• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 58: Hagrid's egg

Aerie, Katie, and Alicia walked back to the locker rooms at a much more sedate pace than the boys had. Aerie changed back into her school robes and made her way in the direction of Hagrid’s hut. She knew the general layout of the grounds and rather than walk the long way around as required by the landscape of the area, she chose to do the same thing Hoshiko had done. Not like there were many people still about to see her transform, and one more pegasus flying around wasn’t likely to be noticed. A moment later she was high up in the sky bristling at the feel of the cool wind. It was invigorating, even more so than flying on a broom. The sun was warm, but the breeze was still on the cool side.

A parliament of owls joined her as she circled the Owlery, and they were joined a moment later by Kitsu and Hoshiko. The trio glided out beyond the Owlery tower, over a ravine that issued forth from the Forbidden Forest, and onto the Henge, a relatively small stone circle that marked a divergence of paths. One going to Hagrid’s hut and the other to a footbridge that crossed over to the Owlery. Up ahead they could see Ron, Hermione, and Neville approaching the cottage. Directly below them, they spotted Draco Malfoy. Malfoy was hiding behind one of the standing stones prompting Aerie to circle down and land in the center of the stones where she quickly transformed back into her human self.

Draco spun around. “What are you doing here?!”

“Mr Malfoy, curious, I was about to ask you the same,” Aerie offered.

“Well, it’s none of your business.”

“Isn’t it?” Hoshiko had landed on the other side of the stone Draco had been leaning against, also back in her human form. Draco spun, startled as he was he took a few steps and toppled over. “Didn’t you get detention?”

“None of your business,” Draco spat out.

“I suppose that normally would be true enough,” Offered the voice of Nova Silverwood. “Except, that you are in a stone circle on the border of my domains.” The stones began to glow with a pale blue light. “Did you know that these circles serve as Justice centers? Tell an untruth here and it’s a one-way trip to Tartarus.”

Panic filled Draco’s eyes as he scrambled to his feet. A moment later he was running as fast as he could for the safety of Hogwarts.

“Ah…” Aerie began as a teenage Kitsumi stepped out from behind a stone, and as she did the light faded.

“That was you?” Hoshiko asked.

“I’ve been around my new mom often enough that I can do a pretty good job mimicking her. After all, she’s an older version of ourselves.”

“True enough,” Aerie offered. She had a big grin on her face, and when she looked to check on Ron and the others, they had just arrived at Hagrid’s hut, unaware of what had just transpired. The three girls couldn't help but laugh, Kitsu turned herself back into a fox, and they made their way down the path to the hut. It only took a few minutes to get to the hut, which turned out to be as big as a grain bin. Aerie went up to an enormous door and rapped out the beat for ‘shave and a haircut’ with her knuckles and waited to the sound of barking. Someone peered out through the closed curtains.

They waited for what seemed the longest time for the door to crack open.

“Aerie?” Ron asked. “What was that? Some kind of secret knock?”

“Shave and a haircut,” Aerie offered. “The answer is two bits”.

“Well, how was I supposed to know that?”

“Are you going to let us in?”

“Who’s there?” Hagrid asked from inside.

“It’s Aerie.”

“Well let her in. Just be quick about it.”

When the door opened a wave of heat came billowing out even though the weather was plenty warm enough. Kitzu took that moment to fly up to the roof even as the head of a large dog came thrusting out.

“Fang! Fang, get back here!” Hagrid called, but Fang had had quite enough of being cooped up in a dark hot hut and squeezed his way past Aerie and Hoshiko. A moment later Kitsu had gotten it into her head to play the part of an angry squirrel and started barking at Fang who obligingly barked back.

“Kitsu?” Hoshiko called in dismay.

“Fang! Fang, get back here!” Hagrid bellowed.

“Oh, let them have their fun,” Aerie protested.

“Oh, I couldn't do that. If’n Fang gets a hold of that little critter he’ll eat it.”

