• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 63: Mars is Bright tonight.

“So, does anyone know about her?” Draco asked concerning Moonie as they walked through the forest.

“A few. It’s not illegal to have a pet nightmare.”

“Probably never occurred to the ministry to outlaw it.”

“Fair enough.”

“If it was outlawed?”

“I’d have to be more careful about making sure no one found out. She’s bonded to me. Kind of how House Elves are bonded to wizards only more so. She’s like an extension of myself.”

“Not like an Obscurial, is she?”

“She is based on something called a Tantabus. And like an Obscurial they are parasitic in nature. The difference is that a Tantabus is normally confined to the dream realm. Nor is she like ordinary Night Mares. She’s been modified by a very powerful magic user. To the best of my knowledge, there are only two more like her in this world.”

“How is she different from an ordinary Night Mare?”

“Easy, she was turned into a guardian spell. Her primary directive is to protect me.”

“So if push comes to shove I’m toast. Is that it?”

“Pretty much, yes.”

Draco actually laughed.

“I’m actually kind of jealous. Someone thought you were worth protecting above everyone.”

“My mom.”

“Ya, your life is messed up. All because one man wanted more than they deserved.” He fell into silence as they walked along, starting up again a short time later. “I looked into what you’d said about blood purity and all that. I think you are right. Pureblood families just end up with more and more squibs until there’s no one left who can do magic. Pureblood families also tend to have health problems and go crazy. A shame you are already spoken for.”

“Draco, I wanted to be friends with you because I want to break the cycle of bloodshed. Not because I had any ideas about spending the rest of my life with you.”

The two fell silent once more as they walked out from under the trees into a clearing. Nor had they gone far when a figure approached them in the darkness. Aerie recognized the form.

“Draco, we’ve company. A Centaur.”

“You should not be here,” The centaur said in greeting.

“They are on Hogwarts business, Detention, with Hagrid,” Selena offered.

“And good evening to you, Mistress Selena.” The Centaur bowed.

Aerie and Moonie returned the bow to the half man half horse creature, but Draco just stood there dumbfounded as he’d never seen the like.

“Ronan, wasn’t it?” Aerie asked.

“Indeed, that is as I am called. You are students then.”

“Aerie!” Called a familiar voice from the sky. A moment later Kitsu in pony form had landed a couple of wing-lengths from her. “Where’s Hagrid? Do you not know that the wraith is out and about? I was out with the sweep fliers.”

Fang whimpered and drew back from the scary pony. One would almost think she’d transformed from her fox form just to kick the dog. Perhaps she had.

“I am well aware of it, as it passed us a while back.”


“I too am Concerned,” Ronan offered. “Where is Hagrid?”

“He split with us, and backtracked the trail,” Moonie informed the two. “Might be best to stay clear of him though. He’s got a crossbow and itching to use it.”

“Oh, and he’s just as app to shoot me as look at me, I suppose,” Kitsu said followed by transforming into her human teen form which she’d learned best fit her age. Draco’s jaw hit the floor and dribbled down a gopher hole. “Princess Kitsumi Nova Silverwood. At your service.”

“Princess, it is not safe out here even for you,” Ronan cautioned.

“Ah… hi,” Draco said stupidly.

“So tell me, given that you’ve come to my glen, do you students learn anything at this school you go to?”

“We learn of many things: Of shoes—and ships—and sealing wax— of cabbages—and kings— And why the sea is boiling hot— and whether pigs have wings,*” Aerie quoted.

“I see, I see,” Ronan replied, punctuated with a chuckle. “That is indeed much to learn, but do they teach you of astrology? Mars is bright tonight.”

“And the moon is brighter by far. I do not fear the shadow.”

“Kitzu, by any chance have the sweeps found an injured unicorn?” Moonie asked.

“About an hour ago. She was taken to the Silver Wood Medical Clinic,” Kitsu replied. “I’m told she was too far gone.”

“Always the innocent who suffer,” Ronan said softly.

“I was almost looking forward to confronting that creature,” Aerie offered as she fingered the locket that had Dumbledore’s tracking spells on it.

“Confronting it?” Draco offered. “Have you gone mad?”

“Perhaps. I did want a go at it even though I know I can’t win. But the thing is, it can’t win either. I was going to track it until we came across the unicorn. Moonie, that is Selena, would undoubtedly drive it off, but when it realizes the unicorn it was tracking has been taken there’s no telling where it’ll go.”

