro-Man's arms so that the two could get a chance to breathe, "Come on! Come on! Come on!" he repeated to himself, doing his best to calm himself down while saving his friends.

Then, the dragon held his breath, flying through Hydro-Man's enlarged hands, carrying Johnny and Luna in his grip, freeing them from the giant water being. He descended onto a newrby building, away from Morris's grasp, where he gently placed the two heroes on the floor to recover. The two coughed and spat water, Johnny rolling onto his stomach as he hacked.

Luna did the same, holding her chest as she gasped for air, "Ack... S-Spike? What has happened?"

"Hydro-Man nearly drowned the two of you." the dragon explained, sighing in relief. "I got you out of there as fast as I could."

Johnny gave Spike a weak smile, "Thanks for that, dragon dude. But I'm not gonna be much use to a guy who's the exact opposite of what my powers are."

Back on the floor, Ant-Man narrowed his gaze, a sly smile formed under his helmet. "Guys. I have a plan."

"Alright. Let us hear it." Felicia responded, taking out another Hydro-Man with ease.

Scott raised a hand, "I'm gonna go and take on Hydro-Man myself. I'll tell Johnny to help down here while Luna and Spike cover me." he elaborated to the burglar.

"And how are you gonna distract that guy?" Ben asked, gesturing toward the water being, "You don't have the giant Spider-Slayer anymore and you can only shrink."

"Oh, can I?" Ant-Man bragged.

Iceman grinned, "Of course... What do you say Bats?" he asked the Dark Knight, realizing Lang's plan of action.

Batman uppercutted an Atlantean in front of him before answering, "We have no other option. What is it?"

"I can't hold it for very long, but trust me, by the time it wears down, we'd have won." Ant-Man assured.

"Then go." Batman ordered.

Scott nodded, knowing what to do. He knew that what he planned was risky, but decided to act on it for the safety of the city. So, he started to sprint. He clenched his eyes shut as he repeated a single mantra, "I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss, I'm the boss..." he kept going until he was near Hydro-Man on the streets.

Bench snickered, "And what can you do? You can only turn into the size of a bug!"

"I'm the boss!" Ant-Man shouted one last time, pressing the button on his suit with his thumb.

Suddenly, instead of shrinking like usual, Ant-Man began to grow, towering over the city and rivaling Hydro-Man in size, surprising the heroes, "Aw yeah!" he cheered, his eyes widening in glee over what he just did.

"Holy shit!" Scarlet Spider yelled in disbelief, taken aback by what he just witnessed.

"Did he just...?" Black Cat gasped.

Bobby nodded, "Yep. Meet Giant-Man. He started using this form sometime after you left."

"It'll work." Batman noted.

Giant-Man looked down to see Spike, Luna, and Johnny. "Dragon dude! Luna! You two can help me take down giant and wet over here! Johnny, you should see if Spidey or Bats needs your help. It'll be better than getting your powers wasted."

Spike and Luna nodded, the dragon speaking, "Sure thing, giant Ant-Man!"

"Call me Giant-Man!"

Luna smirked, "Very well, Giant-Man." she revealed her alicorn wings and followed Spike who flew towards the giant hero, seeing Hydro-Man ready to fight.

"Flame on!"

The Human Torch gave Lang a small salute, flying down to Batman's group. "Anything I can do to help in the meantime? I don't wanna sit around and do nothing."

Batman uppercutted an Atlantean, followed by Black Cat kicking him down. The Dark Knight then used his REC to shock some Hydro-Men, allowing Scarlet Spider to web them to a puddle and shocked the last of the soldiers on his area. He spoke, "Sunset Shimmer is fighting Firestorm. His powers are similar to yours, so it'd be better if you assisted her. Tell her to use a spell to split both Jefferson and Stein apart."

"Sure thing, Bats."

Sunset Shimmer raised her hands, creating a small beam in front of her, but Firestorm created his own flame beam, causing them to collide in a strange struggle. Sunset scowled, focusing her magic into her beam, ensuring that she would succeed. "C'mon... How strong are you?" she growled.

