• Published 29th Jul 2022
  • 1,365 Views, 674 Comments

Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 35: Aurora and Scootaloo's day out. Part two

Aurora and Scootaloo were still at the boutique when Lofty and Holiday spotted them.

“I thought you were going to go see Twilight?” Lofty asked momentarily after entering the shop.

“Twilight? Oh, no, it was Spike I needed to see, and he’s right here.”

“Spike is a wonderful little helper. Aren’t you Spiky-waikie?”

Spike just grinned stupidly at Rarity’s teasing.

“Scootaloo?” Holiday asked as her eyes caught sight of Scootaloo in a fuzzy violet sweater, a plumb-colored dress, and rainbow leggings. “Oh my gosh, you are so cute.” She looked up. “How?”

“I just told her the truth about Rainbow Dash and that a filly can enjoy being a filly and still be awesome.” Aurora offered. “In Dash’s case, her mother and father kind of overdid it when she was really little.”

“That and she’s been promised some cool adventure outfits,” Rarity offered.

“Any luck with the Mayor’s Office?” Aurora asked.

“Out of her office and won’t be back until after the winter break,” Lofty said. “I can’t help but wonder if she even knows what’s been going on under her very nose.”

“Did you at least have a place to stay?” Aurora asked. She was just a little worried they’d want to come over to the cottage.

“The cottage is kind of small,” Scootaloo piped in.

“To be honest we were only planning on being here for the day,” Lofty informed Aurora and Rarity.

“In that case let’s all go to Sugar Cube Corner for lunch,” Aurora offered. “Just out of curiosity, where is Sweetie Belle?”

“Upstairs doing her winter break homework.”

“Just out of curiosity, why Spike?” Lofty asked.

“Sent a letter to Princess Celestia,” Spike offered.

“Princess Celestia is one of Spike’s guardians after all,” Aurora explained. “And he has the ability to send letters directly to her.”

“She hasn’t written back though.”

“Might be too busy I’d imagine.” Aurora thought of something. “Lofty, Holiday, do you have access to Snap and Mane’s bank account? Pretty sure they’d tell me to go fly a kite, short of I did something I’d regret later.”

“They’d likely freeze the account if they suspected those two aren’t coming back.”

“I have access, but just for basic expenses,” Scootaloo offered. “Food and school supplies, and I only get so much.”

“Any chance you’ve been spending it on junk food?” Holiday scolded.


“Scootaloo, if you want to be a strong flier you have to eat right,” Aurora chastised.

“Um, we don’t really think she’s going to be able to fly,” Lofty offered.

“I flew this morning.”

“What?” This time it was everyone except Scootaloo and Aurora who’d spoken.

“All she really needed was a proper flight lesson.”

“But Rainbow has been trying to teach her for ages?” Rarity asked.

“By having Scootaloo flapping her wings up and down as fast as she can.”

“Ahhh… what?” Lofty asked. “But?”

“Lots of backwash with no lift.”

“That’s exactly what would happen. Still though, to be honest we didn’t really expect her to…”

Aurora reached over with a hoof and ruffed Scootaloo’s forehead. Sure enough, Scootaloo had a little button horn. But then again, Scootaloo was technically a second or third cousin so far as she knew, and Aurora’s magic was compatible. Granted that in her Equestria, Scootaloo had technically been a niece.

“Well, looks like all she needed is the right kind of nurturing,” Aurora offered with a smile. “We kind of missed our first opportunity to tell you the good news.”

“I’m so sorry,” Lofty said sheepishly.

Rarity on the other hand trotted over to a cupboard and brought out a large box. From it she produced a raspberry pink flight suit.

“This will go perfectly with your color palate,” Rarity offered. “Now, take that off, and let’s see if it fits.”

“Ah…” Scootaloo was hesitant.

“You want to be a big star someday, it kind of helps if you stand out,” Aurora offered with a big smile. “Come on, let’s get it on you, and then we’ll show every pony how good you can fly.

“Oddly how everything fit so well,” Aurora whispered to Rarity as Scootaloo trotted outside in her new outfit a few minutes later.

“I might have designed a few things with her in mind,” Rarity whispered as they followed the others outside.

“Scootaloo, you need to calm yourself,” Aurora called and trotted out to Scootaloo who’d been flapping like a fledgling. She placed a wing over to calm Scootaloo and give her a little of her magic, hopefully without the other mares noticing. “Remember what I taught you. Bring your wings up, forward, cup the air, down and back.”

A moment later Scootaloo was air born and flying a holding pattern around the shop while squealing with delight. Aurora turned to look at the three mares to find they were giving her the oddest look. Suddenly Lofty brightened.

“You’re a Shimmer.”

“Scootaloo is not a Shimmer though,” Holiday said softly. “At least I don’t think she is?”

“That looked suspiciously like a pegasus version of the mother’s touch,” Rarity offered. “And she’s surely not old enough to be Scootaloo’s mother?”

