• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 48: The return of Nightmare Moon

“Will you be going back to Ponyville tonight? In this storm?” Celestia asked as Aerie and Party bundled up to go out. The Luncheon was now long over and they needed to get going.

“Yes, and no,” Lulu offered. (Aerie's Princess Luna) “We have a place right here in Canterlot. We just have to make it that far.”

“We have programmable doors,” Aerie explained. “Technically. The little dials next to and or over the doors open the portals to different worlds and in this case alternate locations in those worlds.”

“I need to go pick up Mrs Tsuki at the airport this afternoon as well,” Flora added.

“And don’t worry about the storm, I can just change the weather,” Aerie added with a smirk.

“This mountain creates its own weather,” Celestia cautioned only to see Aerie’s main billow out followed by a shaft of sunlight hitting her like… well, like she was every bit the true alicorn. Aerie gave her a smile and a quick hug, and they parted.

“Did you really stop the storm?” Flora asked in a hushed tone as they made their way out the gate.

“If one is to control lightning, one must first master the storm,” Aerie replied with a cheeky smile. "I don't like to mess with the weather though as it can have unforeseen consequences."

When they had passed by the outermost gate of the castle they hailed a Tallyho cab, and this time Scootaloo and Lulu- Aerie’s Luna, chose to ride on the inside. No point in freezing. When they arrived at the Manner house they found the walks had all been cleared of snow.

“I’ll have to be sure to thank whoever it was who shoveled the walk,” Aerie offered as they climbed out of the cab.

“That was me, remember?” Aurora admonished with a grin.

“There’s been a fair amount of snow since.”

“There is that.”

“We missed our chance to go to the museum,” Scootaloo lamented as she got out.

“Welcome home,” Hoshiko offered as they entered.

“I thought you were going to hang out with Justin and his friends?” Aerie asked.

“They are upstairs playing video games, and I was getting a little antsy.”

“Perfectly understandable,” Flora offered.

“Video games?” Scootaloo asked.

“Why don’t you go look up Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom,” Aurora suggested to Scootaloo. “Assuming they aren’t grounded they are probably wondering where you are right now. That and going to the Airport and back might be a bit too much for you,” Aerie added.


“The trip will be mostly traveling, and we probably shouldn't have too many with us,” Mrs Summers stated. “Might be best if it’s just Hoshiko, Aurora, and myself.”

“I’m going to insist on coming,” Flora interjected. “And I think Aerie is going to want to come too.”

“I can only fit five people in my car short of you know how to do expansion charms.”

“We can take the train,” Hoshiko offered. “I’ve been looking at the available literature you have on the subway, we can walk to Rochester Row, and then take a bus to Paddington Station. From there we go to Hatton Cross and take a bus to the airport. From what I’ve read all I can say is it’ll be nice when they put in the Express line, but this is what we’ve got.”

“Do you really want to walk three blocks in this weather to Rochester Row?”

“I do have my car,” Mrs Summers offered. “And there is a car park near Paddington Station. Surely you didn’t think I was going to walk in this weather? That said, I do like the idea of taking the train to the airport. It beats having to deal with the traffic.”

“Alright then, we’ll just have to take two cars.”

“Can I come too?” Luna asked.

“Mom, it might be best if you stay here,” Aerie prompted.

“My mom is kind of this world’s version of Nightmare Moon. Might be best if that meeting isn’t in a crowded airport where your nerves are already on edge,” Hoshiko cautioned.

“I’m not that breakable.”

“Mom, Heathrow Airport is far more crowded than any of the Equestrian Aerodromes. They take some getting used to. Also, we don’t have a local identification for you.”

“Alright, you win. Think I’ll go check on the guards on the mountain.”

“If we are taking two cars…” Scootaloo prompted.

“Nice try. Go check on your friends,” Aurora countered with a smile.

“Maybe next time,” Aerie offered. “Hoshiko goes because she wants to see her mom…”

“Ya, OK. Maybe I don’t want to be there,” Scootaloo admitted.

