• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 54: Hoshiko's first morning at Hogwarts

“She’s in the book alright,” Dumbledore said to Professor McGonagall. The two had decided to go on up to have a look just to see if it wasn’t just some subterfuge.

“By way of transfer as in the letter. I must say that the handwriting is elegant.”

“That would be Celestia’s handwriting.”


“Celestia Solaris. Her calligraphy shows up from time to time. It’s not often that she selects a student these days. Not since that school in the Caribbean started poaching students. There were actually five founders you know, but Celestia had left before Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin made the decision to split the houses. Her handwriting shows up whenever there is an especially talented young prospect available. See this bold decisive script here, that’s Godric’s. Now this script that is near technical perfection is Rowena’s. I must say that I find it to be rather stern.”

“And this tight stingy script… Slytherin?”

“Indeed, and Helga Hufflepuff’s handwriting just seems to dance on the page. I suspect that to make the magic work each had to give a little of themselves into the spell.”

“I’m guessing that Salazar Slytherin wasn’t very generous. Why is it that we don’t teach about Celestia?”

“Not much point in it. After all, she never founded a house to be remembered by now did she.”

Aerie met Hoshiko at breakfast the next morning with a brocade bag on a string.

“Here, put this around your neck and give it a squeeze anytime you are in close proximity to Professor Quirrel.”

“Herb packet? Thank you. I was wondering how I’d get one.”

“Everyone in Ravenclaw started using one when we heard about yours,” Padma offered.

Aerie looked down to see Kitsu the fox with a paw on her leg. “Oh, right, you’re going to need one too.”

“We thought it best if she avoided the DADA teacher,” Padma offered even as Aerie fished another satchel from her school bag.

“She’s here to keep Hoshiko safe,” Aerie countered as she leaned down and tied the satchel to the collar that Kitsu was wearing. “She knows to avoid any confrontations, and she can’t protect Hoshiko if she’s not with her.”

“Oh, alright. One other thing I wanted to ask, our dorm has a balcony outside an old observation deck that’s been taken over by the local pegasi. One of the mares blocked me from going out onto the balcony last night. Any idea why?”

“Did you have Kitsu with you?”


“There’s your answer. That and don’t assume that any part of this castle is safe. Anyway, Mrs Silverwood likely gave the locals a heads-up not to let you go out onto that balcony without your bodyguard.”

“Nani? I mean… is it really that dangerous?”

“Well… maybe. The thing is, Hagrid has a penchant for dangerous creatures. The school is safe enough for the most part. Just don’t take unnecessary risks. At the very least you’d want to check out that balcony in the daylight prior to venturing out there at night.”

“Have you been up there?”

“Haven't been invited. That and Dumbledore tracks our movements.”

“You’re not serious?”

“Wouldn't surprise me,” Padma offered. “He obviously tracked Aerie when her uncle threw a wobbly.”

“If he can track me all the way out to a little cabin out on an island in the ocean, tracking the students here on Hogwarts grounds would be simple enough. Oh, I’ve no doubt he’ll let things slide if he doesn’t see any danger. Fred and George Weasley are proof enough of that. Just, don’t take any unnecessary chances.”

Any second thoughts about going to Hogwarts would have hit Hoshiko right about the same time as the stench from the DADA class hit her. Hoshiko was accustomed to a clean home and clean schools. The stench literally stopped her in her tracks. Down below her Kitsu let out a whimper. The form of a fox had made her olfactory senses that much keener, and neither girl had ever experienced something so horrid. Death waited in that tomb. Kitsu braced herself, gave the bag a squeeze, and stopped as the air around her cleared. Kitsu looked up at her, sat, gave her bag a squeeze, and let out a sigh of relief. There was definitely more than just the power of a herbal remedy in those brocade bags. Hoshiko stepped forward and entered the classroom with Kitsu quick to follow.

