• Published 29th Jul 2022
  • 1,366 Views, 675 Comments

Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 96: Pinkie blows up.

The run-up to Christmas proved quiet and Aerie was grateful to climb aboard the Hogwarts Express at the end of the term. The only concern on her mind for now was whether or not there would be anyone to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts when they went back. That and that ring. Find the ring and say goodbye to Hogwarts. This also meant that should Dumbledore find it first, he’d likely just sit on it.

Christmas and Hearth’s warming came and went without incident, and time to board the train to Hogwarts came all too soon. And Dumbledore had indeed found a new DADA teacher and letters were sent out right after Christmas informing everyone which book they’d need. Grade two Defense Against the Dark Arts for Aerie, and the new teacher, one Professor R J Lupin. They first encountered him on the train back where they found him in a compartment asleep before anyone else could get on board. He was a thin, disheveled man dressed in ragged clothing and to be honest everyone took him to be some kind of vagabond who’d gained access to the train. Possibly wherever it was they kept the train when not in use. Aerie, Aurora, and Hoshiko directed the others to go to another compartment while they pondered what to do with him.

“His luggage says Professor R J Lupin,” Hermione said from the corridor.

“Ah, well then, he’s our new DADA teacher,” Aurora stated.

“Aerie, this the man you told me about?” Hoshiko asked.

“Ya, that’d be him.”

“Think I’ve just the thing…” Hoshiko went to her luggage, opened it up, rummaged around, and then pulled out a small box from which she pulled out a beaded necklace consisting of groups of five round black stones separated by an opal magatama.

“Ah, you have got to be kidding?” Aerie protested.

“Nope, Dad gave it to me. And taught me what I’d need to say to contain the beast within.”

“I see…”

“I seem to be missing something,” Hermione stated as Hoshiko put the necklace on the man. “Should you even be doing that?”

“Our new professor is afflicted with lycanthropy. The non-magical community thinks it’s just an infliction of the mind, and for those with no magic, it might just as well be. For those with magic…”

“Are you saying that he, that he’s…”

“And Hoshiko thinks she has a way to control the condition. I knew there was a possibility that Dumbledore would hire him on, now that Lockhart isn’t really Lockhart anymore.”

Meanwhile, Hoshiko had some prayer beads in hand and was chanting something quietly. When she’d finished she said “Osuwari!” This action was answered with the necklace glowing momentarily and the man being forced down into his seat.

“What?! What?!” Lupin exclaimed, now rudely jostled from his sleep. “Oh… students. Just wake me when we get to Hogwarts.” Lupin closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

“Wow, must have been a hard night,” Aurora suggested.

“Full Moon,” Aerie supplied. “Hoshiko, what all does that do?”

“It won’t stop the transformation, but it will suppress it. With any luck, he’ll keep his wits about him and he won’t attack anyone.”

“Well, I think that you are all going to get in big trouble,” Hermione stated.

“Doubt it,” Aerie and Hoshiko chimed. The girls laughed, and Hermione turned in a huff and walked away.

The remainder of the train ride proved uneventful. When they arrived at school Professor Lupin got up, gathered his things, and exited right along with everyone else, oblivious of the necklace he now sported. Snape would make snide remarks, but then again, Snape was always making snide remarks so Lupin ignored him. Professor Dumbledore introduced him at the back-to-school feast. Later that night while looking into his mirror he finally noticed. He’d hung up his wizard robe, removed his shirt, and was standing there in his undershirt and trousers.

“Hello, what’s this?” He gave it an experimental tug. It was by all outward appearances just an ordinary necklace. A bit odd looking what with the claw-like stones. And then he tried to remove it. The next thing he knew he was flat on his back looking up at the ceiling feeling like he’d been hit by one of those muggle lorries. Rightly concerned he went to Professor Dumbledore.

“I did warn you,” Lupin said, the two men now flat on their backs.

“And you only recently discovered it. Any idea where it came from or what it is?”

“Can’t say as I have. Someone must have put it on me while I was on the train because it wasn’t there earlier.”

“Well…” Dumbledore rolled over and pulled himself back to his feet via a nearby cabinet. Lupin took a moment longer and when Dumbledore got out his wand he frantically waved him off.