“If the unicorn is gone, there’s no reason for us to even be out here,” Draco admonished. “It’s all Hagrid cared about. Certainly not us or he’d not have left us to our own devices.”

“Can’t really argue with that,” Aerie admitted as a second centaur entered the clearing and moved in their direction. “I imagine he made a pretty penny off the last one he found.”

“Good evening,” offered the newcomer.

“Hi Bane,” Kitsu returned. “I’m Kitsumi. It’s an Akkadian thing.” He nodded sagely and walked over to stand by Ronan.

“Mars is bright tonight.”

“The moon is brighter,” Ronan offered. “The young lady reminded me of that.”


“We’ve robbed the specter of his kill,” Kitsumi informed him.

“Mars has not yet diminished.”

“What’s he talking about?”

“Mars is an omen of blood yet to be spilled,” Moonie informed him.

“Ah, maybe we should go find Hagrid?”

“Always the innocent,” Ronan said quietly to be echoed by Bane.

“Well, that’s hardly me,” Kitsu teased.

“Nor me,” Aerie countered. “I guess that leaves Draco.”

“What?! Oh no. I’m not dying out in this twice-cursed forest.” And with that, he turned and began heading back as quickly as he could drag Fang.

Aerie, just to be obnoxious, and possibly because she was tired of being tracked by Dumbledore, took off the locket, propelled it high up into the air at the point of her wand, and said the all-encompassing spell of destruction and mayhem, “Maud’Dib!” It exploded like a firework all red and gold scattering magic across the sky and the forest.

Every device Dumbledore used to track her movements and well-being in his office went nuts. They’d wait just long enough for him to wake up, figure out what’s making all the noise, and then go silent, or dark as the case may be. A few would kick in again but it’d be a while before Dumbledore realized he was now detecting the health of the forest.

As for Aerie, she transformed into a pegasus and flew up into the air. Kitsu followed her, and by the time Draco had turned around to look both girls were gone along with Moonie whose prank senses had urged her to follow. The two centaurs having been startled by the explosion and the sudden flight of the pegasi had also run for it. Oh, and Fang bolted as well, leaving Draco alone in the forest.

Panic took hold of Draco Malfoy followed by his feet and legs moving of their own accord. He’d slam into Hagrid a few minutes later and pass out from the impact. And yes, Hagrid had been running as well. Hagrid stopped only long enough to sling Draco over his left shoulder like a sack of potatoes, and continued headlong down the path, through the clearing, and down into the very hollow where he’d come face to face with a rather frustrated hooded creature.

The two froze, staring at each other for a brief moment. The air was as still as Hagrid had ever felt it and beyond the creature a pool of unicorn blood shown in a shaft of moonlight.

Hagrid still had his crossbow in hand. He whipped it up and let loose the bolt.

The bolt went right through the edge of the creature's hood, Malfoy was summarily dumped in a prickly bush, Hagrid cycled the Legolas device attached to the crossbow locking a new bolt in place, took better aim…

Quirrell seeing his imminent doom rushed Hagrid, the bolt flew wild high into the air, and Quirrell sped into the trees zipping back and forth as he went.

Hagrid was not done. He’d more bolts at the ready, and let fly each and everyone with little heed to where he was aiming.

“Got him!” He cheered as a bolt hit home.

“Hagrid… You idiot.” Airie said, and slumped to the forest floor the bolt now in the side of her abdomen.

Panic took hold of Hagrid. He dropped the crossbow, snatched Aerie up with both arms and raced back to Hogwarts. He met Dumbledore on the way.

If panic hadn’t already taken hold of Dumbledore, it did now. Together the two rushed to the hospital wing waking up Madam Pomfrey who shook the sleep out of her eyes and immediately set evaluating her patient. The arrow had pierced the body, she cut the fletching portion of the shaft with a pair of gardening snips. Normally used when someone had a tree limb stab through a body which tended to occur in one of the advanced herbology classes. This having been done she dashed to a cupboard and grabbed a poultice which was fastened to the cut portion of the shaft sticking out of Aerie. Having done that she got out her wand, and with a tap, the poultice ignited and pushed the bolt through with considerable force. It stuck fast into a wall on the other side of the room. The wound was bandaged, the dirty wizard robe removed, and Aerie laid down on one of the beds.