“You hear that? The dog will eat you if he gets the chance.” Hoshiko called out. Kitsu gave a foxy sort of laugh, spread her wings, and flew up into the air. A moment later she’d joined some owls out for a daylight stretch of their wings. The owls had seen her transform and understood that she must be a witch and therefore a friend. And friends aren’t food.

“Come on, she’ll be fine,” Hoshiko offered, braced herself, and entered the building. Aerie followed behind her followed by Hagrid who’d decided to give up on the dog.

“You, um, didn’t see anyone else out there, did ya,” Hagrid asked as he bolted the door.

“Just Draco. We chased him off,” Aerie informed him as she went to have a look at a cauldron hanging over a green fire. Hagrid had managed a decent enchanted fire. Within the cauldron was an egg. It was either impossibly large or impossibly small depending on one’s perspective. It came close to filling the pot, and yet… “To think that something so big could come of something so small.”

“Small, that thing is huge,” Ron said.

“Ron, dragon egg,” Hermione reminded him. “Just how big do you think it’ll get?”

“I’ve never seen one in person. Charli says they can get really big.”

“Gran would have a fit if she knew I was this close to one. Even still in the shell.”

“She’d have not to fear. They’re about as ‘elples as any other critter fresh hatched.”

Helpless indeed, Aerie thought to herself knowing full well that dragons were born with their teeth ready to chomp. And yet, she couldn't help but wonder what effect her magic would have on the dragon. She figured it’d be a bit like getting chomped on by a baby crocodile. She looked about to see if anyone was paying any attention. Hoshiko was watching, Hagrid was trying to get his guests to take some cake he made, and his guests were doing their best to politely turn him down. Aerie turned back to the egg and channeled pure manna through her hand into the shell.

“Um, Aerie?” Hoshiko had seen the glow and was understandably curious if not concerned.

“A simple spell called Mother’s Tuch,” Aerie whispered. “With enough magic, I could hatch her right now. It’s how Twilight got Spike.”

“Ah, I see.”

Aerie turned back to the group. Every last one of them was sweating from the heat. Save of course Aerie and Hoshiko who just seemed to have a much higher tolerance.

“Hagrid, any idea who it was that gave you the egg?” Aerie’s question had frozen Hagrid in his tracks. “And don’t feel too guilty. You told them about the dog I’m thinking, but then again, I suspect that Dumbledore wants You Know Who’s disciple to have a go at that little challenge he’s set up.”

Hagrid went to a large overstuffed chair and sat down heavily. He took a moment, let out a sigh, and asked, “Do you really think that’s what Dumbledore wants?”

“I’m guessing that Dumbledore could have kept quiet about the third-floor corridor. He could have told everyone that the corridor will be off limits for the foreseeable future, left it at that, and placed a charm on the door that only an advanced user of magic could have gotten through.”

“But he didn’t,” Hermione said triumphantly. “He all but taunted us, and in doing so, You Know Who’s agent.”

“And you’ve already been through that door.”

“What?!” Now Hagrid was alarmed.

“It was Filch,” Ron spat out. “All we were doing was trying to get back to the dorm. And now that I think of it, I’d bet he wanted us to end up there.”

“Well, don’t put too much into his actions,” Aerie offered with a smile. “He was probably hoping you’d get eaten.”

“Hold on, when exactly was this?” Hagrid asked.

“Out after curfew.”

“And they turned out the whole dorm too,” Neville informed Hagrid.

“Waiting for us. Like we were some kind of floor show,” Ron bemoaned.

Hagrid looked at him with a dumbfounded expression, brightened, and started to laugh. Hermione looked at him and for a moment she had a look of betrayal. Hagrid’s rich hearty laugh was too much for her, she cracked a smile and joined in. Ron joined in next followed by Neville, Hoshiko, and Aerie.

Aerie waited a bit after the laughter had died down to try pressing Hagrid. “Hagrid, any idea who it was you got that egg off of?”

“Well, it weren’t Professor Snape.” He gave Ron, Hermione, and Neville a pointed look. Aerie could guess what sort of conversation they’d been having prior to Hoshiko and herself arriving.