"Afraid I wasn’t very chatty with the girls in my compartment."

“Girls, you say? Can you describe them?”

“Let’s see, there was one with fiery golden hair. Blond with red highlights but unlike anything I’ve ever seen. And two that kind of reminded me of Lilly Evens at that age.”

“One of them has a lightening shaped scar? On her forehead?”

“Now that you mention it, yes, she did.”

“Aurora Summers, and Aerie Potter. The third might have been Miss Tsuki as they seem to be cousins.”

“Ah, I remember Lily mentioning something about… hang on, Aerie Potter?”

“I blame Hagrid. Turns out Harry was a girl.”

“Ah… yes, I remember now.” He gave his head a shake as though trying to dislodge wax in his ear. “It was Aerie. And Hagrid went and told everyone at the Leaky Cauldron they had a boy, and then you went and told the whole world that Harry Potter had his name in the book of admittance. And then the rumor started. Everyone got it into their heads that the Potters had the boy that would end the Dark Lord. That’s why they had to go into hiding. For the love of god, no one gets their name in the book at that age.”

“I’m sorry. I jumped the gun and should have kept my mouth shut.” Dumbledore went around his desk and sat down. As for that necklace, I’m guessing that Miss Tsuki had something to do with it. Why don’t you head up to the Ravenclaw tower and ask her to remove it.”

“I will at that.”

“Sir, can I help you?” Hoshiko had on a quilted robe that was predominantly red with floral patterns.

“By any chance did you put this thing on me?” He pointed at the offending necklace.

“Yes sir.”

“Care to remove it?”

“That depends. Can you honestly tell me that you are not a werewolf?”

His mouth opened, but then shut.

“It stays on.”

“I see. What exactly does it do?”

“It should, if it works as advertised, allow you to keep your head and behave like a civilized creature when you transform. It might even ease the transformation. The downside is that I sort of have you on a leash. In short, you get to be my new pet.”


“Her last pet was a Night Mare,” Offered an older girl standing nearby. “Before that, she had a fox who turned out to be an undercover Auror.”

“The Night Mare was on lone.
“Sir, Aerie had forewarned me that you might show up, my father supplied it, it’s harmless for the most part, don’t try to take it off, and I’ll be able to rest easy knowing you have it on.”

“Aerie… as in Aerie Potter?”

“Yes sir.”

“She knew? I suppose she found out. Surprised she remembered.”

“It’s a Japanese enchanted item specifically for keeping temperamental Yōkai manageable.”

“And my condition doesn’t bother you all that much?”

“Not really. Not when I know it can be managed. Japanese wizards are well-versed in managing such conditions. Well, let’s face it, last year’s DADA teacher had been possessed by a leach wraith.”

“What about this year’s teacher, the man I’m filling in for?”

“Complete and utter nincompoop,” Offered the older girl.

“He got found out, tried to wipe everyone's memory…”

“Ah, so that was it. I heard rumors. And this necklace is supposed to help with my condition.”

“I’m technically a Moon Princess. I didn't want to take chances.”

“I see.”

“And Mom’s Nightmare Moon.”

“Dear God.” Lupin’s expression had gone from annoyance to dread.

“Good night Professor, and be sure and dress smart.” Hoshiko closed the door and turned around.

“Is he really,” Asked a nearby girl. “And you…”

“I have him on a leash, so to speak. I can’t outright control his actions, but I can curb his excesses.”

The next morning Lupin showed up to breakfast in a suit of all things. Grey pinstripes, pressed slacks, waistcoat, jacket with a white handkerchief, and tie. His hair was perfect. And it was anyone’s guess where the snappy outfit had come from.

Aerie arrived at her first DADA class ahead of their new professor and found the place had been cleaned of all traces of Lockhart.

“Good morning class,” Lupin called as he entered. “I do hope everyone managed to get out and get the appropriate book for this year. And as much as I hate to do this, we need to start at page one. We are going to do our best to plow through a year’s worth of material in the months we have remaining.”