“You’ll get your parents back.”

“What, are they going to come walking in that door any moment now?”

“Ha, more likely they’d be looking at an empty lot coming to the realization they screwed up.”

“Maybe I’ll go check on my friends after all. And have a look-see just in case.” She put on a hopeful smile and headed for the back door.

Aurora and Hoshiko went with Mrs Summers in her car and Aerie followed with Flora in her car, with the two groups meeting up at the Paddington Station car park a short time later. The weather had improved but was still mighty cold.

“Wow, this place is huge,” Hoshiko said as they entered the large train shed. The place was built like a huge hangar for aircraft with open ends. What they could see of it looked like the primary structure was three long arched overhangs that could easily double as blimp hangers. Indeed the ornate metalwork really gave it the place the look of an Equestrian Aerodrome.

“Let’s see if we can’t find the ticket counter,” Aurora offered as they continued into the station.

There were shops in just about every nook and cranny of the place, but they did eventually find a ticket kiosk. They bought their tickets and were directed to platform six where they hadn’t long to wait. The interior of the train was rather spartan. Each car consisted of one long cabin, with off-white walls, blue seats that faced inwards, and red polls to hang onto. Choosing to stay in a group they sat next to each other and waited while others boarded and chose places to sit.

“Not on holiday, are you?” asked a matronly woman with silver hair who’d chosen to sit across from them.

“Picking up my mother at the airport,” Hoshiko offered politely. The woman couldn’t help but shrink back as the entire group eyed her suspiciously. After all, Aerie had on the pendent that marked her for Professor Dumbledore which meant that anyone approaching them was suspicious. They also watched quietly as she got up and moved further down to sit somewhere else. And there were plenty of empty seats.

The train started up a short time later and they were on their way and were mercifully above ground more than below. The train stopped several times along the route and arrived at Hatton Cross a short time later. It looked unremarkable to Aerie. It boasted all of two rail lines on either side and had the typical not-quite-turquoise walls, vanilla tile, and the usual signage for the London Underground. They filed off the train along with considerably more people than there had been when they’d gotten on and made their way up the stairs that were the central feature of the station.

The bus they wanted wasn’t there yet but soon would be, so they were told.

“Heathrow, Terminal three?” Mrs Summers asked of the driver shortly after the arrival of their bus. She’d been the only one to go out into the cold and beckoned to the others who’d been watching through the large glass windows. On seeing her signal they hurried out and were soon on the bus while wishing the driver would just close the door already. They did get going before too long, even so, both Aerie and Hoshiko had cuddled into Aurora so that they could use her like some sort of hot water bottle.”

“Why are you letting them get away with that?” Mrs Summers asked with a smile as the bus pulled out of the station and took a right onto the road.

“Because, dear mother, I’m the one benefiting the most.”

Mrs Summers and Flora couldn’t resist laughing.

“Wish I had a cute girl to snuggle up-Aaagh!” Offered a wag several rows back. “Driver, I think there’s a loose wire back here. I just got shocked.

“Must be the dry air. There ain’t nothing back there to shock you,” The driver called back.

“Dry air may ars-aaagh! There, it did it again.”

“Aerie, behave,” Aurora cautioned in a hushed tone.

“Bad thoughts will be punished,” Aerie teased as the bus navigated a large roundabout. From there they passed industrial facilities, navigated through another roundabout, and past a large parking area before turning left to wind their way around the eastern end of the airport. Along the way, they could see several large planes parked including a Concord that was in for maintenance.

The girls all squealed in delight as a big Seven-Fourty-Seven passed right over the top of the bus as it passed the end of the runway. Followed by the man in the back making a noise as if he’d just been shocked again. Once past that point they turned left to follow the runway for a few minutes, right away from the runway, through a roundabout, and into a cut that boasted the largest roundabout any of the girls had ever seen, including another Concord on display in the center of the park-like setting.

