• Published 29th Jul 2022
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Agents of Discord - KittyrinnAiko

Kitzumi Nova Moon of Athelas has been chosen for a dangerous mission by none other than Discord to take the place of Harry Potter

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Chapter 41: Enter the Nova verse

“Oh, really…” Sunset said. She sounded as though she was really interested. “Such a device added to the Arcadia… To be able to traverse between worlds without having to worry about the fickle nature of portals could be quite the boon.”

“My mission requires subtlety, not the ever-bucking Arcadia!!” Aerie shouted in frustration. She'd even wondered for a brief moment why she'd brought Sunset back. Then again messing about with things that were supposed to be preordained did have consequences. Her world, her future, and nothing was preordained that could be altered from the projected. Saving her cousin from her own self-destructive actions had been the right thing to do. Yes, Sunset was Aerie's cousin just as much as Hoshiko was Aurora's cousin. The silence that followed her outburst was broken by a chime, which in turn was followed by a member of the staff announcing that the Luncheon was Served.

“Looks like we are just going to have to table this. Come along, my little ponies,” Princess Celestia replied with a big smile.

“Arcadia?” Aurora whispered to Aerie as they filed out to attend the luncheon.

“We’ve been preparing for the Storm King. The Arcadia is based on the one used in a certain anime series as captained by a Captain Harlock.”

“You built the Arcadia?!”

“Shush,” Luna cautioned as they made their way to the dining hall.

“Aerie, would it be alright for me to use a different name?” Miss Nightfoal asked out in the hall.

“Why not just use Kitsu Moon?” Aerie offered, realizing this Nova might be hesitant about identifying herself as a Nightfoal. “We are all technically the same pony. We are all versions of Nova Moon.”

“What about Tsuki?”

“Tsuki means Moon, and Hoshiko is Star Child.”

“Ah, so even though the name is different it still has the same general meaning.”

“We are all versions of Nova Moon.”

A hush fell over the dining room when the fillies filed in.

Princess Celestia went to her place and stood there and waited. Princess Luna and Aerie went to their normal places to sit while Aurora, Hoshiko, and Miss Nightfoal were directed to their assigned places. Aerie also made sure to whisper to Princess Celestia that Miss Nightfoal didn’t want to be identified as a Nightfoal.

Princess Celestia waited a few moments more and then address those gathered. “Thank you all for gracing us with thy presence. And as you can see, we’ve been reunited with our Princess Kitsumi Nova.” The statement ‘our’ raised a few eyebrows. “In fact, we were reunited last night. This morning’s little diversion was expected to turn out to be nothing more than that, a diversion. And yes, there have been some arrests. What we did not expect was that we’d find any actual legitimate Princess Novas. Forgive me for forgetting that it was Discord who authored the whole mess in the first place.” She directed her gaze over to Aurora. “I’d like you to meet Princess Aurora. She seems to be Sunset’s counterpart from another country, and she was helping our Nova. The two of them went down and lined up with all the hopefuls only to discover Princess Aurora’s cousin Tsuki Hoshiko from her home country. We’ve also her adopted sister from yet another country, Princess Brightstar, who came looking for her. I am delighted now to introduce you to Brightstar Nova Mustang, and Princess Tsuki Hoshiko.” Princess Celestia pointed out the two. “And we gained yet another Nova who seems to have found her way from her home country. Owing to circumstances beyond our control she can no longer go home. At least for any foreseeable future. She has also requested asylum here and we are going to let her stay as long as she wants to.” She then cast her gaze on Louise. “We also have Miss Louise visiting, she’s the little Scootaloo look alike and I’m to understand that she’s Princess Aurora’s ward. Now, Nova, Aerie that is. Afraid we are using Aerie to avoid confusion. Would you like to tell us a little about where you’ve been?”

“In the place I found myself, I’ve been attending a school of magic, and I’m obligated to continue for the foreseeable future. And trust me, the sooner I can get out of it, the better. But until such time I’m afraid you will only see me during holidays, such as this winter break. And now, if we may, Princess Celestia?” Aerie’s stomach grumbled.