Firestorm responded with silence, and Sunset pushed her hands forward, moving the beam and allowing it to hit the fire-based hero. Jefferson staggered backwards, absorbing some of the heat delivered from the attack.

"Hm. That wasn't supposed to happen." Sunset gulped, getting hit by Firestorm, who swiftly uppercutted her. Focusing, the former unicorn got back on her feet, sliding on the streets. She turned her gaze, seeing Firestorm aim his hands at a civilian standing still in fright. Sunset jumped, erecting a barrier strong enough to deflect the beam Firestorm launched, making it hit him.

The fire hero fell backwards, but as he stood up, he tanked another fireball, absorbing the heat. "Yo! The whole fire thing is my schtick! You better have not taken the phrase!" Human Torch yelled, landing by Sunset. "Missed me?"

"Not really." Sunset joked.

Johnny feigned a frown, "Figures."

"So, this is rip-off me. Gotta say, I'm a little disappointed. He doesn't have the same snarkiness as I do. Or my witty sense of humor for that matter." Johnny critiqued.

Rolling her eyes, Sunset chuckled, "Well, all heroes under mind control are silent for whatever reason. Even then, he has a better sense of humor than you ever will."

"Y'know. You can be cruel sometimes." Human Torched groaned.

Firestorm shot at Human Torch, but he took the attack with ease. "Heh. That tickled."

Human Torch lunged after Firestorm, giving him a right hook to the chest, making him flinch. Firestorm responded by elbowing Johnny's face, his head moving back. Johnny shook his head, grabbing Firestorm's hands and blocking his attacks. "Sunset! Do something!"

Nodding, Sunset teleported behind Firestorm round-kicking him toward the wall. "That's something... But what can stop this guy? He's as durable as you!"

"Bats mentioned that you can split them apart somehow." Johnny revealed.

Raising a finger, the former unicorn spoke, "I can try something. But you'll have to hold him down."

"Got it," after saying that, Johnny was tackled by Firestorm and the two were airborne. "So, Firestorm! What kind of name is that? Should'a gone with the Human Flame! Torch was already copyrighted! So, we as flame heroes should just chill." at Firestorm's silence, Human Torch continued speaking, "Nevermind. We should just free you instead. Then we'l have a conversation."

Moving downward, Johnny rolled in middair, dragging his elbow onto Jefferson's chest, keeping him in place as they lowered. Human Torch placed a foot over Firestorm's body, shooting a fireball to ensure he doesn't get up.

Sunset Shimmer hit Firestorm with a teleportation spell of sorts. And he vanished from Human Torch's spot. A second later, two figures reappeared, revealing an elder man and a younger teen. The young man coughed as he got to a knee, "Oh man..." he turned his head, "Grey? What happened?"

"We saved you." Sunset said.

Jefferson stared wide-eyed at the two heroes, "Um... Okay. Tell me I'm not losing it. Who are you guys?"

"I'm Sunset Shimmer."

"And I'm the Human Torch."


Jefferson turned to face Professor Stein, seeing that he was awake. "Hey, Grey. Do you remember anything?"

Stein shook his head, "No, Jefferson. All I remember is the two of us regrouping after foiling a robbery. Even I couldn't have seen what happened while we were together."

"A villain named Loki put you both under mind control and forced you to merge, it looks like." Sunset explained, "Right now, we're all working together to stop Hydro-Man and Aquaman's army from destroying the entire city."

Jefferson shrugged, "Had a feeling something was off. What do you say, Grey? You up for another merging?"

Stein nodded, "Yes. It would be wise. How did you free and separate us anyway?"

"A teleportation spell." Sunset answered.

The professor chuckled, "Spell? Miss Shimmer... I am a man of science... But at this point I'm willing to believe anything." at that, he and Jefferson locked hands, their bodies combining in a single flame, revealing Firestorm once more.

"Let's do this." Firestorm said.

'Indeed. Let's see if our allies are here as well.' Stein said within Jefferson's head.

"Let's go then." said Johnny in a determined tone, "We should see if Bats wants us to aid in evacuating."

