• Published 29th Jul 2022
  • 1,365 Views, 672 Comments

Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 95: Professor Lockhart has a bad day.

Dueling class, or club as Professor Lockhart put it, started at eight in the morning on Saturday, and Aerie wouldn’t have missed it for the world. She’d also decided to ditch her brace for the event. Everything was set up in the great hall, the long dining tables gone, replaced by a golden stage along one wall. Granted they could have used the stage the head table was on, but then again, maybe there was some rule about students needing to stay off. That or it was just Lockhart who just wanted something a bit more flamboyant. Evidence of the latter was the presence of numerous old candlelit spotlights trained on the stage. Up in the ceiling could be spotted the presence of three phoenixes flitting about in play.

A good number of students were now packed into the hall in eager anticipation, and Hermione pondered who all would be facilitating as they made their way into the boisterous crowd. “Someone told me that Professor Flitwick had been a dueling champion,” Hermione added as she prattled on.

“Pretty sure Professor Lockhart will be front and center,” Aerie offered.

“What makes you think that?”

“Stands to reason. Just look at that stage,” Aurora stated. Gilderoy Lockhart took that moment to stride out onto the stage as if on queue, arms stretched wide, and wearing the most gaudy baby blue robes Aerie had ever seen.

“Welcome, welcome. If we can have some silence, please. All eyes, on me, as they should be.” He waited a moment. “Ah, good. Gather round, gather round. Can everyone see me? Can you hear me? Excellent!

“Now… Professor Dumbledore has granted yours truly, me, permission to start this little dueling club. To train all of you in the fine arts of self-defense just in case you should ever need to defend yourselves. As I, Gilderoy Lockhart, have done on many occasions. For further details see my published works… which you all enthusiastically purchased before coming to school this year.”

“Can’t say I was all that enthusiastic,” Ron muttered.

Lockhart plowed right ahead oblivious to Ron’s comment. “Allow me to introduce my illustrious assistant, Professor Snape.” Lockhart flashed his signature smile as Professor Snape stepped up onto the stage. Snape was his usual dour self, his black robes a stark contrast to Professor Lockhart.

“Wouldn't it be grand if they finished each other off,” Ron whispered to Neville as Lockhart continued his bombastic rhetoric.

“Not good,” Aerie whispered as Lockhart and Snape squared off. “I think Snape may actually be smiling.”

“Expelliarmus!” Snape shouted, a dazzling stream of scarlet light shot out of his wand causing Lockhart to go sailing back while his wand flew up and struck the wall before dropping to the ground.

The Slytherins and quite a few others cheered as Lockhart slid along the stage on his back, off the end, and into the arms of a group of older girls who’d somehow anticipated what would happen. Yes, they’d figured out at least part of the deception, but the man’s charisma still had a grip on them.

“Ah, well… ladies, please…” Lockhart said as he gained his feet. His freedom would come a moment later. He climbed back onto the stage. “Well.. there you have it.” He took a moment to dust himself off. “That was the disarming spell used by most wizards, and I am now without my wand. What you all witnessed is called the knock-back. The more power you put into the charm, the more force will hit your opponent. I’d also like to caution you to take it easy. Here, because we don’t want anyone to get hurt, and in real life, it can use up your manna if you’ve got a lot of opponents facing you. Magic is a finite resource. Ah, my wand. Thank you, Miss Brown.”

“Ha, seems he knows more than I thought,” Aerie whispered to her friends.

“Professor Snape, an excellent idea to show them that. Of course, it was obvious what you were about to do. Students, in a face-off, whether or not you win often depends on who is faster. If I had wanted to stop Professor Snape it would have only been too easy.” The look on Snape’s face suggested that he was not too impressed. “Enough demonstrating. It’s time we pair off and practice what I hope you’ve all learned.

The two professors moved through the crowd paring people up, Neville was pared up with Justin, Hermione with Miss Bulstrode, Aurora with Blaise Zabini, Ron with Goyle, and Aerie was pared up with Vincent Crabbe. Crabbe and Goyle had improved considerably in Draco’s absence, which spoke volumes about the dynamic between the boys. Crabbe and Goyle had been held back by Draco who had no motivation to apply himself.

“Face your partners,” Lockhart called out.

Aerie stepped up to Crabbe, “You ready to have some fun?”


“Let’s see what you’ve got. We both know that I can take it, and I promise to go easy on you.”

“Easy? Well, don’t count on me to go easy on you.”

“That’s the spirit,” Aerie said cheerfully, turned, and walked a few paces back to give the two room to swing their wands.

The command Expelliarmus came out of more than a few people, and quite a few had intentionally pared off with people they wanted to have a go at. Indeed, Blaise Zabini had wanted to have a go at Aurora and hit her with a hex that did absolutely nothing beyond a little light show to be the first person needing to be hauled off to the infirmary. Aurora had followed directions, and yet the boy had been propelled down the length of the room and didn’t stop until he’d run out of the room.

“Aurora, did you forget to hold back?” Aerie shouted.

“But I did?” Aurora called back with just a bit of confusion in her tone.

“Well, hold back more.”

Aerie stumbled as a fairly decent jinx hit her. “I wasn’t ready yet,” She called as she turned back to Crabbe. Her wand moved with a flash. “Rictusempra!”

A beam of silver light flashed out and hit Crabbe right in the midsection forcing him back a few steps and causing him to double over. Lockhart could be heard shouting, “I said disarm only!”

“You alright?” Aerie had hit him with a tickle charm and he was resisting it fairly well. “Come on, we’ve both read the same book. “Dispel it, there you go.”

“Not bad,” Snape offered from nearby.

