• Published 29th Jul 2022
  • 1,383 Views, 691 Comments

Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 81 A minor annoyance

Aerie broke away from Lockhart the first chance she could get, and with a double load of books no less.

“Hey, Ron, take this set, will ya? And I don’t care what Lockhart says, I’m buying my own set.”

“Ya, I suppose I can take those off your hands,” Ron offered trying to sound like it was no big deal.

“I’ll be sure to square it with the shop keep, tell them I gave you the free set. Personally, I’m anxious to get out of here before this crowd gets any bigger.”

“I heard that,” Hermione replied with an armload of books.

“Saving up for your own library someday,” Aerie teased. Not that either of the two had outmatched the other.

“You are a fine one to talk.” They looked at each other's stack and started laughing.


“We thought we’d lost you,” Aurora offered a short time later out in front of the store just far enough away from the crowd to have some privacy. They’d decided to go wait out in front until everyone had gotten everything they needed

“Ah… Miss Potter?” Ginny asked nervously as Aerie went through her bag of books.

“Aerie, why are you rifling through Ginny's books?” Ron protested.

“It’s not there,” Aerie replied as she drew back. She spun and held up a fist in frustration. “Damn that man to Tartarus for eternity. - Moonie?”

“I’m sorry, I lost track of it. It was the flash from that camera,” Moonie the cat offered.

“It?” Aurora asked.

“Lucius Malfoy had something on him. Something really nasty. And he didn't have it on him when he left.”

“Ah, what sort of nasty?” Fred asked, he and George had just come out. Aerie let out a sigh knowing she'd have to tell them something. That and cloak and dagger secrets just weren't pony. Equestrian society was an open society where there were few secrets between ponies.

“You know that issue I have with my eyes?” Aerie asked him. “Mr Malfoy had something on him that was so repugnant it drew in all the light around it like a hole in the fabric of reality.”

“Aerie, it’s gone. It’s already gone,” Moonie lamented. “I’ve looked. No one in the store has it. And it’s not secreted away anywhere that I can find. I can see the same things you can. It’s not here.”

“I should have just mugged him back in that alley.” Granted that doing so would surely have outed her and there was still one more horcrux.

“What are you talking about?” Percy Weasley asked as he came up to them with a rather smug look on his face.

“Aerie, are you saying that Mr Malfoy unloaded some dark artifact on an unsuspecting victim?” Aurora asked.

“It was foretold that he would. It was supposed to be Ginny, but I’ve been doing things out of order. Subsequently, she seems to be in the clear.”

“So he picked a different victim.”

“Isolde!” Aerie exclaimed and pulled out her phone. Isolde had gotten her books and left just as fast as she could. “I can just see him targeting her.”

“The girls don’t have it,” Moonie offered as the phone rang.

“Mrs Silverwood, no time, I missed my chance. Hang on I’ll explain… I need you to check Isolde’s books just as soon as you can. It’s important. A notebook. Write in it and the words vanish, ask a question and it will answer… if it wants to. If you have the same visual issue I have you’ll know it when you see it… what should you do with it? Destroy it. By any means possible. Throw it into the fires of Oro Druin if you have to... Yes, it’s that bad. Moonie wouldn't touch it. I think she feared it might overshadow her.”

“Aerie, if it’s that bad-” Hermione began. She had heard more than enough.

“No! No, we can’t,” Aerie figured that Hermione would just go to the first adult available. “If his followers find out… Hermione, I’ll talk to Professor Dumbledore just as soon as I get to school. He already knows that I've been using my visual peculiarity to spot tainted artifacts. You have got to stay quiet about this. You too Ginny. I have been working with Professor Dumbledore on this because we knew there was a possibility Malfoy might try something so I need you to stay quiet. If any of Riddle’s followers were to find out they might try to get it.”

“But, wasn’t Malfoy a follower?” Ginny asked.

“Yes, he was. I fear that dumping that thing to cause mayhem was planned, but Malfoy didn’t fully understand what he had,” Aerie replied, said goodbye to Nova Silverwood, and put her phone away. “That prophesy about the one who would defeat Voldemort,” Aerie whispered. “I’ve been doing a sort of scavenger hunt. Looking for things he had created. Let’s just say that people tend to lower their guard around little girls. No offense, Ginny.”

“Do you think it’ll show up at school?” Percy asked.

“With any luck-"

"Luck?!" Hermione objected.

"With any luck it will. It needs to be found before it can cause any real damage. Listen, we can’t say anything to anyone, but we can keep an eye out for it. Maybe with luck, we can find it before anything happens at school.”