And then they plunged into a long tunnel that went under the runways. When they emerged the bus proceeded to navigate a maze of roads and construction zones that went round, round, you turn me right round, like a record baby, until they were utterly lost of any bearing whatsoever. They made several stops along the way as well. Each time they had to ask if this was terminal three.

“I am so tempted to pop up for a moment just to get my bearings,” Aerie lamented when the bus stopped at the bus stop for Terminal Three. And then there was that inevitable wait owing to a large percentage of people all getting off the bus at the same stop. And many of them had luggage with them.

Once off the bus they went straight for the entrance that had the big Terminal 3 only to find themselves in the check-in area for departing flights.

“Is there something I can do for you?” asked a Skycap. He’d seen the lost looks on their faces.

“We need arrivals,” Mrs Summers replied. “I fear we’ve entered the wrong door.”

“Not to worry, mam, just turn to your right and head for the far end.”

“So which flight is she on?” Hoshiko asked as they turned and began walking past all the people who were checking in for afternoon flights.

“BA007 out of Tokyo,” Mrs Summers offered. “She said the plane was due to arrive at fourteen twenty our time.”

“She should be here then,” Aurora offered.

“It’s only a little after two,” Aerie replied sagely. “There is still customs to go through. If we don’t see her, we’ll check the arrivals board.”

“Alright,” Hoshiko replied.

It hadn’t been long when they came to a passageway that proclaimed Arrivals on a sign.

“The little old lady from earlier seems to be following you,” Selena offered as they passed through to the corridor to the Arrivals.

“Well, maybe she’s here to pick someone up?” Aerie replied hopefully.

“I took her wand, along with the gentleman who joined her.”

“Should have left the fecking necklace at home.”

“Aerie, language,” Flora scolded.

“You heard what she said?” Aerie asked plaintively as they entered the Arrivals mall. And yes, it looked very much like a shopping mall. Selena had vanished as well, and it was entirely possible that had been the one place where she could pop in and out without being seen.

“Let’s duck into this arcade,” Mrs Summers offered knowing full well she’d be lucky to get them away from the video games.

“Hey, they got the X-men game,” Aerie offered as they entered. “Anyone have any quarters?”

“All I got are bits,” Hoshiko lamented. “What, I’m resourceful, and maybe I can sell them to a coin collector.”

“You’ll get your best deal in the wizarding world. They go nuts over those things,” Aerie explained while lamenting that she hadn’t thought to bring any change. She did have some cash on her and cast her eyes about for a change machine.

Just outside the arcade were the man and woman who were casting their eyes about everywhere but the arcade. Aerie watched wondering what they’d do. The others had noticed, and suddenly Flora was dishing out quarters. Celeste decided that now was not the time to be an adult and fished out some quarters herself. The game allowed up to six people to play at once which meant they all got to play. If anyone's game performance suffered it was because they were keeping a weather eye on their pursuers who’d yet to spot them. Not so security who’d had an eye on the two for some time now owing to the fact the man looked like he’d just stepped out of the fifties and the woman looked like a comedic character from an early sitcom. That or a Python in drag, take your pick. An officer walked up to them, asked them some questions, and when they responded the officer pointed in the direction they’d just come.

“Oh, no, no, this is definitely the way we want,” protested the woman.

Now the officer was asking for identification only to get excuses. By the time everyone playing X-men had died a horrible death, in the game, two more officers had joined the first in questioning their refugees from a python skit.

“Blasted muggles!” the wizard exclaimed as he reached into his jacket only to not find what he was looking for. The two exchanged a panicked look and made a break for it. Aerie and the others, now done with the game watched the drama unfold before them as security officers converged on the witch and wizard. Various bystanders dodge away from the pursuit, followed by a hard takedown.

“So… do we want to get involved?” Flora asked.

“Not really,” Celeste replied dryly.

“Maybe if we cut across and duck through the opening between the lifts and the stairs,” Aurora suggested. “If we go at a normal pace, maybe they won’t see us?”