“Aerie, I doubt it will do any good to ask Hagrid,” Hoshiko admonished kindly. “They could have used a Confundus charm. I was reading about it. It confuses and misdirects the target.”

“I suppose you are right.” Aerie sounded disappointed. Deep down she’d know it was a possibility. Sure, it was probably Professor Quirrel but if there was someone else she’d kind of like to know.

“We were playing cards. And to be honest, he wore a hood. Kept his face covered the entire time.”

“Is that normal?” Hermione asked.

“If you are dealing in exotic banned goods, quite possibly,” Aerie offered.

“Well, no, I suppose not. Not for most places. The Hogs Head is a bit different. Ye get a lot O’ funny folk in the Hog’s Head. It’s, well, it’s not the sort of place any of you should be going. Well, save in an extreme emergency.”

“Why’s that?” Ron asked.

“Why that’s because Professor Dumbledore's brother Aberforth is the proprietor.”

“Dumbledore has a brother?”

“Ron, how is that a surprise to you?” Aerie asked in what sounded almost like she was teasing him.

“Not everyone has a family like the Weasleys,” Neville offered with a smile on his face.

“I just, I just never thought of Professor Dumbledore having a family.”

“Fair enough I suppose.” The room fell quiet for a brief moment. “Hagrid?”

“Yes, Aerie?”

“How difficult would you say it would be to get a dragon egg?”

“Not easy, I’ll tell you that.”

Aerie gave him a knowing look, rolled her eyes, and laughed.

“Obtaining that egg couldn't have been a spur-of-the-moment thing then,” Hermione said. She’d likely guessed that Hagrid had tried in the past as well.

“I already know that You Know who has an accomplish here in the school,” Aerie informed them. “And it’s fair to assume that Mr Riddle would want to stay nearby to keep an eye on him.”

“Aye, make sure he’s not double-crossed.” Hagrid’s dour mood seemed to have lifted a bit. “Played me like a fiddle, but as you say, if’n Dumbledore wants to draw em in, I guess… well, I’ve played my part. I just hope Fluffy doesn’t get hurt in the process.”

“I imagine that You Know Who reasoned that trying to blast his way through might be problematic, or he’d not have bothered with finding out the easy way to get past a Hell Hound.” Aerie gave him a reassuring smile.

“Sure would be something if we knew who his supplier was,” Ron admitted. He was also looking a little pale.

“Hagrid, you wouldn't happen to have some cold drinks?” Aerie asked.

“I, um, well, nothing appropriate for underage wizards.”

“Ron looks like the heat is getting to him.”

“Maybe we should get going,” Neville offered. “It is mighty hot in here.”

“Why aren’t you and Hoshiko bothered by the heat?” Hermione wanted to know as the two girls made their way toward Ron.

“Haven't been in here as long, I’d imagine,” Hoshiko offered. Ron proved a bit wobbly on his feet as they pulled him up.

“So, Aerie?” Hagrid pressed.

“You’ll just have to tell me about my mom and dads another time,” Aerie offered.

“Dads?” Hagrid looked honestly confused.

“Well…” Aerie wasn’t quite sure how to break it to him. “Haven’t you heard? Apparently, Mom and Professor Snape were quite the item prior to her up and marrying James Potter.”

Hagrid’s jaw dropped.

“You hadn’t heard I gather. According to Flint senior Snape is my father, Dumbledore didn’t dispute it.”

“Well then it was James who stepped up,” Hagrid said defensively.

“It’s all moot now,” Aerie replied as they walked Ron out the door. Neville and Hermione followed. They said their farewells and were grateful to be outside. Once Ron found his feet again Hoshiko made her apologies and rushed ahead. She vanished from sight as she went down the path and a moment later a pair of familiar fillies could be seen frolicking in the air.

“Hey, um… I’ll catch up with you, I need to run back really quick,” Aerie offered. “Will see you at the party.” Aerie dropped back and headed back to Hagrid’s hut. When she was sure they weren’t watching she transformed and zipped up into the air.

And that’s when she saw Professor Snape headed for the forbidden forest.

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