“Alright, we say nothing,” Percy stated. “Aerie will talk to Professor Dumbledore, and like she said, we’ll find it, and destroy it.”

“Find and destroy what?” Molly Weasley asked as she and the rest of their group exited the store.

“Fred and George lost track of one of their pranks,” Percy offered.

“Honestly, I just don’t know what to do with you two sometimes.”

“I am glad we came early,” Flora commented as more people started grouping up to try to get into the bookstore. Bloom, Sweetie, and Louise had eyes like saucers.

“Hey, you three going to be alright?” Aurora asked.

“The hardest part is going to be dealing with the apothecary,” Aerie offered. “Listen, something you need to know, the English Unicorns are related to deer, and shed their antler. It grows into a single twisted horn-like structure.”

“Ya, we saw that on the way in,” Louise replied. “Kind of made me queasy seeing it.”

“Unicorn horns?” Ginny asked.

“Akkadian Unicorns don’t lose their horns,” Aerie informed her. “They are from Akkadia.”

“Oh…” Ginny replied

“Hang on, if they are from Akkadia, why are they going to Hogwarts?” Hermione asked.

“Summer vacation in England; they got invites,” Aurora explained. “After much discussion, it was decided that it could be an educational experience for them.”

“Kreacher,” Aerie called. She was standing by the front door, her trunk loaded in the car. Parked behind it was Mrs Summer’s station wagon. She’d traded in her old car so that they’d have room for the other trunks without having to dump everything downstairs. They’d even placed an expansion charm on the inside of the wagon so that it now truly had the space the commercials claimed it would have.

“Yes, Mistress,” Kreacher said as he stepped out from the corner as though he’d been there the whole time.

“I fear our little nuisance may try to keep me off Platform Nine and three Quarters. The scamp even went so far as to try to get me arrested in a shop. I dear say it’ll be a while before I can show my face in there again and it cost me quite a bit. He’s insistent that I not go to Hogwarts when I must go. Why the danger is the very reason I must go.”

“Mistress, if he should close the gate, I’d suggest giving it a little push with that new pendant you’ve acquired.”

“I fear I might break the entire enchantment.”

“Just a gentle push should be enough to undo anything that one might devise.”

“Thank you Kreacher,” Aerie replied. “I’ll give it a shot.” She then leaned down and gave him a kiss on the head.”

“Honestly, you treat him like he’s a dog,” Aurora commented as she came down the hall, a trunk between her and Louise with a covered birdcage on top. Bloom and Sweetie carried a second trunk, and they were followed by Sirius and Mrs Summers who’d a third.

Sirius had the most astonished and perplexed look on his face.

“Well, I heard tell that we should treat our House Elves like dogs, and that’s how I treat dogs. With kindness and generosity.”

“Mistress's humor is most complex,” Kreacher replied. Being kissed on the top of the head was certainly new, but he could see that look on Sirius Black's face, and even if the kiss had made him feel a little uncomfortable, seeing that look on his old Master’s face was worth it. And there was the fact that he had indeed been treated with kindness here.

The group loaded up and were soon on their way. Aerie, Luna, Basil, Flora, and Justin are in one car, Mrs Summers, Aurora, Sweetie, Bloom, Louise, Hoshiko, and Mrs Tsuki are in the other. Everything was going fine. Or so they’d thought until the car Aerie was in suddenly had four flat tires.

“Undoubtedly doing his master’s wishes,” Aerie accused as they watched the other car vanish into the distance. Lucius Malfoy had been arrested moments after arriving home from Diagon Alley the same day Aerie had followed him from Nocturne Alley into Diagon Alley, but Dobby had not relaxed from his harassment.

“Fixed,” Luna announced a moment later with wand in hand. “Let’s go.”

“Once more into the traffic, once more,” Aerie proclaimed in a melodramatic tone. “For truly it is better to have ventured forth and perished than to molder away safe at home.”

“You done, or are you going to go on like this all the way there?” Luna asked.

“He vexes me, he does.”

“Be nice if someone would tell your little friend that I’m not the one he’s trying to stop from going to Hogwarts,” Justin added.

“We started with plenty of time,” Flora offered.

“And if he tries any more tricks I’ll just deal with them,” Luna added. “And between you and me I’m not all that happy about you going either. It’s a big risk. But it’s a risk you need to take.”

“If I thought things were going to be all that dangerous I’d have said no to Scootaloo and the others going.”

Fortunately, they had no more trouble getting to the station where they found the others waiting for them.