“Tarantallegera!” Crabbe shouted. He’d put quite a bit into it too, the spell momentarily lifting her off her feet followed by her legs jerking around out of control. It was all she could do not to let go of her wand when her legs went into the Windmill.

“Stop! Stop!” Lockhart shouted.

“Finite Incantatem!” Snape shouted as he rescued Aerie from her break-dancing.

“Well, that was fun,” Aerie said with a big grin on her face. Her legs were splayed out and her hand supported her torso. Hermione and Ron were now in a knockdown drag-out fight and had to be physically separated from their partners.

“Are you even taking this seriously?” Crabbe asked as Snape and Lockhart broke up fights.

“I will admit to not taking this too seriously considering how many people chose to abandon their wands to fight hand to hand. In that sir, you have done yourself and your house honor.”

“Um… Ya, thanks, I guess,” he offered as Aerie got to her feet.

“My, my, my,” Lockhart said to get everyone’s attention. “Everyone, eyes on me… yes, well, It does look like perhaps it’d be a good idea that I teach you how to block incoming unfriendly spells. Let’s see, Finch-Fletchley and Ronald Weasley.”

“A bad idea, Professor,” Snape objected. “Weasley’s wand causes devastation with the simplest spells.” Ron had been trying to use his wand instead of the loaner he’d been given. “How about Crabbe and Potter? Far less chance of disaster.”

Excellent Idea!” Lockhart declared enthusiastically. Aerie and Crabbe were directed into the middle of the hall. Everyone else stepped back to give them room.

“Now, Aerrie, Lockhart began. “When Crabbe points his wand you do this…” He attempted a complicated wiggle and tossed his wand in the effort. “Whoops. My wand is a little over-excited.”

“Mmmm kay…” Aerie said softly. She gave Crabbe and Professor Snape a smile figuring she knew full well what they were up to.

“Not scared are you?” Kester Harper taunted from the sidelines.

“Shut up, Harper,” Isolde said from across the way.

“Just do what I did,” Lockhart said with his arm uncomfortably draped around her shoulder.

“Right, got it. Wiggle and toss.”

Lockhart wasn’t listening but the grin on Crabbe’s face suggested he’d heard as Lockhart left Aerie to strut about.

“Ready?” Lockhart called. “Three, two, one, go!”

Crabbe raised his wand and shouted “Serpensortia!” And then laughed as Aerie wiggled her wand and tossed it to Aurora.

“Oh, right, snake…” Aerie said softly.

If there was one thing little filly Nova loved to do it was catch snakes and make them regret their life choices.

“Aerie? What are you doing?” Aurora called as Aerie began to squat down, her butt began to wiggle. “Aerie! No! Don’t…”

“I’ll get that…” Lockhart announced. Suddenly the snake was airborne followed by Filly Aerie who'd transformed into a pony and snatched it out of the air right behind the head of the snake which she happily began to whip about as she flew around.

“Aerie! Stop that! Drop it this instant! You are supposed to be grounded. Quit horsing around, and get rid of that thing and land this instant!” Aurora ordered. Aerie wheeled about, looked at Aurora, tossed the snake, dropped down, and transformed back into human form.

“Sorry, I couldn't-”

Get it off! Get it off!” Lockhart yelled and began running around in circles the snake now draped over his shoulders hissing and threatening.

“Crabbe, does your snake bite?” Aerie asked.

“Nah, he don’t bite.”

“Yes, he do, yes he do!” Lockhart shouted frantically.

“Hold still!” Snape called. He sounded like he was more annoyed than usual. He raised his wand and just watched the man in his panic. A curious smile crossed his face and he just stood there watching. This resulted in several of the older girls stepping up and hitting Lockhart with a spell-countering charm.

Lockhart stopped dead in his tracks. They were sure it was Lockhart. It’s just that Lockhart just didn’t look like Lockhart anymore. His hair was short and unkempt, he had a big nose with a pimple, and his face was pockmarked with acne scarring. His wizard robe was not only unkempt, it was threadbare and had way too many pockets sewn in. He’d even had a pocket protector in one and his physic had gone from fit man about town to skinny nerd type.

“What’s everyone looking at? Is it gone?” The snake wasn’t the only thing that was gone. Lockhart’s bombastic bravado was gone from his voice and he now talked with a rather annoying nasally drone.

“Aye, along with the glimmer you were using,” Aerie said more than loud enough to be heard by all in the now deathly silent hall. The word Glimmer began to be repeated throughout the hall.

“It seems the girls have unwittingly canceled the charms you put on yourself,” Snape drolled.

He looked himself over. “Ah, yes… I see. Well…” Having tossed his wand yet again. “I suppose you all want an explanation…” He spotted Ron with his wand still at the ready, briskly walked over to him, and snatched up the wand.


“Well, you see it’s like this…” Lockhart continued as he centered himself in the open space between the two combatants. He held the wand up and then he shouted, “Obliviate!”

The wand blew up in a blinding flash, the tip sailing heavenward, the magic backfiring right back onto Lockhart whose expression went blank and dropped to the floor. The room was now deathly silent.

“What just happened?” Hoshiko asked as she stepped up to Aerie.

“I think he just tried to erase everyone's memory. With a broken wand.”

And the most unlikely of sounds filled the room. Aerie, and everyone else looked in the direction of the sound to discover that Snape was laughing. He was trying to hold it in, but he wasn’t doing a very good job at it. Others started to giggle and laugh, including Aerie.

“Someone… someone, go get a… get a stretcher,” Snape managed between fits of mirth.

“Ah… everyone seems to be having a good time… good, good,” Dumbledore said as he entered the hall. “So, what’s so funny?”

“Lockhart obliviated himself.”

“Ah… Oh dear...”

What Lockhart had done to himself proved irreversible and it wasn’t even Christmas yet.

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