“Worth a shot,” Aerie offered and started forward. Hoshiko followed Flora who went next followed by Aurora, and then Celeste.

They were about halfway across when the woman yelled out “Aerie! Don’t go! You mustn't leave England!”

“Just keep going,” Aurora whispered even though they’d all momentarily cringed.

“Aerie! Aerie Potter! Don’t you walk away from me! Aerie!”

“With any luck, they’ll think she’s a nutter,” Flora offered as they passed behind the elevator shaft housing and into the waiting area for arrivals.

They were brought up short by a couple of guards.

“By chance, would one of you be Aerie Potter?”

“I am, and I don’t know who they are or what delusion has entered their heads other than that it’s yet another kidnapping attempt.” Well, technically it wasn’t. When Dumbledore had informed them that Aerie was headed for the airport, they’d panicked. If Aerie Potter was trying to leave England they’d be the ones to stop her, no matter the cost.

“We are here to fetch my mom,” Hoshiko offered. “And possibly Father if he was able to come. They would be here to fetch me home.”

“There was an attempt to forcibly relocate Aerie by extra-legal means,” Flora explained hoping that would be enough. “I’m Flora Finch-Fletchley. Her mother via adoption.”

“As I understand it, Aerie survived her family being,” Celeste had to think for a bit in that she wanted to be careful what sorts of things she said in the airport. “Well, Aerie survived an attack on her family, and a, let’s call it a fan base that all but worships her sprang up after that horrible incident.”

“Ah, I see,” offered the other officer. “She’s not the young Miss who was in the news a while back?”

“Afraid she was. Her Uncle had some kind of nervous episode. The people who want to forcibly move her seem to want her back with her Uncle despite that family being at Her Majesty’s pleasure, whereabouts unknown.”

“And now they are stalking you it would seem.”

“We were rather hoping not to be inconvenienced,” Flora offered wistfully.

“Say no more. We are sorry to have bothered you.”

“We’ll see if we can’t keep those two tied up in the legal system for a good long time.”

“Thank you,” Flora offered as the two turned and headed back to where their couple was being detained.

“I’ve half a mind to take the necklace that Dumbledore uses to track me and send it on a world tour just so Dumbledore can go chase it,” Aerie muttered under her breath as their group started forward again.

“Hang on, where’s the arrivals list?” Celeste asked while looking about. “I see one, go wait by the door, and I’ll have a look.”

People were already streaming in through the doors. Aerie, Hoshiko, Aurora, and Flora made their way toward the doors the passengers were coming out of. The area they were exiting through was bare of any seats and bordered with a shiny steel rail fence to keep people from swarming loved ones and effectively blocking the exit. All for the sake of efficiency.

Hoshiko couldn't resist leaning on the rail in anticipation as people emerged from the back, the automatic doors swinging open like some oversized slot machine. Aurora and Flora sat in available seats nearby.

“The board says her plane is on time,” Celeste offered as she joined them. She sat down in an empty seat next to Aurora. “Right now I’m hoping we haven't missed her.”

“Mom! Papa!” Hoshiko shouted. A moment later she was standing on the rail getting hugged by a woman who looked remarkably like Moonie's human form.

“Long time no see, eh, kiddo?” Asked Mr Tsuki. He was tall, had on a black turtleneck, and a blue blazer down which hung long platinum hair. “But tell me, how is it there are two of you?”

“Mom… I can’t breathe.”

“I’m Aerie Potter. Aurora and I found her in a queue.”

“We can discuss the details later,” Flora offered.

“Selena, can you ever forgive me?” Celeste asked tentatively of Hoshiko's mom.

“You still chasing after that good-for-nothing, James Cutter?”

“I gave up on him long ago. Not that he doesn't show up now and then. Typically when he’s out of money.”

“And you give him money, don’t you.”

“Fastest way to get rid of him.”