“We were starting to worry about you,” Aurora informed Aerie as Justin and her trunks were unloaded. And yes, they’d put an expansion charm on the boot of the car. In truth, Aerie’s luggage was really little more than a programmable door to the flat, and not the whole flat. The trunks were loaded onto trolleys, Moonie in her kitty carrier, and Sweetie had ended up with Owlowiscious who’d a cover over her cage. When Twilight heard the girls were going to be special apprentices she insisted on giving Sweetie the owl. And the bird Louise had was a young Akkadian phoenix. The Crusaders had been allowed to visit the Akkadian Island, primarily so they could describe the place if asked about it, and Louise had somehow managed to impress on a young Phoenix. Together they filed into the station, and down to Platform Nine and three-quarters.

“I’m going to miss having Kitzu at my feet,” Hoshiko lamented.

“I’ll put in an advertisement to see if anyone wants to be your familiar,” her mom offered and then the two went through the barrier.

As expected, Aerie’s trolley came to a rather jarring stop.

“Aerie, are you alright?” Luna asked. Mrs Summers, Sweetie, Louise, Bloom, Aurora, and Justin were already through.

“One moment,” Aerie growled. She then pulled off the hammer pendant just as the Weasleys were arriving. She took the pendant and placed it in her fist with the head of the hammer sticking out like she was going to use it as brass knuckles. “If you can get my cart for me…” She then went around the cart, punched the wall, and stepped through. Luna grabbed the cart and Quickly followed.

Witches and wizards alike had turned to witness the house elf go sprawling down the ramp. He came to land but a few feet from a newspaper rack where the papers boldly proclaimed Lucious Malfoy caught with pants down. Chamber of horrors found. Malfoy Goes to Azkaban!

“Care to explain to me why your master sent you to harass me!” Aerie yelled at him.

“No, no, you misunderstand. Aerie Potter must not go to Hogwarts,” he whined. He froze and took a hesitant glance at the audience when he realized his mistake.

“Explain to me why he sent you to stop me from going to Hogwarts?”

“No, no, no. Master did not send me. Oh, Dobby must punish himself.” He then drew himself off the floor to all fours and began to beat his head on the tile floor.

“Then you deny your master?” Aerie asked forcefully.

“Deny? No, Dobby could never-”

“Then you freely admit that he sent you. Speak clearly Dobby of House Malfoy for I know who you are and who you serve. He sent you. Admit it or deny your master.”

“No house elf acts on their own,” Someone nearby stated.

“It’ll be that much longer in Azkaban for him,” said another.

“No, no, no, master will be displeased with Dobby.”

“Then you deny him?” Aerie pressed, and with each word, she drew closer.

“Out with it elf,” Ordered one of the witches.

“Admit he sent you,” Aerie shouted angrily. “Admit he sent you and betray your master or deny him and take the blame on yourself!”

“Aerie? Stop!?” Hermione called.

“You stay out of this! This wretch has stolen my mail, tried to drive my friends away, flattened the tires on our car, and attempted to block my access to the platform. - Dobby, admit your master's orders or deny him!”

“It was me, it was all me!” Dobby wailed.

“Then you deny him?”

“Dobby denies his master-”

“Say it in the first person. Say aye!”

“I deny my master…”

The room went silent. A house elf had just denied their master.

Silent save for Dobby’s sobbing.

“I deny my master.” And then he stopped crying.


“I deny my master.”

“Then I have nothing more to say to you,” Aerie said and took a step. She stopped and whispered. “Dobby, you're free now.”

“Dobby is free? …. Dobby is free...” His tone had gone from pain and anguish to relief and amazement. Indeed Dobby felt as though a heavy weight had been lifted from him. His burden now gone.

“Aerie, that was uncalled for,” Hermione scolded.

“Dobby, I’m sure Professor Dumbledore can fit you in at Hogwarts, tell him what you know, and don’t worry about me. We can talk about that at Hogwarts. We will get through this year.”

“Thank you. Thank You, Aerie Potter.”

“Thank you?” Hermione asked while all who heard now whispered about the house elf denying his master.

“He wanted to be free, but the bonds are so strong it prevents him from doing that one thing that can set him free of his own accord,” Aerie offered as she stepped up to Hermione. “If a house elf wants to be free they must deny their master.”

Aerie continued on past Hermione as she put the necklace back on.

“That, what you did was cruel,” Hermione stated.

“Is it cruel to cut a tumor from a body or to leave it?” Aerie asked. “What I did was difficult, but look at him. He’s happy. It’s what he wanted.” And indeed Dobby did look happy. He was sitting there with the most bliss-filled look on his face and seemed oblivious to the Weasley family passing by him.

