• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

  • ...

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Chapter 92: Quidditch - Revenge of the Bludger.

Aerie woke early Saturday morning with a feeling of dread somewhere deep down. No, not the monster dread, Dobby dread. If the game went according to canon, she was going to end up with a broken arm, Lockhart would magic the bones away, and she’d end up in the medical wing overnight.

“Moonie…” Aerie said softly.

“Yes?” Moonie asked moments after appearing in bed with her in her filly form, muzzle inches from Aerie’s face.

“What frame of mind do you think Dobby is in?”

“Do you mean, do I think he still wants you safely away from Hogwarts?” More than likely, yes. He’s also too brazen a coward to keep an eye on the second-floor girls’ toilets like you asked. Not so much because he’s afraid of the Wyrm, but because it’s a girls’ toilet.”

“Figures. I’m concerned that he’s going to enchant one of the bludgers to attack me. Not to kill me but to injure me to the point I’ll be forced out of the school.”

“There is the Iron Man armor.”

“Isn’t that just something you conjured up to give me a proper air supply and protect me in an emergency? Given that it’s a construct you made, I can’t help but think it’d be no more durable than your body.”

“I’ll have you know that I’m mighty durable.”

“I’ve no doubt, but…”

“I can mimic the molecular structure of the armor you acquired in that Armory under Canterlot, and it will fit under the team robe.”

“Seriously?” Aurora asked as she sat up in her bed. Yes, her bed. No pony had climbed into bed with any pony that night.

“Iron Man armor? Armor from an armory under Canterlot?” Lavender asked. “Isn’t that supposed to be the mythological home of the Akkadians?”

“Go back to sleep and forget you heard anything,” Aerie scolded.

“No. I’m wide awake now, and I want to know. Do you or do you not have your own suit like that Mr Stark guy?”

“Promise not to say anything to anyone?” Aerie asked.

“I kind of want to know too.”

“Fine,” Aerie offered and got out of bed. She went to the center of the room. “Moonie, Armor, Iron Man Model forty-two, black and gold, Nova Mark Three. Armor me.” The Mark One was the original nanobot tech suit Moonie based her version on which she and Aerie were calling the Nova Mark Two.

“Theme music,” Moonie said softly followed by the room filling with the sound of the Iron Man theme. Armor began materializing near Aerie. It would just hang in the air at first, followed by slapping into place and knitting together.

“What the heck?!” Hermione shouted from the doorway a couple of moments later. “Aerie, is that you?”

“Sorry,” Aerie offered as the helmet peeled back. Out on the landing, people were starting to gather.

“Aerie? What in blazes?” Alicia asked. “Um… you're not expecting trouble at the game are you?”

“Afraid so,” Aerie replied. “This is Moonie’s Idea. She created it for me.”

“I see.”

“Moonie, let’s stow this for now.”

“Can do,” Moonie replied and a moment later the armor was gone.

“And next time, no music.”


Aerie and the rest of the team made their way down to the team locker rooms at ten thirty that morning. “So who’s idea was it to start at noon this year?” Aerie asked Wood.

“No idea.”

“Everyone got your brooms under control?”

“Mine’s about as squirrelly as I am,” Fred offered with a grin. “Just the way I like it.”

“Keep yer voices down,” Wood cautioned. “Wouldn't want Slytherin thinking we’ve got an issue with our brooms.” And yes, they had tinkered with their brooms. Each got a feather from a pegasus that matched their personality. Once modified it’d become a matter of getting accustomed to the new characteristics of the brooms.

“I’m more worried about the weather,” Alicia stated as she looked up at the overcast. It was a muggy day and there was a hint of thunder in the air.

“Aerie!” Hermione called as she, Aurora, Ron, Neville, and Lavender hurried to catch up.

“Oh, hi, what’s up?”

“We wanted to wish you good luck,” Aurora offered.

“I’d say we are going to need it. Thanks,” Aerie replied, gave each a hug, and then followed the rest of the team inside.

“Alright listen up,” Wood said loudly and then froze up as red and black armor appeared from nowhere and started slapping onto Aerie.

“Go on,” Aerie prompted.

“Moonie seems to have conjured that up,” Alicia informed him. “We seem to be expecting trouble.”

“Lovely, just lovely. Fine then. Let's face it, Slytherin has better brooms. Yes, we’ve improved on our brooms but they are untested in an actual game. That said, we have better people.” He paused a moment to watch Aerie put her team jersey over the armor followed by the team quidditch robes.