“I wouldn't count on that,” Spike quipped.

“Spike, a gentleman doesn’t comment on a lady’s age,” Rarity scolded.

“I may or may not be related to Sunset. Though I’d just assume not bring her into it.”

“Sunset?” Rarity asked.

“Sunset Shimmer? Princess Celestia’s former prize student before Twilight?” Aurora prompted.

“Oh, right, I remember her. A perfect example of how not to behave,” Rarity offered. “And you do look like her, now that I think of it. In fact… could you possibly be her sister?”

“It’s not possible is it?” Holiday asked.

“Let’s say for the sake of argument,” Aurora began as an upstairs window was opened and Sweetie Belle stuck her head out the window. “..that I am her sister, I’m not sure why that would even matter. That, and do I even want to be associated with Sunset?”

“Well, you aren’t her, not unless you’ve done a one-eighty personality-wise,” Spike offered. Granted he’d not seen the resemblance until Summer Sunshine had cautioned him not to say anything about the horn. But then again Rarity did have a tendency to obsess, so, it’d been a caution and not a threat like Sunset Shimmer would have done. Oh yes, he knew of Sunset. He knew what she looked like thanks to a picture in Princess Celestia’s apartment, and knew her by reputation. Pretty on the outside, but ugly on the inside. No, Sunset would never want to hide that she was an alicorn, she’d flaunt it.

“Sunset was Scootaloo’s elder sister,” Holiday offered even as Sweetie yelled in excitement for Scootaloo.

“What? Seriously? Scootaloo is Sunset’s sister?” Aurora was stunned.

“Shocking,” Rarity offered. “Scootaloo is nothing like Sunset. Sunset was a manipulative bully.”

“Taking Scootaloo in is one of the few things my brother did right,” Holiday offered. He tried to take in Sunset when their mother died, but the Platinums snatched her up. They’re the ones who turned her into a little she-demon.”

“My mom is Celeste Summers. Can’t say I really knew much about my father. He’d pop in now and then, but he was gone most of the time. Didn’t even bother to marry my mom. Just kept stringing her along.”

“Yup, that sounds like him alright,” Lofty offered. “Dusk Shimmer wasn’t one for sitting still for very long.”

“Sun-sunshine?” called a familiar voice.

Aurora knew the voice, her ears telegraphing surprise. She turned and recognized the alabaster mare immediately. Like the Changeling Amulet wasn’t a dead giveaway. Even if Summer Mystique hadn’t been wearing the amulet, Aurora would have known that blond mane with the shock of blue on the left. And she knew that cutie mark of a sun with a masquerade mask all too well. She was also being bracketed by two older stallions who looked like they would give no quarter in a fight and had indeed been in a few.

“Mom!” Aurora called. Perhaps she’d forgotten that this wasn’t her Celestia when she’d dashed over and gave her a wing hug. She’d backed off when the hug wasn’t returned. That and the presence of two senior Canterlot Guards giving Aurora the stink-eye wasn’t helping. No, they weren’t in uniform, but Aurora did know who they were.

“Didn’t Mrs Silverwood tell you I’d be in Ponyville today?”

“Silverwood?” Mystique said as realization hit. After all, Mystique was the name she usually used when out and about. “She doesn’t really tell me very much. So how’s that Miss Aerie? You two make a sister pact yet?”

“That, I’m afraid, is complicated. I also still need to talk to her about my intentions to take custody of Scootaloo.”

“So where is she at now? Aerie that is?”

“Court hearing, I’m afraid. A troll boy tried to kill her.”

“We don’t see many trolls in Equestria these days.”

“Human, actually,” Aurora whispered. “Mrs Silverwood doesn’t tell you very much, does she? Anyway, she’s in London. Technically so am I, I just haven't left the house so far as anyone there knows.”

“I see…” Mystique said as a smile formed on her face. “But you are considered a princess in the human world?”

“In my Equestria. Yes. Not so much in the human world. The last time I was in Equestria, I did something right. I had help from Aerie’s counterpart. It’s entirely possible the mirror Sunset looked into showed her either me or a counterpart.”

“The pony she could become, only she’d become obsessed with the idea. Are you not able to go back to that mirror world?”

“I’ve no idea how I got there, or how I returned home.”

“Would you go back if you could?”

“Yes, I believe I would.”

“What about your… human family?”

“Haven't actually seen my father in years, mom buries herself in her work, and she is estranged from my Aunt Selena and her family. Mom couldn't even be bothered to pick me up at the train station yesterday when I got home from boarding school. I’m just a little filly on that side of the portal. My pony family was far more loving.” Aurora cast a glance over at the Guard she knew to be Ray Mustang. “But as tempting as it is to just stay here and never go back, that glare from Ray Mustang over there is all I need to know that this is not my Equestria.”