“Yes, yes, of course, let us be thankful to all those who played some part no matter how small in presenting this meal to us. And now without any further delay, let us sit and begin.”

Finally, every pony could sit. After all, courtesy dictated that Princess Celestia sit first. Nor did it take long for the questions to start flying shortly after the first course was served.

Lots of ponies wanted to know about the school, but few seemed to want to pry into Miss Nightfoal’s life.

“Oh, you wanted Tsuki,” Aerie offered when Nova was requested.

“I was curious if her home was in Abyssinia? The news from there hasn’t been good, and no word from Mount Aris at all.”

“Far Reaches. It was a small Principality of scattered farmsteads mostly. We were set upon by marauders,” Kitsu offered. She knew there was no way any of these ponies could possibly confirm what she was saying.

“Oh, do leave her be,” an old matron scolded. “I doubt she wants to talk about it, and I doubt it’s a fit conversation for the table.”

“Reports of goings on in the South are deeply troubling,” Princess Celestia said softly. “But rest assured that we will not be caught sitting on our plots.”

“Hear, hear,” Prince senior stated fervently. From then on the conversation shifted to lighter topics.

Aerie enjoyed every moment of it, delighted she was to be home. But with all good things it had to come to an end.

“You are going now?” Luna asked plaintively as Aerie readied to head out to the cabin up on the bluff.

“I want to stay, but if I do… the longer I put it off.”

“The harder it’s going to be,” Aurora finished.

“I’ll be glad to be one step closer to home,” Hoshiko added. “Even so… I’ve been attending a school of magic, and I have a mind to transfer to Hogwarts.”

“You may regret it,” Aerie cautioned. “Don’t Japanese schools have a full curriculum? That is all the basics? Reading, writing, arithmetic, a comprehensive history course, literature, social studies, language courses, sciences..?”

“Well, yes. I’m proficient in English, French, Japanese, and even old ponish now.”

“Not so much Hogwarts. Hogwarts is more of a trade school. If you are determined, I thought I should warn you. And to get in one must have their name in the Master Admissions book which is a magical artifact.”

“I get extra credit for studying abroad.”

“And I’m going to see you to the cabin,” Luna announced. “What’s more, I’ve got a mind to set my study room up there.”

Aerie couldn't resist wrapping her front legs and her wings around her mom in a hug. A short time later Aurora emerged from the stairs onto the ground floor of the Sussex Street house followed by Aerie, Tsuki, Miss Brightstar, and a little black and white fox named Kitsu. Aside from Kitsu, Aerie, Hoshiko, and Brightstar now had on identical outfits. Louise had decided to go see her friends in her home dimension.

“Um, why am I a fox?” Kitsu asked.

“It’s sort of a default form…” Aerie began.

“Kawaii!” Hoshiko squealed and scooped up the little owl-winged fox. “Um, what kind of fox are you anyway? What’s with the wings?

“Am I a little kid? Why am I a little kid?” Brightstar asked confounded.

“It’s the portals. The whole flat is a portal. Not only do they mess with our age, but we also get set to the age of our counterpart on entering the world they live in, and Hoshiko is our counterpart in this world.” Aerie explained. “The change triggers at the door.”

“Well, then why am I a fox?” Kitzu asked.

“To be honest, I used to have that issue outside of the world I lived in as Mrs Arthol, turning into a fox that is. Prior to finding myself in the role of Aerie Potter any human world I ventured into besides that home world, I'd become a fox. I think it has something to do with our Kitsune heritage and possibly how similar we are to our counterpart. Mrs Silverwood said she has the same issue. She had to learn how to control the transformation, and won’t even transform until she is good and ready. Listen, Kitsu, to transform, picture your human form, dig down inside yourself, and pull it forward. Afraid you are just going to have to figure it out for yourself.”

“I know, you can be my pet,” Hoshiko offered as they made their way upstairs where they found Flora reading a book on the basics of magic. “Oh, you could be my familiar at Hogwarts.”