Spider-Man felt the force of a punch from Iron Fist, launching him into a building. Peter shook the cobwebs out of his head as he sat up, "Wow. I forgot how much that hurt... Then again, I don't think I was ever on the opposite end of that." he stood up, facing Iron Fist as he slowly walked forward.

"Y'know, Rand. For a Hero for Hire. You sure leave a lot of property damage." Spider-Man joked. "Wait... I just thought of something. Why are you a Hero for Hire? Don't you own your own company or something like that?"

Iron Fist jumped, dropping his fist toward Spider-Man, but the wall-crawler dodged the attack with a leap backwards, landing atop an office table in perched pose. "Right... So much for getting an answer to that question for now." he jumped, kicking the table in Iron Fist's direction, but the martial artist used his fist to break it into pieces. Peter repeated the action with a chair getting the same results.

"Hm." Spider-Man hummed to himself, sticking to a ceiling. He shot two strands of webbing in Iron Fist's direction, reight next to his feet and slingshotted himself downward, flipping and driving his feet lower as a result. Iron Fist blocked the attack with his fist, sending Spider-Man back outside through a window as a result. "N-Nevermind... That was a... bad idea."

Iron Fist followed Spider-Man outside, "Okay, Iron Fist. I see you're not playing around..." he mumbled, raising his mask and wiping the blood from his mouth. "Now it's time I put my old training to the test." he bragged, curling his hands into fists.

Lunging forward, Spider-Man performed a kick to Iron Fist's midsection, following up with an elbow drive to his face. In retaliation, the martial artist punched Spider-Man's hip, making him tumble. But Peter got his bearings and used his Spider-Sense to dodge another punch, but he was unprepared for a kick.

Peter coughed before before countering, "Hey. You know Shang Chi, right? Maybe you can ask him if he can teach me some sick moves like you! I'll invent my own martial arts!"

In silence, Iron Fist gritted his teeth as he readied another attack, but Peter crouched, doing a sweep kick to trip Iron Fist. "Looking back, mind control doesn't make anyone smarter." he delivered a hard punch to Iron Fist, knocking him unconscious right then and there. He held his aching hand, seeing that his combo attack worked, "Ow... Why does punching people hurt?"

"Y-You get used to it." coughed Iron Fist, standing back up. Spider-Man extended a hand, helping his friend up, "It's been too long, Spider-Man. I just wish we hadn't reunited like this. I assume this was Loki's doing? I heard of his plan." at that, Spidey nodded.

Chuckling, Peter responded, "Yeah. But as you can see, we have bigger problems to worry about. Your old pal Luke is fighting Wolverine right now. Then after we stop Hydro-Man, we can get the two of you back on our world."

"We're not on our world?" Iron Fist asked.

"Nope. We're on the Justice League's Earth." Peter revealed.

"Oh. I kinda forgot. But we should help Logan."

Meanwhile, while Peter was almost done fighting Iron Fist, Wolverine was fighting Luke Cage. "Yer a lot tougher than I took ya for, bub." Logan admitted, punching Luke with a flurry of punches again. Luke remained unfazed by the attack, casually slapping Logan aside, making him dent a car once he landed.

"Grr... Damn it..." Wolverine growled, unsheathing his claws, "Let's see how unbreakable yer skin really is." he ran forward, leaning to the side of Luke's punch.

Luke uppercutted Wolverine as he neared the unbreakable man. The X-Man was sent flying backwards slightly and then he landed on his back painfully. Luckily, his healing factor kicked in and he marched on once again.

Raising his claws, Wolverine elbowed Luke before stabbing his stomach lightly, enough to do some damage and weaken him. In response, Cage punched Logan then followed with a light kick to his torso. Growling, the mutant stabbed Cage again, digging his claws a little further this time, drawing some blood from his yellow shirt.

Then, to his surprise, Luke closed his eyes, the red fading away. When he saw that, Wolverine removed his claws from Cage's body. "Sweet Christmas... Logan you have some explaining to do."

"Loki and the Legion of Doom put ya under mind control as well as Rand. I had to fight with my adamantium claws, which seemed to pierce yer skin. Surprised me as well." Logan explained.

Luke looked at the blood on his hands, "Now, I have to get myself a new shirt. I'll make sure that they pay, with money and with a fierce beatdown." he boasted.