Hoshiko was directed to an unused desk in the back, everyone sat down and waited. Hoshiko took in the place and remarked how it looked like someone’s twisted idea of what a chapel might look like. It even had a pulpit of sorts. A balcony from a doorway at the front with stairs that dropped down into the classroom. The various defense against the dark arts teaching aids around the edges of the class, the larger-than-life skeletal figure hanging from the ceiling that reminded her just a little too much of a rather odd-looking statue in Princess Celestia’s garden.

‘W-w-well, it does loo-look like everyone is here.” Quirrel said as he entered through the door. He paused for a moment, stepped forward, and looked out over the student body. Hoshiko couldn't help but remark on the large turban-like head wrap. Oh, Hoshiko had seen plenty of turbans, but none quite like the purple monstrosity the professor had on. She imagined the Mauritanian turban came closest. Still, though, Quirrel’s turban looked more like a carefully crafted hat than a proper turban. Like something out of an old Arabian Nights movie.

“Yes… y-yes, everyone is here,” Quirrel said from his perch, and despite his meek demeanor, there was something dark and sinister about him. As for strength, he’d the look of a man whose strength had all but left him. His skin was dark about his eyes to including bags, and his cheeks sunken as he’d been on a prolonged fast. “An an and we’ve got a new student.”

He slowly moved away from the edge and descended the steps all while looking out over the class. His descent down the steps was slow.

“I, I think we, we will have a pop, pop, pop quiz.”

There was the inevitable groan at the idea of a pop quiz, but with a new student, it was logical. It might also give him some idea if she was a plant. Quirrel stopped at the base of the steps where a large screen stood that had been covered up with an old blanket.

“Pa-pa-pa, please get out pen and parchment,” He took hold of the blanket even as he continued to look out at the students, his gaze often landing on Hoshiko. He waited patiently, and when everyone was ready he pulled the blanket from an old slate board. The board was filled with questions written in chalk. “Answer the questions as best as you can… Wa-what are you waiting for, go on, begin.”

The questions were all fairly introductory questions such as what is a ghost, and are they dangerous, followed by questions on Imps, Common Garden Gnomes which Hoshiko understood to look a bit like a potato, how to treat a Werewolf bite, and what to do if you encounter a Zombi.

When she was done with the quiz she turned her paper over, put the stopper on her ink bottle, cleaned the nib of her pen, and waited. And no, she was not the first to finish. Considering she’d only received a one-week cram session to get her up to speed on western magic she was nearly the last to finish. Terry Boot, one of the boys, had been last. Quirrel slowly made his way back to her, picked up the parchment, and scanned through her answers.

“Resurrection spells are forbidden.” His tone was sharp. “Can you even do a resurrection spell?”

“Well, no sir,” Hoshiko replied sheepishly.

“You are correct in that destroying the head of a zombie stops it. A full body immobilizing spell is effective but temporary, although… can’t say it ever occurred to me to use a resurrection spell.”

“Japanese practices don’t really categorize the spell as dark magic and allow its use against zombies. It’s what we do with a spell that makes it dark magic. A proper resurrection spell effectively erases all traces of corruption followed by the victim either recovering or succumbing to their injuries depending on the condition of their body. I’d imagine that if used on someone with precious little of their body remaining the victim would likely just turn to dust.”

“Imaginative, I must say… Granted that the weak-minded fools at the ministry would undoubtedly see bringing someone back to life just so you can kill them to be the vilest of dark magics.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Five points for Ravenclaw.”

“Um, thank you, sir.”

Quirrel collected the papers, dismissed the class, went to the front desk, and sat down.


“No… I’m not dead,” rasped a disembodied voice.

“Master, you are nearly dead.”

“I’m getting better. Given my present condition, I might end up worse off than I am now if I were to try it. And yet…”

“We need the stone to restore your body.”

“Anyone besides me notices anything strange?” Mandy asked once they were well clear of the classroom.

“You mean like he let us go early and talks to himself?” Terry Boot asked.

“He forgot to sta-sta- stutter,” Anthony Goldstein supplied.