Aerie had to admit that Lupin’s class had been both enjoyable and informative. Which set it worlds apart from Potions

Of the people who knew, no one was surprised when Professor Snape had them all brewing a deadly poison with a Wolfsbane base.

Most of the people in Ravenclaw knew what was going on and even Professor Flitwick asked Hoshiko about the necklace.

“I can’t make him do anything he doesn’t want to do,” Hoshiko informed him. “But, well… you’ve seen that suit. I told him to dress smart. I didn’t tell him what that meant which indicates that the outfit he has on is what he wanted to wear.”

“I’d like to meet his tailor,” Flitwick replied with a grin. “Anyway, Professor Snape is providing him with a potion that’s supposed to ease his condition. Given you’ve no bodyguard, I’m going to assume your parents figured that little necklace would be enough. Right off hand, between you and Professor Snape, I’d say we’ve nothing to worry about.”

“Worse case, Aerie still has her Night Mare. Just in case.”

Aerie headed for DADA anticipating another interesting class only to find that he hadn’t arrived yet. When the whole class had sat down and still no Lupin Aerie began to worry.

“Good afternoon, sorry I’m late,” Lupin offered as he entered. The man was looking good and Aerie couldn't help but wonder if Hoshiko had created a monster. Good looking, debonair, and dangerous. Just the way Aerie liked her stallions.

“I’ve got a little exercise lined up for you,” Lupin continued. “Put your books in your bags, leave them on your desk, and bring only your wands. Come along, time’s a wasting.”

He waited only a moment or two as people got up from their desks and followed him out the door. Along the way, they encountered Peeves jamming a wad of chewing gum into a keyhole, and when Peeves saw Lupin he began chanting, “Loony, loopy Lupin…” He’d barely started into the second round when Lupin pulled out his wand and without saying a word the wad of gum shot out of the keyhole and right up Peeve’s right nostril. Peves reeled back, turned a somersault backward, and then sped away.

“That’s Waddiwasi. I’ll teach it to you later.”

“But… you didn’t say the word?” Hermione asked in dismay.

“Not necessary. So long as you can form the pattern in your head and have clear intent it’s not necessary to say anything out loud. Useful if you ever find yourself in a real fight. No point in broadcasting your intent when there’s a possibility that your opponent might be able to counter your spell.”

“Cool… sir.” Dean Thomas said, his newfound admiration showing.

“Thank you, Dean. And as that wasn’t the practical exercise I had in mind, let us continue... Attack your prey swiftly and disappear like the wind.”*L3

They stopped at the entrance to the room with a sign that read Staff only. “Inside, please…”

The room was a large conference room with plenty of open space, its central feature was a table at which sat Professor Snape.

“Leave the door open,” Snape instructed as he got up. “I’d just assume not witness the carnage.”

“Oh, I've no doubt that you’d just assume not see how they conquer their greatest fears. You might be one of them.” Lupin quipped as Snape made his way past the class. Snape stopped for a moment, and for a moment looked like he was going to say something, cracked a smile, and left. His last words were, “I’d advise you not to trust Neville Longbottom, not unless Miss Granger is hissing instructions in his ear.”

“In that case, Neville, what say we have you go first.”

“First?” All color had drained from Neville’s face.

“Indeed, why not? Gather round and cast thy gaze upon yon wardrobe for inside is the thing you fear most. A Boggart to be exact.” The wardrobe had begun to wobble and bang as if something wanted out. “Now to be true it can’t do anything to you beyond give you a good scare.”

“It’s doing a might fine job of it now,” Seamus Finnigan stated apprehensively.

“Put your fears out of your mind. As I said, it can’t do anything. Boggarts are a type of shapeshifter. They like dark enclosed spaces, cupboards, under beds, I even encountered one inside a grandfather clock who was quite adept at making unwary people think they were late to something simply by masquerading as the face of the clock.”

“That’s downright devilish,” Alice commented dryly.

“Indeed, indeed. Now, what is it that frightens you the most?”

“But why hasn’t it done anything beyond rattle the wardrobe?” Hermione asked.

“Why indeed? The reason is because it doesn’t know how to frighten us yet. The Boggart is sitting in the darkness pondering what to do. It would prefer one person approach it, which is what we are going to do. Neville, tell us what you fear the most. Come on, don’t be shy. I won’t promise not to laugh though.”