“And what about Scootaloo?”

“That just got a lot more complicated. It would seem that in this world she’s my little sister.”

“But you’re going back.”

“Oh, I can go back and forth anytime I want so long as the portal is stable. In fact, that’s where Scootaloo has been staying. I do need to talk to Aerie. I’d thought that she and I could take temporary custody so as not to uproot her.”

“I see, but not permanent?”

“What say we take this one step at a time.”

“Custody of a foal, to be in the best interest of the foal is supposed to be long term.”

“And the stallion who adopted me is staring daggers at me. Ray Mustang. Married to Wintry Rockbell. They never had any foals so they adopted me and a Miss Bright Star who also answered to Nova as well as Kitsumi Hoshiko Tsuki. Both Bright Star and Aerie are doubles for my cousin Hoshiko Tsuki who is presumably in Japan right now with my Aunt Selena and Uncle Tsuki. I think you can understand why I don’t want to rush into a sister pact with Aerie. Let’s face it, she’s both the cousin I hardly knew and the sister I grew up with. As for Scootaloo, I’d like to make some attempt to find Scootaloo’s parents.”

“As would I, but I’m not likely to be very forgiving of them.”

“And that’s why you want me to make a long-term commitment. Even if I say yes, there are still mitigating circumstances. The cottage we landed in, technically belongs to Aerie, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Discord had a talon in creating it.”


“I’m to understand that Discord has set Aerie on a mission. And I’ve ended up helping her on at least one occasion. I’ve no doubt giving us access to this version of Equestria is to motivate her. There is a creature in that world that is so dangerous, so vile, even Discord fears it.”

“And he thinks a little pony can do what he can’t?”

“Never underestimate what a little pony can do. Just look at Scootaloo. Her family thought she’d never fly. All she needed was the right help. That and my magic is compatible enough to give her the boost she never got from the family members she has.”

“But are you willing to commit to her?”

“What I want is to go back to the world where the Stallion I called father doesn’t look at me with suspicion.” Aurora looked back at the guards, and then over to the trio of mares anxiously waiting for her to introduce them to her mother. “But that’s not an option. What is an option is for me to do everything in my power to help Scootaloo.
“So, do you mind if I introduce you as Celeste Summers? Oh, hang on, if I take care of Scootaloo full time you get to be her grandmother.”

“Grandmother?” Celestia asked surprised. “Can’t I be her aunt?”

“Alright, fine, you can be her aunt.”

“Alright, fine, introduce me. Just tack ‘Mystique’ in the middle. I prefer to be Mystique.”

“Can do.
“Scootaloo, come down, and I’ll introduce you to my mom!”

Princess Celestia had to admit later that day that she did enjoy the idea of being part of a family.

“Then you don’t object to Scootaloo staying with Sunshine?” Mystique asked of Lofty and Holiday moments later.

“We live in a small community about halfway to Canterlot. She’d have to commute on the train every morning to get to school,” Lofty offered. “Maybe when she’s older now that she can fly, but I agree with Sunshine. Scootaloo needs to stay in Ponyville. We also need to find Snap and Mane. Yes, they do tend to be rather irresponsible, but then again, they’ve never been gone this long. As for Sunshine, aside from a rocky start, I kind of like her, and there is that all-important compatibility.”

“Rocky start?” Mystique asked.

“She smacked me on top the head for daring to keep Scootaloo from them.”

“Oh,” Mystique couldn't help but smile Lofty’s way who in turn nodded her head to indicate that she had indeed noticed the horn.

“Do, um, button heads run in the family?” Lofty asked in a hushed tone. “Though I must confess I never knew one could mature into such a delightful, and capable young mare.”

“The, um, phenomenon, while rare, doesn’t have to mean the individual is doomed to be handicapped their whole life,” Mystique offered. “In fact, I’ve had a few go through Canterlot high.”

“Mom’s an educator,” Sunshine offered. “Now, weren’t we going to go to Sugarcube Corner?”

“Can we go by Market Square first?” Scootaloo called.

“Can I come too?!” Sweetie called from the window she’d been hanging out of.

“Well of course you can come,” Rarity called up. “Scootaloo’s first flight is worthy of a grand affair. And put on a jacket!”

Sweetie materialized at the door to the shop so fast one might think she’d teleported. She was also now sporting a black jacket with hot pink piping, boots that matched, and a hot pink skirt.

“Well, what are you all just standing around for?!” Sweetie asked sounding exasperated.

“We are going to swing past Market Square and pick up Apple Bloom,” Scootaloo announced and a moment later they were off.

“Aren’t you worried she’s going to tire herself out?” Mystique asked as they trotted along. Scootaloo was zipping about like a busy little bee checking out every flower.

“Darling, she pulls Sweetie and Apple bloom around on their wagon on a daily basis,” Rarity offered cheerfully.