Selena laughed, let go of Hoshiko, reached over, and gave Celeste a hug. “Just to be clear, the real reason we left was that I wanted Hoshiko to have better opportunities.”

“And Haruki made it possible to get about as far away as one could.”

“True. I will have to say that it took me a while to win over my in-laws,” Selena offered as they parted.

“Father took to her right away. Mother, not so much,” Haruki offered with a smile. He’d given Aerie a pat on the head, who didn’t mind in the least. “Now, how do we get out of this corral?”

“There’s an opening by the doors,” Flora offered. “Otherwise you’ll have to go all the way to the end.”

“Come on, let's get out of here,” Selena prompted followed by the group making their way to the gap. From there they headed out, luggage in hand, and made their way to the busses.

“I hope you don’t mind staying with me,” Flora offered. “We’ve got Hoshiko scheduled to see a doctor tomorrow.”

“Why is she scheduled to see a doctor?” Selena asked.

“The bureaucrats want to be sure she has a clean bill of health even though she’s stated that nothing happened to her.”

“Right, right, the whole not being able to explain how she ended up in England. Can’t complain I guess. You needed to report her to get legal custody.”

“So, did you bring a car?” Haruki asked.

“With this nasty weather we’ve been having we decided that it’d be easier to just take the train,” Flora explained. “We do need to take a bus to get to the station though. We have cars waiting at the other end.”

“I see you’ve found your party,” offered a guard as they opened a door leading outside to the busses.

“Yes, thank you,” Flora replied as they filed out.

“I suppose we were lucky just to be able to land,” Selena said with a smile on her face as she went out the door.

The trip back was relatively quiet with no incidents.

When they arrived home they found Amelia Bones out front. She was also looking upwards at the gently falling snow.

“Mrs Bones, can we do something for you?” Aerie called as she got out of the car.

“Aerie, someone you know?” Flora asked as she got out.

“She’s a detective with the M-O-M,” Aerie called back as she had a look at what Mrs Bones was looking at. What she saw was snow falling in a most peculiar manner in which it was being redirected away from the tops of the row of buildings. It only took Aerie a few moments to recognize the pattern.

“Mrs Bones, best not stare at it long, doing so will attract attention.”

“Can I assume you know what I’m looking at?”

“Looks a bit like a Firefly Class cruiser. An Airship to be exact. That’s not a spell to get people to look away, it’s cloaked.”

“What are you two looking at?” Celeste asked.

“Miss Mustang is here, and she’s parked her airship over the house.”

“I wish I could see it?” Flora lamented as she looked up.

“Bad idea, might cause a continuity issue,” Aerie offered with a wink. “What say we go inside and then Mrs Bones can tell us why she’s standing out in the snow.”

“Amelia,” Selena said as she stepped forward, suitcase in hand.

“Sorry… Nightmare Moon. Sorry, Selena.”

“Long time no see.”

“Mom is an alumnus of Ravenclaw,” Hoshiko explained.

“I developed my reputation after graduation. Part of the reason we chose to leave England was that they handed out pardons to people that didn’t deserve it.”

“You weren’t part of the Order of the Phoenix were you?” Aerie asked.

“Oh, no, she was an Auror,” Haruki offered.

“As an underground resistance organization they were ineffectual at best,” Selena added. “At worst, they were more of a hindrance.”

“Funny that,” Aerie said under her breath, and then loud enough for everyone to hear, beckoned all to go inside.

“Now, we’ve two reception areas on the first floor,” Flora began. “So we set up the room that faces the rear of the building into a bedroom for you. We’ve got a toilet on that floor, and the bath is up one flight. Any chance you are going to want to have Tea? Dinner?”

“I fear that we are both about as thin as one can get without being a specter,” Selena offered.

“I’ll show you the way,” Hoshiko offered and guided her parents upstairs.

Author's Note:

It was writing this chapter when I petered out. For whatever reason what should have been fairly straightforward turned into a slog along with the following chapter.

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