“You’re not suggesting he’s been faking it?” Michael Corner asked. “But why?”

“Why indeed?” Padma mused.

“So where to from here?” Hoshiko asked.

“What are you lot doing out of class?” demanded Mr Filch as he rounded on them appearing out of a secret passageway.

“Professor Quirrel dismissed us early. Is that a problem?” Hoshiko asked.

“Don’t get smart with me, Aerie Potter.”

“I’m not Aerie. No glasses, no scar.”

“Do you take me for a fool?” he growled.

“Pretty much, yes,” Kitsumi stated. She’d transferred herself into her human form complete with Gryffindor robes and glasses, and had even matched Aerie and Hoshiko's physical age.

“We are cousins,” Hoshiko informed the startled and very confused man.

“Your cat, sir,” Kitsumi said as she handed him Mrs Norris. She’d picked up the cat right after she’d transformed, so startled was he that he hadn’t noticed.

Mrs Norris was unusually quiet.

“Come on, let’s go, I’m hungry.”

“Aerie?” Padma asked as they began walking past and away from Filch.

“Five points from Gryffindor,” Filch spat out.

“Ya, ya, whatever,” Kitsumi muttered sounding very much like the petulant teenager.

“Aerie?” Padma pressed.

“By the way, where’s your little fox?” Mandy asked.

“Kitsu?!” Padma exclaimed on the realization that it wasn’t Aerie who was being snippy.

Hoshiko stepped up to be right next to Kitsu and whispered in a rather hoarse tone, “Kitsu, what are you doing?”

“Going to lunch.”


“Well, that…” Kitsumi stopped short. “To sit there, in the presence of that abomination…”

“Aerie warned us,” Hoshiko whispered. “Curious he didn’t remark on your presence.”

“Chameleon spell. Just to be safe.”

“So… you planning on going to lunch as Aerie?”

“Be nice to be able to eat like a civilized being. That and people keep feeding me meat when what I really want is veggies. If we get in and out before Aerie shows up no pony, er, person will notice.”

“Oy vay,” Padma muttered in dismay.

“That’s the fox, isn’t it?” Sue Li whispered. She’d also turned white as a ghost, or nearly as white.

“Miss Li… I’m actually a pony.”

“A pony? But?”

“Spell gone awry that makes it possible for me to take on the form of a Celestial fox. Relax. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here to keep Miss Tsuki safe. Now, can we go to lunch?”

“Come on Sue Li,” Padma prompted. A moment later the group was on their way again.

When they arrived at the great hall they found that the place already had a fair number of people gathering about. They sat down and food appeared on the table moments later.

Of course, Kisumi had to be careful not to give herself away. But when two identical black cats began pawing at her urgently she knew it was time to go. Kitsumi got up, saw a group of Gryffindors coming in the main doors, and made a beeline for a back door. She transformed before she’d even bothered to check for a way out of the small room.


But not for long. Kitsu on hearing the door begin to open dashed behind the door waited for the curious person to poke their head and dashed out.

“McGonagall nearly got you,” Hoshiko whispered to the fox now on her lap. “You want your carrots?” She was answered with a plaintive mew from Kitsu who stuck her nose up to sniff.

“Hi Hoshiko, how was your first class?” Aerie asked as she approached.

“The herb satchel you gave me was a lifesaver. I don’t know how anyone can endure it?”

“Aren’t you going to finish your lunch?” asked one of the older girls at the table.

“Ah… Actually, I need to get back over to the Gryffindor Table. Oliver Wood will have a fit if he hears I was even over here.”

“Yes, understood. Our own quidditch captain can be pretty paranoid too.”

Aerie leaned close to Hoshiko and whispered, “If Kitsu needs a break have her see Lieutenant Mouse at the top of Gryffindor Tower. The ponies know which one.”

“Yes, thank you,” Hoshiko replied.

“OK, I need to get going. And don’t hesitate to ask for me if you need anything.”

“Yes, I’ll do that,” Hoshiko replied even as Aerie was turning away.

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