“Scootaloo!” Shouted a gray colt as he zipped down.

“Hi, Rumble!” Scootaloo called and flew up to the other pegasus.

“Thank you,” Lofty said softly to Sunshine. “She’s so happy.”

“Flying free, just the sky and me, no greater joy can there be,” Aurora quoted. “How could I not do everything in my power to help her?”

“We are almost at the Market Square, and there they go,” Rarity offered as Sweetie darted away to try to catch up.

They found Applejack’s market cart a short time later.

“Is that? Is that Scootaloo?!” Applejack asked. “Is that really her?”

“I made her take a bath,” Sunshine informed her. “Name’s Summer Sunshine. This is my mom, Celeste Mystique Summers, these two lovely mares are Lofty and Holiday, they are Scootaloo’s Aunts, and the two silver beards are Ray Mustang and Hurricane Mitchell.” The two stallions gave Sunshine a curious look. Ray Mustang stepped up to Celestia, whispered something and she whispered something back.

“Aunts? Are you going to take Scootaloo away?” Apple Bloom asked. She’d been but a short ways away employed at handing out samples.

“Apple Bloom, by any chance were you aware that Scootaloo was homeless and never said anything?” Sunshine pressed.

“Homeless?” Applejack asked astonished and then gave her little sister a withering glare. “Apple Bloom?”

“It’s not as bad as it sounds, she’d gained access to my cousin's house, and I seem to be Scootaloo’s half-sister or something like that.”

“Half-sister?” Applejack asked feeling fairly sure some subterfuge was going on.

“Darling, it’s just one of those things that’s probably best left unexplained, I’m sure,” Rarity offered with a smile. “So, Apple Bloom?”

“I knew her house had been one of the houses that had been wrecked by discord. And Scootaloo’s been kind of evasive about where she’d been living.”

“I can’t account for where she has been living the whole time, but she did procure access to my cousin's cottage at some point.”

“But what about her parents? She does have, well, someone, doesn’t she?” Applejack asked sounding like she was on the verge of going into some kind of moral panic.

“At this point, all we know is that they took off on a trip right before Discord’s rampage,” Holiday explained.

“There will be an investigation, you can count on that,” Mystique offered. “I, um, hear that the house being seized by the local government and put up for auction isn’t an isolated incident.”

“They took the house?”

“Razed it to the ground and the property is to be auctioned at an undisclosed time,” Sunshine informed her.

“Hearth's Warming Eve, in the morning,” Apple Bloom informed them. “That is if I’m interpreting Diamond Tiara’s teasing correctly.”

“Mam,” Ray Mustang said as he stepped up.

“Ray, if they think they can get away with it they’ll likely do it anyway, a moratorium on such sales or not.”

“Just more of the Platinum corruption yet to be weeded out,” Hurricane muttered.

“What say we just table that for now,” Sunshine offered with a smile. “We are headed over to Sugarcube Corner to celebrate Scootaloo’s first flight. We’d love it if you and Apple Bloom could join us.”

“Am, sorry, but we’ve pastries to sell. Hearth’s Warming is our most productive time of year,” Applejack replied.

“How much?” Mystique asked.

“Ya see something ya like?”

“How much for the whole cart?”

“The whole cart?”

“How much for the whole cart?”

Now that was an offer that applejack had never once even dared to dream about. One pony offering to buy the contents of the whole cart.

“Special one-time only promotion!” Mystique shouted in a voice that was just shy of the Canterlot voice. “I think that these apple pastries are so good I want to give them to any pony who wants one!”

“Hey, you can’t just go and do that?”

“And why not? I’m paying.”


“No buts, darling,” Rarity interjected with a big smile and a moment later ponies were lining up.

“What’s going on?” Scootaloo asked moments after landing on Sunshine’s back. Quite a crowd had gathered around the cart as Rarity handed out goodies, and Mystique paid for them.

“Mom’s paying for everything so Apple Bloom can come to the party.”


“Would I lie to you?”

“Is that a rhetorical question?”

“Hey, Scootaloo! That your mom? She’s cute.” Rumble shouted as he circled around the crowd.

“Half-sister!” Sunshine shouted back.

“Why did he ask if you were my mom?”

“Because you are standing on my back.”

“But I’d get trampled if I landed down there?”

Apple Bloom was now hiding under the cart.

“I suppose I can’t blame you for not knowing being it’s an earth pony community. In Pegasi communities, it’s common for a foal to ride on their mother’s backs.”

Well if that wasn’t the craziest thing ever,” Applejack exclaimed as the last customer walked away. “I need to get to the bank now. And then we’ll go celebrate.”

“Something tells me you are going to need twice as many tomorrow,” Mystique offered moments after having taken a bite out of a tart.

“You planning on being here?”

“Doubt I’d need to be. Now that all those ponies realize how good your pastries are.”

