• Published 29th Jul 2022
  • 1,385 Views, 693 Comments

Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 34: Aurora and Scootaloo's day out. Part one.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes!” Aurora chanted excitedly as she and Scootaloo ventured out from the cottage in Ponyville. Shure, it was Nova Silverwood's native dimension, but Aurora didn't care. It was still Equestria. It was also bone cold and both had on heavy jackets. Aurora also had leg warmers on, and Scootaloo had been provided a scarf.

“How are you a filly inside, and an adult outside?” Scootaloo asked.

“Different worlds. In that world, I’m a twelve-year-old girl named Aurora Summers, but in this world, I’m at least eighteen and go by Summer Sunshine. Possibly twenty, I might be twenty. Which is hardly an adult here, but… well. I’m just older here. Legally an adult I imagine. I imagine Aerie is just barely old enough to be considered an adult.
“And don’t be telling people about the other side, they’d lock us up for sure.”

“You mean they’d never believe it.”

“Princess Celestia might, but I doubt anyone else would. Now…
“Let’s see if we can’t get you off the ground and try to remember to call me Sunshine here.”

“But…” Scootaloo’s head drooped. “I can’t fly.”

“Nonsense. You just need proper instructions.”

“Dash has tried, but I just can’t.”

“Let me guess, flap your wings as hard as you can, right?”

“I did that.”

“Dash is a natural. Which means she doesn’t think about the mechanics. She just does it. So for her to say flap your wings as hard as you can, makes perfect sense from her perspective. I actually went to school with her in the Equestria I lived in.”

“That multiverse Aerie mentioned?”

“Multiverse means multiple dimensions containing multiple versions of the same things.” Aurora then went on to explain the basic mechanics of bird flight, showed her how to use her wings properly, helped her with the movements, and just about the time Scootaloo was ready to give up, Scootaloo lifted up off the ground.

It had been deceptively easy.

“Did you see? Did you see?” Scootaloo’s smile was ear to ear as she bounced through the snow. Every now and then she’d cup the air with her wings, push down, and she’d pop up out of the snow.

“I did. And now we don’t have to get our hooves cold and wet.”

So off they went, with Scootaloo flitting about joyously. She never noticed the slight aura over Aurora’s head, or that the tingling sensation wasn’t her own magic. As for Aurora, she reasoned that because Scootaloo was technically related to her, her magic would surely kindle Scootaloo’s flight magic.

The first thing Aurora wanted to do was to go to Scootaloo’s house and see for herself the condition of the place. Something Scootaloo hadn’t objected to so lost she was in the joy of flight. What they found was an empty lot with a for-sale sign on it.

“When was the last time you stopped by the house?”

“Um, about a month ago? Maybe?” her joy diminished only slightly.

“Sign says inquire at the court house, come on.”

Aurora was delighted when Scootaloo managed to get air born without assistance, and they were soon on their way.

Ponyville Courthouse was a large circular structure, reminiscent of a building used for housing a large carousel, located in the center of a large central park-like plaza. It had two floors and wide sweeping verandas on both floors with a dome-like roof that swept upwards into an overlook tower.

Aurora and Scootaloo landed in front of the main doors right at the top of the steps. The two walked forward and opened the doors to angry shouting inside the property office responsible for putting the place on the market.

“Aunt Lofty?” Scootaloo called.


Suddenly Scootaloo was being hugged by a light amber earth pony mare with a somewhat subdued fiery mane and tail of scarlet and amber.

“Where have you been? How are you so clean?”

“Scootaloo’s smile had all but faltered.

“She’s been staying at a friend's house,” Aurora offered. “Hi, I’m Summer Sunshine. Owe, why’d you do that for?”

Lofty, a vanilla yellow pegasus with sea-foam-colored hair, had just slapped her on top of the head with her wing.

“Aunt Lofty, I didn’t know how to contact you, and they didn’t even know I was in their house!?” Scootaloo protested. Her smile now gone she’d begun to cry.

Lofty was staring at Aurora’s forehead. Aurora looked at Lofty, realized where she was looking, and then looked about. Ponies were looking but no pony seemed to be reacting to the horn. She quickly got out her pocket mirror out of a pocket in her jacket and checked. The ring hadn’t been broken, the horn was still concealed, but based on where Lofty was looking she’d likely either seen it briefly or felt it. The latter was more likely.

“We only just discovered her in our house late last night. We’d been away at school.”

“We’d only just discovered that Scootaloo’s house had been torn down this morning.” Holiday offered. “We’d come to visit to find an empty lot where a house should be.” She gave Lofty a withering look. “Kind of makes us the negligent ones here.”