“Aerie, your back. We have an invite over to see the Browns.” Flora looked up from her book and just sort of shut down momentarily. “Um, Aurora? Why do we suddenly have three Aeries?”

“Four, actually. This one is Aerie, this one is Hoshiko Tsuki, this one is Nova Brightstar Mustang, and the little fox is Kitzu.”

“Oh, how cute… why do they all look alike? And why are they here for that matter?”

“Hoshiko is my cousin, and Aerie is also sort of a cousin,” Aurora began. “Which kind of makes Aerie and Hoshiko the illusive identical cousin pair that sometimes show up as a teen fiction trope. Brightstar and Kitsu are doubles from Equestria. The fox thing seems to be a hazard for fox ponies.”

“I can’t but get the feeling you are really struggling with that explanation,” Flora commented with an air of skepticism.

“We are all the same person, only from different dimensions,” Aerie explained. “So’s Mrs Silverwood.”

“I think I preferred the first explanation.”

“It’s the result of a Greek Titan who presently goes by the name of Discord. Delights in chaos.”

“I see. He’s doing a good job.”

“Also, something really important,” Aurora offered even as Aerie’s phone began to chime. “Hoshiko is listed as missing in Japan. We found her in Equestria.”

“It’s a detective Yamada,” Aerie announced. “Did you want to talk to Tsuki-chan? Oh, right, the house address is one-oh-seven-A Cambridge Street, and the physical address is Sussex Street, Pimlico, London. To be honest we found her lined up in a queue. I have no idea how she ended up all the way over in England." She really wanted to say Equestria, but the detective didn't need to know about that. "She can’t really give a good explanation either. Listen, I’ve already contacted Nova Silverwood of Akkadia. She’s sort of a friend of the family, a distant cousin. She was going to help us sort things at our end.” She looked over at Flora, “Mom, he wants to talk to an adult.”

“Seriously? Alright, hand over the phone.” She took but a moment for the hand-off. “Hell? Yes, I’m Mrs Flora Finch-Fletchley… Do you mean they aren’t putting me on? Well, when I’m presented with three identical girls and a little white fox one tends to be skeptical.”

“Flora?! He doesn’t need to know about that,” Aerie scolded quietly even as Justin and his two friends from school came in through the door.

“Ah, what’s going on?”

“Is it Polyjuice Potion do you think?” Wayne asked.

“No, just identical girls,” Aurora offered.

“Which reminds me, I’m going to need to call Mrs Silverwood if Brightstar and Kitsu are going to be here,” Aerie lamented.

“We are going to need identification, aren’t we,” Brightstar lamented. “Hoshiko, better let me take Kitsu. Something tells me the two of us will have to go back downstairs until everything gets sorted.”

“Aw, oh, alright,” Hoshiko lamented as she reluctantly handed off Kitsu.

“Why not check up on Louise while you are at it? Ask her if she’d like to go to have dinner at a wizard’s house,” Aerie offered. “The ponies there will as likely think you are me anyway.”

“Maybe I should just tell them I’m a cousin,” Brightstar offered as she headed out the door with a disappointed fox over her shoulder.

“Aerie, you said you talked to Mrs Silverwood?” Flora asked while still on the phone.

“Yes, I did. She was going to contact the Japanese embassy here in London.”

“We aren’t going to have to sit around and wait for someone to contact us now, are we? Hang on… yes, she has an aunt. Her cousin is staying with me over the holidays. She’s the one who found her. One of the girls who found her. Yes, um… she might actually be better off staying with me.
Oh, no, her aunt isn’t a bad person, she’s just a little too focused on her job to look after her own family. Oh, you know the type. I see. And this might take a while. Alright, but I’m not going to sit around… what do I do? I’m an educator. I’m on the board at Pimlico Academy. Listen, I’ll call her aunt and advise her of what’s going on, and I’m probably going to need to call my contact with the local child protective office. I have, that is I adopted a foster. Would you believe my adopted girl is nearly identical? How is she, she looks healthy enough. Yes, I imagine she’ll need to be seen by a medical professional. Someone will be in touch, yes, dual citizenship, yes, thank you.” Flora disconnected the call.