“We’ve got better people,” Fred said loudly.

“Aye, and we’ve trained harder. Harder than any quidditch team before. We’ve been flying in all manner of weather.”

“Too true,” George muttered.

“I’m sure it’ll come in handy later in the year,” Aerie offered as she went to retrieve her broom.

“We are going to beat Slytherin,” Wood stated with an air of finality. “We will make them rue the day they let Bagman buy his way onto the team.” he focused on Aerie. “It’ll be up to you, Aerie, to show that seeker what you are made of. That it takes more than having a rich relative.”

“Now why do you think I let him win that race?”

“Knew it,” Fred and George chimed.

“I figured as much,” Wood stated. “And I’ll admit to being right miffed about it until we started getting reports on that idiots flying. Just one thing, isn’t that armor going to slow you down?”

“I’m expecting to get hit by a rogue Bludger. And for that matter, shouldn't you get ready too?”

“You are expecting to get hit by a rogue Bludger?”

“Ya. But don’t worry. I can still fly circles around Mr Bagman.”

“You better… hang on, what’s that noise?”

“Slytherin walking out no doubt,” Fred suggested.

“And you’re not even ready,” George added.

“Let them wait,” Aerie said as a devilish grin spread across her face. “Wood, as soon as you are ready, let’s do the slow walk. We go out, line up side by side, and take our good sweet time.”

“I do like the way she thinks,” Fred offered to be seconded by George.

It didn’t take long for Wood to get ready, the team exited the changing room and began walking. Forming the line was no problem at the pace they were going and the cocky attitude they were presenting was slowly infuriating the Slytherin team. The crowd on the other hand had gone wild. Slytherin had been heartily cheered on by their house, but the Gryffindor team was being cheered on not just by Gryffindor, but by Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw who wanted nothing more than to see Slytherin get taken down a notch. There were even pegasi up on top of the stands who were vigorously clapping their hooves.

“Took you long enough,” Madam Hooch scolded after they arrived at the center of the pitch. “Wood, Miles, shake hands, and let’s get started.”

“Looks like Potter has a new pair of boots on,” offered Lee Jordan the commentator for the game. Wood and Miles give each other a firm handshake and then back off.

“On my whistle,” Madam Hooch called as she released the Snitch, followed by the bludgers. She then took up the quaffle, “Three... two… one!” ♫♩!

Aerie immediately rolled away from the place she’d been standing as a bludger went right through where she’d been standing a moment before, striking the ground and ripping up the turf.

Quick as a wink she was on her broom and racing across the pitch inches off the ground the other players, momentarily startled, mounted their brooms, Wood catching the quaffle as he cursed. He didn’t know who he needed to curse but he’d a mind to ask Aerie how she’d known. Bludgers just weren’t supposed to do that.

“Maybe we could just blast it?” Moonie suggested in Aerie’s ear. As she had when they first used that specific armor Moonie could make use of a built-in earpiece to talk to Aerie.

“We are just going to have to live with it until the Snitch has been caught.” Aerie poured on the speed and then pulled up to shoot heavenward.

The bludger was hot on her tail as it arched upwards to intercept.

Higher and higher they went. And then Bagman started after Aerie as well given he’d not understood what was going on. Indeed he’d hardly gotten started when Aerie pitched over and shot straight down past the bludger. It had been slow to change directions but was quickly after her.

Faster and faster Aerie and the bludger went, and then when it seemed like she was going to slam into the ground she pulled out of the dive.

Turf went flying up as she passed over the ground. The bludger on the other hand slammed into the ground with a resounding thump, the force of impact shaking the ground and throwing up dirt.

“Ha, with any luck it’ll be good and stuck,” Aerie said to Moonie as she raced down to the other end of the pitch and started concentrating on finding the snitch.

Bludgers were supposed to knock as many players off their brooms as possible, not concentrate on one player.

“What’s the matter Scar Head,” Bagman called. “Not afraid of a little bludger are you?”

The sound of an explosion was Aerie’s first warning that the blasted thing was loose again. The sound of something whistling through the air the second.

“Roll right!” Moonie ordered.

Aerie felt it catch momentarily on her clothing as she dropped into a sloth hang. Nor did she have any intention to just hang there, pulled her broom down, and dropped away even as the bludger had another go at her.

“Close one Aerie,” George yelled as he streaked past with his club ready to bat away the bludger as it lined up for another go at Aerie. His bat connected so hard it sounded like the thing might have broken, the bludger headed right for one of the Slytherin players, a boy named Adrian Pucey, but before the Slytherin Beater could respond the bludger changed directions and went right back to hounding Aerie.

