• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 76 The day after.

“Beautiful, isn’t it?” Zachery asked Aerie a little while after dinner. Aerie was sitting on a fallen log gazing out over the large lagoon the islands enjoyed, and at that moment the water was as smooth as glass. Night had fallen and it was nearly impossible to tell where the water ended and the sky began. Along the beach where space gently caressed the land a small flock of phoenixes flitted along the shoreline like living embers diving and swooping, wheeling, and turning. Now and then one would go after a crab that had dared the shoreline or some other hapless creature.

“Hi Harry – Zachery. Sorry.”

“Ah… You can call me Zap if you like. And you're not exactly the first to call me Harry.”

“Sorry about that.”

Look, it’s Harry Potter,” Zachery said sarcastically and mockingly. “And then someone would smack them on the back of the head and scold them. ‘Just because he’s got a scar on his forehead don’t make him Harry Potter’ and then they’d threaten to expel them if they went around spreading rumors.”

“I’m not Aerie Potter. Not really. I’m Princess Kitsumi Nova Moon, house of Athelas, and Arthol. Aerie Potter is just a role I’m playing. Your Aunt knows, just keep it quiet. And I know about your family. Probably a few things you don’t know. There was this person named Tom Riddle who went around preaching blood purity and oh how the old wizarding families ate it up.”

“That was Voldemort, I saw the papers.”

“Well, there was this clairvoyant who made a prediction in a pub, that’s British for cantina, and then Riddle and his followers went around killing the firstborn son of every family who’d dared to oppose his worldview. Your family was killed, and Mrs Silverwood spirited you out of England for your protection. You got that scar when they attacked your family.”

“But why me, why my family? Firstborn? Hang on, where have I heard that from?”

“Blazing saddles. Anyway, a man named Dumbledore had created a grand scheme to build himself up at the expense of others. His actions made your family a prime target.”

“Harry Potter, that was me, wasn’t it?”

“The name Harry Potter was added to the master book of enrollment at Hogwarts when you were just a baby. Something that should have been impossible. And Dumbledore made sure everyone knew about it. You see, the master enrollment book is a magical artifact. And it doesn’t normally allow anyone under the age of… what was it, six, five, to be entered into the book. The reason for this is that a baby still has their mother’s magic. Dumbledore tells everyone that the babe, Harry Potter, has so much magic that the book had allowed the name to be entered, and paints a target on Harry Potter’s back. And because I've assumed the role, that target is on my back now.”

“Which is why I can never go to England, isn’t it?”

“Right off hand, I’d say yes. Or at the very least, not so long as Professor Albus Dumbledore, Head Master of Hogwarts, Order of Merlin First class, Grand Sorcerer... trust me he’s no sorcerer, Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, I think he makes this stuff up, and Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot is alive. He’s obsessed with Harry Potter. Although… right now that obsession has been redirected at myself. If he were to find out that I have a brother…” Aerie couldn't help but do the quote thing with her fingers.

“He’d come after me. Kind of explains why all the locals are so protective of me.”

“Apple, Zap Apple,” Aerie stated as though she was saying Bond, James Bond. “Your mission is to stay undercover for as long as you can. Some day Harry Potter will come in out of the cold, and on that day he’s going to kick ass.”

“Damn straight!” Zachary stated. “So why do you say Dumbledore isn’t a sorcerer?”

“So far as I know, he can’t do any wandless magic. The Ministry of Magic in England even suppresses its use in the youth of the country.”

“The moratorium on underage magic,” Zachary stated. “Accidental magic brought about by not teaching little kids anything about magic.”

“Equestrians have a different attitude about magic, given they never had to hide it in their homeland. The fundamentals are taught when we are little. That way we will understand what’s happening when we have an outburst and be better equipped to deal with it.”

“Aunt Nova says the same thing. That we should know about magic at a young age. Wonder how I ended up with the name Zachary Apple though?”

“Zap Apples. You ever have any?”

“Oh, yes, there is a grove here on the island. They’ll zap you if they aren’t ready to be picked.”

Aerie reached over, poked his scar with a finger, and said, “Zap.”

He looked at her, reached over, and echoed her. A moment later the two bust up laughing, each withdrawing their finger.

“Funny, your mom looks so much like my mom,” he said a short time later.

“Might explain why Nova Silverwood was so interested in Lily Evens. That uncanny family resemblance. Just look at us. We do look like brother and sister.”

"You sure we aren't?"

Aerie had to think for a moment. "Considering what the Elements of Harmony did to me, afraid I can't rule out the possibility. Just... well, it's not like you don't have family who care about you. After all, you didn't have to grow up in the Dursley house."

Elsewhere on the compound Isolde had gone in search of Luna and found her in a lounger that had been set up in a clearing that overlooked the beach.

“Excuse me, Mrs Moon?”

“You may call me Luna if you like.”

“But you’re an adult.”

“Ah yes, a lady must always be polite and address her elders properly. I am a princess.”

“Your Highness then.”

“You had a question for me?”

“I did. Are you really Aerie’s mom?”