“Well if your brother would quit taking off without telling anyone. Is he even still alive?”

“Lofty!?” Holiday protested.

“Hi, let’s start over. I’m Summer Sunshine, you’re Lofty Stitches, I gather, and you must be Ms Holiday. And we can check the post office for undelivered mail.”

“Mrs Hooves dropped off a letter a week ago,” Scootaloo offered. “She’s just been hunting me down when I’ve been out and about with my friends. At least I know Mom and Dad were OK when they sent the letter.”

“I, um…” Lofty started out. Her mind was going a mile a second. That pegasus definitely had a unicorn horn, she’d felt it. And it hurt. “Who are you?”

“Summer Sunshine. I’m staying in a small cottage on the edge of town. We were quite surprised to discover a filly had made herself at home. Listen, you don’t mind if she stays with us until this unfortunate incident has been straightened out, do you?”

“No, no, that’d be great,” Lofty offered, perhaps a might too fast.

“Lofty? Shouldn't we talk about this?”

“Let’s see if we can get the property sorted, first,” Aurora offered and stepped forward towards an annoyed group of clerks. “Otherwise, I just want to help Scootaloo, and I’d like to do whatever I can to keep her life from being disrupted any more than necessary.”

“And you are?” Asked a gray unicorn as Aurora approached.

“Summer Sunshine. Now, could some pony tell me why a home was razed and forfeited by the city government right out from under the owners? And please tell me why no pony made any attempt to locate the occupants?”

“The home went three months without repair. Notices were posted on the property. The Courthouse gave them thirty days to respond.”

“Why weren’t we contacted?” Holiday asked. “My brother is in the Yackatan. We are supposed to be contacted in emergencies.”

“You don’t own the property, and you aren’t a lean holder. We are under no obligation to contact you, nor do we have that information. Beyond that, you’ll need to take it up with the Mayor’s office.”

“It wouldn't have been that difficult to look up next of kin information,” Lofty pointed out. She was sounding aggravated and she’d likely had this conversation before. In other words, the same old circular argument so often used to cheat, defraud, and or scam people. In this case, it was the department doesn’t have next of kin information, and the department followed the letter of the law.

“Well, until we get everything straightened out, can I put a hold on the property?” Aurora asked.

“The property is to be auctioned. Sorry.”

“Can I get your name?”

“Leasesome, Nick Leasesome.”

“And when is the auction?”

“That’s confidential?”

“Is it now? Surely you’d want the city to make as much money as possible off the sale? Wouldn't you?”

“I’m sorry, but you have to inquire with the Mayor’s office.”

“Very well, we’ll be in touch. Lofty, Holiday, see what you can do at the Mayor’s office, I’m going to run over to the library.”

“You think Twilight can help?” Holiday asked.

“Won’t know till I try.”

To be honest, it wasn’t Twilight she wanted, but Spike. As fate would have it, Scootaloo spotted Spike going into Carousel Boutique.

“Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is shiek and unique,” Rarity offered as the two entered. “Scootaloo? That is you?”

“She’s staying at a friend's house with me. We made her take a bath.”

“Are you related?”

“In a sort of roundabout way. I’m Summer Sunshine. We just saw her aunts at the Courthouse. Afraid Scootaloo lost everything in Discord’s antics and it never occurred to her to ask for help. Her aunts showed up in town to visit for Hearth’s warming and found a vacant lot where the house had been. The City confiscated the land because no one made any attempt to contact them. And yes, her parents took off on an adventure some time ago.”

“Scootaloo?” Rarity scolded. “I’d have let you stay with Sweetie. Why didn’t you say anything? Have you been on your own all this time?”

“Sort of, maybe, alright, yes. I want to be tough. Just like Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo replied sheepishly. “Let’s face it, I’m on my own most of the time anyway.”

“Dash grew up with all the advantages of a princess,” Aurora informed Scootaloo. “Her parents have more money than the Rich family. Surely you’ve seen her cloud house? You don’t have to go it alone just to impress Dash.
“But never mind that. Rarity, Scootaloo is in need of some new outfits.”

“Outfits?!” Scootaloo protested.

“Special occasions, school... prove to Diamond that you aren’t penniless...”

“But I am penniless. Wait, what’s a penny?”

“Bitless then.”

“Darling, your parents work for the Canterlot Museum of Natural History. You are not penniless, or bitless for that matter. Short of they frittered it all away. And a penny is a very small coin denomination no pony uses anymore. They went the way of gabled hoods.”