Aerie pulled up fast to avoid it. George hit it again, this time straight at Bagman who panicked and nearly crashed his broom before regaining his wits, and the bludger just turned and took off after Aerie once again.

Aerie put on a burst of speed rocketing to the other end of the pitch with George hot on the bludger, and people in the stands were calling for a halt in the game to investigate the bludger.

“Blasted thing!” George yelled as he batted the bludger only to have it go right back to tracking Aerie.

“Moonie, did you include the weapons package?” Aerie asked as she was forced to roll to avoid being hit yet again.

“Now why do you think I suggested blasting it?”

“Activate all weapon systems, and I want a heads up on my goggles. Target the bludger but don’t fire until I say to.” As to why she was using goggles was because she didn’t think she’d get away with using the full helmet.

“On it. Target acquired.”

It had started to rain and Aerie was worried she’d lose sight of her pursuer.

“The game is tied by 30 points,” Lee Jordan announced followed by, “There is definitely something off with that – look out Aerie!”

This time it was coming right at her on a collision course. Aerie waited, fainted left, pulled away to the right, and looped up and over changing direction as she went.

“Someone’s tampered with the bludger all right,” Fred called moments after swooping in and driving the blasted thing off with a well-hit swing of his bat.

“Should we call for a time-out?” George called.

“Bagman’s seen the Snitch!” Aerie shouted. “Just keep that blasted thing off me!”

Aerie raced after Bagman, Bagman raced after the snitch which wouldn't you know it, the double blasted thing ducked down into a large trench that separated the pitch from the stands to include timber bracing stretching across it at various heights.

“Aerie,” Moonie whispered as they dropped down into the trench. “May the force be with you.”

“Ha, ha, very funny,” Aerie replied as she closed on Bagman, Moonie started humming the theme to Star Wars as pigeons flew out from their roosts.

“It’s no good, I can’t maneuver!” Fred shouted, the four fliers going faster and faster, the Snitch ever out of reach, behind them the sound of the bludger smashing its way through the trench. “We're going too fast!”

“You know, firing missiles at other players isn’t in the rule book,” Moonie tempted and then went back to humming Star Wars, she was doing the Star Wars trench theme now.

“Stay on target!” Fred ordered. “Stay on target!”

“Don’t need the missiles,” Aerie replied to Moonie as Bagman dipped down to avoid hitting a brace. Aerie dropped down, and right behind him, he started reaching for the Snitch only to be forced to clutch at his broom to avoid yet another brace. Aerie moved in tight and shoved the tip of her broom into his sweep causing him to veer off and out of the trench. He’d crash moments later.

Aerie pushed her broom faster now as she dropped down, under, and over braces. Slytherin was up two more goals.

“Come on Aerie, grab that thing!” Fred shouted and then beat the bludger back.

Up went the Snitch, up out of the trench, Aerie hot on its tail, and with no more braces to worry about she pushed her broom even faster.

“She’s got the Snitch!” Lee Jordan shouted.

“Aerie look out!” George shouted.

“Roll left!” Moonie called, but they were too late.

In one well-timed turn, the bludger had connected with her gut and swept her off her broom just as she’d gone into her roll.

“Pull up. Pull up.” Moonie started chanting like she was the warning in an airplane. “No! Don’t use your wings! Your shield! Use your shield! Repulsors, you've got repulsors!!” Aerie could feel a force field enveloping her but it was too late.

Aerie had instinctively spread her wings only to have the bludger hit right on the humerus of her left wing. Down she went.

Pain like she’d never known shot through her.

“Fire, damn it, fire!” Aerie shouted as she fell. Little rockets popped out of the arms and streaked through the air. They all hit at the same time in the most spectacular explosion anyone at that school had ever seen.

“I’m taking over,” Moonie stated. Aerie felt Moonie’s magic slowing her descent, softly landing, and then allowing her to crumple on the grass. “Disengaging armor.”


“Probably don’t want to explain the armor,” Moonie offered a moment later, now in human form by her side.

“Aerie, what happened,” Fred called as he landed nearby. George was the next at her side, followed by the rest of the team joining them.

“She went and unfolded her wings is what happened,” Moonie scolded. “The Bludger struck her left wing and broke it even with my shielding. Without my protection… as is she’ll be stuck like that till it mends. Aerie held up a hand with the snitch but dared not move, the rain washing tears away.