“Ah, that is a complicated question for how can I be Aerie’s mom when Lily Evens Potter is her mother?”

“That is the basis of my quandary.”

“If I am not Lily, then perhaps, Lily was me? Or at the very least one incarnation.”

“Incarnation? But you couldn't possibly have been Lily, and been reincarnated? You'd be younger than Aerie?”

“Indeed, if I was Lily’s reincarnation. But I said that she could be an incarnation of myself.”

“I don’t understand?”

“Look here, see that star…” and Luna reached out and pointed at a star. “That one right there…”

“Yes…” She wasn’t quite sure what she was looking at when suddenly a star she’d known her whole life shifted positions as Luna moved her finger. A cool inviting breeze swept past as she was doing it as well.


“Mom!” Aerie shouted from the trees below. “Put it back before someone notices!”

“Spoilsport!” Luna called back and then shifted the star back into position.

“I… no longer wish to know,” Isolde stated, turned, and walked away.

Twilight Sparkle woke up to the smell of coffee, and wearily drug herself out of bed. Indeed she was halfway down to the kitchen when she realized that she was back in her old tower. But she only stopped to ponder for a moment as her gut painfully reminded her that she’d not eaten anything solid in days. It’d literally been days. Down in the little dinette area, she discovered Sandra and Bernard eating breakfast.

“Ah… who are you?”

“Ah, Miss Sparkle. You’re awake,” Bernard announced, got up, and ushered her to a place at the table. “I’m Bernard.”

“I’m Sandra, here, drink a glass of juice,”

“I need coffee.”

“Juice first, then breakfast. It was all I could do to get a protein shake into you yesterday. Considering how long it’s been since you’ve presumably had solid food, coffee is the last thing you want.”

“Oh, you’re from the clinic. And you?”

“A message runner. I was instructed to tell you in person that Miss Aerie is fine.”

“Oh. You… did you get here this morning? How’d you know where to find me? How did I even get here?”

“I found you last night passed out in a chair at the clinic. And with Miss Sandra and Spike’s help, we brought you here. She collapsed shortly after getting you cleaned up and in bed.” Spike looked out from the kitchen knowing full well he hadn’t helped and chided himself for abandoning her.

“I woke up on the sofa, and he was in that big overstuffed chair.”

“You stayed here?”

“It’s a mess out there.”

“Twilight,” Spike called as he exited the pantry. He’d a little apron on. He stopped. “I’m so sorry. I... should have listened. I should have known you were right. I knew that… that creature wasn’t Cadance, but then every pony was saying she was just stressed out and you were being immature, and... can you ever forgive me?”

“Just come here and give me a hug, alright?”

They were still hugging when the locks on the door was unlatched and the door opened. Twilight did her best to shrink into her seat, but then she saw a rather bedraggled Princess Luna. Princess Luna pushed a cart in, stepped in, closed the door, and locked it again.

“Princess Luna?” Twilight asked.

“Spike, what did you have in here for breakfast?” Luna asked.

“Not much, just oatmeal.”

“Indeed. I’ve raided the kitchen, have a look, and I think you’ll find these wares to be of your approval.”

“Miss Twilight, you should still eat some oatmeal,” Sandra whispered.

“Princess Luna,” Bernard said, got up and bowed.

“Ah, the butler.”

“I’m actually a message runner.”

“You’re a butler now.”

“Yes, Ma’am. Um… I don’t actually know what a butler does.”

“And neither does Twilight.”

“I should probably get back to the clinic,” Sandra offered.

“Not until you’ve had a proper breakfast.”

“Ah, this will do nicely,” Spike announced. He’d hop down from Twilight’s embrace and checked out everything on the cart. A moment later he was wheeling it over to the little kitchen area.

“Glad to hear it,” Luna offered as she pulled up a chair and sat down. “Twilight, I had a long talk with my Sister last night. She’s sorry about how she dismissed you.”

“Then why isn’t she here?” Twilight asked perhaps a bit more tersely than she’d intended.

“Here, eat,” Spike ordered as he plopped a bowl of oatmeal down in front of Twilight. Satisfied, he went back to the kitchen.

“I told her to let you be. At least until everything has had a chance to get back to normal and you’ve had time. I’m to understand the element bearers wish to convey their apology as well.”

“And they are…” Twilight pressed.

“Sent home. My orders.”

“You sent them home?”

“Considering the dreams you were having last night… I swear I haven't had a night like that since King Sombra tried to invade. Dear, I feared that if they came bursting in here with their usual lack of restraint you’d likely have told them off. You might even have unloaded on my sister, considering.”

“Ah… you’re probably not wrong.” Twilight took a bite of her oatmeal, chewed, and swallowed. “What I experienced down in those caverns.”

“The true power of an alicorn.”

“She intentionally willed herself into some kind of Nightmare creature and…”

“I’ve seen the aftermath.”

“She was able to undo it. On her own.”

“She’s an element barer. What? Did you think you and your friends were the only ones?”

“Such… carnage.”