Applejack couldn't help but smile. She hitched up to her cart, and a moment later they were off to the bank. Which was just as well in that it gave Lofty and Holiday a chance to inquire about Snap Shutter’s finances. Naturally, they were being rather closed-lipped about it. That was until Mystique produced a Bank Examiner ID card.

Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood were still getting their monthly salaries from the Canterlot Institute of Natural History. Same outfit that ran the museum.

“And you just let her take out money?” Mystique asked.

“Yes, mam. Scootaloo gets an allowance.” They were talking to the bank manager now. “Mortgage payments, taxes, firewood and charcoal deliveries, oil for lamps, all automatic. Even without a home, the mortgage payments continue.”

“Who owned the property then?”

“Why, the bank does.”

“The courthouse is selling the property.”

“What? But they can’t. We hold the lien on the property.”

“Are you aware that the house was damaged?”

“Oh, yes, we sent out inspectors to all our properties shortly following Discord’s rampage. Seizemore Properties was contracted. They came highly recommended by Mr Rich.”

“I see.” Mystique had an odd expression on her face.

“And I’m seeing a pattern,” Sunshine observed.

“Seize the property via a government foreclosure and any lien holders would have to go after the person who owned the mortgage to get paid. Granted it means I haven't weeded out all the bad actors out of government. The individual who gets fleeced of their home gets left holding the bag,” Mystique informed Sunshine. “And the courts aren’t kind to ponies who have apparently abandoned property. Let alone foals. Yes, I’ve already seen a bunch of cases that have worked their way through the system.

“Right here.”

Mystique took up a piece of parchment, jotted down a note, rolled it up, and asked spike to send it.


“My office, there’ll be someone there looking for anything coming in.”

“Ah.” spike made a salute, and off the missive went.

“Where is Scootaloo staying then?” one of the tellers asked.

“Out at the old Fletchley cottage,” Scootaloo informed them.

“It belongs to a cousin of mine,” Sunshine offered to the now suddenly silent bank lobby. “She’s a fox pony. It’s actually a rather nice place. It may also have a number of enchantments on it.”

“Your cousin is a fox pony?” Scootaloo asked. “That’s so cool! Wait, if your my half-sister does that make her my half-cousin?”

“Kin is kin no matter how distantly related,” Applejack offered.

“That’s so cool,” Scootaloo replied absolutely beaming.

“She is kind of cool isn’t she,” Sunshine offered. “And now, if our business is concluded, we have a party to get to.”

“Can I ask who’s going to be taking care of Scootaloo?” asked the bank manager.

“Looks like it’s going to be Sunshine,” Mystique offered. “At least for the time being.”

“There is a provision for expenses. She will need to contact the White Tower law firm in Canterlot.”

“Yes, we’ll do that, the first opportunity we get,” Aurora offered, and a moment later their little group was out the door.

When they got to Sugarcube corner the party was already in session.

“Hi, Aurora!” Justin called.

“Justin, what are you doing here?” Sunshine called back as she made her way through the crowd.
“Try to remember to call me Sunshine.” She’d whispered her caution.

“Sunshine… Oh, kay… Oh, and moms here.”

“Your mom is here?”

“Little gray unicorn. I showed her how to use telekinesis and she picked it up almost immediately. She’s in the back helping Mr Cake, and she got her cutie mark.”

“Seriously?” Sunshine said, gave him a hug, and made her way towards the counter.

“Oh, oh, are you here for the party too?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Scootaloo’s first flight day,” Sunshine announced. She laid down another of the big gold Royals, worth a hundred bits they were. Granted that it was only one of barely a handful that Aerie could spare and intended for emergencies. But then again, going all out for a little filly who’d had it so rough was an emergency, was it not?

Pinkie’s eyes lit up. After all, a hundred-bit coin meant she could truly go all out.

Before long nearly every foal in town was in Sugarcube Corner. Everyone except Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon who’d yet to get word that things were happening at Sugarcube corner.

“She tells me you aren’t Sunset,” Ray Mustang said as he sat down.

“I know where she is, and I’m to understand that she’s behaving herself.”

“Curious how you seem to have all the answers.”

“Not all, and not necessarily the right answers.” She took a big bite out of her hay burger.

“You like your hay burgers.”

“It’s been a while. - what would you say if I said the only reason I knew who you are is that once upon a time in another land far far away I had been your daughter?”

He just looked at her like he was trying to figure out some insurmountable equations.

“Adopted by you and Wintry Rockbell.”

“Wintry is it. Afraid she was out of my league.”

“No, you never tried,” Hurricane corrected. “She really did like you, but you were too dense to see it.”

“A shame. You two were good together.”

“So, are you really…” Hurricane motioned towards Mystique. Aurora couldn't help but smile at her as she was presently surrounded by foals and was grinning ear to ear.

“I’m the daughter of Celeste Summers. And no one else. Let’s just say that a certain pony’s alter-ego is her own individual were I’m from.”