“What?” Hermione asked indignantly on Neville’s behalf.

“My dear Miss Granger, laughter is how we defeat a Boggart.”


“The Boggart does not yet know what will frighten us so it sits in the dark waiting. We have a huge advantage before we begin, and that is, Miss Potter?”

Hermione dropped into old habits and started bobbing up and down her hand straight up. Granted the man had just told them. “Because there are so many of us," Aerie replied. "We’d be able to force it to transform multiple times in a short time and wear it down.”

“Spot on. Even if one person can’t manage it, another can step up. Now the charm is simple, point your wand at it and recite the command word, riddikulus. Everyone now, without your wand.” He had the class repeat the word and then turned to Neville.

“Very good, now, Neville, what would you say is the thing that frightens you the most?” Neville’s answer was inaudible. “Sorry, I didn't catch that.”

Neville blushed. “Professor Snape.”

“Perfect.” Nearly everyone laughed. “Now, Neville, I believe you live with your grandmother, am I right?”

“Yes sir. But I don’t want the boggart to turn into her.”

“Fair enough, but what sort of clothes does she wear?”

“Clothes?” Neville was a bit confused. “An old hat with flowers and a tufted vulture on it, a long green dress, most times it’s green with lots of frills. And sometimes a fox scarf.”

“And a handbag?”

“Yes sir. A big red one.”

“Now, imagine Professor Snape in that outfit.”

“What? Snape?”

“Professor Snape in your grandmother’s outfit.”

“That… he’ll kill me.”

“All the more reason to do it.”

Neville’s face broke into a smile.

“When the boggart comes out it’ll turn into Professor Snape, cast Riddikulus and concentrate on Snape in your grandmother’s clothes. Professor Boggart Snape will be forced into that outfit and we’ll all get a good laugh.

“Now, when Neville successfully casts the spell the Boggart will try someone else. Think of the thing that you are afraid of and think of a way to make it silly.”

The room grew silent, the smiles dimmed as everyone thought of the thing they feared the most.

“Everyone ready?” Lupin asked to see grim determination and quiet nods. “Neville?”

“I’m ready.”

“We are going to back away, and you take a step forward on the count of three. We’ll each take turns… ready, on the count…” Everyone except Neville took a couple of steps back. “One… two… three.” A jet of sparks lept from Lupin’s wand to hit the knob on the wardrobe. Neville stepped forward and Snape burst out. For a moment the thought that it was all an elaborate prank went through the minds of many, but Neville understood that this was serious.

“Reddikulus!” Neville shouted. His tone had seemed unsure at first, but then it was as though he’d managed to pull something up from depths he didn’t know he had. That and he knew full well that this wasn’t Snape. Snape would have yelled at him by now.

The spell sounded with a crack, Snape stumbled, and suddenly he was wearing Gran’s clothes complete with a moth-eaten old vulture.

A roar of laughter emanated from behind him.

“Miss Parvati, Forward!” Lupin ordered.

Parvati walked forward, her jaw set, Snape rounded on her, and with a crack, Snape was now a blood-stained mummy. Its sightless eyes turned to her and began to walk towards her, arms raising up to reach out to her.

“Reddikulus!” Parvati cried out. Suddenly the bandaging began to unravel at its feet, its feet became entangled, and fell forward right on its face.


Seamus moved in past Parvati, and the boggart transformed into a woman with floor-length black hair and a skeletal green-tinged face. A banshee. She opened her mouth and began screeching.

Aerie had to admit that she’d heard worse. Aunt Petunia to be exact.

“Reddikulus!” Seamus shouted and suddenly the banshee was clutching at her throat and quite hoarse. A rat that chased its tail came next, a rattlesnake with a castanet was next, followed by a bloody eyeball with an oversized eye dropper.

“It’s confused!” Lupin shouted with a tone of excitement.

For Sean, it became a hand that got caught in a mouse trap, and then for Ron, a giant spider.

Aerie was worried for a moment but then the spider’s legs vanished and it flopped onto the ground and slowly deflated like air being let out of a balloon.