And then the house phone rang. Flora gave Aerie back the cell phone and then picked up the phone on the table next to her. "Finch-Fletchley residents, Flora speaking. Mrs Marshal… Actually yes, I do seem to have acquired a girl. Several actually, but let me guess, it’s Hoshiko you want to ask about. Believe it or not, her cousin is a friend of Aerie’s. Her name is Aurora Summers. She’s spending the holidays with us. The two were out and they found Hoshiko and brought her here. She looks healthy enough. They are going to want to do what? The sooner the better. Right then, I’ll… Just so you know, I just got called by the Japanese authority handling her case. A Mr Yamada. Given I’m already looking after her cousin, all be it temporarily, they want me to look after her until her mother gets here. Yes, I’m to understand she will be on her way shortly. You’ll be right over so we can get this sorted. Thank you.”

Flora hung up the phone with a look of disgust on her face.”

“Hi, Mrs Silverwood,” Aerie said into her phone. “Yes, CPS just called. We can’t tell them she was in Equestria! We need a cover story. They might want to do a medical too.”

“She’s been missing a little over seven months,” Flora informed her.

“Missing for over seven months. Any chance you got a really bad group home we can say she’s from, and just slipped through the cracks?… A pony Named Penny Loafer. Yes, that's who she was staying with in Equestria. You have someone we can throw under the bus?”

Meanwhile, Flora was dialing Mrs Summers.

“You’ve got a Penny Weejun you’d love to see shut down? I see,” Aerie said into her phone. Alright, I’ve got the info, ooo, and pics, thank you.” She quickly went over to Hoshiko to share.

“Ha, the house is exactly the same… It’s like I know everyone there. They are all the same. Bunch of delinquents the whole lot.”

“She said that she’s going to plant a paper trail too.”

“Celeste, we need you to drop everything and come over to my house. Aurora is fine. She found her cousin Hoshiko and child protective services are on their way. We are going to need a relative if we don’t want to lose her to the system,” Flora said into her phone. “Yes, she’s been missing from… no idea how she got here. You are on your way. Thank you so much.”

“Wish she’d move that fast for me,” Aurora lamented.

“Boys, can you get a message to the Browns and let them know that we might be delayed.”

“By any chance did we get fresh floo-powder?” Aerie asked. “We could send a message that way. It’ll get there good and quick.”

“You have a floo connection?” Ernest asked. He was quite earnest in his surprise.

“We’ve always had one,” Justin said proudly.

“Took care of first thing this morning,” Flora announced. She then set pen to paper, folded it, and passed it over to Justin who scampered on downstairs followed by Wayne and Ernest who were eager to see what sort of floo connection they had.

“I can do this,” Hoshiko announced. “I don’t have to feel guilty either because Mrs Penny Loafer’s place didn’t look anywhere near this bad.”

Author's Note:

More chaos = more fun. 🐲

There is going to be a lot of going back and forth until the holiday arch is done. I wanted to have the feel of going to different relatives over the holidays, with an added touch of extra chaos. Like the holidays don't already have plenty of chaos.
I'm also setting up potential future story ideas.

The reason it's taken so long is that the holidays are literally the worst time of year for me. I always hated Christmas get-togethers because they were always a letdown. Having to wait on Christmas day to open presents until a habitually late relative decided to show up. Plus an uncle who was a selfish problem drinker. Going to parties where all the kids got presents - except me and my siblings. Never mind there were kids older than us getting presents, we were too old. For years I'd do all the work decorating the house, and got little of the credit because one of my siblings would step in when things were all but done, move a few things around, and then announce that they'd decorated everything. Overall Christmas was just super depressing because of all the expectations. And it's still depressing. I still decorate but live so far away from everyone, mine is not the house anyone comes to.

To be honest I'm not entirely sure why I didn't just skip all my holiday ideas.

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