"How about ya help us first?" Logan suggested, "Hydro-Man's terrorizing this city. Then after that, Spidey and I can get ya two home."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Twilight! Barrier!" Superman ordered.

The Amythest Sorceress nodded, creating a lavender forcefield in front of her, blocking the small tide created by Aquaman. Superman narrowed his gaze, seeing him raise his trident. "I'll make sure he doesn't go overboard with his powers." Twilight declared.

"Leave me to face Aquaman directly." Superman said.

In response, Aquaman put his trident forward, attempting to stab Superman, but the Man of Steel looked at him unfazed, "You should know what I'm capable of, Curry. Mind control or not." he pushed Aquaman, making him skid across the street. Twilight watched wide-eyed over what he was capable of.

Aquaman created a waterbeam, but Twilight countered it with an ice spell, freezing it. Then she used a small levitation spell to push it back at Aquaman, but the king used his trident to break it apart before it reached him. Twilight teleported above Aquaman, shooting him with a bolt of magical energy. "I have him held down, Superman." she announced to the alien.

"I see that, Twilight." Superman smirked, "Now..." he boosted forward and tackled Aquaman.

Twilight then used her magic to teleport to where Superman was at, performing a spell that would hold him down again, a small barrier covering his body. The Amythest Sorceress enhanced her fist to deliver a powerful right hook to his face, allowing Superman to come in and jab his torso, denting his orange scaled armor.

Angered, Aquaman sent out another tide in their direction. Focusing her energy, Twilight erected another barrier, this time, it covered the oncoming wave.

Superman decided to finish the battle by grabbing Aquaman, slamming him on the grounf from his spot atop the wave he made. Aquaman attempted to attack, but Superman proced too fast for his abilities and he was flicked aside by the Man of Steel. Twilight's brain tried to comprehend what she just witnessed, and was once again amazed. "H-How can you do all that?"

"The yellow sun enhances my abilities." Superman explained, waiting for Aquaman to march back. "Aquaman is one of the few heroes I can trust who can handle my abilities without me having to hold back too much. With us in a dire situation, I wish to bring him back as soon as we possibly can."

Twilight blinked, "I... See."

"Excuse me for a minute." Superman vanished in a blur and then came back with Aquaman, dragged on the floor. With one last punch, Aquaman was unconscious. But a minute later, he woke up, meaning Superman could stop.

"Huh? Who dares?" Aquaman asked. "Superman? Who is this strange person? How are you back?"

Twilight waved at the king, "Um... Should I explain or should you?"

"You were placed under mind control to enhance a man made of water. She's a friend from another world who came to help us." Superman explained, then he smirked, "Shall he be shown the wrath of the King of Atlantis?"

Aquaman grinned, "Yes."

"Oh man..." Twilight focused her energy back into creating a forcefield around Hydro-Man.

Meanwhile, Giant-Man dueled with Hydro-Man. The water being gave Scott a right hook, but Lang blocked it, slowly responding with a left jab of his own. "You can't hope to stop me, Ant-Man. I'm a man made of water! You won't be able to hurt me or my neverending army of Hydro-Men." he bragged,

Giant-Man growled, uppercutting Hydro-Man, then following up by grabbing a corner of a building and hitting Bench with it with a vertical attack. Twilight used some spare magic to get rid of the debris before anyone could be harmed.

Hydro-Man roared, punching Giant-Man in the helmet, stunning him. But Lang punched back. He looked down, seeing Aquaman back and he smirked.

"Halt! Giant being!"

Hydro-Man gulped, fearing the worst. "You dare mock me? The King of Atlantis?! I shall bring you down! This power does not belong to a coward like you!" Aquaman shouted, raising his trident triumphantly as he continued his boast.

"N-No..." whimpered Bench.

The water that made Hydro-Man's enlarged body and being began to swirl around, removing his clones from the street as well. It looked like a water tornado in the sky as Hydro-Man began to shrink down from his empowered form. Aquaman laughed as he saw Luna carry the weakened Hydro-Man onto the floor.