The two stallions looked at her with funny expressions on their faces. She leaned over to them.

“My Celeste is not an extension or disguise put on by some pony else who simply does not get out enough.”

“Can’t deny that she doesn’t get out enough,” Ray offered.

“If you can, talk her into crafting a spell to replace that amulet.”

“You…” Ray began.

“Another time, another Celeste. We had trouble with the Platinum clan too. Old man Blue-balls went nuts and tried to take over the government.”

The two looked at her and bust up laughing.

“We had issues with old man Blue, too, but we caught wind of it in time to put a stop to his plans.”

“That’s good.”

“Why wasn’t I invited to this party!” Bellowed the voice of Diamond Tiara from the entry. Heads turned, and then silence.

“Because your a snooty little hay burner that always bosses ponies around,” chastised the voice of Aerie from under a hood. She’d dark glasses on that had the side blinders to keep the sun out of her eyes. Behind her was a big black stallion pegasus and a white-maned Luna look alike pegasus. Both Selena and Aerie had their unicorn horns camouflaged.

“Aerie! You made it!” Sunshine shouted. “And take that silly hood off.”

“Sunshine, what’s with the party!” Aerie called as she pulled back the hood. She took off the glasses and started making her way to where Sunny was. Her eyes were down to slits thanks to the bright sun on the snow even with the glasses. And the tufts on her ears signaled that she was most definitely a night pony. She made her way past a stunned Diamond and Silver Spoon followed by Selena and their large black companion.

No one in Ponyville would ever dare to speak to Diamond so harshly.

Mystique watched the trio, specifically Aerie and Selena like they were specters.

Selena’s gaze locked on Mystique’s amulet and began to cautiously move towards her.

“Selena, leave it,” Aerie cautioned even as Sunshine got up. A moment later Sunshine was giving each of the newcomers a hug.

“So, what’s the occasion?” Aerie asked.

“It’s Scootaloo’s first flight day.” Aurora offered cheerfully.

“Really? Way to go Scootaloo. Give us a hoof bump.”

“One hoof bump coming up!” Scootaloo called, launched into the air, landed on Sunshine’s back, and extended her right front hoof.

“What? All this is for that blank flank!?” Diamond said plenty loud enough for everyone to hear even as Aerie’s hoof came up to meet Scootaloo’s.

Aerie’s ears went down. “Well, obviously that’s why you weren’t invited.” Aerie gave Scootaloo a wink.

“Ya, well this is a public establishment.”

“Indeed it is, Miss Tiara Rich.” Aerie looked about and caught Pinkie Pie’s eye. Pinkie seemed a bit hesitant about the night pony. “Miss Pie, be sure she pays for her own party. After all, we wouldn't want it to get out that she attended a party for a filly whose special talent is as yet untapped.”

“Nope,” Pinkie replied.

“No?” Aerie tilted her head like a confused dog.

“She just left.” Pinkie couldn't help but smile. If Aerie gave Pinkie second thoughts, that was OK because Aerie was a friend of a friend, and that made her a friend. Diamond Tiara on the other hoof was a little meanie pants.

“Ah…” Aerie turned around to see a confused Silver Spoon. “Well, if Miss Spoon doesn’t mind being seen with a pony without a cutie mark, I’m sure she could join in.”

“I don’t mind if she stays,” Scootaloo offered.

“I can stay?”

“That sounds like a yes to me,” Aerie replied with a big toothy smile. “Come on in. If you can find room.”

“Come on, Aerie, you can squeeze in with me,” Sunshine offered, and headed back to where she was sitting. Scootaloo bounced over to where she’d been sitting and the volume slowly went right back up to where it had been prior to Diamond Tiara’s outburst.

“Excuse me, mam,” Prompted a small gray pegasus with a brown mane and a color patch on his left eye. He had an accent that made a person think of Oliver Twist.

“Featherweight, wasn’t it?”

“You know my name?” His tone telegraphed astonishment.

“Well, who hasn’t heard of the bright young Featherweight, Esquire of Ponyville.”

He smiled, almost laughed, and then remembered what he wanted. “Are you a Shadowbolt?”

“No dear, I’m not a Shadowbolt. The true Shadowbolts of old were the best of the best. They predated the Wonderbolts and were often called on to defend Equestria. Which they did quite well.” Aerie couldn't help but notice that a certain blond mare was listening in. “In these modern times, anyone who tells you they are a Shadowbolt is probably a fake. They don’t exist anymore.”

“Can I ask what you do?”

“I’m a curse breaker. I seek out cursed items and purify them. Cleanse them of the corruption.”

Mystique raised a hoof to her amulet. She knew this Aerie must surely be another Nova. Was she forever to wander? And that young version of Luna, could that be her little Moonie? And had Moonie sensed the malevolence in the amulet?