Hermione stepped forward only to be confronted by a shower of failed assignments and quickly retreated.

“Osuwari!” Aerie shouted as Lupin rushed forward past her. The result wasn’t like he’d tripped, it was like he’d been pulled down by an irresistible force. Aerie would not be cheated out of her turn and walked forward.

“Miss Potter… no…” Lupin pleaded even as the creature began to change. And then the oddest thing happened. It began switching back and forth so fast it had morphed into a blur that looked like static. Now and then it’d begin to take form, abandon that the mist would shift about reminding her of the Doctor Who intro, try something else, and then go back to being… nothing.

“Aerie, what are you afraid of?” Professor Lupin asked softly.

“I’ll have to admit I wasn’t expecting this, but… the thing is, I’m afraid of the space between a teleport. That space between here and there.”

“But… there’s nothing… are you saying that you are literally afraid of nothing?”

“Of being trapped in nothingness.

“I think that we just might be seeing it’s true… Oh god?!”

The boggart was now a blank page. The page was just hanging there, taunting her.

“A blank page? A blank page… Okie dokie lokie!”

Aerie hadn’t spoken the spell out loud when she pointed her wand at it, but then again when one needs some silliness on a blank page there was only one thing to do.

A little drawing of a Pinkie Pie appeared on the page, and a caption sprang up above her in bold letters, “Come on every pony, I want to see you smile!

To everyone's astonishment, the image came to life, produced a rather dubious-looking cannon, and then the next thing they knew the place was filled with confetti; the boggart now gone.

“What?” Aerie asked as the bits of colorful paper slowly settled and landed on whatever it happened to land on.

Aurora was the first to bust up laughing.

Lupin had Aerie hang back when it was time to dismiss the class.

“You weren’t going to let me have a crack at it,” Aerie protested moments after the last student shut the door.

“Alright, fine. I was afraid the boggart would turn into the dark lord.”

“Now why would it do that?”

“Um… because he killed your family.”

“Oh... Sir, I’m not afraid of him. I’m more afraid of Aunt Petunia than I am of him. Heck, we put him on ice last year.”

“You what?”

“The leach wraith.”

“The leach wraith?”

“That’s what he’d become when his spell backfired. He’s in a device known as a ghost trap and not likely to get out any time soon.”

“I… I didn’t know. Professor Dumbledore only told me it had been a wraith that had latched onto Quirrel.”

“Letting the truth out could cause complications. I’d imagine. But you didn’t ask me to linger to hear about that. You taking points?”

“Make it five points. I did step on your toes. Just… have a little more trust in your teachers. What was that anyway?”

“Osu… I will spare you the whole thing. Japanese for sit down. It’s the command trigger for the necklace. Sorry.”

“Just how many people are going to be able to do that?” There was a note of alarm to his tone.

“Just certain close cousins. Hoshiko and myself.”


“Lieutenant Mustang, Miss Kitsu, and Nova Silverwood.”

“Nova… Silverwood.”

“If you ever find yourself in need, seek her out.”

“The last time I saw her she wasn’t too terribly happy about my being anywhere near Lily. I was forced to keep in touch from a distance. For the most part. Sorry about everything. Someone said something they had no business saying, and then the rumors… anyway, once they were forced into hiding I was helpless to do much of anything.”

“She wanted me to tell you that she has been working on a better solution for your condition.”

“That would indeed be welcome news.”

“Perhaps I should get going now?”

“One thing more. The boggart?”

“I think it fixated on trying to visualize nothing. It’s entirely possible we were seeing its true form. It’s what the non-magical community would call an entity. People in the non magical community come up with some interesting theories. A creature of energy and thought with no corporeal form.”

“You didn’t say the word when you cast your spell, you said ‘Okie dokie…’”

“I had the spell formed in my head. ‘Okie dokie lokie’ is something a silly little Akkadian named Pinkie Pie is apt to say. She’s a party planner. Does kids' parties mostly. The moment the boggart settled on a blank piece of paper I visualized her pony form on the paper. The boggart undoubtedly accessed my memory of that specific individual and the flood of illogic was more than it could take.”

Author's Note:

*L3: Lupin the Third quote.

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