Aquaman carefully placed the water back into the ocean and with his power, he would make sure Hydro-Man wouldn't use his powers for the time being. Luna punched him justo be sure he was down for the count this time. "Outrageous." he whispered, holding back a proud grin.

Giant-Man then shrunk down, lying on the street next to Morris in pain. He opened his helmet, then he spoke to the heroes as they regrouped, seeing everyone come together, "H-Hey, does anyone have any orange slices?"

"Nope." joked Spider-Man.

Some time passed, and the streets were beginning to get cleaned out by the heroes. Luke Cage and Iron Fist looked at Hydro-Man being carried by Superman over his shoulder, "So, you two were under mind control, huh? We should get you back soon enough."

"Yeah. We got New York to protect." Luke revealed.

"I see. Can you take him with you? I'm surprised he didn't warp away like Batman mentioned." Superman said.

Iron Fist nodded, "Sure thing."

Atop a building, Peter and Twilight sat on a roof, watching the sunset over the horizon. "Looks beautiful, doesn't it?" Twilight asked, looking at her husband.

"Not as beautful as you." Peter said cooly, removing his mask and wrapping an arm around his wife's shoulder.

"Oh... You." Twilight giggled, "So, how much longer should we stay here? Mayday must miss us."

"We'll leave soon. I promise. She's got the CMC, Quicksilver and the Guardians watching her. She should be entertained. I miss her too, honey. But she's safer there than here." Peter assured, kissing his wife's cheek.

"I know." the former alicorn frowned, but her lips curled into a small grin, "But being on this Earth has been an experience. So many different heroes and cities..."

"Cool, right? Maybe we'll head back to my world." Peter said.

"I would like that." Twilight said.

Chuckling, Peter replied, yawning, "We should head back to the Hall of Justice and get Scott those orange slices he wanted." his gaze turned and he held back a laugh. "Honey... You should see this. It looks like our little theory is correct."

"What are you talking about--?" Twilight cut herself off at what she saw.

The couple saw Miguel and Sunset sitting next to each other, the teo could be seen laughing and the former unicorn leaned her head onto O'Hara's shoulder. Peter looked at the princess, "Hm... Should we tell them what they're feeling?" he asked.

"No. Let them figure it out. When Applejack explained to me what I felt for you, I panicked." admitted Twilight. "I'm just glad you felt the same way about me."

Peter shrugged, "I dunno-- They're very different from us. Who knows how they'll be?"

"We'll see." teased Twilight.

Ben appeared behind the couple, surprising them. "Hey, guys. Did I ruin the moment?" he laughed.

"No, bro. Sit down." Peter suggested. Ben did so and he removed his mask.

"Those two... I swear. We should bet, who confesses first?" Ben teased, referring to O'Hara and Sunset.

Peter grinned proudly, "As a Spider, I gotta go with Miguel." he patted Ben's back.

"In that case, Sunset." Twilight replied playfully.

"And it's on. May the best win." Ben vowed.

The three laughed lightly, enjoying the moment they could share. For they weren't sure what came next, but at least they could worry once they return to Equestria.


"You didn't bring back Hydro-Man. Why?" Luthor asked.

Loki gave the scientist a smug grin, "He failed. He had all that power and he couldn't succeed. He has no use for our organization anymore." he explained. "But don't worry, I asked Discord to summon someone in his place."

A red blur appeared within the dark caves, revealing a pony dressed in yellow and a constant blur. "The Reverse-Flash will be assisting us for the battles to come."

"Heh. Pleasure to be of assistance." Thawne greeted. "I just want to get back at those speedsters."

Luthor raised a hoof, "I see. But in the meantime..." he paused, chuckling darkly. "I have one last thing for the heroes on Earth. And don't worry, they won't remember they were ever here. Loki, open a portal to LexCorp."

A portal opened up and the the two stepped forward, them changing back into their human forms. Luthor gestured to the group standing within the office, "These right here..."

Loki laughed, "Very clever. The war of two teams."

Standing in the room were Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye. The Avengers were under their control and were being sent to the DC Earth. The heroes' greatest trial on that world is about to get worse and the two masterminds acknowledged this as they laughed.

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