“Poppy?” Dumbledore inquired as she checked Aerie’s vitals. She looked worried, but by all accounts, Aerie was just sleeping. She covered Aerie with a sheet and blanket, returned to where the fletching had been discarded, picked it up, examined it, and then turned on Hagrid.

“One of yours?” She growled. “What the bloody hell were you doing? Using her for target practice?!”

With each step she took the two men got backed further and further out of the room until the door was closed and Aerie was left to relative peace. It was but a moment later that Aerie got up, went to the window, and opened it.

“Thanks, Moonie,” Aerie offered as she climbed in.

“You sure we haven't gone too far?” Moonie asked as the scar on her forehead vanished. In truth, Moonie’s twelve-year-old version looked so much like Aerie that all it took was a school robe and a scar to fool the three adults.

“It’s fine. It was an opportunity to get rid of that tracker.”

Pomfrey was still shouting out in the other room.

“Hurry up then and let’s get this gauze on you and you’d better switch undergarments with mine.”

“Just don’t go making them disappear at an awkward moment.”

“Not going to happen, I conjured up actual clothing. Needs realistic holes and blood you know. Might be a good thing they can’t tell the difference between people's blood and what’s hanging in the larder.”

“We’ll bring you clean clothes in the morning,” Kitsu offered from the window. She was still in pony form, and she’d some ruffled feathers along with a small gap in one wing. “As for Hagrid, that idiot nearly killed me.”

“But he didn’t. You got a couple of feathers clipped,” Moonie chastised. “Your feathers will grow back. I’m the one who had to put up with an arrow stuck in me.”

“Your body is a magical construct,” Aerie reminded her. “Your biggest weakness is the amulet I wear. Your body can't be hurt.”

“Even so…”

“Well, I'm sorry if I've hurt your feelings... Convenient that first wild shot,” The second bolt Hagrid had let fly. Aerie offered and began to change. A moment later she was in bed. “Just make sure everyone who counts knows I’m alright.” The shouting outside had stopped. “Quick!” Aerie lay down and did her best to look like she was sleeping, Moonie vanished, but Kitsu waited to see who it was. Madam Pomfrey opened the door. Seeing a pony at a window on the second floor was a bit of a shock.

“How did you…” Pomfrey asked as she approached, but got her answer when Kitsu stretched out a wing. “Ahh, I see. Well then, how might I help you?”

“Hi, I’m Kitsumi Silverwood.” Madam Pomfrey’s eyes widened. “Yes, I can talk. I’m Akkadian. I’m Nova Silverwood’s daughter. I was out over the forest when one of Hagrid’s arrows nearly shot me out of the sky.” She held out her wing to show the gap. “Anyway, I saw what happened. He was blindly shooting at some sort of snake-like creature. The same creature that has been brutally murdering unicorns and if you ask me he had no business taking students out into that forest.”

“I see.” Madam Pomfrey sounded like her anger was beginning to boil again.

“Anyway, I just wanted to check on her. Is she going to be alright?”

“She’ll be fine. I expect she’ll be up and around by morning barring any complications.”

“Oh, that’s good to hear.”

“I see more than my fair share of injuries here, so don’t worry. … curious, I wasn’t aware there was a ledge out there?”

“Oh yes, many of the upper floors have just enough of a ledge to perch on. I wouldn't want to spend the night out here. And while I can transform, I don’t think I wish to take the chance.”

“Alright then. But if you don’t mind I think it best I close the window. We don’t want her getting a chill after such a shock to the system.”

“Alright. Just send an owl to my mom to let us know how she’s doing.” And with that Kitsumi the pony stepped out into the night air and propelled herself upwards. She flew up into a cloud, transformed herself into her fox form, and flew down to the Ravenclaw tower.

“You’re awake… I can tell. You’ll be staying the night.” Madam Pomfrey knew the difference between actual sleep and pretend sleep. “I’ve some clean undergarments and PJs in a cupboard. What say we get you out of those dirty clothes? And don’t worry about being shot. I used something that not only removed the shaft it stitched everything back together. About all you’ll feel is some discomfort. Good thing the head went all the way through too. That made it that much easier. That said, you lost blood and will need to take it easy for a while.”

“I’ll still be able to play Quidditch won’t I?”

“You’ll have to sit out some practice sessions, but you should be good to go in time for the next game.”

“Wood is going to have a fit.”

“That’s just too bad.”

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