“Not to worry, I’ll just deal with those things,” Lockhart called. Aerie looked up, saw the man directing his wand at her precious wings, and directed all her hatred into that wand. “Stand back… Aah!” His wand blew up. It wasn’t anywhere near as spectacular as the previous explosion but by the sound of his wailing a person would think his hand had blown up.

“Oh, shut up,” Nova Silverwood scolded as she dropped to the ground. “No one is to attempt to do anything to those wings.”

“They are just a magical aberration!” Lockhart yelled, still cradling his hand.

“No, they are not. She’s part Akkadian. Those are right proper wings, and they are going to be stuck that way until they are mended. If you’d have had your way she’d have ended up crippled for life!” She took a step closer to Lockhart. “And if you do anything to her, I will peal the skin off you while you are still alive. Is that crystal clear?”

“Mrs Silverwood, please,” Dumbledore admonished as he joined the group. Others were bringing a stretcher and first aid kit.

“Considering all the times I had to rescue him when he was a student. That and he’s a Dark Arts specialist. Not a medical practitioner. And considering what he was about to try to do… there’s no telling what sort of damage he might have done.”

“Alright Aerie, let’s see what we can do with that wing,” Madam Hooch offered.

“Is it OK, if Mrs Silverwood sets it?” Aerie asked softly.

“Sure, honey. Mrs Silverwood…”

“I’m right here. Seems her little Night Mare has done a fair job of immobilizing the wing. Alright Moonie, let me see what needs to be done.” Nova Silverwood knelt next to Aerie and whipped up a screen of fox fire.”


“It allows me to see what the bone looks like. It’s a clean break.
“Aerie, you are going to need to spend the night. Mind coming to my place in the forest.”

“I, um…” Aerie knew that there was a strong possibility that the Basilisk would strike, but then again, did she need to be there? If she wasn’t there, there’d be no one trying to go visit her. And there was the issue that leaving would be exactly what Dobby wanted. He’d be happy, but then he might redouble his efforts when she came back but she’d deal with him then.”

“Now Mrs Swan Silverwood, I hardly think she needs to leave Hogwarts,” Dumbledore objected as Nova Silverwood began splinting the wing

“It’d only be a couple nights at the most. I just happen to be something of an expert when it comes to her unique physiology. I’ll have her back by Monday in time for classes.”

“I’ll go. Just one thing, where’s Louise?”

“I’m right here.”

“Louise, I want Moonie to keep an eye on you, and I’d suggest returning to the dorm immediately after dinner.”

“Aerie?” Aurora asked as Aerie reached for her pendent only to have Moonie reach over, arrest her arm, and whisper…

“Don’t you dare? Not right in front of Dumbledore.”

Aerie looked at Moonie and realized the mistake she was about to make. In Equestria, it wouldn't have been an issue, but the last thing she wanted was for Dumbledore to know about the amulet. “Aurora, be on high alert tonight. Moonie, don’t let anything happen to those fillies.”

“I won’t,” Moonie replied.

“On high alert…” Dumbledore began. “Yes, with all the revelry it’d be easy for someone to slip away to commit mischief. Aerie, the bludger. Any ideas.”

“I suspect that you may need to have a word or two with Dobby.”


“He was adamant about my not coming to Hogwarts and I wouldn't put it past him to try to drive me out. He desperately wanted me away from Hogwarts. Even more so if he understands the danger.”

“I see. I’ll talk with him.”

“If I am the one who will be instrumental in thwarting certain plans, I need help, not hindrance.” Dumbledore nodded his head in understanding. “Dobby’s not a bad elf, he’s just horribly broken and I fear his thinking is a bit skewed.”

“Alright, that’s done, let’s get you on a gurney,” Nova Silverwood offered.

“Got anything for the pain?”

“Afraid that you’ll have to wait until we get you to our little clinic.”

“Aerie,” Moonie pressed.

“I’ll be fine. I want you to keep the fillies safe.”


“If there are no complications, she’ll be back in time for classes on Monday,” Mrs Silverwood offered.

Aerie was loaded up onto a carriage pulled by two big strong pegasi and away they went followed by Mrs Silverwood and half the pegasi up on top of the stands.

Young Mr Bagman while not badly injured was taken to the school's medical wing and owing to his exaggerated complaints would be made to stay the rest of the day and the night before he was allowed to return to his dorm room and ended up having to endure Lockhart’s whining. Yes, Lockhart also ended up spending the night due to the damage to his hand. Thanks to the wand’s overcharge, not only was it necessary to repair the man's hand, the excess magic had to be leached from the hand.