“So, how was your morning?” Sunshine asked as Featherweight went back to his group of friends.

“Flint got probation. He’s to stay out of trouble. If he fails, well, given his current condition, I suggested that a muggle facility would be a better place than Azkaban. He didn’t exactly like the suggestion, but his father was all for it. Let’s face it, a muggle prison is a much nicer place and considerably easier to get out of. Which I pointed out to Flint. The realization that I’d actually been trying to help him had him quite flummoxed. After the hearing, we picked up Mr Black and went over to his parent’s old home.”

“You take a chainsaw with you? Just out of curiosity?”

“We did at that.”

“What’s a chain saw?” Featherweight asked. He’d come back.

“Some pony came up with the idea to put saw teeth on a chain, loop it on a track, and power it with a motor,” Aerie explained. “Mr Black’s home where he grew up, there was a cursed painting fixed to the wall with unbreakable spells. He had to abandon the place it was so bad. So we cut out the wall to remove the painting. Hauled it off to some experts to study it.”

“Wow,” Featherweight said softly and then dashed back to his friends.

“And the item you were hoping to find?” Sunshine asked.

“Found it. Kreacher broke into tears when it was all over. The whole experience has given Mr Black a lot to think about.”

“So now what?”

“We enjoy the winter break.”

“I guess that’s fair enough. Oh, there is something I need to talk to you about?”

“Oh dear, you’ve spent all the money I gave you, is that it?”

“I’m requesting custody of Scootaloo. I seem to be a half-sister here too.”

“Ah, how exactly is that going to work with school? And the fact you live somewhere else.”

“She can stay right where she is.”

“I guess that’s doable. Which means we’d have to sign for her together.”

“Yes, I suppose that’s true.”

“You know, if my home were your home, it could potentially solve the problem at school.”

“True… hang on, did you just propose to me?”

“Ah… I suppose I kind of did. Just keep in mind I’m just being practical.”


“Yes. Practical. As in roommates. Also what about your mom?”

“Mom’s right over there.”

Aerie leaned in and whispered, “Your other mom.”

“Oh right. I suppose I could make some excuse about staying at your house being more… practical. Doubt she’d understand if I tried to explain it. She’s not the worst sort, just too focused.”

“Right. It’d be Practical. And besides, are either of us ready to just…”

“You’d like to get back to your mom wouldn't you?”

“She was kind of emotionally fragile following everything that happened. If I were to suddenly just vanish… then again the way to have our cake and eat it too might be possible. Might.”

“You’re thinking we may already have the answer to our little problem.”

“I do at that. My patron isn’t exactly the most honest. At the same time…”

“What was the painting of?” Featherweight requested. Yes, he was back.

“What was it of? Oh, I’m not sure I should tell you. But you do seem a brave young colt. Are you brave?” Featherweight nodded his head eagerly as several other colts drew near. “Oh, it was a great big painting as tall as Princess Celestia. In it stood a bipedal creature with a body like a Minotaur, a head like a mountain troll, greasy hair that hung down like wet curtains, and a voice like a… well to be honest she sounded more like a Harpy than a Siren. Siren’s have nice voices, and this one was just a screecher.”

“Oh, don’t be telling him that,” Sunshine admonished.

“But it’s true. Moments after we entered the home she starts yelling at us, and Mr Black is like, ‘shut up, shut up’ and once I’d calmed down I just started laughing.”

“Laughing?” one of the other colts asked.

“Think of it as a prank gone wrong,” Aerie offered. “It was, after all, just a painting. It couldn't actually do anything to us. I mean, aside from one really good jump scare that nearly made me pee.” The colts all giggled at the idea of a pony who looked like she’d take no gruff from anyone being scared enough to pee from fright. “After that, it was just annoying because it was near impossible to shut it off.”

“Oh, hey, maybe we can borrow her for the Apple Orchard’s haunted woods?” Apple Bloom asked.

“That would be a hoot!” Aerie replied and started laughing. “Downside is she’s got a horrendous potty mouth.”

“In that case, that’d be a no. Granny would never stand for it.”

“True enough I’d imagine.”

“Stand for what?” Applejack asked as she came over.

“An enchanted painting that yells obscenities.”

“Ya, no, blow our ‘G’ rating right out of the water. Hasbro would have a fit.”

“Hey, I’m the only one allowed to break the fourth wall around here.” Pinkie protested as members of the local guard entered the establishment. Earth ponies they were and good sized.

“Alright, everyone pipe down!” Shouted the second guard. “This establishment has exceeded its occupancy maximum.”

“Well, that’s rather interesting timing,” Aerie muttered.

“Afraid I’m going to have to ask every minor without a parent or guardian to leave.”

“Officer, I realize there are a lot of foals in here, but everything is well under control,” Mystique offered sounding hopeful.

“Can’t be helped.” His tone was unnecessarily harsh. His eye spotted Scootaloo. “You don’t have anyone. You need to get.”