“We were fighting for our very lives. Fighting for the existence of pony kind in Equestria and I’d say she understood that all too well. OK, fine, I did sleep through most of it, Twilight, I was cocooned in my own chambers. They sprang upon me while I slept...

“And I saw plenty of first-hand accounts in ponies' dreams last night. If Queen Chrysalis had accomplished everything her twisted little brain had desired, we’d all be in cocoons right now.”

“She became an alicorn. Aerie did. That was her, was it not?”

“It was. Twilight, she was always an alicorn. She hides that horn of hers and will say she is just a pegasus with a horn. I suspect she was born that way.”

“A pegasus with a horn indeed. If she is a bearer, what element does she hold?”

“Two elements. Hope and Uncommon Valor. She has within her the same thing that drives Miss Pie. Add to that the drive to do whatever she must to secure the safety and well-being of others even at the cost of her own life. It is a drive seldom witnessed and we were facing extinction. And no, I’m not exaggerating. With the kind of power Chrysalis would have held with an entire city under her control there would have been no stopping her. Lings would have spread out like a virus, and the world would have stopped. With no pony to keep the day and night cycle… trust me when I say I was fighting against Nightmare Moon with you because eternal night or day means the death of the entire planet.”

“When Miss Aerie came to my village she was spent,” Bernard offered while the others processed what Princess Luna had just said. “They sent for her mother because her magic was dangerously low. Fear not, she arrived before I left, and I understood that she’d be fine after a bit of rest.”

“Her mother?” Twilight asked.

“When a foal has overused their manna a close relative can provide them with a little of their own,” Luna offered. “I’m told that you benefited from this on multiple occasions.”

“My parents?” Twilight said as a sudden panic overcame her.

“They are well and unharmed. I hear they gave good measure to the lings and came out of it local heroes. You can go visit them when you’ve eaten. And no, they won’t be able to come to you.”

“I suppose I should eat. It’s just…”

“It can wait. Unlike you, Cadance is taking time to recover.”

“She was cocooned considerably longer than I was. And my brother?”

“Also taking time to recover. Under the circumstances, I took it upon myself to temporarily relieve him of his command and duty. He’s not happy about it but he was clearly being manipulated, his decision-making undoubtedly compromised, and I’m going to want him to get a full medical workup before he’s allowed to resume his command.”

“And Princess Celestia?”

“She has agreed. Reluctantly, but she did agree. Especially after I pointed out that you were practically raised by Cadance. Oh, I did some digging, learned your history, and woke up in a cocoon. Later on, I want to teach you how to dream walk.”

“Dream walk? Why Dream walking.”

“I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I think it’s that ability that made it possible for Aerie and me to overcome the endorphin-induced dreamlike state created by the pods. The pods release chemicals that are intended to keep the victim in a trance-like state thinking happy thoughts. Granted that Aerie and I are born warriors whose pulse races at just the thought of battle… And become frustrated when we can’t catch our prey.”

“Warriors born, your blood boils for conquest, is that it?” Bernard asked with a bit of bravado in his tone.

“Indeed,” Princess Luna replied with a grin. “Quite possibly why I fell for the nightmare. In my case it was possession, but in Aerie’s case, I suspect her Night Mare was her own blood lust given form. That would explain why she could overcome it so easily.”

“I saw what she can do like that and she is downright scary,” Twilight offered. “She had a large forge hammer and a mining lance in her telekinetic field. The hammer crushed lings by the dozen…”

“I’m aware of what a mining lance is capable of. Can’t say it ever occurred to me to use one as a weapon. I prefer pole-arms myself. Still though, when faced with such overwhelming odds it was a wise choice.”

“Princess, if it’s alright, I really don’t need to know.”

“Times were hard a thousand years ago.”

“I’ve read the history books. I just never thought I’d be living in such times as was described.”

“Indeed, indeed. There has been a thousand years of peace. And now… Bernard, and Sandra, I’d like the two of you to stay by Twilight’s side for the time being. Sandra, that’s not going to be an imposition, I hope?”

“My family lives down in Apple Loosa. I can send them a wire to let them know I’m alright.”

“Good. And Bernard, I’d like you to stay with Twilight to keep her safe. You did the right thing by keeping her friends out for multiple reasons. Getting her sleep was of primary concern, and she should be taking it easy. Secondly, I’d like it if you can guard her from rogue lings and panicky ponies alike. I can relay a message through Lulu, so don’t worry about that.”


“Princess Luna, I really don’t need any pony.”

“Twilight, I’m not giving you a choice. Being cocooned drains a pony and it will be a while before we are back to peak health. And, well, I do care what happens to you. - Now, Spike, I’m famished.”

“Pancakes with fresh fruit coming up!” Spike called from the kitchenette.

“I hope you don’t mind if I eat with you. It was the only way I was going to get any peace, and Bernard, do please sit down.”


“Oh, and Twilight, I’m going to help myself to your bed.”

“My bed?”

“My chambers need a bit of cleaning.”


“Cocooned in my own bedroom.”

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