“Say, how about an adventure outfit made from spider silk for durability?” Aurora offered.

“Oh, that is kind of pricey,” Rarity replied in a cautionary tone.

“You aren’t outfitting her out of generosity. I won’t hear of it,” Aurora announced and procured a Celestial Royal gold coin from her pockets. “This should help. At least for starters. Also, I need to borrow Spike, a sheaf of parchment, and a pen.” Aurora had gotten the coin from Aerie.

“Well, I guess if you are going to insist, but as it’s Scootaloo who’s in need I will just have to insist on a discount. Now, how about yourself?”

“Scootaloo first, then me, and nothing too frilly, she’d never wear it.”

“Oh don’t I know it, now, you wanted to borrow Spike?”

“Yes, Rarity?” Spike piped up from behind a clothing rack.

“Ah, so I did hear someone sneak in.”

Scootaloo couldn't help but let out an unbidden snicker.

Aurora got her parchment, and pen and began to write.

“Um, I thought you wanted me to dictate, or something?” Spike asked.

“I need you to send this to Princess Celestia.”

“A letter to Princess Celestia?” Rarity asked.

“I thought I’d just jump past all the hurdles and advise Princess Celestia in regards to what’s going on with Scootaloo.”

“Princess Celestia?” Scootaloo asked stunned.

“Scootaloo, your parents abandoned you to your own devices. And I’m not saying you aren’t capable. You’ve survived for how long has it been?”

“A little over four months, I believe,” Rarity offered.

“Afraid the horse apples are going to hit the fan. It’s bad enough that they are at work all day, but to take off without making sure you’d be properly looked after is extremely irresponsible. I’m asking Princess Celestia to stop the forced sale of your parent’s property, an investigation as to why no pony looked into your welfare before taking possession of the property, and I am requesting temporary custody to keep you from getting uprooted.” She thought about it for a moment. “Granted I’m going to need to talk to Aerie, but I’m pretty sure she’ll agree with me on this. The alternative is you ending up in a home, not of your choosing, and the home getting access to your parent's money.”

“Ya, well, I’m going to want to see that letter before I send it,” Spike admonished.

“Understandable,” Aurora replied as she finished up the letter. She then signed it and hoofed it over to spike.

“Mmm, kay, ya, OK, ya, I get it, you’re who?” Spike's jaw had dropped.

Aurora leaned down and poked him with her horn. “Not one word,” she cautioned softly with a smile on her face while giving a wink to Rarity. “You know how ponies can get. It’s OK to add a note to Princess Celestia if you want. Might help.”

Spike nodded his head knowing full well what Rarity was like around ponies of note, snatched up the pen, added a note, gave it a moment to let the ink dry, rolled it up, and incinerated it with green fire from his mouth.

Princess Celestia was in Court hearing petitions when the roll of parchment popped into existence right in front of her.

“A moment, gentle ponies,” Princess Celestia requested as she caught the scroll. She unrolled it but did not recognize the calligrapher’s owner except... her heart skipped a beat as the writing looked a great deal like Sunset's. But then again, Sunset caring about what happens to others would be a cold day in Tartarus. As to what had happened to Scootaloo, there’d been quite a number of victims whose property had been declared unsafe and confiscated because the owners hadn’t cleaned it up fast enough. Something she was at that moment attempting to rectify.

And there was the signature, salutation, and a scrawled note from Spike. Who was Princess Aurora (Summer Sunshine) Summers anyway? Daughter from another world? And Spike verified that the pony in question indeed had both wings and a horn save that the horn was hidden somehow.

“A young filly aged ten,” Celestia announced loudly so all in the hall could hear. “Her home was wrecked by Discord’s rampage, and her parents unaccounted for. … And what do you think my little ponies do, do you think? Did they seek out this filly and help her? No. It seems no one knows what became of her parents either. I regret to say that they did not make any attempt to locate any of the occupants. They used the same excuse I’ve seen far too often, property in disrepair, seize the property, and put it up for sale. Never mind a filly left to her own devices, she can fend for herself it would seem.” Celestia slammed down her right hoof. “No filly should have to suffer while others enrich themselves off her misfortune. I am declaring all such sales null and void and placing a moratorium on any future sales pending a full investigation into such practices. And by my mother and my father so help me if there is but one pony out on the streets and one of you put them there so you can benefit, so help me there will be a reckoning. I’m also ordering an investigation into where the funds for repairs are actually going.” She slammed down her hoof again. “We are adjourned until tomorrow.”

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