As for Dumbledore, he talked briefly with the Gryffindor team and then went to go pay a visit to the kitchens.

“Is Dobby about, I need to talk to him?” Dumbledore asked once the pleasantries had been dealt with.

“Dobby is here,” offered a most contrite house elf who looked as though he’d been crying. He had a small knit hat in his hands because when one is about to get dressed down by one’s betters one had best have a hat in hand.

“Ah, Dobby, a word or two, if you don’t mind,” Dumbledore offered, pulled up a seat about the size of a milking stool, and sat down.

“Yes sir.”

“You wouldn't happen to know anything about the bludger that went rogue and attacked Miss Potter, would you?”

“Aerie Potter is safe now,” Dobby replied as tears began to flow. Other house elves nearby stopped what they were doing, some even began to back away.

“Dobby, that’s not a denial, now is it.”

“Aerie Potter is safe. Aerie Potter must be safe.”

“I’m not sure being assaulted by a bludger intent on bodily destruction counts as safe.
“Miss Potter has a broken wing. She’s part Akkadian. The manifestation of wings is part of her heritage. I saw that bludger strike her in the gut and sweep her off her broom. Dobby, if not for the protection provided by her Night Mare, that Bludger would have killed her.”

“Dobby… Dobby wouldn’t have… Dobby would have stopped it.”

“When?” Dumbledore asked sternly. “I dare say when it was too late. I saw how hard that bludger hit her. If not for the armor it would have dun serious internal damage, and had she survived the fall would have finished her.”

“Dobby has erred and will punish Dobby.”

“No, no you will not. Dobby is forbidden to punish Dobby without my permission. Your punishment will be that you will not harm yourself while you live under this roof. You will live with your shame and bear it.” Dumbledore's voice was extra stern. He let out a sigh realizing just how damaged this house elf was. His tone softened.

“Dobby, after you were freed, who was it who sent you to me?”

“Aerie Potter did, Sir, Professor, Sir. Aerie Potter is a most kind and generous master.”

“Dobby, she’s the one who suggested I have a word with you. Her teammates informed me that she knew that she’d be attacked. The Night Mare set her up with some enchanted armor.”

“She knew? Sir?”

“She knew. Dobby, she knew. She knew that you might betray her trust out of an overabundance of concern, and yet she sent you to me anyway when she could have left you to your own devices. And you thanked her, by trying to kill her.”

“Not kill her, sir, Dobby only wanted Aerie Potter hurt enough to be sent home. Dobby wants to save Aerie Potter’s life. Dobby only wanted Aerie Potter to go home.” His hat now drenched in tears he wrung it with his hands to produce a small puddle on the floor. Kreacher is a much better house elf than Dobby…” Dobby let out a great wracking sob.

“Dobby, all you have to do to secure Aerie’s safety along with everyone at this school is help us find the very thing that you warned me about.”

“D’obby can’t. Dobby can’t. Sir.”

“And why ever not? Dobby, all you have to do is tell us who has it.”

“Dobby is not sure, sir. Dobby can only sense it when it’s in use… powerful dark magic, sir. Powerful dark magic.”

“I see.” Dumbledore chose that moment to stand up. Given that even the Night Mare feared that specific horcrux, any reservations Dumbledore had about finding and destroying it as soon as possible had been set aside. Especially if he had no way to control the person who had it. “Dobby, something you need to know. Aerie’s good friend Miss Aurora Summers is a bona fide Akkadian princess. According to the founding Charter, the abode of an Akkadian Princess is her embassy. That means that Hogwarts is her domain while she resides in these halls. She has full control of the wards. She would be within her rights to ban you from these premises.

“I want you to understand that Aerie is also in part Akkadian. When her wing is mended she will return to Hogwarts.”

“Return sir?”

“She will return. And when she does I hope that you can demonstrate that you are worthy of her trust. I’m told that she will be back in time for Monday's classes. If any harm should come to her, short of finding yourself in Azkaban, you may find yourself without a home. A home that has been so graciously offered to you by the very person you hurt.

“Just one more thing I think you need to keep in mind. That Akkadian heritage, yes I think that’s it, it makes her resistant to dark magic. Trust that by working together we will come through this.”

Author's Note:

I'm publishing this one early. I'm going to be too busy today and decided to post it now instead forgetting till whenever. :twilightsheepish:

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