“Why don’t you mind your own business,” Aerie scolded. “And for your information, she is here with family.”

“Is that so, And who might that be?” Asked the other guard. “Everyone knows she’s a flightless little gutter pony.”

“I beg your pardon?” Mystique said, stunned that any of her guards could be so crass.

“Scootaloo is with me, and I’ll have you know that she is not a gutter pony and that she can to fly,” Sunshine said as she stood up. “She has a family. She has a mother, a father, I’m her half-sister.”

“She is with us too. We are her Aunts,” Lofty said as she and then Holiday stood up.

“And I am her Aunt,” Mystique added defiantly.

“In a pig’s eye,” The first guard stated. “And I wouldn't be a bit surprised if that outfit she has on is stolen.”

“That does it,” Aerie said as she got up. She started forward.

“Aerie, don’t,” Sunshine cautioned.

Aerie barely reached up to the big stallion's withers.

“The only ponies that need to leave are the two of you.”

“And who the buck are you?”

“Me? I’m the daughter of Nightmare Moon.”

The two guards looked at her and started laughing. A moment later Aerie was providing Mrs Cake with the funds to get the door repaired. Now to be perfectly clear, she hadn’t actually touched them. One moment they were standing there, she did something with her wings which was followed by a gust of wind inside the establishment sweeping the two out the door. She then headed out the door where the two guards were picking themselves up.

“Now that I have your attention, perhaps you’d like to apologize to Scootaloo?”

They made the mistake of rushing her only to slam into a slab of hard-packed earth that had erupted right in their path.

“That’s an ancient Earth pony fighting technique?!” Applejack announced as the earth collapsed back into the street. She’d been the first to follow Aerie. Sure, she knew what it was Aerie had done, and even how to do it, in theory, but to see a Pegasus pony using an Earth pony technique was a might bit confusing. But then again it was proving to be an interesting day. Not to mention that her sense for the truth was telling her that Aerie wasn’t lying about being the daughter of Nightmare Moon.

At this point every time they attempted to do anything, Aerie would do something with her hooves on the ground and the ground under the guards' hooves would go out from under them. Around them, a crowd was gathering to laugh at the clumsy guards.

“What are you two doing!” Diamond shouted in fury as the two guards found themselves mired in mud. Inside every eye watched in rapt interest as more guards approached. Ray Mustang, Hurricane Mitchell, and Mystique exited the shop.

“Arrest them!” Diamond shouted.

The guards who’d just arrived having recognized Generals Mustang and Mitchell just sort of froze up.

“At attention!” Aerie shouted in a commanding tone. All but the two guards in the mud snapped to.

“Sargent,” Mystique said as she approached the gaggle of guards. She showed a Canterlot Palace identification. “Assuming those two are actually guards, they are to be suspended and charged with conduct unbecoming. If they are not then charge them accordingly.”

“What?!” Diamond shouted. “You don’t give orders around here. My Daddy runs this town! Guards, arrest them! Arrest all of them!”

“Are Canterlot Guards taking orders from fillies?!” Ray Mustang shouted. “Put those two in the stockade, and someone escorts that filly home. She’s obviously overwrought. Move it! Now!”

There was a moment’s hesitation prior to the guard force splitting up. The two mud ponies were escorted back to the station, and a furious Diamond was escorted home.

“Think I’ll finish my lunch,” Aerie announced to be answered by cheering foals and stomping hooves. She smiled and went back inside. If Diamond could hear the cheer, she made no indication.

“Applejack, a moment please,” Mystique beckoned.


“Any idea why Twilight has never mentioned any of the goings on here in Ponyville outside of the activities she shares with the elements?”


“Consider me the eyes and ears of Princess Celestia. I’ve seen all Twilight’s reports and I see what the local guard feels fit to send up the line.”

“Well, ta be honest…”

“That is what you are best at.” Mystique smiled mischievously.

Applejack couldn't resist smiling back. “Ta be honest, she doesn’t get out much. Spends much of her time doing Librarian stuff. She is running the library after all.”

“Library? Ah. I should have known. Getting her out of her books always was a bit of a challenge. Come on, let’s go back in, and then later on you can tell her all about the fun she missed.”

Applejack couldn't help but laugh as they went back inside.

Within they found a teary-eyed Scootaloo hugging Aerie.

“Well, Aerie?” Aurora prompted.

“About what?”

“About what we were talking about earlier. Are we both signing for her?”

“Sure, why not? Not that I’m promising to make a life here mind you.”

“You don’t like Ponyville?” Someone asked.

“I love Ponyville. I kind of grew up here. It’s just that I had a life somewhere else.”

“It’s complicated,” Aurora offered. “We were both born far from here, and there will always be that desire to find our way home.”

“And that is totally understandable,” Mystique offered. “Now, is there any cake left?”

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