“What’s with that house elf?” Ron asked.

“He’s the former Malfoy house elf,” Aerie offered and then began walking to the second-year car.

“Ha, must have finally realized that his Master can’t hurt him anymore,” Ron offered and then followed after Aerie even as Dobby lept to his feet, kicked his heels together, let out a whoop, and vanished.

Hermione just stood there as people shuffled by. Many were talking about what had happened. Some seemed to know that a house elf could break its bonds but couldn't imagine how badly Lucius Malfoy must have been treating the poor creature. And all were in agreement that Malfoy must have ordered the elf to stop Aerie from going to Hogwarts. Some felt like the elf had no choice. Dobby must either deny that his master had ordered his actions or betray his master.

“Isolde, you alright?” Louise asked. The four girls had met at Eques City and were fast friends now.

“Was it that bad?” Isolde said softly as she gazed down the platform at the spot where Dobby had been. Draco the boy had been pampered, but he hadn’t been blind either. Where he failed was in understanding and after a few months of living with the ponies it had become all too painfully clear just how dysfunctional his family was.

“Come on, we need to get on board,” Apple Bloom stated as she hoisted her trunk up from the trolley.

“Ya, coming…”

“Isolde?” Aster pressed.

“I’m good,” Isolde replied, turned, and witnessed Apple Bloom carrying her trunk on top of her head while using her hands to steady it as she boarded the train. “How is she even doing that?”

“Lives on a farm, remember?” Sweetie replied. And yes, she needed help with her trunk.

“If you need anything we’ll be one car up,” Aurora offered, and Gave Louise a hug.

“Do I get a hug?” Sweetie asked.

“Sure, why not.”

“And me,” Bloom called from the door of a compartment.

“Alright, all right, Miss Bloom Apple,” Aurora replied, went to the door, and reached up to her to hug her.

“And tell Aerie to come here and get a hug too.”

“I think Aerie is in a bad mood,” Aurora replied.

“All the more reason she needs a hug.”

“Alright, I’ll tell her. Now, everyone climb up.”

“Would it be alright if I join you?” Isolde asked.

“Come on up,” Apple Bloom offered as Aurora went to go get Aerie.

“Can I join you?’ Ginny asked.

“Sure, why not? Come on up,” Bloom offered, and by the time Aerie got there all five girls had climbed into the compartment.

Aerie found herself at a loss when Isolde hugged her.

“I’m glad he’s free,” Isolde whispered and ended up getting an even tighter hug.

“Hermione is mad at me.”

“I thought she wanted to free House Elves?”

“She doesn’t understand that sometimes we have to do difficult things to make the world a better place.”

“Maybe there will be others who’ll break from their masters.”

“Wouldn't that cause chaos in the wizard community,” Aerie replied and let go of the hug. She had to laugh at the realization that Discord would likely want just that just as the last call warning blew. “I have to get to my car, see you in Hogwarts.”

Aerie dashed away and dived up into the next car up. A moment later she found Aurora, Hoshiko, Lavender, and the Patil twins waiting for her in a compartment.

Author's Note:

Aerie is giving out way too much information in this chapter to far too many people. But then again, she's not very good at keeping her cards to herself. Sure, she can keep some secrets, but she's a pony. She is accustomed to relying on others to help her. She is accustomed to relying on the herd.

I had someone complain my characters give away too many secrets. They couldn't be bothered to say which secrets or how I might improve, and I was in a particularly bad mood that day so I blocked them and deleted the pointless comment. Criticism that is generalized with no meaningful suggestions is unwanted and worse than useless.

The scene where Aerie goes through Ginny's bag was originally planned to happen at the Burrow where she'd end up having to give some kind of explanation to the whole family... Which would have been fine if I wanted her to get the book and destroy it right then and there.
I changed my mind.

Let's be honest, if she gains the book too soon I've no story. Just a brief interlude followed by a fairly mundane school year where nothing all that exciting happens.

The number of individuals who know she is looking for a tainted book has been reduced, and they only know that it's tainted with dark magic. She's kept that Horcrux card tight with only a select few individuals knowing the true threat of that book.

And don't worry about Percy. Aerie is cute and she's working with Dumbledore. All Aerie has to do is say the man's name and Percy will do anything for her.

The newspaper rack was because I'd forgotten to have anything spelling out that Malfoy Manor had been successfully raided. I thought I had but, it apparently got lost or wasn't obvious enough.

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